Displaying publications 601 - 620 of 1383 in total

  1. Tan KL, Tan JA, Wong YC, Wee YC, Thong MK, Yap SF
    Genet. Test., 2001;5(1):17-22.
    PMID: 11336396 DOI: 10.1089/109065701750168626
    Beta-thalassemia major patients have chronic anemia and are dependent on blood transfusions to sustain life. Molecular characterization and prenatal diagnosis of beta3-thalassemia is essential in Malaysia because about 4.5% of the population are heterozygous carriers for beta-thalassemia. The high percentage of compound heterozygosity (47.62%) found in beta-thalassemia major patients in the Thalassaemia Registry, University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Malaysia, also supports a need for rapid, economical, and sensitive protocols for the detection of beta-thalassemia mutations. Molecular characterization of beta-thalassemia mutations in Malaysia is currently carried out using ARMS, which detects a single beta-thalassemia mutation per PCR reaction. We developed and evaluated Combine amplification refractory mutation system (C-ARMS) techniques for efficient molecular detection of two to three beta-thalassemia mutations in a single PCR reaction. Three C-ARMS protocols were evaluated and established for molecular characterization of common beta-thalassemia mutations in the Malay and Chinese ethnic groups in Malaysia. Two C-ARMS protocols (cd 41-42/IVSII #654 and -29/cd 71-72) detected the beta-thalassemia mutations in 74.98% of the Chinese patients studied. The CARMS for cd 41-42/IVSII #654 detected beta-thalassemia mutations in 72% of the Chinese families. C-ARMS for cd 41-42/IVSI #5/cd 17 allowed detection of beta-thalassemia mutations in 36.53% of beta-thalassemia in the Malay patients. C-ARMS for cd 41-42/IVSI #5/cd 17 detected beta-thalassemia in 45.54% of the Chinese patients. We conclude that C-ARMS with the ability to detect two to three mutations in a single reaction provides more rapid and cost-effective protocols for beta-thalassemia prenatal diagnosis and molecular analysis programs in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
  2. Khoo AS, Balraj P, Volpi L, Nair S
    Hum Mutat, 2000 May;15(5):485.
    PMID: 10790221
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
  3. Chin NK, Ng TP, Hui KP, Tan WC
    Respirology, 1997 Jun;2(2):143-9.
    PMID: 9441128 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1843.1997.tb00070.x
    Ethnic differences in lung function are well recognized, hence the use of normative data should therefore be based on reference equations that are derived specifically for different ethnic groups. We have collected data (n = 406) for population-based reference values of lung function from randomly selected samples of healthy non-smoking adults of both gender (aged 20-79 years) for each of the three major ethnic groups (Chinese, Malay and Indians) in Singapore. Lung function forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1/FVC, diffusion capacity (transfer factor) for carbon monoxide (DLCO), total lung capacity (TLC), residual volume (RV), RV/TLC and functional residual capacity (FRC) was measured using standardization procedures and acceptability criteria recommended by the American Thoracic Society. Lung function values were predicted from age, height, weight, body mass index (BMI) and transformed variables of these anthropometric measures, using multiple regression techniques. Ethnic differences were demonstrated, with Chinese having the largest lung volumes and flow rates, and Indians the smallest. These prediction equations provide improved and additional (TLC, RV, RV/TLC, FRC) population-based reference values for assessment of pulmonary health and disease in Singapore.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  4. Munandar S, Snow MD
    Aust Dent J, 1995 Dec;40(6):381-8.
    PMID: 8615744
    A cephalometric study using Downs' analysis was undertaken with lateral cephalometric radiographs for a mixed sample of 50 child, adolescent and young adult Indonesians who presented with Angle Class I occlusions. Significant differences between this study group and the published results from comparative racial types were found for Downs' angle of convexity, Y-axis and incisor inclinations, indicating that Indonesians can be differentiated from other races with similar occlusions by using Downs' analysis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  5. Zhao B, Lee EJ, Yeoh PN, Gong NH
    Pharmacogenetics, 1998 Aug;8(4):299-304.
