Displaying publications 541 - 560 of 1933 in total

  1. Rafizan Abdul Razak, Eley Suzana Kasim, Dalila Daud
    ESTEEM Academic Journal, 2019;15(2):1-10.
    Cost and management accounting courses are incorporated in the accounting syllabus for both accounting and non-accounting students. One of the challenges in teaching cost and management accounting to the nonaccounting students is the general fear of accounting subject. Notwithstanding, most of the students still viewed accounting as an interesting subject. Hence, the learning problem faced by students needs to be addressed in a fun yet beneficial way. As such, the objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of using the “Smart Costing Game” as a learning method to overcome this problem. The Smart Costing Game Kit was developed as a learning tool to enable students to correctly classify costs according to certain criteria and subsequently used the cost figures to compute total costs, profit and selling price. Four business settings are chosen consisting of bakery, restaurant, laundry and clinic. At the end of the game activities, the students are required to complete an online survey. Results from the survey demonstrated that the majority of the students agreed that the games were found to be more effective, motivating and engaging than traditional teaching. This implies that students have strong
    preferences in the use of educational games that added value to the costing subject. These results support the inclusion of Smart Costing Game as a successful learning strategy in cost and management accounting courses for the non-accounting students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  2. Mohd Samsudin Abdul Hamid, Md Rasul Mohamad Nor, Nor Hafizah Hanis Abdullah, Siti Hafizan Hassan, Mohd Azuan Tukiar, Nurulzatushima Abd Karim,, et al.
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2020;3(2):42-63.
    Effectiveness of a programme is measured through the achievement of Course Outcomes and Programme Outcomes (COPO). However, problems occur when number of courses and lecturers increased and yet the process of collecting and analysing all the data were done manually. Therefore, systematic and effective toolsare required to tackle these problems. Furthermore, all engineering programme offered under the faculty must implement the Outcome Based Education (OBE) system as a curriculum approach for the purpose of accreditation from Boards of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) through Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) for bachelor degree and Engineering Technician Accreditation Council (ETAC)for diploma. Therefore, an effective system called i-RAS (Revolution on Assessment for Student Monitoring System) has been developed to overcome the improper analysis of COPO. This system has been implemented for bachelor degree at Faculty of Civil Engineering UiTM Penang Branch. The advantages of this system are (i) paperless because all the data were uploaded in the faculty website, (ii) automatic data analysis and (iii) the storage system is safer than before. As a result, the Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering (Infrastructure) has succesfully attained 5 (FIVE) years accreditation. Seeing this successful story, the Dean of Civil Engineering Faculty has standardized the implementation of this system throughout all campuses offering Diploma of Civil Engineering such as in Pasir Gudang Campus (Johor), Jengka Campus (Pahang), Permatang Pauh Campus (Penang) and Samarahan Campus (Sarawak).This system also has boost satisfaction among the lecturers up to 97%, time saving up to 78% and development system cost saving up to RM29,700 (100%). This system also helped the faculty to attain full accreditation for all the programs offered by this faculty.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  3. Kardina Kamaruddin, Hadzli Ishak, Abdul Majeed Ahmad, Siti Hajar Hussain, Azlin Azman, Fauziah Mohammad Yunus, et al.
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2020;3(2):64-74.
