Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 58 in total

  1. Wan Wahida WMZ, Lai PSM, Abdul Hadi H
    Clin Nutr ESPEN, 2017 Apr;18:55-58.
    PMID: 29132739 DOI: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2017.02.001
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Several questionnaires to screen for eating disorders have been validated in Malaysia. However, these tools are lengthy, and require specialist interpretation. The sick, control, one stone, fat, food (SCOFF) is easy to administer by non-specialists, but has not been validated in Malaysia. Therefore, the aim of our study was to validate the SCOFF on a non-clinical sample of tertiary students to determine if it could identify individuals with an eating disorder.
    METHODS: We recruited second year tertiary students from five faculties in a university in Malaysia, from June-November 2014, who could understand English. The SCOFF and the EAT-26 were administered at baseline. Two weeks later, the SCOFF was re-administered to assess for reliability.
    RESULTS: A total of 292 students were approached, and all agreed to participate (response rate = 100%). There was moderate correlation between the total SCOFF score with the EAT-26's dieting domain (spearman's rho = 0.504, p < 0.001), bulimia and food preoccupation domain (spearman's rho = 0.438, p < 0.001), and total score (spearman's rho = 0.483, p < 0.001). The internal consistency of the SCOFF was low (Cronbach alpha = 0.470). At retest, kappa scores ranged from 0.211 to 0.591. The sensitivity of the SCOFF was 77.4%, and its specificity was 60.5%. The positive predictive value was 18.9%, and its negative predictive value was 95.8%.
    CONCLUSIONS: The SCOFF was found to have adequate convergent validity and stable reliability. However, its internal consistency was low. The SCOFF can still be used in clinical practice. However, its positive results should be interpreted with caution due to its low positive predictive value.
    KEYWORDS: Eating disorder; Malaysia; SCOFF; Sensitivity; Specificity; Validation
  2. Chew BH, Mohd-Yusof BN, Lai PSM, Khunti K
    Endocrinol Metab (Seoul), 2023 Feb;38(1):34-42.
    PMID: 36792353 DOI: 10.3803/EnM.2022.1649
    The ultimate purpose of diabetes care is achieving the outcomes that patients regard as important throughout the life course. Despite advances in pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, psychoeducational programs, information technologies, and digital health, the levels of treatment target achievement in people with diabetes mellitus (DM) have remained suboptimal. This clinical care of people with DM is highly challenging, complex, costly, and confounded for patients, physicians, and healthcare systems. One key underlying problem is clinical inertia in general and therapeutic inertia (TI) in particular. TI refers to healthcare providers' failure to modify therapy appropriately when treatment goals are not met. TI therefore relates to the prescribing decisions made by healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. The known causes of TI include factors at the level of the physician (50%), patient (30%), and health system (20%). Although TI is often multifactorial, the literature suggests that 28% of strategies are targeted at multiple levels of causes, 38% at the patient level, 26% at the healthcare professional level, and only 8% at the healthcare system level. The most effective interventions against TI are shorter intervals until revisit appointments and empowering nurses, diabetes educators, and pharmacists to review treatments and modify prescriptions.
  3. Nik J, Lai PS, Ng CJ, Emmerton L
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2016 08 30;16:448.
    PMID: 27577560 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-016-1686-x
    BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis has significant impact on healthcare costs and quality of life. Amongst the models for collaborative disease state management services published internationally, there is sparse evidence regarding the role of community pharmacists in the provision of osteoporosis care. Hence, the aim of our study was to explore community pharmacists' opinions (including the barriers and facilitators) and scope of osteoporosis disease state management services by community pharmacists in Malaysia, informing a vision for developing these services.

    METHODS: Semi-structured individual interviews and focus groups discussions were conducted with community pharmacists from October 2013 to July 2014. Three trained researchers interviewed the participants. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analyzed thematically using an interpretative description approach.

