Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 90 in total

  1. Singh S, Mirdha N, Shilpa PH, Tiwari RVC, Abdul MSM, Sainudeen S
    J Int Soc Prev Community Dent, 2019 06 07;9(3):245-249.
    PMID: 31198696 DOI: 10.4103/jispcd.JISPCD_411_18
    Aim and Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the apical transportation, centering ability, and volume of removed dentin of WaveOne Gold (WOG) and 2Shape with the use of cone-beam computed tomography.

    Materials and Methods: Freshly extracted mandibular teeth with sample size of thirty were carefully chosen and instrumented using the 2Shape and WOG rotary files. Preoperative and postinstrumentation cone-beam computed tomographic scans were done to accomplish mesial and distal dentin walls' measurements and volume of removed dentin calculations, apical transportation, and centering ratio. Statistical analysis was performed and confirmed by independent t-test. Statistical significance was set at 5%.

    Results: When shaping ability of 2Shape and WOG was evaluated, it was reported that there was no statistically significant differences noted among the groups in relation to the total volume of removed dentin, apical transportation, and centering ratio.

    Conclusion: It can be concluded that 2Shape and WOG preserved the original canal anatomy well and did not eliminate excess dentin during shaping and cleaning. Rotary nickel-titanium files which work on the principle of rotary movement attained an outcome analogous to that of the rotary files working on reciprocating motion in relation to alteration in angle.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  2. Lui, J.L.
    Ann Dent, 2007;14(1):14-18.
    During post crown restoration, the preparation of the post canal can be fraught with difficulties resulting in widening, gouging and transportation of the post canal; sometimes with near root perforation. A technique is described to repair such iatrogenically damaged internal root canal walls using reinforcing resin composite and optic glass fibre posts. The root dentine, resin composite and glass fibres, having similar moduli of elasticity, will result in a repaired root with a ‘monolithic’ structure and possessing numerous desirable characteristics. This repair technique can easily be carried out in one sitting at the chairside thereby allowing the continued serviceability of the iatrogenically compromised root-filled tooth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  3. Yahya, N.A., Lim, K.H.D.
    Ann Dent, 2008;15(2):89-93.
    Direct composite veneers can be used to mask tooth discolorations and/or to correct unaesthetic tooth forms and/or positions. However, these type of restorations are often regarded as one of the most challenging in aesthetic dentistry presumably due to the extent of natural tooth structure that must be recreated. This paper discusses easy application techniques and tips for Ceram.X Duo™, a nano ceramic composite restorative material. Its natural shading system allows the restoration of tooth with both dentine and enamel shade and transforms it into a final direct veneer restoration that mimics a natural tooth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  4. Mohd. Bakri, M, Mat Salleh, A.
    Ann Dent, 2003;10(1):-.
    Decalcified permanent teeth were sectioned and stained with Van Gieson and Gomori trichome dyes. Sections dyed with the Van Gieson dye did not produce any zones in dentine but with the Gomori trichome dye, four different zones of dentine were produced. Zone 1 begins at the predentine-dentine junction while zone 4 ends at the enamel - dentine junction. In zone 1, the intertubular dentine was stained clearly while in zone 3 intense staining of the peritubular dentine was observed. The result of this study supports the previous findings reported by other workers that the formation of intertubular dentine takes place in zone 1 while peritubular dentine occurs in zone 3.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  5. Babar, Muneer Gohar, Gonzalez, Ma Angela
    Background: The importance of tooth sectioning is realized in disasters such as earthquake, airplane crash investigation, terror, micro leakage studies, age estimation etc. The objective of this study was to develop a simple method to make thin sections (approximately 100 mm) from freshly extracted teeth.

    Methods: One hundred and twenty human premolars recently extracted for orthodontic purpose were used for this study. The teeth were stored in 0.5% chorlaramine for 2 weeks and were not allowed to dry at any stage of the experiment. The teeth were thoroughly washed in distilled water teeth and then were sectioned buccolingually from crown to the root portion.

    Results: A detailed embedding-cutting-mounting procedure is described. The prepared thin ground sections were then examined under a Polarised light microscope for the enamel and the dentine, as well as the caries lesions can clearly be distinguished.

