Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 256 in total

  1. Edimansyah BA, Rusli BN, Naing L, Mazalisah M
    PMID: 17125008
    The JCQ has been shown to be a valid and reliable instrument to assess job stress in many occupational settings worldwide. In Malaysia, both the English and validated Malay versions have been employed in studies of medical professionals and laboratory technicians, respectively. The present study assessed the reliability and construct validity of the Malay version of the JCQ among automotive workers in Malaysia. Fifty workers of a major automotive manufacturer in Kota Bharu, Kelantan consented to participate in the study and were administered the Malay version of the JCQ. Translation (English-Malay) and back translation (Malay-English) of the JCQ was made to ensure the face validity of the questionnaire. Reliability was determined using Cronbach's alpha for internal consistency, whilst construct validity was assessed using exploratory factor analysis (principal component with varimax rotation). The results indicate that the Cronbach's alpha coefficients were acceptable for decision latitude (job control or decision authority) (0.74) and social support (0.79); however, it was slightly lower for psychological job demand (0.61). Exploratory factor analysis showed 3 meaningful common factors that could explain the 3 theoretical dimensions or constructs of Karasek's demand-control-social support model. In conclusion, the results of the validation study suggested that the JCQ scales are reliable and valid for assessing job stress in a population working in the automotive industry. Further analyses are necessary to evaluate the stability and concurrent validity of the JCQ.
  2. Hanafiah M, Abdul Aziz M, Rusli SM
    Clin Case Rep, 2019 Nov;7(11):2267-2268.
    PMID: 31788299 DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.2460
    Diagnostic imaging methods are normally required to make the preoperative diagnosis of adult intussusception. Furthermore, it helps to define the location and nature of the associated mass as lead point if present. Lipoma may appear as lesion of fat attenuation expressed in Hounsfield unit on CT scan.
  3. Mazlan IR, Hassnan NM, Ahmad Rusli Y
    Clin Linguist Phon, 2025 Mar;39(3):233-254.
    PMID: 38853461 DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2024.2359462
    Research on narrative skills in the Malay language is scarce for both typically developing (TD) and children with Developmental Language Disorders (DLD). This study examines the differences in narrative abilities of Malay-speaking school-age children with and without DLD. Fifteen Malay-speaking TD children and 15 children with DLD told four stories elicited using the Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narrative (MAIN). Group comparisons were conducted in narrative production (story retelling and story generation) as well as in comprehension. We also examined the differences in both groups' story complexity (e.g. the combination of goals (G), attempts (A) and outcomes (O)). General microstructure features such as the total number of words (TNW), total number of sentences (TNS) and total number of different words (NDW) were also investigated. TD children outperformed children with DLD in both narrative production and comprehension. TD children constructed a higher combination of G, A, and O components than children with DLD. Children with DLD frequently produced G, A, and O in isolation in comparison to TD children. In language productivity and lexical complexity, TD children had a significantly higher frequency in TNW and NDW than children with DLD, resulting in longer narratives and higher use of different words than children with DLD. Distinct differences are found in the narrative profile of TD children and children with DLD. The results are relatively consistent with the findings of similar studies that utilised and adapted the MAIN in other languages. Clinical implications and recommendations are discussed.
  4. Mohammad Farhan Rusli, Nor Afiah Mohd Zulkefli, Muhammad Hanafiah Juni
    Knowledge on under-five childhood immunization has been identified as a key factor in determining understanding and compliance to the schedule. Understanding the current levels of knowledge and introducing a health intervention to improve the level will benefit the population to be healthier and reduce morbidity. Materials and Method: A quasi-experimental study was conducted in nurseries in Putrajaya and Cyberjaya, Malaysia from January 2016 to January 2018. 98 respondents from Putrajaya were given the technology based intervention and 98 from Cyberjaya were the wait-listed control group. Respondents answered a validated, self-administered questionnaire at baseline, immediate post-intervention and 3 months post-intervention that were specifically targeted to examine their levels of knowledge on under five childhood intervention. Results: Data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 23. The level of knowledge at baseline was 58.9% for the intervention group and 61.7% for the control group with no significant difference between both groups (p=0.651). Immediate post intervention showed a significant difference (p
