Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 318 in total

  1. Zahlimar, Zuriati Z, Chiew L
    Enferm Clin, 2020 06;30 Suppl 5:168-170.
    PMID: 32713560 DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.11.047
    Hospitals as a place of health services are required to provide quality services. One of the determinants of the level of satisfaction of health services is health workers. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of health service quality with patient satisfaction at H. Hanafie Muara Bungo Hospital. This research is an analytic study using a cross-sectional study approach. The population in this study were all inpatients at H. Hanafie Muara Bungo Hospital. The sampling technique used an accidental sampling of 49 people. Data collection was done using questionnaires. Analysis of the data was done by univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed there was a significant relationship between the reliability of officers, the responsiveness of officers, employee guarantees, the attention of health workers, and physical evidence of health services with the level of patient satisfaction at H. Hanafie Muara Bungo Hospital in 2019. Based on the results of the study, it was found that officer response, officer guarantee, officer attention, and physical evidence of service in the category of not qualified and there is a significant relationship with the level of patient satisfaction at H. Hanafie Muara Bungo Hospital in 2019.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  2. Gan SW, Ong LS, Lee CH, Lin YS
    J Genet Psychol, 2020 08 13;181(6):458-469.
    PMID: 32787705 DOI: 10.1080/00221325.2020.1803196
    This paper examined the role of loneliness in mediating the relation between social support and life satisfaction among Chinese young adults within the Malaysian context. Young adults (N = 275; Mage = 22.41; SD = 1.76; 57.5% females) completed self-administered questionnaires on the scales of perceived social support, loneliness and life satisfaction. The results of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) showed a partial mediation effect of loneliness on the relation between social support and life satisfaction. The integration of the bottom-up theory of subjective well-being and social cognitive theory is included to explain the mediating process. The results revealed that perceived social support can relate to a lower level of loneliness, which could eventually lead to higher levels of young adults' life satisfaction. Overall, the findings highlighted the importance of social support as well as their loneliness as a mediating pathway in promoting Malaysian Chinese young adults' life satisfaction. Interventions are also suggested to optimize life satisfaction as a whole.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  3. Lombardo C, Panasiti MS, Vacca M, Grano C, Swami V
    Body Image, 2019 Sep;30:75-80.
    PMID: 31200234 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2019.05.005
    Perfectionistic self-presentation refers to a desire to create an image of flawlessness in the eyes of the others and has been associated with more negative body image. We extended previous research by examining associations between perfectionistic self-presentation and breast size dissatisfaction, and also examined whether motherhood status moderated this association. A total of 484 Italian women (age M = 40.39, SD = 13.73; mothers n = 53.9%) completed measures of perfectionistic self-presentation (perfectionistic self-promotion, nondisplay of imperfection, and nondisclosure of imperfection) and breast size dissatisfaction. Preliminary analyses indicated that a majority of the sample (69.2%) reported breast size dissatisfaction, with 44.4% and 24.4% desiring larger and smaller breasts, respectively, than they currently had. Only perfectionistic self-promotion and nondisplay of imperfection were significantly correlated with breast size dissatisfaction. Both associations were additionally moderated by motherhood status, with associations being significant in non-mothers but not in mothers. Our findings suggest that motherhood may help decouple the link between perfectionistic self-presentation and breast size dissatisfaction. Future studies should assess whether this effect is due to an enhanced maternal view of breasts that emphasises nurturing and biological functions or a result of weaker investment in sociocultural norms on physical appearance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  4. Ng CB, Chang CT, Ong SY, Mahmud M, Lee LC, Chew WY, et al.
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2021 Oct 29;21(1):1175.
    PMID: 34711230 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-07185-7
    BACKGROUND: Patient's awareness and satisfaction towards ward pharmacy services may influence perception towards effectiveness and safety of drugs, affecting medication adherence and clinical outcome. Nevertheless, studies on local ward pharmacy services were lacking. This study evaluated awareness, expectation and satisfaction of ward pharmacy services among patients in medical wards and determined their association with demographic characteristics.

