Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 698 in total

  1. Peter S, Abdul Rahman ZA, Pillai S
    Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2019 Oct;48(10):1317-1322.
    PMID: 31014926 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijom.2019.03.896
    The aim of this study was to document differences in hypernasality during speaking and singing among children with cleft palate and to compare nasality score ratings of trained and untrained listeners. Twenty subjects with cleft palate aged between 7 and 12 years participated in this study. Audio recordings were made of the children reading a passage and singing a common local song, both in the Malay language. The degree of hypernasality was judged through perceptual assessment. Three trained listeners (a speech therapist, a classical singer, and a linguistic expert - all academicians) and two untrained listeners (a cleft volunteer worker and a national high school teacher) assessed the recordings using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability for hypernasality in both speaking and singing were verified using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). A significant reduction in hypernasality was observed during singing as compared to speaking, indicating that hypernasality reduces when a child with cleft palate sings. The act of singing significantly reduces hypernasality. The outcome of this study suggests that children with cleft palate would benefit from singing exercises to ultimately reduce hypernasality. However, future research is needed to objectively measure nasality in singing compared to speaking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Speech Perception*
  2. Abdul Rahman K, Ahmad SA, Che Soh A, Ashari A, Wada C, Gopalai AA
    Front Public Health, 2021;9:612538.
    PMID: 33681130 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.612538
    Background: Falls are a significant incident among older adults affecting one in every three individuals aged 65 and over. Fall risk increases with age and other factors, namely instability. Recent studies on the use of fall detection devices in the Malaysian community are scarce, despite the necessity to use them. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the association between the prevalence of falls with instability. This study also presents a survey that explores older adults' perceptions and expectations toward fall detection devices. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted involving 336 community-dwelling older adults aged 50 years and older; based on randomly selected participants. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. Chi-square test was conducted to investigate the associations between self-reported falls with instability, demographic and walking characteristics. Additionally, older adults' perceptions and expectations concerning the use of fall detection devices in their daily lives were explored. Results: The prevalence of falls was 28.9%, where one-quarter of older adults fell at least once in the past 6 months. Participants aged 70 years and older have a higher fall percentage than other groups. The prevalence of falls was significantly associated with instability, age, and walking characteristics. Around 70% of the participants reported having instability issues, of which over half of them fell at least once within 6 months. Almost 65% of the participants have a definite interest in using a fall detection device. Survey results revealed that the most expected features for a fall detection device include: user-friendly, followed by affordably priced, and accurate. Conclusions: The prevalence of falls in community-dwelling older adults is significantly associated with instability. Positive perceptions and informative expectations will be used to develop an enhanced fall detection incorporating balance monitoring system. Our findings demonstrate the need to extend the fall detection device features aiming for fall prevention intervention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception*
  3. Pasqualotto A, Ng M, Tan ZY, Kitada R
    Sci Rep, 2020 07 07;10(1):11189.
    PMID: 32636415 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-68034-x
    The sense of touch allows us to infer objects' physical properties, while the same input also produces affective sensations. These affective sensations are important for interpersonal relationships and personal well-being, which raises the possibility that tactile preferences are adapted to the characteristics of the skin. Previous studies examined how physical properties such as surface roughness and temperature influence affective sensations; however, little is known about the effect of compliance (physical correlate of softness) on pleasantness. Thus, we investigated the psychophysical link between softness and pleasantness. Pieces of human skin-like rubber with different compliances were pressed against participants' fingers. Two groups of participants numerically estimated the perceived magnitude of either pleasantness or softness. The perceived magnitude of pleasantness and softness both increased monotonically as a function of increasing object compliance, levelling off at around the end of the stimulus range. However, inter-subject variability was greater for pleasantness than for perceived softness, whereas the slope of the linear function fit to the magnitude estimates was steeper for softness than for pleasantness. These results indicate that object compliance is a critical physical determinant for pleasantness, whereas the effect of compliance on pleasantness was more variable among individuals than the effect on softness was.
    Matched MeSH terms: Touch Perception*
  4. Khairuddin TK, Lionheart WR
    Bioinspir Biomim, 2016 09 06;11(5):055004.
