Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 226 in total

  1. Mokhtar MA, Normah MN, Kumar SV, Baharum SN
    Genet. Mol. Res., 2011;10(2):885-8.
    PMID: 21644205 DOI: 10.4238/vol10-2gmr1117
    Epinephelus fuscoguttatus is a commercially important marine fish species in southeast Asia. Due to overfishing and water pollution, this species has been declared as near-threatened. Thus, to provide information to help maintain and preserve the species, microsatellites were developed, using an enriched genomic library method. Thirty individuals were collected from the hatchery of the Fishery Research Institute, Terengganu, Malaysia. These individuals, from four to six years old, originated from Sabah and are maintained in captive culture as broodstock. Genomic DNA was extracted from the fins of selected individuals that weighed 3-8 kg. Ten microsatellite loci were found to be polymorphic in this population, with 5 to 21 alleles per locus. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.53 to 0.97 and 0.59 to 0.95, respectively. Only one locus deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and no significant linkage disequilibrium was found among the pairs of loci. These polymorphic microsatellite loci will be used by the Malaysian Fishery Research Institute for investigating genetic diversity and for developing breeding strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  2. Cha PC, Yamada R, Sekine A, Nakamura Y, Koh CL
    J Hum Genet, 2004;49(10):558-572.
    PMID: 15372322 DOI: 10.1007/s10038-004-0190-z
    The extensive nucleotide diversity in drug-related genes predisposes individuals to different drug responses and is a major problem in current clinical practice and drug development. Striking allelic frequency differences exist in these genes between populations. In this study, we genotyped 240 sites known to be polymorphic in the Japanese population in each of 270 unrelated healthy individuals comprising 90 each of Malaysian Malays, Indians, and Chinese. These sites are distributed in 109 genes that are drug related, such as genes encoding drug-metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters. Allele frequency and linkage disequilibrium distributions of these sites were determined and compared. They were also compared with similar data of 752 Japanese. Extensive similarities in allele frequency and linkage disequilibrium distributions were observed among Japanese, Malaysian Chinese, and Malays. However, significant differences were observed between Japanese and Malaysian Chinese with Malaysian Indians. These four populations were grouped into two genetic clusters of different ancestries. However, a higher correlation was found between Malaysian Malays and Indians, indicating the existence of extensive admixture between them. The results also imply the possible and rational use of existing single nucleotide polymorphism databases as references to assist future pharmacogenetic studies involving populations of similar ancestry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  3. Hoh BP, Siraj SS, Tan SG, Yusoff K
    Genet. Mol. Res., 2013;12(3):2578-93.
    PMID: 23479146 DOI: 10.4238/2013.February.28.1
    The river catfish Mystus nemurus is an important fresh water species for aquaculture in Malaysia. We report the first genetic linkage map of M. nemurus based on segregation analysis and a linkage map using newly developed microsatellite markers of M. nemurus. A total of 70 of the newly developed polymorphic DNA microsatellite markers were analyzed on pedigrees generated using a pseudo-testcross strategy from 2 mapping families. In the first mapping family, 100 offspring were produced from randomly selected dams of the same populations; dams of the second family were selected from 2 different populations, and this family had 50 offspring. Thirty-one of the 70 markers segregated according to the Mendelian segregation ratio. Linkage analysis revealed that 17 microsatellite markers belonging to 7 linkage groups were obtained at a logarithm of the odds score of 1.2 spanning 584 cM by the Kosambi mapping function, whereas the other 14 remained unlinked. The results from this study will act as primer to a more extensive genetic mapping study aimed towards identifying genetic loci involved in determining economically important traits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  4. Alvina Simon, Vijay Kumar Subbiah, Chee, Fong Tyng, Noor Hydayaty Md Yusuf
    Rice is the most important staple crop in Malaysia and is cultivated all over the country, including the state of Sabah. The uniqueness of rice cultivation in Sabah lies in the type of rice itself, deriving mainly from local or non-commercial cultivars but with distinctive characteristics including long grains, aromatic properties, and drought tolerance. However, despite having these important agricultural traits, information on the genetic diversity of Sabah rice remains limited. Hence, the purpose of this study was to determine the genetic polymorphisms of Sabah rice using random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. A total of 101 alleles were profiled, from which 94% were identified as polymorphic. Phylogenetic analysis grouped the rice samples into three clusters, with two clusters classifying the ability of rice to grow under different planting conditions, suitable for growth irrigate and upland condition. The first cluster was dominated by cultivars that could survive in wet (irrigated) areas, while the other featured those that were found in dry (upland) areas. Furthermore, two alleles, OPA-05-B2 and OPA-01-B11, were found to be unique to cultivars within the upland cluster and were thus proposed to be involved in dry environmental adaptation. The results of the present study provide an insight into the genetic relationships and diversity of Sabah rice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  5. Jaafar F, Na-Nakorn U, Srisapoome P, Amornsakun T, Duong TY, Gonzales-Plasus MM, et al.