    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study using self-administered questionnaire conducted in medical wards of fourteen Perak state public hospitals from September to October 2020. In-patients aged ≥18 years old were included. The validated questionnaire had four domains. The student's t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple linear regression were was employed to evaluate the association between patients' demographic characteristics with their awareness, expectation and satisfaction towards ward pharmacy services.

    RESULTS: 467 patients agreed to participate (response rate = 83.8%) but only 441 were analysed. The mean age of the patients was 54.9 years. Majority was male (56.2%), Malay (77.3%), with secondary education (62.9%), rural resident (57.1%) and reported good medication adherence (61.6%). The mean awareness score was 49.6 out of 60. Patients were least aware about drug-drug interaction (3.85 ± 1.15) and proper storage of medications (3.98 ± 1.06). Elderly patients (β = - 2.82, P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  5. Swami V, Todd J
    Body Image, 2022 Dec;43:385-392.
    PMID: 36306557 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2022.10.007
    Studies of body appreciation have typically focused on measurement of the construct in urban populations and there remains very little research on body appreciation in rural communities. To fill this gap, the present study examined rural-urban differences in body appreciation in an adult Kadazan-Dusun sample from the state of Sabah in Malaysia. Participants from rural (n = 215) and urban (n = 219) locales in the West Coast administrative district of Sabah were asked to complete Malay versions of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) and the Satisfaction With Life Scale, and to provide their demographic details. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis evidenced both partial metric invariance (by allowing loadings for three items to vary) and partial scalar invariance (by freeing the intercept for one item) on the BAS-2. Between-group analyses indicated that rural participants had significantly greater body appreciation than urban participants overall. Additionally, urban men had significantly greater body appreciation than urban women, but there was no gender difference in the rural subsample. Finally, correlational analyses indicated that body appreciation was significantly associated with life satisfaction in both the rural and urban subsamples. The present results highlight the importance of further considering the phenomenology of body appreciation in rural communities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  6. Dwekat IMM, Ismail TAT, Ibrahim MI, Ghrayeb F, Hanafi WSWM, Ghazali AK
    Midwifery, 2021 Nov;102:103076.
    PMID: 34224953 DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2021.103076
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to develop and validate a new questionnaire to measure mistreatment of women during childbirth and its association with satisfaction and perceived quality of care among women in West Bank, Palestine.

    RESEARCH DESIGN /SETTING: A cross-sectional validation study was conducted in middle and south of West Bank from February 2019 to June 2020. Two-hundred postpartum women were given self-administered and online questionnaire. Content and face validity were assessed. The "satisfaction of care" and "perceived quality of care" domains were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, while items in "experience of mistreatment" domain were evaluated descriptively. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire items.

    FINDINGS: The new questionnaire consisted of three domains: "satisfaction of care", "perceived quality of care", and "experience of mistreatment" during childbirth. Five new items were added and two items were removed during content validation. Another two items were deleted through face validation. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted for the "satisfaction of care" and "perceived quality of care" domains. Two factors were identified for each domain, with a factor loading of more than 0.5. Twelve items were deleted from "satisfaction of care" domain and two items from "perceived quality of care" domain. The Cronbach's alpha values for the two factors in both domains were more than 0.87. The items in the "experience of mistreatment during childbirth" domain were evaluated descriptively.

    KEY CONCLUSIONS: The new questionnaire is valid and reliable. The final questionnaire consists of 11 items for "satisfaction of care", 16 items for "perceived quality of care" and 43 items for "experience of mistreatment of women during childbirth".

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  7. Yaghoobzadeh A, Gorgulu O, Yee BL, Wibisono AH, Pahlevan Sharif S, Sharif Nia H, et al.
    J Am Psychiatr Nurses Assoc, 2018 01 22;24(6):522-530.
    PMID: 29357723 DOI: 10.1177/1078390317753676
    BACKGROUND: Aging perception plays a central role in the experience of healthy aging by older people. Research identified that factors such as hope, life satisfaction, and socioeconomic status influence the perception of aging in older populations.

    OBJECTIVE: This study sought to test a hypothetical model to quantitatively evaluate the relationship between hope, life satisfaction, and socioeconomic status with aging perception.

