Displaying publications 41 - 58 of 58 in total

  1. Mohd Nazri AK, Yahya N, Khan DM, Mohd Radzi NZ, Badruddin N, Abdul Latiff AH, et al.
    Front Neurosci, 2024;18:1524513.
    PMID: 39867451 DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2024.1524513
    INTRODUCTION: Excessive alcohol consumption negatively impacts physical and psychiatric health, lifestyle, and societal interactions. Chronic alcohol abuse alters brain structure, leading to alcohol use disorder (AUD), a condition requiring early diagnosis for effective management. Current diagnostic methods, primarily reliant on subjective questionnaires, could benefit from objective measures.

    METHOD: The study proposes a novel EEG-based classification approach, focusing on effective connectivity (EC) derived from resting-state EEG signals in combination with support vector machine (SVM) algorithms. EC estimation is performed using the partial directed coherence (PDC) technique. The analysis is conducted on an EEG dataset comprising 35 individuals with AUD and 35 healthy controls (HCs). The methodology evaluates the efficacy of connectivity features in distinguishing between AUD and HC and subsequently develops and assesses an EEG classification technique using EC matrices and SVM.

    RESULT: The proposed methodology demonstrated promising performance, achieving a peak accuracy of 94.5% and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.988, specifically using frequency bands 29, 36, 45, 46, and 52. Additionally, feature reduction techniques applied to the PDC adjacency matrices in the gamma band further improved classification outcomes. The SVM-based classification achieved an accuracy of 96.37 ± 0.45%, showcasing enhanced performance through the utilization of reduced PDC adjacency matrices.

    DISCUSSION: These results highlight the potential of the developed algorithm as a robust diagnostic tool for AUD detection, enhancing precision beyond subjective methods. Incorporating EC features derived from EEG signals can inform tailored treatment strategies, contributing to improved management of AUD.

