The sound produced by the anurans including toads can be a survival strategy for the selection of fittest males by their conspecific females and a form of effective prezygotic mechanism. Most of the published works on anuran sound production were on true frogs or ranids, yet little is known about sound characteristics of toads. Here we describe the properties of mating calls from six selected toad species from six study sites in Sarawak. Males' mating calls were recorded and analyzed using Sound Ruler Acoustic Analysis ver Call characteristic were subsequently compared for toad species differentiation. The results showed that each species differ in call characteristics, with pulsating note, rate of note repetition and pitch being the most apparent characters. The highest number of pulse notes belongs to Duttaphrynus melanostictus while Ansonia spinulifer exhibited highest pitch and rate of note repetition. These species' differences in mating call characteristics provide an additional method for anuran species classification besides morphological and molecular DNA data. It is also a very useful guide during field survey as the sound is audible and identification can be made without the need of capturing the toads.
Mesocoelium malayanum sp. n. is described from the frog Rana macrodon, in Malaysia. Elongate body, broader anteriorly, measuring 1.900 (1.679-2.070) mm long by 0.404 (0.380-0.437) wide, tegument aspinose oral sucker 0.212 (0.200-0.228) by 0.202 (9.191-0.205), acetabulum 0.141 (0.132-0.150) by 0.139 (0.123-0.146), prepharynx present, oesophagus 0.115 (0.096-0.137), caeca reaching posterior 1/3 of body, anterior testis 0.097 (0.087-0.110) by 0.091 (0.087-0.100) dorsal to acetabulum, posterior testis 0.094 (0.087-0.101) by 0.092 (0.091-0.100), cirrus pouch 0.121 (0.111-0.130) by 0.047 (0.041-0.055), genital pore at left of midline of oesophagus just anterior to intestinal bifurcation, ovary 0.110 (0.091-0.127) by 0.089 (0.085-0.096) on left of body and posterior to acetabulum, vitelline glands with single follicles extending from intestinal bifurcation to ends of caeca, excretory vesicle I-shaped and eggs 0.040 (0.037-0.046) by 0.023 (0.022-0.024). Although morphologically related to M. maroccanum and M. meggitti, M. malayanum is considered to be a new species.
We identified and characterized a new cosmocercid nematode species, Cosmocercoides wuyiensis n. sp., through microscopic examination and sequencing of the partial small ribosomal RNA gene (18S rDNA), internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) genes. The new species was isolated from the intestine of the Asiatic frog Amolops wuyiensis Liu and Hu, 1975 captured from four localities of the Anhui province in south-east China. Among the 25 recorded species of the Cosmocercoides genus, the morphology of C. wuyiensis n. sp. is closest to that of C. kiliwai and C. malayensis, which were isolated from various Mexican frog and Malaysian lizard species, respectively. However, C. wuyiensis n. sp. displayed several distinguishing features, such as small size of the male body, two spicules of unequal lengths in the male, small gubernaculum, pre-, ad- and post-cloacal caudal rosette papillae in the ratio of 18-24:2:6 and simple papillae in the ratio of 14:multiple:4, circle and number of punctation in each rosette at 1:11-16, sharply conical tail-end and the presence of lateral alae and somatic papillae in both sexes. BLAST and the phylogenetic analyses of the 18S rDNA and ITS sequences indicated that C. wuyiensis n. sp. belonged to the genus Cosmocercoides, while that of the COI gene sequence of C. wuyiensis n. sp. showed 16.36% nucleotide divergence with C. pulcher and 47.99% nucleotide divergence with C. qingtianensis. The morphological and molecular characterization of C. wuyiensis n. sp. provides new taxonomic data for this genus.
