Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 90 in total

  1. Hashim R, Zahid NI, Velayutham TS, Aripin NFK, Ogawa S, Sugimura A
    J Oleo Sci, 2018 Jun 01;67(6):651-668.
    PMID: 29760332 DOI: 10.5650/jos.ess17261
    Also recognized as carbohydrate liquid crystals, glycolipids are amphiphiles whose basic unit comprises of a sugar group attached to an alkyl chain. Glycolipids are amphitropic, which means these materials form liquid crystal self-assemblies when dry (thermotropic) as well as when dissolved in solvents (lyotropic/surfactants) such as water. Many glycolipids are also naturally derived since these can be found in cell membranes. Their membrane and surfactant functions are largely understood through their lyotropic properties. While glycolipids are expected to play major roles as eco-friendly surfactants in the global surfactant market, their usefulness as thermotropic liquid crystal material is, to date, unknown, due to relatively lack of research performed and data reported in the literature. Understandably since glycolipids are hygroscopic with many hydroxy groups, removing the last trace water is very challenging. In recent time, with careful lyophilization and more consistent characterization technique, some researchers have attempted serious studies into "dry" or anhydrous glycolipids. Motivated by possible developments of novel thermotropic applications, some results from these studies also provide surprising new understanding to support conventional wisdom of the lyotropic systems. Here we review the dry state of glycosides, a family of glycolipids whose sugar headgroup is linked to the lipid chain via a glycosidic oxygen linker. The structure property relationship of both linear and anhydrous Guerbet glycosides will be examined. In particular, how the variation of sugar stereochemistry (e.g. anomer vs. epimer), the chain length and chain branching affect the formation of thermotropic liquid crystals phases, which not only located under equilibrium but also far from equilibrium conditions (glassy phase) are scrutinized. The dry glycolipid assembly has been subjected to electric and magnetic fields and the results show interesting behaviors including a possible transient current generation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  2. Arif MMA, Fauzi MB, Nordin A, Hiraoka Y, Tabata Y, Yunus MHM
    Polymers (Basel), 2020 Nov 13;12(11).
    PMID: 33202700 DOI: 10.3390/polym12112678
    Gelatin possesses biological properties that resemble native skin and can potentially be fabricated as a skin substitute for full-thickness wound treatment. The native property of gelatin, whereby it is easily melted and degraded at body temperature, could prevent its biofunctionality for various applications. This study aimed to fabricate and characterise buffalo gelatin (Infanca halal certified) crosslinked with chemical type crosslinker (genipin and genipin fortified with EDC) and physicaly crosslink using the dihydrothermal (DHT) method. A porous gelatin sponge (GS) was fabricated by a freeze-drying process followed by a complete crosslinking via chemical-natural and synthetic-or physical intervention using genipin (GNP), 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) (EDC) and dihydrothermal (DHT) methods, respectively. The physicochemical, biomechanical, cellular biocompatibility and cell-biomaterial interaction of GS towards human epidermal keratinocytes (HEK) and dermal fibroblasts (HDF) were evaluated. Results showed that GS had a uniform porous structure with pore size ranging between 60 and 200 µm with high porosity (>78.6 ± 4.1%), high wettability (<72.2 ± 7.0°), high tensile strain (>13.65 ± 1.10%) and 14 h of degradation rate. An increase in the concentration and double-crosslinking approach demonstrated an increment in the crosslinking degree, enzymatic hydrolysis resistance, thermal stability, porosity, wettability and mechanical strength. The GS can be tuned differently from the control by approaching the GS via a different crosslinking strategy. However, a decreasing trend was observed in the pore size, water retention and water absorption ability. Crosslinking with DHT resulted in large pore sizes (85-300 µm) and low water retention (236.9 ± 18.7 g/m2·day) and a comparable swelling ratio with the control (89.6 ± 7.1%). Moreover no changes in the chemical content and amorphous phase identification were observed. The HEK and HDF revealed slight toxicity with double crosslinking. HEK and HDF attachment and proliferation remain similar to each crosslinking approach. Immunogenicity was observed to be higher in the double-crosslinking compared to the single-crosslinking intervention. The fabricated GS demonstrated a dynamic potential to be tailored according to wound types by manipulating the crosslinking intervention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  3. Pal A, Roy S, Kumar A, Mahmood S, Khodapanah N, Thomas S, et al.
    ACS Omega, 2020 Aug 18;5(32):19968-19977.
