MATERIALS AND METHODS: The STIM1 effect was assessed via dicersubstrate siRNA-mediated STIM1 knockdown. The effect of STIM1 knockdown on the expression of AKT and MAPK pathway-related genes and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation-related genes was tested using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Cellular functions, including ROS generation, cell proliferation, and colony formation, were also evaluated following STIM1 knockdown.
RESULTS: The findings revealed that STIM1 knockdown reduced intracellular ROS levels via downregulation of NOX2 and PKC. These findings were associated with the downregulation of AKT, KRAS, MAPK, and CMYC. BCL2 was also downregulated, while BAX was upregulated following STIM1 knockdown. Furthermore, STIM1 knockdown reduced THP-1 cell proliferation and colony formation.
CONCLUSION: This study has demonstrated the role of STIM1 in promoting AML cell proliferation and survival through enhanced ROS generation and regulation of AKT/MAPK-related pathways. These findings may help establish STIM1 as a potential therapeutic target for AML treatment.
OBJECTIVES: To establish a simple, efficient, and optimized method to produce a G6PDViangchan variant and characterize the phenotypes of recombinant human wild-type G6PD and G6PDViangchan.
METHODS: G6PD was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from a human cDNA plasmid, and the gene for G6PDViangchan was amplified by initiating a mutation at location 871 (G>A) through site-directed mutagenesis. Protein expression and western blotting were conducted after successful cloning. The enzymatic activity of both proteins was assessed spectrophotometrically after purification.
RESULTS: Both amplicons were successfully cloned into a pET26b(+) expression vector and transformed into Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) cells for overexpression as C-terminally histidine-tagged recombinant proteins. Western blotting confirmed that both proteins were successfully produced at similar levels. The enzymes were purified by immobilized metal (Co) affinity chromatography. Postpurification assay of enzyme activity revealed about 2-fold differences in the levels of specific activity between the wild-type G6PD (155.88 U/mg) and G6PDViangchan (81.85 U/mg), which is consistent with earlier reports. Analysis in silico showed that the coding change in G6PDViangchan has a substantial effect on protein folding structure.
CONCLUSIONS: We successfully cloned, expressed, and purified both wild-type G6PD and G6PDViangchan proteins. Such a protocol may be useful for creating a model system to study G6PD deficiency disease.
METHODS: Stool DNA was isolated and tumor-associated high molecular weight DNA (1.476 kb fragment including exons 6-9 of the p53 gene) was amplified using PCR and visualized on ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels.
RESULTS: Out of 32 CRC patients, 18 were positive for the presence of high molecular weight DNA as compared to none of the healthy individuals, resulting in an overall sensitivity of 56.3% with 100% specificity. Out of 32 patients, 23 had tumor on the left side and 9 on the right side, 16 and 2 being respectively positive. This showed that high molecular weight DNA was significantly (p=0.022) more detectable in patients with left side tumor (69.6% vs 22.2%). Out of 32 patients, 22 had tumors larger than 1.0 cm, 18 of these (81.8%) being positive for long DNA as compared to not a single patient with tumor size smaller than 1.0 cm (p<0.001).
CONCLUSION: We detected CRC-related high molecular weight p53 DNA in stool samples of CRC patients with an overall sensitivity of 56.3% with 100% specificity, with a strong tumor size dependence.