    PMID: 9731716
    The xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes N-acetyltransferases (NATs) are important for the biotransformation and/or bioactivation of drugs and carcinogens. NATs are coded for in humans by two distinct genes, designated NAT1 and NAT2. NAT1, which was originally thought to be monomorphic, was recently reported to exhibit variation in human populations. Recent studies suggested that a genetic polymorphism of NAT1 may be associated with colorectal cancer risk. The distributions of NAT1 allele and genotype frequencies in unrelated individuals among Indian (n = 140), Malay (n = 122) and Chinese (n = 181) populations in Singapore were characterized by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and allele-specific-polymerase chain reaction. The allelic frequencies of NAT1*3, NAT1*4, NAT1*10 and NAT1*11 among Indians were 0.3, 0.51, 0.17 and 0.02, respectively. The corresponding NAT1 allelic frequencies in Malays were 0.29, 0.30, 0.39 and 0.02, respectively, and were similar to those in Chinese in the region. The allelic frequencies of NAT1*3, NAT1*4, NAT1*10 and NAT1*11 among Chinese were 0.33, 0.35, 0.30 and 0.02, respectively. These findings are of importance for the determination of cancer risk in these populations. In addition, nucleotide changes at positions 350-351 (GG to CC) and 497-499 (GGG to CCC) of the NAT1 gene were not found in the alleles of the populations studied.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
  6. Lee BW, Yap HK, Chew FT, Quah TC, Prabhakaran K, Chan GS, et al.
    Cytometry, 1996 Mar 15;26(1):8-15.
    PMID: 8809475
    Flow cytometric analysis of lymphocyte subsets were evaluated in 391 healthy Asian subjects ranging in age from birth to 40 years. Lymphocyte subsets were analysed using specific monoclonal antibodies: CD20 (B cells), CD3 and CD2 (T cells), CD16 and CD56+ (NK cells), CD4/CD3+ (helper-inducer T cells), CD8/ CD3+ (suppressor/cytotoxic T cells), HLA-DR expression on CD3 and CD25 (Tac) on CD3. The total white cell count, absolute lymphocyte counts, and B cell percentages peaked in infancy and declined steadily with age. Absolute counts of each subset, which were derived from absolute lymphocyte counts, also followed this trend. Increases with age were seen in the NK, T cell (CD2, CD3), and CD8 percentages. Males tended to have higher NK and CD8 percentages than females, and, conversely, females had higher CD3 and CD4 percentages than males. Comparison of our results with studies involving Caucasian subjects indicated higher NK percentages in our Asian population and lower CD4 absolute counts in the males of our population. These results indicate the presence of age, sex, and probable racial differences in lymphocyte subset expression. Our results may serve as reference standards for the Asian population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  7. Leung R, Ho P, Lam CW, Lai CK
    J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1997 May;99(5):594-9.
    PMID: 9155823
    BACKGROUND: Allergen sensitization is associated with asthma and allergic disease in children, but such a relationship has not been confirmed in Chinese populations.

    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of allergen sensitization and family history of atopy on asthma and allergic disease in Chinese schoolchildren from three southeast Asian populations.

    METHODS: Written questionnaires on respiratory and allergic symptoms were completed by parents of children of secondary-school age (age range 12 to 18 years) in Hong Kong (n = 1062), Kota Kinabalu in eastern Malaysia (n = 409), and San Bu in southern China (n = 737). A subsample of school-children underwent skin prick testing to common inhalant allergens (Hong Kong 471 children, Kota Kinabalu 321, San Bu 647).

