Displaying publications 401 - 420 of 1256 in total

  1. Okomoda VT, Koh ICC, Shahreza MS
    Zygote, 2017 Aug;25(4):443-452.
    PMID: 28635581 DOI: 10.1017/S0967199417000259
    Breeding and larval performance of novel hybrids from reciprocal crosses of Asian catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878) and African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) were investigated in this study. Spawning was by hormonal injection of brood fish, artificial fertilization, and incubation in triplicate aquarium tanks (0.5 × 0.5 × 0.5 m3) with continuous aeration. Reciprocal crosses (♀C. gariepinus × ♂P. hypophthalmus and ♀P. hypophthalmus × ♂C. gariepinus) had lower hatchability (≤50%) than their pure siblings (≥75%). Fish from all crosses survived until the juvenile stage but survival at 35 days post hatching (dph) was higher for pure C. gariepinus sib. ♀C. gariepinus × ♂P. hypophthalmus was observed to be less resistant to degradation of water quality than the other crosses, however it had higher body weight compared with the other crosses that showed similar performance. Morphological comparison of surviving juvenile at 35 dph, showed that all ♀P. hypophthalmus × ♂C. gariepinus and 13% of the ♀C. gariepinus × ♂P. hypophthalmus exhibited the very same morphology as that of their maternal parent species, while the other portion of the ♀C. gariepinus × ♂P. hypophthalmus cross exhibited morphological traits that were intermediate between those of both parent species. This study been the first successful attempt to hybridize both species and therefore, laid the groundwork for further studies on the aquaculture potentials of the novel hybrids.
  2. Al-Qaysi ZT, Zaidan BB, Zaidan AA, Suzani MS
    Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 2018 Oct;164:221-237.
    PMID: 29958722 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2018.06.012
    CONTEXT: Intelligent wheelchair technology has recently been utilised to address several mobility problems. Techniques based on brain-computer interface (BCI) are currently used to develop electric wheelchairs. Using human brain control in wheelchairs for people with disability has elicited widespread attention due to its flexibility.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine the background of recent studies on wheelchair control based on BCI for disability and map the literature survey into a coherent taxonomy. The study intends to identify the most important aspects in this emerging field as an impetus for using BCI for disability in electric-powered wheelchair (EPW) control, which remains a challenge. The study also attempts to provide recommendations for solving other existing limitations and challenges.

    METHODS: We systematically searched all articles about EPW control based on BCI for disability in three popular databases: ScienceDirect, IEEE and Web of Science. These databases contain numerous articles that considerably influenced this field and cover most of the relevant theoretical and technical issues.

    RESULTS: We selected 100 articles on the basis of our inclusion and exclusion criteria. A large set of articles (55) discussed on developing real-time wheelchair control systems based on BCI for disability signals. Another set of articles (25) focused on analysing BCI for disability signals for wheelchair control. The third set of articles (14) considered the simulation of wheelchair control based on BCI for disability signals. Four articles designed a framework for wheelchair control based on BCI for disability signals. Finally, one article reviewed concerns regarding wheelchair control based on BCI for disability signals.

    DISCUSSION: Since 2007, researchers have pursued the possibility of using BCI for disability in EPW control through different approaches. Regardless of type, articles have focused on addressing limitations that impede the full efficiency of BCI for disability and recommended solutions for these limitations.

    CONCLUSIONS: Studies on wheelchair control based on BCI for disability considerably influence society due to the large number of people with disability. Therefore, we aim to provide researchers and developers with a clear understanding of this platform and highlight the challenges and gaps in the current and future studies.

