Displaying publications 381 - 400 of 782 in total

  1. Pravina Jeevanaraj, Samala Munianddey, Zailina Hashim
    Introduction: Due to rapid urbanization, Malaysia is currently undergoing extensive amount of construction activities and significant rise in the construction waste. Improper construction wastes management practices have led to rise in the waste open dumping sites which may significantly affect the environment and public health. This study was undertaken to assess air pollution in such a site and the impact to the respiratory health of children studying in a nearby school. Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted in Sungai Buloh (exposed) and Kuala Selangor (comparative). Concentration of PM10 was monitored at the open dumping site (n=15), a nearby primary school (n=45) and a comparative primary school (n=12). Parents who gave consent (n=229) answered a questionnaire related to child’s respiratory health whereas their children participated in lung function assessment. Results: Concentration of PM10 at the dumping site, exposed school and comparative school was 0.245±0.048mg/ m3 , 0.270±0.020mg/m3 and 0.051±0.016mg/m3 respectively, with the first two significantly exceeded the 24-hour Malaysian Air Quality Standard (MAQS) for PM10 (0.150mg/m3 ). Besides, PM10 concentration in the exposed school was similar to the dumping site (p>0.05) and many folds higher than the comparative school (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  2. Tang WS, Chan MW, Kow FP, Ambigapathy R, Wong JHW, Thiruvengadam V, et al.
    Malays Fam Physician, 2021 Mar 25;16(1):75-83.
    PMID: 33948145 DOI: 10.51866/oa1096
    Background: The low detection rate of tuberculosis (TB) cases in Malaysia remains a challenge in the effort to end TB by 2030. The collaboration between private and public health care facilities is essential in addressing this issue. As of now, no private-public health care collaborative program in pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) screening exists in Malaysia.

    Aim: To determine the feasibility of a collaborative program between private general practitioners (GPs) and the public primary health clinics in PTB screening and to assess the yield of smear-positive PTB from this program.

    Methods: A prospective cohort study using convenient sampling was conducted involving GPs and public health clinics in the North-East District, Penang, from March 2018 to May 2019. In this study, GPs could direct all suspected PTB patients to perform a sputum acid fast bacilli (AFB) direct smear in any of the dedicated public primary health clinics. The satisfaction level of both the GPs and their patients were assessed using a self-administered client satisfaction questionnaire. IBM SPSS Statistical Software was used to analyze the data.

    Results: Out of a total of 31 patients who underwent the sputum investigation for PTB, one (3.2%) was diagnosed to have smear-positive PTB. Most of the patients (>90%) and GPs (66.7%) agreed to continue with this program in the future. Furthermore, most of the patients (>90%) were satisfied with the program structure.

    Conclusion: It is potentially feasible to involve GPs in combating TB. However, a more structured program addressing the identified issues is needed to make the collaborative program a success.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  3. Kamaruzaman NA, Jamani NA, Said AH
    Malays Fam Physician, 2020;15(2):46-49.
    PMID: 32843945
    Undernutrition remains a major public health concern, especially in developing countries. Despite being rich in resources, Malaysia is still home to children suffering from severe undernutrition. This paper presents the case of a 5-month-old boy with kwashiorkor stemming from improper weaning which was overlooked. This case highlights the importance of recognizing the early signs of kwashiorkor to allow for early referrals for proper management and prevent its possible complications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  4. Alkhawaldeh JM, Soh KL, Mukhtar F, Peng OC, Alkhawaldeh HM, Al-Amer R, et al.
    J Adv Nurs, 2020 Nov;76(11):3123-3135.
    PMID: 32856353 DOI: 10.1111/jan.14506
    AIMS: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the stress management interventional program in reducing occupational stress and improving coping strategies among public health nurses.

    DESIGN: A double-blind, cluster-randomized approach was used as a randomization method for this study to evaluate the stress management interventional program.

