Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 70 in total

  1. Shunmugam P, Kanapathy S, Chan SE, Singh KK
    Braz J Infect Dis, 2012 Nov-Dec;16(6):603-4.
    PMID: 23158263 DOI: 10.1016/j.bjid.2012.07.005
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Bacillary/microbiology; Dysentery, Bacillary/epidemiology*
  2. Abidin Z, Iyngkaran N, Puthucheary SD
    Med J Malaysia, 1983 Jun;38(2):112-3.
    PMID: 6353185
    A three and a half year old boy with shigellosis developed fulminant hepatic failure. The hepatic derangements rapidly improved over a period of two weeks after treatment of the shigellosis with parenteral gentamicin. We believe this is the first documented report of fulminant hepatic failure due to shigella sepsis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Bacillary/complications*; Dysentery, Bacillary/drug therapy
  3. Lee WS, Puthucheary SD
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Jun;58(2):262-7.
    PMID: 14569747 MyJurnal
    There is an increasing trend for Shigella isolates worldwide to be resistant to commonly prescribed antibiotics. The species distribution and antibiotic resistance of Shigella species isolated from children in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 1978 to 1997 was reviewed. Three hundred and eighty six isolates were positive for Shigella species, representing 1.4% (95% CI: 1.3%-1.6%) of the 26320 total stool specimens and 13% (95% CI: 11.8%-14.2%) of 2986 isolates positive for bacterial pathogens. Shigella flexneri, constituting 74% of all isolates in the first five years of the study, decreased by 40% during the last five years (95% CI of decrease: 22.1%-57.9%), p-value < 0.0001) to 34%. There was a significant reduction (chi2 for linear trend = 77.6, p-value < 0.001) in the number of Shigella isolates as a percentage of total stool isolates obtained. 58% of the 241 isolates tested for antibiotic sensitivity were resistant to at least one antibiotic, and 42% wEre multi-resistant to three or more antibiotics. Shigella species was not a common pathogen among children admitted with diarrhoea in Kuala Lumpur, and was more likely to be resistant to commonly prescribed antibiotics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Bacillary/microbiology*; Dysentery, Bacillary/epidemiology*
  4. Ampalam SD, Fang L
    Med J Malaya, 1971 Jun;25(4):282-4.
    PMID: 4261301
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Bacillary/diagnosis; Dysentery, Bacillary/microbiology*
  5. Cheng CW, Feng CM, Chua CS
    J Int Med Res, 2020 May;48(5):300060520922379.
    PMID: 32475192 DOI: 10.1177/0300060520922379
    Amebiasis is a frequently occurring parasitic infection in South East Asia. We present a case of a 54-year-old man with right lower quadrant abdominal pain that persisted for longer than 1 year. He had been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease in Indonesia. His abdominal pain persisted, despite therapy, and he visited Malaysia for transnational medical advice. Abdominal ultrasound showed fatty liver, gallbladder polyps, and a small left renal stone. Colonoscopy showed multiple ulcers in the cecum and a histopathological examination confirmed amebic infection of the cecum. The colonic ulcers subsided after anti-amebic treatment. This case highlights the need to consider the differential diagnosis of amebic colitis in patients presenting with manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease, especially in patients who live in or have traveled to endemic areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic/diagnosis*; Dysentery, Amebic/physiopathology
  6. Farhana F, Jamaiah I, Rohela M, Abdul-Aziz NM, Nissapatorn V
    Trop Biomed, 2009 Dec;26(3):262-6.
    PMID: 20237439 MyJurnal
    This is a ten year (1999-2008) retrospective study of amebiasis in patients admitted to UMMC. A total of 34 cases were analyzed. The most common were amebic liver abscess 22(65%) and the rest were amoebic dysentery 12(35%). Majority of the cases occurred among Malaysians 29(85%), with Chinese 14(41%), followed by the Malays 9(26%) and the Indians 6(18%). Foreigners made up of one Indonesian, one Pakistani and three Myanmarese and constituted 5(15%) of the total cases. Males 24(71%) were more commonly affected. Most of the cases occurred between the age group of 40-49 years, 8(23%) and 60 years and above, 8(23%). Age group of 20-50 years constituted 20(60%) of the cases. The most common clinical presentations were fever with chills and rigors 26(76%), diarrhoea 20 (59%), right hypochondrium pain 17(50%), abdominal pain 17(50%), hepatomegaly 16 (47%) and jaundice 7(20%). All were discharged well after treatment except for one case of death in a 69-year-old Chinese male with amebic liver abscess.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic/ethnology; Dysentery, Amebic/epidemiology*
  7. Ti TK
    Aust N Z J Surg, 1979 Aug;49(4):428-31.
