Displaying publications 21 - 35 of 35 in total

  1. Citation: Examination Standards for Disabled Driver's Licensing. Putrajaya: Occupational Health Unit, Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia; 2011
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy
  2. Sahin K, Demirel M, Turgut N, Arzu U, Polat G
    Malays Orthop J, 2019 Mar;13(1):45-48.
    PMID: 31001384 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1903.009
    Aneurysmal bone cysts rather than local aggressive lesions of the bone which may arise in any part of the axial or appendicular skeleton. Although several theories are available in the literature, the pathogenesis is still conflicting. We report an exceptional case of an aneurysmal bone cyst in the distal femur of a female cerebral palsy patient who underwent bilateral distal femoral derotational osteotomy and plate-screw fixation operations when she was 11 years old. Twenty-four months after the operation, radiographs showed a cystic lesion in the distal portion of the right femur around the osteotomy site. The diagnosis of Aneurysmal Bone Cyst (ABC) was made and the lesion was treated by curettage with cement application. After 36 months of follow-up, there was no recurrence. This is the first case reported in literature which raises the possibility that an osteotomy could be a cause in the development of an aneurysmal bone cyst.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy
  3. Mahnon Suria Mokhy, Rosita Jamaluddin, Abd Rasyid Ismail, Woan Yie Siah, Norhasmah Sulaiman, Siti Nur ‘Asyura Adznam, et al.
    This article aimed to review the available anthropometry measurements used in the assessment of nutritional sta- tus among Cerebral Palsy (CP) children. Searched journals were from Medline, PubMed and Ovid published from 2015 to 2018. The search identified 443 articles, and eight studies met the criteria. Anthropometric measurements included weight, height, recumbent length, knee height, tibia length, Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), Bio- electrical impedance (BIA), Mid arm circumference (MUAC) subscapular skinfold (SFT), Triceps skinfold (TSF) and prediction equations. Body fat composition can be obtained by DXA, BIA, skinfold measurement, and also prediction equation. The predictive equation is the most reported method to determine nutritional status among CP. This review found that TSF and SFT are more accurate to determine body fat percentage when using together with the predictive equation. Besides, predictive equations using segmental length are reliable in estimating the height and can be used to evaluate the nutritional status using the specific CP growth chart.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy
  4. Ling, Sui Hui, Chua, Soh Yian, Habsah Razak, Muhamad Rais Abdullah, Wong, See Chang, Toh, Teck Hock
    Int J Public Health Res, 2011;1(2):146-151.
    Introduction Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are often prescribed Rehabilitation and Seating Systems (RSS) to assist in daily activities, posture improvement and prevention of muscular-skeletal complications. In Sarawak, a special project to produce RSS was started under a partnership of a Japanese physiotherapist, health department and the community using local material.Aim To document the RSS project and to determine usefulness and costaffordability of these systems for cerebral palsy children and their families.
    Methods The details of RSS manufactured were retrieved from the clinic notes and secretary file. Parents of children who received the seating systems between July 2004 and September 2008 were invited to complete a 5-point Global Parental Perception Questionnaire (GPPQ) between December 2008 and January 2009.
    Results 277 RSS were manufactured between July 2004 and February 2011 (which included modified wheel chair, wooden chair, corner chair, buggy chair and standing frame), and used by children all over Sarawak. Parents of 73 children who used the seating systems completed the 5-points GPPQ. Ten families required full sponsorship. Children spent more time sitting up and brought outdoor more often after the systems became available. Majority of parents reported positive experience in their children with sitting ability, smiles, interaction with people, learning skills and easiness of doing physiotherapy. No change was noted with passing of motion drooling / oral secretion. Most parents agreed that the cost was affordable and worth paying.
    Conclusions A community based initiative to manufacture RSS by using locally available material and skill, at affordable price for the parents was feasible and useful for the family/children with CP.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy
  5. Nyi, Nyi Naing, Zabidi Azhar Mohd Hussin, Nawaz Hussin, Menaga, M., Aw Linda, Raihan, S., et al.
