The data on thyroid volume measurements that determines prevalence of goitre in children is very important for public health consideration as the presence of goitre in children effectively reflects the status of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) in the general population. Ultrasound is an excellent modality to evaluate thyroid size. Local experience in using a portable ultrasound machine to measure thyroid volume is presented. The thyroid anatomy and techniques of ultrasound assessment are highlighted. Proper training of public health doctors to perform thyroid gland ultrasonography is crucial to ensure that the thyroid volume data collected would be more accurate and reliable for the planning of health programmes to eliminate IDD in the particular areas.
Fractionation which separates the olein (liquid) and stearin (solid) fractions of oil is used to modify the physicochemical properties of fats in order to extend its applications. Studies showed that the properties of fractionated end products can be affected by fractionation processing conditions. In the present study, dry fractionation of palm-based diacylglycerol (PDAG) was performed at different: cooling rates (0.05, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0°C/min), end-crystallisation temperatures (30, 35, 40, 45 and 50°C) and agitation speeds (30, 50, 70, 90 and 110 rpm) to determine the effect of these parameters on the properties and yield of the solid and liquid portions. To determine the physicochemical properties of olein and stearin fraction: Iodine value (IV), fatty acid composition (FAC), acylglycerol composition, slip melting point (SMP), solid fat content (SFC), thermal behaviour tests were carried out. Fractionation of PDAG fat changes the chemical composition of liquid and solid fractions. In terms of FAC, the major fatty acid in olein and stearin fractions were oleic (C18:1) and palmitic (C16:0) respectively. Acylglycerol composition showed that olein and stearin fractions is concentrated with TAG and DAG respectively. Crystallization temperature, cooling rate and agitation speed does not affect the IV, SFC, melting and cooling properties of the stearin fraction. The stearin fraction was only affected by cooling rate which changes its SMP. On the other hand, olein fraction was affected by crystallization temperature and cooling rate but not agitation speed which caused changes in IV, SMP, SFC, melting and crystallization behavior. Increase in both the crystallization temperature and cooling rate caused a reduction of IV, increment of the SFC, SMP, melting and crystallization behaviour of olein fraction and vice versa. The fractionated stearin part melted above 65°C while the olein melted at 40°C. SMP in olein fraction also reduced to a range of 26 to 44°C while SMP of stearin fractions increased to (60-62°C) compared to PDAG.
Oil is one of the major components of date seed alongside dietary fibre, carbohydrate, protein, moisture and ash. Therefore, the present work focused on the extraction of oil from five varieties of date seed using Soxhlet extraction method and subsequently characterised their physicochemical and antioxidant properties accordingly. Oil extracted from the seeds ranged between 8 to 9.8%, whereas the iodine values were between 48.7 to 55.5 g I2/100g. Furthermore, oleic and lauric acids were revealed as the main fatty acids present in the date seed oil, with LaOO (La: lauric acid; O: oleic acid) as the main triacylglycerol. The total phenolic content in the oil ranged from 7.96 to 17.72 mg GAE/g oil, while the antioxidant activity, expressed as EC50, ranged from 5.17 to 17.18 mg/mL. Additionally, the highest reducing activity was observed at 4mg/mL. Hence, oil characteristics are dependent on the type of date, thus indicating that different potential applications may be suggested.
The urinary iodine excretions of women (15-40 y) and young children (< or = 6 y) from two longhouse villages in the iodine-deficient district of Lubok Antu, Sarawak, were compared. One longhouse (Mengkak) was provided with freshly produced iodized salt every two months (one kg per family) while the other (Menjiling) was provided with iodized water via fortification of the village piped-water supply. Spot urines were collected for iodine determination at baseline and at 6 and 12 months after the start of the study. Salt and water samples were collected at monthly intervals. Goiter assessment was performed on the women at the start and end of the one-year study. The mean iodine concentrations in the salt samples from Mengkak and Menjiling were, respectively, 47.1 +/- 9.7 mg/kg (n = 60) and 0.8 +/- 3.4 mg/kg (n = 60) while the mean iodine concentration in the water samples from Menjiling was 138.6 +/- 43.2 micrograms/L (n = 24); iodine could not be detected in the water samples from Mengkak. There were significant and sustained increases in median urinary iodine excretions of both women and young children in Menjiling; in Mengkak, however, significant and sustained increases in median urinary iodine excretions were observed only in women while the median urinary iodine excretions of children remained essentially unchanged throughout the study period. Goiter prevalences in the women were reduced in both longhouses. The above observations reveal the inadequacy of iodized salt as a vehicle for iodine delivery to young rural Sarawakian children and indicate the need for other means of delivering supplemental iodine to this age group in areas where salt iodization is the only strategy for IDD control. In contrast, iodization of village water supply by itself is adequate in delivering iodine uniformly to the whole community.