    METHODS: A cluster-randomized controlled trial was carried out in eight comprehensive healthcare centres in Amman city, Jordan; four centres were randomly assigned to each experimental and control group. One hundred and seventy nurses were selected randomly from March 2019 - August 2019 and data were collected by using the Nursing Stress Scale & brief COPE over three data collection times. Both descriptive and inferential statistics (repeated measure ANOVA, Independent t test, and chi-squared) were used to answer the research questions of this study.

    RESULTS: The results showed that both the levels of occupational stress and coping strategies were significantly different between the two study groups over the three data collection points (p public health nurses. The implementation of stress management interventions in health care is likely to help nurses manage occupational stress in practice.

    IMPACT: Nurses suffer from a high level of occupational stress. In particular, approximately74% of nurses experience severe occupational stress, which can lead to many mental and physical disorders. However, nurses were less able to utilize the correct stress preventive strategies due to gaps in knowledge, skills, and awareness. This study contributed to the provision of empirical evidence of the effectiveness of the stress management program in reducing occupational stress and improving coping strategies among public health nurses. A stress management intervention program is a valuable non-invasive method that can be used by healthcare organizations to reduce stress levels and improve coping strategies for nurses in practice.


    Matched MeSH terms: Nurses, Public Health
  5. Khor BH, Sualeheen A, Sahathevan S, Chinna K, Gafor AHA, Bavanandan S, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 07 23;10(1):12278.
    PMID: 32704087 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-68893-4
    Sources of dietary phosphate differentially contribute to hyperphosphatemia in maintenance haemodialysis (MHD) patients. This cross-sectional study in Malaysia investigated association between dietary patterns and serum phosphorus in MHD patients. Dietary patterns were derived by principal component analysis, based on 27 food groups shortlisted from 3-day dietary recalls of 435 MHD patients. Associations of serum phosphorus were examined with identified dietary patterns. Three dietary patterns emerged: Home foods (HFdp), Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBdp), and Eating out noodles (EO-Ndp). The highest tertile of patients in HF (T3-HFdp) pattern significantly associated with higher intakes of total protein (p = 0.002), animal protein (p = 0.001), and animal-based organic phosphate (p  2.00 mmol/l was significantly 2.35 times higher (p = 0.005) with the T3-SSBdp. The SSBdp was associated with greater consumption of inorganic phosphate and higher serum phosphorus levels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health Surveillance
  6. Nurul Azmawati, M., Hariz, M.S., Mohd Dzulkhairi, M.R., Shalinawati, R., Ilina, I.
    Medicine & Health, 2018;13(2):48-57.
    Ebola virus disease (EVD), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV), rabies and Nipah infections were examples of diseases that were related to bats and shook the world with a series of outbreak and epidemic. Through the understanding of bats as potential public health risk, awareness had become vital to prevent another outbreak. This pilot study was done to evaluate the appropriateness of the questionnaires and to determine preliminary data on knowledge, attitude and practices of bats-related infections. Residents of a village were recruited by randomly choosing houses from a list obtained from the local head village. Knowledge, attitude and practice were assessed using a 56-items questionnaire. The study recruited 100 respondents. The questionnaire’s Cronbach Alpha score was 0.817. Majority of the respondents were found to have good knowledge (71%), attitude (99%) and practice (64%) relating to bat-related infection. There was a weak positive correlation between knowledge and practice towards bat-related infections among residents of the study population. Majority (80%) of respondents did not aware that bats can cause rabies, and 84% did not know about rabies vaccination. The result of this pilot study provides a limited but valuable insight into bat-related infection. Overall, respondents had good knowledge, attitude and practice scores towards bats-related infection. However, more awareness is needed to key areas lacking such as in educating awareness about rabies in bats.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  7. Jo Ann Andoy-Galvan, Nimesha Tillekeratne, Tilanka Tillekeratne