    RESULTS: The prevalence of asthma and allergic disease in schoolchildren was highest in Hong Kong, intermediate in Kota Kinabalu, and lowest in San Bu. However, the overall rate of atopic sensitization was similar in the three populations (49% to 63%). House dust mite and cockroach were the two most common allergens causing sensitization and these gave rise to more than 95% of the positive skin test results in all three populations. By regression analysis, mite allergy was associated with rhinitis and asthma in all three populations, and a family history of asthma, rhinitis, or eczema was strongly associated with respective symptoms in the subjects. After adjusting for age, sex, atopic status, and family history of allergic disease, the place of residence remained a significant independent factor for asthma (odds ratio [OR] = 1.0 for Hong Kong, 0.57 for Kota Kinabalu, 0.15 for San Bu, p < 0.001), rhinitis (OR = 1.0 for Hong Kong, 0.59 for Kota Kinabalu, 0.15 for San Bu, p < 0.001), or eczema (OR = 1.0 for Hong Kong, 0.35 for Kota Kinabalu, 1.01 for San Bu, p < 0.001).

    CONCLUSION: Sensitization to indoor allergens was a significant risk factor for asthma and allergic disease, and familial clustering of disease was common in the region. However, the marked difference in disease prevalence in the three southeast Asian populations of Chinese schoolchildren cannot be explained by atopic sensitization and family history alone, and the place of residence was an independent risk factor for asthma and allergies, which suggests an important environmental role in disease pathogenesis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  8. Dhillon KS, Askander A, Doraismay S
    J Bone Joint Surg Br, 1996 May;78(3):427-30.
    PMID: 8636180
    Postoperative deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) is believed to be rare in Asians. We studied 88 consecutive patients in Malaysia who had operations for fracture of the proximal femur or for total hip or knee replacement. No patient had prophylaxis against DVT; bilateral ascending venography was performed between six and ten days after operation. A total of 55 patients (62.5%) showed venographic evidence of DVT. The prevalence was greatest after total knee replacement (76.5%), less after total hip replacement (64.3%) and smallest in the fracture group (50%). One patient developed symptomatic pulmonary embolism. In contrast to other reports from Asia, we found an incidence of postoperative DVT which is similar to that reported in Western populations. This suggests that the present practice of withholding routine prophylaxis against thromboembolism in Asian patients undergoing high-risk orthopaedic procedures should be reconsidered.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  9. Azizi BH, Henry RL
    Respir Med, 1994 May;88(5):349-56.
    PMID: 8036303
    Spirometric recordings of 1098 Malaysian children who were free of respiratory symptoms were examined by least square regression analysis of log-transformed lung function data. Ethnic differences were observed in FVC, FEV1, and FEF25-75 independent of father's education, exposure to passive smoking, wood stove, kerosene stove and mosquito repellents, family history of chest illness and history of allergy, after adjusting for standing height, age and sex. Exposure to kerosene stove was significantly associated with reduced FVC and FEV1 indicating that environmental factors may impair lung function in symptomless children. Prediction equations were derived for each ethnic group and sex. Comparison with data from the literature showed that Malaysian children had lower lung function values than Caucasian children. Generally, Chinese children had higher FEV1, FVC and FEF25-75 than Malay and Indian children. Indian children consistently had the lowest lung function values. Since these ethnic differences were independent of environmental and other host factors, anthropometric variations could be an explanation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  10. Luo N, Fones CS, Thumboo J, Li SC
    Qual Life Res, 2004 Mar;13(2):557-65.
    PMID: 15085928 DOI: 10.1023/B:QURE.0000018484.89711.e2
    As little is known about health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in Asians with anxiety disorders, we assessed HRQoL in Singaporeans with anxiety disorders and identified factors influencing their HRQoL. Outpatients with anxiety disorders (n = 119) attending a hospital psychiatric clinic completed the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). SF-36 score reduction from population norms (quantified as the number of standard deviations below the mean) in these subjects was compared with existing data on Singaporeans with various medical conditions and Americans with panic disorder (PD). Factors influencing HRQoL were examined using stepwise multiple linear regression models. SF-36 score reduction in these subjects (0.3-1.4 SD) was greater than that in Singaporeans with systemic lupus erythematosus or thyroid cancer survivors for seven scales but similar to that in Americans with PD (0.5-1.7 SD). BAI and GHQ-12 scores, presence of PD/generalized anxiety disorder, presence of chronic medical conditions, being married or increasing age accounted for 19-61% of the variance in six selected SF-36 scales. In conclusion, it can be said that Singaporeans with anxiety disorders experience clinically important reductions in HRQoL; both clinical and socio-demographic factors influence HRQoL in such subjects.