A woman in her 30s with underlying Graves' disease, who recently completed radioactive iodine treatment, presented with 2 weeks of acutely altered behaviour associated with auditory hallucinations and religious preoccupations. Laboratory investigation demonstrated elevated free thyroxine levels and suppressed thyroid-stimulating hormone levels. Additionally, there was a presence of antithyroid peroxidase antibodies consistent with autoimmune thyroid disease. She responded to antipsychotics and achieved biochemical euthyroidism. Subsequently, antipsychotic was tapered off during outpatient follow-up at the patient's own request, with supplement thyroxine continuing. After 1 week, acute hallucinations and religious preoccupations re-emerged, driving her to inflict self-injuries by swallowing coins and nails and banging her head against the wall, sustaining laceration wounds. Furthermore, she hammered a roofing nail into the external genitalia, embedded in the symphysis pubis. After supplemental thyroxine was stopped and olanzapine was started, she achieved biochemical euthyroid followed by remission of psychosis within 1 week. This case illustrates the importance of elucidating organic causes of psychosis as they are easily and swiftly reversible.
Worldwide, thyroid cancer accounts for some 10% of total cancer incidence, most markedly for females. Thyroid cancer radiotherapy, typically using 131I (T1/2 8.02 days; β- max energy 606 keV, branching ratio 89.9%), is widely adopted as an adjunct to surgery or to treat inoperable cancer and hyperthyroidism. With staff potentially receiving significant doses during source preparation and administration, radiation protection and safety assessment are required in ensuring practice complies with international guidelines. The present study, concerning a total of 206 patient radioiodine therapies carried out at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center over a 6-month period, seeks to evaluate patient and occupational exposures during hospitalization, measuring ambient doses and estimating radiation risk. Using calibrated survey meters, patient exposure dose-rate estimates were obtained at a distance of 30-, 100- and 300 cm from the neck region of each patient. Occupational and ambient doses were measured using calibrated thermoluminescent dosimeters. The mean and range of administered activity (AA, in MBq) for the thyroid cancer and hyperthyroidism treatment groups were 4244 ± 2021 (1669-8066), 1507.9 ± 324.1 (977.9-1836.9), respectively. The mean annual occupational doses were 1.2 mSv, that for ambient doses outside of the isolation room corridors were found to be 0.2 mSv, while ambient doses at the nursing station were below the lower limit of detection. Exposures to staff from patients being treated for thyroid cancer were less compared to hyperthyroidism patients. With a well-defined protocol, also complying with international safety requirements, occupational exposures were found to be relatively high, greater than most reported in previous studies.
Iodine deficiency endemia is defined by the goitre prevalence and the median urinary iodine concentration in a population. Lack of local thyroid volume reference data may bring many health workers to use the European-based WHO/International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD)-recommended reference for the assessment of goitre prevalence in children in different developing countries. The present study was conducted in non-iodine-deficient areas in Malaysia to obtain local children's normative thyroid volume reference data, and to compare their usefulness with those of the WHO/ICCIDD-recommended reference for the assessment of iodine-deficiency disorders (IDD) in Malaysia.
