Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 137 in total

  1. Venkiteswaran, Annapurny, Ha, Kien Onn
    Compendium of Oral Science, 2016;3(1):33-37.
    This case report describes the management of an impacted and dilacerated upper permanent incisor in an 11 year old girl who also presented with a congenitally missing lateral incisor in the same quadrant. The two treatment options commonly chosen for the management of an impacted incisor are surgical exposure followed by orthodontic traction and extraction of the tooth itself. This case posed an extra challenge as the adjacent lateral incisor was congenitally missing. Instead of resorting to the use of dentures, an alternative treatment involving the surgical repositioning of the impacted tooth was done. This method not only satisfied the patient’s aesthetic requirement but ensured preservation of alveolar bone height and thickness in the upper anterior segment. Surgical repositioning of an impacted and/or dilacerated tooth can be considered as an alternative treatment option when surgical exposure and traction of the tooth is not possible.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  2. Kattimani V, Tiwari RVC, Gufran K, Wasan B, Shilpa PH, Khader AA
    J Int Soc Prev Community Dent, 2019 04 12;9(2):99-105.
    PMID: 31058058 DOI: 10.4103/jispcd.JISPCD_430_18
    Background: Ever-changing perception of beauty from childhood to old age is changing with the revolution in cosmeceuticals science. Esthetics is an individual's perception since time immemorial. Standards of beauty have changed through centuries with increased awareness about esthetics. The face remains main source of information for identification and discrimination. It constitutes a structural ground for many nonverbal messages including the emotional state of a person, so the proverb "Face is an index of mind" holds good. The wrinkles and laxity are considered to be one of the factors for aging. Hence, escalating demand for cosmetic treatment to reduce facial wrinkles and laxity has stimulated us to search for published literature for nonsurgical techniques for enhancement of facial beauty. The review analyzed the published data to provide narrative basic review in a concise way to the beginners, clinicians, and students.

    Materials and Methods: We have adopted search criteria using keywords: Botox, Botulinum toxin, incobotulinumtoxinA, esthetics, face, uses of Botox, with various Boolean operators and or in title, and abstract using PubMed search engine. The database search limited to PubMed only from January 2013 to June 2018.

    Results: Various search results have been appended as annexures at the end of the article for further reference for the readers. Finally, 17 references were selected to write narrative review to meet our objectives.

    Conclusion: The advancing front in the use of toxins is an emerging science for the beautification of a face. Botox exploded in to market because of efficacy, tolerability, and minimally invasive nature. The present review gives brief about the history of Botulinum toxin, types, mechanism of action, clinical indications, preparations, storage, and technique for various uses with a brief note on patient selection, contraindications, and complications.

