AIMS: The present study intends to develop, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of a theory-based integrated dengue education and learning (iDEAL) module in improving the KAP, environmental cleanliness index, and dengue index among schoolchildren in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.
METHODS: This study is a single-blinded, cluster randomised controlled trial to be conducted from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2025. The study will involve 20 primary and 20 secondary schools in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. The 1600 participants will be randomly allocated to intervention and control groups based on selected clusters to avoid contamination. A cluster is a comparable school that fulfils the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The intervention group will receive the iDEAL module, while the control group will receive standard education. The iDEAL module will be developed following a systematic procedure and delivered in-person by trained researchers to the participants. The outcome will be measured using validated, self-administered questionnaires at baseline (T0), immediately (T1), one month (T2), and three months (T3) post-intervention to measure the intervention module effectiveness. The data will be analysed using IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 28 and descriptive and inferential statistics. Within-group changes over time will be compared using one-way repeated measure analysis of variance for continuous and normally distributed variables. Within-group analysis of categorical data will use Cochran's Q test. The main effect and interaction between and within the intervention and control groups at T0, T1, T2, and T3 will be tested using the generalised linear mixed model (GLMM). Hypothetically, the KAP, environmental cleanliness index, and dengue index among the intervention group will be significantly improved compared to the control group. The hypothesis will be tested using a significance level with a p-value of 0.05 and a confidence interval of 95%.
CONCLUSIONS: The study protocol outlines developing and testing an iDEAL module for schoolchildren in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, with no socio-demographic differences expected. The intervention aims to improve KAP, environmental cleanliness index, and dengue index, potentially reducing dengue risk. Results could inform public health policies, emphasizing school-based interventions' importance in combating diseases like dengue.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 323 medical students in Universiti Sains Malaysia. The students were given questionnaire forms consisting of socio-demographic information, the SAS-M and the Malay version of the Internet Addiction Test (MVIAT). The CFA was conducted using robust maximum likelihood estimator. The internal consistency reliability was determined by Raykov's rho coefficient. The concurrent validity was assessed by the Pearson's correlations between the factor scores of the SAS-M and the MVIAT.
RESULTS: The analysis showed the five-factor model of the SAS-M has an acceptable model fit after the inclusion of 12 correlated errors (SRMR = 0.067, RMSEA 0.059 (90% CI: 0.054, 0.065), CFI = 0.895, TLI = 0.882). The factor loadings ranged from 0.320 to 0.875. The internal consistency reliability was good (Raykov's rho = 0.713 to 0.858) and it showed good concurrent validity with the MVIAT.
CONCLUSIONS: The CFA showed that the SAS-M is a valid and reliable self-administered questionnaire to measure the level of smartphone addiction among medical students.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The cross-sectional study was conducted among first to fifth semester students during February 2015. A previously developed instrument was used. Basic demographic information was collected. Respondent's agreement with a set of statements was noted using a Likert-type scale. The calculated total score was compared among subgroups of respondents. One sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to study the normality of distribution, Independent samples t-test to compare the total score for dichotomous variables, and analysis of variance for others were used for statistical analysis.
RESULTS: Fifty-six of the 85 students (65.8%) participated. Around 55% of respondents were between 20 and 25 years of age and of American nationality. Only three respondents (5.3%) provided the correct value of the regulatory bioequivalence limits. The mean total score was 43.41 (maximum 60). There was no significant difference in scores among subgroups.
CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant knowledge gap with regard to the regulatory bioequivalence limits for generic medicines. Respondents' level of knowledge about other aspects of generic medicines was good but could be improved. Studies among clinical students in the institution and in other Caribbean medical schools are required. Deficiencies were noted and we have strengthened learning about generic medicines during the basic science years.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 241 medical students. Validated questionnaires were administered to measure burnout, psychological distress, emotional intelligence, personality traits, and academic stress, respectively. A structural equation modelling analysis was performed by AMOS.
RESULTS: The results suggested a structural model with good fit indices, in which psychological distress and academic stress were noted to have direct and indirect effects on burnout. The burnout levels significantly increased with the rise of psychological distress and academic stress. Neuroticism was only found to have significant indirect effects on burnout, whereby burnout increased when neuroticism increased. Emotional intelligence had a significant direct effect on lowering burnout with the incremental increase of emotional intelligence, but it was significantly reduced by psychological distress and neuroticism.
