CASE PRESENTATION: We reported a rare case of large papillary fibroelastoma in the right atrium of a young gentleman which was complicated with pulmonary embolism. Transthoracic echocardiography identified a large pedunculated mass measuring 3.4cmX3.4cmX2cm in right atrium with stalk attached to interatrial septum. The intracardiac mass was resected surgically, which revealed papillary fibroelastoma in histology examination.
CONCLUSION: Differential diagnosis of intracardiac masses requires clinical information, laboratory tests and imaging modalities including echocardiography. Incidentally discovered papillary fibroelastomas are treated on the basis of their sizes, site, mobility and potential embolic complications. Due to the embolic risk inherent to intraacardiac masses, surgical resection represents an effective curative protocol in treating both symptomatic and asymptomatic right sided and left sided papillary fibroelastomas, with excellent long term postoperative prognosis.
OBJECTIVE: To develop a Malaysian version of St George's respiratory COPD specific questionnaire (SGRQ-CM), to evaluate the full spectrum of psychometric properties (reliability, validity and responsiveness), to test the factor structure and to assess minimum clinically important difference for the SGRQ-CM, to be used in population of Malaysia.
METHODOLOGY: SGRQ-C was translated to Bahasa Malaysia using a standard protocol. 240 COPD patients were included in the study. All patients were followed-up for six months. Construct validity, internal consistency, item convergent validity, test-retest ability, responsiveness, factor analysis and MCID of the Malaysian version of SGRQ-C to be used in population of Malaysia were evaluated.
RESULTS: The Cronbach alpha coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for SGRQ-CM were reported as 0.87, and 0.88 respectively. Correlation of SGRQ-CM with CAT, EQ-5D-5 L, mMRC dyspnea scales and FEV1%predicted were reported as 0.86, - 0.82, 0.72 and - 0.42 respectively. Correlation coefficient between the subscales and other clinical and health status measures ranged from r = - 0.35 to r = - 0.87. The MCID was reported as 5.07 (- 2.54-12.67).
CONCLUSION: The Malaysian version of SGRQ-C has a good psychometric property comparable to those of the original version and has a strong evidence of validity, reliability and responsiveness towards disease severity in Malaysian COPD patients. It can be recommended as a reliable quality of life measure for future research.
METHODS AND ANALYSIS: A multicentre, open-label randomised trial. Patients with MPE will be randomised 1:1 to daily or symptom-guided drainage regimes after IPC insertion. Patient allocation to groups will be stratified for the cancer type (mesothelioma vs others), performance status (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group status 0-1 vs ≥2), presence of trapped lung (vs not) and prior pleurodesis (vs not). The primary outcome is the mean daily dyspnoea score, measured by a 100 mm visual analogue scale (VAS) over the first 60 days. Secondary outcomes include benefits on physical activity levels, rate of spontaneous pleurodesis, complications, hospital admission days, healthcare costs and QoL measures. Enrolment of 86 participants will detect a mean difference of VAS score of 14 mm between the treatment arms (5% significance, 90% power) assuming a common between-group SD of 18.9 mm and a 10% lost to follow-up rate.
ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The Sir Charles Gairdner Group Human Research Ethics Committee has approved the study (number 2015-043). Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at scientific meetings.
TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ACTRN12615000963527; Pre-results.
CASE REPORT: A 60-year-old man was presented to the Otolaryngology Department with progressive dyspnoea and dysphagia to solids for over a period of 1 week. Direct laryngoscopy revealed a tumour at the laryngeal aspect of the epiglottis, which prolapsed into the laryngeal inlet each time the patient inspired. This resulted in an inspiratory stridor despite adequate glottic opening and normal mobility of the vocal cords.
CONCLUSION: Therefore, in cases where a ball-valve lesion causes intermittent life-threatening airway obstruction, BSCC of the larynx, though rare, must be considered as a differential diagnosis.
Methods: A quasi-experimental trial study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of nasal rinsing between two groups. The intervention group was instructed to perform nasal rinsing during ablution, while the control group was not asked to do nasal rinsing. Both groups were provided progress diaries to record the symptoms of respiratory tract infection, including cough, rhinorrhoea, nasal blockage, fever, and sore throat, as well as thick phlegm, shortness of breath, epistaxis, and changes in sense of smell. The groups were also instructed to record any visits to clinics for their symptoms throughout their stay in Makkah for the Hajj ritual.
Results: The study showed that nasal rinsing significantly reduced the symptoms of cough, rhinorrhoea, and nasal blockage. The intervention group had an increased number of visits to healthcare facilities for treatment, when compared to those of the control group. There were no significant differences in the groups regarding the symptoms of fever and sore throat.
Conclusion: Nasal rinsing can be included as part of intervention methods that include vaccination and the use of a face mask. Nasal rinsing can be easily practiced by the pilgrims, since it is a Sunnah act in ablution, which is an integral element of Muslims' daily life.
CASE REPORT: We describe here an unusual case of leptospirosis complicated by haemolytic anaemia in a 70-year-old man with established kidney failure. He presented with an abrupt onset of shortness of breath, flushing and erythematous rash after completing haemodialysis. The patient's biochemistry test samples were however rejected twice as they were grossly haemolysed. The integrated auto-verification alert system implemented in the hospital's laboratory information system alerted the staff of the possibility of in vivo haemolysis.
DISCUSSION: The auto-verification alert system effectively distinguishes between in vitro and in vivo haemolysis and as such can be utilised as a diagnostic aid in patients with suspected intravascular haemolysis.
Case presentation: A 48-year-old woman presented with worsening dyspnoea and orthopnoea for one week. She had also experienced weight loss, minimal dry cough and right-sided pleuritic chest pain for several weeks. A chest radiograph showed a right lower zone pleural effusion with no apparent lung consolidation. Lung ultrasound showed a right apical consolidation and right lower zone septated pleural effusion. Pleural fluid investigations showed exudative features of mixed lymphocytic, mesothelial and neutrophilic cellular components. Tuberculin skin test was strongly positive. She was subsequently treated for pleural tuberculosis. One month after treatment, her symptoms had improved considerably.
Discussion: Lung ultrasound has been found to be more effective than chest radiograph in detecting consolidation and diagnosing pneumonia. The portability and efficacy of today's ultrasound machines, including the handheld types, show that lung ultrasound is a practical, reliable and valuable diagnostic tool in managing pulmonary conditions including tuberculosis, provided that the operators are adequately trained.
Conclusion: Lung ultrasound in tuberculosis is the next frontier for clinicians and researchers.