The herpetofauna of Beris Valley, Kedah, Malaysia, was studied using a rapid assessment survey during a scientific expedition organised by the School of Biological Sciences at the Universiti Sains Malaysia, from 14-17 August 2009. All amphibians and reptiles were observed and captured during the four-day survey along the ditches, roads, dam areas, swamps, forest trails and streams. The results showed that 14 species of amphibians from 9 genera and 5 families inhabit the area, and 7 species of lizards, 5 species of snakes and 2 species of freshwater turtles were also present in the area. Fejervarya limnocharis and Microhyla butleri seemed to be the most common amphibians, while Hemidactylus frenatus and Varanus salvator were the most common reptiles in the area. This report constitutes a preliminary checklist and first record of amphibians and reptiles in Beris Valley, Kedah. The number of specimens was less than expected because of the very short survey period, but we hope to record more species in future studies.
Limnonectes kuhlii and Limnonectes leporinus are two of the Bornean fanged frogs (without advertisement call) which are widely distributed, thus thought to exhibit different evolutionary lineages and the existence of genetically cryptic species. Yet, the two species are still under study especially at the molecular level. Hence, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) of mitochondrial gene was used to investigate suitable parameters for DNA amplification using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. Three PCR programmes (varied in the temperatures and period of each PCR step) were employed to identify the most efficient parameters in amplifying PCR products for both species. From the three programmes, Programme B (Initial denaturation: 96°C for 5 min; denaturation: 95°C for 45 sec; annealing: 48-53°C for 1 min 30 sec; extension: 72°C for 1 min 30 sec; final extension: 72°C for 10 min, 30 cycles) showed the highest percentage (53%) of optimal PCR products. The other two programmes showed non-specific products or “primer-dimers”. The results also suggest that the annealing temperature of 52°C, 0.025-0.05 units/µl of 1.5mM Taq polymerase, 0.04 mM of
dNTPs mix and optimal concentrations of magnesium in 50 µl of reaction mixture were sufficient enough to amplify high quality PCR products for both species. However, using Programme B, the re-amplification of the PCR products yielded “primer-dimer”. In addition, a ‘Hot-Start’ PCR method was also applied and mostly yielded in an optimal PCR amplification. Nevertheless, further research on the second amplification of the two species should be conducted to determine the causes of the primer-dimer production.
Cathelicidin is a family of antimicrobial peptides in vertebrates that plays an important role in resistance and immunization against pathogenic microorganisms. In the present study, the full-length cDNA sequences of four novel cathelicidins (cathelicidin-1 to cathelicidin-4) in the tiger frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus, encoding 153, 188, 132, and 160 amino acids, respectively, were firstly cloned by rapid amplification of the cDNA ends (RACE) technique. Sequence comparison and phylogenetic tree analysis indicated that the structures of the four cathelicidins are highly diverse. Afterwards, the tissue distribution profiles and antimicrobial patterns of cathelicidins in H. rugulosus were determined by real-time PCR. The four cathelicidins showed tissue-specific distribution patterns in the healthy frogs, and the transcriptional levels of cathelicidins exhibited a tissue- and time-dependency profile in the frogs challenged with pathogenic bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila for 72 h. The synthetic peptides of cathelicidin-1 and cathelicidin-2 exhibited broad-spectrum in vitro antimicrobial activity, and cathelicidins exerted antimicrobial activities through excessive induction of reactive oxygen species and direct disruption of the microbial membrane structure. In addition, the intraperitoneal injection of cathelicidin proteins significantly increased the marine medaka Oryzias melastigma resistance to bacterial challenges. The existence of multiple cathelicidins, their distinct tissue distribution patterns, and the inducible expression profiles suggest a sophisticated, highly redundant, and multilevel network of antimicrobial defense mechanisms in tiger frogs. This study provides evidence that cathelicidins have antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities, and cathelicidins derived from H. rugulosus have potential therapeutic applications against pathogenic infections in aquaculture.
