Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 118 in total

  1. Koh SF, Tay ST, Puthucheary SD
    Trop Biomed, 2013 Sep;30(3):428-33.
    PMID: 24189672 MyJurnal
    Burkholderia pseudomallei the causative agent of melioidosis, is being increasingly recognized as an important cause of morbidity and mortality in South East Asia. Biofilm formation of B. pseudomallei may be responsible for dormancy, latency and relapse of melioidosis. Based on the colonial morphology of the bacteria on B. pseudomallei selective agar medium, seven distinct morphotypes were identified. This study was conducted to assess the in vitro biofilm produced by B. pseudomallei and to investigate possible correlation between B. pseudomallei morphotypes with biofilm forming abilities of the isolates. Using a standard biofilm crystal violet staining assay, comparison was made between the biofilm forming ability of 76 isolates of B. pseudomallei and Burkholderia thailandensis ATCC 700388. Amongst the blood isolates, 30.2% were considered as high biofilm producers and 27.9% were low producers, 33.3% of the pus isolates were considered as high and 16% low biofilm producers. Most of the isolates were identified as morphotype group 1 which displayed a rough centre with irregular circumference on the agar medium. However, we did not find any correlation of B. pseudomallei morphotypes with biofilm forming abilities (p > 0.05). Additional studies are needed to identify internal and external factors which contribute to the high and low biofilm formation of B. pseudomallei.
  2. Liew FY, Tay ST, Puthucheary SD
    Trop Biomed, 2011 Dec;28(3):646-50.
    PMID: 22433895 MyJurnal
    Ciprofloxacin, a quinolone with good intracellular penetration may possibly be used for treatment of melioidosis caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei, but problems with resistance may be encountered. Amino acid substitutions in gyrA/gyrB have given rise to fluoroquinolone resistance in various microorganisms. Using published primers for gyrA and gyrB, PCR was performed on 11 isolates of B. pseudomallei with varying degrees of sensitivity to ciprofloxacin, followed by DNA sequencing to detect possible mutations. Results showed an absence of any point mutation in either gene. Local isolates have yet to develop full resistance to ciprofloxacin and probably other mechanisms of resistance may have been involved in the decreased sensitivity to ciprofloxacin.
  3. Kho KL, Tan PE, Tay ST
    J Med Entomol, 2019 02 25;56(2):547-552.
    PMID: 30304529 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjy168
    High seropositivity to Rickettsia conorii and Rickettsia felis has been reported in Malaysian indigenous community living in settlements adjacent to forest areas. The current study was conducted to determine the type and distribution of rickettsiae in feeding and questing ticks that were collected from a forest reserve area at Kuala Lompat in Pahang, Malaysia. Using PCR assays targeting citrate synthase (gltA), outer membrane protein A (ompA) and B (ompB) genes, rickettsiae were detected from approximately one-third of 98 ticks (mainly Dermacentor and Haemaphysalis spp.) collected from the forest reserve. BLAST analysis reveals the predominance of Rickettsia sp. RF2125 in both feeding and questing ticks and Rickettsia sp. TCM1 in the questing ticks. Sequences exhibiting close genetic relationship with Rickettsia raoultii, Rickettsia tamurae, Rickettsia heilongjiangensis, and Rickettsia asiatica were also detected from the ticks. This study highlights the diversity of rickettsial species and potential tick vectors which may contribute to the high seropositivity observed among the local communities.
  4. Munusamy K, Vadivelu J, Tay ST
    Rev Iberoam Micol, 2018 03 12;35(2):68-72.
    PMID: 29544734 DOI: 10.1016/j.riam.2017.07.001
    BACKGROUND: Biofilm is known to contribute to the antifungal resistance of Candida yeasts. Aureobasidin A (AbA), a cyclic depsipeptide targeting fungal sphingolipid biosynthesis, has been shown to be effective against several Candida species.

    AIMS: The aim of this study was to investigate Candida biofilm growth morphology, its biomass, metabolic activity, and to determine the effects of AbA on the biofilm growth.

    METHODS: The biofilm forming ability of several clinical isolates of different Candida species from our culture collection was determined using established methods (crystal violet and XTT assays). The determination of AbA planktonic and biofilm MICs was performed based on a micro-broth dilution method. The anti-biofilm effect of AbA on Candida albicans was examined using field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 35 (29.7%) of 118 Candida isolates were regarded as biofilm producers in this study. Candida parapsilosis was the largest producer, followed by Candida tropicalis and C. albicans. Two morphological variants of biofilms were identified in our isolates, with 48.6% of the isolates showing mainly yeast and pseudohyphae-like structures, while the remaining ones were predominantly filamentous forms. The biofilm producers were divided into two populations (low and high), based on the ability in producing biomass and their metabolic activity. Candida isolates with filamentous growth, higher biomass and metabolic activity showed lower AbA MIC50 (at least fourfold), compared to those exhibiting yeast morphology, and lower biomass and metabolic activity. The observation of filament detachment and the almost complete removal of biofilm from AbA-treated C. albicans biofilm in FESEM analysis suggests an anti-biofilm effect of AbA.