  5. Norsa’adah, B.B., Rusli, B.N., lmran, B.A.K., Naing, L.
    Breast cancer is the commonest female cancer in Malaysia with a prevalence of 86.2 cases per 100,000 women in 1996. Pronling breast cancer patients is important for better planning of preventive and screening strategies for Malaysian women. The aims of this cross-sectional study were to identify histological presentation, socio-demographic and reproductive characteristics and prevalence of risk or protective factors of breast cancer among women with breast cancer in Kelantan. A total of 175 female breast cancer patients who were diagnosed in 1991 to 2000, were interviewed using standardized questionnaires. The mean (sd) age was 47.0 (9.6) years with 77.7% Malay, 20.6% Chinese and 1.7% others. About half (52.6%) had 9 years or less of formal education, while 59.4% were housewives/unemployed and 60.6% had a monthly family income of less than RM1 ,000. The commonest histological type was innltrative ductal carcinoma (73 .7%) . Presentation of breast cancer with the stage lll or Vl was 59.4%. The prevalence of nulliparity · 13.1%, breastfeeding longer than two years - 58.9%, premenstrual period - 72.0%, menarche at 11 years old or less - 5 .7%, positive family history - 14.4%, overweight/obesity - 48.0%, oral contraceptives use 30.3%, hormone replacement therapy » 1.1%, cigarette smoking - 4.6%, consuming akohol - 3.4%, previous benign breast disease - 6.3%, previous breast biopsy - 2.9% and previous oophorectomy - 4.6%. The patients were younger compared to other studies. The ethnic distribution did not represent the population distribution of Kelantan. The prevalence of overweight/obesity and smoking were higher than the national prevalence among women, thus they should be included in the prevention strategies for breast cancer. Further studies are recommended to investigate why many of breast cancer patients in Kelantan presented at a younger age and at advanced stages of cancer.
  6. Aziah, B.D., Rusli, B.N., Winn, T., Naing, L.
    A cross-sectional study of 71 laboratory technicians in Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) Hospitals (response rate 89.9%) was conducted from September ZOO1 till February 2002. Seven MOH Hospitals in Kelantan were chosen. Karase job Content — Questionnaire (Malay Version) was used as research instrument in this study. There were five scales in the questionnaire; two scales were used to dehne job strain - decision latitude and psychological demands. Results showed that the majority of laboratory technicians in MOH Hospitah were classified as passive. However, the proportion of high strain group was the second highest after passive group. The percentage of laboratory technicians in MOH Hospitals which was classified as having a high job strain was 26.8%. The “high strain" group scored significantly higher for hazardous conditions, toxic exposures, total psychological stressors, total physical hazard, and total physical stressors as compared to the “non»high strain” group. Laboratory technicians in “high strain" group had significantly younger in age (18-34 years) group (42.1%) compared to those in “non·high strain" group (7.7%) and shorter total duration of employment (yr) ( 15 .3 x 6.8) compared to those in “non»high strain" group (19.2 x 6.7). We therefore conclude that less experienced and higher psychosocial factors at work experiencing higher job strain compared to those who were more experienced and less psychosocial factors.
  7. Razlan Musa, Lin Naing, Zulkifli Ahmad, Rusli Nordin
    The relationship between dust exposure and lung function were investigated in a cross-sectional study of 70 male quarry workers. The investigation included spirometric testing and detailed personal interviews using a structured questionnaire adapted from British Medical Research Council questionnaire on respiratory symptoms. Respiratory symptoms commonly reported by the male workers were shortness of breath (42.9%), chest tightness (37.1 %}, morning phlegm (20.0%) and morning cough (0.8%}. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms was greater in current smokers. Age and duration of employment also had significant relationship with chest tightness. Both FEV, and FVC of these workers were significantly reduced when compared to healthy population. Smoking status, age, and duration of employment were also associated with reduced pulmonary function (p<0.01).