    PMID: 32832751 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c01228
    This present study investigated the effect of Captisol, a chemically modified cyclodextrin, on the in vitro dissolution of glimepiride. We prepared glimepiride-Captisol complexes of different mass ratios (1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 w/w) by a physical mixing or freeze-drying technique, and found that complexation with Captisol enhanced the water solubility of glimepiride. Molecular docking and dynamic simulation predicted complex formation; at the same time, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, powder X-ray diffractometry, and scanning electron microscope indicated molecular interactions that support complexation. We also found that an inclusion complex was better than a physical mixture in enhancing the complexation of glimepiride with Captisol and enhancing water solubility. Phase solubility study of the glimepiride-Captisol complex showed an AL-type profile, implying the formation of a 1:1 inclusion complex. The study also revealed that pH influenced the stability of the complex because the stability constant of the glimepiride-Captisol complex was higher in distilled water of pH ∼6.0 than in phosphate buffer of pH 7.2.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  4. Azhari, N. A. M., Markom, M., Ismail, I., Anuar, N.
    Polygonum minus is a plant rich with bioactive components that contribute to food, pharmaceutical, and perfume industries. However, high moisture content in fresh plants will allow
    microbial activity that leads to the degradation of plant quality. This can be prevented by
    drying the fresh plants to preserve the characteristics of their bioactive components. The
    present work was conducted to determine the effect of different drying methods such as
    air-drying, oven-drying (40 and 60°C), and freeze-drying on essential oil (EO) yield and
    chemical compounds of P. minus roots. For comparison purposes, all samples were extracted
    by maceration with n-hexane at room temperature. Then, the samples were analysed and
    identified by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The highest EO yield
    extract was obtained from freeze-drying (4.15 ± 0.5), followed by air-drying (3.79 ± 0.19). EO
    yield from oven-drying at 40 and 60°C was 3.4 ± 0.14 and 0.86 ± 0.04, respectively. Results
    showed that by increasing the drying temperature, the EO yield would decrease and cause a
    loss of major chemical compounds in the P. minus root. Air-drying was found to be the best
    method in preserving the presence of important chemical compound in P. minus roots such as
    β-caryophyllene (1.43%), pentadecane (4.34%), hexadecanoic acid (3.91%) and oleic acid
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
    This study aimed to determine the physicochemical properties of undulated surf clam (Paphia undulata) hydrolysate as affected by the degree of hydrolysis (DH). Three levels of DH of undulated surf clam hydrolysate were prepared which were DH 36.57% (without any enzymatic hydrolysis), DH 58.25% (0.5% Alcalase®; 5 min; pH 7.5; 60ºC) and DH 91.26% (1% Alcalase®; 30 min; pH 7.5; 60ºC). After protein hydrolysis, the undulated surf clam hydrolysates were centrifuged, and their supernatants were freeze-dried. This study found that the protein hydrolysate with lower DH (DH 36.57%) gave lower protein content and higher ash and fat contents compared to other samples (DH 58.25% and DH 91.26%). However, the carbohydrate content is similar in all samples (16.56-20.04%). This study also found that foaming properties (29.43-67.50%), emulsifying capacity (11.94-110.52%) and peptide solubility (57.61-94.08%) were affected by the DH. As DH increased, the emulsifying capacity decreased, while peptide solubility increased. While the foaming capacity increased with increasing DH until it reached a maximum value and level off afterwards. For colour parameters, although there were differences between L*, a* and b* values for all three samples, a fluctuating pattern was noted with DH. DH also did not affect the water-holding and oil-holding capacity of undulated surf clam hydrolysate. This study shows that certain physicochemical properties of undulated surf clam hydrolysate can be tailored by adjusting the degree of hydrolysis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  6. Normah Ismail, Nurulain Abd Razak
    Protease was extracted from two maturity stages of noni fruits (Morinda citrifolia L.), unripe (stage 1) and ripe (stage 5). The crude extract was partially purified by acetone precipitation method followed by dialysis, gel filtration chromatography and freeze drying. Protein concentrations, proteolytic activity, molecular weight distribution, pH stability, temperature stability and storage efficiency of the resulting protease were evaluated. The unripe and ripe noni fruit contains 0.65 and 0.35% protein, respectively. Molecular weight of the proteases from both stages ranged approximately between 3 to 28 kDa based on the SDS-PAGE results. The optimum activity were at pH 7s and 6, temperatures of 40 and 50°C, respectively for proteases obtained from the unripe and ripe fruit. Analysis from the freeze dried protease indicated that protease from ripe noni fruits had higher protein concentration and specific activity compared to those from unripe fruit. However, it is more sensitive to pH and temperature and less stable during storage as it shows lower proteolytic activity compared to protease from unripe fruit. Based on its high proteolytic activity reaching up to 70.31 U/mg and storage stability (30% lost of activity), noni fruit could be an alternative source of plant protease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  7. Mohd Zainol, M.K., Abdul-Hamid A., Abu Bakar, F., Pak Dek, S.