    CONCLUSIONS: The variability in the growth characteristics of Candida biofilm cultures affects susceptibility to AbA, with higher susceptibility noted in biofilm cultures exhibiting filamentous form and high biomass/metabolic activity.

  5. Tay ST, Puthucheary SD, Devi S, Kautner I
    Singapore Med J, 1995 Jun;36(3):282-4.
    PMID: 8553093
    Eight-five clinical and 15 poultry isolates of Campylobacter species were characterised by biotyping, serotyping and by using a radiolabelled DNA probe. A total of 80% of the isolates from both sources were identified as C. jejuni. Also amongst the clinical strains were 5 c. jejuni subsp. doylei, 7 C. coli, 3 C. lari and 8 were untypable. The similarity in the distribution of C. jejuni in the clinical and poultry isolates adds credibility to published reports of chickens being the most common source of Campylobacter infections. Although the gold standard for identification of C. jejuni is the DNA probe, serotyping is more discriminating while biotyping is the most feasible method in most laboratories.
  6. Tay ST, Cheah PC, Puthucheary SD
    J Clin Microbiol, 2010 Apr;48(4):1465-7.
    PMID: 20089759 DOI: 10.1128/JCM.01131-09
    Four flagellin allelic types (I to IV) of Burkholderia pseudomallei were identified based on their sequence variation and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the amplified flagellin gene. Flagellin allelic type I was the most predominantly (75.0%) found among the 100 clinical isolates of B. pseudomallei investigated in this study.
  7. Tay ST, Kamalanathan M, Rohani MY
    PMID: 12757227
    In this study, the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi (strain B. afzelii) among Malaysian blood donors and patients admitted to hospital with various infectious diseases was determined. Sera were screened using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA); positive sera were then subjected to Western blot testing. All but one of the blood donors were negative for borrelial antibodies. Of 121 patients' sera, IgM antibodies were detected in 24 (19.8%) and IgG antibodies were detected in 5 (4.1%) sera. Only one of two patients with skin manifestations suggestive of Lyme disease had IgM antibody against B. afzelii. Of 30 patients with exposure to tick typhus, 4 (13.3%) were IgM positive and 1 (3.3%) was IgG positive. Based on the detection of antigenic bands by Western blot, 6 patients' sera showed positive reactions. Antigenic bands of p39, p41 and p59/62 kDa were the commonest findings of Western blotting. This study provides serological evidence of B. afzelii infections in Malaysia; further investigation is needed to correlate serological and clinical findings.
  8. Tay ST, Kamalanathan M, Rohani MY
    PMID: 12971530
    The seroprevalence of Orientia tsutsugamushi (OT), Rickettsia typhi (RT) and TT118 spotted fever group rickettsiae (SFGR) among blood donors and febrile Malaysian patients in the urban areas was determined. Of the 240 blood donors, 5.4%, 9.2% and 1.7% had either present or previous exposure to OT, RT and SFG rickettsiae, respectively. Patients admitted to an urban hospital had high seroprevalences of OT (43.5%) and RT (22.9%), as compared to SFGR (11.6%). Antibody levels suggestive of recent infections of scrub typhus, murine typhus and tick typhus were detected in 16.8%, 12.7% and 8.2% of patients respectively. No significant difference was noted in the distribution of rickettsial antibodies among urban patients from 2 geographical locations. However, the serologic patterns of rickettsial infection in the urban areas were different form those of rural areas.
  9. Tay ST, Na SL, Tajuddin TH
    Mycoses, 2008 Nov;51(6):515-9.
    PMID: 18498307 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2008.01516.x
    Cryptococcus albidus and C. laurentii were the predominant non-neoformans cryptococci isolated during an environmental sampling study for C. gattii at Klang Valley, Malaysia. Cryptococcus gattii was not isolated from any of the environmental samples. Cryptococcus albidus and C. laurentii were isolated mainly from vegetative samples of Eucalyptus trees and bird droppings. Upon testing on canavanine-glycine-bromothymol blue (CGB) agar, all the C. albidus isolates remained unchanged. Interestingly, a total of 29 (76.3%) C. laurentii isolates formed blue colours on the CGB agar. Sequence analysis of ITS1-5.8rDNA-ITS2 gene sequences (468 bp) of four CGB-blue C. laurentii isolates demonstrated the closest match (99%) with that of C. laurentii CBS 7140. This study demonstrated the diverse environmental niche of C. albidus and C. laurentii in Malaysia.