  2. Nur Raihan Esa, Nor Azwani Mohd Shukri, Norsham Ahmad, Mohd Radzi Hilmi, Md Muziman Syah Md Mustafa, Nura Syahiera Ibrahim, et al.
    Introduction: Short-term fasting may influence intraocular pressure (IOP) due to alteration of fluid (total body water;
    TBW, and water intake) and fat (total body fat; TBF). This study aimed: i) to compare IOP values within and between,
    fasting and non-fasting periods; and ii) to assess the association between IOP and, TBW and TBF. Methods: Thirty
    healthy participants aged 21.8±1.1 years were assessed on two different periods (fasting vs. non-fasting). During each
    period, the IOP, TBW and TBF values were assessed for four times (morning, afternoon, evening, late-evening). The
    IOP was measured using AccuPen® tonopen, while TBW and TBF were assessed by using a Tanita body composition
    analyser. Results: During fasting, the IOP value in the afternoon (14.53±2.33 mmHg) was significantly higher than in
    the evening (12.43±2.73 mmHg, p=0.009) and late-evening (12.60±2.44 mmHg, p=0.003). No significant difference
    in IOP was observed during non-fasting period. The mean of IOP in the evening was significantly lower during fasting
    compared to non-fasting (12.43±2.73 mmHg vs 13.75±2.53 mmHg, p=0.044). The IOP and TBW were negatively
    correlated (r=-0.268; p=0.011) during non-fasting and showed no association during fasting period. There was no
    significant correlation between IOP and TBF during both fasting and non-fasting periods. Conclusion: IOP reduction
    during short-term fasting, together with the no association with TBF and TBW suggested that IOP is an independent
    factor that reduces during fasting in healthy population.
  3. Mohd Radzi Hilmi, Nur Hidayah Musa, Khairidzan Mohd Kamal, Mohd Zulfaezal Che Azemin, Nur Nabilah Maruziki, Nur Ain Norazmar, et al.
    This paper aimed to describe variation in apical corneal curvature between unilateral primary pterygium and normal adults utilizing simulated-K and corneal irregularity measurement corneal indices. A total of 100 participants comprise 50 unilateral primary pterygium eyes from 50 patients and 50 normal adults were recruited in this study. Diagnosis and classification of primary pterygium were done by a consultant ophthalmologist (KMK). Standard optometric examinations were performed in all participants. Simulated-K (SimK) and corneal irregularity measurement (CIM) was objectively measured using a corneal topographer. Three measurements based on best image quality for SimK and CIM were taken by single operator in a same visit. Difference for both SimK and CIM parameters between primary pterygium and normal groups were determined via independent T-test. Overall mean and standard deviation (n = 120) of SimK and CIM were found higher in primary pterygium group (9.06 ± 4.49 D and 11.48 ± 3.12) compared to normal (1.63 ± 0.67 D and 0.62 ± 0.24) respectively. Independent T-test results showed significance difference in SimK and CIM values between primary pterygium groups and normal (both P< 0.001). Both SimK and CIM corneal indices can be an important tool in describing and predicting changes on the corneal curvature due to pterygium progression. However, it is worth to note that the detectability of changes in anterior corneal curvature is limited to 5 mm of central corneal curvature.
  4. Azizah MR, Ainol SS, Kong NCT, Normaznah Y, Rahim MN
    Korean J. Intern. Med., 2001 Jun;16(2):123-31.
    PMID: 11590899 DOI: 10.3904/kjim.2001.16.2.123
    BACKGROUND: Studies have shown that certain genes within the major histocompatibility complex predispose to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and may influence clinical and autoantibody expression. Thus, we studied the frequency of HLA-DR, -DQA, -DQB and -DPB alleles in ethnic Malays with SLE to determine the role of these genes in determining disease susceptibility and their association with clinical and immunological manifestations.
    METHODS: Fifty-six Malay SLE patients were enrolled into the study. Demographic, clinical and immunological findings were obtained from medical records. HLA-DR, DQ and DP typing were done using modified PCR-RELP. Controls were from ethnically-matched healthy individuals.
    RESULTS: We found a strongly significant association of the DR2 and DQB1 *0501 and DQB1*0601 (pcorr = 0.03, rr = 3.83, pcorr = 0.0036, rr = 4.56 and pcorr = 0.0048 and rr = 6.0, respectively). There was also a weak increase of DQB1*0.201 and DPB1*0.0901 with a weak decrease of DQA1*0601 and DQB1*0503 and *0301 which were not significant after corrections for multiple comparisons were made. There was a significant positive association of DR2 and DQB1*0501 with renal involvement and DR8 with alopecia. A nonsignificant increase of DQB1*0503 in patients with photosensitivity was noted. Significant autoantibody associations were also found: DQB1*0601 with anti-Sm/RNP, DR2 with antiSSA (Ro)/SSB (La), and DR2, DQB1*0501 and *0601 with antibodies to ds DNA. There was no specific DR, DQ or DP associations with age of disease onset (below 30 years or those at or above 30 years).
    CONCLUSION: Our data suggests the role of the HLA class II genes in conferring SLE susceptibility and in clinical and autoantibody expression.
    Study site: SLE Clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  5. Jais FN, Che Azemin MZ, Hilmi MR, Mohd Tamrin MI, Kamal KM
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2021;2021:6211006.
    PMID: 34819813 DOI: 10.1155/2021/6211006
    Introduction: Early detection of visual symptoms in pterygium patients is crucial as the progression of the disease can cause visual disruption and contribute to visual impairment. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and corneal astigmatism influence the degree of visual impairment due to direct invasion of fibrovascular tissue into the cornea. However, there were different characteristics of pterygium used to evaluate the severity of visual impairment, including fleshiness, size, length, and redness. The innovation of machine learning technology in visual science may contribute to developing a highly accurate predictive analytics model of BCVA outcomes in postsurgery pterygium patients.

    Aim: To produce an accurate model of BCVA changes of postpterygium surgery according to its morphological characteristics by using the machine learning technique. Methodology. A retrospective of the secondary dataset of 93 samples of pterygium patients with different pterygium attributes was used and imported into four different machine learning algorithms in RapidMiner software to predict the improvement of BCVA after pterygium surgery.

    Results: The performance of four machine learning techniques were evaluated, and it showed the support vector machine (SVM) model had the highest average accuracy (94.44% ± 5.86%), specificity (100%), and sensitivity (92.14% ± 8.33%).

    Conclusion: Machine learning algorithms can produce a highly accurate postsurgery classification model of BCVA changes using pterygium characteristics.