    Introduction: Obesity is a growing public health concern. Poor diet and lifestyle choices are the main contributors to its development. Lifestyle modifications should be aggressively promoted in the community. Recent studies found that worksite obesity prevention and control programs are effective in increasing physical activity and weight reduction among employees. In Malaysia, there is insufficient data on prevalence studies of workplaces. This study investigated the proportion of overweight and obesity among workers in a private university and hope to serve as a baseline for future healthy workplace programs. Methods: This cross-sectional study investigated overweight and obesity and examined its association with occupational stress, sleeping quality, dietary behaviour and physical inactivity among employees in an academic institution. Weight and height were measured, and BMI was calculated and coded as underweight, normal, overweight and obese according to the cut-off points for the Asian population. Results: Out of ninety-five employees, 55 participated in the survey. Among the 55 employees, 4 (7.3%) were underweight, 10 (18.2%) were normal, 25 (45.5%) were overweight, and 16 (29.1%) were obese. The obese and overweight proportion was similar to the national prevalence. Poor sleep quality and high Job stress scores were reported by 40% of the employees, while physical inactivity of more than 6 hours a day was reported by 50%, and the majority (90%) do not consume enough fibre. Among the risk factors investigated, none was associated with obesity. Conclusion: The proportion of overweight and obesity in this community was like the general population. While not significant in this study, the association between obesity and the four risk factors should be further investigated using a larger sample size. Based on the results, community-based health promotion intervention is suggested to reduce obesity among the employees.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  8. Cheronie Shely Stanis, Myo Thura Zaw, Zainal Arifin Mustapha, Nor Amalina Emran, Richard Avoi, Jiloris Frederick Dony, et al.
    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) still remains a public health problem worldwide and the emergence of drug resistant TB (DR-TB) has worsened the situation as it is difficult and expensive to treat. The characterization of the genetic mutations underlying streptomycin resistance may be helpful in developing rapid detection methods which may guide clinicians in making therapeutic decisions. The aim of this study is to detect mutations causing streptomycin (STR) resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Sabah. Methods: Susceptibility testing was carried out in MGIT system for 42 Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates. The drug resistant isolates were subject to whole genome sequencing and in-silico analysis was performed to detect the mutations in the sequence of the rpsL gene known to confer resistance to anti-tuberculous drugs. Results: Of the 42 positive isolates, 27 (64.3%) are shown to be susceptible towards first line drugs (FLDs) while 15 (35.7%) isolates were mono- and multiple resistant to the FLDs. Our findings reveal that the isolate 145 possess mutations at codon 43 within rpsL gene with amino acid change A to G (K43R). Conclusion: Findings from this study enable us to expand our knowledge of mutations causing drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the point mutations, which can be used as the potential marker for detection of drug resistant isolates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  9. Fatimah Ahmedy, Wan Juhaini Paizi, Darwinus Lajim, Audrey Wong Ya Fui, Khin Nyein Yin, Mohammad Saffree Jeffree, et al.