    Conclusion: This is an effective and efficient method for preparation of ground sections in which the hard tissue details are preserved.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  6. Vivekananda Pai AR, Arora V
    J Conserv Dent, 2018 4 21;21(2):230-232.
    PMID: 29674831 DOI: 10.4103/JCD.JCD_316_16
    A metallic obstruction in the canal orifice of a maxillary right canine could not be bypassed during endodontic treatment. Aids such as ultrasonics and retrieval kits were not available for the removal of the obstruction. Therefore, a novel approach using a disposable syringe needle was employed. A 22-gauge needle was inserted into the orifice and turned in an arc with a gentle apical pressure and alternate rocking motion around the obstruction. This procedure was repeated few times to cut dentin and successfully dislodge and remove the obstruction using the sharp beveled tip of the needle. This case report demonstrates that, in the absence of other aids, the use of a disposable syringe needle is a simple, economical, and yet an effective technique for conservative removal of dentin and to dislodge and remove an obstruction from the root canal. However, its effectiveness depends on case selection and straight-line accessibility to the obstruction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  7. Karobari MI, Batul R, Snigdha NTS, Al-Rawas M, Noorani TY
    PLoS One, 2023;18(11):e0294076.
    PMID: 37956149 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0294076
    INTRODUCTION: Root canal sealing materials play a crucial role in an endodontic procedure by forming a bond between the dentinal walls and the gutta-percha. The current study aims to analyse the dentinal tubule penetration and adhesive pattern, including the push-out bond strength of six commercially available root canal sealers.

    METHODOLOGY: Eighty-four mandibular first premolars were split into seven groups (and n = 12), Group 1: Dia-Root, Group 2: One-Fil, Group 3: BioRoot RCS, Group 4: AH Plus, Group 5: CeraSeal, Group 6: iRoot SP, Group 7: GP without sealer (control). Two groups were made, one for dentinal tubule penetration and the other for push-out bond strength; the total sample size was one hundred sixty-eight. Root canal treatment was performed using a method called the crown down technique, and for obturation, the single cone technique was used. A confocal laser scanning microscope (Leica, Microsystem Heidel GmbH, Version 2.00 build 0585, Germany) was used to evaluate dentinal tubule penetration, and Universal Testing Machine was utilised to measure the push-out bond strength (Shimadzu, Japan) using a plunger size of 0.4 mm and speed of 1mm/min. Finally, the adhesive pattern of the sealers was analysed by HIROX digital microscope (KH-7700). Statistical analysis was carried out by a one-way Anova test, Dunnet's T3 test, and Chi-square test.

    RESULTS: Highest dentinal tubule penetration was noticed with One-Fil (p<0.05), followed by iRoot SP, CeraSeal, AH Plus, Dia-Root also, the most negligible value was recorded for BioRoot RCS. Meanwhile, BioRoot RCS (p<0.05) demonstrated the greater value of mean push-out bond strength, followed by One-fil, iRoot SP, CeraSeal, AH Plus and Dia-Root. Regarding adhesive pattern, most of the samples were classified as type 3 and type 4 which implies greater sealing ability and better adherence to the dentinal wall. However, BioRoot RCS revealed the most type 4 (p<0.05), followed by AH Plus, One-Fil, CeraSeal and Dia-Root.

    CONCLUSION: The highest dentinal tubule penetration was shown by One-Fil compared to other groups. Meanwhile, BioRoot RCS had greater push-out bond strength and more adhesive pattern than other tested materials.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  8. Daood U, Sauro S, Pichika MR, Omar H, Liang Lin S, Fawzy AS
    Dent Mater, 2020 01;36(1):145-156.
    PMID: 31818524 DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2019.11.003
    OBJECTIVE: To modify a universal dentine adhesive with different concentrations of riboflavin and D-Alpha 1000 Succinate polyethylene (VE-TPGS) as a chemical enhancer and to assess the micro-tensile bond strength (24h/12 months), determine resin penetration, measurement of intermolecular interactions and cytotoxicity.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: An experimental adhesive system based on bis-GMA, HEMA and hydrophobic monomer was doped with RF0.125 (RF - Riboflavin) or RF/VE-TPGS (0.25/0.50) and submitted to μTBS evaluation. Resin dentine slabs were prepared and examined using SEM and TEM. Adhesion force was analysed on ends of AFM cantilevers deflection. Quenched peptide assays were performed using fluorescence scanner and wavelengths set to 320nm and 405nm. Cytotoxicity was assessed using human peripheral blood mononuclear cell line. Molecular docking studies were carried out using Schrödinger small-molecule drug discovery suite 2018-2. Data from viable cell results was analyzed using one-way ANOVA. Bond strength values were analysed by two-way ANOVA. Nonparametric results were analyzed using a Kruskal-Wallis test at a 0.05 significance level.