    RESULTS: Nineteen community pharmacists with 1-23 years of experience were recruited (in depth interviews: n = 9; focus group discussions: n = 10). These participants reflected on their experience with osteoporosis-related enquiries, which included medication counseling, bone density screening and referral of at-risk patients. Key barriers were the lack of numerous factors: public awareness of osteoporosis, accurate osteoporosis screening tools for community pharmacists, pharmacists' knowledge on osteoporosis disease and medications, time to counsel patients about bone health, collaboration between pharmacists and doctors, and support from the government and professional body. The pharmacists wanted more continuing education on osteoporosis, osteoporosis awareness campaigns, a simple, unbiased osteoporosis education material, and inter-professional collaboration practices with doctors, and pharmacists' reimbursement for osteoporosis care.

    CONCLUSIONS: The involvement of community pharmacists in the provision of osteoporosis disease state management was minimal. Only ad-hoc counseling on osteoporosis prevention was performed by community pharmacists. Development and trial of collaborative osteoporosis disease state management services in community pharmacy could be facilitated by training, support and remuneration.
  4. Goh SSL, Lai PSM, Ramdzan SN, Tan KM
    BMC Prim Care, 2023 Jun 30;24(1):136.
    PMID: 37391698 DOI: 10.1186/s12875-023-02084-8
    BACKGROUND: Deprescribing can be a challenging and complex process, particularly for early career doctors such as primary care trainees. To date, there is limited data from patients' and doctors' perspectives regarding the deprescribing of medications in older persons, particularly from developing countries. This study aimed to explore the necessities and concerns of deprescribing in older persons among older ambulatory patients and primary care trainees.

    METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted among patients and primary care trainees (known henceforth as doctors). Patients aged ≥ 60 years, having ≥ 1 chronic disease and prescribed ≥ 5 medications and could communicate in either English or Malay were recruited. Doctors and patients were purposively sampled based on their stage of training as family medicine specialists and ethnicity, respectively. All interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. A thematic approach was used to analyse data.

    RESULTS: Twenty-four in-depth interviews (IDIs) with patients and four focus group discussions (FGDs) with 23 doctors were conducted. Four themes emerged: understanding the concept of deprescribing, the necessity to perform deprescribing, concerns regarding deprescribing and factors influencing deprescribing. Patients were receptive to the idea of deprescribing when the term was explained to them, whilst doctors had a good understanding of deprescribing. Both patients and doctors would deprescribe when the necessity outweighed their concerns. Factors that influenced deprescribing were doctor-patient rapport, health literacy among patients, external influences from carers and social media, and system challenges.

    CONCLUSION: Deprescribing was deemed necessary by both patients and doctors when there was a reason to do so. However, both doctors and patients were afraid to deprescribe as they 'didn't want to rock the boat'. Early-career doctors were reluctant to deprescribe as they felt compelled to continue medications that were initiated by another specialist. Doctors requested more training on how to deprescribe medications.

  5. Leung HK, Mahadeva S, Rajaram RB, Lai PSM
    Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2023 Mar 01;35(3):333-341.
    PMID: 36708305 DOI: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000002493
    BACKGROUND: Assessing a patient's knowledge regarding liver cirrhosis is important to improve patient outcomes. This study aimed to develop and validate the Adult cirrhosiS Knowledge Questionnaire (ASK-Q) to assess patients' knowledge regarding liver cirrhosis from multiple aspects.

    METHODS: A 24-item ASK-Q with four domains: self-understanding (5 items), aetiology (5 items), complications (5 items) and management (9 items) of liver cirrhosis was developed based on literature review and expert panel input. It was then piloted in five English-speaking patients with liver cirrhosis. These patients commented that the font size was too small. Hence, the font was enlarged and the final version of the ASK-Q was administered to English-speaking patients with liver cirrhosis, aged ≥18 years, with or without decompensation, at a tertiary hospital, from September 2020 to November 2021, at baseline and fortnight later. Patients with encephalopathy were excluded.

