Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 113 in total

  1. Supramaniam V, Datta GC, Singam V, Singh J
    Med J Malaysia, 1987 Mar;42(1):44-9.
    PMID: 3323860
    Malaria is the most important communicable disease in the field for the Malaysian soldier. His chief weapon is chemoprophylaxis. This was proguanil hydrochloride in the '50s, changed to Daraclor in 1962; since late 1985, Fansidar only is used. The incidence of malaria over the years has fluctuated widely and had its peak in 1977 at 29.7/1,000 soldiers and since then has shown a downward trend. Studies carried out to study the problem are noted briefly. Antimalarial discipline in the field, continued surveillance and integrated control measures in the base are emphasised in the fight against malaria.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  2. Konradsen F, van der Hoek W, Amerasinghe FP, Mutero C, Boelee E
    Acta Trop, 2004 Jan;89(2):99-108.
    PMID: 14732233
    Traditionally, engineering and environment-based interventions have contributed to the prevention of malaria in Asia. However, with the introduction of DDT and other potent insecticides, chemical control became the dominating strategy. The renewed interest in environmental-management-based approaches for the control of malaria vectors follows the rapid development of resistance by mosquitoes to the widely used insecticides, the increasing cost of developing new chemicals, logistical constraints involved in the implementation of residual-spraying programs and the environmental concerns linked to the use of persistent organic pollutants. To guide future research and operational agendas focusing on environmental-control interventions, it is necessary to learn from the successes and failures from the time before the introduction of insecticides. The objective of this paper is to describe the experiences gained in Asia with early vector control interventions focusing on cases from the former Indian Punjab, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. The paper deals primarily with the agricultural engineering and land and water management vector control interventions implemented in the period 1900-1950. The selected cases are discussed in the wider context of environment-based approaches for the control of malaria vectors, including current relevance. Clearly, some of the interventions piloted and implemented early in the last century still have relevance today but generally in a very site-specific manner and in combination with other preventive and curative activities. Some of the approaches followed earlier on to support implementation would not be acceptable or feasible today, from a social or environmental point of view.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  3. Jones CR, Ovenell SM
    J. Chromatogr., 1979 Jun 11;163(2):179-85.
    PMID: 541369
    A high-performance liquid chromatographic method was developed to enable dapsone, monoacetyl dapsone and pyrimethamine to be measured simultaneously in plasma samples from volunteers in England and Malaysia who had been dosed with Maloprim. Mean half-lives of 25 and 80 h were calculated for dapsone and pyrimethamine, respectively, but there was wide individual variation. All subjects were found to be classifiable as "slow acetylators".
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control
  4. Drew R
    Ann Intern Med, 1969 Jan;70(1):147-9.
    PMID: 5763718
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  5. Feachem RGA, Chen I, Akbari O, Bertozzi-Villa A, Bhatt S, Binka F, et al.
    Lancet, 2019 09 21;394(10203):1056-1112.
    PMID: 31511196 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31139-0
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  6. Chua TH, Manin BO, Vythilingam I, Fornace K, Drakeley CJ
    Parasit Vectors, 2019 Jul 25;12(1):364.
    PMID: 31345256 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-019-3627-0
    BACKGROUND: We investigated the effect of five common habitat types on the diversity and abundance of Anopheles spp. and on the biting rate and time of Anopheles balabacensis (currently the only known vector for Plasmodium knowlesi in Sabah) at Paradason village, Kudat, Sabah. The habitats were forest edge, playground area, longhouse, oil palm plantation and shrub-bushes area. Sampling of Anopheles was done monthly using the human landing catch method in all habitat types for 14 months (October 2013 to December 2014, excluding June 2014). The Anopheles species were morphologically identified and subjected to PCR assay for the detection of Plasmodium parasites. Generalised linear mixed models (GLMM) were applied to test the variation in abundance and biting rates of An. balabacensis in different habitat types.

    RESULTS: A total of 1599 Anopheles specimens were collected in the village, of which about 90% were An. balabacensis. Anopheles balabacensis was present throughout the year and was the dominant Anopheles species in all habitat types. The shrub bushes habitat had the highest Anopheles species diversity while forest edge had the greatest number of Anopheles individuals caught. GLMM analysis indicated that An. balabacensis abundance was not affected by the type of habitats, and it was more active during the early and late night compared to predawn and dawn. PCR assay showed that 1.61% of the tested An. balabacensis were positive for malaria parasites, most of which were caught in oil palm estates and infected with one to two Plasmodium species.

    CONCLUSIONS: The identification of infected vectors in a range of habitats, including agricultural and farming areas, illustrates the potential for humans to be exposed to P. knowlesi outside forested areas. This finding contributes to a growing body of evidence implicating environmental changes due to deforestation, expansion of agricultural and farming areas, and development of human settlements near to forest fringes in the emergence of P. knowlesi in Sabah.