    RESULTS: RF/VE-TPGS0.25 groups showed highest bond strength results after 24-h storage in artificial saliva (p<0.05). RF/VE-TPGS0.50 groups showed increased bond strength after 12-months of ageing. RF/VE-TPGS modified adhesives showed appreciable presence of a hybrid layer. Packing fraction indicated solid angle profiles describing well sized density and topology relations for the RF/VE-TPGS adhesives, in particular with the RF/VE-TPGS0.50 specimens. Qualitative analysis of the phenotype of macrophages was prominently CD163+ in the RF/VE-TPGS0.50. Both the compounds showed favourable negative binding energies as expressed in terms of 'XP GScore'.

    CONCLUSION: New formulations based on the incorporation of RF/VE-TPGS in universal adhesives may be of significant potential in facilitating penetration, distribution and uptake of riboflavin within the dentine surface.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin; Dentin-Bonding Agents*
  9. Habib M, Chew HP
    J Pak Med Assoc, 2019 Oct;69(10):1509-1513.
    PMID: 31622307
    Dentine erosion is an increasingly recognised problem, especially in aging population, and various methods have been utilised for its assessment. This narrative review was planned to summarise the methods for the assessment of the early stages of dentine erosion. Relevant original articles published in the English language from 2013 to 2017 were reviewed. Laboratory techniques and methods with in vivo potential were separately studied. It is evident that the assessment of early dentine erosion is complex and requires a combination of methods. For clinical evaluation, chemical analysis and optical methods show great potential but are in need of more validation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin/pathology; Dentin/chemistry
  10. Purwasena IA, Fitri DK, Putri DM, Endro H, Zakaria MN
    J Dent, 2024 May;144:104961.
    PMID: 38527516 DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2024.104961
    OBJECTIVES: Lipopeptide Biosurfactant (LB) is a bacteria derived compound able to reduce surface tension between water and hydrophobic substances and exhibit antimicrobial and anti-biofilm properties. This study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial and anti-biofilm effect of a Lipopeptide Biosurfactant (LB) on Enterococcus faecalis, and its potential use in root canal treatment, either as a standalone irrigation solution or in conjunction with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl).

    METHODS: LB was extracted from Bacillus clausii isolate and the dry extract was diluted in deionized water. The antimicrobial effect of LB against planktonic E. faecalis was evaluated by determining the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC50). The anti-biofilm effect was evaluated by Minimal Biofilm Inhibitory Concentration (MBIC50) and Minimal Biofilm Eradication Concentration (MBEC50) assays on biofilm grown on dentin specimen surface. To evaluate the effectiveness of LB as a single irrigation solution and as a pre-irrigation prior to NaOCl, live and dead bacterial cells were quantified using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM), and cell biomass was assessed.

    RESULTS: LB exhibited an MIC50 and MBIC50 of 100 ppm, with an MBEC50 of 1000 ppm, resulting in 52.94 % biofilm inhibition and 60.95 % biofilm eradication on dentin specimens. The effectiveness was concentration-dependent, at 500 ppm, LB demonstrated comparable antimicrobial efficacy to 2.5 % NaOCl. Pre-irrigation with LB resulted in lower biofilm biomass compared to NaOCl alone.

    CONCLUSION: Pre-irrigation with LB enhanced the antimicrobial effect when followed by NaOCl irrigation. Consequently, LB shows promise as both a standalone root canal irrigation solution and as an adjunct to NaOCl in root canal treatment.

    CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The study highlights the potential of Lipopeptide Biosurfactant (LB) as an environmentally friendly irrigation solution for root canal treatment, demonstrating potent antimicrobial and anti-biofilm properties against Enterococcus faecalis. LB exhibits concentration-dependent efficacy comparable to 2.5 % NaOCl and can be used as a standalone irrigation solution or in conjunction with NaOCl.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin/drug effects; Dentin/microbiology
  11. Hossain MZ, Bakri MM, Yahya F, Ando H, Unno S, Kitagawa J
    Int J Mol Sci, 2019 Jan 27;20(3).
    PMID: 30691193 DOI: 10.3390/ijms20030526
    Dental pain is a common health problem that negatively impacts the activities of daily living. Dentine hypersensitivity and pulpitis-associated pain are among the most common types of dental pain. Patients with these conditions feel pain upon exposure of the affected tooth to various external stimuli. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying dental pain, especially the transduction of external stimuli to electrical signals in the nerve, remain unclear. Numerous ion channels and receptors localized in the dental primary afferent neurons (DPAs) and odontoblasts have been implicated in the transduction of dental pain, and functional expression of various polymodal transient receptor potential (TRP) channels has been detected in DPAs and odontoblasts. External stimuli-induced dentinal tubular fluid movement can activate TRP channels on DPAs and odontoblasts. The odontoblasts can in turn activate the DPAs by paracrine signaling through ATP and glutamate release. In pulpitis, inflammatory mediators may sensitize the DPAs. They could also induce post-translational modifications of TRP channels, increase trafficking of these channels to nerve terminals, and increase the sensitivity of these channels to stimuli. Additionally, in caries-induced pulpitis, bacterial products can directly activate TRP channels on DPAs. In this review, we provide an overview of the TRP channels expressed in the various tooth structures, and we discuss their involvement in the development of dental pain.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin Sensitivity/complications; Dentin Sensitivity/metabolism*
  12. Whittaker DK, Bakri MM
    Arch Oral Biol, 1996 Jan;41(1):15-9.
    PMID: 8833585
    One hundred and ninety-eight single-rooted teeth from individuals aged 21-90 yr of Caucasian, Malay, Chinese Malay and Indian Malay origin were studied. Single or serial longitudinal sections of extracted teeth were cut following dye imbibition of patent dentinal tubules. The extent of sclerosis of apical dentinal tubules was assessed and correlated with the age of the individual. Correlation with age was higher in the Caucasian than the Malay races and within the Malaysian racial groups correlation with age was highest in the Malays and lowest in the Chinese. It is concluded that factors other than age may be important in the formation of sclerotic apical dentine in teeth of different racial origin. The effect of racial origin should be considered when using sclerosis as a means of age determination in forensic cases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin/ultrastructure*; Dentin, Secondary/pathology
  13. Daood U, Parolia A, Matinlinna J, Yiu C, Ahmed HMA, Fawzy A
    Dent Mater, 2020 12;36(12):e386-e402.
    PMID: 33010944 DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2020.09.008
    OBJECTIVES: Evaluate a new modified quaternary ammonium silane irrigant solution for its antimicrobial, cytotoxic and mechanical properties of dentine substrate.

    METHODS: Root canal preparation was performed using stainless steel K-files™ and F4 size protaper with irrigation protocols of 6% NaOCl + 2% CHX; 3.5% QIS; 2% QIS and sterile saline. Biofilms were prepared using E. faecalis adjusted and allowed to grow for 3 days, treated with irrigants, and allowed to grow for 7 days. AFM was performed and surface free energy calculated. MC3T3 cells were infected with endo irrigant treated E. faecalis biofilms. Raman spectroscopy of biofilms were performed after bacterial re-growth on root dentine and exposed to different irrigation protocols and collagen fibers analysed collagen fibers using TEM. Antimicrobial potency against E. faecalis biofilms and cytoxicity against 3T3 NIH cells were also. Resin penetration and MitoTracker green were also evaluated for sealer penetration and mitochondrial viability. Data were analysed using One-way ANOVA, principal component analysis and post-hoc Fisher's least-significant difference.