    The e-PA system was developed to establish a monitoring and reporting process for academic adviser(PA) and student (advisee) to be used in the UiTM Kedah Academic Affairs Division (BHEA). The e-PA system is an online system that enhances the process of monitoring and reporting of PA-advisee activities. The e-PA system utilized the Design Thinking approach which is an approach in empowering innovation that was identified to value functionality. Therefore, the e-PA system are categorized in 3 phases which were: Hear (H) which was Emphatize-activity aiming to visualize and analyze users’ needs; Create (C)-this phase encompassed Define-and-Ideate-activities aiming to find inventions that meets the value of functionality; and Deliver (D) which covers the Prototype-and-Test-activities where the e-PA system was developed through the provision of prototypes and had been through 3 trials and finally tested with four target groups. The results of the e-PA system development had achieved significant reductions in terms of cost and time. In addition, the objectives of 25 percent innovation creation indication had also been achieved through the aspects of organizational function, customer needs, stakeholders, and current conditions and eco systems of the campus. The e-PA system could be a platform of communication to facilitate monitoring and reporting of PA-advisee activities for all stakeholders at UiTM Kedah Branch. The e-PA system can enhance PA's roles by helping BHEA to empower PA-advisee relationships, increase customer satisfaction, maximize students’ success in accordance with the aspirations of the Higher Education Ministry, and assist the campus to achieve a "green-university" status. This three-phase-interaction system is a precedent system in the monitoring and reporting of PA-advisors at UiTM Kedah Branch
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  4. Abdullah NDT, Radzuwan R, Ab Dini MN
    MyJurnal DOI: 10.24191/joa.v8i2.10107
    Purpose: To examine the relationship between sleeping quality and behavioural outcomes of UiTM Seremban 3 students.
    Methods and sample: A quantitative approach using a modified questionnaire of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Score was employed to examine the sleeping quality and modified version of the Adolescent Behavioral Checklist was used to obtain the response on the behavioural of UiTM Seremban 3, students. 428 respondents from three (3) faculties in the Seremban campus
    participated in this study.
    Findings: The result shows that there is a significant relationship between sleeping quality and behavioural outcomes of the students (r=.118, p<0.05).
    Discussion and Conclusion: This study revealed that there is no significant relationship between sleeping quality and positive behavioural outcomes. However, the result indicated that there is a weak relationship between sleep quality and negative behavioural outcomes. The behaviours of the respondents tend to become
    more negative if they were having poor quality of sleep. The results also suggest that poor sleep quality is not only prevalent among college students but are also associated with negative behavioural outcomes. Therefore, sleeping quality should be considered in the management of students’ health and there is a need for an investigation for possible intervention on sleeping quality of the college students.
    Keywords: sleeping quality, behavioural outcomes, college students
    Study site: University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Seremban 3, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  5. Li H, Khoo S, Yap HJ
    Sensors (Basel), 2020 Nov 02;20(21).
    PMID: 33147851 DOI: 10.3390/s20216258
    This study aimed to evaluate the motion accuracy of novice and senior students in Baduanjin (a traditional Chinese sport) using an inertial sensor measurement system (IMU). Study participants were nine novice students, 11 senior students, and a teacher. The motion data of all participants were measured three times with the IMU. Using the motions of the teacher as the standard motions, we used dynamic time warping to calculate the distances between the motion data of the students and the teacher to evaluate the motion accuracy of the students. The distances between the motion data of the novice students and the teacher were higher than that between senior students and the teacher (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01). These initial results showed that the IMU and the corresponding mathematical methods could effectively distinguish the differences in motion accuracy between novice and senior students of Baduanjin.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  6. Ramachandra SS, Gupta VV, Muttalib KA
    J Oral Biol Craniofac Res, 2020 11 10;11(1):1-4.
    PMID: 33344152 DOI: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2020.11.001
    Introduction/Problem: Clinical experience in cases of advanced complexity/rare cases is limited among undergraduate dental students. This commentary narrates a module termed "case sharing", wherein a small group of undergraduate dental students treat/assist, document and present advanced or rare cases to their entire cohort in eight weeks.

    Approach: Undergraduate students perform procedures of straightforward and moderate complexity, and later assisted the clinical specialists during procedures of advanced complexity. students document these cases with clinical photographs and case notes to make presentations that were uploaded in the faculty's online management system to be reviewed by the entire cohort. student groups presented their cases with their entire cohort. an independent assessor assessed the groups for their organization of the case, information collected on the topic, critical analysis of the case, defending the diagnosis and treatment plan, teamwork and presentation skills.

    Evaluation: Students reported improvement in the depth of knowledge on particular diseases/procedures, a better understanding of holistic management of advanced cases, improved rapport, team spirit and communication among group members. they also reported difficulties in recruiting and completing the procedures within eight weeks.