    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  3. Jamayet NB, Rahman AM, Nizami MMUI, Johari Y, Husein A
    Indian J Dent Res, 2018 12 28;29(6):840-843.
    PMID: 30589017 DOI: 10.4103/ijdr.IJDR_20_17
    Exenteration surgery greatly affects a person in terms of function, esthetics, and psychological trauma. In such cases, restoration by silicone orbital prosthesis is a well-accepted treatment option. However, this is a difficult task, necessitating personalized design of method for each patient. This case report describes the technique for fabrication of a silicone orbital prosthesis for a male patient with left orbital defect due to exenteration of a Grade 3 squamous cell carcinoma of the left eye and surrounding tissues. The patient was delivered with a satisfactory silicone orbital prosthesis having good retention and finish. Multidisciplinary management and team approach are crucial in providing precise and effective rehabilitation for improving the patient's quality of life and help them return to their normal social life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  4. Fadil F, Adli FA, Affandi NDN, Harun AM, Alam MK
    Polymers (Basel), 2020 Dec 18;12(12).
    PMID: 33353189 DOI: 10.3390/polym12123043
    The lack of aesthetic properties of electrospun nanofibres in terms of colour appearance is the drive in this preliminary study. This research is conducted to study the dyeing behaviour and colorimetric properties of electrospun nanofibres blended with Remazol Yellow FG reactive dye using dope-dyeing method via electrospinning process. This paper reports the colorimetric properties of dyed poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) nanofibres within the range of 2.5 wt.% to 12.5 wt.% dye content. The electrospinning parameters were fixed at the electrospinning distance of 10 cm, constant feed rate of 0.5 mL/h and applied voltage of 15 kV. The resulting impregnated dye of 10 wt.% exhibits acceptable colour difference of dyed PVA nanofibres, with a mean fibre diameter of 177.1 ± 11.5 nm. The SEM micrographs show the effect of dye content on morphology and fibre diameter upon the increment of dye used. Further increase of dye content adversely affects the jet stability during the electrospinning, resulting in macroscopic dropping phenomenon. The presence of all prominent peaks of Remazol dye in the PVA nanofibers was supported with FTIR analysis. The addition of dye into the nanofibres has resulted in the enhancement of thermal stability of the PVA as demonstrated by TGA analysis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  5. Hassanin Abdulkhabeer Ali Alyassiri, Anis Farhan Kamaruddin, Khoirulzariah Ismail, Noor Ayuni Ahmad Shafiai, Norma Ab Rahman, Wan Muhamad Amir W Ahmad
    Introduction: Coated archwires improve aesthetics during orthodontic treatment. However, little is known regarding
    their clinical benefit. This randomised controlled trial (RCT) compared the tooth alignment (TA), coating loss (CL),
    colour change (∆E*), and patient perception of coated archwires with their controls. Details of ∆E* and perception were reported in the second part of the articles. Methods: This RCT was done at three centres. Participants
    were randomised to receive one of four treatment interventions using 0.014” superelastic coated nickel-titanium
    archwires from Orthocare, RMO, G&H, and conventional uncoated 3M Unitek® archwires. These archwires were
    ligated during bonding and collected after eighth week and questionnaires were distributed to participants in the
    experimental groups only. After removal, TA and CL were measured using Little’s Irregularity Index and Autodesk®
    AutoCAD® software, respectively. At the time of this preliminary reporting, 84 participants had completed the trial. Two archwires fractured and were excluded. Therefore, 166 archwires (n = 166) were analysed. Results: Only
    non-extraction cases showed statistically significant differences in TA change between all groups (p = 0.005) and
    RMO showed significantly lowest mean of TA (1.5 mm). RMO and Orthocare showed significant TA change in the
    upper and lower arches (p = 0.037, 0.048). CL was found to be insignificant for both extraction and non-extraction
    cases (p >0.05). Comparison between upper and lower arches revealed no significant difference in TA and CL in all
    groups (p >0.05). Conclusion: From this preliminary analysis, Orthocare provides better TA in non-extraction cases
    despite highest percentage of coating loss.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  6. Sekeli R, Hamid MH, Razak RA, Wee CY, Ong-Abdullah J
    Front Plant Sci, 2018;9:1380.
    PMID: 30279695 DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01380
    Carica papaya L. or commonly known as papaya, is a major tropical crop consumed worldwide either as a vegetable or fresh fruit or processed products. In Malaysia, papaya was initially planted as a smallholder crop throughout the country. Eventually after 15 years of breeding and selection, a new variety, named C. papaya L. var. Eksotika, was released by the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) in 1987. This event changed the outlook of papaya planting from a smallholder crop to a plantation crop. Despite the blooming papaya business, the industry faced various disease issues that jeopardize its future. The most devastating was the papaya dieback disease, which affected approximately 800 hectares of plantation, destroyed approximately 1 million trees nationwide with total losses estimated at US$ 58 million. Even though Eksotika is a favored commercial variety with good eating and aesthetic quality fruit, its potential for more lucrative distant markets is tarnished with its short-shelf life fruits. Several strategies had been reported to address the challenges faced by Eksotika specifically against the dieback disease and the fruit's short shelf-life. This review focuses on C. papaya L. var. Eksotika particularly on the strategies to address the challenges faced in order to sustain the economic value of this crop plant, which had contributed significantly to the Malaysian economy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  7. Alhabashneh R, Alomari S, Khaleel B, Qinawi H, Alzaubi M
    J Esthet Restor Dent, 2021 04;33(3):531-537.
    PMID: 33174355 DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12680
    The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) on interdental papilla (IDP) loss in the esthetic zone. Twenty one subjects (14 females and 7 males) from those referred for treatment of IDP loss at Periodontics postgraduate clinics at the Jordan University of Science and Technology. A total of 86 interdental sites (58 sites in the maxillary jaw and 28 sites in the mandibular jaw) were treated and followed up. A 0.2 ml of Hyaluronic acid was injected in each receded IDP site and injections were repeated after 21 days. Papilla sites were evaluated and statistically analyzed. At the 3 week interval the mean reduction of black triangle (BT) height was 0.17 mm (8% reduction) (P-value <0.001), at the 3 month interval there was a mean reduction of BT height of 0.83 mm (39% reduction) (P-value <0.001). At 6 months however, the reduction in BT height was 0.62 mm (29% reduction) (P-value <0.001). Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that the use of commercially available HA gel for the treatment of interdental papillae loss may have promising results over the first 6 months after injection. The maximum improvement in black triangles was at 3 months after injection with a reduction of improvement between 3 and 6 months. Clinical Relevance Helping clinician to take evidence based decision while considering Hyaluronic acid injection as a short term nonsurgical treatment modality for interdental papilla loss.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics, Dental
  8. de Maio M, Chatrath V, Hart S, Hoo AJS, Marchac A, Sykianakis D, et al.
    J Cosmet Dermatol, 2021 Jul;20(7):2069-2082.
    PMID: 33977669 DOI: 10.1111/jocd.14216
    BACKGROUND: Comprehensive patient assessment and planning are central to esthetic treatment with injectables. MD ASA™ (Multi-Dimensional Aesthetic Scan Assessment) is a novel tool developed for this purpose.