    The effect of different drying methods on the degradation of flavonoids in Centella asiatica was evaluated. C. asiatica leaf, root and petiole were dried using air-oven, vacuum oven and freeze drier. Flavonoid was determined utilizing reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Results of the study revealed the presence of high concentration of flavonoids in C. asiatica leaf, root and petiole, which include, naringin (4688.8 ± 69 μg/100 g, 3561.3 ± 205 μg/ 100 g, and 978.3 ± 96 μg/ 100 g), rutin (905.6 ± 123 μg/ 100 g, 756.07 ± 95 μg/ 100 g, and 557.25 ± 58 μg/ 100 g), quercetin (3501.1 ± 107 μg/ 100 g, 1086.31 ± 90 μg/ 100 g, and 947.63 ± 83 μg/ 100 g) and catechin (915.87 ± 6.01 μg/ 100 g, 400.6 ± 67 μg/ 100 g, and 250.56 ± 18 μg/ 100g). Luteolin, kaempferol and apigenin on the other hand, were inconsistently present in some parts of C. asiatica. Air-oven treatment resulted in the highest total flavonoids degradation followed by vacuum oven and freeze dried with percent degradation of 97%, 87.6% and 73%, respectively. Catechin and rutin were found to be the most stable flavonoids with percent degradation up to 35%, 66% and 76% for freeze dried, vacuum oven and air oven, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  8. Antal, T., Sikolya, L., Chong, C.H., Law, C.L.
    The effect of chamber pressure of a freeze dryer on essential oil contents, drying kinetics, drying characteristics lemon balm leaves and morphology of lemon balm glandular trichomes (oil reservoirs) were investigated. It was found that overall freeze drying (FD) carried out at high (FD-HP) and low pressure (FD-LP) settings consist of sublimation rate, first falling rate and second falling rate periods. Drying rate of FD-LP dried Lemon Balm leaves are higher than FD-HP dried samples, where the drying rates ranged from 0.063 to 0.449 g H2O/ g DM. s and 0.0365 to 0.395 g H2O/ g DM. s, respectively. 3rd order Polynomial model was found to be the best fit model for both drying kinetics. In terms of product quality, eight (8) major constituents of lemon balm leaves essential oil were quantified. Further to this, electro-microscope was used to observe the peltate glandular hairs structure. Product quality analysis showed that FD-HP retained higher amount of essential oil, shape of glandular hairs, but no positive effect on the freeze drying duration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  9. Rasli, H.I., Sarbon, N.M.
    This study investigates effects from different drying methods (vacuum oven dried vs. freeze dried) on the rheological, functional and structural properties of chicken skin gelatin compared to bovine gelatin. Vacuum oven dried chicken skin samples showed a higher gelatin yield (12.86%) than freeze-dried samples (9.25%). The latter showed a higher melting temperature (32.64oC) and superior foaming capacity (176%) as well as foaming stability (166.67%). Vacuum oven dried samples demonstrated greater fat binding capacity (5.5 ml/g) and emulsion stability (55.79%). There were no significant differences (p >0.05) in emulsion and water holding capacity for three gelatins. Bovine gelatin did hold the lowest of all functional properties studied. A Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrum analysis of chicken skin gelatin under both drying methods presented structures similar to those of bovine gelatin. Collectively, this findings indicated no significant differences (p >0.05) in rheological, functional and structural properties for chicken skin gelatins prepared by either drying method. Hence, to save costs and maintain gelatin quality, vacuum oven drying offers potential as an alternative means of production.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  10. Khazani NA, Noor NZ, Yean Yean C, Hasan H, Suraiya S, Mohamad S
    J Trop Med, 2017;2017:7210849.