An iodinator was fitted to the existing gravity-fed water-supply of a remote village in Sarawak, Malaysia, where goitre was endemic. Within nine months, the prevalence of goitre had been reduced from 61% to 30%, with 79% of goitres showing visible reduction in size. All subjects were clinically euthyroid before and nine months after the start of iodination, although pre-treatment serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations varied from normal up to 24 mU/l. Before treatment basal serum triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) concentrations were typical of endemic goitre with a low mean serum T4 (80 +/- 30 [SD] nmol/l) and a slightly raised mean serum T3 (2.3 +/- 0.7 nmol/l). After iodination, circulating TSH concentration was generally undetectable (less than 0.1 mU/l), mean T3 concentration was unchanged, but the mean T4 rose significantly to 109 +/- 41 nmol/l (p less than 0.01). Urinary iodine concentrations fluctuated; this largely reflected intermittent blockage of the iodinator, but concentrations became consistent with a return to the iodine-replete state. There was no evidence of the Jod Basedow effect in the group studied. Iodinated water was more convenient to distribute than iodised salt and is less likely to cause Jod Basedow phenomenon than are injections of iodised oil. Moreover, iodination of water is effective in killing most microorganisms and this additional benefit could contribute significantly to village health.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has infected more than 8 million people globally since its discovery in December 2019. For COVID-19 prevention, the World Health Organization recommended regular handwashing with soap, cough etiquette, mask wearing and social distancing. However, COVID-19 is rather difficult to contain because of its high transmissibility property. Gargling is effective for reducing infection in the respiratory tract. Most antiseptic gargles have antimicrobial properties against common respiratory pathogens. No published study on the effectiveness of antiseptic gargling among COVID-19 patients has been available to date. This article reviewed available literature on methods and solutions available for gargling and their effect on respiratory tract infections.
Matched MeSH terms: Povidone-Iodine/administration & dosage; Povidone-Iodine/therapeutic use
A total of 2,034 subjects aged 15 years and above from different parts of the State of Kelantan were studied to determine goiter size and urinary iodine excretion. The State was divided into 2 areas - area 1 consisting of localities in the districts near the coast and area 2 consisting of localities in the inland districts. There were 1,050 subjects in area 1 and 984 subjects in areas 2. The mean age (+/- SE) of subjects in areas 1 and 2 were 38.2 + 0.5 and 37.1 +/- 0.5 years, respectively. The prevalence of goiter was 31.4% in area 1 and 45.0% in area 2; the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). However, the prevalence of large and visible goiters (grades II and III) was only 2.0% in area 1 and 3.3% in area 2; the difference was not statistically significant. The mean (+/- SD) urinary iodine excretion in areas 1 and 2 was 57.1 +/- 2.1 and 56.8 +/- 2.1 micrograms I/g Cr, respectively. The values were below those recommended by WHO. There was no significant difference in urinary iodine excretion between those with and without goiters in both areas and also between the grades of goiters. There were significantly more females with goiters than males in both areas but there was no significant difference in the urinary iodine excretion between the 2 sexes. Thus based on urinary iodine excretion, the iodine intake of the population in this area, was suboptimal and this was associated with a high prevalence of goiter.
The study was conducted to compare the prevalence of goitre among Malays and Aborigines in remote inland rural areas to those in coastal areas. All subjects were examined thoroughly by an experienced endocrinologist for the presence of goitre. The overall goitre prevalence in coastal areas was 6.3%; 6.0% (4/67) of Aborigines and 6.7% (4/60) of Malays were affected. However, in remote inland areas, the prevalence of goitre was almost 5 times higher compared to coastal areas. The prevalence of goitre was 30.7% in Baling; 30.2% (19/63) Aborigines and 30.8% (92/299) Malays were affected. Iodine deficiency is the most likely cause for the high prevalence of goitre in the remote inland areas.
Iodine deficiency is recognized as a public health problem. This paper assesses iodine status by socioeconomic factors in school children in Sarawak, East Malaysia. Kuching, Bau and Simunjan districts were chosen based on advice from the Sarawak's Medical and Health Authority. 803 school children, aged eight years, were selected from 19 schools via proportionate systematic sampling. About half the proportion of the school children were from Kuching, 24% from Simunjan and 22% from Bau. Almost all were equally distributed by sex. By mother's race, almost half were Malays, followed by Bidayuh, Iban, Chinese and other races. Mean urinary iodine concentration was 3.36 microg/ 100ml, mean creatinine level was 111.10 mg/100ml and mean creatinine/iodine ratio was 39.45 microg/ gram. Four female children (0.5%) were found to have enlarged thyroid. Urinary iodine levels were significantly different by district, mother's race and household income. It was highest in Kuching, among children with Malay mothers, and with household incomes more than RM500 per month. Conversely, it was lowest in Bau, among children of Iban/Dayak and Chinese mothers, and incomes of RM500 or less per month. Based on the WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD classification, the Sarawak school children in the present study fall into the moderate IDD category. The low prevalence of goitre is a positive finding indicating that iodine deficiency is corrected over time.