    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control
  7. Atique Ahmed M, Kang HJ, Quan FS
    Korean J Parasitol, 2019 Aug;57(4):445-450.
    PMID: 31533414 DOI: 10.3347/kjp.2019.57.4.445
    Human infections due to the monkey malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi is increasingly being reported from most Southeast Asian countries specifically Malaysia. The parasite causes severe and fatal malaria thus there is a need for urgent measures for its control. In this study, the level of polymorphisms, haplotypes and natural selection of full-length pkmsp8 in 37 clinical samples from Malaysian Borneo along with 6 lab-adapted strains were investigated. Low levels of polymorphism were observed across the full-length gene, the double epidermal growth factor (EGF) domains were mostly conserved, and non-synonymous substitutions were absent. Evidence of strong negative selection pressure in the non-EGF regions were found indicating functional constrains acting at different domains. Phylogenetic haplotype network analysis identified shared haplotypes and indicated geographical clustering of samples originating from Peninsular Malaysia and Malaysian Borneo. This is the first study to genetically characterize the full-length msp8 gene from clinical isolates of P. knowlesi from Malaysia; however, further functional characterization would be useful for future rational vaccine design.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control
  8. Balami AD, Said SM, Zulkefli NAM, Bachok N, Balami EL
    BMC Med Res Methodol, 2019 07 18;19(1):157.
    PMID: 31319810 DOI: 10.1186/s12874-019-0803-z
    BACKGROUND: Sleeping under a long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) is recommended for all pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa, due to the high prevalence of malaria infection and its associated complications in the region. Despite this, LLIN use has still remained sub-optimal among pregnant women in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Understanding the interplay of factors influencing this important health behaviour would guide the development of interventions to promote its adoption.

    METHODS: Data was collected from 380 randomly selected antenatal care attendees of a hospital in Maiduguri, using structured questionnaires. This data was then used to test the Information-Motivation-Behavioural Skills (IMB) model, for model fit, and interrelations among the constructs, using the structural equation modelling analysis with Smart-PLS.

    RESULTS: Information and motivation were significantly related to behavioural skills (r = 0.29, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  9. Barber BE, Rajahram GS, Grigg MJ, William T, Anstey NM
    Malar J, 2017 03 31;16(1):135.
    PMID: 28359340 DOI: 10.1186/s12936-017-1787-y
    BACKGROUND: The 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) World Malaria Report documents substantial progress towards control and elimination of malaria. However, major challenges remain. In some regions of Southeast Asia, the simian parasite Plasmodium knowlesi has emerged as an important cause of human malaria, and the authors believe this species warrants regular inclusion in the World Malaria Report.

    MAIN TEXT: Plasmodium knowlesi is the most common cause of malaria in Malaysia, and cases have also been reported in nearly all countries of Southeast Asia. Outside of Malaysia, P. knowlesi is frequently misdiagnosed by microscopy as Plasmodium falciparum or Plasmodium vivax. Thus, P. knowlesi may be underdiagnosed in affected regions and its true incidence underestimated. Acknowledgement in the World Malaria Report of the regional importance of P. knowlesi will facilitate efforts to improve surveillance of this emerging parasite. Furthermore, increased recognition will likely lead to improved delivery of effective treatment for this potentially fatal infection, as has occurred in Malaysia where P. knowlesi case-fatality rates have fallen despite rising incidence. In a number of knowlesi-endemic countries, substantial progress has been made towards the elimination of P. vivax and P. falciparum. However, efforts to eliminate these human-only species should not preclude efforts to reduce human malaria from P. knowlesi. The regional importance of knowlesi malaria was recognized by the WHO with its recent Evidence Review Group meeting on knowlesi malaria to address strategies for prevention and mitigation.