    DESIGN: A cross-sectional design was used with 504 older aged participants who live in Qazvin, Iran. Data were collected using the Barker's Aging Perception Questionnaire, Life Satisfaction Index-Z, and Herth Hope Index.

    RESULTS: The results of path analysis showed that hope was the most important factor affecting aging perception. Results drawn from correlation analysis indicated that there was a positive significant correlation ( r = .383, p < .001) between hope and aging perception. Further analysis found that hope had the strongest impact on aging perception compared with the other variables analyzed (e.g., life satisfaction and socioeconomic status).

    CONCLUSIONS: A model of aging perception in Iranian elders is presented. The findings suggested that hope had a significant and positive impact on aging perception. Implications for clinical practice and research are discussed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  8. Warid W, Hizam H, Mariun N, Abdul-Wahab NI
    PLoS One, 2016;11(3):e0149589.
    PMID: 26954783 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149589
    This paper proposes a new formulation for the multi-objective optimal power flow (MOOPF) problem for meshed power networks considering distributed generation. An efficacious multi-objective fuzzy linear programming optimization (MFLP) algorithm is proposed to solve the aforementioned problem with and without considering the distributed generation (DG) effect. A variant combination of objectives is considered for simultaneous optimization, including power loss, voltage stability, and shunt capacitors MVAR reserve. Fuzzy membership functions for these objectives are designed with extreme targets, whereas the inequality constraints are treated as hard constraints. The multi-objective fuzzy optimal power flow (OPF) formulation was converted into a crisp OPF in a successive linear programming (SLP) framework and solved using an efficient interior point method (IPM). To test the efficacy of the proposed approach, simulations are performed on the IEEE 30-busand IEEE 118-bus test systems. The MFLP optimization is solved for several optimization cases. The obtained results are compared with those presented in the literature. A unique solution with a high satisfaction for the assigned targets is gained. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed MFLP technique in terms of solution optimality and rapid convergence. Moreover, the results indicate that using the optimal DG location with the MFLP algorithm provides the solution with the highest quality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  9. Tan KH, Lim FS, Toh AZY, Zheng XX, Dee CF, Majlis BY, et al.
    Small, 2018 May;14(20):e1704053.
    PMID: 29665226 DOI: 10.1002/smll.201704053
    Observation of visible light trapping in zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods (NRs) correlated to the optical and photoelectrochemical properties is reported. In this study, ZnO NR diameter and c-axis length respond primarily at two different regions, UV and visible light, respectively. ZnO NR diameter exhibits UV absorption where large ZnO NR diameter area increases light absorption ability leading to high efficient electron-hole pair separation. On the other hand, ZnO NR c-axis length has a dominant effect in visible light resulting from a multiphoton absorption mechanism due to light reflection and trapping behavior in the free space between adjacent ZnO NRs. Furthermore, oxygen vacancies and defects in ZnO NRs are associated with the broad visible emission band of different energy levels also highlighting the possibility of the multiphoton absorption mechanism. It is demonstrated that the minimum average of ZnO NR c-axis length must satisfy the linear regression model of Z p,min = 6.31d to initiate the multiphoton absorption mechanism under visible light. This work indicates the broadening of absorption spectrum from UV to visible light region by incorporating a controllable diameter and c-axis length on vertically aligned ZnO NRs, which is important in optimizing the design and functionality of electronic devices based on light absorption mechanism.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  10. Kee, K.M., Nur, A.M.K.
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(2):107-116.
    Coaches are people who are responsible in helping athletes to work towards achieving their full potential. The influence of coaches are associated with giving positive impact towards the athletes by enhancing their performance, character development, athlete satisfaction and other various positive outcomes. In order to develop successful athletes, coaches need to have a high level of coaching efficacy. Many factors may affect the coaches’ coaching efficacy such as coaching education and coaching experience and it might play a part in the ability of coaches in coaching their athletes. Hence, the purpose of this study is to determine the impact of coaching experience and coaching education on coaching efficacy among Malaysian collegiate coaches. A total of 331 coaches for SUKIPT 2016 were involved in this study. Coaching Efficacy Scale (CES) questionnaire was used to measure the coaches coaching efficacy. Overall, Malaysian collegiate coaches showed that their level of coaching efficacy were high for all subscales namely character building (M=7.92, SD=.83), technique (M=7.91, SD=.89), game strategy (M=7.80, SD=.93), and motivation (M=7.79, SD=.83). Furthermore, study shows that there was a medium positive correlation between coaching experience (r=.37, n=331, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  11. Mohd Samsudin Abdul Hamid, Md Rasul Mohamad Nor, Nor Hafizah Hanis Abdullah, Siti Hafizan Hassan, Mohd Azuan Tukiar, Nurulzatushima Abd Karim,, et al.
