Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 62 in total

  1. De Meester A, Wazir MRWN, Lenoir M, Bardid F
    Res Q Exerc Sport, 2020 Sep 09.
    PMID: 32903170 DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2020.1788700
    Purpose: The present study examined whether groups of children with different physical fitness and fitness enjoyment profiles could be identified and, if so, whether the different groups varied from one another in terms of organized sports participation. Method: Five hundred and fifty-eight 8-11-year-olds (56.99% boys) participated in this cross-sectional study. Physical fitness and fitness enjoyment were assessed with seven items from a standardized test battery and a pictorial scale containing pictures referring to the enjoyment in those seven physical fitness tests, respectively. To examine whether groups with different fitness and enjoyment profiles could be identified, we conducted cluster analyses based on children's standardized physical fitness and fitness enjoyment scores. A two-way ANCOVA (sex*cluster) was conducted to investigate differences in weekly organized sports participation among each of the identified groups while controlling for age. Results: Cluster analyses revealed two groups with aligned levels of physical fitness and fitness enjoyment (i.e., relatively low-low and relatively high-high) and two groups with unaligned levels (i.e., relatively low-moderate and relatively high-moderate), respectively. Both groups with relatively high fitness scores were found to spend significantly more time in organized sports (M = 2.01 h and 2.29 h, respectively) than the two groups with relatively low fitness scores (M = 1.08 h and 0.98 h, respectively), irrespective of their enjoyment levels. Conclusion: Increasing physical fitness levels (especially among those children with suboptimal enjoyment levels) may lead to increased organized sports participation, while increased organized sports participation in its turn may lead to higher fitness levels. As such, participation in sports programs should be promoted in children of all age groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness
  2. Krasilshchikov, Oleksandr
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2014;3(1):39-47.
    Squash is an indoor game that is the second fastest racket sports if compared to badminton and tennis. Squash game puts a high demand on physical fitness of elite players which requires a quick development of high force, rapid changes of direction and fast reaction. The objective of this study was to develop the physical fitness profile of Malaysian junior state squash players. Sixty five 10 to 18 years old male Kelantan state squash players were tested with seven skill-related fitness tests. SPSS version 20.0 was used to analyze the data collected from the tests. A one-way ANOVA was used to detect statistical differences between groups. A posthoc test (LSD) was performed to determine differences in in the variables between groups. The data was collected for flexibility, speed, muscular endurance, power of upper and lower extremities, agility and cardiovascular endurance. There were significant differences in the mean speed, muscular endurance, agility, power of lower extremities, power of upper extremities, flexibility and predicted VO2 max between 13-15 and 16-18 years of age groups when compared to 10-12 years old players (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness
  3. Zulkifli Mohd Yusof, Syed Ahmad Ezahar Syed Ambon, Junaidy Mohamad Hashim
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(1): 49-64, 2016 - The aim of this study is
    to assess health related physical fitness of MSKPPM soccer players (Veteran Category).
    Besides that, this study also aims to see whether there is any differences based on the health
    related components of physical fitness according to age group. The samples of this study were
    40 soccer players who were involved in a selection, aged between 40 to 49 years. Test battery
    used in this study is Prudential FITNESSGRAM® by Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research
    (1992) which includes PACER 20 meter Multistage run, push up, curl up, trunk lift and body
    mass index (BMI). Data analysis showed that there is significant difference on the different
    components of health related physical fitness for the different age groups. Age 40-41, Pacer
    [min: 24.66; SD: 2.88], curl up [min:33.33; SD: 5.20], push up [min: 46.83; SD: 3.65], trunk
    lift [min: 43.16;SD: 13.58] and BMI [min:42.46; SD: 5.99]. Age 42-43, Pacer [min: 24.38; SD:
    2.29], curl up [min:41.08; SD: 9.26], push up [min: 48.41; SD: 6.12], trunk lift [min: 47.16;SD:
    9.35] and BMI [min:42.66; SD: 5.40]. Age 44-45, Pacer [min: 24.36; SD: 2.66], curl up
    [min:39.75; SD: 9.69], push up [min: 48.00; SD: 5.81], trunk lift [min: 45.92;SD: 9.51] and
    BMI [min:41.69; SD: 5.62]. Age 46-47, Pacer [min: 20.65; SD: 3.51], curl up [min: 19.40; SD:
    1.67], push up [min: 44.20; SD: 1.78], trunk lift [min: 30.60;SD: 8.50] and BMI [min: 33.92;
    SD: 4.13]. Age 48-49, Pacer [min: 27.26; SD: 0.55], curl up [min: 17.00; SD: 3.60], push up
    [min: 47.33; SD: 2.88], trunk lift [min: 29.00;SD: 8.18] and BMI [min: 30.23; SD: 3.45]. The
    results of this study can be used by the coaches in Malaysia to ensure that players involved in
    any tournaments has excellent fitness level and to avoid from making aggressive actions which
    may cause tense situation among players. The results of this study is hope to convince all
    players and coaches on the importance of good physical fitness as it will positively affect the level of playing to be more effective and high quality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness
  4. Atikah C, Nihayah M, Omar B, Leonard J, Noor Ibrahim M, Zurkarnain M, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1461-1466.
    Fire fighting is one of the most strenuous activities in the hazardous fire service industry. Firefighters have to be physically fit in order to provide an effective and safe fire prevention to the afflicted community and as well as to themselves. The aimed of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the physical fitness among Malaysian firefighters. The hand grip test to evaluate hand and muscular strength was measured using hand dynamometer and one-minute sit ups and one-minute push ups were conducted to measure abdominal muscle endurance. The sit and reach test was carried out to measure lower back and hamstring flexibility. VO2 max was assessed by a 20 meter shuttle run test to measure cardiorespiratory fitness. A total of 385 subjects were participated and the results showed that 77.1% (n=297) and 84.8% (n=325) of them had very poor scores for hand grip strength and VO2 max, respectively. For one-minute sit ups, 40.8% (n=157) of subjects scored excellent. Meanwhile, 32.7% (n=126) subjects scored average for one-minute push ups. For flexibility test, 53.2% (n=205) subjects had poor flexibilty. The results showed there were significantly difference between one-minute sit ups (p<0.001), one-minute push ups (p<0.05), flexibility (p<0.05) and VO2 max (p<0.001) according to age. As a conclusion, this study provides representative data on physical fitness among Malaysian firefighters. These findings suggested the needs to explore the issues behind low physical fitness among Malaysian firefighters and to find ways to improve them.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness
  5. Vanoh D, Shahar S, Razali R, Ali NM, Manaf ZA, Mohd Noah SA, et al.
    J Alzheimers Dis, 2019;70(s1):S255-S270.
    PMID: 31256116 DOI: 10.3233/JAD-180464
    BACKGROUND: Intervention strategies, especially online based approaches, are considered to be beneficial in improving the health of the senior. The effectiveness of such approaches is yet to be determined.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the web-based application, WESIHAT 2.0©, for improving cognitive function, physical fitness, biochemical indices, and psychosocial variables among older adults in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The cost analysis of WESIHAT 2.0© was also determined.

