AIM OF THE STUDY: In this study, the effects of F3, lutein and β-sitosterol on tumor development and metastasis were investigated in 4T1-induced mouse mammary carcinoma model.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Tumor-bearing mice were fed with F3 (100 mg/kg/day), lutein (50 mg/kg/day) and β-sitosterol (50 mg/kg/day) for 30 days (n = 5 each group). Tumor physical growth parameters, animal body weight and development of secondary tumors were investigated. The safety profile of F3 was assessed using hematological and histomorphological changes on the major organs in normal control mice (NM).
RESULTS: Our findings revealed significant reduction of physical tumor growth parameters in all tumor-bearing mice treated with F3 (TM-F3), lutein (TM-L) or β-sitosterol (TM-β) as compared with the untreated group (TM). Statistically significant reduction in body weight was observed in TM compared to the NM or treated (TM-F3, TM-L and TM-β) groups. Histomorphological examination of tissue sections from the F3-treated group showed normal features of the vital organs (i.e., liver, kidneys, lungs and spleen) which were similar to those of NM. Administration of F3 to NM mice (NM-F3) did not cause significant changes in full blood count values.
CONCLUSION: F3 significantly reduced the total tumor burden and prevented secondary tumor development in metastatic breast cancer without significant toxicities in 4T1-induced mouse mammary carcinoma model. The current study provides further support for therapeutic development of F3 with further pharmacokinetics studies.
METHODS: Our goal was to study the demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as their correlation with RF seropositivity, among a series of 80 RA patients aged ≥ 18 years who attend Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM).
RESULTS: Of the 80 RA patients included in this study, 66 (82.5%) were female and 14 (17.5%) were male. No significant associations between RF seropositivity and demographic and/or clinical characteristics or other laboratory investigations were observed, including gender, morning stiffness, individual joint involvement (from multiple sites of the body), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) measurement. However, a significant association between RF seropositivity and patients aged ≥ 50 was found (P = 0.032).
CONCLUSION: RF seropositivity was found to be more common in much older RA patients.
METHODS: We systematically searched five electronic databases (PubMed, CENTRAL, Embase, Global Health, and PsycINFO) from date of inception to September 30, 2022, for studies reporting on the effect of bebtelovimab in SARS-CoV-2 infection, using a combination of search terms around -bebtelovimab‖, -LY-CoV1404‖, -LY3853113‖, and -coronavirus infection‖. All citations were screened independently by two researchers. Data were extracted and thematically analyzed based on study design by adhering to the stipulated scoping review approaches.
RESULTS: Thirty-nine studies were included, thirty-four non-clinical studies were narratively synthesized, and five clinical studies were meta-analyzed. The non-clinical studies revealed bebtelovimab not only potently neutralized wide-type SARS-CoV-2 and existing variants of concern such as B.1.1.7 (Alpha), B.1.351 (Beta), P.1 (Gamma), and B.1.617.2 (Delta), but also retained appreciable activity against Omicron lineages, including BA.2.75, BA.4, BA.4.6, and BA.5. Unlike other monoclonal antibodies, bebtelovimab was able to bind to epitope of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein by exploiting loop mobility or by minimizing side-chain interactions. Pooled analysis from clinical studies depicted that the rates of hospitalization, ICU admission, and death were similar between bebtelovimab and other COVID-19 therapies. Bebtelovimab was associated with a low incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events.
CONCLUSION: Preclinical evidence suggests bebtelovimab be a potential treatment for COVID-19 amidst viral evolution. Bebtelovimab has comparable efficacy to other COVID-19 therapies without evident safety concerns.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Considering the ability of SCS to also promote the activity of the antiestrogen, tamoxifen, we further examined the effect of SCS in modulating cell cycle progression and related proteins in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells alone and in combination with tamoxifen. Expression of cell cycle- related transcripts was analysed based on a previous microarray dataset.
RESULTS: SCS significantly caused G1 arrest of both types of cells, similar to tamoxifen and this was associated with modulation of cyclin D1, p21 and p53. In combination with tamoxifen, the anticancer effects involved downregulation of ERα protein in MCF-7 cells but appeared independent of an ER-mediated mechanism in MDA-MB-231 cells. Microarray data analysis confirmed the clinical relevance of the proteins studied.
CONCLUSIONS: The current data suggest that SCS growth inhibitory effects are similar to that of the antiestrogen, tamoxifen, further supporting the previously demonstrated cytotoxic and apoptotic actions of both agents.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Total RNA was extracted from three formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples each of normal cervix, HPV-infected low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), high-grade SIL (HSIL) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Transcriptomic profiling by microarrays was conducted followed by downstream Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analyses.
RESULTS: We examined the difference in GOs enriched for each transition stage from normal cervix to LSIL, HSIL, and SCC, and found 307 genes to be differentially expressed. In the transition from normal cervix to LSIL, the extracellular matrix (ECM) genes were significantly downregulated. The MHC class II genes were significantly upregulated in the LSIL to HSIL transition. In the final transition from HSIL to SCC, the immunoglobulin heavy locus genes were significantly upregulated and the ECM pathway was implicated.
CONCLUSION: Deregulation of the immune-related genes including MHC II and immunoglobulin heavy chain genes were involved in the transitions from LSIL to HSIL and SCC, suggesting immune escape from host anti-tumour response. The extracellular matrix plays an important role during the early and late stages of cervical carcinogenesis.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study with retrospective record review, 403 established gouty arthritis patients were recruited to determine the incidence of UGIB and associated factors among gout patients who were on regular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Results: The mean age of the 403 gouty arthritis patients was 55.7 years old and the majority (n = 359/403; 89.1%) were male. The incidence of UGIB among gouty arthritis patients who were on NSAIDs was 7.2% (n = 29/403). Older age (p < 0.001), diclofenac medication (p = 0.003), pantoprazole medication (p = 0.003), end-stage renal failure (ESRF) (p = 0.007), smoking (p = 0.035), hypertension (p = 0.042) and creatinine (p = 0.045) were significant risk factors for UGIB among the gouty arthritis patients in univariable analysis. Older age (p = 0.001) and diclofenac medication (p < 0.001) remained significant risk factors for UGIB among the gouty arthritis patients in multivariable analysis.
Conclusions: Age and diclofenac were significantly associated with UGIB among patients with gouty arthritis on regular NSAIDs, indicating that these factors increased the risks of developing UGIB in gout patients. Hence, these high-risk groups of gouty arthritis patients should be routinely monitored to avoid the potential onset of UGIB. Our data also suggest that diclofenac should be prescribed for the shortest duration possible to minimize the risk of developing UGIB in gout patients.
Methods: This was an observational cross-sectional study using a convenience sampling method conducted in the OOC of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center, Malaysia. The samples of POD bottles were divided into groups obtained after 14 days (T14) and after 30 days (T30) of use. The contamination rate at the dropper tip and in the residual contents was determined and the contaminating organisms were identified.
Results: A total of 140 of 149 extended-use POD bottles were included. The prevalence of contamination was 30%. There was a statistically significant difference in the rate of contamination between samples T14 and T30 (19% and 11%, respectively; p=0.046). Proparacaine and tropicamide showed higher contamination rates in the T14 samples (p=0.027 and p=0.497, respectively) than in the T30 samples. The site of contamination was higher at the dropper tip than in the residual contents (p>0.05). Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species were the most frequently identified contaminants (89%).
Conclusion: The dropper tip was more contaminated than the residual contents, and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species, which are common commensal flora of the ocular conjunctiva and skin, were the most frequently identified organisms.