    Introduction:Diabetes is high in the agenda of public health issues with significant prevalence of diabetic-related amputations. Prosthetic restoration post-amputation is imperative to reduce disability, but its success is influenced by several factors. This study analysed the practice, and the determining factors affecting prosthetic restoration among major lower limb amputees with diabetes in Sabah. Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study among 65 major lower limb amputees with diabetes referred for rehabilitation medicine services at Queen Elizabeth Hospital from 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2017. Demographics data, pre-morbid diseases, levels of amputation and prac-tice on prosthetic restoration (suitability for restoration, duration from prosthetic application to restoration, funding issue) are primary evaluated factors. Results: Forty-nine, fifteen and one amputees had below knee amputation, above knee amputation and hip disarticulation respectively. Forty-three amputees (66.2%) were deemed suitable for prosthetic restoration but only 27 were prosthetically restored, with mean duration from prosthetic application to res-toration of 5.92±2.189 months. Having additional pre-morbid diseases did not reduced the likelihood of suitability for prosthetic restoration compared to those only with diabetes (p=0.082). Funding issue is the key factor affecting prosthetic restoration with higher likelihood for restoration among those eligible through governmental agencies funding (p=0.027). Conclusion: In Sabah, low rate of suitability for prosthetic restoration is observed among major lower limb amputees with diabetes. A larger study is warranted to investigate causes of such low rate of suitability for prosthetic restoration among this specific population in the effort to reduce public health burden from major lower limb amputation-related disability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  10. Chew SS, Tan LT, Law JW, Pusparajah P, Goh BH, Ab Mutalib NS, et al.
    Cancers (Basel), 2020 Aug 13;12(8).
    PMID: 32823729 DOI: 10.3390/cancers12082272
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a global public health issue which poses a substantial humanistic and economic burden on patients, healthcare systems and society. In recent years, intestinal dysbiosis has been suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of CRC, with specific pathogens exhibiting oncogenic potentials such as Fusobacterium nucleatum, Escherichia coli and enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis having been found to contribute to CRC development. More recently, it has been shown that initiation of CRC development by these microorganisms requires the formation of biofilms. Gut microbial biofilm forms in the inner colonic mucus layer and is composed of polymicrobial communities. Biofilm results in the redistribution of colonic epithelial cell E-cadherin, increases permeability of the gut and causes a loss of function of the intestinal barrier, all of which enhance intestinal dysbiosis. This literature review aims to compile the various strategies that target these pathogenic biofilms and could potentially play a role in the prevention of CRC. We explore the potential use of natural products, silver nanoparticles, upconverting nanoparticles, thiosalicylate complexes, anti-rheumatic agent (Auranofin), probiotics and quorum-sensing inhibitors as strategies to hinder colon carcinogenesis via targeting colon-associated biofilms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  11. Yau A, Haque M
    Medeni Med J, 2019;34(4):387-395.
    PMID: 32821466 DOI: 10.5222/MMJ.2019.54775
    The round-the-clock demands of healthcare services, coupled with the shortage of healthcare providers in many parts of the world, have made shiftwork widespread among healthcare workers. Understanding how to mitigate unfavourable effects of shiftwork on well-being is essential to improve health promotion, to prevent disease prevention, and to increase quality of life. This comprehensive review aims to present evidence linking shiftwork with cardiovascular diseases and cancers among healthcare workers. Several studies have demonstrated evidence indicating the relationship between long-term exposure to shiftwork tempo and a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. Health workers are increasingly witnesing unfavourable effects of shiftwork on their health state. Shiftwork disturbs circadian rhythm and cardiopulmonary processes, leading to adverse health outcomes. Increasing prevalence of shiftwork in healthcare industries due to population expansion and public health threat of cancers call for investigation towards a better understanding of the underlying mechanism of shiftwork-induced diseases. The shift work period has been considered in different studies using various criteria, resulting in inconsistent definition of measurement criteria leading to misclassification of the study population. There is a need for a more considerable and holistic effort towards standardization of shiftwork definition and conduct an assessment to establish a more conveniently appliacable framework for intervention strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  12. Goh Shu Meng, Swe