CONCLUSION: This study showed significant effects that psychological distress, emotional intelligence, academic stress, and neuroticism have on burnout. Academic stress and neuroticism significantly increased psychological distress, leading to an increased burnout level, while emotional intelligence had a significant direct effect on reducing burnout; however, this relationship was compromised by psychological distress and neuroticism, leading to increased burnout. Several practical recommendations for medical educators, medical students, and medical schools are discussed.
METHODS: A total of 316 participants were administered a self-report questionnaire that collected data on sociodemographic attributes, personal characteristics, COVID-19-related stressors, religious coping, and clinical characteristics. In addition, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) and the 21-item Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) were administered.
RESULTS: Regarding depression, 15.5%, 11.7%, and 9.2% of the participants reported mild, moderate, and severe to extremely severe depression, respectively. For anxiety, 7.0%, 16.5%, and 13.2% of the respondents had mild, moderate, and severe to extremely severe anxiety, respectively. Moreover, 26.3% of participants had mild stress, 9.5% had moderate stress, and 6.6% had severe to extremely severe stress. The multiple linear regression model revealed that frustration because of loss of daily routine and study disruption and having preexisting medical, depressive, and anxiety disorders were associated with elevated depressive symptoms, while a greater degree of family and friends social support was associated with less depressive symptoms after adjusting for age, gender, and marital status. It was also found that frustration because of study disruption and having preexisting medical, depressive, and anxiety disorders were associated with elevated anxiety symptoms, while being enrolled in medicine-based courses and having a greater degree of family support were factors associated with less anxiety symptoms after adjusting for age, gender, and marital status.
CONCLUSION: There is a need to conduct a longitudinal study in the future to confirm the causal relationship between the significant predictive factors and depression and anxiety identified in this study, and maintenance of a persistent flow of academic activities and social interaction may be of utmost importance to safeguard the mental wellbeing of university students.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved third- and fourth-year pharmacy students at the International Islamic University Malaysia. A validated self-administered questionnaire was distributed to students who had taken a vOSCE a week before.
RESULTS: Out of the 253 students who were approached, 231 (91.3%) completed the questionnaire. More than 75% of the participants agreed that the instructions and preparations were clear and helpful in familiarizing them with the vOSCE flow. It was found that 53.2% of the respondents were satisfied with the flow and conduct of the vOSCE. However, only approximately one-third of the respondents believed that the tasks provided in the vOSCE were more convenient, less stressful, and easier to perform than those in the conventional OSCE. Furthermore, 49.7% of the students favored not having a vOSCE in the future when conducting a conventional OSCE becomes feasible again. Internet connection was reported as a problem hindering the performance of the vOSCE by 51.9% of the participants. Students who were interested in clinical pharmacy courses were more satisfied than other students with the preparation and operation of the vOSCE, the faculty support, and the allocated time.
CONCLUSION: Students were satisfied with the organization and operation of the vOSCE. However, they still preferred the conventional OSCE over the vOSCE. These findings might indicate a further need to expose students to telehealthcare models.
METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Scopus, CINAHL, Academic Search Complete, Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection databases were selected. Screening was conducted independently by at least two authors and the decision for inclusion was done through discussion or involvement of an arbiter against a predetermined criteria. Included articles will be evaluated for quality using A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews and Risk of Bias in Systematic Review tools, while primary systematic review articles will be cross-checked and reported for any overlapping using the 'corrected covered area' method. Only narrative synthesis will be employed according to the predefined themes into two major dimensions-theory and knowledge generation (focusing on cognitive taxonomy due to its ability to be generalised across disciplines), and clinical-based competence (focusing on psychomotor and affective taxonomies due to discipline-specific influence). The type of technology used will be identified and extracted.
ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The OoSR involves analysis of secondary data from published literature, thus ethical approval is not required. The findings will provide a valuable insight for policymakers, stakeholders, and researchers in terms of technology-based learning implementation and gaps identification. The findings will be published in several reports due to the extensiveness of the topic and will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and conferences.
METHODS: Data for this study were obtained from final year medical students' exit examination (n=185). Retrospective analysis of data was conducted using SPSS. Means for the six CSs assessed across the 16 stations were computed and compared.