    Key words: respiratory symptoms, lung function and quarry workers
  8. Uthyasuriyan, A., Talwar, P., Oon, Y.B., Rusli Ahmad
    The global drop in oil and natural gas industry have had a significant impact on the
    Malaysian market and have potentially redirected Malaysia under a negative global
    spotlight. The layoff rate in oil and natural gas organizations have risen dramatically,
    this situation may affect the satisfaction level among employees and their loyalty in
    the respective oil and natural gas industry. The present study is aimed to determine the
    relationship between employee satisfaction and employee loyalty in Oil and Natural
    Gas Industry. Using simple random sampling technique 100 employees working in Oil
    and Natural Gas Industry were selected as respondents. Questionnaire was used for
    data collection. Results obtained showed that there is positive correlation between different
    components of employee satisfaction and employee loyalty. A notable variable
    that emerged in the analysis was compensation and benefits, while career development
    was least important that predisposed loyalty.
  9. Abdullah, M.A.A., Mamat, M., Rusli, S.A., Kassim, A.A.
    ASM Science Journal, 2018;11(101):96-104.
    Considering its excellent thermal stability, alkyl phosphonium surfactant: triisobutyl(methyl)phosphonium
    (TIBMP) was used in this research as an intercalant for surface
    modification of Na+-MMT via ion exchange process forming organomontmorillonite
    (OMMT). The OMMT was then used as filler in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) via
    melt intercalation technique. OMMT decomposed at a higher temperature than commercial
    alkyammonium modified MMT. Exfoliated and intercalated types of nanocomposites
    are obtained from PMMA/OMMTs at low and high content of OMMT loading, depending
    on the space of those clay platelets had to disperse in PMMA. The ability of OMMT to
    carry a certain load applied in PMMA matrix enhances the tensile strength in all composites.
    TIBMP are compatible with PMMA matrix, and significantly improves the tensile
    properties of PMMA composites.
  10. Siti Farhana Hisham, Ishak Ahmad, Rusli Daik, Anita Ramli
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1123-1127.
    Komposit UPR/LNR/gentian kaca telah disediakan dengan menggunakan resin poliester tak tepu daripada hasil pengitaran semula bahan buangan PET. Kajian dimulai dengan pengitaran semula botol minuman PET melalui proses glikolisis dan hasilnya ditindakbalaskan dengan maleik anhidrida untuk mendapatkan resin poliester tak tepu. Kajian diteruskan dengan penyediaan adunan resin poliester tak tepu (UPR) dengan cecair getah asli (LNR) iaitu komposisi penambahan LNR ke dalam UPR telah diubah dari 0-7.5% (wt). Komposisi UPR/LNR dengan sifat mekanik terbaik dipilih sebagai matrik untuk penyediaan komposit berpenguat gentian kaca. Rawatan silana ke atas gentian kaca turut dilakukan dengan menggunakan (3-Aminopropil)triethoxysilane. Hasil daripada kajian mendapati adunan UPR/LNR dengan penambahan 2.5% LNR mempunyai sifat mekanik dan morfologi terbaik dengan partikel-partikel getah yang bersaiz kecil dapat tersebar dengan sekata dalam UPR. Kajian juga menunjukkan berlakunya peningkatkan dalam nilai tegasan, modulus regangan dan kekuatan hentaman bagi komposit UPR/LNR/gentian kaca terawat berbanding dengan penggunaan gentian tanpa rawatan.
  11. Dita Agisimanto, Normah Mohd Noo, Rusli Ibrahim, Azhar Mohamad
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:329-337.
