Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 66 in total

  1. Choudhury H, Gorain B, Pandey M, Chatterjee LA, Sengupta P, Das A, et al.
    J Pharm Sci, 2017 07;106(7):1736-1751.
    PMID: 28412398 DOI: 10.1016/j.xphs.2017.03.042
    Being an emerging transdermal delivery tool, nanoemulgel, has proved to show surprising upshots for the lipophilic drugs over other formulations. This lipophilic nature of majority of the newer drugs developed in this modern era resulting in poor oral bioavailability, erratic absorption, and pharmacokinetic variations. Therefore, this novel transdermal delivery system has been proved to be advantageous over other oral and topical drug delivery to avoid such disturbances. These nanoemulgels are basically oil-in-water nanoemulsions gelled with the use of some gelling agent in it. This gel phase in the formulation is nongreasy, which favors user compliance and stabilizes the formulation through reduction in surface as well as interfacial tension. Simultaneously, it can be targeted more specifically to the site of action and can avoid first-pass metabolism and relieve the user from gastric/systemic incompatibilities. This brief review is focused on nanoemulgel as a better topical drug delivery system including its components screening, formulation method, and recent pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic advancement in research studies carried out by the scientists all over the world. Therefore, at the end of this survey it could be inferred that nanoemulgel can be a better and effective drug delivery tool for the topical system.
  2. Darbandi M, Darbandi S, Agarwal A, Baskaran S, Sengupta P, Dutta S, et al.
    Andrologia, 2019 Feb;51(1):e13159.
    PMID: 30298637 DOI: 10.1111/and.13159
    Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (keap1)-nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) pathway is one of the master regulators of cellular defence against oxidative stress. Epigenetic alterations like hypermethylation of keap1 gene impair keap1-Nrf2 system in several oxidative stress-associated diseases. The objective of this study was to evaluate the epigenetic status of keap1 in sperm DNA of normozoospermic subjects, having different levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in seminal plasma. Semen samples were obtained from 151 apparently healthy male partners of couples who attended the Avicenna infertility clinic. Samples were categorised into four groups according to their ROS levels: group A (n = 39, ROS 
  3. Sengupta P, Dutta S, Karkada IR, Akhigbe RE, Chinni SV
    Front Physiol, 2021;12:746049.
    PMID: 34621189 DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2021.746049
    Irisin is a novel skeletal muscle- and adipose tissue-secreted peptide. It is conventionally regarded as an adipomyokine and is a cleaved fragment of Fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5 (FNDC5). It is involved in the browning of white adipose tissue, glucose tolerance, and reversing of metabolic disruptions. Fertility is closely linked to energy metabolism and the endocrine function of the adipose tissue. Moreover, there is established association between obesity and male infertility. Irisin bears strong therapeutic promise in obesity and its associated disorders, as well as shown to improve male reproductive functions. Thus, irisin is a molecule of great interest in exploring the amelioration of metabolic syndrome or obesity-induced male infertility. In this review we aim to enumerate the most significant aspects of irisin actions and discuss its involvement in energy homeostasis and male reproduction. Though current and future research on irisin is very promiscuous, a number of clarifications are still needed to reveal its full potential as a significant medicinal target in several human diseases including male infertility.
  4. Dutta S, Sengupta P, Izuka E, Menuba I, Jegasothy R, Nwagha U
    Mol Cell Biochem, 2020 Nov;474(1-2):57-72.
    PMID: 32691256 DOI: 10.1007/s11010-020-03833-4
    Infertility is a subject of worldwide concern as it affects approximately 15% of couples. Among the prime contributors of infertility, urogenital bacterial infections have lately gained much clinical importance. Staphylococcal species are commensal bacteria and major human pathogens mediating an array of reproductive tract infections. Emerging evidences are 'bit by bit' revealing the mechanisms by which Staphylococci strategically disrupt normal reproductive functions. Staphylococcal species can directly or through hematogenous routes can invade the reproductive tissues. In the testicular cells, epididymis as well as in various compartments of female reproductive tracts, the pathogen recognition receptors, toll-like receptors (TLRs), can recognize the pathogen-associated molecular patterns on the Staphylococci and thereby activate inflammatory signalling pathways. These elicit pro-inflammatory mediators trigger other immune cells to infiltrate and release further inflammatory agents and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Adaptive immune responses may intensify the inflammation-induced reproductive tissue damage, particularly via activation of T-helper (Th) cells, Th1 and Th17 by the innate components or by staphylococcal exotoxins. Staphylococcal surface factors binding with sperm membrane proteins can directly impair sperm functions. Although Staphylococci, being one of the most virulent bacterial species, are major contributors in infection-induced infertility in both males and females, the mechanisms of their operations remain under-discussed. The present review aims to provide a comprehensive perception of the possible mechanisms of staphylococcal infection-induced male and female infertility and aid potential interventions to address the lack of competent therapeutic measures for staphylococcal infection-induced infertility.
  5. Alagdar GSA, Oo MK, Sengupta P, Mandal UK, Jaffri JM, Chatterjee B
    Int J Pharm Investig, 2017 12 1;7(3):142-148.
    PMID: 29184827 DOI: 10.4103/jphi.JPHI_54_17
    Background and Objective: One of the established strategies to improve solubility and dissolution rate of poorly water-soluble drugs is solid dispersion (SD). Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is used as common carrier despite its stability problem which may be overcome by the addition of hydrophobic polymer. The present research aimed to develop an SD formulation with ibuprofen, a poor water-soluble BCS Class II drug as active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and PEG 4000-ethyl cellulose (EC) as binary carrier.