  3. Lim MS, Antony JJ, Islam SM, Suhana Z, Sreeramanan S
    Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2017 Jan;181(1):15-31.
    PMID: 27461541 DOI: 10.1007/s12010-016-2196-3
    Dendrobium hybrid orchid is popular in orchid commercial industry due to its short life cycle and ability to produce various types of flower colours. This study was conducted to identify the morphological, biochemical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis in the Dendrobium sonia-28 orchid plants. In this study, 0.05 and 0.075 % of colchicine-treated Dendrobium sonia-28 (4-week-old culture) protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) were treated in different concentrations of melatonin (MEL) posttreatments (0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5 and 10 μM). Morphological parameters such as number of shoots, growth index and number of PLBs were determined. In the 0.05 and 0.075 % of colchicine-treated PLBs which were posttreated with 0.05 μM MEL resulted in the highest value of the morphological parameters tested based on the number of shoots (84.5 and 96.67), growth index (16.94 and 12.15) and number of PLBs (126.5 and 162.33), respectively. SEM analysis of the 0.05 μM MEL posttreatment on both the colchicine-treated regenerated PLBs showed irregular cell lineages, and some damages occurred on the stomata. This condition might be due to the effect of plasmolyzing occurred in the cell causing irregular cell lineages.
  4. Rathor MY, Azarisman Shah MS, Hasmoni MH
    The practice of contemporary medicine has been tremendously influenced by western ideas and it is assumed by many that autonomy is a universal value of human existence. In the World Health Report 2000, the World Health Organization (WHO) considered autonomy a “universal” value of human life against which every health system in the world should be judged. Further in Western bioethics, patient autonomy and self -determination prevails in all sectors of social and personal life, a concept unacceptable to some cultures. In principle, there are challenges to the universal validity of autonomy, individualism and secularism, as most non-Western cultures are proud of their communal relations and spiritualistic ethos and, thereby imposing Western beliefs and practices as aforementioned can have deleterious consequences. Religion lies at the heart of most cultures which influences the practice patterns of medical professionals in both visible and unconscious ways. However, religion is mostly viewed by scientists as mystical and without scientific proof. Herein lies the dilemma, whether medical professionals should respect the cultural and religious beliefs of their patients? In this paper we aim to discuss some of the limitations of patient's autonomy by comparing the process of reasoning in western medical ethics and Islamic medical ethics, in order to examine the possibility and desirability of arriving at a single, unitary and universally acceptable notion of medical ethics. We propose a more flexible viewpoint that accommodates different cultural and religious values in interpreting autonomy and applying it in an increasingly multilingual and multicultural, contemporaneous society in order to provide the highest level of care possible.
  5. Huei TJ, Lip HT, Rahman MS, Sarojah A
    Med J Malaysia, 2017 02;72(1):65-67.
    PMID: 28255146 MyJurnal
    The literature on adrenal gland tumour in HIV-infected patients is scarce. We report a 46-year-old Malay man with HIV and Hepatitis C infection presenting with a large nonfunctioning adrenal tumour. Computed tomography showed a large right adrenal tumour with heterogeneous enhancement and central necrosis. A high index of suspicion of a malignant tumour or pheochromocytoma led us to surgical removal of the adrenal gland. In this case report, we highlight important features to look for during pre-op evaluation of a large adrenal mass. Appropriate action should be taken when there is a suspicion of a pheochromocytoma or malignancy.
  6. Jinadu LO, Salmiah M S, Azuhairi AA
    Introduction: According to the Youth Behaviour Risk Factor Surveillance (YBRFSS, 2011) in Malaysia, the prevalence of smokers nationally among Form 1, 2 and 4 students government secondary school students was 9.1% (ever smokers) and 8.7% (current smokers). However, there is limited information on the prevalence of smoking among religious secondary school students and self-esteem as risk factor. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the prevalence and factors associated with smoking among the religious secondary school students in Petaling district, Selangor.
    Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 899 students. The schools were selected using cluster sampling and self-administered questionnaire was used. Data was analyzed using chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression to identify the independent factors for smoking.
    Results: The response rate was 94%. The prevalence of ever smoking was 10.1%; 3.9% among female and 18.6% among male. The median age (interquartile range) of smoking initiation was 12.00 (4.01) years. The results showed that independent factors for smoking were: males (OR= 5.47); age group 14-15 years (OR=2.82) and 16-17 years (OR=3.63) and having low self -esteem (OR=6.24).
    Conclusion: prevalence of ever smokers is higher when compared to YBRFSS, (2011) and it was revealed that most of the smokers started smoking even before secondary school. The results also revealed the importance of promoting self-esteem. Efforts in smoking prevention should therefore be focused on curbing the initiation of the acts and improving students’ self-worth.
  7. Partap U, Young EH, Allotey P, Sandhu MS, Reidpath DD
    PMID: 30263138 DOI: 10.1017/gheg.2018.13
    Background: Integration of biomarker data with information on health and lifestyle provides a powerful tool to enhance the scientific value of health research. Existing health and demographic surveillance systems (HDSSs) present an opportunity to create novel biodata resources for this purpose, but data and biological sample collection often presents challenges. We outline some of the challenges in developing these resources and present the outcomes of a biomarker feasibility study embedded within the South East Asia Community Observatory (SEACO) HDSS.