    Discussion: Apart from improving the clinical experience of undergraduate students, the module provides an opportunity for the development of teamwork, communication skills, and ethical presentations among students, which are invaluable to the faculty to meet its programme learning outcomes. case sharing provides a platform for holistic learning and serves as an alternative learning method aside from didactic lectures and routine clinical supervision.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental
  7. Nadarajah VD, Sow CF, Syed Aznal SS, Montagu A, Boursicot K, Er HM
    J Med Educ Curric Dev, 2020 11 19;7:2382120520970894.
    PMID: 33283046 DOI: 10.1177/2382120520970894
    A preparatory framework called EASI (Evaluate, Align, Student-centred, Implement and Improve) was developed with the aim of creating awareness about interim options and implementation opportunities for online Clinical and Communication Skills (CCS) learning. The framework, when applied requires faculty to evaluate current resources, align sessions to learning outcomes with student-centred approaches and to continuously improve based on implementation experiences. Using the framework, we were able to generate various types of online CCS learning sessions for implementation in a short period of time due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Importantly we learnt a few lessons post-implementation from both students and faculty perspective that will be used for planning and delivery of future sessions. In summary, the framework was useful for creating or redesigning CCS sessions which were disrupted during the pandemic, however post-implementation experience suggests the framework can also be used for future solutions in online CCS learning as healthcare systems and delivery are increasingly decentralised and widely distributed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  8. Abu Amat, N. H., Mohd Taib, N. H., Supardi, N. F., Yusoff, M. N. S.
    The increasing use of wireless communication devices, particularly Wi-Fi has raised public concerns on the exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) and its possible effect on human health. As the exposure level of the EMF radiation varies between different locations, measurement of the EMF strength at various locations is vital. In this study, we aimed to measure the EMF exposure which is described by four specific parameters, specifically 1) the frequency of the wave, 2) the electric field strength E, 3) the magnetic field strength H, and 4) the power density S. This study was performed at the second floor in Nurani hostel block in Desasiswa Murni Nurani, Universiti Sains Malaysia Health Campus. Mapping of Wi-Fi signal and measurement of Wi-Fi radiation level was performed at four specific locations, that are in a student room, television room, prayer room, and ironing room. The average radiation level was compared with the standard limit set by International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). It was observed that the strength of Wi-Fi signal was highest in students’ room followed by television room. Both of these rooms exhibited high signal strength. While moderate but lower signal level was observed in prayer room followed by ironing room. The electromagnetic field and power density were found highest in students’ room, followed by television room, prayer room, and ironing room. Comparison with standard ICNIRP limit showed that the radiation level is still far below the acceptable limit, which is only 2% of the exposure level. To conclude, students’ room exhibited the strongest Wi-Fi signal and the highest radiation level. However, the radiation level especially power density is still far below the ICNIRP limit.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  9. Wilson T, Chan CH
    Lower Perak, an alluvial plain, much of it below spring tide levels, lies between tidal reaches of the large Perak and Bernam rivers. It has a mixed rural population, about 40 per cent. being Malaysians. Inspection, with individual card records, was made of 2, 388 boys in vernacular schools aged 6 to 16 years, local prejudice exempting girls. The diet, largely rice, of these children appears deficient in animal protein, and probably in calcium, iron, phosphorus, and vitamin B. They show few signs of deficiency diseases, have a dental caries rate of about 70 per cent., and one-third had poor muscular development. They suffer mainly from fever, anaemia and skin infections. * An asterisk denotes that the paper dealt with is thought to be of more than ordinary interest to tropical readers. As ages were quite unreliable, only the 513 presenting birth certificates were grouped to the nearest birthday. [img 1T161260A.tif] Comparisons are made with the Baldwin-Wood scale for American medium type boys, who at every age are of superior weight. Full correlation tables are given for the 513 and 2, 388 boys. To eliminate doubtful ages the, Baldwin-Wood tables were used to calculate the mean weights of Americans at the height of the Perak boys, and now the Americans only [img 1T161260B.tif] come out slightly higher than these. The essential difference therefore seems to be more a matter of size and physical development in relation to age, than any significant change in-ratios at different ages. Comparison was made with Kedah measurements. This is a similar district 120 miles north of Lower Perak. Curves are used which are not strictly comparable, as some girls were included, but Dr. J. H. STRACHAN took out the figures of 1, 018 Kedah boys. These are compared with the 2, 388 Perak boys, in weight for inches in height. Although the conditions and districts seem in all respects similar the Kedah boys are significantly lighter for all heights. No explanation has been found for this. The authors insist on the usefulness of correlation tables. " It is obvious that the medium American boys are much heavier than the Malaysian children. But the second American weight/height curve seems to show that if one selects for comparison boys of the same stature at each age, the American boys would be on the whole only slightly heavier than the Lower Perak boys." This investigation has got the utmost value from rather unpromising materials. Any school worker will gain some new viewpoints from its careful perusal. James Kerr.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  10. Sulaiman NFC, Akhir NHM, Hussain NE, Jamin RM, Ramli NH
    Data Brief, 2020 Aug;31:106018.