    Methods: Melt mixing SD method was employed using a ratio of API: binary carrier (1:3.5 w/w) (SDPE). Another SD was prepared using only PEG (SDP) as a carrier for comparative study. The developed formulation was evaluated using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), determination of moisture content, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), in vitro dissolution test, attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and flow properties.

    Results: SEM and DSC indicated the conversion of crystalline ibuprofen to fine partly amorphous solid dispersion, which was responsible for the increase in dissolution rate of SD than a physical mixture. The release characteristics within 1 h from the higher to the lower value were the SDPE> SDP> physical mixture. Flow property evaluation using the angle of repose showed no difference between SD and PM. However, by Carr index and Hausner ratio, the flow properties of SDPE was excellent.

    Conclusion: The SD formulation with the PEG 4000-EC carrier can be effective to enhance in vitro dissolution of ibuprofen immediate release dosage form.

  6. Choudhury H, Gorain B, Chatterjee B, Mandal UK, Sengupta P, Tekade RK
    Curr Pharm Des, 2017;23(17):2504-2531.
    PMID: 27908273 DOI: 10.2174/1381612822666161201143600
    BACKGROUND: Most of the active pharmaceutical ingredients discovered recently in pharmaceutical field exhibits poor aqueous solubility that pose major problem in their oral administration. The oral administration of these drugs gets further complicated due to their short bioavailability, inconsistent absorption and inter/intra subject variability.

    METHODS: Pharmaceutical emulsion holds a significant place as a primary choice of oral drug delivery system for lipophilic drugs used in pediatric and geriatric patients. Pharmacokinetic studies on nanoemulsion mediated drugs delivery approach indicates practical feasibility in regards to their clinical translation and commercialization.

    RESULTS: This review article is to provide an updated understanding on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic features of nanoemulsion delivered via oral, intravenous, topical and nasal route.

    CONCLUSION: The article is of huge interest to formulation scientists working on range of lipophilic drug molecules intended to be administered through oral, intravenous, topical and nasal routes for vivid medical benefits.

