Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 50 in total

  1. Ong, Elizabeth Tieng Tieng
    Since 1996, World Health Organisation (WHO) and member countries, through the World Health Assembly Resolution 49.25 acknowledged violence (including violence against women) (VAW) as a serious public health issue. The United Nations, at its Sixty-second General Assembly on 7 February 2008 not only reiterated the health impact of VAW but also the rights dimension of VAW and sees it “…as an offence against the dignity and integrity of the victim… and that all forms of violence against women seriously violate and impair or nullify the enjoyment of women of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and constitute a major impediment to the ability of women to make use of their capabilitiesâ€.
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights
  2. Muhammad Hasbullah, M.A., Leman, A.M., Baba, I.
    Occupational safety and health (OSH) in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have not received the proper
    attention not only in Malaysia, but also in most countries all over the world, in terms of research or support for
    implementation. In Malaysia, many agencies such as the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH),
    Social Safety Organization (SOCSO), National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and many more
    agencies related to OSH have been in collaborations to conduct and promote a safety working environment and to
    protect human rights economically, morally and legally. This research mainly focuses on the implementation of the
    occupational safety and health in small and medium industries in the southern region of peninsular of Malaysia. This
    exploratory study will be based on conducting a survey to 500 SMEs owners and workers throughout the southern
    region of Malaysia to get the in-depth knowledge on how the implementation of safety and health management system
    in the SMEs will affect them both morally and economically. A site visit will also be conducted in order to enhance
    and to get to know the real situation happening in the real working environment. The results of this study will be used
    to make and initial evaluation of the implementations of OSH management system in SMEs and hopefully will help
    for future interventions and researches.
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights
  3. Bagasao TM
    PMID: 12347180
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights*
  4. Sancho-liao N
    Focus Gend, 1993 Jun;1(2):31-6.
    PMID: 12345217
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights*
  5. UNESCO. Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific
    PMID: 12342774
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights*
  6. Stoicescu C, Lataire Q, Peters K, Amon JJ, Kamarulzaman A, Ali R, et al.
    Lancet, 2022 01 29;399(10323):419-421.
    PMID: 35032436 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00003-4
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights/legislation & jurisprudence*
  7. Beyrer C, Kamarulzaman A
    Lancet, 2017 Sep 30;390(10102):1570-1573.
    PMID: 28943266 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32519-9
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights/trends*
  8. Loganathan T, Chan ZX, Hassan F, Ong ZL, Majid HA
    PLoS One, 2022;17(2):e0263404.
    PMID: 35108343 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263404
    Education is a fundamental human right. Yet there remain gaps in our understanding of undocumented children in Malaysia and their vulnerabilities in education access. This study aims to describe and contextualise undocumented children in Malaysia and their access to education. We conducted a desk review and in-depth interviews with 33 key stakeholders from June 2020 to March 2021. Framework analysis was conducted. Salient themes were geographical location and legal identity in terms of citizenship and migration status. We found that the lack of legal identity and non-recognition by the State was the root cause of vulnerability, experienced uniformly by undocumented populations in Malaysia. Only undocumented children with Malaysian parents or guardians can enter public schools under the Malaysian government's 'Zero Reject Policy'. Most undocumented and non-citizen children must rely on informal education provided by alternative or community learning centres that typically lack standardised curricula, resources, and accreditation for education progression beyond primary levels. Nevertheless, as non-citizen groups are diverse, certain groups experience more privilege, while others are more disadvantaged in terms of the quality of informal education and the highest level of education accessible. In Peninsular Malaysia, a very small proportion of refugees and asylum-seekers may additionally access tertiary education on scholarships. In Sabah, children of Indonesian migrant workers have access to learning centres with academic accreditation supported by employers in plantations and the Indonesian Consulate, whereas Filipino migrants who were initially recognised as refugees are now receiving little government or embassy support. Stateless Rohingya refugees in Peninsular Malaysia and Bajau Laut children at Sabah are arguably the most marginalised and have the poorest educational opportunities at basic literacy and numeracy levels, despite the latter receiving minimal governmental education support. Implementing a rights-based approach towards education would mean allowing all children equal opportunity to access and thrive in high-quality schools.
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights/standards*
  9. Shetty P
    Lancet, 2013 May 18;381(9879):1709-10.
    PMID: 23691551
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights
  10. Hippert C
    Health Care Women Int, 2002 Dec;23(8):861-9.
    PMID: 12487701
