Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 146 in total

  1. Ashfaq Akram, Muhammad Zahedi Daud, Md Gapar Md Joha, Rizwan Farzana, Rahmatullah Khan
    Due to cost containment considerations, it is common to have medical schools being
    located in buildings or campuses built for some other purposes. These buildings are converted into
    medical schools which often compromising the functional architectural aspects. Objectives: The
    paper examines, explores and proposes an architectural concept of a purpose-built medical school. The
    architectural design proposed is sensitive to the values and norms of many schools around the globe.
    Methods: An Internet search and personal communication were conducted, focusing on the concepts
    of the functionality of medical school. It emphasises on general design of the main building, keeping
    in mind the various kinds of teaching, learning and assessment activities. We examined lecture hall,
    pre-clinical laboratory, skill laboratory, general facilities of Objective Structured Practical Examination
    (OSPE) and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). Results: We present hypothetical
    structural designs based on built-functions concepts. For example, for the better vision of students
    around a demonstration table, an inclined floor surface is proposed. The concept is as illustrated by
    anatomy dissection area built inclined upward from the cadaver table. It inevitably provides a better
    visual access to the students around the table. Other teaching and learning areas are also illustrated
    wherever appropriate in the text. Conclusion: The paper is hypothetical and explores innovative
    structural designs of modern medical schools. While most are built to meet the demands of current
    technology, it cannot however completely replace face-to-face teaching and learning processes.
    Research in architectural designs of education buildings and facilities may be further developed into a
    new research niche of medical education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  2. Yusoff MSB, Abdul Rahim AF
    Background: Tertiary education environment has always been regarded as highly stressful to students. Medical training further adds to the already stressful environment. The stress of medical training was associated with negative consequences to the mental and physical health of medical students. We describe in this article a stress-management program known as the 'Medical Student Well-Being Workshop' in our medical school.

    Methodology: The workshop was run over two half-days over a weekend. Prior to the workshop the society announced the workshop to the students and participation was voluntary. It was open to students from all years of the medical course except for first year students. A separate stress management workshop is planned for them.

    Results: A total of 55 students participated in the workshop, out of which 55 (82%) were female students. The years of study were almost equally represented; 14 students (26%) from years two and three, 20 (37%) from year four and 6 (11%) from year five. All sessions were rated as highly useful; the lowest rated, the introduction session, obtained an overall usefulness rating of 3.73 out of the possible 5 (74.6%).

    Conclusion: Medical Students Well-being Workshop is a promising intervention program in improving medical students' ability in managing stress. Perhaps similar approach can be considered relevant to be incorporated in other medical schools.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  3. Alam Sher Malik, Rukhsana Hussain Malik
    The medical education should be tailored to deal with the diseases the physician is most likely to see.' With expectations that all the graduates from Malaysian Medical Schools should be able to serve anywhere in the country, the need for a national curriculum is self-evident. It may be argued that the public must have confidence in the competence of the practitioners they depend upon irrespective of the school from which they had graduated. In smaller countries in which health needs are uniform the graduates of any school should have been trained to meet those needs. In larger countries and those with geographic diversities and distances (e.g. Malaysia), the curriculum should cover the commonly encountered diverse ailments. If not dealt with care, we may end up with huge load of ever expanding, unmanageable curriculum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  4. Majed Mohammed Wadi, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff, Kamarul Aryffin Baharuddin
    Context: Question vetting is important to ensure validity, reliability, and other quality indicators of assessment tools, including the MCQ. Faculty members invest a substantial amount of time and effort into the MCQ vetting process. However, there is shortage of scientific evidence showing its effectiveness and at which level it needs to be focused on. This study aimed to provide scientific evidence regarding the effects of question vetting process on students’ examination performance by looking at their scores and pass-fail outcomes.

    Method: A parallel randomized control trial was conducted on third year medical students in a medical school. They were randomly assigned into two equal groups (i.e. control and experimental). Two mock examinations were conducted (i.e. time I and time II). At time I, non-vetted MCQs were administered to both groups as a baseline measurement. At time II, vetted MCQs were administered to the experimental group, while the same non-vetted MCQs were administered to the control group.