    AIMS: To describe the MD ASA technique and present its preliminary application.

    METHODS: MD ASA breaks down the face into five hierarchies (H1-H5). H1 shifts patients' focus from "distractions" (individual lines and folds) toward the overall messages their face portrays, based on eight Emotional Attributes: four negative (tired, sad, angry, and saggy); four positive (youthful, attractive, contoured, and feminine/masculine). Three priority Emotional Attributes are selected for each patient. This is followed by a process of narrowing down through facial thirds (H2), periorbital and perioral dynamics (H3), facial units (H4), and subunits (H5), to arrive at a final assessment. Based on the key facial signs identified, this can be translated into MD Codes equations and thus a treatment formula. A retrospective analysis was performed based on 12 female patients injected by expert clinicians at an educational event. All patients were selected for, and treated using, a single MD Codes formula derived from a common MD ASA work-up.

    RESULTS: There were substantial differences between patients and clinicians in their views of which anatomical areas needed treatment-but good alignment on priority Emotional Attributes. Patients were treated only for three negative Emotional Attributes, but improvements were observed across all eight attributes.

    CONCLUSIONS: MD ASA provides a practical method for translating facial messages into actionable injectable treatment plans and facilitates greater patient-clinician alignment. Prospective studies are warranted.

    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  9. Muhamad Aiman Afiq Mohd Noor, Azhari Md Hashim
    The relationship between typicality and novelty was discussed in order to identify the significant emotional value arising in the compact car design of Malaysian manufacturers. Typicality and novelty usually are associated with the aesthetic preference of human artefacts as in this study in compact car design. Considering a typical product is rarely new and, conversely, a novel product often labelled as typical, the positive effects of both features seem incompatible. This paper discusses the history of the Malaysian manufacturer’s compact car design according to its timeline and the current market based on its model and achievement. Furthermore, the relationship between compact car design such as the limitation of emotional value arising through typicality and novelty of specific compact car design and how it triggers the user’s perception through its aesthetics form. Hence, a pilot study was conducted to validate a set of stimulus and questionnaires as a way to formulate an actual survey. Finally, the outcome of this study will suggest a way forward in exploring typicality and novelty through a reliable method of compact car design
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  10. Ong, A.H.M.
    Ann Dent, 1996;3(1):-.
    The current standard of managing facial bone fractures is the use of rigid internal fixation. This method provides good stabilization and repair for mid-face fractures such as the zygomatico-orbitalfracture. Nowadays, for the young and old, patients want not only rapid bone healing, but also good facial aesthetics after surgical treatment following maxillofacial trauma. Therefore, osteosynthesis of fractures and inconspicuous post-operative scars are considered essential. The lower eyelid approach or modified blepharoplasty provides rapid access to the infraorbital rim as well as the orbital floor, while the lateral eyebrow incision gives direct access for fixation at the fronto-zygomatic suture. Combining the Gillies' approach and a single form of rigid internal fixation, good cosmetic results and function can be achieved. Cases using the micro-plate-system for thin infraorbital bones and the miniplate- system for thicker facial bones involving zygomatico-orbital fractures are described.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  11. Ngeow, W.C., Ong, S.T.
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2008;29(2):84-93.
    The primary obligation and ultimate responsibility of a dental surgeon is not only to restore aesthetic and function, but also to relieve pain which originates from dental pathology or surgical procedures performed. Post operative dental pain is mainly of inflammatory origin. Common traditional oral analgesics, namely salicylates, paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been the drugs of choice, but are increasingly being superseded by newer designer analgesics, the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors. This article reviews the advantages and disadvantages of prescribing common traditional oral analgesics as well as exploring the potential use of COX-2 inhibitors as an alternative to these analgesics for the control of post operative pain in dentistry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  12. Loke, Shuet Toh
    The objective of this pilot cross-sectional study was to assess effcacy of training dental officers (DO) and nurses (DN) in the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). A conventional training method of lectures, manual; and md5,0n* exettise was used for bath Lest groups. 30 study models in all grades in the Aesthetic component (AC) and dental health component (DHC) were graded by 27 subjects (13 DO, 14 DN) after training. Results were cnrrlparedfor agreement with an exper; group, Kappa statistic: was used to assess strength in agreement in correct grouping of AC and DHC in the Categorie; gf treatment need, Wilcoxon Rank sum test was used to compare mean kappa and % 0 correct res ames in the test. Spearman rank correlation was used to test association of 11g experience with mean kappa values. There was ‘m0demte’ agreement in correct groupingfor ojjqcers in AC (K=O.5l) and DHC (K`=O.4l); Cmd 'fair’ j‘0'f TluTS€S in AC (K=O.40) and DHC (K:O,34). There was no significant difference between groups. Subjects were better at identifying cases with definite need than little/ borderline need for treatment. There was more inaccurate grading in DHC Gmde+qualifier for both groups (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  13. Nilesh K, V Vande A, K Veerabhadrappa S
    PMID: 28413598 DOI: 10.15171/joddd.2017.011