    Introduction: Smartphone addiction is a hotly debated public health issue and it affects every generation especially the youth and younger generation nowadays (Generation Z / i-Generation) and contributes to the poor mental health status like stress, anxiety and depression. This study is carried out to determine the prevalence of smartphone addic-tion and its association with stress, anxiety and depression among the undergraduate students in Unitversity Malaysia Sabah. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among the undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah. A total number of 456 undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah with at least a smartphone device were enrolled in the study by stratified random sampling. A self-administered questionnaire, Smartphone Addiction Scale Malay Version (SAS-M) and The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale – 21 Items (DASS-21) Malay Version were used for data collection. The prevalence of smartphone addiction, stress, anxiety and depression among un-dergraduate students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah were determined. Simple linear regression was used to determine the effect of smartphone addiction to stress, anxiety and depression. Results: Prevalence of smartphone addiction among undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah is 61.2% (95% CI : 56.5%, 65.7%). The prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression among undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah are 34.9%, 58.6% and 42.5% respectively. The univariate analysis shows that smartphone addiction is significantly associated with stress (Regression Coeeficient = 0.774, 95% CI 0.54, 1.01 ; P-value
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  13. Nor Fazirah Jamal, Zaw Lin, Zainal Arifin Mustafa, Ahmad Faris Abdullah, Naing Oo Tha, Nor Amalina Emran, et al.
    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is the ninth leading cause of mortality in the world while it is the most prevalent infection which is ranked abolve HIV/AIDS. In Malaysia, tuberculosis is still a public health problem. Sabah State on Malaysian Borneo had 20-30% of total TB cases of the country. In Sabah, case notification rate of almost 200 per 100,000 population was still present in the last 10 years. Hotspots are defined as TB notification rate more than 100/100.000 in a district or TB notification rate more than 100/100,000 in the squatters’ area. In this study, cycle threshold (ct) values in GeneXpertMTB/RIF (Xpert) were tried to be correlated with growth in Mycobacterim growth indicator tubes (MGIT) by measurement of time to detection (TTD). Methods: Sputum samples from six hotspots of Kota Kinabalu were studied by Xpert as well as MGIT culture after processing of sputum samples. The correlation between Mean ct value of Xpert and TTD in MGIT was analysed by using IBM SPSS Statistic 25 and the statistical test used was Pearson Correlation test. Results: The results of Xpert indicated 35 of 204 sputum samples were pos-itive whereas only one sample was rifampicin resistant. The mean ct values were very low, low and medium in all the hotspots with sputum from one hotspot showed medium ct values predominantly. The sputum from remaining hotspots showed mainly very low and low ct values. MGIT results showed no growth in five samples with two very low, two low and one medium mean ct values. Conclusion: The finding indicated that there were correlations be-tween mean ct values of Xpert and TTD in MGIT with a few exceptions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  14. Al-Darraji HA, Altice FL, Kamarulzaman A
    Trop Med Int Health, 2016 Aug;21(8):1049-1058.
    PMID: 27197601 DOI: 10.1111/tmi.12726
    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the prevalence of previously undiagnosed active tuberculosis (TB) cases among prisoners in Malaysia's largest prison using an intensified TB case-finding strategy.