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2020;3(2):42-63.
    Effectiveness of a programme is measured through the achievement of Course Outcomes and Programme Outcomes (COPO). However, problems occur when number of courses and lecturers increased and yet the process of collecting and analysing all the data were done manually. Therefore, systematic and effective toolsare required to tackle these problems. Furthermore, all engineering programme offered under the faculty must implement the Outcome Based Education (OBE) system as a curriculum approach for the purpose of accreditation from Boards of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) through Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) for bachelor degree and Engineering Technician Accreditation Council (ETAC)for diploma. Therefore, an effective system called i-RAS (Revolution on Assessment for Student Monitoring System) has been developed to overcome the improper analysis of COPO. This system has been implemented for bachelor degree at Faculty of Civil Engineering UiTM Penang Branch. The advantages of this system are (i) paperless because all the data were uploaded in the faculty website, (ii) automatic data analysis and (iii) the storage system is safer than before. As a result, the Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering (Infrastructure) has succesfully attained 5 (FIVE) years accreditation. Seeing this successful story, the Dean of Civil Engineering Faculty has standardized the implementation of this system throughout all campuses offering Diploma of Civil Engineering such as in Pasir Gudang Campus (Johor), Jengka Campus (Pahang), Permatang Pauh Campus (Penang) and Samarahan Campus (Sarawak).This system also has boost satisfaction among the lecturers up to 97%, time saving up to 78% and development system cost saving up to RM29,700 (100%). This system also helped the faculty to attain full accreditation for all the programs offered by this faculty.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  12. Kardina Kamaruddin, Hadzli Ishak, Abdul Majeed Ahmad, Siti Hajar Hussain, Azlin Azman, Fauziah Mohammad Yunus, et al.
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2020;3(2):64-74.
    The e-PA system was developed to establish a monitoring and reporting process for academic adviser(PA) and student (advisee) to be used in the UiTM Kedah Academic Affairs Division (BHEA). The e-PA system is an online system that enhances the process of monitoring and reporting of PA-advisee activities. The e-PA system utilized the Design Thinking approach which is an approach in empowering innovation that was identified to value functionality. Therefore, the e-PA system are categorized in 3 phases which were: Hear (H) which was Emphatize-activity aiming to visualize and analyze users’ needs; Create (C)-this phase encompassed Define-and-Ideate-activities aiming to find inventions that meets the value of functionality; and Deliver (D) which covers the Prototype-and-Test-activities where the e-PA system was developed through the provision of prototypes and had been through 3 trials and finally tested with four target groups. The results of the e-PA system development had achieved significant reductions in terms of cost and time. In addition, the objectives of 25 percent innovation creation indication had also been achieved through the aspects of organizational function, customer needs, stakeholders, and current conditions and eco systems of the campus. The e-PA system could be a platform of communication to facilitate monitoring and reporting of PA-advisee activities for all stakeholders at UiTM Kedah Branch. The e-PA system can enhance PA's roles by helping BHEA to empower PA-advisee relationships, increase customer satisfaction, maximize students’ success in accordance with the aspirations of the Higher Education Ministry, and assist the campus to achieve a "green-university" status. This three-phase-interaction system is a precedent system in the monitoring and reporting of PA-advisors at UiTM Kedah Branch
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  13. Rafidah Mohd Azli, Nasif Sidque Pauzi, Ahmad Faiz Ubaidah, Dziauddin Sharif, Mohd Asmadi Yakob, MakiahTussaripah Jamil, Hajah