    Study site: Neuroscience Psychiatric Clinic, tertiary referral hospital, Singapore
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology*
  11. Bolton JM
    Med J Malaya, 1972 Sep;27(1):10-9.
    PMID: 4264819
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  12. Z I I, C J N, P Y L, N H
    PLoS One, 2020;15(12):e0242690.
    PMID: 33270663 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242690
    INTRODUCTION: Pregnancy planning varies among women with diabetes. Observing that the literature examining the factors affecting diabetic women's pregnancy intentions in multi-ethnic Asian populations is limited, we sought to explore these factors to give a better perspective on these women's pregnancy planning.

    METHODS: This qualitative study used individual in-depth interviews to capture the views and experiences of non-pregnant diabetic women of reproductive age in four public health clinics in a southwestern state of peninsular Malaysia from May 2016 to February 2017. The participants were purposively sampled according to ethnicity and were interviewed using a semi-structured topic guide. Interviews were audio-recorded, and transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis.

    RESULTS: From the 33 interviews that were analysed, four important factors influencing participants' decisions regarding pregnancy planning were identified. Participants' perception of poor pregnancy outcomes due to advanced age and medical condition was found to have an impact. However, despite these fears and negative relationships with doctors, personal, family and cultural influences supported by religious 'up to God' beliefs took centre stage in the pregnancy intention of some participants. Participants demonstrated a variety of understandings of pregnancy planning. They outlined some activities for pregnancy preparation, although many also reported limited engagement with pre-pregnancy care.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study emphasised the known dilemma experienced by diabetic women considering their desire for an ideal family structure against their perceived pregnancy risks, heterogeneous religious beliefs and the impact of cultural demands on pregnancy intention. This study urges healthcare providers to increase their engagement with the women in pregnancy planning in a more personalised approach.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  13. Yahya P, Sulong S, Harun A, Wangkumhang P, Wilantho A, Ngamphiw C, et al.
    Int J Legal Med, 2020 Jan;134(1):123-134.
    PMID: 31760471 DOI: 10.1007/s00414-019-02184-0
    Ancestry-informative markers (AIMs) can be used to infer the ancestry of an individual to minimize the inaccuracy of self-reported ethnicity in biomedical research. In this study, we describe three methods for selecting AIM SNPs for the Malay population (Malay AIM panel) using different approaches based on pairwise FST, informativeness for assignment (In), and PCA-correlated SNPs (PCAIMs). These Malay AIM panels were extracted from genotype data stored in SNP arrays hosted by the Malaysian node of the Human Variome Project (MyHVP) and the Singapore Genome Variation Project (SGVP). In particular, genotype data from a total of 165 Malay individuals were analyzed, comprising data on 117 individual genotypes from the Affymetrix SNP-6 SNP array platform and data on 48 individual genotypes from the OMNI 2.5 Illumina SNP array platform. The HapMap phase 3 database (1397 individuals from 11 populations) was used as a reference for comparison with the Malay genotype data. The accuracy of each resulting Malay AIM panel was evaluated using a machine learning "ancestry-predictive model" constructed by using WEKA, a comprehensive machine learning platform written in Java. A total of 1250 SNPs were finally selected, which successfully identified Malay individuals from other world populations with an accuracy of 90%, but the accuracy decreased to 80% using 157 SNPs according to the pairwise FST method, while a panel of 200 SNPs selected using In and PCAIMs could be used to identify Malay individuals with an accuracy of approximately 80%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
  14. Teh LS, Lee MK, Wang F, Manivasagar M, Charles PJ, Nicholson GD, et al.
    Br J Rheumatol, 1993 Aug;32(8):663-5.