    PMID: 32728602 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106018
    This data article presents the impact of parents' socioeconomic status on undergraduate students' academic achievements at a Malaysian higher education institution. The eastern parts of Peninsular Malaysia are populated by low-income citizens compared to the national average. The survey was conducted in Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. The targeted population is final year social science students. The total size of the target population is 965 students. Using Krejcie and Morgan's sampling method, a sample size of 333 students was surveyed. A descriptive research design was adopted in this study. Data were obtained from stratified random sampling comprising a total of 333 respondents in Universiti Malaysia Terengganu from 14 states across Malaysia. The data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out using tables and figures. The findings revealed that most of the students stated that a parent's socioeconomic status does not influence their academic achievement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  11. Segaran R., Olga, Wilfred
    Students taking up nursing course bring with them stereotypes and prejudice towards mentally-ill clients. Nurses harbouring such stigmatising attitude can have a profound effect on their subsequent therapeutic relationship and quality of care rendered for the mentally-ill clients. Typically, students who harbour stigmatising views, develop positive mindset after psychiatric posting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  12. M. Kaviza
    This study aims at investigating the effect of using historical text document resources on the historical substantive concepts understanding among Form Four students. A learning activities module was developed based on using historical text document resources as reference for intervention in this study. Pre-Experimental Design: One Group PreTest-PostTest was used in this study. The impact of using historical teks document resources on the historical substantive concepts understanding were measured in the pre-test, post-test and delayed post-test. A sample of respondents comprising 55 students from existing classes was recruited in this study using cluster sampling techniques. The historical substantive concept understanding test was used in this study. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inference statistics using Repeated-Measures One Way ANOVA test. The findings showed that the use of historical text document resources has an impact on the historical substantive concepts understandingand retaintion. The implication of this study is to provide the content and methods for implementation of history learning by using a set of collections of historical text document resources which relevant to a historical topic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  13. M. Kaviza
    This survey study aims to identify whether there is a correlation between intrinsic motivation and history subject achievement, as well as to determine whether the predictor variables of interest, competence, effort, pressure, choice, usefulness and relevance contribute significantly to the history subject’s achievement. A total of 521 Form Four students were involved in this study through simple random sampling techniques. This research instrument is the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory questionnaire and the history subject achievement test which has been verified by the expert and has good reliability value, difficulty and good discrimination index. Quantitative data in this study was analyzed using Pearson correlation and multiple regression tests through IBM SPSS software. The findings showed that there is a significant negative linear correlation between intrinsic motivation and the history subject achievement. In addition, the interests, preferences and usefulness constructs have reported a high moderate negative linear relationship with the history subject achievement, while competency, effort, pressure and relevance have a low negative linear relationship with the history subject achievement. Furthermore, interest, choice, effort and usefulness are the predictor variables that contribute significantly, while competence, pressure, and relevance are the predictor variables that contribute non-significantly to the history subject’s achievement in this study. The implications of this study are suggested to all departments to develop intrinsic motivation among students as it is strongly related to increase and decrease the history subject’s achievement
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  14. Nurzaimah Asalal, Haris Abd Wahab
    This study aimed to investigate the challenges faced by students enrolled in social work program in public universities in regard to fulfillment of education values and social work ethics. The study applied quantitative methods which involved 279 final year students who participated in social work program in Malaysian Public Universities. The findings showed that students who enrolled in this program did not face any challenges to fulfill the values education standards and social work ethics. However, the Chi Square result revealed that there is significant correlation (P ≤ 0.05) between the challenges faced by students and their ability to master the value and social work ethics. The study aspired to produce students who are able to master the values and work ethics standards during their study years. Students’ good command in value and social work ethics would help them to be prepared to face the real situations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  15. Al-Kadhim AHA, Ahmad Bakri NAS, Ameruddin AM, Al-Ani STY, Jaafar A
    Introduction: Dental officers could be the first medical personal to diagnose HIV/AIDS and cross-contamination may happen. More efforts should be taken to improve knowledge and the behaviour of dental students towards HIV/AIDS patients. The objective of this study is to assess and compare knowledge and the attitude of USIM dental students towards HIV patients.