  7. Choudhury BP, Roychoudhury S, Sengupta P, Toman R, Dutta S, Kesari KK
    Adv Exp Med Biol, 2022;1391:83-95.
    PMID: 36472818 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-12966-7_6
    Arsenic (As) is one of the most potent natural as well as anthropogenic metalloid toxicants that have various implications in the everyday life of humans. It is found in several chemical forms such as inorganic salt, organic salt, and arsine (gaseous form). Although it is mostly released via natural causes, there are many ways through which humans come in contact with As. Drinking water contamination by As is one of the major health concerns in various parts of the world. Arsenic exposure has the ability to induce adverse health effects including reproductive problems. Globally, around 15% of the couples are affected with infertility, of which about 20-30% are attributed to the male factor. Arsenic affects the normal development and function of sperm cells, tissue organization of the gonads, and also the sex hormone parameters. Stress induction is one of the implications of As exposure. Excessive stress leads to the release of glucocorticoids, which impact the oxidative balance in the body leading to overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This may in turn result in oxidative stress (OS) ultimately interfering with normal sperm and hormonal parameters. This study deals with As-induced OS and its association with sex hormone disruption as well as its effect on sperm and semen quality.
  8. Darbandi M, Darbandi S, Agarwal A, Sengupta P, Durairajanayagam D, Henkel R, et al.
    Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 2018 Sep 11;16(1):87.
    PMID: 30205828 DOI: 10.1186/s12958-018-0406-2
    Reports of the increasing incidence of male infertility paired with decreasing semen quality have triggered studies on the effects of lifestyle and environmental factors on the male reproductive potential. There are numerous exogenous and endogenous factors that are able to induce excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) beyond that of cellular antioxidant capacity, thus causing oxidative stress. In turn, oxidative stress negatively affects male reproductive functions and may induce infertility either directly or indirectly by affecting the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis and/or disrupting its crosstalk with other hormonal axes. This review discusses the important exogenous and endogenous factors leading to the generation of ROS in different parts of the male reproductive tract. It also highlights the negative impact of oxidative stress on the regulation and cross-talk between the reproductive hormones. It further describes the mechanism of ROS-induced derangement of male reproductive hormonal profiles that could ultimately lead to male infertility. An understanding of the disruptive effects of ROS on male reproductive hormones would encourage further investigations directed towards the prevention of ROS-mediated hormonal imbalances, which in turn could help in the management of male infertility.
  9. Sengupta P, Dutta S, Jegasothy R, Slama P, Cho CL, Roychoudhury S
    Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 2024 Feb 13;22(1):22.
    PMID: 38350931 DOI: 10.1186/s12958-024-01193-y
    The quandary known as the Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) paradox is found at the juncture of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and 'andrological ignorance' - a term coined to denote the undervalued treatment and comprehension of male infertility. The prevalent use of ICSI as a solution for severe male infertility, despite its potential to propagate genetically defective sperm, consequently posing a threat to progeny health, illuminates this paradox. We posit that the meteoric rise in Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies holds the potential for a transformative shift in addressing male infertility, specifically by mitigating the limitations engendered by 'andrological ignorance.' We advocate for the urgent need to transcend andrological ignorance, envisaging AI as a cornerstone in the precise diagnosis and treatment of the root causes of male infertility. This approach also incorporates the identification of potential genetic defects in descendants, the establishment of knowledge platforms dedicated to male reproductive health, and the optimization of therapeutic outcomes. Our hypothesis suggests that the assimilation of AI could streamline ICSI implementation, leading to an overall enhancement in the realm of male fertility treatments. However, it is essential to conduct further investigations to substantiate the efficacy of AI applications in a clinical setting. This article emphasizes the significance of harnessing AI technologies to optimize patient outcomes in the fast-paced domain of reproductive medicine, thereby fostering the well-being of upcoming generations.
  10. Roychoudhury S, Das A, Sengupta P, Dutta S, Roychoudhury S, Choudhury AP, et al.
    PMID: 33333995 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17249411
    The twenty-first century has witnessed some of the deadliest viral pandemics with far-reaching consequences. These include the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (1981), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) (2002), Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 (A/H1N1) (2009), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) (2012) and Ebola virus (2013) and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) (2019-present). Age- and gender-based characterizations suggest that SARS-CoV-2 resembles SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV with regard tohigher fatality rates in males, and in the older population with comorbidities. The invasion-mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV, involves binding of its spike protein with angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors; MERS-CoV utilizes dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4), whereas H1N1 influenza is equipped with hemagglutinin protein. The viral infections-mediated immunomodulation, and progressive inflammatory state may affect the functions of several other organs. Although no effective commercial vaccine is available for any of the viruses, those against SARS-CoV-2 are being developed at an unprecedented speed. Until now, only Pfizer/BioNTech's vaccine has received temporary authorization from the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Given the frequent emergence of viral pandemics in the 21st century, proper understanding of their characteristics and modes of action are essential to address the immediate and long-term health consequences.
  11. Sengupta P, Dutta S, Liew FF, Dhawan V, Das B, Mottola F, et al.
    Biomolecules, 2023 Dec 07;13(12).
    PMID: 38136630 DOI: 10.3390/biom13121759
    Recent advancements in the understanding of how sperm develop into offspring have shown complex interactions between environmental influences and genetic factors. The past decade, marked by a research surge, has not only highlighted the profound impact of paternal contributions on fertility and reproductive outcomes but also revolutionized our comprehension by unveiling how parental factors sculpt traits in successive generations through mechanisms that extend beyond traditional inheritance patterns. Studies have shown that offspring are more susceptible to environmental factors, especially during critical phases of growth. While these factors are broadly detrimental to health, their effects are especially acute during these periods. Moving beyond the immutable nature of the genome, the epigenetic profile of cells emerges as a dynamic architecture. This flexibility renders it susceptible to environmental disruptions. The primary objective of this review is to shed light on the diverse processes through which environmental agents affect male reproductive capacity. Additionally, it explores the consequences of paternal environmental interactions, demonstrating how interactions can reverberate in the offspring. It encompasses direct genetic changes as well as a broad spectrum of epigenetic adaptations. By consolidating current empirically supported research, it offers an exhaustive perspective on the interwoven trajectories of the environment, genetics, and epigenetics in the elaborate transition from sperm to offspring.
  12. Krajewska-Kułak E, Kułak W, Cybulski M, Kowalczuk K, Guzowski A, Łukaszuk C, et al.
    Mater Sociomed, 2019 Mar;31(1):57-61.
    PMID: 31213958 DOI: 10.5455/msm.2019.31.57-61
    Introduction: Nursing care is one of the most important areas of health services, taking place in direct contact with the patient, constituting a subsystem deciding about the general level of services.