    Biology (Basel), 2021 Apr 01;10(4).
    PMID: 33915909 DOI: 10.3390/biology10040286
    The king of rivers or mahseer comprises three genera: Tor, Neolissochilus, and Naziritor, under the Cyprinidae family. The Tor genus has been classified as the true mahseer due to the presence of a median lobe among the three genera. The Tor species are widely distributed across Southeast (SE) Asia, and 13 Tor species have been reported previously: Tor ater, Tor dongnaiensis, Tor douronensis, Tor laterivittatus, Tor mosal, Tor mekongensis, Tor putitora, Tor sinensis, Tor soro, Tor tambra, Tor tambroides, Tor tor and Tor yingjiangensis. However, the exact number of valid Tor species remains debatable. Different and unstandardized approaches of applying genetic markers in taxonomic identification and morphology variation within the same species have further widened the gap and ameliorated the instability of Tor species taxonomy. Therefore, synchronized and strategized research among Tor species researchers is urgently required to improve and fill the knowledge gap. This review is a current update of SE Asia's Tor species, outlining their distribution, morphology, and genetic identification. In addition, the present review proposes that there are ten valid Tor species in the SE Asian region. This list will serve as a template and standard to improve the taxonomy of the SE Asian Tor species, which could serve as a basis to open new directions in Tor research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  6. Sherman A, Rubinstein M, Eshed R, Benita M, Ish-Shalom M, Sharabi-Schwager M, et al.
    BMC Plant Biol, 2015;15:277.
    PMID: 26573148 DOI: 10.1186/s12870-015-0663-6
    Germplasm collections are an important source for plant breeding, especially in fruit trees which have a long duration of juvenile period. Thus, efforts have been made to study the diversity of fruit tree collections. Even though mango is an economically important crop, most of the studies on diversity in mango collections have been conducted with a small number of genetic markers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  7. Sablok G, Pérez-Pulido AJ, Do T, Seong TY, Casimiro-Soriguer CS, La Porta N, et al.
    Front Plant Sci, 2016;7:878.
    PMID: 27446111 DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00878
    Analysis of repetitive DNA sequence content and divergence among the repetitive functional classes is a well-accepted approach for estimation of inter- and intra-generic differences in plant genomes. Among these elements, microsatellites, or Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), have been widely demonstrated as powerful genetic markers for species and varieties discrimination. We present PlantFuncSSRs platform having more than 364 plant species with more than 2 million functional SSRs. They are provided with detailed annotations for easy functional browsing of SSRs and with information on primer pairs and associated functional domains. PlantFuncSSRs can be leveraged to identify functional-based genic variability among the species of interest, which might be of particular interest in developing functional markers in plants. This comprehensive on-line portal unifies mining of SSRs from first and next generation sequencing datasets, corresponding primer pairs and associated in-depth functional annotation such as gene ontology annotation, gene interactions and its identification from reference protein databases. PlantFuncSSRs is freely accessible at: http://www.bioinfocabd.upo.es/plantssr.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  8. Ashkani S, Rafii MY, Shabanimofrad M, Miah G, Sahebi M, Azizi P, et al.
    Front Plant Sci, 2015;6:886.