    Methods: A total of 136 dental students from Year 2 to Year 5 of academic year 2017/2018 participated in this study. Students were consented and briefed about the purpose of the current project prior to answering self-administered questionnaires that have been previously validated.
    Results: The mean total knowledge and attitude score were 69.65% (good) and 68.54(%) (passive), respectively. Both clinical and pre-clinical students have passive attitude towards HIV patients and showed good level of knowledge with 70.81% and 66.39% respectively. There were significant association between sex and knowledge of HIV/AIDS among USIM dental students (p=0.001). There is also a statistically positive weak correlation between knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS patients.
    Conclusions: USIM dental undergraduates have good knowledge and passive attitude towards HIV/AIDS patients. Improvement of dental curriculum regarding HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS patients is recommended through conducting activities such as seminar, workshop and small-group discussion among dental students.
    Study site: Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental
  16. Jin H, Earnshaw VA, Wickersham JA, Kamarulzaman A, Desai MM, John J, et al.
    AIDS Care, 2014;26(10):1223-8.
    PMID: 24625279 DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2014.894616
    Stigma perpetuated by health-care providers has been found to be a barrier to care for vulnerable populations, including HIV-infected, people who inject drugs (PWIDs), and men who have sex with men (MSM) in multiple clinical contexts and remains unexamined among professional health-care students in Malaysia. This cross-sectional, anonymous, and Internet-based survey assessed the attitudes of medical and dental students toward HIV-infected, PWID, and MSM patients. Survey invitation was emailed to 3191 students at 8 professional schools; 1296 (40.6%) responded and scored their attitudes toward these patient groups using a feeling thermometer, indicating their attitudes on a sliding scale from 0 (most negative) to 100 (most positive). Compared to general patients (mean = 76.50), the mean scores for HIV-infected (mean = 54.04; p < 0.001), PWID (mean = 37.50; p < 0.001), and MSM (mean = 32.13; p < 0.001) patients were significantly lower and significantly different between each group comparison. Within group differences, most notably religion, ethnicity, and personally knowing someone from these populations were associated with significant differences in attitudes. No differences were noted between pre-clinical and clinical year of training. Health-care students represent the next generation of clinicians who will be responsible for future HIV prevention and treatment efforts. Our findings suggest alarmingly negative attitudes toward these patients, especially MSM, necessitating prompt and effective interventions designed to ameliorate the negative attitudes of health-care students toward vulnerable populations, specifically HIV-infected, PWID, and MSM patients in Malaysia.