    METHODS: From October 2012 to May 2013, prisoners housed in two distinct units (HIV-negative and HIV-positive) were approached to participate in the TB screening study. Consenting prisoners submitted two sputum samples that were examined using GeneXpert MTB/RIF, smear microscopy and liquid culture. Socio-demographic and clinical information was collected and correlates of active TB, defined as having either a positive GeneXpert MTB/RIF or culture results, were assessed using regression analyses.

    RESULTS: Among the total of 559 prisoners, 442 (79.1%) had complete data; 28.7% were HIV-infected, 80.8% were men and the average age was 36.4 (SD 9.8) years. Overall, 34 (7.7%) had previously undiagnosed active TB, of whom 64.7% were unable to complete their TB treatment in prison due to insufficient time (<6 months) remaining in prison. Previously undiagnosed active TB was independently associated with older age groups (AOR 11.44 and 6.06 for age ≥ 50 and age 40-49 years, respectively) and with higher levels of immunosuppression (CD4 < 200 cells/ml) in HIV-infected prisoners (AOR 3.07, 95% CI 1.03-9.17).

    CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of previously undiagnosed active TB in this prison highlights the inadequate performance of internationally recommended case-finding strategies and suggests that passive case-finding policies should be abandoned, especially in prison settings where HIV infection is prevalent. Moreover, partnerships between criminal justice and public health treatment systems are crucial to continue TB treatment after release.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  15. Naing Oo Tha, Wendy Diana Shoesmith, Chrystalle B. Y. Tan, Mohd Yusof Ibrahim, Syed Shajee Hussein
    Borneo Epidemiology Journal, 2020;1(1):45-54.
    Introduction: One of the aims outlined in Malaysia’s Health Vision 2020 is to be a nation of healthy individuals, families, and communities through an equitable, affordable, efficient, environmentally adaptable, and consumer friendly healthcare system. Sabah faces tremendous challenges to provide the best care for patients. For example, Sabah's unique geographical location and landscape, such as steep hills and rivers, is one of the challenges that health staff faces. Objectives of this study aimed to examine the prevalence of geographical accessibility, types of healthcare services, and the types of health seeking behaviour in 2 northern rural areas of Sabah to assess the geographic accessibility and availability of healthcare services.
    Materials and Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in two rural areas in Sabah—Kudat and Pitas. Data collection was done by using questionnaire and face–to-face interviews
    Results: It was found that 48% of the study population sought healthcare and they mainly chose healthcare services from hospitals and health clinics.
    Conclusion: Half of the population in the areas studied used healthcare in the last year. The choice of using a public hospital or community health clinics was determined by distance from residence
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  16. Mustafa N, Einstein G, MacNeill M, Watt-Watson J
    Can J Pain, 2020 Sep 24;4(3):40-50.
    PMID: 33987510 DOI: 10.1080/24740527.2020.1768835
    Background: Chronic pain is a growing public health concern affecting 1.5 million people in Canada. In particular, it is a concern among the expanding immigrant population, because immigrant groups report higher pain intensity than non-immigrants. In 2011, the Indian population became the largest visible minority group and continues to be the fastest growing. Though the prevalence of chronic pain among Canadian Indians is unknown, research has found a higher prevalence among Indian women than men in India, Malaysia, Singapore, and the United Kingdom, with women reporting more severe pain. An understanding of how pain is experienced by this particular group is therefore important for providing culturally sensitive care.

    Aims: This study explores the lived experiences of chronic pain among immigrant Indian women in Canada.

    Methods: Thirteen immigrant Indian women participated in one-on-one interviews exploring daily experiences of chronic pain.

    Results: Using thematic analysis informed by van Manen's phenomenology of practice, four themes emerged: (1) the body in pain, (2) pain in the context of lived and felt space, (3) pain and relationships, and (4) pain and time. Women revealed that their experiences were shaped by gender roles and expectations enforced through culture. Specifically, a dual gender role was identified after immigration, in which women had to balance traditional household responsibilities of family labor and care alongside employment outside the home, exacerbating pain.