  6. Deris ZZ, Harun A, Shafei MN, Rahman RA, Johari MR
    PMID: 19323046
    Acinetobacter spp is a known nosocomial pathogen causing a wide range of clinical diseases such as pneumonia, wound infection and bloodstream infections (BSI). The clinical outcomes of acinetobacter BSI were determined by a 1:1 case control study involving 58 confirmed cases of acinetobacter BSI who were compared to other gram-negative infections. The crude mortality of acinetobacter BSI was 47.2%, which was significantly greater than other gram-negative BSI (OR 1.89, 95% CI 1.10-3.24) but there were no significant differences in attributed mortality between the two groups. We found that patients treated in intensive care units (ICU), who had longer ICU stays, who presented with shock or coagulopathy, had prior exposure to carbapenems, had mechanical ventilation, were on a ventilator for longer periods, had a nasogastric tube, had an arterial catheter or had parenteral nutrition at a significantly greater risk of mortality due to acinetobacter BSI. Patients presenting with septic shock (OR 17.95, 95% CI 3.36-95.84) or having a central venous catheter (OR 12.48, 95% CI 1.09-142.68) were independently at higher risk for mortality. Appropriateness of therapy reduced the mortality attributes of acinetobacter BSI (OR 0.197, 95% CI 0.040-0.967) but did not significantly reduce crude mortality in acinetobacter BSI patients. This study shows the importance of preventing acinetobacter BSI and the appropriate use of antimicrobial agents to reduce mortality.
  7. Azizan NA, Basaruddin KS, Salleh AF, Sulaiman AR, Safar MJA, Rusli WMR
    J Healthc Eng, 2018;2018:7815451.
    PMID: 29983905 DOI: 10.1155/2018/7815451
    Balance in the human body's movement is generally associated with different synergistic pathologies. The trunk is supported by one's leg most of the time when walking. A person with poor balance may face limitation when performing their physical activities on a daily basis, and they may be more prone to having risk of fall. The ground reaction forces (GRFs), centre of pressure (COP), and centre of mass (COM) in quite standing posture were often measured for the evaluation of balance. Currently, there is still no experimental evidence or study on leg length discrepancy (LLD) during walking. Analysis of the stability parameters is more representative of the functional activity undergone by the person who has a LLD. Therefore, this study hopes to shed new light on the effects of LLD on the dynamic stability associated with VGRF, COP, and COM during walking. Eighteen healthy subjects were selected among the university population with normal BMIs. Each subject was asked to walk with 1.0 to 2.0 ms-1 of walking speed for three to five trials each. Insoles of 0.5 cm thickness were added, and the thickness of the insoles was subsequently raised until 4 cm and placed under the right foot as we simulated LLD. The captured data obtained from a force plate and motion analysis present Peak VGRF (single-leg stance) and WD (double-leg stance) that showed more forces exerted on the short leg rather than long leg. Obviously, changes occurred on the displacement of COM trajectories in the ML and vertical directions as LLD increased at the whole gait cycle. Displacement of COP trajectories demonstrated that more distribution was on the short leg rather than on the long leg. The root mean square (RMS) of COP-COM distance showed, obviously, changes only in ML direction with the value at 3 cm and 3.5 cm. The cutoff value via receiver operating characteristic (ROC) indicates the significant differences starting at the level 2.5 cm up to 4 cm in long and short legs for both AP and ML directions. The present study performed included all the proposed parameters on the effect of dynamic stability on LLD during walking and thus helps to determine and evaluate the balance pattern.
  8. Din NC, Ibrahim N, Amit N, Kadir NBA, Halim MRTA
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 Sep;25(5):140-150.
    PMID: 30914870 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.5.13
    Introduction: The rate of suicide ideation everywhere continues to increase, and adolescents are therefore at risk of displaying suicidal behaviour. This study examined the protective role of the reasons for living and coping strategies in reducing suicidal ideation among young adolescents in Malaysia.

    Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 176 adolescents aged between 13 and 19 years of age with the majority being Malay and Muslim. The Brief Reasons for Living for Adolescents (BRFL-A), Jalowiec Coping Scale and Suicide Ideation Scale were employed.

    Results: The results showed that the reasons for living and palliative coping strategy correlated negatively with suicide ideation; although, further analysis using multiple regression revealed that family alliance and optimistic and palliative coping strategies were found to be significant reasons for living that protect adolescents from suicidal thoughts. Also, those adolescents who used emotive and evasive coping strategies had higher suicidal ideation.

    Conclusion: Cultural and social values continue to play an important role in protecting adolescents in Malaysia from suicidal behaviour.

