MATERIALS AND METHODS: We utilize cross sectional data on 350 family members of dialysis patients collected through self-administered survey from June to October 2013. The factors affecting willingness to become deceased and living organ donors among respondents were identified by running logistic regressions.
RESULTS: The findings reveal that ethnicity, education and role in family are significant factors explaining willingness for living donation, while ethnicity, knowledge of organ donation and donor age drive willingness for deceased donation. We also find that the reasons of respondents being unwilling to donate center on the lack of information and family objections for deceased donation, while being medically unfit, scared of surgery and family objections are the reasons for unwillingness to donate living organs.
CONCLUSION: In light of our findings, educational efforts are suggested to decrease the reluctance to become involved in living and deceased donation.
OBJECTIVE: To understand the psychological processes involved in the experiencing of suffering at the end phase of life.
METHODS: Semistructured interviews were conducted with 20 palliative care inpatients from an academic medical centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The transcripts were thematically analysed with NVIVO9.
RESULTS: 5 themes of psychological processes of suffering were generated: (1) perceptions, (2) cognitive appraisals, (3) hope and the struggles with acceptance, (4) emotions and (5) clinging. A model of suffering formation was constructed.
CONCLUSION: The findings may inform the development of mechanism-based interventions in the palliation of suffering.
METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, the 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS) was the main independent variable and the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief the dependent variable. Besides socio-demographic data, diabetes-related distress (DRD) and depression (DS) were included as covariates. Independent association between the MMAS score and HRQoL was done using multiple linear regression.
RESULTS: The participants' response rate was 93.1 % (700/752). Majorities were female (52.8 %), Malay (52.9 %) and married (79.1 %). The mean (SD) for age and the MMAS score was 56.9 (10.18) and 5.6 (1.42), respectively. MMAS total score correlated significantly with all HRQoL domains: overall QoL (OQoL) (r = 0.17), physical QoL (r = 0.11), psychological QoL (r = 0.10), social relationship QoL (r = 0.15) and environmental QoL (EQoL) (r = 0.18). After adjustment for covariates (age, gender, ethnicity, religion, education, income, exercise, macrovascular complications, DRD and DS), MA had persistent effects on OQoL (B = 0.53, 95 % CI 0.012-1.048) and EQoL (B = 0.95, 95 % CI 0.235-1.667).
CONCLUSION: MA showed prevalent correlation and positive effects on the domains of HRQoL. Despite the small effects of MA on HRQoL, the sheer presence of the independent effects provides healthcare providers good reason for initiative and intervention to improve MA, which would improve quality of life.
AIMS: This research project aims to identify attitudes towards cancer and associated information and communication needs of Chinese patients and their relatives in Sydney, thereby providing a framework for the provision of culturally appropriate cancer care for Chinese-Australians.
METHODS: A qualitative data collection strategy was selected as the most appropriate method, because no validated measures are available and no previous research has examined attitudes and needs of Chinese-Australian cancer patients. Patients were recruited from three major teaching hospitals in Sydney and from a Chinese cancer support organisation. Sampling was discontinued when informational redundancy was achieved. Four focus groups and 26 individual telephone interviews were conducted with a total of 36 cancer patients and 12 relatives born in China, Singapore and Malaysia.
RESULTS: While individual differences were observed, a majority view was expressed on a range of issues. Non-disclosure of a poor prognosis was favoured, and the role of the family in liaising between health professionals and the patient was emphasised. Patients preferred a confident and clear diagnosis and treatment recommendation. Most patients wished to incorporate Chinese culture-specific treatments into their care. The need for interpreters and psychological and spiritual support was emphasised.
CONCLUSIONS: Providing information in a culturally sensitive manner will assist doctors in providing optimum care and support for ethnic minority groups in this country.
METHODS: To guide clinical practice in the Asian region, the Asian Clinical Expert Group on Neurocognitive Disorders compiled evidence-based consensus recommendations regarding the use of EGb 761® in neurocognitive disorders with/without cerebrovascular disease.
RESULTS: Key randomized trials and robust meta-analyses have demonstrated significant improvement in cognitive function, neuropsychiatric symptoms, activities of daily living (ADL) and quality of life with EGb 761® versus placebo in patients with mild-to-moderate dementia. In those with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), EGb 761® has also demonstrated significant symptomatic improvement versus placebo. World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry guidelines list EGb 761® with the same strength of evidence as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists e.g. memantine (Grade 3 recommendation; Level B evidence). Only EGb 761® had Level B evidence in improving cognition, behaviour, and ADL in both AD and vascular dementia patients. Safety analyses show EGb 761® to have a positive risk-benefit profile. While concerns have been raised regarding a possible increased bleeding risk, several randomized trials and two meta-analyses have not supported this association.
CONCLUSIONS: The Expert Group foresee an important role for EGb 761® , used alone or as an add-on therapy, in the treatment of MCI and dementias, particularly when patients do not derive benefit from acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or NMDA antagonists. EGb 761® should be used in alignment with local clinical practice guidelines.
METHODS: In the current study, 2074 students (706 males), filled out the Meaning in Life Questionnaire, with subscales of Search for Meaning (MLQ-S) and Presence of Meaning (MLQ-P); the Future Disposition Inventory-24 (FDI-24), with subscales of Positive Focus (PF), Suicide Orientation (SO), and Negative Focus (NF); and the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS). These scales measure protective and risk factors that are linked to suicidal behaviors; while suicidal behaviors were measured by the Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R). Mediation analyses were performed to test the models with both the MLQ-S and MLQ-P as the mediators between a) hopelessness, as measured by BHS and suicidal behaviors; and b) PF, SO, and NF, as measured by FDI-24, and suicidal behaviors.
RESULTS: We found that only MLQ-P mediated the relation between hopelessness and suicidal behaviors; while both MLQ-P and MLQ-S mediated PF, SO, and NF (as measured by FDI-24), and suicidal behaviors, respectively.
CONCLUSION: Meaning in life, including both the presence of meaning in life and search for meaning, can be good protective factors against suicidal behaviors.
METHODS: A total of 323 dyads of GI cancer patients and their caregivers completed the Medical Outcomes Study 12-item Short Form (MOS SF-12) questionnaire to measure their HRQOL during face-to-face interviews. The analyses were performed using SF-12 scoring software to compute PCS and MCS scores (HRQOL parameters). The independent t test, one-way ANOVA, and the Pearson correlation test were conducted to determine the demographic factors related to the HRQOL of the dyads.
RESULTS: The caregivers had higher scores in all domains for the SF-12 than the patients. There were significant differences found in the MCS scores of the patients according to ethnicity, origin of cancer, duration of cancer, and surgery. None of these factors had a significant relationship with the caregivers' HRQOL.
CONCLUSION: Caregivers had better HRQOL than cancer patients. Early intervention for cancer patients in the form of counselling and personalised pain management may enhance the HRQOL of patients.