    Methods: We assessed study-related records to determine the pace of data collection, response from potential participants, and feedback following data and sample collection. Overall and stratified measures of data and sample availability were summarised. Crude prevalence of key risk factors was examined.

    Results: Approximately half (49.5%) of invited individuals consented to participate in this study, for a final sample size of 203 (161 adults and 42 children). Women were more likely to consent to participate compared with men, whereas children, young adults and individuals of Malay ethnicity were less likely to consent compared with older individuals or those of any other ethnicity. At least one biological sample (blood from all participants - finger-prick and venous [for serum, plasma and whole blood samples], hair or urine for adults only) was successfully collected from all participants, with blood test data available from over 90% of individuals. Among adults, urine samples were most commonly collected (97.5%), followed by any blood samples (91.9%) and hair samples (83.2%). Cardiometabolic risk factor burden was high (prevalence of elevated HbA1c among adults: 23.8%; of elevated triglycerides among adults: 38.1%; of elevated total cholesterol among children: 19.5%).

    Conclusions: In this study, we show that it is feasible to create biodata resources using existing HDSS frameworks, and identify a potentially high burden of cardiometabolic risk factors that requires further evaluation in this population.

  8. Tamilselvi R, Tang IP, Linger S, Mohd Soffian MS
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 Oct;74(5):450-451.
    PMID: 31649229
    Cervico facial cystic hygroma and tongue lymphagioma is rare representative of spectrum of lymphatic malformations. Conservative management with sclerosants alone has proven to be successful. However, sudden enlargement of these cervico facial lymphangiomas leads to catastrophic airway obstruction leading to debility in feeding and speech. Therefore, surgery is indicated in such case to prevent such a catastrophic problem. We report here the case of a 3-yearold boy with cervico facial hygroma involving the tongue. We successfully treated him with a combination of surgery and OK432 injection.
  9. Vidthya S, Sherina MS, Rampal L, Fadhilah SI, Ummavathy P
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 Oct;74(5):405-412.
    PMID: 31649217
    INTRODUCTION: The number of cancer cases in Malaysia has increased from 32,000 cases in 2008 with to 37,000 in 2012 (check figures in text). This number is expected to rise to 56,932 by 2025. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy experience low to moderate level of self-esteem.

    OBJECTIVES: To determine the self-esteem among oncology patients receiving chemotherapy in selected government state hospitals, Peninsular Malaysia.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted using selfadministered questionnaires. 953 respondents were given questionnaires which included socio-demographic profile, physical effect, depression, anxiety, quality of life and self esteem. Inferential analysis was done by using Independent T-test or Pearson's Correlation and the level of significance was p<0.05. Multivariate logistic regression was then used to determine the predictors using Statistical Package for Social Sciences software version 22.0 RESULTS: All 953 respondents selected participated in this study. The overall mean self-esteem in this study was 22.67, SD=4.98. The significant predictors of self-esteem where pvalue was <0.05 were age; gender; marital status; working status; anxiety; depression; nausea; anemia; hair loss; skin and nail changes; overall quality of life and psychological domain of quality of life. The finding of this study indicates that predictors of selfesteem among patients undergoing chemotherapy should be taken into account to improve their quality of life. Guidelines on how to manage self-esteem in a chemotherapy patient can be done using this study as the baseline.