    METHOD: The study utilized a two-arm randomized controlled trial with 25 subjects in each of the intervention and control groups. The participants chosen for the study included those who were 60 years and above with at least secondary education and had internet access using a computer at home. The intervention group was exposed to the website (30 minutes per day, 4 days per week) for six months, while the control group was given health education pamphlets. Activity-Based Costing method was used to determine the cost saved using WESIHAT 2.0© as compared to using the pamphlet.

    RESULTS: Significant intervention effects were observed for self-perception of disability and informational support scores. WESIHAT 2.0© was able to save costs in improving the self-perception of disability score and the informational support score at MYR 6.92 and MYR 13.52, respectively, compared to the conventional method.

    CONCLUSION: WESIHAT 2.0© was able to save costs in improving the self-perceived disability and informational support scores for the intervention group.

    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness
  6. Wang F, Syed Ali SKB
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2024 Mar 29;103(13):e37566.
    PMID: 38552100 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000037566
    BACKGROUND: College students' physical fitness has declined over the past decades. Taichi Qigong exercise offers numerous health benefits and could serve as a suitable option for them. Traditional programs, however, are time-consuming and necessitate long-term commitments. Therefore, a more cost-effective intervention is needed.

    METHODS: The study enrolled a total of 31 students who actively participated in a 5-week STQE program, consisting of three 60-minute sessions per week. Physical and mental health assessments included the Plank test, vital capacity measurement, 1000/800 m run test, standing jump, and the Zung Self-Rating Scale. Data analysis was performed using SPSS.