A fanged frog Limnonectes kuhlii was once thought to be wide-ranging in Southeast Asia, but is now confined to its type locality Java through recent phylogenetic studies, which clarified heterospecific status of non-Javanese populations, and monophyly of Bornean populations. However, large genetic differences among Bornean populations suggest occurrence of cryptic species, which we test using dense geographic sampling. We estimated the phylogenetic relationships among samples of Bornean populations together with their putative relatives from the continental Southeast Asia, using 2517bp sequences of the 12S rRNA, tRNA(val), and 16S rRNA of mitochondrial DNA, and 2367bp sequences of the NCX1, POMC, and RAG1 of nuclear genes. In the mtDNA trees, Bornean L. kuhlii-like frogs formed a monophyletic group split into 18 species lineages including L. hikidai, with the deepest phylogenetic split separating L. cintalubang from the remaining species. Almost all of these lineages co-occur geographically, and two to three lineages were found syntopically in each locality. Co-occurrence of more than one lineage may be maintained by differential morphology and microhabitat selection. These syntopic lineages should be regarded as distinct species. Our results clearly indicate that taxonomic revision is urgent to clarify many evolutionary problems of Bornean L. kuhlii-like frogs.
The Oriental, Australasian and Oceanian genus Caiusa Surcouf, 1920 is revised, species concepts being based on male and female genitalia. A key to males for all known species, and a key to females for all except one are given. All relevant types still in existence have been studied, complete synonymies given and the geographical distribution reconsidered. The eight species included in the genus are: Caiusa borneoensis sp. nov. (Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam); Caiusa coomani Séguy, 1948 (China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam); Caiusa indica Surcouf, 1920 (Australia, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam); Caiusa karrakerae sp. nov. (Malaysia, Thailand); Caiusa kurahashii sp. nov. (Indonesia, Japan, Philippines); Caiusa pooae sp. nov. (Thailand); Caiusa testacea Senior-White, 1923 (India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) and Caiusa violacea Séguy, 1925, stat. rev. (Cambodia, China, Laos, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam). A lectotype is designated for Caiusa indica to fix the interpretation of the name. Caiusa nigronitens Senior-White, 1923, syn. nov. and Caiusa surcoufi Bezzi, 1927, syn. nov. are established as junior synonyms of Caiusa indica. Caiusa violacea is correctly diagnosed and errors in the original description of the female holotype are pointed out. Caiusa dubiosa Villeneuve, 1927 is established as a junior synonym of C. violacea, syn. nov. Seven Caiusa species have been reared from the egg mass of various species of frogs. The reproductive mode of the eighth species, i.e., C. indica, is unknown. Five species, i.e., C. borneoensis, C. coomani, C. karrakerae, C. kurahashii and C. violacea have been reared from one or more of the foam nesting frog species Chiromantis nongkhorensis (Cochran, 1927), Polypedates leucomystax (Gravenhorst, 1927), Polypedates megacephalus Hallowell, 1861, Rhacophorus annamensis Smith, 1924, Rhacophorus dulitensis Boulenger, 1892, Rhacophorus kio Ohler & Delorme, 2005 and Rhacophorus owstoni (Stejneger, 1907) all belonging in the family Rhacophoridae in Anura. These five Caiusa species all have a specialised ovipositor tip, with small spine-like setae on the ST8 and the hypoproct, probably enabling the flies to oviposit on a foam nest with a hardened outer surface. They form a monophyletic group on account of these features of the ovipositor, unique in the Oestroidea. The sixth species, C. testacea, has been reared from a frog egg mass, the frog species being unknown. Its ovipositor structure is also unknown. The seventh species, C. pooae, has been reared once from the jelly-like egg mass of Feihyla hansenae (Cochran, 1927), also in Rhacophoridae. Caiusa pooae females do not have spine-like setae on the ovipositor, a fact correlated with the soft outer surface of the jelly-like egg mass on which a C. pooae female had oviposited. The extreme rarity of C. pooae oviposition on Feihyla hansenae egg masses may indicate that this fly perhaps has another, unknown, regular oviposition substrate. Caiusa pooae and C. indica make up a second monophyletic group within Caiusa. Caiusa indica, the most common and most widespread species of the genus, has an ovipositor structure similar to C. pooae. Its breeding substrate is unknown and it occurs both within and outside the distributional area of Rhacophoridae. Possibly both C. indica and C. pooae share a regular oviposition substrate that has still to be discovered. The holotype female of Plinthomyia emimelania Rondani, 1875 from Sarawak is established as a member of the genus Bengalia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, thus Plinthomyia Rondani, 1875 becomes a junior synonym of Bengalia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, syn. nov. It is removed from the synonymy of Phumosia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830.