    Induced mutagenesis using gamma ray has been proven applicable to improve varieties of many genotypes of crop species. The effects of 60Co gamma ray dosage on growth and callus induction of nucellus segments of Citrus reticulata cv. limau madu were investigated. The nucelli were exposed to gamma rays at doses of 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 Gy, followed by embryogenic callus (EC) induction on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 500 mg L-1 malt extract (ME), 146 mM sucrose, 0.8% (w/v) agar and 13.3 µM benzyl amino purine (BAP). Survival, callus type and colour, degree of callus formation, time of callus formation and total fresh weight of callus varied among the treatments. All untreated explants (controls) survived and produced friable EC in the 2nd or 3rd week of culture, whereas the irradiated nucelli showed delayed response. EC derived from the nucelli irradiated at 10, 20 and 40 Gy appeared in the 3rd week of culture, whereas EC from the 60 and 80 Gy doses appeared in the 4th week. Exposure to higher doses (100 and 120 Gy) completely suppressed callus formation. After 35 days of culture, an average of 697 and 660 mg of EC were harvested from the nucelli irradiated at 10 and 20 Gy, respectively, which was higher than those at 40 Gy (441 mg), 60 Gy (436 mg) and 80 Gy (380 mg). EC were initiated and proliferated and subsequently regenerated into plantlets. DNA of plantlets from the 20, 40 and 60 Gy exposure were individually amplified and compared to the control for early detection of mutagenesis using retrotransposon, inter simple sequence repeat and markers related to seedlessness. No variants were observed from the plantlets produced.
  12. Mohd Uzair Rusli, Juanita Joseph, Liew HC, Zainuddin Bachok
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:49-55.
    Effects of different incubation methods on crawling and swimming ability of post-emergence green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings at Cherating (Kuantan, Pahang) and Chagar Hutang (Pulau Redang, Terengganu) Turtle Sanctuary were analysed during nesting season in 2009. Mean crawling speed of hatchlings incubated in styrofoam box, beach hatchery and in situ were at 0.042±0.008, 0.136±0.026 and 0.143±0.045 m/s, respectively. Crawling performance of hatclings from styrofoam box can be improved by keeping them for at least 48 h after their emergence. For swimming performance, all types of incubation methods showed significant differences in mean power-stroke rate during their early swimming effort ranging at 93-114 strokes/min. However, no correlation was found between morphological characteristics of hatchlings and swimming performance. The results from this study may give different perspective in evaluating hatchling production, which is in terms of hatchling morphological characteristics and their locomotor performance.
  13. Siti Farhana Hisham, Ishak Ahmad, Rusli Daik, Anita Ramli
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1179-1186.
    In this study, poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) wastes bottle was recycled by glycolysis process using ethylene glycol. The unsaturated polyester resin (UPR) was then prepared by reacting the glycolysed product with maleic anhydride. The blend of UPR based on recycled PET wastes with liquid natural rubber (LNR) was carried out by varying the amount of LNR from 0 to 7.5 wt%. Mechanical tests such as tensile and impact were conducted to investigate the effects of LNR on the mechanical properties. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used to analyze the morphology of the breaking area resulted from the tensile tests on the UPR and blend samples. From the results, the blend of 2.5 wt% LNR in UPR based recycled PET wastes achieved the highest strength in the mechanical properties and showed a well dispersed of elastomer particles in the sample morphology compared to other blends concentrations. This blend sample was then compared to the optimum blend of LNR with commercial resin through the glass transition temperature value Tg, mechanical strength and morphology properties. The comparison study showed that the Tg for UPR based recycled PET was higher than the value represented from commercial resin due to the degree of crystalinity in the molecular structure of the materials. LNR was found to be an effective impact modifier which gave a greater improvement in UPR from recycled PET wastes structure but not to the commercial one which needs 5% LNR to achieve the optimum properties. Thus, the compatibility between the UP resin based recycled PET and LNR was much better than with the commercial resin.
  14. Limasan, Jakheus, Rusli, Ahmad, Nur Fatihah, Abdullah Bandar
    This study aims to explore the first rater officers’ perspectives on the application of
    performance appraisal attributes in performance appraisal system in a higher education
    institution in Sarawak. Six attributes were focused on the study namely clarification of the
    system, justification of the system, control criteria, employee participation, system
    management, and credibility of the assessor. The study uses a qualitative methodology using
    semi-structured interview techniques and data analysis in thematic approach. Three
    common issues are the limitation of the system’s availability, insufficient scoring
    distribution towards lecturers who are involved in administrative work and limited
    capability of the server. Along with that, two critical issues are the subjective judgment of
    personality traits and limited utilization of the system. The implication raised based on the
    issues is work processes are interrupted, employee dissatisfaction and organizational image
    are affected. In conclusion, the issues within the performance appraisal system need to be
    taken seriously to avoid conflicts.