    RESULTS: Following the STQE intervention, participants showed improvement in core strength (28.1 seconds in the Plank test, P = .025) and lower limb explosive force (6.52 cm in the standing jump test, P = .011), accompanied by a decrease in anxiety levels (a reduction of 3.41 in the Zung Self-Rating Scale, P = .039). However, no significant improvements were observed in cardiopulmonary endurance, as evidenced by a non-significant increase of 237.84 mL in vital capacity (P = .134) and a non-significant reduction of 1.6 seconds in the 1000/800 m run test (P = .764).

    CONCLUSION: The study suggests that the STQE program effectively improves core strength, lower limb explosive force, and reduces anxiety levels among university students.

    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness
  7. Maresova P, Krejcar O, Maskuriy R, Bakar NAA, Selamat A, Truhlarova Z, et al.
    BMC Geriatr, 2023 Jul 21;23(1):447.
    PMID: 37474928 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-023-04106-7
    BACKGROUND: Attention is focused on the health and physical fitness of older adults due to their increasing age. Maintaining physical abilities, including safe walking and movement, significantly contributes to the perception of health in old age. One of the early signs of declining fitness in older adults is limited mobility. Approximately one third of 70-year-olds and most 80-year-olds report restrictions on mobility in their apartments and immediate surroundings. Restriction or loss of mobility is a complex multifactorial process, which makes older adults prone to falls, injuries, and hospitalizations and worsens their quality of life while increasing overall mortality.

    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study is to identify the factors that have had a significant impact on mobility in recent years and currently, and to identify gaps in our understanding of these factors. The study aims to highlight areas where further research is needed and where new and effective solutions are required.

    METHODS: The PRISMA methodology was used to conduct a scoping review in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Papers published from 2007 to 2021 were searched in November 2021. Of these, 52 papers were selected from the initial 788 outputs for the final analysis.

    RESULTS: The final selected papers were analyzed, and the key determinants were found to be environmental, physical, cognitive, and psychosocial, which confirms the findings of previous studies. One new determinant is technological. New and effective solutions lie in understanding the interactions between different determinants of mobility, addressing environmental factors, and exploring opportunities in the context of emerging technologies, such as the integration of smart home technologies, design of accessible and age-friendly public spaces, development of policies and regulations, and exploration of innovative financing models to support the integration of assistive technologies into the lives of seniors.

    CONCLUSION: For an effective and comprehensive solution to support senior mobility, the determinants cannot be solved separately. Physical, cognitive, psychosocial, and technological determinants can often be perceived as the cause/motivation for mobility. Further research on these determinants can help to arrive at solutions for environmental determinants, which, in turn, will help improve mobility. Future studies should investigate financial aspects, especially since many technological solutions are expensive and not commonly available, which limits their use.

    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness
  8. Ibrahim A, Mat Ludin AF, Shahar S, Hamzah NH, Chin AV, Singh DKA
    Exp Gerontol, 2023 Dec;184:112326.
    PMID: 37967590 DOI: 10.1016/j.exger.2023.112326
    INTRODUCTION: Cardiorespiratory fitness has an inverse relationship with cognitive impairment and frailty in older adults. Direct assessment of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) is the gold standard to assess cardiorespiratory fitness. However, it is costly and requires a laboratory setting. Therefore, VO2 max estimation among older adults with cognitive frailty (CF) will allow the assessment of aerobic capacity, which is commonly overlooked due to the complexity of the test.

    AIM: This study aims to determine the use of one of three physical performance tests (2-minute step, 2-minute walk, and 1-minute sit to stand) to effectively estimate cardiorespiratory fitness among older adults with CF.

    METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, community-dwelling individuals aged 60 years old and above in Klang Valley were screened for CF. The participants performed three physical performance tests (2-minute walk, 2-minute step, and 1-minute sit to stand) followed by treadmill-based maximal exercise testing on another day.

    RESULTS: A total of 32 older adults with cognitive frailty (mean age; SD: 67.1;4.7 years) participated in this study. Nearly half of them had hypertension (43.5 %), hypercholesterolemia (43.5 %), and multimorbidity (47.8 %). Among the endurance tests performed, only the 2-minute walk test independently predicted VO2 max by sex-specific with men (R2 = 0.58, p = 0.03) and women (R2 = 0.34, p = 0.01). The 2-minute walk test had good agreement with VO2 max (ICC = 0.77, 95 % CI: -3.1-2.4).