    PMID: 27596986 DOI: 10.1088/1748-3190/11/5/055004
    Weakly electric fish generate electric current and use hundreds of voltage sensors on the surface of their body to navigate and locate food. Experiments (von der Emde and Fetz 2007 J. Exp. Biol. 210 3082-95) show that they can discriminate between differently shaped conducting or insulating objects by using electrosensing. One approach to electrically identify and characterize the object with a lower computational cost rather than full shape reconstruction is to use the first order polarization tensor (PT) of the object. In this paper, by considering experimental work on Peters' elephantnose fish Gnathonemus petersii, we investigate the possible role of the first order PT in the ability of the fish to discriminate between objects of different shapes. We also suggest some experiments that might be performed to further investigate the role of the first order PT in electrosensing fish. Finally, we speculate on the possibility of electrical cloaking or camouflage in prey of electrosensing fish and what might be learnt from the fish in human remote sensing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Form Perception/physiology*
  5. Misron K, Tengku Kamalden TMI, Misron LH, Devesahayam PR, Misron SNF
    Cochlear Implants Int, 2021 09;22(5):291-295.
    PMID: 33794747 DOI: 10.1080/14670100.2021.1905975
    INTRODUCTION: Cochlear implant (CI) requires lifelong financial commitments to ensure that the devices always operate optimally.

    OBJECTIVE: We estimated the long-term maintenance costs of CI including repair of speech processors, replacement of damaged parts, and battery requirements.

    RESULTS: Forty-one parents of children who received CIs in Malaysian government hospitals were enrolled. The first 2 years of CI usage were covered by warranty. The cost increased three-fold from by 4 years of CI usage and then doubled by 8 years of usage. About 75% of parents commented that the costs were burdensome.

    CONCLUSION: Our findings will be useful for parents whose children receive CI and will allow medical personnel to counsel the parents about the costs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Speech Perception*
  6. Gowen E, Jachim S, Subri S, Dickinson C, Hamblin-Pyke B, Warren PA
    Vision Res, 2020 12;177:56-67.
    PMID: 32977182 DOI: 10.1016/j.visres.2020.08.004
    Alongside difficulties with communication and social interaction, autism is often accompanied by unusual sensory and perceptual experiences including enhanced visual performance on tasks that involve separating local parts from global context. This superiority may be the result of atypical integrative processing, involving feedback and lateral connections between visual neurons. The current study investigated the integrity of these connections in autistic adults by examining two psychophysics tasks that rely on these processes - collinear facilitation and contour integration. The relative contribution of feedback and lateral connectivity was studied by altering the timing of the target relative to the flankers in the collinear facilitation task, in 16 autistic and 16 non-autistic adults. There were no significant differences in facilitation between the autistic and non-autistic groups, indicating that for this task and participant sample, lateral and feedback connectivity appear relatively intact in autistic individuals. Contour integration was examined in a different group of 20 autistic and 18 non-autistic individuals, for open and closed contours to assess the closure effect (improved detection of closed compared to open contours). Autistic individuals showed a reduced closure effect at both short (150 ms) and longer (500 ms) stimulus presentation durations that was driven by better performance of the autistic group for the open contours. These results suggest that reduced closure in a simple contour detection paradigm is unlikely to be due to slower global processing. Reduced closure has implications for understanding sensory overload by contributing to reduced figure-ground segregation of salient visual features.
    Matched MeSH terms: Form Perception*
  7. Kaland C, Gordon MK
    Phonetica, 2022 Jun 27;79(3):219-245.
    PMID: 35981718 DOI: 10.1515/phon-2022-2022
    The prosodic structure of under-researched languages in the Trade Malay language family is poorly understood. Although boundary marking has been uncontroversially shown as the major prosodic function in these languages, studies on the use of pitch accents to highlight important words in a phrase remain inconclusive. In addition, most knowledge of pitch accents is based on well-researched languages such as the ones from the Western-Germanic language family. This paper reports two word identification experiments comparing Papuan Malay with the pitch accent language American English, in order to investigate the extent to which the demarcating and highlighting function of prosody can be disentangled. To this end, target words were presented to native listeners of both languages and differed with respect to their position in the phrase (medial or final) and the shape of their f0 movement (original or manipulated). Reaction times for the target word identifications revealed overall faster responses for original and final words compared to manipulated and medial ones. The results add to previous findings on the facilitating effect of pitch accents and further improve our prosodic knowledge of underresearched languages.