    RESULTS: Elastic moduli were maintained amongst control (5.5 ± 0.9) and 3.5% QIS (4.4 ± 1.1) specimens with surface free energy higher in QIS specimens. MC3T3 cells showed reduced viability in 6%NaOCl+2%CHX specimens compared to QIS specimens. DNA/purine were expressed in increased intensities in control and 6% NaOCl + 2% CHX specimens with bands around 480-490 cm-1 reduced in QIS specimens. 3.5% QIS specimens showed intact collagen fibrillar network and predominantly dead bacterial cells in confocal microscopy. 3.5% QIS irrigant formed a thin crust-type surface layer with cytoplasmic extensions of 3T3NIH spread over root dentine. Experiments confirmed MitoTracker accumulation in 3.5% treated cells.

    SIGNIFICANCE: Novel QIS root canal irrigant achieved optimum antimicrobial protection inside the root canals facilitating a toxic effect against the Enterococcus faecalis biofilm. Root dentine substrates exhibited optimum mechanical properties and there was viability of fibroblastic mitochondria.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  14. Nor NAM, Chadwick BL, Farnell D, Chestnutt IG
    Community Dent Health, 2019 Aug 29;36(3):229-236.
    PMID: 31437389 DOI: 10.1922/CDH_4522Nor08
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and severity of dental caries (at dentine and enamel levels of diagnosis) amongst Malaysian children and to investigate determinant factors associated with caries detection at these different thresholds.

    METHODS: This study involved life-long residents aged 12 years-old in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas in Malaysia (n=595). The survey was carried out in 16 public schools by a calibrated examiner, using ICDAS-II criteria. A questionnaire on socio-demographic and oral hygiene practices was self-administered by parents/guardians. Data were analysed using Mann-Whitney U tests and logistic regression.

    RESULTS: The overall response rate was 74.4%. Caries prevalence at the dentine level or at the dentine and enamel level was significantly (p⟨0.001) higher among children in the non-fluoridated area (D₁₋₆MFT⟩0 = 82.4%, D₄₋₆MFT⟩0 = 53.5%) than in the fluoridated area (D₁₋₆MFT⟩0 = 68.7%, D₄₋₆MFT⟩0 = 25.5%). Considering only the decayed component of the index, no significant differences were observed between the two areas when the detection threshold was set at enamel caries (D₁₋₃) (p=0.506). However, when the detection criteria were elevated to the level of caries into dentine (D₄₋₆) there were clear differences between the fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas (p=0.006). Exposure to fluoridated water proved a significant predictor for lower caries prevalence in the statistical model. Children whose father and mother had a low monthly income had a significantly higher dentine caries prevalence.