  9. Hafiza A, Malisa MY, Khirotdin RD, Azlin I, Azma Z, Thong MC, et al.
    Malays J Pathol, 2012 Dec;34(2):161-4.
    PMID: 23424780
    The capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a new system that utilizes the principle of electrokinetic separation of molecules in eight electrolyte buffer-filled silica capillaries. In this study, we established the normal ranges of haemoglobin A2 (HbA2) and haemoglobin F (HbF) levels for normal individuals using this system and also the HbA2 level in beta thalassaemia and haemoglobin E (HbE) individuals.
  10. Hashim MAB, Bin Sebri KF, Bin Mohd Hanim MF, Binti Anwar DS, Binti Mohd Radzi NA, Bin Ahmad Fuad AF, et al.
    Mil Med, 2024 Feb 08.
    PMID: 38330180 DOI: 10.1093/milmed/usad507
    INTRODUCTION: Tobacco use is synonymous with the military. Despite that military personnel are trained to follow commands, opportunities exist to implement various tobacco control strategies. We conducted a systematic review to evaluate the impact of tobacco control policy employed in military settings.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We searched for published English articles in Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases using relevant subject headings without year restriction. We included randomized controlled trials, nonrandomized controlled trials, case-control, cohort, controlled before and after, and uncontrolled before and after studies evaluating the impact of tobacco control policy in the military population. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines, three independent reviewers independently screened initially identified articles, reviewed the full text, and extracted the data and any disagreements resolved by consensus after data recheck. Five reviewers used a validated tool to assess the quality of the included studies. The primary outcome was the reduction of any tobacco or nicotine-contained products (TNCPs) use among the troops. The impacts of the tobacco control policy were synthesized and analyzed qualitatively. This study is registered with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Review (CRD42022314117).

    RESULTS: Fourteen studies were included in the analysis from 5372 studies screened. Most of the studies were from the USA, and fractions were from Thailand, France, and Taiwan. These studies were methodologically heterogeneous. Most studies employed a total ban policy on TNCP use during basic military training or operational deployment as the primary strategy. Other methods utilized were the brief tobacco intervention, targeted treatment, support, and counseling provided through telephone or mailing systems, the adjunctive behavioral intervention, providing free nicotine gum, the "Pharsai clinic", active and regular smoking restriction, and interventions aimed at intrapersonal, interpersonal, and organizational levels. There is a moderate quality of evidence that the tobacco control policies effectively reduced the prevalence of TNCP use, increased the cessation rate, reduced the intake, and lowered the dependency. The adjunctive interventions provided after the total ban on TNCP use may increase its effectiveness. However, findings from this review need to be carefully considered as the definition of TNCP use status was not universal between studies and lacked a biochemical validation procedure.

    CONCLUSIONS: There is reasonable evidence to support that the tobacco control policy employed in the military population has multiple positive impacts in reducing the prevalence of TNCP use, increasing the cessation rates, reducing the intake, and lowering dependency. Other evidence-based strategies need to be fully utilized to materialize the tobacco endgame.