    PMID: 26635817 DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00886
    Rice is a staple and most important security food crop consumed by almost half of the world's population. More rice production is needed due to the rapid population growth in the world. Rice blast caused by the fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae is one of the most destructive diseases of this crop in different part of the world. Breakdown of blast resistance is the major cause of yield instability in several rice growing areas. There is a need to develop strategies providing long-lasting disease resistance against a broad spectrum of pathogens, giving protection for a long time over a broad geographic area, promising for sustainable rice production in the future. So far, molecular breeding approaches involving DNA markers, such as QTL mapping, marker-aided selection, gene pyramiding, allele mining and genetic transformation have been used to develop new resistant rice cultivars. Such techniques now are used as a low-cost, high-throughput alternative to conventional methods allowing rapid introgression of disease resistance genes into susceptible varieties as well as the incorporation of multiple genes into individual lines for more durable blast resistance. The paper briefly reviewed the progress of studies on this aspect to provide the interest information for rice disease resistance breeding. This review includes examples of how advanced molecular method have been used in breeding programs for improving blast resistance. New information and knowledge gained from previous research on the recent strategy and challenges towards improvement of blast disease such as pyramiding disease resistance gene for creating new rice varieties with high resistance against multiple diseases will undoubtedly provide new insights into the rice disease control.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  9. Lau WC, Rafii MY, Ismail MR, Puteh A, Latif MA, Ramli A
    Front Plant Sci, 2015;6:832.
    PMID: 26528304 DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00832
    After yield, quality is one of the most important aspects of rice breeding. Preference for rice quality varies among cultures and regions; therefore, rice breeders have to tailor the quality according to the preferences of local consumers. Rice quality assessment requires routine chemical analysis procedures. The advancement of molecular marker technology has revolutionized the strategy in breeding programs. The availability of rice genome sequences and the use of forward and reverse genetics approaches facilitate gene discovery and the deciphering of gene functions. A well-characterized gene is the basis for the development of functional markers, which play an important role in plant genotyping and, in particular, marker-assisted breeding. In addition, functional markers offer advantages that counteract the limitations of random DNA markers. Some functional markers have been applied in marker-assisted breeding programs and have successfully improved rice quality to meet local consumers' preferences. Although functional markers offer a plethora of advantages over random genetic markers, the development and application of functional markers should be conducted with care. The decreasing cost of sequencing will enable more functional markers for rice quality improvement to be developed, and application of these markers in rice quality breeding programs is highly anticipated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  10. Guan M, Liu X, Lin F, Xie Z, Fazhan H, Ikhwanuddin M, et al.
    Mitochondrial DNA B Resour, 2018 Mar 14;3(1):368-369.
    PMID: 33490509 DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2018.1450685
    In this study, we sequenced and analyzed the whole mitochondrial genome of Metopograpsus frontalis Miers, 1880 (Decapoda, Grapsidae). The circular genome is 15,587 bp in length, consisting of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, as well as a control region. Both atp8/atp6 and nad4L/nad4 share 7 nucleotides in their adjacent overlapping region, which is identical to those observed in other Grapsidae crabs. The genome composition and gene order follow a classic crab-type arrangement regulation. The phylogenetic analysis suggested that Grapsidae crabs formed a solid monophyletic group. The newly described mitochondrial genome may provide genetic marker for studies on phylogeny of the grapsid crabs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  11. Chua, B. H., Rajinder, S., Tan, S. G., Faridah, Q. Z., Cheah, S. C.
    Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are tandem repeats of DNA of 1-6 bp long. They ubiquitously occur in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes. Because of their abundance,
    they have widespread applications in both animal and plant sciences; such as varietal identification, genetic mapping, QTL mapping, phylogenetic and diversity studies. Thus, SSRs have become valuable DNA markers for molecular biologists and geneticists. Microsatellites are markers
    of choice for many molecular geneticists because of their hypervariability, codominant
    inheritance, multi-allelism and PCR-based assaying of variations that are amenable to automation and high throughput assay. However, the utilization of microsatellite markers in the past was
    hampered by its laborious de novo isolations and species-specific nature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  12. W. Wilonita, R. Nurliyana, D.D. Asma, M. Noorazizah, M.Y. Hirzun
    ASM Science Journal, 2013;7(2):105-112.
