Displaying publications 521 - 540 of 550 in total

  1. Dasmawati Mohamad, Wan Suzaini Wan Hamzah, Wan Rosli Wan Daud, Zainul Ahmad Rajion, Wan Zaripah Wan Bakar, Mazlan Ibrahim
    The aims of this study were to fabricate cellulose acetate (CA) film from oil palm empty fruit bunch (OP-EPB), as well as to characterize and evaluate their biocompatibility. Several processes were carried out, and these included prehydrolysis-soda method, chlorine free bleaching method, including oxygen, ozone and peroxide, to produce the cellulose pulp. Then, a liquid phase acetylation method was applied through acetic acid-acetic anhydride-sulphuric acid. Triethyl citrate (TEC) ester was used as additive at different percentages of 10, 20, 30 and 40 wt%. The film produced was characterized by FTIR to identify the functional group of the CA film and their tensile properties were further characterized. Biocompatibility of the film was evaluated using cytotoxicity test. Stem cell derived from human deciduous teeth (SHED) was used with MTS assay. The results showed at 30% of TEC, the tensile strength and elongation of CA (OP-EFB) film was at the optimum and is therefore suitable to be used in dental application. The cytotoxicity evaluated showed that the fabricated CA (OP-EFB) films were non-toxic up to the concentration tested, and are thus compatible with SHED.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Deciduous
  2. Fazliah, S.N., Jaafar, S., Shamsuddin, S., Zainudin, Z., Hilmi, A.B., Razila, A.R., et al.
    ASM Science Journal, 2010;4(1):1-14.
    Stem cells from human extracted deciduous teeth (SHED) have the ability to multiply much faster and double their population in culture at a greater rate, indicating that it may be in a more immature state than other type of adult stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from human primary molars were isolated and cultured in media supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum. The MSCs were confirmed using CD 105 and CD 166 and the identification of the osteoblast cells were done using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis. Differentiated osteoblast cells (DOC) were characterized by alkaline phosphotase and von Kossa staining followed by immunocytochemistry staining using osteocalcin and osteonectin antibodies. Further validation of SHED was done by RT-PCR to detect the presence of insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2) and discoidin domain tyrosine kinase-2 (DDTK-2) transcripts, while the presence of Runx-2 mRNA was used to characterize DOC. The results showed that SHED was found positive for CD 105 and CD 166 and could differentiate into osteoblast, bone forming cells. The findings revealed the presence of distinct MSC population which had the capability to generate living human cells that could be a possible source for tissue engineering in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Deciduous
  3. Kaur, Satvinder, MaykanathaN, Dhivyalosini, Lyn, Ng Kai
    This study aimed to assess the nutritional status (BMI), oral health behaviour, sugar consumption and the associated factors with dental caries among a group of 7 to 11 years old children in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Three hundred and twelve students were recruited from February to July 2013. Information gathered were their socio-demographic characteristics, body mass index, sugar consumption, oral-health behaviour, oral hygiene index and decay-missing-filled teeth (dmft) index. Anthropometry measurements and sugar intake was measured using verified tools. Meanwhile, dmft was examined using the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. 53.7% of the children were of the normal body weight with mean sugar consumption of 31.81±4.24 g/day. Prevalence of dental caries was reported at 44.6% (95% CI: 42.2, 53.3) with a mean (SD) dmft of 1.27(1.84). No association was found between dental caries and weight status distribution. Most children tend to brush their teeth 2 times or more in a day (75%), however, they spent lesser time in tooth brushing (5.4%) and do not practice flossing (78%). Regression analysis showed that age (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Loss
  4. Nambiar, P., Paul, G., Swaminathan, D., Nadesan, K.
    Ann Dent, 2000;7(1):46-50.