    RESULTS: 120/135 patients agreed to participate (response rate = 88.9%). The overall median score was 59.1 (45.6-68.2). A total of 7/22 (31.8%) items were "easy", 14/22 (63.6%) items were "moderately easy" and 1/22 (4.5%) items were "difficult". Exploratory factor analysis extracted nine factors, and two items were omitted. The ASK-Q was able to discriminate the knowledge level of patients with and without tertiary education [59.1 (50.0-72.7) vs. 54.5 (36.4-63.6); P 

  6. Nagammai T, Mohazmi M, Liew SM, Chinna K, Lai PS
    Qual Life Res, 2015 Aug;24(8):2031-7.
    PMID: 25648757 DOI: 10.1007/s11136-015-0933-7
    PURPOSE: To assess the validity and reliability of the Malay version of the Quality of Life (QOL) Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (QUALEFFO-41) in Malaysia.
    METHODS: The QUALEFFO-41 was translated from English to Malay and administered to 215 post-menopausal osteoporotic women ≥50 years who could understand Malay, at baseline and 4 weeks. The SF-36 was administered at baseline to assess convergent validity. To assess discriminative validity, patients with and without back pain were recruited.
    RESULTS: Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the QUALEFFO-41 had five domains. Good internal consistency was seen in all domains (0.752-0.925) except for the social activity domain (0.692). Test-retest reliability showed adequate correlation for all items (0.752-0.964, p < 0.001). Patients with back pain had significantly worse QOL compared with those without (back pain = 42.2 ± 10.9, no back pain = 33.3 ± 8.9; p < 0.001). The total QUALEFFO-41 score and the SF-36 physical and mental composite scores were significantly correlated (-0.636 and -0.529, p < 0.001, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: The Malay version of the QUALEFFO-41 was found to be a reliable and valid instrument to evaluate the QOL of osteoporotic patients in Malaysia. To enable the QUALEFFO-41 to be used in a multiracial population, further studies should look into validating other versions of the QUALEFFO-41 in Malaysia.
  7. Lai PS, Wong YY, Low YC, Lau HL, Chin KF, Mahadeva S
    PeerJ, 2014;2:e451.
    PMID: 25024919 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.451
    Background. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are currently the most effective agents for acid-related disorders. However, studies show that 25-75% of patients receiving intravenous PPIs had no appropriate justification, indicating high rates of inappropriate prescribing. Objective. To examine the appropriate use of intravenous PPIs in accordance with guidelines and the efficacy of a prescribing awareness intervention at an Asian teaching institution. Setting. Prospective audit in a tertiary hospital in Malaysia. Method. Every 4th intravenous PPI prescription received in the pharmacy was screened against hospital guidelines. Interventions for incorrect indication/dose/duration were performed. Patients' demographic data, medical history and the use of intravenous PPI were collected. Included were all adult inpatients prescribed intravenous PPI. Main Outcome Measure. Proportion of appropriate IV PPI prescriptions. Results. Data for 106 patients were collected. Most patients were male [65(61.3%)], Chinese [50(47.2%)], with mean age ± SD = 60.3 ± 18.0 years. Most intravenous PPI prescriptions were initiated by junior doctors from the surgical [47(44.3%)] and medical [42(39.6%)] departments. Only 50/106(47.2%) patients had upper gastrointestinal endoscopy/surgery performed to verify the source of bleeding. Unexplained abdominal pain [81(76.4%)] was the main driver for prescribing intravenous PPIs empirically, out of which 73(68.9%) were for suspected upper gastrointestinal bleed. Overall, intravenous PPI was found to be inappropriately prescribed in 56(52.8%) patients for indication, dose or duration. Interventions on the use of intravenous PPI were most effective when performed by senior doctors (100%), followed by clinical pharmacists (50%), and inpatient pharmacists (37.5%, p = 0.027). Conclusion. Inappropriate intravenous PPI usage is still prevalent despite the enforcement of hospital guidelines. The promotion of prescribing awareness and evidence-based prescribing through education of medical staff could result in more judicious use of intravenous PPI and dose-optimization.
  8. Abdullah A, Liew SM, Hanafi NS, Ng CJ, Lai PS, Chia YC, et al.
    Patient Prefer Adherence, 2016;10:99-106.
    PMID: 26869773 DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S94687
    BACKGROUND: Telemonitoring of home blood pressure (BP) is found to have a positive effect on BP control. Delivering a BP telemonitoring service in primary care offers primary care physicians an innovative approach toward management of their patients with hypertension. However, little is known about patients' acceptance of such service in routine clinical care.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore patients' acceptance of a BP telemonitoring service delivered in primary care based on the technology acceptance model (TAM).
    METHODS: A qualitative study design was used. Primary care patients with uncontrolled office BP who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were enrolled into a BP telemonitoring service offered between the period August 2012 and September 2012. This service was delivered at an urban primary care clinic in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Twenty patients used the BP telemonitoring service. Of these, 17 patients consented to share their views and experiences through five in-depth interviews and two focus group discussions. An interview guide was developed based on the TAM. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was used for analysis.