  11. Mohd-Radzi NHS, Karuppannan KV, Abdullah-Fauzi NAF, Mohd-Ridwan AR, Othman N, Muhammad Abu Bakar AL, et al.
    Biodivers Data J, 2022;10:e89752.
    PMID: 36761586 DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.10.e89752
    Human-elephant conflict (HEC) contributes to the increasing death of Asian elephants due to road accidents, retaliatory killings and fatal infections from being trapped in snares. Understanding the diet of elephants throughout Peninsular Malaysia remains crucial to improve their habitat quality and reduce scenarios of HEC. DNA metabarcoding allows investigating the diet of animals without direct observation, especially in risky conflict areas. The aim of this study was to determine: i) the diet of wild Asian elephants from HEC areas in Peninsular Malaysia using DNA metabarcoding and ii) the influence of distinct environmental parameters at HEC locations on their feeding patterns. DNA was extracted from 39 faecal samples and pooled into 12 groups representing the different sample locations: Kuala Koh, Kenyir, Ulu Muda, Sira Batu, Kupang-Grik, Bumbun Tahan, Belum-Temengor, Grik, Kampung Pagi, Kampung Kuala Balah, Aring 10 and the National Elephant Conservation Centre, which served as a positive control for this study. DNA amplification and sequencing targeted the ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase gene using the next-generation sequencing Illumina iSeq100 platform. Overall, we identified 35 orders, 88 families, 196 genera and 237 species of plants in the diet of the Asian elephants at HEC hotspots. Ficus (Moraceae), Curcuma (Zingiberaceae), Phoenix (Arecaceae), Maackia (Fabaceae), Garcinia (Clusiaceae) and Dichapetalum (Dichapetalaceae) were the highly abundant dietary plants. The plants successfully identified in this study could be used by the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (PERHILITAN) to create buffer zones by planting the recommended dietary plants around HEC locations and trails of elephants within Central Forest Spine (CFS) landscape.
  12. Aris T, Abd Ghani AA, Mohd Yusoff MF, Robert TG, Tee GH, Mohd Hasri NH, et al.
    ISBN: 978-983-2387-30-5
    Citation: Aris T, Abd Ghani AA, Mohd Yusoff MF, Robert TG, Tee GH, Mohd Hasri NH, et al. Tobacco & E-cigarette Survey Among Malaysian Adolescent (TECMA) 2016. Kuala Lumpur: Institute for Public Health, National Institutes of Health, Ministry of Health Malaysia; 2016
  13. Amran M, Sidek DS, Hamzah M, Abdullah JM, Halim AS, Johari MR, et al.
    J Otolaryngol, 2002 Jun;31(3):165-9.
    PMID: 12121021
  14. Ibrahim N, Che Din N, Ahmad M, Amit N, Ghazali SE, Wahab S, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2019 Jun 13;19(Suppl 4):553.
    PMID: 31196009 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-6861-7
    BACKGROUND: The high number of adolescents and young adults harbouring suicidal ideation, as reported by the Ministry of Health Malaysia, is alarming. This cross-sectional study aims to examine the association between social support and spiritual wellbeing in predicting suicidal ideation among Malaysian adolescents.

    METHODS: A total of 176 adolescents in selected urban areas in the states of Wilayah Persekutuan and Selangor were selected. The Suicide Ideation Scale (SIS) was used to measure the level of severity or tendency of suicidal ideation. The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) was used to measure the perceived social support received by the respondent while the Spiritual Wellbeing Scale (SWBS) was used to measure the religious wellbeing (RWB), the existential wellbeing (EWB) and the overall score of spiritual wellbeing (SWB).

    RESULTS: The study found that both RWB and EWB showed significant negative correlation with suicidal ideation. Similarly, support from family and friends also showed a negative correlation with suicidal ideation. Further analysis using multiple regressions showed that RWB and SWB, and family support predict suicidal ideation in adolescents.

    CONCLUSION: Spiritual wellbeing in combination with family support plays a major role in predicting suicidal ideation. Therefore, intervention for encompassing spirituality and family support may contribute to a more positive outcome in suicidal adolescents.

  15. Hilmi MR, Che Azemin MZ, Mohd Kamal K, Mohd Tamrin MI, Abdul Gaffur N, Tengku Sembok TM
    Curr Eye Res, 2017 Jun;42(6):852-856.
    PMID: 28118054 DOI: 10.1080/02713683.2016.1250277
    PURPOSE: The goal of this study was to predict visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity function (CSF) with tissue redness grading after pterygium surgery.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 67 primary pterygium participants were selected from patients who visited an ophthalmology clinic. We developed a semi-automated computer program to measure the pterygium fibrovascular redness from digital pterygium images. The final outcome of this software is a continuous scale grading of 1 (minimum redness) to 3 (maximum redness). The region of interest (ROI) was selected manually using the software. Reliability was determined by repeat grading of all 67 images, and its association with CSF and VA was examined.