    The estimation of age of human foetal remains is of great medico-legal importance. When the remains are intact and fresh, various morphological features such as crown-heel length, weight, appearance of ossification centres particularly around the ankles and knees and other parameters could be used to make a reasonable estimation of the period of gestation. In cases of criminal abortion, infanticide and child murder the question of age of the foetus, viability, live birth and a separate existence become very important. In practice, often at the time of detection, the remains are decomposed or skeletonised. In such a situation the examination of developing teeth will provide a reliable answer pertaining to the foetal age, the possibility of a separate existence and even the period of survival after birth. The.age determination from dental examination is possible from approximately 10 weeks intrauterine up to old age. The presence of neonatal line (birth line) in both dentine and enamel indicates live birth and a separate existence. It is possible that the time period of survival can be estimated by measuring postnatal deposition of these hard tissues. An intact human foetus that has undergone mild to moderate putrefaction was studied. The study of the morphological features and the ossification centres suggested that its approximate age was around nine months intrauterine. It was not possible to decide whether it was a live birth and had a separate existence. The examination of the developing first deciduous molar of the mandible suggested the approximate age was around 30-32 weeks intrauterine. The importance of examination of developing teeth in foetal remains (including neonates), particularly associated with putrefaction or skeletonisation is emphasized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Deciduous
  5. Mohd Hilmi, A.B., Fazliah, S.N., Siti Fadilah, A., Asma, H., Siti Razila, A.R., Shaharum, S., et al.
    The aim of this study was to isolate stem cells from dental pulp of primary molars and incisors to be used as possible source for tissue engineering. Human primary molars and incisors were collected from subjects aged 4-7 year-old under standardized procedures. Within 24 hours, the tooth was cut at the cemento-enamel junction using hard tissue material cutter. The dental pulp tissue was extracted, digested and then cultured in Alpha Modified Eagles's Medium (α-MEM) supplemented with 20% FCS, 100 mM L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate, 200 mM L-glutamine and 5000 units/ml Penicillin/Streptomycin. The cells were observed daily under the microscope until confluence. Children's tooth pulp- derived progenitor cells were found positive for stem cell markers CD105 and CD166, which are consistent with the finding for mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from bone marrow.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Deciduous
  6. Sadikin AS, Mansor H, Saub R, Vaithlingam RD
    Ann Dent, 2015;22(2):15-22.
    Objective: This study aimed to assess the awareness of periodontal disease and level of knowledge of the relationship between smoking and periodontal disease amongst subjects who were smokers verses non-smokers.
    Methods: A questionnaire looking at knowledge of respondents regarding gum disease and knowledge and awareness about oral impacts of smoking on periodontal disease was developed and pretested in Dental Faculty University of Malaya. Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE) index was used to assess periodontal status.
    Results: The questionnaire was answered by 130 subjects. Prevalence of smoking was 14.6%. A total of 58.6% non-smokers and 57.9% smokers knew about periodontal disease. However, only 26.1% non-smokers and 10.5% smokers knew that the cause for periodontal disease was plaque. More non-smokers than smokers knew that smoking affected periodontal health (80.2% and 68.4% respectively) (p>0.05) and tooth mobility was an effect of smoking on periodontal health (27.0% and 0%) (p<0.05). Regarding source of information on effect of smoking on periodontal health, 63.2% smokers and 63.1% non-smokers reported obtaining information through the mass media. However, only 31.6% smokers and 28.8% non-smokers were informed by their dentist.
    Conclusion: The awareness of periodontal disease and knowledge of the relationship between smoking and periodontal disease was low in this selected population of smokers and non-smokers.
    Keywords: Awareness, knowledge, periodontitis, smoking
    Study site: Primary Care Unit, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Mobility
  7. Subhi H, Reza F, Husein A, Al Shehadat SA, Nurul AA
    Int J Biomater, 2018;2018:3804293.
    PMID: 30147725 DOI: 10.1155/2018/3804293
    Effective pulp capping material must be biocompatible and have the ability to induce dentin bridge formation as well as having suitable physical and mechanical properties; however, many current materials do not satisfy the clinical requirements. This study aimed to assess the physical and mechanical properties of gypsum-based chitosan material (Gp-CT) and to evaluate its effects on cellular properties of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED). The experimental material was prepared with different concentrations of chitosan (CT) with or without BMP-2. Then, setting time, compressive strength, and pH were determined. In addition, cell viability, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and cell attachment were assessed. The setting time, compressive strength, and pH obtained were 4.1-6.6 min, 2.63-5.83 MPa, and 6.5-5.7, respectively. The cell viability to gypsum (Gp) with different CT concentrations was similar to that of the control on day 1 but statistically different from that of Gp alone on day 3. The ALP activity of SHED was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in CT- and BMP-2-containing materials than those in the control and Dycal at days 3 and 14. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image revealed that flattened cells were distributed across and adhered to the material surface. In conclusion, Gp-CT material shows promise as a potential material for direct pulp capping.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Deciduous
  8. Singh VP, Gan JY, Liew WL, Kyaw Soe HH, Nettem S, Nettemu SK
    Dent Res J (Isfahan), 2019 2 13;16(1):29-35.