    CONCLUSION: Results confirmed existing evidence of the benefit of water fluoridation in caries prevention. Detection criteria set at caries into dentine shows clear differences between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas. Exposure to fluoridated water and socio-economic status were associated with caries prevalence.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  15. Akram Z, Daood U, Aati S, Ngo H, Fawzy AS
    Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 2021 Mar;122:111894.
    PMID: 33641897 DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2021.111894
    We formulated a pH-sensitive chlorhexidine-loaded mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN) modified with poly-(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (CHX-loaded/MSN-PLGA) and incorporated into experimental resin-based dentin adhesives at 5 and 10 wt%. Nanocarriers were characterized in terms of morphology, physicochemical features, spectral analyses, drug-release kinetics at varying pH and its effect on dentin-bound proteases was investigated. The modified dentin adhesives were characterized for cytotoxicity, antimicrobial activity, degree of conversion (DC) along with CHX release, micro-tensile bond strength (μTBS) and nano-leakage expression were studied at different pH values and storage time. CHX-loaded/MSN-PLGA nanocarriers exhibited a significant pH-dependent drug release behavior than CHX-loaded/MSN nanocarriers without PLGA modification. The highest percentage of CHX release was seen with 10 wt% CHX-loaded/MSN-PLGA doped adhesive at a pH of 5.0. CHX-loaded/MSN-PLGA modified adhesives exhibited more profound antibiofilm characteristics against S. mutans and more sustained CHX-release which was pH dependent. After 6 months in artificial saliva at varying pH, the 5 wt% CHX-loaded/MSN-PLGA doped adhesive showed excellent bonding under SEM/TEM, higher μTBS, and least nano-leakage expression. The pH-sensitive CHX-loaded/MSN-PLGA could be of crucial advantage for resin-dentin bonding applications especially in reduced pH microenvironment resulting from biofilm formation; and the activation of dentin-bound proteases as a consequence of acid etching and acidic content of bonding resin monomers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  16. Saerah, N.B., Ismail, N.M., Naing, L., Ismail, A.R.
    Tooth wear is the non-carious loss of tooth tissue due to attrition, erosion and/or abrasion. The amount of wear that accelerates physiological tooth wear is referred as pathological tooth wear. This study aims to determine the prevalence and mean scores according to mouth quadrant of raw tooth wear (RTW) and pathological tooth wear (PTW) and investigate sex association with PTW among 16-year-old secondary school children in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. This cross-sectional study involves 688 participants randomly selected from eight government secondary schools. The Smith and Knight Tooth Wear Index (TWI) was used. Data were analyzed using a simplified Microsoft Excel program developed based on the index to quantify PTW. Bar graphs were plotted to highlight the mean scores according to mouth quadrant. About 44% of participants were male and 56% were female. The prevalence of RTW and PTW among subjects was 100% and 20.1% respectively. It was found that 32.8% of tooth surfaces were affected with RTW and 0.7% of study subjects already had exposed dentine. The most affected quadrant for RTW and PTW was the upper and lower incisal quadrant respectively. Males had 92% more odds of developing tooth wear compared to females. In conclusion, all subjects have some degree of wear. About one-fifth of the study subjects were affected by PTW. The patterns of wear were similar to those encountered in the Western societies. There was statistically significant association between sex and PTW.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  17. Lui, J.L., Chan, C.L., Yap, K.T.
    Ann Dent, 2006;13(1):6-11.
    The aim of the study was to determine the depth of cure of a new nanocomposite when exposed to different curing times and also when different shades were polymerized. The nanocomposite, Filtek Supreme (3M ESPE), was packed into 96 plastic cylindrical moulds measuring 4 mm in internal diameter and 8 mm in length and then polymerized using a conventional quartz-tungsten-halogen light curing unit. The first part of the study involved curing 16 samples each of A2 shade of the nanocomposite at exposure times of 20s, 40s, 60s and 120s. For the second part, a similar number of samples of the dentinal opacity shades of A2, B3 and A4 of the nanocomposite were polymerized at a constant exposure time of 40s. The depth of polymerization of the nanocomposite in each sample was measured using a digimatic indicator. Curing depths were found to increase significantly (P < 0.05) with longer exposure time (20s < 40s < 60s < 120s) and decrease significantly with darker shades (A2 > B3 > A4).
    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  18. Kumar S, Thomas BS, Gupta K, Guddattu V, Alexander M
    Niger J Clin Pract, 2018 Aug;21(8):1029-1033.
    PMID: 30074006 DOI: 10.4103/njcp.njcp_341_17
    Aim and objectives: The aim and the objectives were. (1) to assess the efficacy of a desensitizing toothpaste containing 8.0% arginine-calcium carbonate (Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™), (2) to assess the efficacy of a desensitizing toothpaste containing 8.0% arginine-calcium carbonate (Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™) used in combination with iontophoresis, and (3) to compare the effectiveness of the above methods.

    Subjects and Methods: Two groups of 40 patients each having dentinal hypersensitivity were treated using 8% proarginine and iontophoresis. The patients were recalled after 1, 2, and 4 weeks. The scores were tabulated and the results were analyzed using SPSS statistical software.

    Results: Visual analog scale between the two groups showed a significant difference from the 1st week till the 4th week. ANOVA values showed the reduction in the dentinal hypersensitivity in Group 2 using the iontophoresis along with the 8.0% arginine-calcium carbonate toothpaste. The Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel correlation test of the Schiff's dentinal hypersensitivity cross-tabulation showed P < 0.001 which was statistically significant reduction after the 4th week following the application of 8.0% arginine-calcium carbonate along with iontophoresis.

    Conclusion: Iontophoresis, when used along with Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ toothpaste, can provide additional benefit as this provides a better sealing effect.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin Sensitivity/drug therapy*; Dentin Desensitizing Agents/therapeutic use*
  19. Daood U, Akram Z, Matinlinna JP, Fawzy AS
    Dent Mater, 2019 07;35(7):1017-1030.
    PMID: 31064669 DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2019.04.005
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate EDC-assisted collagen crosslinking effect with different concentrations of tiopronin-protected gold (TPAu) nanoparticles on demineralized dentine.