    RESULTS: Patients found the BP telemonitoring service easy to use but struggled with the perceived usefulness of doing so. They expressed confusion in making sense of the monitored home BP readings. They often thought about the implications of these readings to their hypertension management and overall health. Patients wanted more feedback from their doctors and suggested improvement to the BP telemonitoring functionalities to improve interactions. Patients cited being involved in research as the main reason for their intention to use the service. They felt that patients with limited experience with the internet and information technology, who worked out of town, or who had an outdoor hobby would not be able to benefit from such a service.
    CONCLUSION: Patients found BP telemonitoring service in primary care easy to use but needed help to interpret the meanings of monitored BP readings. Implementations of BP telemonitoring service must tackle these issues to maximize the patients' acceptance of a BP telemonitoring service.
  9. Toh LS, Lai PS, Wu DB, Wong KT, Low BY, Anderson C
    PLoS One, 2015;10(5):e0124553.
    PMID: 25938494 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124553
    Objectives: To develop and validate Osteoporosis Prevention and Awareness Tool (OPAAT) in Malaysia.
    Methods: The OPAAT was modified from the Malaysian Osteoporosis Knowledge Tool and developed from an exploratory study on patients. Face and content validity was established by an expert panel. The OPAAT consists of 30 items, categorized into three domains. A higher score indicates higher knowledge level. English speaking non-osteoporotic postmenopausal women 50 years of age and pharmacists were included in the study.
    Results: A total of 203 patients and 31 pharmacists were recruited. Factor analysis extracted three domains. Flesch reading ease was 59.2. The mean±SD accuracy rate was 0.60±0.22 (range: 0.26-0.94). The Cronbach’s α for each domain ranged from 0.286-0.748. All items were highly correlated (Spearman’s rho: 0.761-0.990, p<0.05), with no significant change in the overall test-retest scores, indicating that OPAAT has achieved stable reliability. Pharmacists had higher knowledge score than patients (80.9±8.7vs63.6±17.4, p<0.001), indicating
    that the OPAAT was able to discriminate between the knowledge levels of pharmacists and patients.
    Conclusion: The OPAAT was found to be a valid and reliable instrument for assessing patient’s knowledge about osteoporosis and its prevention in Malaysia. The OPAAT can be used to identify individuals in need of osteoporosis educational intervention.
    Study site:: Primary care clinic, tertiary hospital, Malaysia
  10. Goh SSL, Lai PSM, Liew SM, Tan KM, Chung WW, Chua SS
    PLoS One, 2020;15(11):e0242051.
    PMID: 33175871 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242051
    To date, several medication adherence instruments have been developed and validated worldwide. However, most instruments have only assessed medication adherence from the patient's perspective. The aim was to develop and validate the PATIENT-Medication Adherence Instrument (P-MAI) and the HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL-Medication Adherence Instrument (H-MAI) to assess medication adherence from the patient's and healthcare professional (HCP)'s perspectives. The P-MAI-12 and H-MAI-12 were developed using the nominal group technique. The face and content validity was determined by an expert panel and piloted. The initial version of these instruments consisted of 12 items were validated from October-December 2018 at a primary care clinic in Malaysia. Included were patients aged ≥21 years, diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, taking at least one oral hypoglycaemic agent and who could understand English. The HCPs recruited were family medicine specialists or trainees. To assess validity, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and concurrent validity were performed; internal consistency and test-retest were performed to assess its reliability. A total of 120/158 patients (response rate = 75.9%) and 30/33 HCPs (response rate = 90.9%) agreed to participate. EFA found three problematic items in both instruments, which was then removed. The final version of the P-MAI-9 and the HMAI-9 had 9 items each with two domains (adherence = 2 items and knowledge/belief = 7 items). For concurrent validity, the total score of the P-MAI-9 and the H-MAI-9 were not significantly different (p = 0.091), indicating that medication adherence assessed from both the patient's and HCP's perspectives were similar. Both instruments achieved acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach's α: P-MAI-9 = 0.722; H-MAI-9 = 0.895). For the P-MAI-9, 7/9 items showed no significant difference between test and retest whereas 8/9 items in the H-MAI-9 showed significant difference at test and retest (p>0.05). In conclusion, the P-MAI-9 and H-MAI-9 had low sensitivity and high specificity suggesting that both instruments can be used for identifying patients more likely to be non-adherent to their medications.
