METHODOLOGY: Forty participants with no evidence of LLD were recruited. Height and TL were measured. Reflective markers were attached at specific points in lower extremity and subjects walked in gait lab at a self-selected normal walking pace with artificial LLDs of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 cm simulated using shoe raise. Accommodation period of 30 min was given. Infrared cameras were used to capture the motion. Primary kinematic (knee flexion and pelvic obliquity (PO)) and secondary kinetic (ground reaction force (GRF)) were measured at right heel strike and left heel strike. Functional adaptation was analyzed and the postulated predictor indices (PIs) were used as a screening tool using height, LLD, and TL to notify significance.
RESULTS: There was a significant knee flexion component seen in height category of less than 170 cm. There was significant difference between LLD 3 cm and 4 cm. No significant changes were seen in PO and GRF. PIs of LLD/height and LLD/TL were analyzed using receiver operating characteristic curve. LLD/height as a PI with value of 1.75 was determined with specificity of 80% and sensitivity of 76%.
CONCLUSION: A height of less than 170 cm has significant changes in relation to LLD. PI using LLD/height appears to be a promising tool to identify patients at risk.
METHOD: We created an iontophoresis cell; 3% CF was inserted within medullary segment of goat bone and sealed from external saline solution. The cell operated at the following voltages 30, 60 and 90 V and at the following durations 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 min. Information regarding optimal conditions for its application was then obtained. After which, correlation between voltages and time with CF concentration in the bone was analysed. A bioavailability test was also conducted to observe the optimal rate of CF elution from the graft.
RESULT: The optimal condition for the impregnation process is 3% CF at 90 V for 10 min. Bone graft impregnated with CF at optimal conditions can elute above minimum inhibitory concentration of the CF against MRSA for 21 days.
CONCLUSION: CF iontophoresis was found feasible for allograft impregnation. The technique is simple, inexpensive and reproducible clinically. Iontophoresis offers a novel solution to reduce the rate of perioperative infection in reconstructive surgery involving use of bone graft.
METHODS: Vancomycin at various concentrations was added to JectOS and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Then, the cement was molded into standardized dimensions for in vitro testing. Cylindrical vancomycin-JectOS samples were subjected to compressive strength. The results obtained were compared to PMMA-vancomycin compressive strength data attained from historical controls. The zone of inhibition was carried out using vancomycin-JectOS and vancomycin-PMMA disk on methicillin-resistant strain culture agar.
RESULTS: With the addition of 2.5%, 5%, and 10% vancomycin, the average compressive strengths reduced to 8.01 ± 0.95 MPa (24.6%), 7.52 ± 0.71 MPa (29.2%), and 7.23 ± 1.34 MPa (31.9%). Addition of vancomycin significantly weakened biomechanical properties of JectOS, but there was no significant difference in the compressive strength at increasing concentrations. The average diameters of zone of inhibition for JectOS-vancomycin were 24.7 ± 1.44 (2.5%) mm, 25.9 ± 0.85 mm (5%), and 26.8 ± 1.81 mm (10%), which outperformed PMMA.
CONCLUSION: JectOS has poor mechanical performance but superior elution property. JectOS-vancomycin cement is suitable as a void filler delivering high local concentration of vancomycin. We recommended using it for contained bone defects that do not require mechanical strength.