    Aim: The aim of the study was to construct the Trust in Nurse Scale on the basis of the standardized Trust in Physician Scale by Anderson and Dedrick.

    Methods: The study included a group of 1,200 people selected at random, 600 each from surgical and medical treatment wards. Patients did not report any problems with understanding the statements on the scale.

    Results: The internal accuracy scores were excellent, all Cronbach's a values were well above 0.70. The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient values were highly statistically significant (p <0.001), and correlation strength was very high (for most items rs > 0.90).

    Conclusion: We suggest that The Trust in Nurse Scale, developed on the basis of the standardized Trust in Physician Scale by Anderson and Dedrick, can be used in studies on patient satisfaction with nursing care.

  13. Adom MB, Taher M, Mutalabisin MF, Amri MS, Abdul Kudos MB, Wan Sulaiman MWA, et al.
    Biomed Pharmacother, 2017 Dec;96:348-360.
    PMID: 29028587 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2017.09.152
    The medicinal benefits of Plantago major have been acknowledged around the world for hundreds of years. This plant contains a number of effective chemical constituents including flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, phenolic acid derivatives, iridoid glycosides, fatty acids, polysaccharides and vitamins which contribute to its exerting specific therapeutic effects. Correspondingly, studies have found that Plantago major is effective as a wound healer, as well as an antiulcerative, antidiabetic, antidiarrhoeal, anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, antibacterial, and antiviral agent. It also combats fatigue and cancer, is an antioxidant and a free radical scavenger. This paper provides a review of the medicinal benefits and chemical constituents of Plantago major published in journals from year 1937 to 2015 which are available from PubMed, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar.
  14. Darbandi S, Darbandi M, Khorram Khorshid HR, Sadeghi MR, Agarwal A, Sengupta P, et al.
    Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 2017 Oct 02;15(1):77.
    PMID: 28969648 DOI: 10.1186/s12958-017-0292-z
    BACKGROUND: Ooplasmic transfer (OT) technique or cytoplasmic transfer is an emerging technique with relative success, having a significant status in assisted reproduction. This technique had effectively paved the way to about 30 healthy births worldwide. Though OT has long been invented, proper evaluation of the efficacy and risks associated with this critical technique has not been explored properly until today. This review thereby put emphasis upon the applications, efficacy and adverse effects of OT techniques in human.

    MAIN BODY: Available reports published between January 1982 and August 2017 has been reviewed and the impact of OT on assisted reproduction was evaluated. The results consisted of an update on the efficacy and concerns of OT, the debate on mitochondrial heteroplasmy, apoptosis, and risk of genetic and epigenetic alteration.

    SHORT CONCLUSION: The application of OT technique in humans demands more clarity and further development of this technique may successfully prove its utility as an effective treatment for oocyte incompetence.