  11. Lai PSM, Tan KM, Lee HG, Wong YY, Azhari Wasi NA, Sim SM
    Malays Fam Physician, 2021 Mar 25;16(1):56-63.
    PMID: 33948143 DOI: 10.51866/oa1013
    This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention (Safe D.U.M.P) to improve the knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding the return and disposal of unused medications. Community-dwelling adults in Malaysia who could understand English were recruited from two healthcare events. Participants were asked to fill out the validated Return and Disposal of Unused Medications (ReDiUM) questionnaire (pre-intervention), view six educational intervention posters on how to dispose of unused medications (Safe D.U.M.P), then answer the ReDiUM questionnaire immediately after viewing the posters (post-intervention). A total of 390 out of 456 participants participated (response rate=85.5%). Most were female (71%) with a median age of 42 years. The overall knowledge of participants significantly increased from 60% to 80% (p<0.001). However, no improvement was seen regarding their overall attitude and practice. This outcome was as expected as it may be more difficult to improve attitude and practice (when compared to knowledge) with a single educational session.
  12. Toh LS, Lai PSM, Low BY, Wong KT, Anderson C
    Int J Clin Pharm, 2020 Feb;42(1):11-17.
    PMID: 32221825 DOI: 10.1007/s11096-019-00960-x
    Background Population screening for osteoporosis using bone mineral density scan is not feasible in Malaysia as this test is costly. Hence, there is a need to develop a more efficient method to screen for osteoporosis.Objectives To determine the feasibility of an interprofessional collaborative osteoporosis screening programme (IPC-OSP). Methods Postmenopausal women aged ≥ 50 years, who had not been diagnosed with osteoporosis were recruited from a primary care clinic from June to August 2014. Patients were assessed for their osteoporosis risk and were counselled on prevention methods. Patients at risk were referred to the doctor with a recommendation for a bone mineral density (BMD) scan. Results Fifty out of 55 patients were recruited (response rate = 90.9%). A total 26/50 (52.0%) went for a bone mineral density scan, none were osteoporotic, 17/50 (34%) were osteopenic, 2/50 (4.0%), were started on osteoporosis medications and 14/50 (28%) modified their lifestyle to improve bone health or started on calcium supplements. Osteoporosis knowledge significantly increased from baseline to month two (46.3 ± 21.4 vs. 79.1 ± 14.3, p 
  13. Abbasi SH, Aftab RA, Lai PSM, Lim SK, Zainol Abidin RN
    Front Pharmacol, 2021;12:707511.
    PMID: 34447309 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2021.707511
    Background: Due to frequent hospitalizations, complex dialysis procedures and immune compromising effects of end stage renal disease (ESRD), patients on dialysis are more prone to healthcare associated infections (HCAIs). Objective: To study the impact of HCAIs on survival and treatment outcomes among ESRD patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT). Methodology: A multicenter, retrospective study was conducted from June to December 2019 at two public hospitals of Malaysia. ESRD patients with minimum of 6 months on RRT were included, while pregnant patients and patients <18 years were excluded. Multinomial logistic regression was performed to identify risk factors associated with unsuccessful treatment outcomes. Kaplan Meier analysis was performed to study the survival. Results: A total of 670 records were examined, of which 400 patients were included as per the inclusion criteria. The mean survival time of patients without HCAIs [22.7 (95%CI:22.1-23.2)] was higher than the patients with HCAIs [19.9 (95%CI:18.8-20.9)]. Poor survival was seen in patients with >2 comorbidities, >60 years of age, low hemoglobin concentration and high C-reactive protein levels. The most frequent treatment outcome was cured [113 (64.9%)], followed by death [37 (21.3%)] and treatment failure [17 (9.8%)]. Advancing age, and low hemoglobin concentration were independent risk factors associated with death, while recurrent HCAIs, use of central venous catheters, and low serum sodium levels were risk factors for treatment failure. Conclusion: The high burden of HCAIs is a profound challenge faced by patients on RRT, which not only effects the treatment outcomes but also contributes substantially to the poor survival among these patients.
  14. Lim MK, Lai PSM, Wong PS, Othman S, Mydin FHM
    BMC Palliat Care, 2021 Jul 15;20(1):109.
    PMID: 34266432 DOI: 10.1186/s12904-021-00790-7
    BACKGROUND: There is a growing interest among the developing countries on advance care planning (ACP) due to the reported benefits of planning ahead in the developed countries. Validated instruments in various languages have been developed to facilitate study on the views of public prior to its implementation. However, instrument to explore the views on ACP in Malay has not been developed and validated yet, even though Malay is spoken extensively by approximately 220 million people in the Malay Archipelago. There is also a need for instrument in Malay language to facilitate the assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of Malaysians regarding ACP. Therefore, the aim of this study was to validate the psychometric properties of the Malay Advance Care Planning Questionnaire (ACPQ-M).

