Displaying publications 481 - 500 of 782 in total

  1. Sah R, Khatiwada AP, Shrestha S, Bhuvan KC, Tiwari R, Mohapatra RK, et al.
    Travel Med Infect Dis, 2021;41:102037.
    PMID: 33781945 DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2021.102037
    With the emergence of the new variants of concern (VOC) of the SARS-CoV-2, the efficacy of certain vaccines against them requires further research and considerations for future scenarios of COVID-19 vaccination. The vaccines' lack of efficacy against VOC will pose at risk to the vaccinated population and is a public health threat. In this commentary, we discuss Nepal's recent experiences and expectations regarding the confirmation of VOC B.1.1.7 from the United Kingdom in the country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  2. Tafran K, Tumin M, Osman AF
    Iran J Public Health, 2020 Feb;49(2):294-303.
    PMID: 32461937
    Background: The primary indicator of public health, which all nations aim to prolong, is life expectancy at birth. Uncovering its socioeconomic determinants is key to extending life expectancy. This study examined the determinants of life expectancy in Malaysia.

    Methods: This observational study employs secondary data from various official sources of 12 states and one federal territory in Malaysia (2002-2014). Panel data of 78 observations (13 cross-sections at six points in time) were used in multivariate, fixed-effect, regressions to estimate the effects of socioeconomic variables on life expectancy at birth for male, female and both-gender.

    Results: Poverty and income significantly determine female, male, and total life expectancies. Unemployment significantly determines female and total life expectancies, but not male. Income inequality and public spending on health (as a percentage of total health spending) do not significantly determine life expectancy. The coefficients of the multivariate regressions suggest that a 1% reduction in poverty, 1% reduction in unemployment, and around USD 23.20 increase in household monthly income prolong total life expectancy at birth by 17.9, 72.0, and 16.3 d, respectively. The magnitudes of the effects of the socioeconomic variables on life expectancy vary somewhat by gender.

    Conclusion: Life expectancy in Malaysia is higher than the world average and higher than that in some developing countries in the region. However, it is far lower than the advanced world. Reducing poverty and unemployment and increasing income are three effective channels to enhance longevity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  3. Singh SK, Enzhong L, Reidpath DD, Allotey P
    Public Health, 2017 Mar;144:78-85.
    PMID: 28274388 DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2016.11.022
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the initiating factors of waterpipe tobacco smoking (WTS) among youth.

    STUDY DESIGN: The analytic framework for this scoping review was performed using the methodology outlined by Arksey and O'Malley, which includes identification of the research question, study selection, charting the data, collating, summarizing and reporting the results that were primarily guided by the research question; 'what is known about the initiation of shisha smoking among youth?'

    METHODS: Electronic databases such as Cochrane, MEDLINE and PsycINFO were used to search for relevant articles. Articles included were all in English and published within the year of 2006 to 2015. Inclusion criteria; i) age range of 10 to 29 years; ii) examined the reasons why youth started or tried WTS; iii) in full text. Therefore, 26 articles were included in this scoping review.

    RESULTS: This review has identified and classified the initiating factors of WTS among youth in four subtopics: individual factors, interpersonal influences, cigarettes and alcohol use, and media influences. Individual factors and interpersonal influences played an important role in initiation factors of WTS among youth.

    CONCLUSION: This study concludes that public health professionals within the Southeast Asia region need to promote innovative preventive measures through peer-to-peer led interventions that are also easily assessable on social media platforms. The public health messages need to address the misconceptions of risk associated to WTS use.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  4. Ashcroft R, Seko Y, Chan LF, Dere J, Kim J, McKenzie K
    Int J Public Health, 2015 Nov;60(7):827-37.
    PMID: 26298442 DOI: 10.1007/s00038-015-0713-8
    OBJECTIVES: We conducted a scoping review to identify and summarize the current state of knowledge regarding the mental health effects associated with bed bugs.

    METHODS: We employed a five-stage scoping review framework, to systematically identify and review eligible articles. Eligibility criteria included a focus on bed bug infestations and reference to mental health impacts. Descriptive information was then extracted from each article, including the specific mental health effects cited.

    RESULTS: An initial search yielded 920 unique articles on the topic of bed bugs. Of these, 261 underwent abstract review, and 167 underwent full-text review. Full-text review and subsequent review of reference lists yielded a final sample of 51 articles. Numerous mental health effects were linked to bed bug infestations, including severe psychiatric symptoms. However, the majority (n = 31) of the articles were commentary papers; only five original research articles were identified.