    In Islamic transaction, the disputations between two or more parties could affect the roles and responsibilities. Furthermore, when the court received a case from disputed parties, there will be a perception among each of parties of win-lose situation, whereby one party embellished with satisfaction, while the other party will beat in suffering, so the impact is the relationship between two parties are become farther. Therefore, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in Islamic Finance is suggested in by many Muslim economist and legal experts as a substitute to any further legal activities. This is because it will satisfy many of litigants and it provides a complementary substitute to litigation. The study about ADR in Islamic finance has been done by previous literature. By the way, the implementation of ADR in Islamic financial institutions still needs to be elaborated. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss about updated issues and challenges of implementations of ADR in Islamic finance. This paper found that the ADR in Islamic finance need a model to make the ADR more flexible and eligible with different kinds of conflicts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  14. Nurzaimah Asalal, Haris Abd Wahab
    This study aimed to investigate the challenges faced by students enrolled in social work program in public universities in regard to fulfillment of education values and social work ethics. The study applied quantitative methods which involved 279 final year students who participated in social work program in Malaysian Public Universities. The findings showed that students who enrolled in this program did not face any challenges to fulfill the values education standards and social work ethics. However, the Chi Square result revealed that there is significant correlation (P ≤ 0.05) between the challenges faced by students and their ability to master the value and social work ethics. The study aspired to produce students who are able to master the values and work ethics standards during their study years. Students’ good command in value and social work ethics would help them to be prepared to face the real situations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  15. Achour M, Muhamad A, Syihab AH, Mohd Nor MR, Mohd Yusoff MYZ
    J Relig Health, 2021 Feb;60(1):202-220.
    PMID: 31079348 DOI: 10.1007/s10943-019-00834-6
    This study examines how Salat (prayer) in Islam moderates the relationship between job stress and life satisfaction among Muslim nursing staff. The researchers sampled 335 nursing staff employed at the University of Malaya Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Their ages ranged from 21 to 60 years. The findings indicate the job stress was associated negatively with life satisfaction; there is a strong positive and significant correlation, respectively, between Salat and life satisfaction and that Salat reduces stress and increases the life satisfaction of Muslim nurses. Thus, Salat has a moderating effect on job stress and life satisfaction of Muslim nurses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  16. Ding K, Choo WC, Ng KY, Ng SI, Song P
    Front Psychol, 2021;12:659481.
    PMID: 33967922 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.659481
    This study aims to examine key attributes affecting Airbnb users' satisfaction and dissatisfaction through the analysis of online reviews. A corpus that comprises 59,766 Airbnb reviews form 27,980 listings located in 12 different cities is analyzed by using both Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and supervised LDA (sLDA) approach. Unlike previous LDA based Airbnb studies, this study examines positive and negative Airbnb reviews separately, and results reveal the heterogeneity of satisfaction and dissatisfaction attributes in Airbnb accommodation. In particular, the emergence of the topic "guest conflicts" in this study leads to a new direction in future sharing economy accommodation research, which is to study the interactions of different guests in a highly shared environment. The results of topic distribution analysis show that in different types of Airbnb properties, Airbnb users attach different importance to the same service attributes. The topic correlation analysis reveals that home like experience and help from the host are associated with Airbnb users' revisit intention. We determine attributes that have the strongest predictive power to Airbnb users' satisfaction and dissatisfaction through the sLDA analysis, which provides valuable managerial insights into priority setting when developing strategies to increase Airbnb users' satisfaction. Methodologically, this study contributes by illustrating how to employ novel approaches to transform social media data into useful knowledge about customer satisfaction, and the findings can provide valuable managerial implications for Airbnb practitioners.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  17. Azizon, O., Wan, A., Suryani, Ibtisam, Noor Hasni, Nik Hafizah, et al.
    Journal of Health Management, 2008;4(1):96-108.
    Studies have shown that organisational excellence is influenced amongst others by top management leadership and management quality, human resource management and customer focus. This is clearly illustrated by international organisational excellence models, e.g the Malaysian Prime Minister Quality Award, the American Quality Award, EFQM Excellence and Deming Prize Criteria Models.