    Molecular markers have been intensively used in assisting breeding to reduce the time taken by conventional breeding as well as helping introgression of specific traits. Baseline analysis of known markers is crucial in developing a genetic database on disease and pest resistance for local rice germplasm which does not yet
    exist. In this study seven local rice varieties, including the popular MR219 and MRQ 74 and MRQ 76 (newly developed aromatic rice varieties), together with a foreign variety, Intani-2, were screened for genetic markers related to pest and disease resistance. One hundred and twenty-two type-related markers (SSR, STS, InDel and Allele-specific) for genes resistant to bacterial leaf blight, blast and brown planthopper were screened using PCR amplification and validated by sequencing. It was found that each variety had its own pattern of resistance. Using allele-specific markers namely pBPH9, pTA248 and Pisbdom were found to be the most efficient way to screen for the targeted genes. Of the seven varieties, MR219 and MR232 were found to have the highest distribution of markers for resistance genes against pest and diseases studied.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  13. Vilkamaa P, Rudzinski HG, BurdÍkovÁ N, ŠevČÍk J
    Zootaxa, 2018 Mar 21;4399(2):248-260.
    PMID: 29690308 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4399.2.8
    Four Oriental species of Aerumnosa Mohrig, 1999 (Diptera: Sciaridae), a genus previously known only from Papua New Guinea, are newly described and illustrated: Aerumnosa bituberculata sp. n. (India), A. gemmifera sp. n. (Malaysia: Sabah), A. horrifica sp. n. (Brunei, Thailand) and A. impar sp. n. (Malaysia: Sabah). On the basis of the new material, the genus is redefined. A key to the known species of Aerumnosa is presented, including four new species. An updated molecular phylogenetic analysis based on four gene markers (18S, 28S, 16S and COI) shows Aerumnosa to be a member of the subfamily Cratyninae. The monophyly of Cratyninae is well supported, which clade also includes the genera Hyperlasion Schmitz, 1919, Pnyxiopalpus Vilkamaa Hippa, 1999 and Pseudoaerumnosa Rudzinski, 2006. According to the present phylogenetic hypothesis, the monophyly of Cratyna Winnertz, 1967 s. l. needs to be revisited. The clade including Cratyna (s. str.) ambigua (Lengersdorf, 1934) appears as the sister group of Aerumnosa.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  14. Tan MS, Chang SW, Cheah PL, Yap HJ
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e5285.
    PMID: 30065881 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5285
    Although most of the cervical cancer cases are reported to be closely related to the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection, there is a need to study genes that stand up differentially in the final actualization of cervical cancers following HPV infection. In this study, we proposed an integrative machine learning approach to analyse multiple gene expression profiles in cervical cancer in order to identify a set of genetic markers that are associated with and may eventually aid in the diagnosis or prognosis of cervical cancers. The proposed integrative analysis is composed of three steps: namely, (i) gene expression analysis of individual dataset; (ii) meta-analysis of multiple datasets; and (iii) feature selection and machine learning analysis. As a result, 21 gene expressions were identified through the integrative machine learning analysis which including seven supervised and one unsupervised methods. A functional analysis with GSEA (Gene Set Enrichment Analysis) was performed on the selected 21-gene expression set and showed significant enrichment in a nine-potential gene expression signature, namely PEG3, SPON1, BTD and RPLP2 (upregulated genes) and PRDX3, COPB2, LSM3, SLC5A3 and AS1B (downregulated genes).
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  15. Kamiya K, Harada K, Clyde MM, Mohamed AL
    Genes Genet Syst, 2002 Jun;77(3):177-86.