    METHODS: TPAu nanoparticles were fabricated from 0.31-g tetrachloroauric acid and 0.38-g of N-(2-mercaptopropionyl) glycine (2.4-mmol). Then co-dissolved using 35-mL of 6:1 methanol/acetic acid and mixed using NaBH4. EDC (0.3-M) was conjugated to TPAu nanoparticles at TPAU/EDC-0.25:1, and TPAU/EDC-0.5:1 treatment formulations ratios. Dentin specimens treated with 0.3-M EDC solution alone or left untreated were used as control. Nanoparticles formulations were characterized in term of particles morphology and size, Zeta potential, thermogravimetric analysis and small-angle X-ray scattering. Dentin substrates were characterized in term of TEM investigation, dentin proteases characterization, hydroxyproline liberation, elastic modulus measurement, Raman analysis and confocal microscopy viewing.

    RESULTS: TEM evaluation of tiopronin protected gold nanoparticles dispersion revealed nano-clusters formations in both groups. However, based on our TEM measurements, the particle-size was ranging from ˜20 to 50 nm with spherical core-shape which were almost similar for both TPAu/EDC ratios (0.5:1 and 0.25:1). Zeta potential measurements indicate negative nanoparticles surface charge. SAXS profiles for both formulations, suggest a typical profile for uni-lamellar nanoparticles. Superior dentin collagen cross-linking effect was found with the TPAu/EDC nanoparticles formulations compared to the control and EDC treated groups.

    SIGNIFICANCE: Cross-linking of dentin collagen using TPAu coupled with EDC through TPAu/EDC nanoparticles formulations is of potential significance in improving the biodegradation resistance, proteases inhibition, mechanical and structural stability of demineralized dentin substrates. In addition, the cross-linking effect is dependent on TPAu/EDC ratio, whereas higher cross-linking effect was found at TPAu/EDC ratio of 0.5:1.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
  20. Daood U, Parolia A, Elkezza A, Yiu CK, Abbott P, Matinlinna JP, et al.
    Dent Mater, 2019 09;35(9):1264-1278.
    PMID: 31201019 DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2019.05.020
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze effect of NaOCl+2% quaternary ammonium silane (QAS)-containing novel irrigant against bacteria impregnated inside the root canal system, and to evaluate its antimicrobial and mechanical potential of dentine substrate.

    METHODS: Root canal was prepared using stainless steel K-files™ and ProTaper™ and subjected to manual and ultrasonic irrigation using 6% NaOCl+2% CHX, 6% NaOCl+2% QAS and saline as control. For confocal-microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and SEM analysis before and after treatment, Enterococcus faecalis cultured for 7 days. Raman spectroscopy analysis was done across cut section of gutta percha/sealer-dentine to detect resin infiltration. Indentation of mechanical properties was evaluated using a Berkovich indenter. The contact angle of irrigants and surface free energy were evaluated. Mineralization nodules were detected through Alazarin red after 14 days.

    RESULTS: Control biofilms showed dense green colonies. Majority of E. faecalis bacteria were present in biofilm fluoresced red in NaOCl+2% QAS group. There was reduction of 484cm-1 Raman band and its intensity reached lowest with NaOCl+2% QAS. There was an increase in 1350-1420cm-1 intensity in the NaOCl+2% CHX groups. Gradual decrease in 1639cm-1 and 1609cm-1 Raman signal ratios were seen in the resin-depth region of 17μm>, 14.1μm> and 13.2μm for NaOCl+2% QAS, NaOCl+2% CHX and control groups respectively. All obturated groups showed an intact sealer/dentine interface with a few notable differences. 0.771 and 83.5% creep indentation distance for NaOCl+2% QAS ultrasonic groups were observed. Highest proportion of polar component was significantly found in the NaOCl+2% QAS groups which was significantly higher as compared to other groups. Mineralized nodules were increased in NaOCl+2% QAS.

    SIGNIFICANCE: Favorable antimicrobial and endodontic profile of the NaOCl+2% QAS solution might suggest clinical use for it for more predictable reduction of intracanal bacteria.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dentin
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