We have recently shown that 5% CO2/95% O2 in the serosal bathing solution, with 100% O2 in the mucosal solution, results in CO2-diffusion limitation of acid secretion in bullfrog gastric mucosa. Changing to 10% CO2/90% 02 on both surfaces doubles the acid secretory rate. We calculate that, were the rate of oxygen consumption to increase significantly as a result of secretory stimulation, the tissue would now be oxygen limited. This prediction is tested by raising the P02 by increasing the total pressure in a hyperbaric chamber. Since no change in acid secretory rate or potential difference was observed upon changing from PO2 = 0.9 to PO2 = 1.9 atm, we conclude that the tissue is not O2 limited at normal pressure. Decreasing PO2 below 0.9 atm, by contrast, decreases the acid secretory rate and raises both PD and resistance. We infer that the rate of oxygen consumption did not rise significantly when acid secretion was increased by supplying sufficient CO2.
OBJECTIVES: It is noteworthy that several animal species are known to withstand high levels of radiation, and are exposed to heavy metals but rarely been reported to develop cancer. For example, the scorpion has been used as folk medicine in ancient civilizations of Iran and China, while amphibian skin is known to possess medicinal properties. Here, we elucidated the anti-tumour activity of the scorpion (Uropygi) and frog (Lithobates catesbeianus).
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Animals were procured and their organ lysates and sera were prepared and tested against Michigan Cancer Foundation-7 breast cancer (MCF-7), prostate cancer (PC3), Henrietta Lacks cervical cancer (HeLa), and normal human keratinocyte cells. Exoskeleton, appendages and hepatopancreas were dissected from the scorpion, whereas liver, lungs, heart, oviduct, gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, kidneys, eggs and sera were collected from frog and organ lysates/sera were prepared. Growth inhibition assays and cytotoxicity assays were performed.
RESULTS: Appendages, exoskeleton lysates, and hepatopancreas from scorpion exhibited potent growth inhibition, and cytotoxic effects. Furthermore, lungs, liver, gastrointestinal tract, heart, oviduct, kidneys, eggs, and sera from frog displayed growth inhibition and cytotoxic effects.
CONCLUSION: Organ lysates, sera of scorpion, and amphibians possess anti-tumour activities. This is a worthy area of research as the molecular identity of the active molecule(s) together with their mechanism of action will lead to the rational development of novel anticancer agent(s).
The present investigation was aimed at determining the effects of hexane, acetone, methanol and aqueous extracts of Acorus calamus leaves (ACHE, ACAE, ACME and ACAQE) on cholinergic and histaminic system using isolated frog rectus abdominis muscle and guinea pig ileum. A dose dependent potentiation of Ach response (anticholinesterase like effect) was found with ACAE and ACME at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 mg/ml, but at higher dose of ACAE, ACME, ACAQE and ACHE (5, 20 mg/ml) inhibit the Ach response (antinicotinic effect). These results revealed biphasic effect of Acorus calamus leaves extracts on acetylcholine induced contractile response in isolated frog rectus abdominis muscle preparation (i.e. potentiation effect at lower dose and inhibitory effect at higher dose). Studies on isolated guinea pig ileum demonstrated antihistaminic effect in a dose dependent manner (100-1000 µg/ml) with ACAE, ACME and ACAQE. In addition, the dose dependent inhibition of Ach response (antimuscarinic effect) was observed with ACAE and ACME. In conclusion, Acorus calamus leaves extracts exerts antinicotinic, anticholinesterase like activities in isolated frog rectus abdominis muscle and antihistaminic, antimuscarinic effect in guinea pig ileum. It has been suggested that these observed activities can be further studied for therapeutic potential of Acorus calamus leaves in the treatment of cognitive disorders and asthma.