    CONCLUSION: The WHO World Malaria Report has an appropriate focus on falciparum and vivax malaria, the major causes of global mortality and morbidity. However, the authors hope that in future years this important publication will also incorporate data on the progress and challenges in reducing knowlesi malaria in regions where transmission occurs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control
  10. Melo JO, Padilha MAO, Barbosa RTA, Alonso WJ, Vittor AY, Laporta GZ
    Trop Biomed, 2020 Jun;37(2):513-535.
    PMID: 33235398
    After a centenary fight against malaria, Brazil has seen an opportunity for change with the proposal of the malaria elimination policy set by the Brazilian government, in line with malaria elimination policies in other Latin American countries. Brazilian malaria experts regard eliminating malaria by 2030 to be within reach. Herein we evaluated the likelihood that malaria elimination can be accomplished in Brazil through systematic review of the literature on malaria elimination in Brazil and epidemiological analysis. Fifty-two articles referring to malaria eradication/elimination in Brazil were analyzed to identify challenges and technological breakthroughs for controlling malaria. Monthly deaths (1979-2016) and monthly severe malaria cases (1998-2018) were analyzed according to age groups, geographic region and parasite species. As a result, we observed that the declining malaria burden was mostly attributable to a decline in Plasmodium falciparum-malaria. At the same time, the proportional increase of Plasmodium vivax-malaria in comparison with P. falciparum-malaria was notable. This niche replacement mechanism was discussed in the reviewed literature. In addition, the challenges to P. vivax-malaria elimination outnumbered the available technological breakthroughs. Although accumulated and basic information exists on mosquito vector biology, the lack of specific knowledge about mosquito vector taxonomy and ecology may hamper current attempts at stopping malaria in the country. An impressive reduction in malaria hospitalizations and mortality was seen in Brazil in the past 3 decades. Eliminating malaria deaths in children less than 5 years and P. falciparum severe cases may be achievable goals under the current malaria policy until 2030. However, eliminating P. vivax malaria transmission and morbidity seems unattainable with the available tools. Therefore, complete malaria elimination in Brazil in the near future is unlikely.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control
  11. Bhatia R, Rastogi RM, Ortega L
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2013 Dec;50(4):239-47.
    PMID: 24499845
    Asia ranks second to Africa in terms of malaria burden. In 19 countries of Asia, malaria is endemic and 2.31 billion people or 62% of the total population in these countries are at risk of malaria. In 2010, WHO estimated around 34.8 million cases and 45,600 deaths due to malaria in Asia. In 2011, 2.7 million cases and > 2000 deaths were reported. India, Indonesia, Myanmar and Pakistan are responsible for >85% of the reported cases (confirmed) and deaths in Asia. In last 10 yr, due to availability of donor's fund specially from Global fund, significant progress has been made by the countries in Asia in scaling-up malaria control interventions which were instrumental in reducing malaria morbidity and mortality significantly. There is a large heterogeneity in malaria epidemiology in Asia. As a result, the success in malaria control/elimination is also diverse. As compared to the data of the year 2000, out of 19 malaria endemic countries, 12 countries were able to reduce malaria incidence (microscopically confirmed cases only) by 75%. Two countries, namely Bangladesh and Malaysia are projected to reach 75% reduction by 2015 while India is projected to reach 50-75% only by 2015. The trend could not be assessed in four countries, namely Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan and Timor-Leste due to insufficient consistent data. Numerous key challenges need to be addressed to sustain the gains and eliminate malaria in most parts of Asia. Some of these are to control the spread of resistance in Plasmodium falciparum to artemisinin, control of outdoor transmission, control of vivax malaria and ensuring universal coverage of key interventions. Asia has the potential to influence the malaria epidemiology all over the world as well as to support the global efforts in controlling and eliminating malaria through production of quality-assured ACTs, RDTs and long-lasting insecticidal nets.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control
  12. Lukwa N, Chiwade T
    Trop Biomed, 2008 Dec;25(3):191-5.
    PMID: 19287356
    Use of mosquito coils for personal protection against malaria and mosquito nuisance is advocated under mosquito and malaria control programmes. We performed field studies of mosquito coils containing either metofluthrin or esbiothrin in experimental huts situated in Kamhororo village, Gokwe district, Zimbabwe. All tests were performed on 3-5 day old reared female Anopheles gambiae sensu lato mosquitoes. The burning times were 9hr 20min for mosquito coils containing metofluthrin and 8 hr for those containing esbiothrin and the results were significantly different (p = <0.001). The mean knock down rate for mosquito coils containing metofluthrin was 90% and that for esbiothrin was 73.3% and the results were significantly different (p = 0.00). Mosquito coils containing metofluthrin had a mean repellence of 92.7% as compared to 85.4% for esbiothrin and the results were not significantly different (p=0.27). The protection time as required by EPA (1999) was 6 hr for mosquito coils containing metofluthrin and 5 hr for those containing esbiothrin. The mean insecticidal effect of mosquito coils containing metofluthrin was 84% as compared to 83% for those containing esbiothrin and the results were not significantly different (p = 0.56). Both mosquito formulations could not be classified as having insecticidal effect since none of them met the 95% mortality rate criteria.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  13. Munajat MB, Rahim MAFA, Wahid W, Seri Rakna MIM, Divis PCS, Chuangchaiya S, et al.
    Malar J, 2021 Apr 27;20(1):202.
    PMID: 33906645 DOI: 10.1186/s12936-021-03741-y
    BACKGROUND: Malaysia is on track towards malaria elimination. However, several cases of malaria still occur in the country. Contributing factors and communal aspects have noteworthy effects on any malaria elimination activities. Thus, assessing the community's knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) towards malaria is essential. This study was performed to evaluate KAP regarding malaria among the indigenous people (i.e. Orang Asli) in Peninsular Malaysia.

