METHODS: Retrospective data on demographics, clinical presentation, outcomes and laboratory findings of 450 children admitted into Tuanku Jaafar Hospital in Seremban, Malaysia from 2008 to 2013 with documented diagnosis of RSV ALRI were collected and analysed.
RESULTS: Most admissions were children below 2 years old (85.8%; 386/450). Commonest symptoms were fever (84.2%; 379/450), cough (97.8%; 440/450) and rhinorrhea (83.6%; 376/450). The median age among febrile patients (n = 379) was 9.0 months with interquartile range (IQR) of 4.0-19.0 months whereas the median age among those who were apyrexial (n = 71) was 2 months with IQR of 1-6 months (P-value <0.001). 15.3% (69/450) needed intensive care and 1.6% (7/450) died. Young age, history of prematurity, chronic comorbidity and thrombocytosis were significantly associated with prolonged hospital stay, PICU admission and mortality.
CONCLUSIONS: Infants less than 6 months old with RSV ALRI tend to be afebrile at presentation. Younger age, history of prematurity, chronic comorbidity and thrombocytosis are predictors of severe RSV ALRI among Malaysian children. Case fatality rate for Malaysian children below 5 years of age with RSV ALRI in our centre is higher than what is seen in developed countries, suggesting that there is room for improvement.
AIM: This is a planned interim analysis of pathfinder™3, an international, open-label, Phase 3 trial evaluating the efficacy and safety (including immunogenicity) of N8-GP administered before, during and after major surgery in severe haemophilia A patients aged ≥12 years.
METHODS: Sixteen patients who underwent 18 major surgical procedures (including synovectomy, joint replacement and ankle arthrodesis) were included here. Postoperative assessments were conducted daily for days 1-6, and once for days 7-14. Primary endpoint was N8-GP haemostatic efficacy, assessed after completion of surgery using a four-point scale ('excellent', 'good', 'moderate', 'none').
RESULTS: Haemostasis was successful (rated 'excellent' or 'good') on completion of surgery in 17 (94.4%) procedures and rated as 'moderate' (5.6%) for one surgery in a patient with multiple comorbidities who needed an intraoperative N8-GP dose (20.7 IU kg-1 ). In the postoperative period, three bleeds occurred (one during days 1-6; two during days 7-14); all were successfully treated with N8-GP. Mean N8-GP consumption on day of surgery was 80.0 IU kg-1 ; patients received a mean of 1.7 doses (median: 2, range: 1-3). No safety concerns were identified.
CONCLUSION: The data showed that N8-GP was effective and well tolerated for the prevention and treatment of bleeds during major surgery; such FVIII products with extended half-lives may modify current treatment schedules, enabling fewer infusions and earlier patient discharge.
DESIGN: Retrospective study.
METHODS: Based on the mean deviation (MD) of the Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA), the 152 subjects were categorized into mild (MD > - 6 dB, 100), moderate (MD - 6 to - 12 dB, 26), and severe (MD
METHODS: Asian women received dienogest (2 mg/daily) and were followed for 24 months. The effectiveness of dienogest to improve HRQoL and endometriosis-associated pelvic pain (EAPP) was assessed by patient-reported outcomes. HRQoL, especially the "pain" domain as primary endpoint, was evaluated with the Endometriosis Health Profile-30 (EHP-30) questionnaire. The numeric rating scale served to determine changes in the severity of EAPP. Within the presented interim analysis (data cut-off: 2017-11-27), the mean changes in EHP-30 and EAPP scores from baseline to 6 months upon availability of the data were evaluated. Treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) and bleeding profiles were documented.
RESULTS: Dienogest therapy decreased EHP-30 scores in all assessed domains (score 0-100, lower scores indicate better HRQoL). Primarily, the "pain" domain was improved in 78.4% of patients. EAPP was reduced (score 0-10, lower scores reflect less pain), highlighted by a mean reduction of the pain score by - 4.5 points. Patients with a higher EAPP score at baseline had an increased response to dienogest (- 6.2 points mean change) compared to patients with low baseline EAPP severity (- 1.4 points mean change). Both surgically and clinically diagnosed patients described comparable pain reduction, as well as women with or without prior treatment. Drug-related TEAEs were documented for 31.5% of patients, with amenorrhoea (5.9%) and metrorrhagia (5.1%) being the most common events. The bleeding pattern was changed upon dienogest, characterized by decreased normal bleeding (84.2 to 28.8%) and increased amenorrhea (3.2 to 42.9%) at 6 months.
CONCLUSION: The data indicate an amelioration of HRQoL and EAPP upon dienogest therapy. No new safety signals were observed. Therefore, its use as first-line therapy for long-term management of debilitating and chronic endometriosis-associated pain represents an interesting option that remains to be further investigated.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: Name of registry: Clinical Trials registration number: NCT02425462 Registration date: 2015-04-24. Registration timing: prospective.
Objectives: This is a prevalence study that assessed the genetic diversity of chronic hepatitis B patients and coinfection.
Methods: Chronic hepatitis B patients enrolled in this study were tested for antibodies of other hepatitis viruses using ELISA kits. Patient clinical profiles were collected and partial genes of HBV, HCV, and HEV were amplified, sequenced, and analyzed using phylogenetic analysis. The associations between variables were determined using the chi-squared test.
Results: Of the 82 patients recruited for this study, 53.7% were non-cirrhotic, 22.0% cirrhotic, 20.7% acute flare and 3.7% hepatocellular carcinoma. Majority (58%) of patients had a high level of ALT (≥34 U/L). Sequence analysis showed HBV (63.9%) belonged to genotype B, HEV belonged to genotype 4 while HCV belonged to genotype 3a and the genotypes were found to be significantly associated with the clinical stage of the patients (χ2=56.632; p<0.01). Similarly, Hepatitis B e antigen was also found to be significantly associated with the clinical stage of infection (χ2=51.952; p<0.01).
Conclusion: This study revealed that genetic diversity was found to have a significant impact on the severity of infection.