    PMID: 115452
    A 10-year experience in the diagnosis and treatment of 92 patients with inflammatory bowel diseases in Kuala Lumpur is described. Tuberculosis (34 cases) was the most common inflammatory bowel disease of surgical importance. The clinical presentation of tuberculous enteritis and Crohn's disease is similar, though tuberculosis is strongly suggested by associated pulmonary disease and radiological evidence of caecal involvement. The finding of 10 cases each of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis is in keeping with an increased awareness of these conditions in a developing urban society where facilities exist for thorough investigation of diarrhoeal diseases. Amoebiasis sometimes causes a granulomatous lesion simulating carcinoma. Diverticular disease of the colon as known in the West is of very rare occurrence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic/diagnosis; Dysentery, Amebic/therapy
  8. Thong KL, Hoe CH, Koh YT, Yasin RM
    J Health Popul Nutr, 2002 Dec;20(4):356-8.
    PMID: 12659418
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Bacillary/microbiology; Dysentery, Bacillary/epidemiology*
  9. Liew PS, Teh CS, Lau YL, Thong KL
    Trop Biomed, 2014 Dec;31(4):709-20.
    PMID: 25776596 MyJurnal
    Shigellosis is a foodborne illness caused by the genus Shigella and is an important global health issue. The development of effective techniques for rapid detection of this pathogen is essential for breaking the chain of transmission. Therefore, we have developed a novel loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay targeting the invasion plasmid antigen H (ipaH) gene to rapidly detect Shigella species. This assay could be performed in 90 min at an optimal temperature of 64ºC, with endpoint results visualized directly. Notably, the method was found to be more sensitive than conventional PCR. Indeed, the detection limit for the LAMP assay on pure bacterial cultures was 5.9 x 10(5) CFU/ml, while PCR displayed a limit of 5.9 x 10(7) CFU/ml. In spiked lettuce samples, the sensitivity of the LAMP assay was 3.6 x 10(4) CFU/g, whereas PCR was 3.6 x 10(5) CFU/g. Overall, the assay accurately identified 32 Shigella spp. with one enteroinvasive Escherichia coli displaying positive reaction while the remaining 32 non-Shigella strains tested were negative.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Bacillary/diagnosis*; Dysentery, Bacillary/microbiology
  10. Conoley OF
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery
  11. Azmi N, Othman N
    Membranes (Basel), 2021 May 21;11(6).
    PMID: 34063994 DOI: 10.3390/membranes11060376
    Amoebiasis is caused by Entamoeba histolytica and ranked second for parasitic diseases causing death after malaria. E. histolytica membrane and cytosolic proteins play important roles in the pathogenesis. Our previous study had shown several cytosolic proteins were found in the membrane fraction. Therefore, this study aimed to quantify the differential abundance of membrane and cytosolic proteins in membrane versus cytosolic fractions and analyze their predicted functions and interaction. Previous LC-ESI-MS/MS data were analyzed by PERSEUS software for the differentially abundant proteins, then they were classified into their functional annotations and the protein networks were summarized using PantherDB and STRiNG, respectively. The results showed 24 (44.4%) out of the 54 proteins that increased in abundance were membrane proteins and 30 were cytosolic proteins. Meanwhile, 45 cytosolic proteins were found to decrease in abundance. Functional analysis showed differential abundance proteins involved in the molecular function, biological process, and cellular component with 18.88%, 33.04% and, 48.07%, respectively. The STRiNG server predicted that the decreased abundance proteins had more protein-protein network interactions compared to increased abundance proteins. Overall, this study has confirmed the presence of the differentially abundant membrane and cytosolic proteins and provided the predictive functions and interactions between them.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic
  12. Jamal Hisham Hashim, Ruzita Shariff, Dayang Aminah Ali, Mohd Hasni Jaafar, Mazlin Mokhtar
    Indicators, whether referred to as ecological, biological or environmental, help us in assessing environmental conditions. Hypothetically, joint influences are predicted of the parameters associated with the number of water-borne, food-borne and vector-borne cases in study areas. Regression analysis of the dependent variables in water—borne diseases such as Cholera, Typhoid, Dysentery and Hepatitis indicated that the total coly°orm, fecal colform, residual chlorine, mean monthly rainfall and temperature influence almost hay of the cases in the 3 District of Serernban. Thus, coordinated monitoring of physical, chemical and biological parameters is needed to continue to build databases and to develop models integrating environnrental and social conditions, consequences and costs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery
  13. Farnaza A, Baha L
    Malays Fam Physician, 2010;5(3):148-150.
    PMID: 25606208 MyJurnal
    A 27-year-old man presented with a two-week history of central colicky abdominal pain associated with loose stools. Further history revealed that he had been exposed to contaminated waters. Stool investigation by direct wet stool smears revealed the presence of Entamoeba histolytica and Blastocystis hominis cysts. A diagnosis of amoebiasis secondary to E. histolytica and concurrent B. hominis infestation was made. We would like to emphasise the importance of clinical history including recent travel to endemic areas. Any suspicion of parasitic infection should prompt the clinician to investigate. Early diagnosis and management would prevent serious complications associated with E. Histolytica infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic
  14. Panos Z, Giannopoulos G, Papangeli E, Antalis E, Pavli A, Spathis A, et al.
    IDCases, 2016;6:23-5.