    PMID: 8348266
    We report a significantly increased prevalence of antiribosomal P protein antibodies in Malaysian Chinese patients (38%) with SLE compared to white Caucasian (13%) and Afro-Caribbean (20%) patients. The increased prevalence was not due to a generalized increase in autoantibody production because anti-dsDNA and anti-SSA antibodies were present in comparable frequencies in the three ethnic groups while anti-Sm and anti-SSB antibodies were rarely found in the Malaysian Chinese patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  15. Too CL, Tan LK, Heselynn H, Nor-Shuhaila S, Eashwary M, Wahinuddin S, et al.
    Hum Immunol, 2019 Nov;80(11):906-907.
    PMID: 31558331 DOI: 10.1016/j.humimm.2019.09.005
    A total of 194 Southeast Asia Chinese from Peninsular Malaysia were genotyped for HLA-A, -B, -C -DRB1, and -DQB1 loci using polymerase chain reaction sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization methods. In this report, the HLA-B, HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 were in Hardy-Weinberg proportions (HWEP) (p > 0.05). We observed significant deviation from HWEP in HLA-A (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  16. Lim YY, Chin YM, Tai MC, Fani S, Chang KM, Ong TC, et al.
    Leuk Lymphoma, 2015 Jan;56(1):163-8.
    PMID: 24684230 DOI: 10.3109/10428194.2014.907895
    We evaluated the association of two IL10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs1800896 and rs1800871) with non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) risk in the three major races of the Malaysian population (Malay, Chinese and Indian; 317 cases and 330 controls). Our initial screening demonstrated that rs1800871 but not rs1800896 was significantly associated with increased NHL risk in Malays (pMalay-Rec = 0.007) and Chinese only (pChinese-Rec = 0.039). Subsequent combined analysis of the Malay and Chinese revealed significant association of rs1800871 with all (ALL) NHL subtypes (pMeta-ALL-NHL-Rec = 0.001), ALL B-cell subtypes (pMeta-ALL-B-cell-Rec = 0.003), diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) subtype (pMeta-DLBCL-Rec = 0.002) and ALL T-cell subtypes (pMeta-ALL-T-cell-Rec = 0.031). SNP rs1800896 showed increased risk only in follicular lymphoma (FL) (pMeta-FL-Dom = 0.0004). We also detected a male-specific association of rs1800871 with increased NHL risk (pMeta-Male-ALL-NHL-Rec = 0.006) in the combined analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the association of IL10 promoter SNPs with NHL susceptibility in the three major races of Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics*
  17. Soares PA, Trejaut JA, Rito T, Cavadas B, Hill C, Eng KK, et al.
    Hum Genet, 2016 Mar;135(3):309-26.
    PMID: 26781090 DOI: 10.1007/s00439-015-1620-z
    There are two very different interpretations of the prehistory of Island Southeast Asia (ISEA), with genetic evidence invoked in support of both. The "out-of-Taiwan" model proposes a major Late Holocene expansion of Neolithic Austronesian speakers from Taiwan. An alternative, proposing that Late Glacial/postglacial sea-level rises triggered largely autochthonous dispersals, accounts for some otherwise enigmatic genetic patterns, but fails to explain the Austronesian language dispersal. Combining mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), Y-chromosome and genome-wide data, we performed the most comprehensive analysis of the region to date, obtaining highly consistent results across all three systems and allowing us to reconcile the models. We infer a primarily common ancestry for Taiwan/ISEA populations established before the Neolithic, but also detected clear signals of two minor Late Holocene migrations, probably representing Neolithic input from both Mainland Southeast Asia and South China, via Taiwan. This latter may therefore have mediated the Austronesian language dispersal, implying small-scale migration and language shift rather than large-scale expansion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics*
  18. Teh BT, Hii SI, David R, Parameswaran V, Grimmond S, Walters MK, et al.
    Hum Genet, 1994 Nov;94(5):468-72.