    METHODS: A household-based cross-sectional study was conducted in five remote villages (clusters) of Orang Asli located in the State of Kelantan, a central region of the country. Community members aged six years and above were interviewed. Demographic, socio-economic and KAP data on malaria were collected using a structured questionnaire and analysed using descriptive statistics.

    RESULTS: Overall, 536 individuals from 208 households were interviewed. Household indoor residual spraying (IRS) coverage and bed net ownership were 100% and 89.2%, respectively. A majority of respondents used mosquito bed nets every night (95.1%), but only 50.2% were aware that bed nets were used to prevent malaria. Nevertheless, almost all of the respondents (97.9%) were aware that malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes. Regarding practice for managing malaria, the most common practice adopted by the respondents was seeking treatment at the health facilities (70.9%), followed by self-purchase of medication from a local shop (12.7%), seeking treatment from a traditional healer (10.5%) and self-healing (5.9%). Concerning potential zoonotic malaria, about half of the respondents (47.2%) reported seeing monkeys from their houses and 20.1% reported entering nearby forests within the last 6 months.

    CONCLUSION: This study found that most populations living in the villages have an acceptable level of knowledge and awareness about malaria. However, positive attitudes and practices concerning managing malaria require marked improvement.

    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  14. Benavente ED, de Sessions PF, Moon RW, Grainger M, Holder AA, Blackman MJ, et al.
    Int J Parasitol, 2018 03;48(3-4):191-196.
    PMID: 29258833 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.09.008
    Plasmodium knowlesi, a common parasite of macaques, is recognised as a significant cause of human malaria in Malaysia. The P. knowlesi A1H1 line has been adapted to continuous culture in human erythrocytes, successfully providing an in vitro model to study the parasite. We have assembled a reference genome for the PkA1-H.1 line using PacBio long read combined with Illumina short read sequence data. Compared with the H-strain reference, the new reference has improved genome coverage and a novel description of methylation sites. The PkA1-H.1 reference will enhance the capabilities of the in vitro model to improve the understanding of P. knowlesi infection in humans.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control
  15. Khan M, Mahmood HZ, Noureen S, Muhmood K, Husnain MIU, Hameed Khaliq I
    Trop Biomed, 2019 Sep 01;36(3):664-676.
    PMID: 33597488
    The extent of the economic burden of malaria and its imposed mechanisms are both relevant to public policy. This paper investigates the economic burden of malaria and household behaviour in relation to the treatment and prevention of the illness in Pakistan. In this regard, data were collected from a randomly selected sample of 360 households using structured questionnaires. The survey results indicate that 23.4% of household members contracted malaria during the three-month reference period. The average per person cost of malaria is estimated at 3116 Pakistani rupees (PKR) (USD 32). The estimated cost of the illness was found to be equivalent to, on average, 6.7% of monthly household income. Although high-income households face a higher financial burden due to better preventive and mitigation measures, the negative consequences hit low-income households harder due to liquidity constraints and poor access to effective treatment. We recommend that malaria control policies be integrated into development and poverty reduction programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  16. Thomas V, Bin HK, Leng YP
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1980;74(3):375-80.
    PMID: 7001690
    In 1973, 2610 sera were collected from adults living in 22 localities in four states in Peninsular Malaysia and tested by IFAT for Plasmodium falciparum antibodies. A larger number of thin films were examined. The attack phase of the Malaria Eradication Programme (MEP) in these areas was started between 1968 and 1973. The results showed that the highest prevalence rates and geometrical mean reciprocal titres (CMRT) were among adults from Kelantan where the antibody prevalence varied greatly among the adults and there was active transmission in at least three areas. The values were lowest for Kedah. The P. falciparum antibody prevalence rates were higher than the parasite rates as revealed in single thin film examinations but a number of the positive sera were reactive only at low titres. The low concentration probably indicated the residual antibody from cured cases or past infections and cross reactions to P. vivax and P. malariae infections. The strong reactions probably indicated current P. falciparum transmission as shown by positive thin films. The present study showed that the antibody profile of adults, as shown by IFAT, is of considerable value in assessing the malaria situation in a given area and that it would be useful as a malariometric tool in epidemiological studies to evaluate the progress of malaria eradication/control programmes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control
  17. Lewis AN, Dondero TJ, Ponnampalam JT
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1973;67(2):310-2.
    PMID: 4593652
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control
  18. Huehne WH
    J Trop Med Hyg, 1971 May;74(5):106-9.
    PMID: 5580454
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
  19. Gilliland J
    S. Afr. Med. J., 1974 Jul 6;48(32):1392-4.
    PMID: 4450167
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaria/prevention & control*
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