    Results: Out of 203 students, 129 (63.5%) participated in both mock examinations. 65 students were in the control group and 64 students were in the experimental group. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) in mean examination scores and pass-fail outcomes between or within the control and experimental groups.

    Conclusion: This study indicated that the MCQ vetting process did not influence examination performance. Despite these findings, the MCQ vetting process should still be considered an important activity to ensure that test items are developed at the highest quality and standards. However, it can be suggested that such activity can be done at the departmental level rather than at the central level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  5. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Objective: To determine association between academic performance and absenteeism in classroom among first year medical students.

    Methods: A one-year prospective study was conducted on 196 first year medical students. Academic performance was measured by examination scores at four examinations. Absenteeism score was measured by the cumulative number of absence in an academic session of each student recorded by academic office at the end of the first year of medical training. The academic performance was categorized into pass and fail for analysis purpose. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 20.

    Results: The independent-t analysis showed that, in all examinations, students who passed the examinations had significantly lower absenteeism scores than those who failed (p < 0.001).

    Conclusion: This study found significant associations between academic performances and absenteeism scores among first year medical students. Medical schools should pay more attention on this matter since it may result in poor academic performances.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  6. Marzo, Roy Rillera
    Medical knowledge, skills, and social requirements for patient care are quickly changing, thus, doctors
    are anticipated to be life-long learners to provide effective care for the patients. This paper addresses
    instructional issues how to prepare medical students to be self-directed learners and how to improve
    medical school and postgraduate training curricula. Now the big question is self-directed learning
    (SDL) an agent in cultivating lifelong learning skills for medical students as claimed by educational
    experts? This will be the focus of my critical reflection on lifelong learning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  7. Brouwer E, Frambach J, Somodi K, Nadarajah VD, Driessen E
    Med Educ, 2020 05;54(5):427-435.
    PMID: 31912525 DOI: 10.1111/medu.14054
    CONTEXT: Internationalisation in medical education raises ethical concerns over, for instance, its for-profit orientation, the potential erosion of cultural diversity and the possibility that standardised education may not meet the needs of patients everywhere. These concerns fit into a broader debate on social responsibility in higher education. This study aims to explore how academic staff in international medical education experience and act upon the ethical concerns that pertain to their programmes. By adding their perspectives to the debate, this study helps us understand how theory-based ethical concerns are reflected in practice.

    METHODS: We conducted a multicentre instrumental case study across three international medical programmes, all of which were characterised by an international student intake, an internationalised curriculum and international partnerships, and all of which used English as the medium of instruction. We conducted 24 semi-structured interviews with purposively sampled curriculum directors and teaching staff. Participants shared their personal experiences and responded to ethical concerns expressed in the literature. Our multidisciplinary team performed a template analysis of the data based on theoretical frameworks of ethics and social responsibility.

    RESULTS: Participants primarily experienced the internationalisation of their institutions and programmes as having a positive impact on students, the university and the future global society. However, they did face several ethical dilemmas. The first of these involved the possibility that marketisation through international recruitment and the application of substantial tuition fees might widen access to medical education, but might allow weaker students to enter medical schools. The second concern referred to the homogenisation of education methods and content, which offers opportunities to expose students to best practices, but may also pose a risk to education quality. The third issue referred to the experience that although student diversity helped to promote intercultural learning, it also jeopardised student well-being.

    CONCLUSIONS: In the eyes of teaching staff in international medical education, internationalisation can benefit education quality and society, but poses ethical dilemmas through the forces of marketisation, homogenisation and diversification. The findings reflect a tension between the views of scholars and those of practitioners. The critical perspective found in academic debates is largely missing in practice, and theoretical frameworks on ethics possibly overlook the benefits of international education. To facilitate ethical decision making, we propose that scholars and practitioners globally try to learn from each other.