    Matched MeSH terms: Speech Perception*
  8. Lee K, Abdul Fatah AA, Mohd Norizan N, Jefrey Z, Md Nawi FH, Wan Nor WFK, et al.
    PLoS One, 2019;14(6):e0218428.
    PMID: 31211821 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0218428
    The topcoat color of motor vehicles offers vital information while investigating vehicular accidents, especially in instance of hit-and-run, since witnesses seldom perceive and retain the plate details. Differences in color perceptions among individuals with normal vision may lead to confusion in determining the color of the car involved. In this way, witnesses of crash accidents could potentially initiate flawed leads in forensic investigation, and thus affect the administration of justice. In this study, the inter-rater reliability of vehicle color determination by different volunteers was explored. Six individuals observed the topcoat colors of 500 stationary and 500 moving vehicles from five locations, employing a common system of color gradation. The outcome was binary: the vehicle color was either a "match" or "non-match". This was followed by statistical analysis in terms of the colors' frequencies and inter-rater reliability, based on which more suitable color descriptions were determined for subsequent comparisons of stationary and moving vehicles. Higher match frequencies and greater inter-rater reliability were observed when color gradations were disregarded. The frequency of correct matches could have been closely related to their relative on-the-road distribution, regardless of the statuses of observed vehicles. It was also found that black and white were associated with a greater number of matches than were intermediate colors, which should be carefully interpreted during forensic investigation to avoid wrong leads. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated the forensic significance of vehicle topcoat color determination, particularly in cases where witness statements are crucial.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color Perception*
  9. Aksentijevic A, Elliott MA
    Q J Exp Psychol (Hove), 2017 Aug;70(8):1535-1548.
    PMID: 27244533 DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2016.1192657
    Dynamic distortion of the visual field has been shown to affect perceptual judgment of visual dimensions such as size, length, and distance. Here, we report four experiments demonstrating that the different aspects of a triangle differently influence judgments of distance. Specifically, when the base of the triangle faces the centre of the display, participants consistently underestimate and overestimate the distance of a small dot from the unmarked centre of the display relative to conditions in which the vertex of the triangle faces the centre. When the dot is close to the figure, the distance of the dot to the centre is underestimated. Conversely, when the dot is close to the figure, the distance to the centre is overestimated. The effect is replicated when the internal distances are equalized and when ellipses are used instead of triangles. These results support a ripple model of spatial distortion in which local curvature acts to attract or repel objects. In conclusion, we suggest some implications of our findings for theories of perceptual organization.
    Matched MeSH terms: Distance Perception/physiology*; Space Perception/physiology*
  10. Ching TY, Quar TK, Johnson EE, Newall P, Sharma M
    J Am Acad Audiol, 2015 Mar;26(3):260-74.
    PMID: 25751694 DOI: 10.3766/jaaa.26.3.6
    BACKGROUND: An important goal of providing amplification to children with hearing loss is to ensure that hearing aids are adjusted to match targets of prescriptive procedures as closely as possible. The Desired Sensation Level (DSL) v5 and the National Acoustic Laboratories' prescription for nonlinear hearing aids, version 1 (NAL-NL1) procedures are widely used in fitting hearing aids to children. Little is known about hearing aid fitting outcomes for children with severe or profound hearing loss.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the prescribed and measured gain of hearing aids fit according to the NAL-NL1 and the DSL v5 procedure for children with moderately severe to profound hearing loss; and to examine the impact of choice of prescription on predicted speech intelligibility and loudness.

    RESEARCH DESIGN: Participants were fit with Phonak Naida V SP hearing aids according to the NAL-NL1 and DSL v5 procedures. The Speech Intelligibility Index (SII) and estimated loudness were calculated using published models.

    STUDY SAMPLE: The sample consisted of 16 children (30 ears) aged between 7 and 17 yr old.

    DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: The measured hearing aid gains were compared with the prescribed gains at 50 (low), 65 (medium), and 80 dB SPL (high) input levels. The goodness of fit-to-targets was quantified by calculating the average root-mean-square (RMS) error of the measured gain compared with prescriptive gain targets for 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz. The significance of difference between prescriptions for hearing aid gains, SII, and loudness was examined by performing analyses of variance. Correlation analyses were used to examine the relationship between measures.

    RESULTS: The DSL v5 prescribed significantly higher overall gain than the NAL-NL1 procedure for the same audiograms. For low and medium input levels, the hearing aids of all children fit with NAL-NL1 were within 5 dB RMS of prescribed targets, but 33% (10 ears) deviated from the DSL v5 targets by more than 5 dB RMS on average. For high input level, the hearing aid fittings of 60% and 43% of ears deviated by more than 5 dB RMS from targets of NAL-NL1 and DSL v5, respectively. Greater deviations from targets were associated with more severe hearing loss. On average, the SII was higher for DSL v5 than for NAL-NL1 at low input level. No significant difference in SII was found between prescriptions at medium or high input level, despite greater loudness for DSL v5 than for NAL-NL1.

    CONCLUSIONS: Although targets between 0.25 and 2 kHz were well matched for both prescriptions in commercial hearing aids, gain targets at 4 kHz were matched for NAL-NL1 only. Although the two prescriptions differ markedly in estimated loudness, they resulted in comparable predicted speech intelligibility for medium and high input levels.

    Matched MeSH terms: Loudness Perception/physiology*; Speech Perception/physiology*
  11. Levitan CA, Ren J, Woods AT, Boesveldt S, Chan JS, McKenzie KJ, et al.
    PLoS One, 2014;9(7):e101651.
    PMID: 25007343 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101651
    Colors and odors are associated; for instance, people typically match the smell of strawberries to the color pink or red. These associations are forms of crossmodal correspondences. Recently, there has been discussion about the extent to which these correspondences arise for structural reasons (i.e., an inherent mapping between color and odor), statistical reasons (i.e., covariance in experience), and/or semantically-mediated reasons (i.e., stemming from language). The present study probed this question by testing color-odor correspondences in 6 different cultural groups (Dutch, Netherlands-residing-Chinese, German, Malay, Malaysian-Chinese, and US residents), using the same set of 14 odors and asking participants to make congruent and incongruent color choices for each odor. We found consistent patterns in color choices for each odor within each culture, showing that participants were making non-random color-odor matches. We used representational dissimilarity analysis to probe for variations in the patterns of color-odor associations across cultures; we found that US and German participants had the most similar patterns of associations, followed by German and Malay participants. The largest group differences were between Malay and Netherlands-resident Chinese participants and between Dutch and Malaysian-Chinese participants. We conclude that culture plays a role in color-odor crossmodal associations, which likely arise, at least in part, through experience.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color Perception*; Olfactory Perception*
  12. Zubair S, Fisal N
    Sensors (Basel), 2014;14(5):8996-9026.
    PMID: 24854362 DOI: 10.3390/s140508996
    The need for implementing reliable data transfer in resource-constrained cognitive radio ad hoc networks is still an open issue in the research community. Although geographical forwarding schemes are characterized by their low overhead and efficiency in reliable data transfer in traditional wireless sensor network, this potential is still yet to be utilized for viable routing options in resource-constrained cognitive radio ad hoc networks in the presence of lossy links. In this paper, a novel geographical forwarding technique that does not restrict the choice of the next hop to the nodes in the selected route is presented. This is achieved by the creation of virtual clusters based on spectrum correlation from which the next hop choice is made based on link quality. The design maximizes the use of idle listening and receiver contention prioritization for energy efficiency, the avoidance of routing hot spots and stability. The validation result, which closely follows the simulation result, shows that the developed scheme can make more advancement to the sink as against the usual decisions of relevant ad hoc on-demand distance vector route select operations, while ensuring channel quality. Further simulation results have shown the enhanced reliability, lower latency and energy efficiency of the presented scheme.
    Matched MeSH terms: Auditory Perception
  13. Tse LF, Thanapalan KC, Chan CC
    Res Dev Disabil, 2014 Feb;35(2):340-7.