  15. Darbandi M, Darbandi S, Agarwal A, Baskaran S, Dutta S, Sengupta P, et al.
    J Assist Reprod Genet, 2019 Feb;36(2):241-253.
    PMID: 30382470 DOI: 10.1007/s10815-018-1350-y
    PURPOSE: This study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels on the seminal plasma (SP) metabolite milieu and sperm dysfunction.

    METHODS: Semen specimens of 151 normozoospermic men were analyzed for ROS by chemiluminescence and classified according to seminal ROS levels [in relative light units (RLU)/s/106 sperm]: group 1 (n = 39): low (ROS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 

  16. Darbandi S, Darbandi M, Agarwal A, Khorshid HRK, Sadeghi MR, Esteves SC, et al.
    Int J Reprod Biomed, 2020 Jun;18(6):425-438.
    PMID: 32754678 DOI: 10.18502/ijrm.v13i6.7284
    Background: The three-parent assisted reproductive technique may increase oocyte competence.

    Objective: In this case-control study, the suitability of germinal vesicle transfer (GVT), synchronous ooplasmic transfer (sOT), asynchronous ooplasmic transfer using cryopreserved MII oocyte (caOT), and asynchronous ooplasmic transfer using waste MII oocyte (waOT) for maturation of the human-aged non-surrounded nucleolus germinal vesicle-stage (NSN-GV) oocyte were investigated.

    Materials and Methods: NSN-GV oocytes were subjected to four methods: group A (GVT), B (sOT), C (caOT) D (waOT), and E (Control). The fusion rates, MI, MII, ICSI observations and cleavage at 2-cell, 4-cell, and 8-cell stages were compared in the groups.

    Results: In GVT, none of the oocytes fused. In sOT, all oocytes fused, 20 achieved the MI, 14 progressed to MII, 8 fertilized, 6 cleaved and 5, 4, and 3 achieved the 2-cells, 4-cells and 8-cells, respectively. In caOT, all oocytes fused and achieved the MI, 8 progressed to MII and fertilized, 6 cleaved and 6, 5, and 5 achieved the 2-cells, 4-cells, and 8-cells respectively. In waOT, all oocytes fused, 5 and 3 progressed to MI and MII, respectively, but only one fertilized, cleaved and reached a 4-cells stage. In group E, 6 and 2 oocytes progressed to MI and MII, respectively, and only one fertilized but arrested at the zygote stage. caOT had the highest survival rate when compared to sOT (p = 0.04), waOT (p = 0.002), and control (p = 0.001).

    Conclusion: The caOT method was beneficial over sOT, waOT, and GVT in supplementing the developmental capacity of human-aged NSN-GV oocytes.

  17. Karupaiah T, Mat Daud ZA, Khosla P, Khor BH, Sahathevan S, Kaur D, et al.
    J Ren Nutr, 2023 Nov;33(6S):S73-S79.
    PMID: 37597574 DOI: 10.1053/j.jrn.2023.08.003
    BACKGROUND: Recent surveys highlight gross workforce shortage of dietitians in global kidney health and significant gaps in renal nutrition care, with disparities greater in low/low-middle income countries.

    OBJECTIVE: This paper narrates ground experiences gained through the Palm Tocotrienols in Chronic Hemodialysis (PaTCH) project on kidney nutrition care scenarios and some Asian low-to-middle-income countries namely Bangladesh, India, and Malaysia.

    METHOD: Core PaTCH investigators from 3 universities (USA and Malaysia) were supported by their postgraduate students (n = 17) with capacity skills in kidney nutrition care methodology and processes. This core team, in turn, built capacity for partnering hospitals as countries differed in their ability to deliver dietitian-related activities for dialysis patients.

    RESULTS: We performed a structural component analyses of PaTCH affiliated and nonaffiliated (Myanmar and Indonesia) countries to identify challenges to kidney nutrition care. Deficits in patient-centered care, empowerment processes and moderating factors to nutrition care optimization characterized country comparisons. Underscoring these factors were some countries lacked trained dietitians whilst for others generalist dietitians or nonclinical nutritionists were providing patient care. Resolution of some challenges in low-to-middle-income countries through coalition networking to facilitate interprofessional collaboration and task sharing is described.

    CONCLUSIONS: We perceive interprofessional collaboration is the way forward to fill gaps in essential dietitian services and regional-based institutional coalitions will facilitate culture-sensitive capacity in building skills. For the long-term an advanced renal nutrition course such as the Global Renal Internet Course for Dietitians is vital to facilitate sustainable kidney nutrition care.