    PMID: 27672562 DOI: 10.1016/j.idcr.2016.09.001
    The first, to our knowledge, case of the aseptic abscesses syndrome as a complication of traveler's diarrhea after a trip to Malaysia is presented. The patient failed to respond to several antimicrobials. The diagnosis was histologically confirmed and the patient only responded to immunomodulatory therapy with corticosteroids and methotrexate. Travel physicians should be aware of this entity reviewed herein in the context of traveler's diarrhea.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery
  15. Mansharan Kaur Chaincel Singh
    Amoebiasis is a parasitic infection caused by the
    intestinal protozoan Entamoeba histolytica, most
    prevalent in developing countries. It results in 40,000 to
    100,000 deaths each year from amoebic colitis and extra
    intestinal infections. Amoebic liver abscess (ALA)
    is the most common extra intestinal site of infection
    with an incidence of between 3% and 9% of all cases of
    amoebiasis. Ultrasound which has a sensitivity of more
    than 90% for detecting ALA is highly recommended
    as an initial investigation followed by serological
    demonstration of circulating antibodies specific to
    Entamoeba histolytica.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic
  16. Milne JJC
    Med J Malaya, 1948;2:161-73.
    This is an interesting piece of Colonial history, compiled, one presumes, from official reports. It cannot satisfactorily be summarized. The author deals with his subject under various heads: hospitals, health legislation, dangerous infectious diseases, prevailing diseases, beriberi, fever and malaria, dysentery, and diarrhoea, influenza and enteric fever. In a table are given the numbers of cases of smallpox, cholera, plague, beriberi, dysentery, diarfhoea and fevers reported each year from 1890 to 1939. The only one of these to show steady reduction is beriberi, which began to decline from figures over 2,000 per annum before the 1914-18 war to 69-444 per annum from 1930 to 1939. Plague was never common and neither cholera nor smallpox was responsible for large numbers of cases. The author does not give any systematic accounts of the outstanding investigations made during the period, but rather quotes opinions expressed by Government servants, medical or lay, in their reports. Charles Wilcocks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery
  17. J Trop Med Hyg, 1923;26:332-4.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery
  18. Shabani NRM, Mokhtar M, Leow CH, Lean QY, Chuah C, Singh KKB, et al.
    Infect Genet Evol, 2020 11;85:104532.
    PMID: 32911076 DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2020.104532
    Shigella is an intracellular bacterial pathogen that causes bacterial dysentery called shigellosis. The assessment of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators produced by immune cells against this bacteria are vital in identifying the effectiveness of the immune reaction in protecting the host. In Malaysia, Shigella is ranked as the third most common bacteria causing diarrheal disease among children below 5 years old. In the present study, we aim to examine the differential cytokine gene expressions of macrophages in response to two types of clinical strains of Shigella flexneri 2a (S. flexneri 2a) isolated from patients admitted in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia. THP-1-derived macrophages, as the model of human macrophages, were infected separately with S. flexneri 2a mild (SH062) and virulence (SH057) strains for 6, 12, and 24 h, respectively. The gene expression level of inflammatory mediators was identified using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The production of nitric oxide (NO) by the macrophages was measured by using a commercialized NO assay kit. The ability of macrophages to kill the intracellular bacteria was assessed by intracellular killing assay. Induction of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα), interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-12, inducible NO synthase (iNOS), and NO, confirmed the pro-inflammatory reaction of the THP-1-derived macrophages in response to S. flexneri 2a, especially against the SH507 strain. The SH057 also induced a marked increase in the expression levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine mRNAs at 12 h and 24 h post-infection. In the intracellular killing assay, both strains showed less viable, indicating the generation of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the presence of iNOS and NO was crucial in the stimulation of macrophages for the host defense against shigellosis. Transcription analysis of THP-1-derived macrophages in this study identifies differentially expressed cytokine genes that correlated with the virulence factor of S. flexneri 2a.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Bacillary/genetics*; Dysentery, Bacillary/epidemiology; Dysentery, Bacillary/physiopathology*
  19. Sahgal G, Ramanathan S, Sasidharan S, Mordi MN, Ismail S, Mansor SM
    Pharmacognosy Res, 2010 Jul;2(4):215-20.
    PMID: 21808570 DOI: 10.4103/0974-8490.69107
    The seeds of Swietenia mahagoni have been applied in folk medicine for the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, malaria, amoebiasis, cough, chest pain, and intestinal parasitism. Here we are the first to report on the toxicity of the Swietenia mahagoni crude methanolic (SMCM) seed extract.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic
  20. Samuel S, Vadivelu J, Parasakthi N
    PMID: 9322293
    Amongst 107 diarrheal cases studied a bacterial agent was isolated from 71 (66%) cases of which 60 (85%) were due to a single agent and the remaining 11 (15%) were of mixed infections. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) was isolated from 65 cases. Other pathogens isolated included Salmonella spp, Shigella spp and rotavirus. There was a higher isolation rate of ETEC from females and rotavirus from males. The infection rate was found to higher for the 0-2 year age group as compared to the 3-5 year age group. Amongst the ETEC isolated the STa 2 toxotype was the predominant type.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Bacillary/diagnosis; Dysentery, Bacillary/microbiology; Dysentery, Bacillary/epidemiology
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