    CONCLUSION: The 2-minute walk test is a valid tool for estimating cardiorespiratory fitness among older adults with CF. However, it should be further tested across a larger population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness
  9. Hanifah RA, Majid HA, Jalaludin MY, Al-Sadat N, Murray LJ, Cantwell M, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2014;14 Suppl 3:S5.
    PMID: 25436933 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-S3-S5
    The importance of fitness level on the well-being of children and adolescent has long been recognised. The aim of this study was to investigate the fitness level of school-going Malaysian adolescent, and its association with body composition indices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness/physiology*
  10. Shahar S, Kamaruddin NS, Badrasawi M, Sakian NI, Abd Manaf Z, Yassin Z, et al.
    Clin Interv Aging, 2013;8:1365-75.
    PMID: 24143082 DOI: 10.2147/CIA.S46826
    Sarcopenia, characterized as muscle loss that occurs with aging, is a major health problem in an aging population, due to its implications on mobility, quality of life, and fall risk. Protein supplementation could improve the physical fitness by increasing protein anabolism, and exercise has a documented evidence of positive effect on functional status among the elderly. However, the combined effect of both protein supplementation and exercise has not been investigated among sarcopenic elderly in the Asian population. Thus, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of exercise intervention and protein supplementation either alone or in combination for 12 weeks, on body composition, functional fitness, and oxidative stress among elderly Malays with sarcopenia. Sixty five sarcopenic elderly Malays aged 60-74 years were assigned to the control group, exercise group (ExG), protein supplementation group (PrG), or the combination of exercise and protein supplementation group. A significant interaction effect between body weight and body mass index (BMI) was observed, with the PrG (-2.1% body weight, -1.8% BMI) showing the highest reductions. Further, there was a decrease in % body fat (-4.5%) and an increase in fat-free mass (kg) (+5.7%) in the ExG after 12 weeks (P < 0.05). The highest increments in lower and upper body strength were observed in the PrG (73.2%) and ExG (47.6%), respectively. In addition, the ExG showed a reduction in superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels, and both interventions did not alter either lipid or protein oxidation. In conclusion, the exercise program was found to improve muscle strength and body composition, while protein supplementation reduced body weight and increased upper body strength, among sarcopenic elderly in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness*
  11. Loh SY, Chew SL, Lee SY
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2011;12(6):1483-8.
    PMID: 22126486
    BACKGROUND: Many cancer survivors are still not active enough to reap the benefits of physical activity. This study aimed to explore the correlation between perceived barriers and participation in exercise among multi- ethnic Malaysian women with breast cancer.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study using a pre-post questionnaire and a media-clip as a cancer control strategy was conducted on a random sample of women with breast cancer. The tools were structured questionnaires to collect socio-medical demographic and physical activity data (e.g. barriers, exercise self-efficacy).

    RESULTS: A statistically significant relationship between level of physical activity before and after diagnosis of breast cancer (n=51, χ2=70.14, p<0.01) was found, whereby participants who rated more hours of physical activity before diagnosis were likely to persevere with exercise after diagnosis, r(49)=0.73, p<01. Some 76.5% of women engaged in low level activity and 23.5% of the participants engaged in moderate level of physical activity.

    CONCLUSIONS: Despite the many benefits of physical activity, the majority of survivors in this study were not found to be physically active, and did not even consciously think of exercise participation. Lack of time is the main barrier amongst those survivors who are predominantly 40-50 year old housewives juggling with household chores, childcare and/or job commitments. Public health messages stressing that short bouts of exercise or some exercise are better than no exercise needs to be emphasised consistently.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness/psychology
  12. Ooi CH, Tan A, Ahmad A, Kwong KW, Sompong R, Ghazali KA, et al.
    J Sports Sci, 2009 Dec;27(14):1591-9.
    PMID: 19967588 DOI: 10.1080/02640410903352907
    The aims of this study were to establish the physical and physiological attributes of elite and sub-elite Malaysian male badminton players and to determine whether these attributes discriminate elite players from sub-elite players. Measurements and tests of basic anthropometry, explosive power, anaerobic recovery capacity, badminton-specific movement agility, maximum strength, and aerobic capacity were conducted on two occasions, separated by at least one day. The elite (n = 12) and sub-elite (n = 12) players' characteristics were, respectively: mean age 24.6 years (s = 3.7) and 20.5 years (s = 0.7); mass 73.2 kg (s = 7.6) and 62.7 kg (s = 4.2); stature 1.76 m (s = 0.07) and 1.71 m (s = 0.05); body fat 12.5% (s = 4.8) and 9.5% (s = 3.4); estimated VO(2max) 56.9 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1) (s = 3.7) and 59.5 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1) (s = 5.2). The elite players had greater maximum absolute strength in one-repetition maximum bench press (P = 0.015) compared with the sub-elite players. There were significant differences in instantaneous lower body power estimated from vertical jump height between the elite and sub-elite groups (P < 0.01). However, there was no significant difference between groups in shuttle run tests and on-court badminton-specific movement agility tests. Our results show that elite Malaysian male badminton players are taller, heavier, and stronger than their sub-elite counterparts. The test battery, however, did not allow us to discriminate between the elite and sub-elite players, suggesting that at the elite level tactical knowledge, technical skills, and psychological readiness could be of greater importance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness/physiology*
  13. Duncan M
    Q J Exp Physiol Cogn Med Sci, 1972 Jul;57(3):247-56.
    PMID: 4483129
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness*
  14. Li C, Khoo S, Adnan A
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2017 Mar;96(11):e6328.
    PMID: 28296754 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000006328
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this review is to synthesize the evidence on the effects of aquatic exercise interventions on physical function and fitness among people with spinal cord injury.