    PMID: 24333804 DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2013.11.013
    This study investigated the role of visual-perceptual input in writing Chinese characters among senior school-aged children who had handwriting difficulties (CHD). The participants were 27 CHD (9-11 years old) and 61 normally developed control. There were three writing conditions: copying, and dictations with or without visual feedback. The motor-free subtests of the Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-2) were conducted. The CHD group showed significantly slower mean speeds of character production and less legibility of produced characters than the control group in all writing conditions (ps<0.001). There were significant deteriorations in legibility from copying to dictation without visual feedback. Nevertheless, the Group by Condition interaction effect was not statistically significant. Only position in space of DTVP-2 was significantly correlated with the legibility among CHD (r=-0.62, p=0.001). Poor legibility seems to be related to the less-intact spatial representation of the characters in working memory, which can be rectified by viewing the characters during writing. Visual feedback regarding one's own actions in writing can also improve legibility of characters among these children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception/physiology; Visual Perception/physiology*
  14. Umat C, McDermott HJ, McKay CM
    J Am Acad Audiol, 2006 12 13;17(10):733-46.
    PMID: 17153721
    This study investigated the effect of intensity on pitch in electric hearing and its relationship to the speech perception ability of cochlear implantees. Subjects were 13 adult users of the Nucleus 22 cochlear implant system, using either the Spectra22 or ESPrit22 speech processor and the SPEAK speech processing strategy. A multidimensional scaling technique was employed. Speech perception was measured using sentences and vowels. All measurements were performed in a soundfield condition, and subjects wore their own speech processors with their normally used settings. Results showed a significant correlation between the degree of deviation of the subjects' stimulus spaces from the "ideal" space and subjects' performance with the sentences, but not with the vowels. A significant correlation was found between subjects' response variability in performing the multidimensional scaling task and their speech perception measures, suggesting that spectral smearing or underlying cognitive abilities might affect implantees' speech perception performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Loudness Perception*; Speech Perception*
  15. Pillai D, Sheppard E, Mitchell P
    PLoS One, 2012;7(11):e49859.
    PMID: 23226227 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049859
    Are we able to infer what happened to a person from a brief sample of his/her behaviour? It has been proposed that mentalising skills can be used to retrodict as well as predict behaviour, that is, to determine what mental states of a target have already occurred. The current study aimed to develop a paradigm to explore these processes, which takes into account the intricacies of real-life situations in which reasoning about mental states, as embodied in behaviour, may be utilised. A novel task was devised which involved observing subtle and naturalistic reactions of others in order to determine the event that had previously taken place. Thirty-five participants viewed videos of real individuals reacting to the researcher behaving in one of four possible ways, and were asked to judge which of the four 'scenarios' they thought the individual was responding to. Their eye movements were recorded to establish the visual strategies used. Participants were able to deduce successfully from a small sample of behaviour which scenario had previously occurred. Surprisingly, looking at the eye region was associated with poorer identification of the scenarios, and eye movement strategy varied depending on the event experienced by the person in the video. This suggests people flexibly deploy their attention using a retrodictive mindreading process to infer events.
    Matched MeSH terms: Social Perception*; Visual Perception/physiology*
  16. Velasco C, Woods AT, Marks LE, Cheok AD, Spence C
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1644.
    PMID: 26966646 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1644
    Previous research shows that people systematically match tastes with shapes. Here, we assess the extent to which matched taste and shape stimuli share a common semantic space and whether semantically congruent versus incongruent taste/shape associations can influence the speed with which people respond to both shapes and taste words. In Experiment 1, semantic differentiation was used to assess the semantic space of both taste words and shapes. The results suggest a common semantic space containing two principal components (seemingly, intensity and hedonics) and two principal clusters, one including round shapes and the taste word "sweet," and the other including angular shapes and the taste words "salty," "sour," and "bitter." The former cluster appears more positively-valenced whilst less potent than the latter. In Experiment 2, two speeded classification tasks assessed whether congruent versus incongruent mappings of stimuli and responses (e.g., sweet with round versus sweet with angular) would influence the speed of participants' responding, to both shapes and taste words. The results revealed an overall effect of congruence with congruent trials yielding faster responses than their incongruent counterparts. These results are consistent with previous evidence suggesting a close relation (or crossmodal correspondence) between tastes and shape curvature that may derive from common semantic coding, perhaps along the intensity and hedonic dimensions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taste Perception
  17. Haider HF, Bojić T, Ribeiro SF, Paço J, Hall DA, Szczepek AJ
    Front Neurosci, 2018;12:866.