    PMID: 30745916
    Background: Periodontitis is a public health concern since it is a major factor in tooth loss worldwide and has association with many systemic diseases. Sleep is a complex and essentially biological process and a critical factor for maintaining mental and physical health. Since inflammation is characteristic of both chronic periodontitis and sleep deprivation, few studies in recent years present the contradictory results regarding this potential association. The objective of the present study was to investigate the association between quality of sleep and chronic periodontitis.

    Materials and Methods: A total of 200 individuals participated in this study. All participants underwent a comprehensive clinical periodontal examination. Case-control were identified using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/American Academy of Periodontology case definitions for periodontal disease. The quality of sleep was assessed by Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to test the influence of variables (quality of sleep, age, sex, ethnicity, education, and socioeconomic status), in the occurrence of periodontitis. Odds ratio (OR) and respective confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated and reported. P =0.05 was considered statistically significant.

    Results: The prevalence of poor quality of sleep was 56.75% in cases (periodontitis group) and 43.24% in control group. There was positive association between quality of sleep and chronic periodontitis (OR = 3.04; 95% CI = 1.42-6.5; P = 0.004). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, only the age was significantly related to the periodontitis (OR = 1.11; 95% CI = 1.07-1.41; P < 0.001), other variables failed to reach the significant level.

    Conclusion: Poor quality of sleep was significantly associated with chronic periodontitis. Only the age was significantly related to periodontitis among the other covariable measured.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Loss
  9. Govindasamy V, Ronald VS, Abdullah AN, Nathan KR, Ab Aziz ZA, Abdullah M, et al.
    J Dent Res, 2011 May;90(5):646-52.
    PMID: 21335539 DOI: 10.1177/0022034510396879
    The post-natal dental pulp tissue contains a population of multipotent mesenchymal progenitor cells known as dental pulp stromal/stem cells (DPSCs), with high proliferative potential for self-renewal. In this investigation, we explored the potential of DPSCs to differentiate into pancreatic cell lineage resembling islet-like cell aggregates (ICAs). We isolated, propagated, and characterized DPSCs and demonstrated that these could be differentiated into adipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic lineage upon exposure to an appropriate cocktail of differentiating agents. Using a three-step protocol reported previously by our group, we succeeded in obtaining ICAs from DPSCs. The identity of ICAs was confirmed as islets by dithiozone-positive staining, as well as by expression of C-peptide, Pdx-1, Pax4, Pax6, Ngn3, and Isl-1. There were several-fold up-regulations of these transcription factors proportional to days of differentiation as compared with undifferentiated DPSCs. Day 10 ICAs released insulin and C-peptide in a glucose-dependent manner, exhibiting in vitro functionality. Our results demonstrated for the first time that DPSCs could be differentiated into pancreatic cell lineage and offer an unconventional and non-controversial source of human tissue that could be used for autologous stem cell therapy in diabetes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Deciduous
  10. Sivakumar S, Venkiteswaran A, Roslan MA, Musa S
    J Clin Pediatr Dent, 2024 May;48(3):15-23.
    PMID: 38755977 DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2024.054
    Postoperative pain is generally a novel experience among paediatric patients. Topical anaesthetics, distraction procedures, and buffering of anaesthetic solutions have been used in reducing the postoperative pain. In this review, the authors assessed various modalities used to alleviate postoperative pain in children's dental treatment under general anaesthesia. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) protocol were strictly adhered to in this systematic review. Specific keywords including postoperative pain, general anaesthesia, children, and dental extraction were used in the search for relevant randomized control trial studies in Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed, and included articles published until June 2021. From a total of 191 abstracts, 21 were reviewed. From the six studies with the usage of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) alone or in combination with paracetamol, four observed that the preoperative use of NSAIDs alone or in combination was better than paracetamol alone, one discovered preoperative intravenous paracetamol was better than postoperative intravenous paracetamol, and the remaining study found no difference among various groups. Of two studies comparing the usage of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with opioid analgesics, one stated intravenous fentanyl in combination was better, while the other study found no difference among groups. The results obtained in this review can be utilized by physicians to control postoperative pain in children undergoing dental treatment under general anaesthesia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Extraction
  11. Loo ZX, Kunasekaran W, Govindasamy V, Musa S, Abu Kasim NH
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:186508.