    PMID: 12207039
    The genetic variation of Trigonobalanus verticillata, the most recently described genus of Fagaceae, was studied using chloroplast DNA sequences and AFLP fingerprinting. This species has a restricted distribution that is known to include seven localities in tropical lower montane forests in Malaysia and Indonesia. A total of 75 individuals were collected from Bario, Kinabalu, and Fraser's Hill in Malaysia. The sequences of rbcL, matK, and three non-coding regions (atpB-rbcL spacer, trnL intron, and trnL-trnF spacer) were determined for 19 individuals from these populations. We found a total of 30 nucleotide substitutions and four length variations, which allowed identification of three haplotypes characterizing each population. No substitutions were detected within populations, while the tandem repeats in the trnL -trnF spacer had a variable repeat number of a 20-bp motif only in Kinabalu. The differentiation of the populations inferred from the cpDNA molecular clock calibrated with paleontological data was estimated to be 8.3 MYA between Bario and Kinabalu, and 16.7 MYA between Fraser's Hill and the other populations. In AFLP analysis, four selective primer pairs yielded a total of 431 loci, of which 340 (78.9%) were polymorphic. The results showed relatively high gene diversity (H(S) = 0.153 and H(T) = 0.198) and nucleotide diversity (pi(S) = 0.0132 and pi(T) = 0.0168) both within and among the populations. Although the cpDNA data suggest that little or no gene flow occurred between the populations via seeds, the fixation index estimated from AFLP data (F(ST) = 0.153 and N(ST) = 0.214) implies that some gene flow occurs between populations, possibly through pollen transfer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  16. Rane R, Walsh TK, Lenancker P, Gock A, Dao TH, Nguyen VL, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2023 Jan 12;13(1):660.
    PMID: 36635481 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-27501-x
    The fall armyworm (FAW) Spodoptera frugiperda is thought to have undergone a rapid 'west-to-east' spread since 2016 when it was first identified in western Africa. Between 2018 and 2020, it was recorded from South Asia (SA), Southeast Asia (SEA), East Asia (EA), and Pacific/Australia (PA). Population genomic analyses enabled the understanding of pathways, population sources, and gene flow in this notorious agricultural pest species. Using neutral single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) DNA markers, we detected genome introgression that suggested most populations in this study were overwhelmingly C- and R-strain hybrids (n = 252/262). SNP and mitochondrial DNA markers identified multiple introductions that were most parsimoniously explained by anthropogenic-assisted spread, i.e., associated with international trade of live/fresh plants and plant products, and involved 'bridgehead populations' in countries to enable successful pest establishment in neighbouring countries. Distinct population genomic signatures between Myanmar and China do not support the 'African origin spread' nor the 'Myanmar source population to China' hypotheses. Significant genetic differentiation between populations from different Australian states supported multiple pathways involving distinct SEA populations. Our study identified Asia as a biosecurity hotspot and a FAW genetic melting pot, and demonstrated the use of genome analysis to disentangle preventable human-assisted pest introductions from unpreventable natural pest spread.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers
  17. Amstutz U, Shear NH, Rieder MJ, Hwang S, Fung V, Nakamura H, et al.
    Epilepsia, 2014 Apr;55(4):496-506.
    PMID: 24597466 DOI: 10.1111/epi.12564
    To systematically review evidence on genetic risk factors for carbamazepine (CBZ)-induced hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) and provide practice recommendations addressing the key questions: (1) Should genetic testing for HLA-B*15:02 and HLA-A*31:01 be performed in patients with an indication for CBZ therapy to reduce the occurrence of CBZ-induced HSRs? (2) Are there subgroups of patients who may benefit more from genetic testing for HLA-B*15:02 or HLA-A*31:01 compared to others? (3) How should patients with an indication for CBZ therapy be managed based on their genetic test results?
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics
  18. Cha TS, Anne-Marie K, Chuah TS
    Mol Biol Rep, 2014 Feb;41(2):823-31.
    PMID: 24374894 DOI: 10.1007/s11033-013-2922-7
    Eleusine indica is one of the most common weed species found in agricultural land worldwide. Although herbicide-glyphosate provides good control of the weed, its frequent uses has led to abundant reported cases of resistance. Hence, the development of genetic markers for quick detection of glyphosate-resistance in E. indica population is imperative for the control and management of the weed. In this study, a total of 14 specific random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were identified and two of the markers, namely S4R727 and S26R6976 were further sequence characterized. Sequence alignment revealed that marker S4R727 showing a 12-bp nucleotides deletion in resistant biotypes, while marker S26R6976 contained a 167-bp nucleotides insertion in the resistant biotypes. Based on these sequence differences, three pairs of new sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) primers were developed. The specificity of these primer pairs were further validated with genomic DNA extracted from ten individual plants of one glyphosate-susceptible and five glyphosate-resistant (R2, R4, R6, R8 and R11) populations. The resulting RAPD-SCAR markers provided the basis for assessing genetic diversity between glyphosate-susceptible and -resistant E. indica biotypes, as well for the identification of genetic locus link to glyphosate-resistance event in the species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers*
  19. Khan FA, Phillips CD, Baker RJ
    Syst Biol, 2014 Jan 1;63(1):96-110.