Thyroid eye disease is autoimmune in nature and associated with Graves' Disease. Autoantibodies to the 64 kDa antigen in thyroid membranes cross-react to the 64 kDa proteins in human eye muscle membranes. Antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity against eye muscle cells are also found in patients with thyroid eye disease. The purpose of this paper is to review the treatment available and to share the authors' experience using cyclosporin A. In the majority of cases, thyroid eye disease is mild, manifest only as bilateral or unilateral proptosis, with/without grittiness of the eyes. This is usually treated conservatively with eye drops. If proptosis is more severe and there is incomplete closure of eyelids, epiphora and conjunctival injection, then lateral tarrsorrhaphy is usually effective, combined with use of eye pads and eye drops. The problem of diplopia can be treated conservatively with special lenses, or with surgical correction of tethered muscles. However when proptosis is severe, with raised intraocular pressure, severe chemosis and danger of blindness, then the choice of therapy is controversial: rapid decompression by surgical means or use of high doses of prednisolone. Most prefer prednisolone therapy initially, surgical decompression if it fails. Various other methods have been tried, aimed at the immunological nature of the disease, namely plasmapheresis, radiotherapy and immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporin, with variable success. Our experience with cyclosporin had been mixed and inconclusive.
Matched MeSH terms: Iodine Radioisotopes/administration & dosage; Iodine Radioisotopes/therapeutic use
Spontaneous thyroid haemorrhages are rare. There are reported cases occurring in thyroid nodules and cysts but none in thyroid malignancies. We describe a 48 year old who presented to the on-call ENT team with a rapidly progressing neck swelling that was interfering with his airway. After resuscitation, the patient underwent a right lobectomy to stop the bleeding. Histology showed a thyroid follicular carcinoma. As per the regional multidisciplinary team discussion, he underwent a completion thyroidectomy followed by radioactive iodine treatment. We conclude that spontaneous haemorrhages of the thyroid gland can occur in malignancies and stress the importance of early histological diagnosis.
Iodine deficiency during pregnancy and lactation may adversely affect fetal and infant development. Two initiatives were introduced in New Zealand to prevent deficiency: (1) mandatory fortification of bread with iodised salt; and (2) provision of a subsidised iodine supplement (150 μg) for all pregnant and breastfeeding women. The aim of this study was to assess iodine intake and status among a self-selecting sample of pregnant and lactating women in Palmerston North, both before and after the two initiatives. Pregnant and breastfeeding women were recruited before (n = 25 and 32; 2009) and after (n = 34 and 36; 2011) the initiatives. Iodine concentration was determined in 24-h urine and breast milk samples using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Use of supplements and salt, knowledge of iodine deficiency, and awareness of the initiatives were determined by questionnaire. Median urine iodine concentration (UIC) was higher in 2011 compared with 2009 for both pregnant (85 and 47 μg L(-1) ) and breastfeeding (74 and 34 μg L(-1) ) participants; median UIC were below the cut-offs for adequate iodine status. However, in 2011, the estimated daily iodine intake during pregnancy was 217 μg day(-1) ; 74% of women achieved the Estimated Average Requirement. Knowledge of the initiatives was low, only 28-56% were aware of the need for iodine supplements and only 15-22% were aware of the mandatory addition of iodised salt to bread. Despite initiatives, UIC of these women indicates iodine deficiency, however, dietary intakes appear adequate. Ongoing surveillance of supplement use and iodine status among pregnant and lactating women throughout New Zealand is needed to fully assess the efficacy of the initiatives. Alternative strategies may require evaluation to ensure all women have adequate iodine during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The purpose of this study is to quantify the quality of the available imaging modes for various iodine-based contrast agent concentration in paediatric cardiology. The figure of merit (FOM) was defined as the squared signal to noise ratio divided by a patient dose related parameter. An in house constructed phantom simulated a series of vessel segments with iodine concentrations from 10% or 30 mg/cc to 16% or 48 mg/cc of iodine in a blood plasma solution, all within the dimensional constraints of a paediatric patient. The phantom also used test inserts of tin (Sn). Measurements of Entrance Surface Air Kerma (ESAK) and exit dose rate were performed along with calculations of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of all the objects. A first result showed that it was favourable to employ low dose fluoroscopy mode and lower frame rate modes in cine acquisition if dynamic information is not critical. Normal fluoroscopy dose mode provided a considerably higher dose level (in comparison to low dose mode) with only a slight improvement in SNR. Higher frame rate cine modes should be used however when the clinical situation dictates so. This work also found that tin should not be intended as iodine replacement material for research purposes due to the mismatching SNR, particularly on small vessel sizes.