  15. Mira Panadi, Nor Dini Rusli, Khairiyah Mat, Wan Zahari Mohamed
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:1447-1453.
    In a 90-day feeding trial, twenty four (24) Saanen lactating does were assigned to four treatment group. The treatments
    were feeding: basal diet only as a control (T1), basal diet with urea molasses multi-nutrient block (UMMB) (T2), basal
    diet with medicated urea molasses multi-nutrient block (MUMB) (T3) and basal diet with commercial mineral block (CMB)
    (T4). There were significant differences (p<0.05) between T2, T3 and T4 on the fecal egg count (FEC). Animals in T2
    and T3 showed moderate level of parasite infestation i.e. at 750 epg and 950 epg, respectively, while animals in T1 and
    T4 showed severe parasite load at 4917 epg and 1850 epg, respectively. There were no significant differences (p>0.05)
    between treatments on WBC, LYM, MON, GRA, RBC, HCT, MCV, MCH, PLT, MPV and PCT. However, significant effects (p<0.05)
    on HBG, MCHC, RDW and PDW were observed in T2 and T3. This research showed that UMMB and MUMB were effective
    in controlling parasite infestation in Saanen lactating dairy goats apart from improving their blood hematological
    parameters. Comparison with CMB showed that it is practical to be used for parasite control.
  16. Kuan Mei Yang, Rusli Ahmad, Siti Mariam Abdullah
    This is a study on employees’ perception of justice towards performance-based pay and
    the effect of these perceptions on their turnover intention. This study aims to examine
    the mediating role played by distributive and procedural justice in linking pay distribution
    and pay procedure of performance-based pay to employees’ turnover intention. A
    review of past literature in this particular area has prompted the researchers to narrow
    the gaps in previous studies. Towards that, this study utilized questionnaires which
    were administered among 50 non-managerial employees currently working in a private
    company located in Kuching, Sarawak, East Malaysia. Data analysis was done using
    Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Version 20.0. Pearson Correlation and
    Stepwise Regression were used to examine the relationship between the variables. The
    outcomes of Stepwise Regression revealed that distributive justice fully mediated the
    relationship between pay distribution and employees’ turnover intention in contrast to
    procedural justice which did not have a significant impact in the relationship. The findings
    of this study are useful references for organisation management of the pay system
    to improve employees’ performance.
  17. Lu HT, Nordin RB
    BMC Cardiovasc Disord, 2013 Nov 06;13:97.
    PMID: 24195639 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2261-13-97
    BACKGROUND: The National Cardiovascular Disease (NCVD) Database Registry represents one of the first prospective, multi-center registries to treat and prevent coronary artery disease (CAD) in Malaysia. Since ethnicity is an important consideration in the occurrence of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) globally, therefore, we aimed to identify the role of ethnicity in the occurrence of ACS among high-risk groups in the Malaysian population.

    METHODS: The NCVD involves more than 15 Ministry of Health (MOH) hospitals nationwide, universities and the National Heart Institute and enrolls patients presenting with ACS [ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and unstable angina (UA)]. We analyzed ethnic differences across socio-demographic characteristics, hospital medications and invasive therapeutic procedures, treatment of STEMI and in-hospital clinical outcomes.