    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  8. Cheah JS, Tay G
    Singapore Med J, 1997 Dec;38(12):540-4.
    PMID: 9550922
    During the Japanese Occupation of Singapore (1942-1945), Singapore was renamed Syonan (or Syonanto). The Japanese Military Administration established The Medical College on 27 April 2603 (1943) and it was known as The Marei Ika Daigaku or Syonan Medical College. It was sited at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital (Hakua Byoin). The Ika Daigaku relocated to the General Hospital, Malacca in February 2604 (1944) where it functioned till the end of the Japanese Occupation in September 1945. About 200 students from Singapore, Malaya, Sumatra and Java attended the Syonan Medical College; the students were taught mainly Japanese language and culture.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  9. Yusoff MS, Abdul Rahim AF, Yaacob MJ
    Malays J Med Sci, 2010 Jan;17(1):30-7.
    PMID: 22135523 MyJurnal
    Being in medical school has always been regarded as highly stressful. Excessive stress causes physical and mental health problems. Persistent stress can impair students' academic achievement and personal or professional development. The aim of this study is to explore the nature of stress among medical students by determining the prevalence, sources and pattern of stress and the factors affecting it.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  10. Ambarsarie R, Mustika R, Soemantri D
    Malays J Med Sci, 2019 Nov;26(6):90-100.
    PMID: 31908590 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2019.26.6.9
    Background: The focus of medical schools in developing countries is on fulfilling a quantity of faculty members. A faculty development model will help formulate programmes that accommodate faculty members' needs as well as institutional demands. This study aims to formulate a faculty development model relevant for medical schools in developing countries, specifically Indonesia.

    Methods: This is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. It starts with a literature review using large databases, followed by interviews with 10 representative experts from medical schools in Indonesia.

    Results: Based on the 10 studies retrieved, several components of faculty development were identified as the basis for the model. Ten experts gave input for the model. Components of the model can be grouped into: (i) content, which is materials that need to be delivered; (ii) process components, which depict aspects related to the preparation, execution and evaluation of sustainable faculty development; and (iii) components in the educational system that affect faculty development implementation.