    Osteomas are benign bone tumors which arise from the cortex or medulla of craniofacial and jaw bones. They are usually asymptomatic or present as slow-growing painless masses. Larger lesions may present with aesthetic (facial asymmetry) and functional disturbances (jaw deviation, difficulty in breathing, pain, and sensory deficits). This paper highlights a case of solitary peripheral osteoma composed of a compact bony mass arising from the lower border of the mandible in an adult female patient. The lesion presented with discomfort during deglutition, which was attributed to impingement of muscles of the oral cavity floor, including the anterior belly of digastric muscle.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  14. Hisham A, Abd Latib M, Basiron N
    Case Rep Surg, 2017;2017:3491012.
    PMID: 28255494 DOI: 10.1155/2017/3491012
    Juvenile hypertrophy of the breast (JHB) is a rare and relentless disease affecting women in the peripubertal period. We present a 13-year-old girl with massive bilateral JHB, successfully treated with a breast reduction and free nipple graft technique. A total of 7300 grams of breast tissue had been removed, accounting for 14.9% of the patient's total body weight. Prophylactic hormonal therapy was not commenced. During the 5-year follow-up period, there was no recurrence and the patient remains satisfied with the aesthetic outcome. A recent meta-analysis study indicates that subcutaneous mastectomy is associated with reduced risk of recurrence, but it is more deforming and the aesthetic result is inferior to a reduction mammaplasty. In patients treated with the latter technique, some evidence exists suggesting that the use of a free nipple graft is associated with a less frequent risk of recurrence than a pedicle technique. This present case is unique as it demonstrates the clinical course of this patient at a considerably longer follow-up period than most reported studies. We adhered to the limited available evidence and highlight the long-term reliability of breast reduction with free nipple grafting as the first line surgical option in JHB, eliminating the need for repeated surgeries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  15. Raja Azman Raja Awang, Noor Huda Ismail
    Pathologic tooth migration (PTM) is a common complication following moderate to severe chronic periodontitis, which lead to the undesirable consequences such as traumatic occlusion and impaired aesthetic appearance. Multidisciplinary approach had been successfully used in overcoming the problem. However, since periodontal tissue support is reduced in PTM, further migration of teeth may occur as they were always subjected to the external forces such as occlusion and soft tissue pressure during function. This case report described a 41 year-old male with a further migration of his upper right central incisor after periodontal therapy. After multidisciplinary approach was carried out to overcome the problem and the tooth was on stable condition, permanent splinting was placed to secure the tooth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  16. Sarah H.A. Ghani, Sundralingam, S.
    Ann Dent, 1995;2(1):-.
    The preliminary investigation was carried out to assess the severity of malocclusion between two centres, the dental schools in Leeds, United Kingdom and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 99 study models were analysed using the Index ofOrthodontic Treatment Need (lOIN). Thestudy models were ofpatients aged 8to 15years, equally distributed between male and female patients taken from the undergraduate and staff clinics. Forty nine and fifty study models were analysed at the Leeds Dental School and FacultyofDentistry,University ofMalaya,respectively.Fromthisobservation, it appeared that the sample of patients treated at the Faculty of Dentistry, Kuala Lumpur presented approximately 25%higher with casesin the severe end of the malocclusion based on the dental health component and almost 70%more with the aesthetic component. Factors contributing to this finding are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  17. Rohaya Megat Abdul Wahab
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2007;28(1):32-33.
    Deviations from normal occlusion are known as malocclusion. Orthodontics treatment usually is the choice of management of irregularities and abnormalities of their relation to the surrounding structures i.e malocclusions. Patient or parent commonly seeks orthodontic treatment for aesthetic reasons rather than functional problems such as temporomandibular joint dysfunction. With greater demand for orthodontic treatment due to greater awareness of the people towards dental health, good orthodontic treatment outcome would be expected. Good orthodontic treatment outcome usually related to good clinical management of the patients. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  18. Ahmad Sharifuddin Mohd Asari
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2007;28(2):107-111.
    Gingival overgrowth (gingival hyperplasia, gingival fibromatosis) can be caused by underlying factors such as taking certain medications or genetic in origin. The extent of the enlargement varies in different individuals and also within the same individuals. Aesthetics and effective plaque control is compromised and part of the objectives of treatment is to help in these aspects. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  19. Abdullah, A.A.A., Yassin, Z., Zamzam, N.
    Ann Dent, 2001;8(1):-.
    This pilot survey was conducted to determine the main reason and the motivating factors which, influence patients in seeking orthodontic treatment. 115 patients aged 11-30 years old were taken from the orthodontic waiting list at the Dental Faculty, University Malaya dated December 1999 - May 2000. A structured questionnaire was designed and the survey of patients was carried out using the telephone. The desire to have a better dental appearance was the main reason (65 %) given by patients who were seeking orthodontic treatment. The most important motivating factor that influences patients in seeking orthodontic treatment was to attain straight teeth (48 %). In conclusion, patients seek orthodontic treatment mainly due to psychological reason, which is to improve dental appearance and aesthetic. Perceived needs of an orthodontic patient should also be taken into consideration before commencing orthodontic treatment to increase chances of mutually satisfying result for both the orthoqontist and patient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  20. Mohamed AM, Wong KH, Lee WJ, Marizan Nor M, Mohd Hussaini H, Rosli TI
    Saudi Dent J, 2018 Apr;30(2):142-150.
    PMID: 29628737 DOI: 10.1016/j.sdentj.2017.12.001
    Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of resin infiltration on colour changes and surface roughness of artificial white spot lesions (WSLs) on maxillary and mandibular premolar.