    PMID: 28386286 DOI: 10.1155/2017/7210849
    Klebsiella pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae are two common pathogens associated with respiratory tract infections. The identification of these pathogens using conventional molecular diagnostic tests requires trained personnel, cold-chain transportation, and storage-dependance, which does not render them user-friendly. The aim of this study was to develop a thermostabilized, cold-chain-free, one-step multiplex PCR for simultaneous detection of K. pneumoniae and H. influenzae. The multiplex PCR assay was designed to amplify the php gene of K. pneumoniae (202 bp) and p6 gene of H. influenzae (582 bp). In addition, the specific primer to amplify glm gene of Helicobacter pylori (105 bp) was included as an internal amplification control. Subsequently, the designed primers and all PCR reagents were thermostabilized by lyophilization. The stability of the thermostabilized PCR was evaluated using the Q(10) method. The sensitivity and specificity of performances for thermostabilized PCR were evaluated using 127 clinical isolates and were found to be 100% sensitive and specific. The thermostabilized PCR mix was found to be stable for 30 days and the Q10 accelerated stability was found to be 3.02 months. A cold-chain-free, PCR assay for easy, rapid, and simultaneous detection of K. pneumoniae and H. influenzae was successfully developed in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  11. Normah Ismail, Najihah Shukor, Zainal Samicho
    Silver catfish (Pangasius sutchi) skin gelatin was extracted to determine the effects of extraction time on the functional properties of the gelatin in terms of solubility, protein solubility as a function of pH and sodium chloride concentration, emulsifying capacity and stability, water holding capacity, fat binding capacities and foaming properties. Silver catfish skins were washed in sodium chloride (NaCl) solution prior to pre-treatment in sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and acetic acid solution. Gelatin was extracted at 50ºC for 6, 8, 10 and 12 hours extraction time followed by freeze drying. The extraction of silver catfish skin gelatin at 50 ºC for 12 hours was more effective than extraction at 6, 8 and 10 hours where the gelatin was characterized by higher emulsifying capacity (52.63%), emulsifying stability (47.83%), water holding capacity (31.78 mL/g), fat binding capacities (54.76%), foaming capacity (41.47 mL) and foaming stability (56.42%) than gelatins extracted at other extraction time. The longer the extraction time, the better the functional properties of the gelatin. Based on its good functional properties, silver catfish skin gelatin may be useful in various food applications such as soups, sauces and gravies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  12. Brishti, F.H., Zarei, M., Muhammad, S.K.S., Ismail-Fitry, M.R., Shukri, R., Saari, N.
    Mung bean is considered a ‘green pearl’ for its relatively high protein content; however, it has limited application as a raw material for industrial food products. As the potential use of mung beans relies on its protein behavior, this study characterized the functional properties of mung bean protein isolates and the results were compared with soy protein isolates. The protein isolates were prepared from mung bean and soy bean flours via extraction with 1 N NaOH, precipitated at pH 4, and subsequently freeze-dried. The amino acid profile as well as the hydrophilic and hydrophobic ratio of mung bean protein isolate, had been comparable with soy protein isolate. The water and oil absorption capacities as well as the denaturation temperature of mung bean protein isolate, were found to be similar with those of soy bean protein isolate. However, foaming capacity (89.66%) of mung bean protein isolate was higher than that of soy protein isolate (68.66%). Besides, least gelation concentration (LGC) of mung bean protein isolate (12%) was also close to LGC of soy protein isolate (14%), while the protein solubility was comparable between both the isolated proteins. The physical features of the textured mung bean were close to the commercial textured soy protein, which showed a heterogeneous and porous network like matrix when the mung bean flour was extruded to measure its potentiality to produce textured vegetable protein.all seaweed extracts. Results showed that extraction parameters had significant effect (p < 0.05) on the antioxidant compounds and antioxidant capacities of seaweed. Sargassum polycystum portrayed the most antioxidant compounds (37.41 ± 0.01 mg GAE/g DW and 4.54 ± 0.02 mg CE/g DW) and capacities (2.00 ± 0.01 μmol TEAC/g DW and 0.84 ± 0.01 μmol TEAC/g DW) amongst four species of seaweed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  13. Lim, A.S.L., Rabeta, M.S.
    The aim of this study is to determine the antioxidant capacity of underutilized fruits in Malaysia namely Milk apple (Syzygium malaccense), Malay apple (Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. and Perry), and Water apple (Syzygium aqueum). Synthetic antioxidants (BHA and BHT) commonly used in the food industries may not be as safe as it was presumed earlier. As BHA and BHT may be carcinogenic, it is important to look for new sources of natural antioxidants from fruits and vegetables. Freeze dried samples extracted with acetone and water were measured by ferric 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging and Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) assays. Acetone extract (50%) showed higher values for both DPPH and FRAP assays compared with water extract. Milk apple has the highest DPPH value of 95.26% inhibition of DPPH. Milk apple also showed the highest FRAP value with 8722.22 µM of Fe (II) per gram of freeze dried sample. There was a significant difference (P < 0.05) in the types of extraction used. Antioxidant capacities of the samples are in the following order: Milk apple > Malay apple > Water apple. Proximate compositions and mineral contents of the samples were determined too. The samples can be used as a source of natural antioxidants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  14. Ullah S, Zainol I, Chowdhury SR, Fauzi MB
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2018 May;111:158-168.