    PMID: 25548778 DOI: 10.1155/2014/186508
    Human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) and adipose stem cells (ASC) were suggested as alternative cell choice for cardiac regeneration. However, the true functionability of these cells toward cardiac regeneration is yet to be discovered. Hence, this study was carried out to investigate the innate biological properties of these cell sources toward cardiac regeneration. Both cells exhibited indistinguishable MSCs characteristics. Human stem cell transcription factor arrays were used to screen expression levels in SHED and ASC. Upregulated expression of transcription factor (TF) genes was detected in both sources. An almost equal percentage of >2-fold changes were observed. These TF genes fall under several cardiovascular categories with higher expressions which were observed in growth and development of blood vessel, angiogenesis, and vasculogenesis categories. Further induction into cardiomyocyte revealed ASC to express more significantly cardiomyocyte specific markers compared to SHED during the differentiation course evidenced by morphology and gene expression profile. Despite this, spontaneous cellular beating was not detected in both cell lines. Taken together, our data suggest that despite being defined as MSCs, both ASC and SHED behave differently when they were cultured in a same cardiomyocytes culture condition. Hence, vigorous characterization is needed before introducing any cell for treating targeted diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Deciduous/cytology*
  12. Al-Obaidi MM, Al-Bayaty FH, Al Batran R, Hussaini J, Khor GH
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:908098.
    PMID: 25485304 DOI: 10.1155/2014/908098
    To estimate the impact of ellagic acid (EA) towards healing tooth socket in diabetic animals, after tooth extraction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Extraction*
  13. Hasan MS, Chan L
    J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2014 Oct;72(10):1920.e1-4.
    PMID: 24985961 DOI: 10.1016/j.joms.2014.03.032
    Treating children with cyanotic congenital heart disease poses many challenges to anesthesiologists because of the multiple problems associated with the condition. The anesthetic technique and drugs used perioperatively can affect a patient's physiologic status during surgery. The adherence to certain hemodynamic objectives and the avoidance of factors that could worsen the abnormal cardiopulmonary physiology cannot be overemphasized. In the present case series, we describe the use of a dexmedetomidine-ketamine combination for dental extraction in spontaneously breathing children with cyanotic congenital heart disease. The anesthetic concerns regarding airway management, the pharmacologic effects of drugs, and maintenance of adequate hemodynamic, blood gases, and acid-base status are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Extraction/methods*
  14. Kumar Potu B, Jagadeesan S, Bhat KM, Rao Sirasanagandla S
    Morphologie, 2013 Jun;97(317):31-7.
    PMID: 23806306 DOI: 10.1016/j.morpho.2013.04.004
    The retromolar foramen (RMF) and retromolar canal (RMC) are the anatomical structures of the mandible located in retromolar fossa behind the third molar tooth. This foramen and canal contain neurovascular structures which provide accessory/additional innervation to the mandibular molars and the buccal area. These neurovascular contents of the canal gain more importance in medical and dental practice, because these elements are vulnerable to damage during placement of osteointegrated implants, endodontic treatment and sagittal split osteotomy surgeries and a detailed knowledge of this anatomical variation would be vital in understanding failed inferior alveolar nerve blockage, spread of infection and also metastasis. Although few studies have been conducted in the past showing the incidence and types in different population groups, a lacunae in comprehensive review of this structure is lacking. Though this variation posed challenging situations for the practicing surgeons, it has been quite neglected and the incidence of it is not well presented in all the textbooks. Hence, we made an attempt to provide a consolidated review regarding variations and clinical applications of the RMF and RMC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Extraction/adverse effects
  15. Alkaisi A, Ismail AR, Mutum SS, Ahmad ZA, Masudi S, Abd Razak NH
    J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2013 Oct;71(10):1758.e1-13.
    PMID: 24040948 DOI: 10.1016/j.joms.2013.05.016
    The main aim of the present study was to evaluate the capacity of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) to enhance mandibular distraction osteogenesis (DO) in rabbits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Deciduous/cytology
  16. Wan Hassan WN, Stephenson PA, Waddington RJ, Sloan AJ
    J Dent, 2012 May;40(5):406-15.
    PMID: 22342686 DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2012.02.002
    Root resorption is a ubiquitous although undesirable sequela to orthodontic treatment. Current methods to investigate the pathophysiology have certain limitations. In pursuit to understand and develop treatment modalities for orthodontically induced root resorption, the ability to manipulate cells within their natural extracellular matrix in a three dimensional organotypic model is invaluable. The study aimed to develop a laboratory-based organotypic model to investigate the effect of orthodontic forces on the periodontium.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Movement/instrumentation*
  17. Lutfi AN, Kannan TP, Fazliah MN, Jamaruddin MA, Saidi J
    Aust Dent J, 2010 Mar;55(1):79-85.