  18. Agarwal A, Leisegang K, Panner Selvam MK, Durairajanayagam D, Barbarosie C, Finelli R, et al.
    Andrologia, 2021 Apr;53(3):e13961.
    PMID: 33491204 DOI: 10.1111/and.13961
    In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic led to the suspension of the annual Summer Internship at the American Center for Reproductive Medicine (ACRM). To transit it into an online format, an inaugural 6-week 2020 ACRM Online Mentorship Program was developed focusing on five core pillars of andrology research: scientific writing, scientific methodology, plagiarism understanding, soft skills development and mentee basic andrology knowledge. This study aims to determine mentee developmental outcomes based on student surveys and discuss these within the context of the relevant teaching and learning methodology. The mentorship was structured around scientific writing projects established by the team using a student-centred approach, with one-on-one expert mentorship through weekly formative assessments. Furthermore, weekly online meetings were conducted, including expert lectures, formative assessments and social engagement. Data were collected through final assessments and mentee surveys on mentorship outcomes. Results show that mentees (n = 28) reported a significant (p 
  19. Agarwal A, Finelli R, Durairajanayagam D, Leisegang K, Henkel R, Salvio G, et al.
    World J Mens Health, 2022 01 25.
    PMID: 35118839 DOI: 10.5534/wjmh.210202
    PURPOSE: This study provides a comprehensive analysis of research trends on the etiology, mechanisms, potential risk factors, diagnosis, prognosis, surgical and non-surgical treatment of varicocele, and clinical outcomes before and after varicocele repair.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Varicocele studies published between 1988 and 2020 were retrieved from the Scopus database on April 5, 2021. Original studies on human varicocele were included, irrespective of language. Retrieved articles were manually screened for inclusion in various sub-categories. Bibliometric data was subjected to scientometric analysis using descriptive statistics. Network, heat and geographic mapping were generated using relevant software.

    RESULTS: In total, 1,943 original human studies on varicocele were published. These were predominantly from the northern hemisphere and developed countries, and published in journals from the United States and Germany. Network map analysis for countries showed several interconnected nodal points, with the USA being the largest, and Agarwal A. from Cleveland Clinic, USA, being a center point of worldwide varicocele research collaborations. Studies of adolescents were underrepresented compared with studies of adults. Studies on diagnostic and prognostic aspects of varicocele were more numerous than studies on varicocele prevalence, mechanistic studies and studies focusing on etiological and risk factors. Varicocele surgery was more investigated than non-surgical approaches. To evaluate the impact of varicocele and its treatment, researchers mainly analyzed basic semen parameters, although markers of seminal oxidative stress are being increasingly investigated in the last decade, while reproductive outcomes such as live birth rate were under-reported in the literature.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study analyzes the publication trends in original research on human varicocele spanning over the last three decades. Our analysis emphasizes areas for further exploration to better understand varicocele's impact on men's health and male fertility.

  20. Agarwal A, Majzoub A, Baskaran S, Panner Selvam MK, Cho CL, Henkel R, et al.
    World J Mens Health, 2020 Oct;38(4):412-471.
    PMID: 32777871 DOI: 10.5534/wjmh.200128
    Sperm DNA integrity is crucial for fertilization and development of healthy offspring. The spermatozoon undergoes extensive molecular remodeling of its nucleus during later phases of spermatogenesis, which imparts compaction and protects the genetic content. Testicular (defective maturation and abortive apoptosis) and post-testicular (oxidative stress) mechanisms are implicated in the etiology of sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF), which affects both natural and assisted reproduction. Several clinical and environmental factors are known to negatively impact sperm DNA integrity. An increasing number of reports emphasizes the direct relationship between sperm DNA damage and male infertility. Currently, several assays are available to assess sperm DNA damage, however, routine assessment of SDF in clinical practice is not recommended by professional organizations. This article provides an overview of SDF types, origin and comparative analysis of various SDF assays while primarily focusing on the clinical indications of SDF testing. Importantly, we report four clinical cases where SDF testing had played a significant role in improving fertility outcome. In light of these clinical case reports and recent scientific evidence, this review provides expert recommendations on SDF testing and examines the advantages and drawbacks of the clinical utility of SDF testing using Strength-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis.
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