    Conclusion: A comprehensive review and development process has likely made this faculty development model suitable for medical schools in Indonesia. Breaking the model into components may help medical schools to prioritise certain aspects related to faculty development programmes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  11. Solarsh G, Lindley J, Whyte G, Fahey M, Walker A
    Acad Med, 2012 Jun;87(6):807-14.
    PMID: 22643380 DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e318253226a
    The learning objectives, curriculum content, and assessment standards for distributed medical education programs must be aligned across the health care systems and community contexts in which their students train. In this article, the authors describe their experiences at Monash University implementing a distributed medical education program at metropolitan, regional, and rural Australian sites and an offshore Malaysian site, using four different implementation models. Standardizing learning objectives, curriculum content, and assessment standards across all sites while allowing for site-specific implementation models created challenges for educational alignment. At the same time, this diversity created opportunities to customize the curriculum to fit a variety of settings and for innovations that have enriched the educational system as a whole.Developing these distributed medical education programs required a detailed review of Monash's learning objectives and curriculum content and their relevance to the four different sites. It also required a review of assessment methods to ensure an identical and equitable system of assessment for students at all sites. It additionally demanded changes to the systems of governance and the management of the educational program away from a centrally constructed and mandated curriculum to more collaborative approaches to curriculum design and implementation involving discipline leaders at multiple sites.Distributed medical education programs, like that at Monash, in which cohorts of students undertake the same curriculum in different contexts, provide potentially powerful research platforms to compare different pedagogical approaches to medical education and the impact of context on learning outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/organization & administration*; Schools, Medical/standards
  12. Azhar MZ
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60 Suppl D:24-7.
    PMID: 16315619
    Medical schools have existed in Malaysia for a very long time. The majority of practicing doctors has trained locally. From the early nineteen sixties when the first medical school was established to the current 7 public medical faculties, the standards of local trained doctors have always been exemplary. Now with more need for doctors to serve the country and the mushrooming of medical schools, the question of needs and wants of future medical schools and medical education need to be addressed. In this paper I will try to highlight what we in Universiti Putra Malaysia have been working on to improve the Medical and Health Sciences faculty to achieve greater heights to reach the future in the shortest possible time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/organization & administration; Schools, Medical/standards*
  13. Mahmud Mohd MN
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60 Suppl D:28-31.
    PMID: 16315620
    The Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) operates under the Medical Act of 1971, which defines its core functions related to (a) the registration and practice of medical practitioners (b) the period of compulsory service (c) provisions to be enacted for purposes of (a) and (b). In the early years the MMC used the list of recognised colleges or Universities that appeared in the list of degrees recognised by the General Medical Council of United Kingdom (GMC). Over the years the MMC has undertaken the role of granting recognition to other medical schools in the country and overseas, and added the name of these schools to the existing register of recognised medical degrees in the second schedule of the Act. For the purpose of recognition of medical schools the MMC endorsed a guideline on standards and procedures on accreditation developed in 1996, which was later realigned with international and regional guidelines, in 2000 and 2001. It is recommended that the MMC establishes an active functional 'Education Committee' and that the role of MMC in medical education should be clearly and explicitly stated in the Act. An amendment to the Act would require the MMC to be responsible not only for undergraduate medical education but medical education in its entire phase.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/organization & administration; Schools, Medical/standards*
  14. Gbolahan Balogun W
    Anat Sci Educ, 2019 Jan;12(1):97-104.
    PMID: 30255559 DOI: 10.1002/ase.1831
    Anatomy education forms the foundation of a successful medical education. This has necessitated the development of innovative ideas to meet up with current realities. Despite these innovative ideas, there are challenges facing anatomy education, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Problems such as inadequate teaching experts and outdated curricula have made anatomy education in sub-Saharan Africa uninviting and disinteresting. Several interventions have been suggested, such as the procurement of teaching tools and upgrading of teaching infrastructure. However, in this age of information technology; anatomy education, especially in sub-Saharan Africa could benefit from the integration of electronic tools and resources. This article explores the electronic tools and resources such as three-dimensional printing, educational games, and short videos that are readily available for the teaching of anatomy in sub-Saharan Africa. The author concludes by discussing how these electronic tools and resources can be used to address many of the challenges facing anatomy education in sub-Saharan Africa.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/legislation & jurisprudence; Schools, Medical/organization & administration*; Schools, Medical/trends; Schools, Medical/statistics & numerical data
  15. Tackett S, Shochet R, Shilkofski NA, Colbert-Getz J, Rampal K, Abu Bakar H, et al.
    BMC Med Educ, 2015;15:105.
    PMID: 26081751 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-015-0388-0
    Perdana University Graduate School of Medicine (PUGSOM), the first graduate-entry medical school in Malaysia, was established in 2011 in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (JHUSOM), an American medical school. This study compared learning environments (LE) at these two schools, which shared the same overarching curriculum, along with a comparator Malaysian medical school, Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS). As a secondary aim, we compared 2 LE assessment tools - the widely-used Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM) and the newer Johns Hopkins Learning Environment Scale (JHLES).
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/organization & administration*; Schools, Medical/standards
  16. Tackett S, Wright S, Lubin R, Li J, Pan H
    Med Educ, 2017 Mar;51(3):280-289.
    PMID: 27896846 DOI: 10.1111/medu.13120
    OBJECTIVE: To assess whether favourable perceptions of the learning environment (LE) were associated with better quality of life, less burnout and more empathy across three undergraduate medical education programmes in Israel, Malaysia and China.

    METHODS: Cross-sectional surveys were administered at the end of the 2013-2014 academic year at three medical schools: Technion American Medical Students Program (TAMS) in Israel, Perdana University-Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland School of Medicine (PURCSI) in Malaysia and Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) in China. LE perceptions were assessed using the Johns Hopkins Learning Environment Scale (JHLES). Well-being was assessed using validated items for quality of life and the depersonalisation and emotional exhaustion domains of burnout. The 20-item Jefferson Empathy Scale assessed empathy. Statistical analyses included bivariate regressions and multivariate regressions that adjusted for gender, school, class year and perceived academic rank.