    Conclusions: This research uncovers the multifaceted nature of chronic pain and identifies factors within the sociocultural context that may place particular groups of women at greater risk of living with pain.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  17. Mohd Yusop AY, Xiao L, Fu S
    Drug Test Anal, 2021 May;13(5):965-976.
    PMID: 32441056 DOI: 10.1002/dta.2861
    The lucrative market of herbal remedies spurs rampant adulteration, particularly with pharmaceutical drugs and their unapproved analogues. A comprehensive screening strategy is, therefore, warranted to detect these adulterants and, accordingly, to safeguard public health. This study uses the data-dependent acquisition of liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight-mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS) to screen phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors in herbal remedies using suspected-target and non-targeted strategies. For the suspected-target screening, we used a library comprising 95 PDE5 inhibitors. For the non-targeted screening, we adopted top-down and bottom-up approaches to flag novel PDE5 inhibitor analogues based on common fragmentation patterns. LC-QTOF-MS was optimised and validated for capsule and tablet dosage forms using 23 target analytes, selected to represent different groups of PDE5 inhibitors. The method exhibited excellent specificity and linearity with limit of detection and limit of quantification of <40 and 80 ng/mL, respectively. The accuracy ranged from 79.0% to 124.7% with a precision of <14.9% relative standard deviation. The modified, quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe extraction provided insignificant matrix effect within -9.1%-8.0% and satisfactory extraction recovery of 71.5%-105.8%. These strategies were used to screen 52 herbal remedy samples that claimed to enhance male sexual performance. The suspected-target screening resulted in 33 positive samples, revealing 10 target analytes and 2 suspected analytes. Systematic MS and tandem MS interrogations using the non-targeted screening returned insignificant signals, indicating the absence of potentially novel analogues. The target analytes were quantified from 0.03 to 121.31 mg per dose of each sample. The proposed strategies ensure that all PDE5 inhibitors are comprehensively screened, providing a useful tool to curb the widespread adulteration of herbal remedies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  18. Muhammad Aa’zamuddin Ahmad Radzi, Majdah Zawawi, Munirah Sha’ban, Nur Syamimi Mohd. Azharuddin, Azran Azhim, Abdurezak Abdulahi Hashi
    Presently, there is no specific federal legislation governing articular cartilage tissue engineering (ACTE) experimenta- tion practices in Malaysia. However, there are related regulations and guidelines provided by government agencies to oversee and guide such practices. The rules and regulations provided in the documents have the essential aim of safeguarding public health through ensuring that non-clinical studies reach a certain quality, efficient and safe for hu- man use. There are themes identified when scrutinising relevant documents which includes, the need for authorised personnel and the establishment of facilities in conducting such experiments, the aspect of cell-scaffold construct development, the use of human materials, the aspect of biosafety, animal care and use during the experiments, and considerations on the impact on the environment. The individual laboratory or facility shall adopt and adapt these standards as deemed appropriate by the ACTE researchers to ensure that non-clinical studies are conducted in a proper and ethical manner.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  19. Nicholas Pang, Sofeinah Didora Judip, Jeanny John, Erwani Minin, Noor Rajrinnie Rajak, Luqman Ridha Anwar, et al.
    Introduction: University-wide healthcare programme are difficult to implement without complete protocols. This paper describes a collaborative academia-nursing programme to design a quick, user-friendly primary care screen- ing toolkit, to be used at community level at each faculty in UMS. Methods: A Primary Care Condition Assessment Questionnaire was designed by family medicine physicians, mental health doctors, and public health physicians. The questionnaire was pilot tested in 2 different faculties. The Primary Care Condition Assessment Questionnaire was manualized, and a one-day intervention training programme was administered. Subsequently 19 nurses and assistant medical officers were trained in the questionnaire administration and given concurrent communication skills and collaborative practice training to operate the questionnaire. Qualitative assessments of abilities to perform common primary health assessments were performed. Results: Trained nurses qualitatively felt they were more con- fident to perform primary care screening of common healthcare conditions and were able to deliver advice and refer screen-positive individuals to appropriate referral pathways. Conclusion: Public health programmes like HUMS2U put healthcare into the hands of nurses, allowing task-shifting to adequately trained non-specialist professions, and empowers nurses in basic non-communicable disease training and management. Further research will be performed to assess efficacy of the programme at all 23 faculties and departments of the university.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  20. Zulkhairul Naimbin Sidek Ahmad, Siti Fatimah Sa’at, Farrah Ilyanibinti Che Jamalludin, Mazlinda Musa
    Introduction: Globally, HIV/AIDS has been a growing global threat and one of the major public health challenges. In Malaysia, the number of PLWH is continued to increase year by year. What is of alarming concern is that the prejudices related to HIV/AIDS still exist within the community. Stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV have been widely documented. It has extended their impact into the workplace and this hinders HIV pre- vention efforts and indirectly affected the national developmentprocesses. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge of HIV/AIDS and the attitude of PLWHA among students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with convenience sampling techniques used. Data were collected among the 300 medical students and non-medical students. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed and comprise of; socio-de- mographic characteristics, items assessing knowledge of HIV/AIDS and attitudes towards PLWHA. Results: The majority of respondents were female (74%) who had never encountered PLWH (76%). The mean score of knowl- edge and attitudes were 4.04±1.12 and 27.18±4.0, respectively. Year 1 male students were found to have more comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS. They were also having a more positive attitude toward PLWH as compared to female students. Conclusion: Stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS are the most challenges issues- experienced by people suffering from the disease and it has been recognized. It is regarded as a serious threat to the fundamental rights of all infected people who are affected by or associated with this disease. This study highlights the need for better education programs on HIV/AIDS at the undergraduate level in order to increase knowledge of HIV/ AIDS andshape the positive attitude toward PLWH.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
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