    PMID: 7959678 DOI: 10.1007/bf00211009
    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1), an autosomal dominant disease characterized by neoplasia of the parathyroid glands, anterior pituitary and endocrine pancreas, is rarely reported in Asian populations. The MEN1 gene, mapped to chromosome 11q13 but yet to be cloned, has been found to be homogeneous in Caucasian populations through linkage analysis. Here, two previously unreported Asian kindreds with MEN1 are described; linkage analysis using microsatellite polymorphic markers in the MEN1 region was carried out. The first kindred, of Mongolian-Chinese origin, is a multigeneration family with over 150 living members, eight of whom are affected to date. The second kindred is of Chinese origin consisting of four affected members. Linkage to chromosome 11q13 was confirmed in both kindreds, supporting evidence for genetic homogeneity. A recombination in the larger kindred localizes the gene distal to marker D11S956, consistent with its placement from previous studies. We also show that it is feasible to use these markers for predictive testing, as four gene carriers were detected in 13 family members with unknown disease status in the first kindred.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics*
  19. Niven TCS, Azhany Y, Rohana AJ, Karunakar TVN, Thayanithi S, Jelinar Noor MN, et al.
    J Glaucoma, 2019 01;28(1):7-13.
    PMID: 30461551 DOI: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000001120
    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the association between cigarette smoking and the severity of primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) in Malay patients residing in Malaysia.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 150 Malay PACG patients between April 2014 and August 2016. Ocular examination was performed including Humphrey visual field (HVF) 24-2 analysis assessment. On the basis of the 2 consecutive reliable HVFs, the severity of glaucoma was scored according to modified Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS) by 2 masked investigators and classified as mild, moderate, and severe. Those with retinal diseases, neurological diseases, memory problem, and myopia ≥4 diopters were excluded. Their smoking status and details were obtained by validated questionnaire from Singapore Malay Eye Study (SiMES). The duration of smoking, number of cigarettes per day, and pack/year was also documented. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted.

    RESULTS: There was a significant association between education level and severity of PACG (P=0.001). However, there was no significant association between cigarette smoking and severity of glaucoma (P=0.080). On the basis of multivariate analysis, a linear association was identified between cigarette smoked per day (adjusted b=0.73; 95% CI: 0.54, 1.45; P<0.001) and body mass index (adjusted b=0.32; 95% CI: 0.07, 1.35; P=0.032) with AGIS score.

    CONCLUSIONS: There was no significant association between cigarette smoking and severity of PACG. Cigarette smoked per day among the smokers was associated with severity of PACG. However, because of the detrimental effect of smoking, cessation of smoking should be advocated to PACG patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/ethnology
  20. Tan M, Mariapun S, Yip CH, Ng KH, Teo SH
    Phys Med Biol, 2019 01 31;64(3):035016.
    PMID: 30577031 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/aafabd
    Historically, breast cancer risk prediction models are based on mammographic density measures, which are dichotomous in nature and generally categorize each voxel or area of the breast parenchyma as 'dense' or 'not dense'. Using these conventional methods, the structural patterns or textural components of the breast tissue elements are not considered or ignored entirely. This study presents a novel method to predict breast cancer risk that combines new texture and mammographic density based image features. We performed a comprehensive study of the correlation of 944 new and conventional texture and mammographic density features with breast cancer risk on a cohort of Asian women. We studied 250 breast cancer cases and 250 controls matched at full-field digital mammography (FFDM) status for age, BMI and ethnicity. Stepwise regression analysis identified relevant features to be included in a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classifier model, trained and tested using a leave-one-out based cross-validation method. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC) and adjusted odds ratios (ORs) were used as the two performance assessment indices in our study. For the LDA trained classifier, the adjusted OR was 6.15 (95% confidence interval: 3.55-10.64) and for Volpara volumetric breast density, 1.10 (0.67-1.81). The AUC for the LDA trained classifier was 0.68 (0.64-0.73), compared to 0.52 (0.47-0.57) for Volpara volumetric breast density (p   
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
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