    RESULTS: Overall, 400/622 (64.3%) students responded, with the following rates by site: TAMS 92/121 (76.0%), PURCSI 160/198 (80.1%) and PUMC 148/303 (48.8%). In multivariate models, favourable overall LE perceptions were associated with higher odds of good quality of life (odds ratio [OR], 3.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.8-5.8; p < 0.001) and lower odds of emotional exhaustion (OR, 0.34; 95% CI, 0.24-0.50; p < 0.001) and depersonaliation (OR, 0.30; 95% CI, 0.24-0.37; p = 0.001). 'Community of Peers', one of seven factors in the JHLES, was the only one to be independently associated with better quality of life and less emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation. After adjusting for covariates, there was not a statistically significant association between overall LE and empathy (OR, 1.4; 95% CI, 0.91-2.2; p = 0.12).

    CONCLUSIONS: Students' LE perceptions are closely associated with their well-being, and fostering peer community may hold promise for enhancing quality of life and protecting against burnout. Across these three settings, LE and empathy were not closely related, suggesting that any influence of learning environment on empathy would be modest.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/organization & administration*; Schools, Medical/standards
  17. Achike FI, Nain N
    Nurse Educ Pract, 2005 Sep;5(5):302-11.
    PMID: 19040837 DOI: 10.1016/j.nepr.2005.04.002
    Since the introduction of problem-based learning (PBL) into medical education in the late 1960s, several new and old medical schools have adopted this approach the main attraction of which includes the promotion of student-centered and life-long learning, team spirit, communication skills and enquiry. With an ever-increasing information base and changing attitudes in the health sciences, these are highly desirable characteristics of the health worker of the future, who will be required to grapple with these phenomenal changes. From medical education, the PBL approach has inevitably spread to other disciplines, especially the health-related disciplines. In the Asia-pacific region (Malaysia in particular), PBL was introduced into medical education in the early 1970s, but the growth has been slow; the reasons are discussed. Only recently (in the 1990s) have more medical and non-medical schools started to adopt PBL. The management of the Pantai Institute of Health Science and Nursing decided to adopt PBL for the Nursing curriculum. A one-day introductory workshop was, therefore, organized to expedite the process. Post-workshop feedback obtained through a five-point Likert scale questionnaire indicated a successful outcome. The workshop process is, therefore, documented as reference especially for Nursing colleges in places where PBL expertise is in short supply.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  18. Sivalingam N
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 2004 Nov;33(6):706-10.
    PMID: 15608822
    Concerns about professionalism in medicine have made necessary the explicit teaching and learning of ethics, professionalism and personal development. The noble profession of medicine, taken up as a "calling" by those who are expected to put the needs of the patient above their own, appears to have become a fees-for-service business model and trade. Parental expectations, the diminishing sense of responsibility in teachers, lack of role models, technological advancements, sub-specialisation and third-party involvement in the healthcare delivery system have been identified as reasons for these concerns. The General Medical Council in the United Kingdom, and other professional bodies in both Europe and the Americas, have emphasised the need to enhance the teaching and learning of professionalism in medical schools, particularly the development of good attitudes, appropriate and competent skills, and the inculcation of a value system that reflects the tenets of professionalism in medicine. The medical curriculum will need to be scrutinised so as to introduce the subject of professionalism at all levels of training and education. Barriers to learning professionalism have been identified and students need to be equipped to resolve conflicts and to put the needs of others above their own.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  19. Ariff HO
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Dec;54(4):504-8.
    PMID: 11072470
    Much has been said in various anaesthetic journals about the need to teach medical undergraduates in areas such as basic life support skills and resuscitation. Anaesthesiology as a specialty can contribute significantly in this aspect of teaching. The question is how should it be incorporated into the existing curriculum, given the fact that anaesthesiology constitutes a minor role in the undergraduate medical curriculum? This article attempts to answer this question and proposes the possible integration of anaesthesiology with the other major clinical specialties. This curriculum forms the basis of anaesthesiology curriculum at the Kulliyah of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  20. Chen PC
    Trop Doct, 1971 Oct;1(4):183-6.
    PMID: 5152672
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
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