  10. Hassali MA, Li VMS, Ooi GS
    DOI: 10.1002/jppr.1024
    Background. The pharmacists’ roles have been expanding around the globe in the recent years. In Malaysia, healthcare system is a two-tier system consisting of the public and private sectors. Pharmacy service in Malaysia came into existence in 1951 with the enactment of three main legislations governing its profession, namely, the Registration of Pharmacist Act 1951, Poison Act 1952 and Dangerous Drug Act 1952. However, the absence of dispensing right has limited the community pharmacists’ professional roles to deliver pharmaceutical care, optimise their clinical knowledge and utilise their skill. Aims. To describe the overview of pharmacy practice in Malaysia, by discussing on the history, challenges and future of this profession. Methods. Electronic databases MEDLINE and PUBMED were searched for articles published in English. The keywords community pharmacy, pharmacy practice, Malaysia and pharmaceutical care were used with each database. The articles were independently identified by each researcher. Results. A total of 8 full papers and 9 government reports were retrieved and critically summarised for this review. Conclusions. There is a need of transformation to bring improvement in pharmacy practice. Besides the policy makers, community pharmacists play a pivotal role to transform the current practice to a more comprehensive, clinically inclined and quality practice.
  11. Kwan TJM, Zilany MSA, Davies-Venn E, Abdul Wahab AK
    Exp Brain Res, 2019 Jun;237(6):1479-1491.
    PMID: 30903206 DOI: 10.1007/s00221-019-05511-4
    Various studies on medial olivocochlear (MOC) efferents have implicated it in multiple roles in the auditory system (e.g., dynamic range adaptation, masking reduction, and selective attention). This study presents a systematic simulation of inferior colliculus (IC) responses with and without electrical stimulation of the MOC. Phenomenological models of the responses of auditory nerve (AN) fibers and IC neurons were used to this end. The simulated responses were highly consistent with physiological data (replicated 3 of the 4 known rate-level responses all MOC effects-shifts, high stimulus level reduction and enhancement). Complex MOC efferent effects which were previously thought to require integration from different characteristic frequency (CF) neurons were simulated using the same frequency inhibition excitation circuitry. MOC-induced enhancing effects were found only in neurons with a CF range from 750 Hz to 2 kHz. This limited effect is indicative of the role of MOC activation on the AN responses at the stimulus offset.
  12. Lim PHC, Unni PN, Ho JMS
    Family Practitioner, 1982;5(1):77-80.
    Endoscopy gives a more accurate diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal pathology than barium studies. General practitioners should be able to request this valuable diagnostic service so that a rapid diagnosis would ensure that patients with dyspepsia are not treated empirically with expensive drugs and that patients with carcinoma or ulcer receive prompt and appropriate therapy. This paper examines the Changi Hospital's open-access endoscopy service to the local general practitioners and government outpatient doctors working at nearby outpatient dispensaries, and will serve to underline the value of such a service and why it obviates that long queue for the barium meal appointment.
    Study site: Surgical outpatient clinic, Changi Hospital, Singapore
  13. Shahrul S, Mohammed BS, Wahab MMA, Liew MS
    Materials (Basel), 2021 Sep 23;14(19).
    PMID: 34639894 DOI: 10.3390/ma14195496
    Crumb rubber (CR) from scrap tires is used as a partial replacement of fine aggregates in cement paste. This promotes the sustainable development of the environment, economy, and society, as waste tires are non-biodegradable and flammable. They occupy large landfill areas and are breeding grounds for mosquitoes and rodents. Inclusion of CR in mortar leads to several improvements on the mixture properties such as ductility, toughness, and impact resistance. However, it exhibits lower strengths and Modulus of Elasticity (ME). Therefore, to promote the use of mortar containing CR, it is vital to improve its mechanical strength. Past studies proved that nano-silica (NS) improves the strength of concrete due to the physico-chemical effects of NS. This study aims to examine the mechanical properties of crumb rubber mortar containing nano-silica (NS-CRM) and to develop models to predict these properties using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Two variables were considered, CR as partial replacement to sand by volume (0%, 7.5%, 15%), and NS as partial replacement to cement by weight (0%, 2.5%, 5%). The results demonstrated a significant improvement in the mechanical properties of CRM when incorporating NS, and the models developed using RSM were acceptable with a 2% to 3% variation.
  14. Low PT, Ng CG, Kadir MS, Tang SL
    Med J Malaysia, 2021 09;76(5):617-623.
    PMID: 34508365
    INTRODUCTION: Non-attendance and medication adherence are longstanding concerns in psychiatric outpatient settings. This study aimed to determine effectiveness of reminders using mobile messaging applications (messaging apps) in improving outpatient attendance and medication adherence among patients with depression.