    PMID: 20415916 DOI: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.2009.01185.x
    The biological examination of pulp injury, repair events and response of dental pulp stem cells to dental restorative materials is important to accomplish restorative treatment, especially to commonly used dental materials in paediatric dentistry, such as glass ionomer cement (GIC) and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)(2)) lining cement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Deciduous/pathology
  18. Chin ZW, Chong WS, Mani SA
    Oral Health Prev Dent, 2016;14(2):125-35.
    PMID: 26525124 DOI: 10.3290/j.ohpd.a34999
    PURPOSE: To assess the knowledge, attitude and utilisation regarding fissure sealants (FS) and preventive resin restorations (PRR) among Malaysian dentists.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A questionnaire consisting of 35 questions was distributed by mail or an online survey to 425 registered dentists selected according to place of work by stratified random sampling.

    RESULTS: One hundred fifty-three dentists responded to the survey. A positive attitude towards FS and PRR was noted among most Malaysian dentists. About half of the respondents used FS/PRR occasionally (48.4%), while few (13.7%) applied them routinely. The majority of the dentists agreed that minimally invasive dentistry is important and FS are effective in caries prevention, using them on high caries-risk individuals. Most of the dentists used pumice or paste to clean teeth before placing FS/PRR. A significant number of dentists used a bonding agent prior to placing FS. Although only 57.5% dentists were aware of guidelines for FS use, most dentists agreed that guidelines are important.

    CONCLUSION: Although there was a positive attitude towards FS/PRR, few dentists applied them routinely. Some of the steps undertaken for placement of FS and PRR were outdated. Updating local guidelines for dentists to ensure uniform practice of FS and PRR is justified.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Preparation/methods
  19. Ariffin Z, Ngo H, McIntyre J
    Aust Dent J, 2006 Dec;51(4):328-32.
    PMID: 17256308
    BACKGROUND: This study investigated the extent to which a coating of 10% silver fluoride (AgF) on discs of glass jonomer cements (GIGs) would enhance the release of fluoride ion into eluting solutions at varying pH.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty discs each of Fuji LX, Fuji VII and of Vitrebond were prepared in a plastic mould. Twenty discs of each material were coated for 30 seconds with a 10% solution of AgF. Five discs each of coated and uncoated material were placed individually in 4m1 of differing eluant solutions. The eluant solutions comprised deionized distilled water (DDW) and three separate acetate buffered solutions at pH 7, pH 5 and pH 3. After 30 minutes the discs were removed and placed in five vials containing 4m1 of the various solutions for a further 30 minutes. This was repeated for further intervals of time up to 216 hours, and all eluant solutions were stored. Fluoride concentrations in the eluant solutions were estimated using a fluoride specific electrode, with TISAB IV as a metal ion complexing and ionic concentration adjustment agent. Cumulative fluoride release patterns were determined from the incremental data.

    RESULTS: The coating of AgF greatly enhanced the level of fluoride ion release from all materials tested. Of the uncoated samples, Vitrehond released the greater concentrations of fluoride ion, followed by Fuji VII. However, cumulative levels of fluoride released from coated samples of the GICs almost matched those from coated Vitrebond.

    CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that a coating of 10% AgF on GICs and a resin modified GIC greatly enhanced the concentration of fluoride released from these materials. This finding might be applied to improving protection against recurrent caries, particularly in high caries risk patients, and in the atraumatic restorative technique (ART) of restoration placement.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Discoloration
  20. Syahrial D, Abdul-Kadir R, Yassin Z, Jali NM
    J Nihon Univ Sch Dent, 1995 Sep;37(3):146-51.
    PMID: 7490607 DOI: 10.2334/josnusd1959.37.146
    A study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the parents' level of knowledge, and their attitudes to nursing bottle syndrome. Of 284 children aged 2-6 years clinically examined, 153 were diagnosed as having nursing bottle syndrome based on the criterion that at least one upper maxillary incisor was affected by caries. The parents of the 153 affected children were then interviewed by questionnaire. The findings suggested that parents had adequate knowledge and a positive attitude towards maintaining satisfactory dental care for their children. However, these attitudes were not reflected in the dental health of their children. The implications of these findings are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Deciduous
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