    With the objective of finding out how well the Pathology Department, Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar Seremban fares, a study was conducted in early 2006 and a repeated study performed in 2007 after remedial actions and continuous improvement activities have been undertaken by the department leadership and top management. The study was performed on the staff (internal customer) to gauge the degree of satisfaction in the areas of leadership, resource management and customer focus.

    The study showed an increased in the overall satisfaction i.e. 65.43% in 2007 compared to 18.29% in 2006. The staff of the department have appreciated that the current leadership has been strengthened and the management has shown improved caring, professionalism and team work as stipulated by the Ministry of Health's Corporate Culture. There has also been increased sense of belonging, feeling being cared for, appreciated and loved by the management. This has led staff being more proud of the organisation and 88.1% have maintained that they have worked very hard in 2007 study compared to 57.69% in 2006 study. This study has shown that top management and leadership commitment and being staff or internal customer focus, while instituting changes in the organisation would inevitably lead to increased staff satisfaction and this in turn leads to improved staff participation and contribution to the organisation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  18. Norasma, C.Y.N., Shariff, A.R.M., Jahanshiri, E., Amin, M.S.M., Khairunniza-Bejo, S., Mahmud, A.R.
    Precision farming offers numerous benefits and advantages to the farming community for farm productivity improvement. Previous research has led to the development of the offline-based recision Farmer©. Our current research extends further the previous work by developing a Web Paddy GIS©. The need for this arises due to limitations of Precision Farmer© such as portability, offline system accessibility and affordability by the end users, who include semi-literate farmers. This new system has been developed to function on Windows and Linux platforms. A user satisfaction assessment was conducted on website acceptability, and performance testing was made. This study demonstrates that Web Paddy GIS© can successfully run on both platforms. However, the Linux platform has proven to be superior to Windows, based on factors such as CPU usage, speed and user satisfaction. This paper presents a novel management tool of Web-based precision farming for the semi-literate paddy farming community of a developing country. The development of the Web Paddy GIS© is very useful for paddy farmers, farm managers, decision makers and researchers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  19. Uthyasuriyan, A., Talwar, P., Oon, Y.B., Rusli Ahmad
    The global drop in oil and natural gas industry have had a significant impact on the
    Malaysian market and have potentially redirected Malaysia under a negative global
    spotlight. The layoff rate in oil and natural gas organizations have risen dramatically,
    this situation may affect the satisfaction level among employees and their loyalty in
    the respective oil and natural gas industry. The present study is aimed to determine the
    relationship between employee satisfaction and employee loyalty in Oil and Natural
    Gas Industry. Using simple random sampling technique 100 employees working in Oil
    and Natural Gas Industry were selected as respondents. Questionnaire was used for
    data collection. Results obtained showed that there is positive correlation between different
    components of employee satisfaction and employee loyalty. A notable variable
    that emerged in the analysis was compensation and benefits, while career development
    was least important that predisposed loyalty.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  20. Kee, K.M., Nur, A.M.K.
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(2):107-116.
    Coaches are the people responsible for helping athletes work towards
    achieving their full potential. The influence of coaches is associated with
    positive impacts on athletes by enhancing their performance, character
    development, athlete satisfaction and other various positive outcomes. In
    order to develop successful athletes, coaches need to have a high level of
    coaching efficacy. Many factors may affect coaching efficacy, such as
    coaching education and experience, and it might play a part in the ability of
    coaches in coaching their athletes. Hence, the purpose of this study is to
    determine the impact of coaching experience and education on coaching
    efficacy among Malaysian collegiate coaches. A total of 331 coaches for
    SUKIPT 2016 were involved in this study. The Coaching Efficacy Scale
    (CES) questionnaire was used to measure the coaches coaching efficacy.
    Overall, Malaysian collegiate coaches showed that their level of coaching
    efficacy was high for all subscales, namely character building (M=7.92,
    SD=.83), technique (M=7.91, SD=.89), game strategy (M=7.80, SD=.93), and
    motivation (M=7.79, SD=.83). Furthermore, study shows that there was a
    medium positive correlation between coaching experience (r=.37, n=331,
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
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