    RESULTS: We enrolled 13,591 patients. The distribution of the NCVD population was as follows: 49.0% Malays, 22.5% Chinese, 23.1% Indians and 5.3% Others (representing other indigenous groups and non-Malaysian nationals). The mean age (SD) of ACS patients at presentation was 59.1 (12.0) years. More than 70% were males. A higher proportion of patients within each ethnic group had more than two coronary risk factors. Malays had higher body mass index (BMI). Chinese had highest rate of hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Indians had higher rate of diabetes mellitus (DM) and family history of premature CAD. Overall, more patients had STEMI than NSTEMI or UA among all ethnic groups. The use of aspirin was more than 94% among all ethnic groups. Utilization rates for elective and emergency percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) were low among all ethnic groups. In STEMI, fibrinolysis (streptokinase) appeared to be the dominant treatment options (>70%) for all ethnic groups. In-hospital mortality rates for STEMI across ethnicity ranges from 8.1% to 10.1% (p = 0.35). Among NSTEMI/UA patients, the rate of in-hospital mortality ranges from 3.7% to 6.5% and Malays recorded the highest in-hospital mortality rate compared to other ethnic groups (p = 0.000). In binary multiple logistic regression analysis, differences across ethnicity in the age and sex-adjusted ORs for in-hospital mortality among STEMI patients was not significant; for NSTEMI/UA patients, Chinese [OR 0.71 (95% CI 0.55, 0.91)] and Indians [OR 0.57 (95% CI 0.43, 0.76)] showed significantly lower risk of in-hospital mortality compared to Malays (reference group).

    CONCLUSIONS: Risk factor profiles and ACS stratum were significantly different across ethnicity. Despite disparities in risk factors, clinical presentation, medical treatment and invasive management, ethnic differences in the risk of in-hospital mortality was not significant among STEMI patients. However, Chinese and Indians showed significantly lower risk of in-hospital mortality compared to Malays among NSTEMI and UA patients.

  18. Edimansyah BA, Rusli BN, Naing L, Mohamed Rusli BA, Winn T, Tengku Mohamed Ariff BR
    Ind Health, 2008 Jan;46(1):90-100.
    PMID: 18270454
    Depression, anxiety and stress have been recognized as important mental outcome measures in stressful working settings. The present study explores the prevalence of self-perceived depression, anxiety and stress; and their relationships with psychosocial job factors. A cross-sectional study involving 728 male automotive assembly workers was conducted in two major automotive assembly plants in Malaysia using the validated Malay versions of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) and Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ). Based on the DASS cut-off of > or =78 percentile scores, the prevalence of self-perceived depression, anxiety and stress was 35.4%, 47.2% and 31.1%, respectively. Four (0.5%), 29 (4.0%) and 2 (0.3%) workers, respectively, reported extremely severe self-perceived depression, anxiety and stress. Multiple linear regression analyses, controlling for age, education, salary, duration of work and marital status, revealed that psychological job demand, job insecurity and hazardous condition were positively associated with DASS-Depression, DASS-Anxiety and DASS-Stress; supervisor support was inversely associated with DASS-Depression and DASS-Stress. We suggest that reducing psychological job demand, job insecurity and hazardous condition factors may improve the self-perceived depression, anxiety and stress in male automotive assembly workers. Supervisor support is protective for self-perceived depression and stress.
  19. Edimansyah BA, Rusli BN, Naing L, Mohamed Rusli BA, Winn T
    Ind Health, 2007 Jun;45(3):437-48.
    PMID: 17634693
    The present study investigates the relationship between psychosocial work factors and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in male automotive assembly plant workers in Malaysia.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 728 male workers were recruited in March-July 2005 from 2 major automotive assembly plants in Selangor and Pahang. In this cross-sectional study, information on socio-demography, psychosocial work factors using the 97-item Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) and an abbreviated 26-item version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief Version (WHOQOL-BREF) questionnaire containing 4 domains (physical health, psychological, social relationship, and environment) was self-administered to all workers involved.

    RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The prevalence of reported good or very good overall HRQOL and general health was 64.9% and 53.7%, respectively. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that created skill was positively associated with physical health and psychological domains; whilst, skill discretion was positively associated with social relationship and environment domains. Social support was positively associated with physical health and environment domains; whilst, co-worker support was positively associated with psychological and social relationship domains. Job insecurity and hazardous condition were negatively associated with all domains, whilst psychological job demands was negatively associated with the environment domain of HRQOL.

  20. Sutan R, Amin RM, Ariffin KB, Teng TZ, Kamal MF, Rusli RZ
    J Zhejiang Univ Sci B, 2010 Mar;11(3):209-17.
    PMID: 20205307 DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0900245
    To evaluate the psychosocial impact among mothers with perinatal loss and its contributing factors.
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