    DATA SOURCE: Six major databases were searched from inception till June 2015: MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, PsychInfo, SPORTDiscus, and Cochrane Center Register of Controlled Trials.

    STUDY APPRAISAL AND SYNTHESIS METHODS: Two reviewers independently rated methodological quality using the modified Downs and Black Scale and extracted and synthesized key findings (i.e., participant characteristics, study design, physical function and fitness outcomes, and adverse events).

    RESULTS: Eight of 276 studies met the inclusion criteria, of which none showed high research quality. Four studies assessed physical function outcomes and 4 studies evaluated aerobic fitness as outcome measures. Significant improvements on these 2 outcomes were generally found. Other physical or fitness outcomes including body composition, muscular strength, and balance were rarely reported.

    CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS OF KEY FINDINGS: There is weak evidence supporting aquatic exercise training to improve physical function and aerobic fitness among adults with spinal cord injury. Suggestions for future research include reporting details of exercise interventions, evaluating other physical or fitness outcomes, and improving methodological quality.

    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness/physiology*
  15. Toumpakari Z, Jago R, Howe LD, Majid HA, Papadaki A, Mohammadi S, et al.
    PMID: 31766777 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16234662
    Patterns of physical activity (PA) that optimize both fitness and fatness may better predict cardiometabolic health. Reduced rank regression (RRR) was applied to identify combinations of the type (e.g., football vs. skipping), location and timing of activity, explaining variation in cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and Body Mass Index (BMI). Multivariable regressions estimated longitudinal associations of PA pattern scores with cardiometabolic health in n = 579 adolescents aged 13-17 years from the Malaysian Health and Adolescent Longitudinal Research Team study. PA pattern scores in boys were associated with higher fitness (r = 0.3) and lower fatness (r = -0.3); however, in girls, pattern scores were only associated with higher fitness (r = 0.4) (fatness, r = -0.1). Pattern scores changed by β = -0.01 (95% confidence interval (CI) -0.04, 0.03) and β = -0.08 (95% CI -0.1, -0.06) per year from 13 to 17 years in boys and girls respectively. Higher CRF and lower BMI were associated with better cardiometabolic health at 17 years, but PA pattern scores were not in either cross-sectional or longitudinal models. RRR identified sex-specific PA patterns associated with fitness and fatness but the total variation they explained was small. PA pattern scores changed little through adolescence, which may explain the limited evidence on health associations. Objective PA measurement may improve RRR for identifying optimal PA patterns for cardiometabolic health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness*
  16. Ong TC
    J Sports Sci, 1993 Feb;11(1):71-6.
    PMID: 8450589 DOI: 10.1080/02640419308729966
    The maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) of 421 healthy adult males from three ethnic groups (Chinese, Malay and Indian), aged 25-54 years, was assessed from direct analyses of their expired respiratory gases during all-out runs on a treadmill as a measure of aerobic fitness. The subjects were divided into three age groups: group 1, 25-34 years; group 2, 35-44 years; group 3, 45-54 years. Each group was further subdivided into non-exercisers (NE), non-regular exercisers (NRE) and regular exercisers (RE). Consistently within each age group, regular exercisers produced significantly higher VO2 max values compared to non-regular exercisers and non-exercisers. They also met the VO2 max requirements for heavy physical work and compared favourably with the standards of the National Physical Fitness Award of Singapore and Cooper's aerobic fitness classification standards based on North American males. Non-regular exercisers and non-exercisers only met the VO2 max requirements for moderate physical work and compared poorly in both of the aerobic fitness standards.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness*
  17. Sadeghi H, Hakim MN, Hamid TA, Amri SB, Razeghi M, Farazdaghi M, et al.
    Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 2017 Mar-Apr;69:144-150.
    PMID: 27923177 DOI: 10.1016/j.archger.2016.11.009
    BACKGROUND: Proprioception is the ability to sense the body position, muscle sense, joint stability and posture. As balance decreases during the process of aging, knee proprioception has a critical role in body balance and daily activities. Exergaming has shown to be a potentially effective and more enjoyable form of exercise delivery.