    Presently, globalization and the world economy maintain power relations that hamper the economic integrity and the political autonomy of the developing world. My paper addresses specific economic conditions that perpetuate poverty and poor health. I examine multinational corporations and their effects on women's health, particularly in Mexico and parts of Asia. The advent of multinational corporate business in Mexico, Malaysia, Philippines, India, and Indonesia has led to increased poverty and human rights abuses. Women bear the brunt of this because of specific international economic arrangements and their low social status, both locally and globally. As a result, their physical, mental, and emotional health is suffering. Solutions to these health problems have been proposed on multiple levels: international top-down approaches (i.e., employing international protectionist regulatory standards, exposing multinationals who infringe on their workers' human rights), as well as local grassroots organizational campaigns (i.e., conducting informational human rights workshops for factory workers). Ultimately, the answers lie in holding corporations accountable to their laborers while developing countries maintain their comparative advantage; this is the only way women's health will improve and the developing world can entice corporate investment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights
  11. Gauffenic A
    Tiers Monde, 1985 Apr-Jun;26(102):273-81.
    PMID: 12340318
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights
  12. Aniza, I., Moshiri, H., Radnaa, O., Yondonjamts, M.
    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 stated that everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international cooperation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. Equity, solidarity and social justice are understood as basic characteristics of universal access to social health protection founded on burden sharing, risk pooling, empowerment and participation. It is up to national governments and institutions to put these values into practice. The financing of social health protection can be through a mixture of taxation and contributions to public and mandated private insurance. Through risk pooling, these funds provide for equity, solidarity and affordability of services. According to International Labour Organization (ILO), ultimate objective in social health protection is to achieve universal social health protection coverage defined as effective access to affordable health care of adequate quality and financial protection. Social protection plays a vital part in reducing the vulnerability of the poor so that they can fruitfully access health and education services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights
  13. Fleming LE, Landrigan PJ, Ashford OS, Whitman EM, Swift A, Gerwick WH, et al.
    Ann Glob Health, 2024;90(1):41.
    PMID: 39005643 DOI: 10.5334/aogh.4471
    A healthy ocean is essential for human health, and yet the links between the ocean and human health are often overlooked. By providing new medicines, technologies, energy, foods, recreation, and inspiration, the ocean has the potential to enhance human health and wellbeing. However, climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss, and inequity threaten both ocean and human health. Sustainable realisation of the ocean's health benefits will require overcoming these challenges through equitable partnerships, enforcement of laws and treaties, robust monitoring, and use of metrics that assess both the ocean's natural capital and human wellbeing. Achieving this will require an explicit focus on human rights, equity, sustainability, and social justice. In addition to highlighting the potential unique role of the healthcare sector, we offer science-based recommendations to protect both ocean health and human health, and we highlight the unique potential of the healthcare sector tolead this effort.
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights
  14. Legido-Quigley H, Pocock N, Tan ST, Pajin L, Suphanchaimat R, Wickramage K, et al.
    BMJ, 2019 Sep 16;366:l4160.
    PMID: 31527060 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.l4160
    Helena Legido-Quigley and colleagues examine the barriers that migrants face in accessing healthcare and argue they are counterproductive for host countries
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights
  15. Rajbanshi S, Norhayati MN, Nik Hazlina NH
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 Jun 26;18(13).
    PMID: 34206868 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18136876
    Patient complaints and dissatisfaction should be taken seriously and used as an opportunity to provide acceptable services. Mounting evidence shows that the perception of the quality of healthcare services impacts health-seeking behaviors. This study explores the perceptions of good-quality antenatal and birthing services among postpartum women. A qualitative study using phenomenological inquiry was conducted in the Morang district, Nepal. The study participants were postpartum women with at least one high-risk factor who refused the referral hospital's birth advice. A total of 14 women were purposively selected and interviewed in-depth. NVivo 12 Plus software was used for systematic coding, and thematic analysis was performed manually. Three themes emerged: (i) women's opinions and satisfactory factors of health services, (ii) expectations of the health facility and staff, and (iii) a lack of suggestions to improve the quality of care. Women did not have many expectations from the healthcare facility or the healthcare providers and could not express what good quality of care meant for them. Women from low socioeconomic status and marginalized ethnicities lack knowledge of their basic reproductive rights. These women judge the quality of care in terms of staff interpersonal behavior and personal experiences. Women will not demand quality services if they lack an understanding of their basic health rights.
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights
  16. Kaur SR
    Health Millions, 1993 Apr;1(2):7-9.
    PMID: 12286471
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights*
  17. Lunze K, Lermet O, Andreeva V, Hariga F
    Int J Drug Policy, 2018 09;59:10-15.
    PMID: 29966803 DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2018.06.009
    BACKGROUND: Several Southeast Asian countries have implemented compulsory drug detention centres in which people who use or are suspected of using drugs, mainly amphetamine-type stimulants, are confined without their consent and in most cases without due process and clinical evaluation of their substance use disorder. Given these facilities' lack of access to evidence-based drug dependence treatment, and the human rights implications of peoples' arbitrary detention under the pretext of "treatment", international organizations have called for their closure. The aim of this study was to estimate recent numbers of compulsory drug treatment centres and of people in these centres in the region.