    PMID: 29305219 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.12.136
    The various composition multicomponent chitosan/fish collagen/glycerin 3D porous scaffolds were developed and investigated the effect of various composition chitosan/fish collagen/glycerin on scaffolds morphology, mechanical strength, biostability and cytocompatibility. The scaffolds were fabricated via freeze-drying technique. The effects of various compositions consisting in 3D scaffolds were investigated via FT-IR analysis, porosity, swelling and mechanical tests, and effect on the morphology of scaffolds investigated microscopically. The biostability and cytocompatibility tests were used to explore the ability of scaffolds to use for tissue engineering application. The average pore sizes of scaffolds were in range of 100.73±27.62-116.01±52.06, porosity 71.72±3.46-91.17±2.42%, tensile modulus in dry environment 1.47±0.08-0.17±0.03MPa, tensile modulus in wet environment 0.32±0.03-0.14±0.04MPa and biodegradation rate (at day 30) 60.38±0.70-83.48±0.28%. In vitro culture of human fibroblasts and keratinocytes showed that the various composition multicomponent 3D scaffolds were good cytocompatibility however, the scaffolds contained high amount of fish collagen excellently facilitated cell proliferation and adhesion. It was found that the high amount fish collagen and glycerin scaffolds have high porosity, enough mechanical strength and biostability, and excellent cytocompatibility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  15. Ismail Z, Halim SZ, Abdullah NR, Afzan A, Abdul Rashid BA, Jantan I
    PMID: 25530788 DOI: 10.1155/2014/741470
    The subchronic toxicity effect of the leaf extract of Carica papaya Linn. in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats was investigated in this study. The extract was prepared by dissolving the freeze dried extract of the leaves in distilled water and was administered orally to SD rats (consisted of 10 rats/sex/group) at 0 (control), 0.01, 0.14, and 2 g/kg body weight (BW) for 13 weeks. General observation, mortality, and food and water intake were monitored throughout the experimental period. Hematological and biochemical parameters, relative organ weights, and histopathological changes were evaluated. The study showed that leaf extract when administered for 13 weeks did not cause any mortality and abnormalities of behavior or changes in body weight as well as food and water intake. There were no significant differences observed in hematology parameters between treatment and control groups; however significant differences were seen in biochemistry values, for example, LDH, creatinine, total protein, and albumin. However, these changes were not associated with histopathological changes. In conclusion, the results suggested that daily oral administration of rats with C. papaya leaf extract for 13 weeks at a dose up to fourteen times the levels employed in traditional medicine practice did not cause any significant toxic effect.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying
  16. Aziah I, Ravichandran M, Ismail A
    Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis, 2007 Dec;59(4):373-7.
    PMID: 17964105
    Conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing requires many pipetting steps and has to be transported and stored in cold chain. To overcome these limitations, we designed a ready-to-use PCR test for Salmonella typhi using PCR reagents, primers against the ST50 gene of S. typhi, a built-in internal amplification control (IAC), and gel loading dye mixed and freeze-dried in a single tube. The 2-step dry-reagent-based assay was used to amplify a 1238-bp target gene and an 810-bp IAC gene from 73 BACTEC blood culture broths (33 true positives for S. typhi and 40 true negatives for non-S. typhi). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the PCR assay were 87.9%, 100%, 100%, and 90.9%, respectively. We suggest that this rapid 2-step PCR test could be used for the rapid diagnosis of typhoid fever.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying/methods*
  17. Nasran HS, Mohd Yusof H, Halim M, Abdul Rahman N
    Molecules, 2020 Jun 04;25(11).