    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of an 8-week Xbox Kinect exercise program on knee proprioception in healthy older adults.

    METHODOLOGY: Thirty-two elderly men who were 65 years of age or older were randomly allocated to either a control or experimental group (allocation ratio 1:1). The experimental group received an exergame intervention that included Xbox Kinect with games focusing on movements of the knee joint for 8 weeks (three times per week and 40min per sessions). A Biodex Isokinetic Dynamometer was used to measure knee joint position sense before and after the exercise program.

    RESULTS: After eight weeks of training, knee proprioception significantly improved in the intervention group for several knee joint angles: 30° (3.5±1.1), 45° (3.1±0.9), and 60° (3.0±0.6) compared to the control group 30° (5.2±0.8), 45° (5.2±0.8), and 60° (6.2±0.9) (dominant leg F1, 28=23.469, p=0.001. ƞ2=0.456; non-dominant leg F1, 28=23.076, p=0.001. ƞ2=0.452).

    CONCLUSION: The results from this study indicate that exergame intervention can enhance knee proprioception in elderly men.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness/physiology*
  18. Bai X, Xiao W, Soh KG, Agudamu, Zhang Y
    PLoS One, 2023;18(10):e0293483.
    PMID: 37883372 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293483
    Healthy aging is a global goal to enhance the quality of life for older persons. This study evaluated the benefits of 12-week concurrent brisk walking and Taijiquan. Healthy Chinese women aged 60 years and above were enrolled to the control (n = 26) and intervention (n = 25) groups. Participants in the intervention group engaged in three exercise sessions per week for 12 weeks, whereas control group engaged in free-living activities. Each exercise session consisted of 20-45 minutes of walking and 20-45 minutes of Yang style 24-form Taijiquan. 12-week exercise improved (p < 0.05) the sit and reach test (within-group mean difference: +5.6 cm; Hedges' g = 0.77), handgrip strength (mean difference: +3.1 kg; g = 0.89), arm curl (mean difference: +2.1 repetitions; g = 0.69), chair stand (mean difference: +2.6 repetitions; g = 0.63), and one-legged standing (mean difference: +2.2 seconds; g = 1.07). There was no improvement in the circulatory health, body composition, or life satisfaction. Therefore, this concurrent brisk walking and Taijiquan training, which targets major whole-body muscle groups, could improve aging-critical flexibility, muscular fitness, and balance in older women. The exercise meets the current WHO guideline, is safe to perform, and could be campaigned as a health promotion for older persons.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness*
  19. Duncan MT, Scammell CA
    Hum Biol, 1977 Feb;49(1):31-40.
    PMID: 844839
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness*
  20. Khoo S, Al-Shamli AK
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2012 Jan;24(1):128-35.
    PMID: 20460285 DOI: 10.1177/1010539510366178
    This study investigated the relationship between leisure-time physical activity and physical fitness (cardiovascular fitness, body fat percentage, flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance) of 10th-grade male students in Oman. Data were collected from 330 students. All participants completed a descriptive questionnaire, a 1 mile walk/run test; a skinfold analysis of the chest, abdomen, and thigh; a sit and reach test; a hand grip test; and a 1-minute sit-up test. Students spent an average of 19.20 ± 6.77 hours on sedentary activities, 3.46 ± 2.11 hours on sports activities, and 11.22 ± 9.24 hours working per week. The students had an average body fat percentage of 6.38% ± 4.67%, muscle strength 38.04 ± 7.55 kg, flexibility 38.01 ± 7.41 cm, abdominal muscle endurance 38.85 ± 8.15 times/min, and cardiovascular endurance 8.10 ± 1.65 minutes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness/physiology*
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