    A sample of 204 handicapped children below 12 years of age consisting of 121(59.3%) males and 83 (40.7%) females who were classified into various types of mental and physical handicaps, were surveyed in April and May 1996. The majority of those with mental handicaps were Down Syndrome while those with cerebral palsy were the mostfrequent cause of physical handicaps. A structured questionnaire was used for interviewing the children parents to evaluate their attitude towards their handicapped children. The majority of the parents expressed their opinions that having handicapped children was not a burden to them although these children had to be given more attention. However, a significant minority felt that the child would be afinancial burden to the family and that he/she would restrict the social life of the family. The majority of the children were sent to school, as parents felt it was their duty to do so. For those children not attending school, the majority of parents felt that the children would not benefit by going. The others could not do so because offinancial constraints or because of the distance between home and school. For these children, provid-ing hostel facilities in a boarding school could be the answer. This study shows that parental love and support plays a major role in ensuring optimal growth and development of a handicapped child
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy
  6. Huq, N.L., DeAngelis, A., Rahim, Z.H.A., Ung, M., Lucas, J., Cross, K.J., et al.
    Ann Dent, 2004;11(1):-.
    The aim was to examine the protein profiles of whole and parotid saliva using Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The banding patterns of proteins exhibited by the unstimulated whole saliva samples on the gel remained quite constant but the intensity of the protein bands were slightly different from one sample to another. Comparison of the protein profiles of unstimulated whole saliva and stimulated parotid saliva showed almost similar banding pattern. The exception is the presence of a pink protein band in the 65-67 kD region in the stimulated parotid saliva samples which was also observed in the unstimulated whole saliva sample contributed by a cerebral palsy patient. Analysis of the saliva samples using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry also revealed that the stimulated parotid saliva samples exhibited some peaks that were in the same region as those for the unstimulated whole saliva sample of the cerebral palsy subject. This may imply that there is ineffective control of the parotid secretion in cerebral palsy subject under unstimulated condition. The SDS-PAGE and MALDI-TOF analyses may provide more information on the profiles of the salivary proteins which could be beneficial in the diagnosis of salivary gland dysfunction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy
  7. Yap, Chiew Yee, Tam, Pui Ying, Ng, Su Wei
    Scurvy resulting from dietary deficiency of vitamin C is characterized by anaemia, tender limbs swelling and hemorrhagic manifestations such as petechiae and bruises. We report a case of scurvy in a 13 years old boy with cerebral palsy who presented with history of limbs bruising and swelling for 2 months. On examination, he was cachexic and pale with poor dentition and swollen gum. There were extensive bruises and swollen limbs as well. His platelet count and coagulation profile were normal. Limbs X-ray revealed classical scorbutic changes in the long bones. Serum ascorbic acid level was low
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy
  8. Vipin M, Sujendra DM, Imthiaz VK, Hitesh-Shah
    Malays Orthop J, 2016 Nov;10(3):46-48.
    PMID: 28553449 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1611.006
    An adolescent boy with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy presented with crouch gait. He had bilateral severe flexion deformities of knees and hips. He was treated with single event multilevel surgery for the correction of deformities. Surgical procedures included bilateral adductor release, iliopsoas lengthening, bilateral femoral shortening and patella plication. Persistent hypertension was noted in the post-operative period. All causes of secondary hypertension were ruled out. Having persistent hypertension following the femoral shortening procedure is unusual. Antihypertensive medication controlled his blood pressure 15 months after surgery. Hypertension following correction of knee flexion deformity and limb lengthening is well known. Hypertension has not been described with the shortening osteotomy of the femur. Hypertension is a rare complication following the corrective surgery for the treatment of crouch gait. Blood pressure should be monitored during the post-operative period to detect such a rare complication.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy
  9. Samsir S, Zakaria R, Razak SA, Ismail MS, Rahim MZA, Lin CS, et al.
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 Sep;25(5):68-78.
    PMID: 30914864 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.5.7
    Background: Neuroimaging is increasingly used to locate the lesion that causes cerebral palsy (CP) and its extent in the brains of CP patients. Conventional structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) does not indicate the connectional pattern of white matter; however, with the help of diffusion MRI, fibre tracking of white matter can be done.