    PMID: 32512825 DOI: 10.3390/molecules25112618
    Anthracnose is a fungal disease causing major losses in crop production. Chemical fungicides widely used in crop plantations to combat fungal infections can be a threat to the environment and humans in the long term. Recently, biofungicides have gained much interest as an alternative to chemical fungicides due to their environmentally friendly nature. Biofungicide products in powder form can be formulated using the freeze-drying technique to provide convenient storage. Protective agent formulation is needed in maintaining the optimal viable cells of biofungicide products. In this study, 8.10 log colony-forming unit (CFU)/mL was the highest cell viability of Paenibacillus polymyxa Kp10 at 22 h during incubation. The effects of several selected protective agents on the viability of P. polymyxa Kp10 after freeze-drying were studied. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used for optimizing formulation for the protective agents. The combination of lactose (10% w/v), skim milk (20% w/v), and sucrose (27.5% w/v) was found to be suitable for preserving P. polymyxa Kp10 during freeze-drying. Further, P. polymyxa Kp10 demonstrated the ability to inhibit fungal pathogens, Colletotrichum truncatum and C. gloeosporioides, at 60.18% and 66.52% of inhibition of radial growth, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying/standards*
  18. Lee SV, Tai ES, Mutalib AR, Khairani-Bejo S, Bahaman AR
    Trop Biomed, 2011 Dec;28(3):497-505.
    PMID: 22433877 MyJurnal
    A simple and reliable tool for the early diagnosis of leptospirosis is urgently needed. We report the development of a lyophilized reagent-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay targeting lipL32 gene, which is present only in pathogenic leptospires. To determine the effectiveness of the newly developed assay in the early diagnosis of leptospirosis, the sensitivity and specificity was evaluated. In simulated clinical samples, the assay was able to detect 10² and 10³ leptospires/ml in spiked urine and blood samples, respectively. In experimentally infected animals, leptospiral DNA could be detected in blood and lung samples as early as Day 1 post infection. This assay was also shown to be stable and remained sensitive for up to five months at ambient temperature. Hence, this lyophilized reagent-based PCR assay with high specificity, sensitivity and stability would provide a simple, rapid and reliable method in diagnosing acute leptospirosis, especially in the field of veterinary medicine.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying*
  19. Juhari NH, Martens HJ, Petersen MA
    Molecules, 2021 Oct 16;26(20).
    PMID: 34684840 DOI: 10.3390/molecules26206260
    Fresh roselle are high in moisture and deteriorate easily, which makes drying important for extending shelf-life and increasing availability. This study investigated the influence of different drying methods (oven-drying, freeze-drying, vacuum-drying, and sun-drying) on the quality of roselle calyx expressed as physicochemical properties (moisture content, water activity, soluble solids, color), volatile compounds, and microstructure. Oven-drying and freeze-drying reduced moisture content most while vacuum-drying and sun-drying were not as efficient. All drying methods except sun-drying resulted in water activities low enough to ensure safety and quality. Vacuum-drying had no impact on color of the dry calyx and only small impact on color of water extract of calyx. Drying reduced terpenes, aldehydes, and esters but increased furans. This is expected to reduce fruity, floral, spicy, and green odors and increase caramel-like aroma. Sun-drying produced more ketones, alcohols, and esters. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that freeze-drying preserved the cell structure better, and freeze-dried samples resembled fresh samples most compared to other drying techniques. The study concludes that freeze-drying should be considered as a suitable drying method, especially with respect to preservation of structure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying/methods
  20. Oslan SNH, Halim M, Ramle NA, Saad MZ, Tan JS, Kapri MR, et al.
    Cryobiology, 2017 12;79:1-8.
    PMID: 29037980 DOI: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2017.10.004
    The efficacy of attenuated strain of gdhA derivative Pasteurella multocida B:2 mutant as a live vaccine to control haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) disease in cattle and buffaloes has been demonstrated. In order to use P. multocida B:2 mutant as a commercial product, it is essential to optimise its formulation for high viability and stability of the live cells. The effectiveness of freeze-drying process using different protective agent formulations for improving cells viability was explored. Sugar and nitrogen compounds were used as protective agents in freeze-drying and the capability of these compounds in maintaining the viability of mutant P. multocida B:2 during subsequent storage was investigated. A complete loss in viability of freeze-dried mutant P. multocida B:2 was monthly observed until 6-12 months of storage at -30 °C, 4 °C and 27 °C when nitrogen compound or no protective agent was added. Trehalose and sucrose showed significantly high survival rate of 93-95% immediately after freeze-drying and the viability was retained during the subsequent storage at -30 °C and 4 °C. A smooth cell surface without any cell-wall damage was observed for the cells formulated with trehalose under scanning electron micrograph. This study presented a freeze-drying process generating a dried live attenuated vaccine formulation with high stability for commercial applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Freeze Drying/methods*
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