    Site site: online surveys at seven universities: University of Malaya, National University of Malaysia, International Islamic University Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Penang International Dental College, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia, and Universiti Sains Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental/psychology*; Students, Medical/psychology*
    There are various teaching methods developed in order to attainsuccessful delivery of a subject without prior knowledge of the interaction among the students in a class. Social network analysis (SNA) can be used to identify individual, intermediate and group measures of interaction in a classroom. The idea is on identifying ways to boost the students’ performance by means of lecturer’s intervention based on their interaction. The case study was conducted involvingthird year batchthat consistedof 76 female and 24 male students. A friendship network was drawn based on the information obtained at the end of semester 5 and it wasinvestigated based on two metrics–centralitymeasures and Girvan-Newman algorithm. At the end of semester 5, grades were added asthe attributes of the network.12 clusters were found in this batch and a distinct pattern was identified between performing and poor achieving students. At the beginning of the 6th semester, the studentsweregiven the option to choose between 2 groups. Group 1 was unperturbed without any lecturer’s intervention whereas the performing students’ clusters in Group 1 were preserved but the students in poor performing clusters were distributed among performing clusters. The students were then asked to carry out assignments/quizzesin their respective groups. The final grades indicatedthat the performance of the students of Group 1 wasmuch superior and there wasclear evidence that those poor performing students in the 5th semester performed much better in semester 6. This shows that by understanding the students’ interaction and incorporatiniginstructor’s minimal intervention, the performance of the students can be improved by creating a social contagion effect through group assignment clustering.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
    Industrial development plays the most important role inthe degradationof the global environment. In line with this issue, most universities in the world have introduced environmentalmanagement to increase awarenessamong young generation towards the environment. Therefore, this study is employed to examine the influences of hygiene practices, awareness and involvement levels towards environmentalhygiene among UMT students. The design of this study is quantitative using cross-sectionaldata collectedfrom students at residential colleges in Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. A total of 120 respondents participatedbut only data from 100 students could be used for further analysis after the datascreening process. The result of this study showed that the level of awareness of UMT students on environmental issues could be categorized as moderate. Besides that, this study found that the level of awareness had significant positive influences on environmentalhygiene. Meanwhile, hygiene practices and the level of involvement did not have significant influences on environmentalhygiene. In addition, using the findings of this study, we suggest that the stakeholders of UMT increase the hygiene practice and involvement among young generation to increase the level of awareness regarding environmental hygiene.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  19. Tan CY, Chuah CQ, Lee ST, Tan CS
    PMID: 34299693 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18147244
    The impact of happiness on creativity is well-established. However, little is known about the effect of creativity on well-being. Two studies were thus conducted to examine the impact of creativity on subjective well-being. In the first study, 256 undergraduate students (Study 1a) and 291 working adults (Study 1b) self-reported their creativity, stress, and subjective well-being. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed a positive relationship between creativity and subjective well-being after controlling the effect of self-perceived stress and demographics in both samples. Study 2 then employed an experimental design to examine the causal relationship between creativity and subjective well-being. Half of the 68 undergraduates underwent a creativity priming task followed by a divergent thinking test as well as self-reported stress and subjective well-being. The priming task was found to boost creative performance in the pilot study (Study 2a) and the actual study (Study 2b). Moreover, after controlling the effect of self-perceived stress, ANCOVA analysis showed that participants receiving the priming reported higher subjective well-being scores than their counterparts in the control group. The overall findings not only shed light on the facilitative effect of creativity on subjective well-being but also highlight the necessity of considering the reciprocal relationship of the two constructs in future research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  20. Ishaq K, Mat Zin NA, Rosdi F, Jehanghir M, Ishaq S, Abid A
    PeerJ Comput Sci, 2021;7:e496.
    PMID: 34084920 DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.496
    Learning a new language is a challenging task. In many countries, students are encouraged to learn an international language at school level. In particular, English is the most widely used international language and is being taught at the school level in many countries. The ubiquity and accessibility of smartphones combined with the recent developments in mobile application and gamification in teaching and training have paved the way for experimenting with language learning using mobile phones. This article presents a systematic literature review of the published research work in mobile-assisted language learning. To this end, more than 60 relevant primary studies which have been published in well-reputed venues have been selected for further analysis. The detailed analysis reveals that researchers developed many different simple and gamified mobile applications for learning languages based on various theories, frameworks, and advanced tools. Furthermore, the study also analyses how different applications have been evaluated and tested at different educational levels using different experimental settings while incorporating a variety of evaluation measures. Lastly, a taxonomy has been proposed for the research work in mobile-assisted language learning, which is followed by promising future research challenges in this domain.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
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