    CONCLUSIONS: Although significant mental health effects are often linked to bed bugs, such discussions remain largely anecdotal. Despite recognition that the impact of bed bugs constitutes an important public health concern, little empirical evidence currently exists on this topic.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  5. Binns C, Lee MK, Yun Low W, Baker P, Bulgiba A, Dahlui M, et al.
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2020 05;32(4):179-187.
    PMID: 32475150 DOI: 10.1177/1010539520931328
    Good nutrition in the first "1000 days," including breastfeeding and appropriate complementary foods, prepares for a healthy childhood and adult life, also contributes to the prevention of the double burden of malnutrition. Exclusive breastfeeding provides all required nutrients until an infant is around 6 months of age when complementary foods are needed. A literature review was undertaken of complementary foods in the Asia Pacific region. The foods being used at present are often of low nutrient density may provide insufficient amounts of some critical nutrients, and generally the variety is limited. Guidelines for complementary feeding are provided to assist in education and in public health planning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  6. Besari AM, Md Noor SS, Lee YY
    Malays J Med Sci, 2014 Nov-Dec;21(6):9-13.
    PMID: 25897277 MyJurnal
    The recent death tolls and morbidities associated with two deadly viral haemorrhagic fevers (VHFs), i.e., Ebola and dengue, are simply shocking. By the end of August 2014, 65 672 people were afflicted with dengue fever (DF) in Malaysia, with 9505 from Kelantan, and there were 128 reported deaths. More astounding are the death tolls associated with Ebola: 3091 deaths from 6574 reported cases so far. It is not difficult to imagine the potential disaster if Ebola spreads beyond Africa. VHFs are characterised by an acute onset of fever, vascular disruption and a rapid progression to shock and death. The revised World Health Organization (WHO) 2012 classification (dengue with and without warning signs and severe dengue) is more clinically relevant and allows more streamlined admission. With good administrative support and public health and governmental efforts, the dengue epidemic in Malaysia is now more contained. However, there should be no laxity with the imminent lethal Ebola threat. Human-to-human transmission is an important mechanism for the spread of Ebola, and this calls for strict precautions regarding contact with any suspected cases. In contrast, the control and elimination of dengue would require successful control of the vectors and their breeding sites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  7. Loh LC, Chan LY, Tan RY, Govindaraju S, Ratnavelu K, Kumar S, et al.
    Malays J Med Sci, 2006 Jan;13(1):37-42.
    PMID: 22589589 MyJurnal
    While evidence indicates that early stage disease has better prognosis, the effect of delay in presentation and treatment of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) on survival is debatable. A retrospective study of 122 Malaysian patients with NSCLC was performed to examine the presentation and treatment delay, and its relation with patient survival. Median (25-75% IQR) interval between onset of symptoms and first hospital consultation (patient delay) and between first hospital consultation and treatment or decision to treat (doctor delay) were 2 (1.0- 5.0) and 1.1 (0.6-2.4) months respectively. The median survival rates in patient delay of <1, 1 to 3, and >3 months were 4.1 (9.9-1.7), 5.1 (10.9-3.2) and 5.7 (12.3-2.1) months respectively (log rank p=0.648), while in doctor delay, <30, 30-60, >60 days, the rates were 4.1 (10.8-1.8), 7.6 (13.7-3.2) and 5.3 (16.0-3.0) months respectively (p=0.557). Most patients presented and were treated in a relatively short time, and delays did not appear to influence survival. This Asian data is consistent with those from Western population, reiterating the need for public health measures that can identify disease early..
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  8. Jayaraj VJ, Chong DW, Jafri FB, Saruan NABM, Singh GKK, Perumal R, et al.
    PMID: 39991260 DOI: 10.5365/wpsar.2025.16.01.1097
    OBJECTIVE: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted disease surveillance systems globally, leading to reduced notifications of other infectious diseases. This study aims to estimate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the infectious disease surveillance system in Klang district, Selangor state, Malaysia.

    METHODS: Data on notifiable diseases from 2014 to 2022 were sourced from the Klang District Health Office. The 11 diseases with more than 100 notifications each were included in the study. For these 11 diseases, a negative binomial regression model was used to explore the effect of the pandemic on case notifications and registrations by year, and a quasi-Poisson regression model was used to explore the changes by week.

    RESULTS: The results showed a reduction in the number of notifications and registrations for all 11 diseases combined during the pandemic compared with previous years. Changes between expected and observed notifications by week were heterogeneous across the diseases.