RESULTS: Means for history taking, physical examination, communication skills, clinical reasoning skills (CRSs), procedural skills (PSs), and professionalism were 6.25±1.29, 6.39±1.36, 6.34±0.98, 5.86±0.99, 6.59±1.08, and 6.28±1.02, respectively. Repeated measures ANOVA showed there was a significant difference in the means of the six CSs assessed [F(2.980, 548.332)=20.253, p<0.001]. Pairwise multiple comparisons revealed significant differences between the means of the eight pairs of CSs assessed, at p<0.05.
CONCLUSIONS: CRSs appeared to be the weakest while PSs were the strongest, among the six CSs assessed. Students' unsatisfactory performance in CRS needs to be addressed as CRS is one of the core competencies in medical education and a critical skill to be acquired by medical students before entering the workplace. Despite its challenges, students must learn the skills of clinical reasoning, while clinical teachers should facilitate the clinical reasoning process and guide students' clinical reasoning development.
METHOD: This cross-sectional study was done using convenience sampling method. In this study, 280 nursing students from different nursing schools in six cities of Saudi Arabia were recruited. A structured self-report questionnaire was used to collect data.
RESULT: About 49.2% of the participants received education about TC in their nursing schools. The findings showed lack of enough knowledge about TC among Saudi nursing students. Mostly, the participants reported that heredity factor and having family history of TC (48.9%) and age between 56 and 70 years (41.8%) were the most common risk factors of TC. According to the participants, physical examination was the most common diagnostic test usually used for early detection of TC (40.4%) and biopsy test was the most accurate test to confirm TC diagnosis (45.4%). Only one third of the participants (34.6%) knew that between 75% and 100% of TC cases can be cured in case of early detection. About half of the participants (51.8%) reported that surgical procedure was the most common treatment for TC. The nursing students who had high GPA (r=0.86, p<0.001), were unwilling to get more information on TC (r=0.24, p=0.04), had family history of TC (r= 0.53, p=0.02), medical problems with testicles (r= 0.69, p=0.01), received education about TC in their school of nursing (r=0.65, p=0.02), and were more self-confident in assessing and managing TC (r=0.38, p=0.03) had higher level knowledge about TC. Conclusion: Despite the importance of nurses' roles in assessing and managing TC, nursing students in Saudi Arabia still did not have enough knowledge about TC. Improving nursing programs' curricula and conducting health education programs are recommended.
METHODS: University students who were studying in a Malaysia university with a mean age of 24.0 years (n = 380; females 71.6%) were recruited through convenience sampling between 19 August and 30 September 2021. They completed a Google Form consisting of information on sociodemographic background, weight stigma, psychological distress and self-reported body weight and height. Psychometric testing was conducted using the classical test theory (including confirmatory factor analysis) and Rasch models to confirm the two-factor structure of WSSQ and the unidimensional structure of the PWS using the various fit indices. Concurrent validity of the total scores of WSSQ and PWS with psychological distress and body mass index (BMI) was also investigated. Internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha was conducted.
RESULTS: The confirmatory factor analyses and Rasch analyses verified the two-factor structure for the WSSQ and the single-factor structure for the PWS. Both the WSSQ and PWS showed good internal consistency and good concurrent validity as demonstrated by their significant correlations with psychological distress and BMI.
CONCLUSION: The WSSQ and PWS have strong validity and reliability, and they can both be used to assess weight stigma among Malaysian university students.
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: V: Descriptive study.
AIMS: This study aims to evaluate the effect of theory- and web-based health education intervention on mental health literacy among foundation students at a public university in Malaysia.
METHODS: A randomised controlled trial study will be conducted among foundation students. Participants will be recruited and randomly assigned to either the intervention or control group. The intervention will be conducted for two weeks with a one-month follow-up. The health education intervention will be developed according to the Information, Motivation, and Behavioural Skill Theory, and will be delivered via a website. The outcome will be measured using validated, self-administered questionnaires. at baseline, post-intervention, and one-month follow up. The data will be analysed using Generalised Estimating Equation (GEE). This study is registered to the Thai Clinical Trial Registry (TCTR) (reference number: TCTR20210705006), dated 4th July 2021.
CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study will be useful for relevant authorities to take further efforts in mental health promotion among young people.