    Methods: We used diffusion MRI and probabilistic tractography to identify the putative white matter connectivity in the brains of 10 CP patients. We tracked the corticospinal tract (CST) of the patients' upper and lower limbs and calculated the white matter connectivity, as indexed by streamlines representing the probability of connection of the CST.

    Results: Our results show that diffusion MRI with probabilistic tractography, while having some relation with the clinical diagnosis of CP, reveals a high degree of individual variation in the streamlines representing the CST for upper and lower limbs.

    Conclusion: Diffusion MRI with probabilistic tractography provides the state of connectivity from lesioned areas to other parts of the brain and is potentially beneficial to be used as an adjunct to the clinical management of CP, providing a means to monitor intervention outcomes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy
  10. Ramli R, Abd Rahman R
    Malays J Med Sci, 2002 Jul;9(2):47-50.
    PMID: 22844224
    Myiasis occurs when living tissues of mammals are invaded by eggs or larvae of flies, mainly from the order of Diptera. Most of the previousty reported cases are in the tropics and they were usually associated with inadequate personal hygiene, sometimes with poor manual dexterity. This report describes two cases of oral myiasis in cerebral palsy patients in Seremban General Hospital, Malaysia. This article also discusses the therapeutic property of maggots and highlights the importance of oral health care in the special needs patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy
  11. Ong LC, Afifah I, Sofiah A, Lye MS
    Ann Trop Paediatr, 1998 Dec;18(4):301-7.
    PMID: 9924586 DOI: 10.1080/02724936.1998.11747964
    A hospital study was carried out to compare parenting stress among 87 Malaysian mothers of children with cerebral palsy and a control group (comprising 87 mothers of children without disability who attended the walk-in paediatric clinic), using the Parenting Stress Index (PSI) questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine socio-demographic and medical factors associated with child-domain stress (CDS) and parent-domain stress (PDS). Mothers of children with cerebral palsy scored significantly higher than control subjects on all sub-scales of CDS and PDS (p < 0.01), except for the sub-scale of 'role restriction'. The presence of cerebral palsy (p < 0.001) and activities of daily living (ADL) scores (p < 0.001) were significantly associated with CDS. Factors predictive of PDS were ADL scores (p < 0.001), number of hospitalizations over the past year (p = 0.024), level of maternal education (p = 0.018) and Chinese mothers (p < 0.001). Although this study demonstrated that Malaysian mothers of children with cerebral palsy experienced higher levels of stress than controls, the impact of cerebral palsy per se on parenting stress was modified by other factors such as increased care-giving demands, low maternal education and ethnic background. Habilitation should be directed at easing the burden of daily care, minimizing hospital re-admissions and targeting appropriate psychosocial support at specific subgroups to change parental perception and expectations.
    Study site: neurology clinics or physiotherapy department or inpatients, Paediatric Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy/psychology*
  12. Silva JF
    Paraplegia, 1973 Aug;11(2):146-58.
    PMID: 4584434 DOI: 10.1038/sc.1973.19
    One hundred and forty-one patients with non-traumatic paraplegia were reviewed. The common causative factors and the problems arising were evaluated. Management of the clinical problems were described. The need for prevention and early treatment has been stressed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy/complications
  13. Lai NM, Ahmad Kamar A, Choo YM, Kong JY, Ngim CF
    Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2017 Aug 01;8(8):CD011891.
    PMID: 28762235 DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011891.pub2
    BACKGROUND: Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia is a common problem which carries a risk of neurotoxicity. Certain infants who have hyperbilirubinaemia develop bilirubin encephalopathy and kernicterus which may lead to long-term disability. Phototherapy is currently the mainstay of treatment for neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia. Among the adjunctive measures to compliment the effects of phototherapy, fluid supplementation has been proposed to reduce serum bilirubin levels. The mechanism of action proposed includes direct dilutional effects of intravenous (IV) fluids, or enhancement of peristalsis to reduce enterohepatic circulation by oral fluid supplementation.