    METHODS: The ACPQ was translated according to international guidelines. This validation study was conducted from January to June 2018. Participants who were ≥ 21 years old, and able to understand Malay were recruited from an urban primary care clinic and a tertiary education institution in Malaysia. A researcher administered the ACPQ-M to participants via a face-to-face interview at baseline and 2 weeks later. Each interview took approximately 10-20 min.

    RESULTS: A total of 222/232 participants agreed to participate (response rate = 96.0%). Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis found that the ACPQ-M was a 4-factor model. The Cronbach's α values for the four domains ranged from 0.674-0.947. Only 157/222 participants completed the test-retest (response rate = 71%). At test-retest, quadratic weighted kappa values for all domains ranged from 0.340-0.674, except for two domains which ranged from - 0.200-0.467.

    CONCLUSIONS: The ACPQ-M was found to be a 4-factor model, and a valid and reliable instrument to assess the KAP regarding ACP. This instrument can contribute to profound understanding of the KAP of Malaysians regarding ACP, and assist policy makers in determining the readiness for legislation of ACP in Malaysia.

  15. Rehman IU, Lai PSM, Lim SK, Lee LH, Khan TM
    BMC Nephrol, 2019 03 25;20(1):102.
    PMID: 30909887 DOI: 10.1186/s12882-019-1294-1
    BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease-associated pruritus (CKD-aP) is a well-recognized, frequent and compromising complication among patients on hemodialysis. Despite advancement in basic medical sciences, CKD-aP is still a major complication and a challenge for both physicians and patients to manage. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of CKD-aP among hemodialysis patients in Malaysia, to determine the impact of CKD-aP on sleep quality and any factors associated with CKD-aP.

    METHOD: A multi-centered, cross-sectional study design was conducted from February 2017 to September 2017 at a tertiary hospital and its affiliated dialysis centers, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Included were patients > 18 years of age who were undergoing hemodialysis and could understand Malay. Participants were asked to fill the Malay 5D-itch scale and the Malay Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) upon recruitment.