    PMID: 30538616 DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00866
    Tinnitus is the conscious perception of a sound without a corresponding external acoustic stimulus, usually described as a phantom perception. One of the major challenges for tinnitus research is to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms triggering and maintaining the symptoms, especially for subjective chronic tinnitus. Our objective was to synthesize the published literature in order to provide a comprehensive update on theoretical and experimental advances and to identify further research and clinical directions. We performed literature searches in three electronic databases, complemented by scanning reference lists from relevant reviews in our included records, citation searching of the included articles using Web of Science, and manual searching of the last 6 months of principal otology journals. One-hundred and thirty-two records were included in the review and the information related to peripheral and central mechanisms of tinnitus pathophysiology was collected in order to update on theories and models. A narrative synthesis examined the main themes arising from this information. Tinnitus pathophysiology is complex and multifactorial, involving the auditory and non-auditory systems. Recent theories assume the necessary involvement of extra-auditory brain regions for tinnitus to reach consciousness. Tinnitus engages multiple active dynamic and overlapping networks. We conclude that advancing knowledge concerning the origin and maintenance of specific tinnitus subtypes origin and maintenance mechanisms is of paramount importance for identifying adequate treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  18. Bahrain, Mos, Nur Fatihah Abdullah, Bandar, Surena, Sabil, Farida, Abdul Halim, Agatha Lamentan, Muda, Hana, Hamidi, et al.
    The objective of this study is to identify the perceptions of Generation Y employees regarding
    work-life balance practices. As increasing numbers of Generation Y enter the workforce,
    questions regarding how they perceive work, family and self-related issues, challenges and
    coping strategies in balancing personal and professional commitments became issues of interests
    for employers. This study uses interviews to collect data from six informants in Generation
    Y and the data were analyzed through content analysis. The results indicate that Generation
    Y employees do indeed have issues and challenges with balancing work and family.
    However, unlike the older generation of employees, Generation Y employees perceive managing
    work-life balance only through segmentation or separation strategies. This particular
    finding indicates that if organizations want to attract and retain these employees they should
    adapt a strategy specifically designed to target this employee group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  19. Tan, Renee H.J., Yee, Anne, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Mas Ayu Said, Mahmoud Danaee, Chang, Lua Ahai
    JUMMEC, 2018;21(1):40-46.
    Background: The rise in substance-use-related problems among Malaysian adolescents called for a study to
    assess the efficacy of an anti-drug educational program to improve the knowledge, attitude and perception
    (KAP) of Malaysian students regarding substance use.
    Methods: This study involved 573 students from four Malaysian Chinese schools in Malacca. Each student
    filled out a Likert-scale mandarin translated questionnaire (KAP-C) on substance use ( Pre-test). Following an
    educational program on substance use, the KAP-C questionnaire was given again to the students, immediately
    following the program (PT 1), and after a month (PT 2) and two months (PT3) of the programme.
    Results: The students showed improvement in knowledge of the types of substance use in PT 1 (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
    Taxis, being a significant element of mobility, play a sufficiently great role in public transportation. However, the issues towards taxi services have gradually increaseddue tothe poor servicesgiven to passengers by taxi operators,leadingto the demand for otherride servicealternatives.With the developmentof technology, GrabCarwasdeveloped and launched asanonline taxi booking through smartphone application which can easily connectpassengers and drivers. The main purpose of this study is to find out the perception of taxi operators towards GrabCar service and vice versa sothatthere will be a clear point of view to identify opportunities andchallenges for taxi operators. Standardized open-endedinterviews were conducted with5taxi and 5 GrabCar operatorsin Kuala Terengganu and Kuala Nerus. Interview transcriptswere analyzed using content analysis. The findingsshowedthat there weremore challenges than opportunities for the taxi operators. This studycould help the government to improvetaxi services in general and GrabCar servicesin sharing economy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
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