    DISCUSSION: These findings suggest that restrictive public health and social measures in Klang district may have impacted the transmission of other infectious diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. The differential impact of the pandemic on disease notifications and reporting highlights the large ancillary effects of restrictive public health and social measures and the importance of building resilience into infectious disease surveillance systems.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  9. Sulaiman AI, Abu Bakar SH, Wahab HA
    J Community Health, 2014 Jun;39(3):627-31.
    PMID: 24488646 DOI: 10.1007/s10900-013-9809-3
    The government of Maldives considers that the enjoyment of the highest attainable level of health is a basic right of every citizen. Thus it lays emphasis on the accessibility and affordability of health care services. In order to achieve these objectives, it is very important to expand curative services as well as preventive services in the country. The major hurdles faced by the country are result of the inherent structural problem faced by the county which leads to sever diseconomies of scale in the provision of healthcare services. Community and individual involvement and self-reliance are very important to achieve Health for All by the Year 200 AD. Community participation is one of the domains of community capacity building in a small island country. It is one of the mechanisms to empower people to take part in community development. In this paper, the nature, the dimensions of community participation, and its role and scope in implementation of different components of primary health care have been described. The health services in public and curative care have been briefed. Some of the achievements in health sector have also been briefly presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health*
  10. Cressey D
    Nature, 2015 May 28;521(7553):401-2.
    PMID: 26017420 DOI: 10.1038/521401a
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health/legislation & jurisprudence
  11. Chung WW, Chua SS, Lai PS, Morisky DE
    PLoS One, 2015;10(4):e0124275.
    PMID: 25909363 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124275
    Medication non-adherence is a prevalent problem worldwide but up to today, no gold standard is available to assess such behavior. This study was to evaluate the psychometric properties, particularly the concurrent validity of the English version of the Malaysian Medication Adherence Scale (MALMAS) among people with type 2 diabetes in Malaysia. Individuals with type 2 diabetes, aged 21 years and above, using at least one anti-diabetes agent and could communicate in English were recruited. The MALMAS was compared with the 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) to assess its convergent validity while concurrent validity was evaluated based on the levels of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C). Participants answered the MALMAS twice: at baseline and 4 weeks later. The study involved 136 participants. The MALMAS achieved acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=0.565) and stable reliability as the test-retest scores showed fair correlation (Spearman's rho=0.412). The MALMAS has good correlation with the MMAS-8 (Spearman's rho=0.715). Participants who were adherent to their anti-diabetes medications had significantly lower median HbA1C values than those who were non-adherence (7.90 versus 8.55%, p=0.032). The odds of participants who were adherent to their medications achieving good glycemic control was 3.36 times (95% confidence interval: 1.09-10.37) of those who were non-adherence. This confirms the concurrent validity of the MALMAS. The sensitivity of the MALMAS was 88.9% while its specificity was 29.6%. The findings of this study further substantiates the reliability and validity of the MALMAS, in particular its concurrent validity and sensitivity for assessing medication adherence of people with type 2 diabetes in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health Surveillance*
  12. Ismail A, Gan YN, Ahmad N
    PLoS One, 2020;15(11):e0241082.
    PMID: 33170854 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241082
    INTRODUCTION: Patient satisfaction is widely used to measure quality of healthcare by identifying potential areas for improvement. Aim of study is to assess patient satisfaction towards pharmacy services and its associated factors using newly developed questionnaire among outpatients attending public health clinics.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Public Health Clinic Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PHC-PSQ) towards pharmacy services was developed using exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's α. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 400 patients visiting the pharmacy in three randomly selected public health clinics recruited via systematic random sampling. Data was collected using a set of questionnaire including PHC-PSQ. Factors associated with patient satisfaction was analysed using multiple linear regression.

    RESULTS: Final PHC-PSQ consisted of three domains (administrative competency, technical competency and convenience of location) and 22 items with 69.9% total variance explained. Cronbach's α for total items was 0.96. Total mean score for patient satisfaction was 7.56 (SD 1.32). Older age and higher education were associated with lower patient satisfaction mean score. Patients who had visited the pharmacy more than once in the past three months, perceived to be in better health status and had a more correct general knowledge of pharmacists expressed higher patient satisfaction mean score.