  10. Tay ST, Nazma S, Rohani MY
    PMID: 9185274
    A rapid diagnostic system for scrub typhus using nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was applied to clinical samples from Malaysian Aborigines. Whole blood from twenty-four patients suspected of scrub typhus infection were tested using nested polymerase chain reaction and sera were evaluated by the indirect immunoperoxidase test. Antibody responses towards Rickettsia tsutsugamushi were observed in seventeen patients with the majority having high titers of IgG antibodies. Seven patients were seronegative. The nested PCR amplified R. tsutsugamushi DNA from six patients, of which two were negative serologically and four had high titers of IgG antibodies. Second samples collected seven days after treatment were negative by PCR testing. Nested PCR is highly sensitive and specific and may be used to provide rapid confirmation of scrub typhus cases in endemic region.
  11. Tay ST, Kho KL, Wee WY, Choo SW
    Acta Trop, 2016 Mar;155:25-33.
    PMID: 26658020 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.11.019
    Bartonella elizabethae has been known to cause endocarditis and neuroretinitis in humans. The genomic features and virulence profiles of a B. elizabethae strain (designated as BeUM) isolated from the spleen of a wild rat in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia are described in this study. The BeUM strain has a genome size of 1,932,479bp and GC content of 38.3%. There is a high degree of conservation between the genomes of strain BeUM with B. elizabethae type strains (ATCC 49927 and F9251) and a rat-borne strain, Re6043vi. Of 2137 gene clusters identified from B. elizabethae strains, 2064 (96.6%) are indicated as the core gene clusters. Comparative genome analysis of B. elizabethae strains reveals virulence genes which are known in other pathogenic Bartonella species, including VirB2-11, vbhB2-B11, VirD4, trw, vapA2-5, hbpA-E, bepA-F, bepH, badA/vomp/brp, ialB, omp43/89 and korA-B. A putative intact prophage has been identified in the strain BeUM, in addition to a 8kb pathogenicity island. The whole genome analysis supports the zoonotic potential of the rodent-borne B. elizabethae, and provides basis for future functional and pathogenicity studies of B. elizabethae.
  12. Al-Marzooq F, Mohd Yusof MY, Tay ST
    Biomed Res Int, 2014;2014:601630.
    PMID: 24860827 DOI: 10.1155/2014/601630
    Ninety-three Malaysian extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates were investigated for ciprofloxacin resistance. Two mismatch amplification mutation (MAMA) assays were developed and used to facilitate rapid detection of gyrA and parC mutations. The isolates were also screened for plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) genes including aac(6')-Ib-cr, qepA, and qnr. Ciprofloxacin resistance (MICs 4- ≥ 32  μ g/mL) was noted in 34 (37%) isolates, of which 33 isolates had multiple mutations either in gyrA alone (n = 1) or in both gyrA and parC regions (n = 32). aac(6')-Ib-cr was the most common PMQR gene detected in this study (n = 61), followed by qnrB and qnrS (n = 55 and 1, resp.). Low-level ciprofloxacin resistance (MICs 1-2  μ g/mL) was noted in 40 (43%) isolates carrying qnrB accompanied by either aac(6')-Ib-cr (n = 34) or a single gyrA 83 mutation (n = 6). Ciprofloxacin resistance was significantly associated with the presence of multiple mutations in gyrA and parC regions. While the isolates harbouring gyrA and/or parC alteration were distributed into 11 PFGE clusters, no specific clusters were associated with isolates carrying PMQR genes. The high prevalence of ciprofloxacin resistance amongst the Malaysian ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae isolates suggests the need for more effective infection control measures to limit the spread of these resistant organisms in the hospital.
  13. Saiful Anuar AS, Mohd Yusof MY, Tay ST
    Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 2013 Jul;17(13):1744-7.
    PMID: 23852897
    The ciprofloxacin resistance of Klebsiella (K.) pneumoniae is mediated primarily through alterations in type II topoisomerase (gyrA) gene and plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance-conferring genes (qnr). This study aimed to define the prevalence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance-conferring genes (qnr) and type II topoisomerase (gyrA) alterations of a population of ciprofloxacin-resistant (n = 21), intermediate (n = 8), and sensitive (n = 18) K. pneumoniae isolates obtained from a teaching hospital at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  14. Roesnita B, Tay ST, Puthucheary SD, Sam IC
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 2012 Feb;106(2):131-3.