    RESULTS: A total of 334/334 patients were recruited (response rate = 100%). The majority were male (59.6%) and Chinese (61.7%). A total of 61.3% had pruritus, of which most patients (63.4%) reported that their pruritus was mild. More than half (54.1%) reported that they slept > 6 h, and 93.2% experienced no sleep disturbances during the night. However; the overall PSQI median score [IQR] was 6.0 [5.0-9.0]. No significant association was found between demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with the severity of pruritus. Patients with moderate to severe pruritus were found to be 5.47 times more likely to experience poor sleep quality as compared to patients with mild or no pruritus.

    CONCLUSION: In Malaysia, the prevalence of CKD-aP was 61.3%, of which the majority reported that their pruritus was mild. Patients with moderate to severe pruritus were found to be 5.47 times more likely to experience poor sleep quality as compared to patients with mild or no pruritus.

  16. Lim MK, Lai PSM, Lim PS, Wong PS, Othman S, Mydin FHM
    BMJ Open, 2022 Feb 14;12(2):e048314.
    PMID: 35165104 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048314
    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) among community-dwelling adults in Malaysia regarding advance care planning (ACP), and its associated factors.

    DESIGN: This cross-sectional study was conducted from July-September 2018.

    SETTING: This study was conducted at the University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    PARTICIPANTS: We recruited community-dwelling adults (ambulatory care patients or their accompanying persons) who were ≥21 years old and able to understand English or Malay. A 1:10 systematic sampling procedure was used. Excluded were community-dwelling adults with intellectual disabilities or non-Malaysian accompanying persons. A trained researcher administered the validated English or Malay Advance Care Planning Questionnaire at baseline and 2 weeks later.

    PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome was the KAP regarding ACP. The secondary outcomes were factors associated with KAP.

    RESULTS: A total of 385/393 community-dwelling adults agreed to participate (response rate 98%). Only 3.1% of the community-dwelling adults have heard about ACP and 85.7% of them felt that discussion on ACP was necessary after explanation of the term. The desire to maintain their decision-making ability when seriously ill (94.9%) and reducing family burden (91.6%) were the main motivating factors for ACP. In contrast, resorting to fate (86.5%) and perceived healthy condition (77.0%) were the main reasons against ACP. Overall, 84.4% would consider discussing ACP in the future. Community-dwelling adults who were employed were less likely to know about ACP (OR=0.167, 95% CI 0.050 to 0.559, p=0.004) whereas those with comorbidities were more likely to favour ACP (OR=2.460, 95% CI 1.161 to 5.213, p=0.019). No factor was found to be associated with the practice of ACP.

    CONCLUSIONS: Despite the lack of awareness regarding ACP, majority of community-dwelling adults in Malaysia had a positive attitude towards ACP and were willing to engage in a discussion regarding ACP after the term 'ACP' has been explained to them.

  17. Chua SS, Lai PSM, Sim SM, Tan CH, Foong CC
    BMC Med Educ, 2019 Apr 05;19(1):101.
    PMID: 30953493 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-019-1525-y
    BACKGROUND: The success of interprofessional collaboration in healthcare services requires a paradigm shift in the training of future health profession practitioners. This study aimed to develop and validate an instrument to measure Student Acceptance of Interprofessional Learning (SAIL) in Malaysia, and to assess this attribute among medical and pharmacy students using a prescribing skills training workshop.

    METHODS: The study consisted of two phases. In Phase 1, a 10-item instrument (SAIL-10) was developed and tested on a cohort of medical and pharmacy students who attended the workshop. In Phase 2, different cohorts of medical and pharmacy students completed SAIL-10 before and after participating in the workshop.

    RESULTS: Factor analysis showed that SAIL-10 has two domains: "facilitators of interprofessional learning" and "acceptance to learning in groups". The overall SAIL-10 and the two domains have adequate internal consistency and stable reliability. The total score and scores for the two domains were significantly higher after students attended the prescribing skills workshop.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study produced a valid and reliable instrument, SAIL-10 which was used to demonstrate that the prescribing skills workshop, where medical and pharmacy students were placed in an authentic context, was a promising activity to promote interprofessional learning among future healthcare professionals.