    OBJECTIVES: To assess the risks and benefits of fluid supplementation compared to standard fluid management in term and preterm newborn infants with unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia who require phototherapy.

    SEARCH METHODS: We used the standard search strategy of Cochrane Neonatal to search the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2017, Issue 5), MEDLINE via PubMed (1966 to 7 June 2017), Embase (1980 to 7 June 2017), and CINAHL (1982 to 7 June 2017). We also searched clinical trials databases, conference proceedings, and the reference lists of retrieved articles for randomised controlled trials and quasi-randomised trials.

    SELECTION CRITERIA: We included randomised controlled trials that compared fluid supplementation against no fluid supplementation, or one form of fluid supplementation against another.

    DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We extracted data using the standard methods of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group using the Covidence platform. Two review authors independently assessed the eligibility and risk of bias of the retrieved records. We expressed our results using mean difference (MD), risk difference (RD), and risk ratio (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs).

    MAIN RESULTS: Out of 1449 articles screened, seven studies were included. Three articles were awaiting classification, among them, two completed trials identified from the trial registry appeared to be unpublished so far.There were two major comparisons: IV fluid supplementation versus no fluid supplementation (six studies) and IV fluid supplementation versus oral fluid supplementation (one study). A total of 494 term, healthy newborn infants with unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia were evaluated. All studies were at high risk of bias for blinding of care personnel, five studies had unclear risk of bias for blinding of outcome assessors, and most studies had unclear risk of bias in allocation concealment. There was low- to moderate-quality evidence for all major outcomes.In the comparison between IV fluid supplementation and no supplementation, no infant in either group developed bilirubin encephalopathy in the one study that reported this outcome. Serum bilirubin was lower at four hours postintervention for infants who received IV fluid supplementation (MD -34.00 μmol/L (-1.99 mg/dL), 95% CI -52.29 (3.06) to -15.71 (0.92); participants = 67, study = 1) (low quality of evidence, downgraded one level for indirectness and one level for suspected publication bias). Beyond eight hours postintervention, serum bilirubin was similar between the two groups. Duration of phototherapy was significantly shorter for fluid-supplemented infants, but the estimate was affected by heterogeneity which was not clearly explained (MD -10.70 hours, 95% CI -15.55 to -5.85; participants = 218; studies = 3; I² = 67%). Fluid-supplemented infants were less likely to require exchange transfusion (RR 0.39, 95% CI 0.21 to 0.71; RD -0.01, 95% CI -0.04 to 0.02; participants = 462; studies = 6; I² = 72%) (low quality of evidence, downgraded one level due to inconsistency, and another level due to suspected publication bias), and the estimate was similarly affected by unexplained heterogeneity. The frequencies of breastfeeding were similar between the fluid-supplemented and non-supplemented infants in days one to three based on one study (estimate on day three: MD 0.90 feeds, 95% CI -0.40 to 2.20; participants = 60) (moderate quality of evidence, downgraded one level for imprecision).One study contributed to all outcome data in the comparison of IV versus oral fluid supplementation. In this comparison, no infant in either group developed abnormal neurological signs. Serum bilirubin, as well as the rate of change of serum bilirubin, were similar between the two groups at four hours after phototherapy (serum bilirubin: MD 11.00 μmol/L (0.64 mg/dL), 95% CI -21.58 (-1.26) to 43.58 (2.55); rate of change of serum bilirubin: MD 0.80 μmol/L/hour (0.05 mg/dL/hour), 95% CI -2.55 (-0.15) to 4.15 (0.24); participants = 54 in both outcomes) (moderate quality of evidence for both outcomes, downgraded one level for indirectness). The number of infants who required exchange transfusion was similar between the two groups (RR 1.60, 95% CI 0.60 to 4.27; RD 0.11, 95% CI -0.12 to 0.34; participants = 54). No infant in either group developed adverse effects including vomiting or abdominal distension.

    AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is no evidence that IV fluid supplementation affects important clinical outcomes such as bilirubin encephalopathy, kernicterus, or cerebral palsy in healthy, term newborn infants with unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia requiring phototherapy. In this review, no infant developed these bilirubin-associated clinical complications. Low- to moderate-quality evidence shows that there are differences in total serum bilirubin levels between fluid-supplemented and control groups at some time points but not at others, the clinical significance of which is uncertain. There is no evidence of a difference between the effectiveness of IV and oral fluid supplementations in reducing serum bilirubin. Similarly, no infant developed adverse events or complications from fluid supplementation such as vomiting or abdominal distension. This suggests a need for future research to focus on different population groups with possibly higher baseline risks of bilirubin-related neurological complications, such as preterm or low birthweight infants, infants with haemolytic hyperbilirubinaemia, as well as infants with dehydration for comparison of different fluid supplementation regimen.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy/prevention & control
  14. Uthamalingam M, Singh DS
    J Clin Diagn Res, 2016 Jun;10(6):PD05-6.
    PMID: 27504347 DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2016/18761.7965
    Incidences of cerebral palsy (CP) in children are not quite common even though it is the most common motor disorder in children. Further quality of life in CP cases is not so good in young adult stages and has to face certain problems. However scalp haematoma formation in CP patient without injury to head is rarely been reported. The case is being reported for the first time from Malaysia. We report on a unique case of scalp haematoma in an 18-year-old girl of known CP patient with unknown cause. No history of trauma or fall with any of the focal neurological signs or symptoms was found. Clinical examination showed soft boggy swelling of 8 x 10 cm size, involving most of scalp and upper face. CT - scan showed scalp haematoma with right orbital extraconal lesion. She underwent incision and drainage of scalp lesion; consequently around 100 ml of clotted blood came out. At follow-up she was doing well.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy
  15. Lee CYZ, Chakranon P, Lee SWH
    Front Pharmacol, 2019;10:1221.
    PMID: 31708771 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01221
    Context: Several interventions are available for the management of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), but no studies have compared their relative efficacy in a single analysis. This study aims to compare and determine the effectiveness of available interventions for HIE using direct and indirect data. Methods: Large randomized trials were identified from PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL Plus, AMED, and Cochrane Library of Clinical Trials database from inception until June 30, 2018. Two independent reviewers extracted study data and performed quality assessment. Direct and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials was performed to obtained pooled results comparing the effectiveness of different therapies used in HIE on mortality, neurodevelopmental delay at 18 months, as well as adverse events. Their probability of having the highest efficacy and safety was estimated and ranked. The certainty of evidence for the primary outcomes of mortality and mortality or neurodevelopmental delay at 18 months was evaluated using GRADE criteria. Results: Fifteen studies comparing five interventions were included in the network meta-analysis. Whole body cooling [Odds ratio: 0.62 (95% credible interval: 0.46-0.83); 8 trials, high certainty of evidence] was the most effective treatment in reducing the risk of mortality, followed by selective head cooling (0.73; 0.48-1.11; 2 trials, moderate certainty of evidence) and use of magnesium sulfate (0.79; 0.20-3.06; 2 trials, low certainty of evidence). Whole body hypothermia (0.48; 0.33-0.71; 5 trials), selective head hypothermia (0.54; 0.32-0.89; 2 trials), and erythropoietin (0.36; 0.19-0.66; 2 trials) were more effective for reducing the risk of mortality and neurodevelopmental delay at 18 months (moderate to high certainty). Among neonates treated for HIE, the use of erythropoietin (0.36; 0.18-0.74, 2 trials) and whole body hypothermia (0.61; 0.45-0.83; 7 trials) were associated with lower rates of cerebral palsy. Similarly, there were lower rates of seizures among neonates treated with erythropoietin (0.35; 0.13-0.94; 1 trial) and whole body hypothermia (0.64; 0.46-0.87, 7 trials). Conclusion: The findings support current guidelines using therapeutic hypothermia in neonates with HIE. However, more trials are needed to determine the role of adjuvant therapy to hypothermia in reducing the risk of mortality and/or neurodevelopmental delay.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Palsy
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