    PMID: 22112687 DOI: 10.1016/j.trstmh.2011.10.007
    Routine use of selective media improves diagnosis of Burkholderia pseudomallei, but resources may be limited in endemic developing countries. To maximise yield in the relatively low-prevalence setting of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, B. pseudomallei selective agar and broth were compared with routine media for 154 respiratory specimens from patients with community-acquired disease. Selective media detected three additional culture-positive specimens and one additional melioidosis patient, at a consumables cost of US$75. Burkholderia pseudomallei was not isolated from 74 diabetic foot ulcer samples. Following careful local evaluation, focused use of selective media may be cost-effective.
  15. Tay ST, Rohani YM, Ho TM, Shamala D
    Microbiol. Immunol., 2005;49(1):67-71.
    PMID: 15665455
    The DNA sequences encompassing two hypervariable regions, VD II and III of the 56 kDa immunodominant protein gene of 21 Malaysian strains of Orientia tsutsugamushi were determined. Two strains demonstrated a 100% DNA homology with the Gilliam prototype strain, and one with TH1817 strain and TA678 strain respectively. High percentages of DNA similarity (95-99%) were observed with Karp (4 strains), Gilliam (2 strains), TH1817 (4 strains), TC586 (3 strains) and TA763 (1 strain). The remaining strains demonstrated the highest DNA similarity with TA763 (1 strain, 89%), TA678 (1 strain, 86%) and TA686 (1 strain, 87%). Our study provides additional evidence on the existence and the genetic heterogeneity of TA strains of the Southeast Asia and their closely related strains in Malaysia.
  16. Tay ST, Chai HC, Na SL, Ng KP
    Mycopathologia, 2005 Apr;159(3):325-9.
    PMID: 15883714
    The genotypes of 221 recent isolates of Candida albicans from various clinical specimens of 213 patients admitted to the University Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia was determined based on the amplification of a transposable intron region in the 25 S rRNA gene. The analyses of 178 C. albicans isolated from nonsterile clinical specimens showed that they could be classified into three genotypes: genotype A (138 isolates), genotype B (38 isolates) and genotype C (2 isolates). The genotyping of 43 clinical isolates from sterile specimens showed that they belonged to genotype A (29 isolates), genotype B (10 isolates), genotype C (2 isolates) and genotype D (2 isolates). The overall distribution of C. albicans genotypes in sterile and nonsterile specimens appeared similar, with genotype A being the most predominant type. This study reported the identification of C. dubliniensis (genotype D) in 2 HIV-negative patients with systemic candidiasis, which were missed by the routine mycological procedure. The study demonstrated the genetic diversity of clinical isolates of C. albicans in Malaysia.
  17. Al-Marzooq F, Mohd Yusof MY, Tay ST
    PLoS One, 2015;10(7):e0133654.
    PMID: 26203651 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0133654
    Infections caused by multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae have been increasingly reported in many parts of the world. A total of 93 Malaysian multidrug resistant K. pneumoniae isolated from patients attending to University of Malaya Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 2010-2012 were investigated for antibiotic resistance determinants including extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs), aminoglycoside and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole resistance genes and plasmid replicons. CTX-M-15 (91.3%) was the predominant ESBL gene detected in this study. aacC2 gene (67.7%) was the most common gene detected in aminoglycoside-resistant isolates. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole resistance (90.3%) was attributed to the presence of sul1 (53.8%) and dfrA (59.1%) genes in the isolates. Multiple plasmid replicons (1-4) were detected in 95.7% of the isolates. FIIK was the dominant replicon detected together with 13 other types of plasmid replicons. Conjugative plasmids (1-3 plasmids of ~3-100 kb) were obtained from 27 of 43 K. pneumoniae isolates. An ESBL gene (either CTX-M-15, CTX-M-3 or SHV-12) was detected from each transconjugant. Co-detection with at least one of other antibiotic resistance determinants [sul1, dfrA, aacC2, aac(6')-Ib, aac(6')-Ib-cr and qnrB] was noted in most conjugative plasmids. The transconjugants were resistant to multiple antibiotics including β-lactams, gentamicin and cotrimoxazole, but not ciprofloxacin. This is the first study describing the characterization of plasmids circulating in Malaysian multidrug resistant K. pneumoniae isolates. The results of this study suggest the diffusion of highly diverse plasmids with multiple antibiotic resistance determinants among the Malaysian isolates. Effective infection control measures and antibiotic stewardship programs should be adopted to limit the spread of the multidrug resistant bacteria in healthcare settings.
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