    RESULTS: The mean and standard deviation of redness of the pterygium fibrovascular images was 1.88 ± 0.55. Intra-grader and inter-grader reliability estimates were high with intraclass correlation ranging from 0.97 to 0.98. The new grading was positively associated with CSF (p < 0.01) and VA (p < 0.01). The redness grading was able to predict 25% and 23% of the variance in the CSF and the VA, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: The new grading of pterygium fibrovascular redness can be reliably measured from digital images and showed a good correlation with CSF and VA. The redness grading can be used in addition to the existing pterygium grading.
  16. Abdullah-Fauzi NAF, Karuppannan KV, Mohd-Radzi NHS, Gani M, Mohd-Ridwan AR, Othman N, et al.
    Zool Stud, 2022;61:e60.
    PMID: 37007822 DOI: 10.6620/ZS.2022.61-60
    The world's largest terrestrial mammal, Asian elephants, are known to have enormous feeding needs. Several factors such as season, sex, age, and daily activities influence the amount of food required by an individual. Generally, captive elephants have a limited choice of food on a daily basis compared with that of elephants in the wild. Elephants in captivity are fed according to a prepared feeding schedule, whereas wild elephants are free to choose the type of plants that they consume in their natural habitat. In the past, ecological observations have been widely used to determine the diet of wild elephants. However, the molecular approach has never been carried out. In the present study, we aimed to; 1) identify the plant diet of wild Asian elephants in Taman Negara National Park (TNNP) according to their sex and age using high-throughput DNA metabarcoding; and 2) determine the dietary formulation of captive elephants based on the generated plant metabarcoding database. DNA was extracted from 24 individual fecal samples collected using noninvasive sampling techniques from TNNP and the National Elephant Conservation Centre (NECC) Kuala Gandah. Seven pooled samples from male adult, female adult, male subadult, female subadult, male juvenile, female juvenile, and captive elephants were amplified and sequenced targeting the trnL region (50-150 base pairs). The CLC Genomic Workbench and PAST 4.02 software were used for data analysis. In total, 24 orders, 41 families, 233 genera, and 306 species of plants were successfully detected in the diet of the Asian elephants. The most abundant plant genera consumed were Sporobolus (21.88%), Musa (21.48%), and Ficus (10.80%). Plant variation was lower in samples from male elephants than in those from female elephants. The plant species identified were correlated with the nutrient benefits required by elephants. Adults and subadults consumed more plant species than were consumed by juvenile elephants. However, there was no significant difference between ages and sexes. The findings of this study can be used as guidance by the Department of Wildlife and National Parks for the management of captive elephants, especially in NECC Kuala Gandah.
  17. Cham CQ, Ibrahim N, Kalaman CR, Ho MC, Visvalingam U, Ahmad Shahabuddin F, et al.
    PMID: 38390253 DOI: 10.1017/gmh.2024.5
    Depression and anxiety are prevalent mental health issues worldwide, especially among parental caregivers. By expanding the family stress model, this cross-sectional study investigated the relevant factors associated with depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and satisfaction with life among Malaysian parental caregivers of adolescent psychiatric patients. Data were collected through questionnaires (N = 207) across five major public hospitals through convenience sampling. Participants answered questionnaires measuring financial strain, caregiver burden, relationship quality, belief in mental illness, perceived COVID-19 stress, satisfaction with health services, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms and life satisfaction. Findings revealed that relationship quality among spouses, COVID-19 stress and caregiver burden were significantly correlated with anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms and satisfaction with life. The multiple regression model also suggested that depressive symptoms (β = .613, p < .001), anxiety symptoms (β= .657, p < .001) and relationship quality among spouses (β = .264, p < .001) were the most influential predictors of anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms and satisfaction with life respectively. By addressing the mental health needs of parental caregivers, this study can contribute to improving the overall quality of care and support provided to adolescent patients and their caregivers in Malaysia and beyond.
  18. Pyle JA, Warwick NJ, Harris NR, Abas MR, Archibald AT, Ashfold MJ, et al.
    Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 2011 Nov 27;366(1582):3210-24.
    PMID: 22006963 DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2011.0060
    We present results from the OP3 campaign in Sabah during 2008 that allow us to study the impact of local emission changes over Borneo on atmospheric composition at the regional and wider scale. OP3 constituent data provide an important constraint on model performance. Treatment of boundary layer processes is highlighted as an important area of model uncertainty. Model studies of land-use change confirm earlier work, indicating that further changes to intensive oil palm agriculture in South East Asia, and the tropics in general, could have important impacts on air quality, with the biggest factor being the concomitant changes in NO(x) emissions. With the model scenarios used here, local increases in ozone of around 50 per cent could occur. We also report measurements of short-lived brominated compounds around Sabah suggesting that oceanic (and, especially, coastal) emission sources dominate locally. The concentration of bromine in short-lived halocarbons measured at the surface during OP3 amounted to about 7 ppt, setting an upper limit on the amount of these species that can reach the lower stratosphere.
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