    CONCLUSIONS: PHC-PSQ is a newly developedtool to measure patient satisfaction towards pharmacy services in public health clinics in Malaysia. Patient satisfaction was relatively high. Age, education, frequency of visit, self-perceived health status and general knowledge of pharmacists were factors significantly associated with patient satisfaction.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health/statistics & numerical data*
  13. Ke-You G, Da-Wei F
    Biomed Environ Sci, 2001 Jun;14(1-2):53-60.
    PMID: 11594480
    In order to understand the magnitude and trends of both under- and over-nutrition problems in Asian countries, we reviewed data available in a number of selected countries. In general, the prevalence of under-nutrition is declining in this region but is still heavy in many countries. The trends varied with complexity of individual countries. In China, the prevalence of underweight, stunting and wasting was 21.6%, 30.5% and 2.6% in children of 0-4 years old (90,662 subjects, 1987) . Another large-scale survey in 1992 (176,976 subjects) presented a prevalence of 17.1% , 33.5% and 4.5%, respectively. Recent studies showed a remarkable improvement in both underweight and stunting. The National Student Survey in 1995, however, showed that the prevalence of under-nutrition was 26.9% for schoolboys and 38.3% for schoolgirls (7-18 yr). There was an increase of 4.7% and 3 .5%, respectively, compared with the results of a similar survey conducted in 1985. The proportion of malnutrition in Chinese adults (BMI < 18.5) was 11.6% in 1982 and 9.0% in 1992 for urban areas, and 12.9% and 8.0% for rural areas, indicating a descending trend over the 10 years. The prevalence of underweight was the highest, over 50% among children below 6 years old, in both Bangladesh and India, between 50% and 20% in Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, and below 20% in Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Fiji. It showed a declining trend from the 1970s to the 1990s with an average annual reduction of 0.8 to 1.9 percentage points in these countries. The problem of over-nutrition is emerging quickly in this region, not only in some better-off countries but also in countries in economy transition. In China, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in young adults (BMI > 25) was increased from 9.7% to 14.9% for urban areas and from 6.15% to 8.4% for rural areas in a 10-year period (1982 - 1992), and the prevalence of overweight jumped from 3.38% and 2.75% in 1985 to 7.18% and 8.65% in 1995 for schoolboys and schoolgirls. In India, the increase of overweight and obesity in female adults was 5.0 percentage points from 1989 to 1994. The prevalence of overweight was 24.5% for male and 21.4% for female in Japan (1995), and 28.7% and 26.0% in Malaysia (1990). These results indicate that over-nutrition is a growing problem in this region. Many Asian countries are facing double challenges. They have to deal with both under-nutrition and over-nutrition problems. Among many possible interventions, the further strengthening mass education on healthy diet practice should be emphasized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health*
  14. Jairoun AA, Al-Hemyari SS, Shahwan M, El-Dahiyat F, Jamshed S
    BMC Public Health, 2020 Oct 22;20(1):1595.
    PMID: 33092568 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-09707-0
    BACKGROUND: Since the time of declaration of global pandemic of COVID-19 by World Health Organization (WHO), falsified hand sanitizers surfaced regularly in markets, posing possible harm to public due to unlisted inclusion of methanol. The current research is an attempt to develop and validate a tool to document falsified hand sanitizer in the UAE community.

    METHOD: A descriptive cross-sectional community-based study was conducted among 1280 randomly selected participants. Respondents were sent a web-based electronic link to the survey via email. Content validity, factor analyses and known group validity were used to develop and validate a new scale to identify falsified hand sanitizer. Test-retest reliability, internal consistency, item internal consistency (IIC), and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to assess the reliability of the scale. SPSS version 24 was used to conduct data analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 1280 participants were enrolled in the study. The content validity index (CVI) was 0.83 with the final scale of 12 items. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value was 0.788, with the Bartlett test of sphericity achieving statistical significance (p health regulators and the public and hereby encourage customer satisfaction and participation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health/legislation & jurisprudence
  15. Lin Y, Alias H, Luo X, Hu Z, Wong LP
    J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry, 2020 09 22;62(2):201-210.
    PMID: 33183846 DOI: 10.1016/j.psym.2020.09.005
    BACKGROUND: Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak, was locked down on January 23, 2020. We aimed to investigate the barriers to the physical prevention, negative attitudes, and anxiety levels.

    METHODS: A online cross-sectional survey was conducted with the people living in Wuhan between March 12th and 23rd, 2020.

    RESULTS: Of a total of 2411 complete responses, the mean and standard deviation for the total physical prevention barriers score was 19.73 (standard deviation ± 5.3; range 12-45) out of a possible score of 48. Using a cut-off score of 44 for the State-Trait Inventory score, 79.9% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 78.2-81.5) of the participants reported moderate to severe anxiety during the early phase of the outbreak, and 51.3% (95% CI 49.2-53.3) reported moderate to severe anxiety after the peak of coronavirus disease 2019 was over (during the study period). Comparing anxiety levels in the early phase of the outbreak and after the peak of the outbreak, 58.5% (95% CI 56.5-60.5) recorded a decreased anxiety. Females reported a higher likelihood of having decreased levels of anxiety than males (odds ratio = 1.78, 95% CI 1.48-2.14). Low negative attitudes score were associated with a higher decrease in anxiety (odds ratio = 1.59, 95% CI 1.33-1.89).