  18. Paneerselvam GS, Aftab RA, Sirisinghe RG, Lai PSM, Lim SK
    PLoS One, 2022;17(2):e0263412.
    PMID: 35180236 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263412
    BACKGROUND: Patients requiring hemodialysis (HD) often have several chronic comorbidities, which necessitate the use of several medications and hence put them at high risk of polypharmacy. Medication-related problems (MRPs) among HD patients are a serious issue as they can increase morbidity and nonadherence with medications. To overcome this issue, a unique pharmacy practice model including medication review (MR) and motivational interviewing (MI) is needed to improve medication adherence, by reducing MRPs and optimizing therapeutic outcomes. The present study aims to assess the effectiveness of MR and MI in improving medication adherence, quality of life (QOL) and clinical outcomes among end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients who are on dialysis.

    METHOD AND DESIGN: This pre-post study will be conducted prospectively among patients with ESRD who have been on dialysis at the Hemodialysis Unit, Hospital Kuala Lumpur and the Hemodialysis Affiliated Centers of the University Malaya Medical Centre, from August 2020 till August 2021. Medication adherence will be assessed using the General Medication Adherence Scale (GMAS), whilst patients' HRQOL will be assessed using the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form 36 (KDQOL-36). Clinical parameters such as blood glucose level, calcium, phosphate, hemoglobin and serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels will be obtained from medical records. A total of 70 patients will be recruited.

    DISCUSSION: We hypothesize that the implementation of pharmacy-based MR and MI may expect an increase in medication adherence scores and increase in HRQOL scores from baseline as well as achieving the clinical lab parameters within the desired range. This would indicate a need for a pharmacist to be involved in the multidisciplinary team to achieve a positive impact on medication adherence among hemodialysis patients.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: Ethical approval has been obtained from the National Medical Research and Ethics Committee NMRR: 20-1135-54435 and Medical Research Ethics Committee, University Malaya Medical Centre MREC ID NO: 202127-9811.

  19. Sandhu AK, Toh LS, Lee YK, Tan ATB, Ratnasingam J, Thiagarajan N, et al.
    Patient Prefer Adherence, 2021;15:1383-1395.
    PMID: 34188455 DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S314641
    PURPOSE: The English Satisfaction Questionnaire for Osteoporosis Prevention (SQOP) is validated in Malaysia. However, Malay is the national language of Malaysia spoken by the majority of Malaysians. The aim of this study was to cross-culturally adapt and validate the Malay Satisfaction Questionnaire for Osteoporosis Prevention (SQOP-M) in Malaysia.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: This study was carried out from March to October 2018 at a tertiary hospital in Kuala Lumpur. The SQOP was translated from English to Malay according to international guidelines. Malay-speaking postmenopausal women ≥50 years were recruited and randomized into control and intervention groups. The intervention group received an osteoporosis prevention information booklet and a 15-minute pharmacist counselling session. All patients were asked to answer the SQOP-M questionnaire at baseline and two weeks later. The control group received the intervention after the study was completed.

    RESULTS: Overall, 230/348 patients were recruited (C=115, I=115, response rate=66.1%). Exploratory factor analysis extracted four domains. Cronbach's α ranged from 0.230 to 0.938. Kappa measurement of agreement values ranged from 0.124 to 0.627, where 10/23 (43.5%) items were in moderate to substantial agreement. Wilcoxon signed rank test values were statistically significant (p<0.005) for 4/23 items. Item 17 was an optional question and excluded from analysis. Total satisfaction score was significantly higher for intervention group patients [76.9 (47.6-53.9) vs 50.4 (47.6-53.9), p<0.001] indicating higher satisfaction compared to control group.

    CONCLUSION: The SQOP-M was found to be valid and reliable in assessing patient satisfaction of osteoporosis screening and prevention services provided to Malay-speaking patients in Malaysia.

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