    Materials and methods: Sixty (60) extracted sound Maxilla (Mx) and Mandibular (Mn) premolars were randomly divided into 2 groups (test and control). Artificial WSLs were produced on buccal surface of teeth and were immersed in artificial saliva for 8 weeks. Colour components (L∗, a∗, b∗) and surface roughness (Sa∗) were assessed on 40 teeth using colour difference meter RD-100 and Alicona® Infinite Focus profilometer respectively. The measurements were done at baseline (T1), directly after artificial WSLs (T2), after 24 hours immersed in saliva and application of resin (T3) and immersion in artificial saliva for 1 (T4), 2 (T5), 4 (T6), 6 (T7) and 8 (T8) weeks. SEM images analysis were carried out on 20 teeth in four time points.

    Results: The values of L∗ (lightness), b∗ (yellow/blue) and Sa∗ (surface roughness) are gradually reduced to the baseline value. Whereas, the value of a∗ gradually increased with distinct treatment time to achieve the baseline value. The higher value of L∗ and Sa∗, the whiter the lesion suggesting higher degree of enamel demineralization and surface roughness. Lower L∗ values suggest a masking colour effect.

    Conclusion: The material produced favorable esthetics on colour and the surface roughness of teeth at distinct treatment times. It is recommended to be used to improve WSL post orthodontic treatment.

    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
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