    CONCLUSIONS: The attitudinal barriers to prevention of transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 are more prominent than physical prevention barriers after the peak of coronavirus disease 2019. High anxiety levels even after the peak warrant serious attention.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health/legislation & jurisprudence
  16. Yuen FK
    Noise Health, 2014 Nov-Dec;16(73):427-36.
    PMID: 25387540 DOI: 10.4103/1463-1741.144429
    Environmental noise remains a complex and fragmented interplay between industrialization, population growth, technological developments, and the living environment. Next to the circulatory diseases and cancer, noise pollution has been cited as the third epidemic cause of psychological and physiological disorders internationally. A reliable and firm relationship between the cumulative health implications with the traffic annoyance and occupational noise has been established. This agenda has called for an integrated, coordinated, and participatory approach to the reliable protection of noise interference. Despite several fragmented policies, legislation and global efforts have been addressed; the noise pollution complaints have been traditionally neglected in developing countries, especially in Malaysia. This paper was undertaken to postulate an initial platform to address the dynamic pressures, gigantic challenges, and tremendous impacts of noise pollution scenario in Malaysia. The emphasis is speculated on the traffic interference and assessment of industrial and occupational noise. The fundamental importance of noise monitoring and modeling is proposed. Additionally, the confronting conservation program and control measure for noise pollution control are laconically elucidated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health*
  17. David AM, Mercado SP, Klein JD, Kaundan MSK, Koong HN, Garcia E
    Child Care Health Dev, 2017 09;43(5):774-778.
    PMID: 28480578 DOI: 10.1111/cch.12472
    BACKGROUND: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are generally considered diseases of adulthood, but NCD risk factors like tobacco use often are taken up during childhood and adolescence, and second-hand smoke exposure affects child survival and development.

    METHODS: At a regional meeting of the Asia Pacific Child and Family Health Alliance for Tobacco Control, members reviewed existing good practices of child-focused tobacco control approaches using health promotion strategies. These interventions were implemented nationally in Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore.

    RESULTS: Three good practice national examples were identified that focused on creating supportive tobacco-free environments and upgrading cessation skills among paediatricians. These country examples highlight strategic areas to protect children and families from the harms of tobacco, as part of NCD prevention and control. Training paediatricians in brief cessation advice has enabled them to address tobacco-using parents. Fully enforcing smoke-free public areas has led to an increase in smoke-free homes. The Tobacco Free Generation is a tobacco control 'endgame' strategy that taps into a social movement to deglamorize tobacco use and empower youth born in and after year 2000 to reject tobacco and nicotine addiction.

    CONCLUSION: Tobacco control is pivotal in the fight against NCDs; health promotion strategies to protect children and youth from tobacco have a critical role to play in NCD prevention and control. Frontline health workers, including primary care paediatricians, need to step up and actively advocate for full implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, including tobacco tax increases and smoke-free areas, while monitoring patients and their parents for tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure, preventing adolescent smoking uptake, and offering cessation support. A life-course approach incorporating child-focused efforts to prevent initiation of smoking and second-hand smoke exposure with measures promoting cessation among parents will offer the greatest chance of overcoming future tobacco-related NCD burden.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health*
  18. Sundram CJ
    Int Dent J, 1973 Dec;23(4):603-21.
    PMID: 4520880
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health Dentistry*
  19. Ambat AS, Zubair SM, Prasad N, Pundir P, Rajwar E, Patil DS, et al.
    J Infect Public Health, 2019 02 23;12(5):634-639.
    PMID: 30808593 DOI: 10.1016/j.jiph.2019.02.013
    The objectives of this review were to understand the epidemiology and outbreak of NiV infection and to discuss the preventive and control measures across different regions. We searched PubMed and Scopus for relevant articles from January 1999 to July 2018 and identified 927 articles which were screened for titles, abstracts and full texts by two review authors independently. The screening process resulted in 44 articles which were used to extract relevant information. Information on epidemiology of NiV, outbreaks in Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh, India and Philippines, including diagnosis, prevention, treatment, vaccines, control, surveillance and economic burden due to NiV were discussed. Interdisciplinary and multi sectoral approach is vital in preventing the emergence of NiV. It is necessary to undertake rigorous research for developing vaccines and medicines to prevent and treat NiV.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health*
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