    PMID: 24149076 DOI: 10.1093/sysbio/syt062
    Phylogenetic comparisons of the different mammalian genetic transmission elements (mtDNA, X-, Y-, and autosomal DNA) is a powerful approach for understanding the process of speciation in nature. Through such comparisons the unique inheritance pathways of each genetic element and gender-biased processes can link genomic structure to the evolutionary process, especially among lineages which have recently diversified, in which genetic isolation may be incomplete. Bulldog bats of the genus Noctilio are an exemplar lineage, being a young clade, widely distributed, and exhibiting unique feeding ecologies. In addition, currently recognized species are paraphyletic with respect to the mtDNA gene tree and contain morphologically identifiable clades that exhibit mtDNA divergences as great as among many species. To test taxonomic hypotheses and understand the contribution of hybridization to the extant distribution of genetic diversity in Noctilio, we used phylogenetic, coalescent stochastic modeling, and divergence time estimates using sequence data from cytochrome-b, cytochrome c oxidase-I, zinc finger Y, and zinc finger X, as well as evolutionary reconstructions based on amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) data. No evidence of ongoing hybridization between the two currently recognized species was identified. However, signatures of an ancient mtDNA capture were recovered in which an mtDNA lineage of one species was captured early in the noctilionid radiation. Among subspecific mtDNA clades, which were generally coincident with morphology and statistically definable as species, signatures of ongoing hybridization were observed in sex chromosome sequences and AFLP. Divergence dating of genetic elements corroborates the diversification of extant Noctilio beginning about 3 Ma, with ongoing hybridization between mitochondrial lineages separated by 2.5 myr. The timeframe of species' divergence within Noctilio supports the hypothesis that shifts in the dietary strategies of gleaning insects (N. albiventris) or fish (N. leporinus) are among the most rapid instances of dietary evolution observed in mammals. This study illustrates the complex evolutionary dynamics shaping gene pools in nature, how comparisons of genetic elements can serve for understanding species boundaries, and the complex considerations for accurate taxonomic assignment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics
  20. Zaki NM, Singh R, Rosli R, Ismail I
    Int J Mol Sci, 2012;13(4):4069-88.
    PMID: 22605966 DOI: 10.3390/ijms13044069
    Species-specific simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are favored for genetic studies and marker-assisted selection (MAS) breeding for oil palm genetic improvement. This report characterizes 20 SSR markers from an Elaeis oleifera genomic library (gSSR). Characterization of the repeat type in 2000 sequences revealed a high percentage of di-nucleotides (63.6%), followed by tri-nucleotides (24.2%). Primer pairs were successfully designed for 394 of the E. oleifera gSSRs. Subsequent analysis showed the ability of the 20 selected E. oleifera gSSR markers to reveal genetic diversity in the genus Elaeis. The average Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) value for the SSRs was 0.402, with the tri-repeats showing the highest average PIC (0.626). Low values of observed heterozygosity (H(o)) (0.164) and highly positive fixation indices (F(is)) in the E. oleifera germplasm collection, compared to the E. guineensis, indicated an excess of homozygosity in E. oleifera. The transferability of the markers to closely related palms, Elaeis guineensis, Cocos nucifera and ornamental palms is also reported. Sequencing the amplicons of three selected E. oleifera gSSRs across both species and palm taxa revealed variations in the repeat-units. The study showed the potential of E. oleifera gSSR markers to reveal genetic diversity in the genus Elaeis. The markers are also a valuable genetic resource for studying E. oleifera and other genus in the Arecaceae family.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics
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