    METHODS: This was a parallel, open-label randomised controlled trial with participants recruited from psychiatric outpatient services of a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur and a secondary hospital in Melaka. Adults (≥18 years) diagnosed with major depressive disorder; capable of reading and understanding English or Bahasa Malaysia; prescribed with at least one antidepressant and owns a smart phone were subsequently randomly assigned (1:1) to receive treatment reminders (intervention) or standard treatment without reminders (control), using a computergenerated randomisation programme. The intervention group received two reminder categories: Outpatient appointment reminders (a day before appointment); and medication reminders (weekly basis). Participants were followed-up over two months. We utilised Montgomery- Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) to measure the severity of depression; and Brief Adherence Rating Scale (BARS) to assess medication adherence. Primary outcomes were outpatient attendance rates and medication adherence assessed at two months. Secondary outcomes included changes in depression severity within each group at two months; comparison of changes in depression severity between both groups; preferences of participants towards treatment reminders, and reasons for non-attendance among participants. This trial was registered with the National Medical Research Registry, NMRR-19-3466-52001.

    RESULTS: Between February and April 2020, 183 participants were randomised to each group, of whom 179 reached study endpoint (91 [98.9%] of 92 in intervention group and 88 [96.7%] of 91 in control group). All recruited participants (n=183) were analysed using intention-to-treat approach. At two months, intervention group has significantly higher outpatient attendance rates (76.8%) than control group (56.4%) (p=0.002), and reported higher medical adherence percentage (mean difference 23.1, [95%CI 0.4, 35.8]; p<0.001). There was also significant difference in the MADRS score change between both groups (mean difference 3.4, [95%CI 0.4, 6.3]; p=0.025). Treatment reminders preferences among participants varied; forgetfulness was the most commonly reported reason (53%) for missing outpatient appointments.

    CONCLUSION: Reminders through mobile messaging applications significantly improved outpatient attendance and medication adherence among patients with depression. Our findings support the use of messaging apps for treatment reminders in psychiatric outpatient settings. However, concerns regarding confidentiality require careful measures to be taken.