    METHODS: We conducted an analysis of cross-sectional governmental data collected from seven countries in the region with compulsory drug detention centres, namely Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. We computed descriptive data provided by government representatives for the period between 2012 and 2014.

    RESULTS: The total number of people in compulsory detention centres overall decreased by only 4% between 2012 and 2014. In 2014, over 450,000 people were detained in 948 facilities in the seven countries. While only two countries decreased the number of compulsory detention centres, most countries increased the number of people detained.

    CONCLUSIONS: In spite of international calls for the closure of compulsory detention centres, the number of facilities and detained people remained high in the seven countries included in the analysis. These officially reported figures are concerning regarding access to effective drug dependence treatment and given the potential for additional human rights abuses within compulsory detention centers. Further concerted policy and advocacy efforts should support transition of treatment for people with drug dependence towards human rights-based and evidence-based drug dependence treatment. Expansion of existing drug and HIV services in the community rather than compulsory treatment modalities will effectively address the region's drug and HIV burden.

    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights Abuses/legislation & jurisprudence
  18. Kamarulzaman A, McBrayer JL
    Int J Drug Policy, 2015 Feb;26 Suppl 1:S33-7.
    PMID: 25727259 DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2014.11.011
    Over the last three decades in response to a rise in substance use in the region, many countries in East and Southeast Asia responded by establishing laws and policies that allowed for compulsory detention in the name of treatment for people who use drugs. These centers have recently come under international scrutiny with a call for their closure in a Joint Statement from United Nations entities in March 2012. The UN's response was a result of concern for human rights violations, including the lack of consent for treatment and due process protections for compulsory detention, the lack of general healthcare and evidence based drug dependency treatment and in some centers, of forced labor and physical and sexual abuse (United Nations, 2012). A few countries have responded to this call with evidence of an evolving response for community-based voluntary treatment; however progress is likely going to be hampered by existing laws and policies, the lack of skilled human resource and infrastructure to rapidly establish evidence based community treatment centers in place of these detention centers, pervasive stigmatization of people who use drugs and the ongoing tensions between the abstinence-based model of treatment as compared to harm reduction approaches in many of these affected countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights/legislation & jurisprudence
  19. Arrows Change, 1997 Aug;3(2):4-5.
    PMID: 12348425
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights*
  20. Vollrath J
    Bioethics, 1989 Apr;3(2):93-105.
    PMID: 11649247 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8519.1989.tb00331.x
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Rights*
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