  15. Ngu CYV, Mohd Saad MS, Tang IP
    Med J Malaysia, 2021 09;76(5):725-730.
    PMID: 34508382
    Temporal bone squamous cell carcinoma (TBSCC) is a rare head and neck malignancy with the incidence 0.8 -1.0 cases in 1 million population. We are reporting a case series on the TBSCC cases that were operated on at Sarawak General Hospital, Malaysia. Ten patients were identified and collected with the presentation and type of surgery performed. It has been challenging for us to manage with recorded 2 years surviving in 6 out of 10 patients operated within this period. An adequate management with proper surgical resection of tumour and radiotherapy can extend the life expectancy for TBSCC patients.
  16. Diyana ZN, Jumaidin R, Selamat MZ, Suan MSM
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2021 Nov 01;190:224-232.
    PMID: 34481857 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.08.201
    Cassava starch has acquired many attentions owing to its ability to be developed as thermoplastic cassava starch (TPCS) where it can be obtained in low cost, making it to be one of alternatives to substitute petroleum-based plastic. An attempt was made to investigate the thermal, mechanical and moisture absorption properties of thermoplastic cassava starch blending with beeswax (TPCS-BW) fabricated using hot moulding compression method in the range of beeswax loading from 0, 2.5, 5 to 10 wt%. Addition of beeswax has significantly reduced tensile strength, elongation and flexural strength while improving tensile modulus and flexural modulus until 5 wt% beeswax. Incorporation of 10 wt% beeswax has successfully produced the lowest value of moisture absorption and water solubility among the bio-composite which might be attributed to the beeswax's hydrophobic properties in improving water barrier of the TPCS-BW bio-composite. Furthermore, the addition of beeswax resulted in the appearance of irregular and rough fractured surface. Meanwhile, fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy presented that incorporation of beeswax in the mixture has considerably improve hydrogen bonding of blends indicating good interaction between starch and beeswax. Hence, beeswax with an appropriate loading value able to improve the functional properties of TPCS-BW bio-composite.
  17. Harun NA, Finlay AY, Salek MS, Piguet V
    Br J Dermatol, 2015 Sep;173(3):720-30.
    PMID: 26076194 DOI: 10.1111/bjd.13946
    BACKGROUND: Outpatient discharge decision making in dermatology is poorly understood.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the influences on clinicians' thought processes when making discharge decisions in dermatology outpatient clinics.
    METHODS: Forty clinicians from 11 National Health Service Trusts in England were interviewed. The interviews were audiorecorded, transcribed, coded and thematically analysed.
    RESULTS: The mean age of the clinicians was 48.8 years (range 33.0-67.0), 17 (43%) were men and 19 (48%) had > 20 years of clinical experience. One hundred and forty-eight influences were reported, with five main themes: (i) disease-based influences included type of diagnosis (100% of clinicians), guidelines (100%) and treatment needed (100%); (ii) clinician-based influences included the clinician's level of experience (100%), seniority (37%), emotional attitude (95%), 'gut feeling' (25%), personal attitude towards discharge (45%) and level of perception (100%); (iii) patient-based influences included patients' ability to cope with their disease (100%), wishes (70%), quality of life (32%), command of English (40%) and cultural background (25%); (iv) practice-based influences included good primary care (100%), secondary support structure (100%) and clinic capacity pressure (67%); (v) policy-based influences included pressure from hospital managers (57%) and an active discharge policy (7%). Fourteen (9%) influences were potentially inappropriate.
    CONCLUSION: This study has identified multiple factors influencing outpatient discharge decision making. This provides the basis for developing evidence-based training to improve discharge decision appropriateness.
  18. Prime SS, Cirillo N, Cheong SC, Prime MS, Parkinson EK
    Cancer Lett, 2021 10 10;518:102-114.
    PMID: 34139286 DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2021.05.025
    This study reviews the molecular landscape of oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD). We examine the impact of tumour heterogeneity, the spectrum of driver mutations (TP53, CDKN2A, TERT, NOTCH1, AJUBA, PIK3CA, CASP8) and gene transcription on tumour progression. We comment on how some of these mutations impact cellular senescence, field cancerization and cancer stem cells. We propose that OPMD can be monitored more closely and more dynamically through the use of liquid biopsies using an appropriate biomarker of transformation. We describe new gene interactions through the use of a systems biology approach and we highlight some of the first studies to identify functional genes using CRISPR-Cas9 technology. We believe that this information has translational implications for the use of re-purposed existing drugs and/or new drug development. Further, we argue that the use of digital technology encompassing clinical and laboratory-based data will create relevant datasets for machine learning/artificial intelligence. We believe that therapeutic intervention at an early molecular premalignant stage should be an important preventative strategy to inhibit the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma and that this approach is applicable to other aerodigestive tract cancers.
  19. Senarath NH, Jayasooriya PR, Siriwardena BSMS, Tilakaratne WM
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2021 Aug 01;22(8):2313-2321.
    PMID: 34452541 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2021.22.8.2313
    BACKGROUND: Epithelial dysplasia (ED) at oral cancer excision margins is a frequent finding. Dysplastic epithelium at excision margins may not be similar to dysplasia in Oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD) as malignant transformation has already taken place. Therefore, management of ED at excision margins should be different to that of OPMD. ED creates a dilemma in relation to further management of cancer patients, since there are no accepted guidelines. Therefore, the objective of this review is to analyze  existing literature and to arrive at evidence based recommendations for the management of ED at excision margins.

    METHODS: A comprehensive string was run on PubMed, Medscape and Medline. The final outcome included 113 studies. Finally, the most relevant 10 articles were critically assessed for inclusion and exclusion criteria against various parameters.

    RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS:   Severe and Moderate ED need re-excision in order to improve prognosis. There is not enough sound evidence for the management of Mild ED at excision margins of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Guidelines for the management of ED at excision margins should be formulated after comprehensive multi center studies using lager cohorts of patients.

  20. Shojaeian N, Li Z, Kaurav RPS, Salem AAMS
    J Autism Dev Disord, 2022 Jan 14.
    PMID: 35028807 DOI: 10.1007/s10803-021-05366-1
    The present study examined the role of IQ and the Theory of Mind understanding in children with an autism spectrum disorder and down syndrome. Sixty-six Swedish children with ASD (n = 26), DS (n = 18), and typically developed group (n = 22) ranged between 6 and 12 years old were compared on ToM tasks consisted of standard ToM and IQ tasks. SPSS 25 program was used to analyze data. The results indicated that individuals with ASD reach a better understanding of first-order ToM tasks than children with DS. This picture was the same in the TD group to show better ability than children with ASD and DS on first-order tasks, except one task which was not found significant differences. To employ second-order TD performed better than clinical groups, while, there was no significant difference between ASD and DS. The scores for the third-order task in children with ASD were significantly better than children with DS.
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