Displaying publications 621 - 640 of 966 in total

  1. Ramli AS, Lakshmanan S, Haniff J, Selvarajah S, Tong SF, Bujang MA, et al.
    BMC Fam Pract, 2014;15:151.
    PMID: 25218689 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-15-151
    Chronic disease management presents enormous challenges to the primary care workforce because of the rising epidemic of cardiovascular risk factors. The chronic care model was proven effective in improving chronic disease outcomes in developed countries, but there is little evidence of its effectiveness in developing countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the EMPOWER-PAR intervention (multifaceted chronic disease management strategies based on the chronic care model) in improving outcomes for type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension using readily available resources in the Malaysian public primary care setting. This paper presents the study protocol.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Research*
  2. Rominski SD, Gupta M, Aborigo R, Adongo P, Engman C, Hodgson A, et al.
    Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2014 Sep;126(3):217-22.
    PMID: 24920181 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2014.03.031
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate factors associated with self-reported pregnancy termination in Ghana and thereby appreciate the correlates of abortion-seeking in order to understand safe abortion care provision.
    METHODS: In a retrospective study, data from the Ghana 2008 Demographic and Health Survey were used to investigate factors associated with self-reported pregnancy termination. Variables on an individual and household level were examined by both bivariate analyses and multivariate logistic regression. A five-point autonomy scale was created to explore the role of female autonomy in reported abortion-seeking behavior.
    RESULTS: Among 4916 women included in the survey, 791 (16.1%) reported having an abortion. Factors associated with abortion-seeking included being older, having attended school, and living in an urban versus a rural area. When entered into a logistic regression model with demographic control variables, every step up the autonomy scale (i.e. increasing autonomy) was associated with a 14.0% increased likelihood of reporting the termination of a pregnancy (P < 0.05).
    CONCLUSION: Although health system barriers might play a role in preventing women from seeking safe abortion services, autonomy on an individual level is also important and needs to be addressed if women are to be empowered to seek safe abortion services.
    KEYWORDS: Abortion; Autonomy; Empowerment; Low-resource countries; Maternal health; Reproductive health
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health Services; Urban Health Services
  3. Mohd Nordin NA, Aziz NA, Abdul Aziz AF, Ajit Singh DK, Omar Othman NA, Sulong S, et al.
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2014;14:118.
    PMID: 24606911 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-118
    The importance of long term rehabilitation for people with stroke is increasingly evident, yet it is not known whether such services can be materialised in countries with limited community resources. In this study, we explored the perception of rehabilitation professionals and people with stroke towards long term stroke rehabilitation services and potential approaches to enable provision of these services. Views from providers and users are important in ensuring whatever strategies developed for long term stroke rehabilitations are feasible and acceptable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility; Health Services Needs and Demand
  4. Lim GC, Aina EN, Cheah SK, Ismail F, Ho GF, Tho LM, et al.
    BMC Cancer, 2014;14:212.
    PMID: 24650245 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2407-14-212
    BACKGROUND: Cancer is the leading cause of deaths in the world. A widening disparity in cancer burden has emerged between high income and low-middle income countries. Closing this cancer divide is an ethical imperative but there is a dearth of data on cancer services from developing countries.
    METHODS: This was a multi-center, retrospective observational cohort study which enrolled women with breast cancer (BC) attending 8 participating cancer centers in Malaysia in 2011. All patients were followed up for 12 months from diagnosis to determine their access to therapies. We assess care performance using measures developed by Quality Oncology Practice Initiative, American Society of Clinical Oncology/National Comprehensive Cancer Network, American College of Surgeons' National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers as well as our local guideline.
    RESULTS: Seven hundred and fifty seven patients were included in the study; they represent about 20% of incident BC in Malaysia. Performance results were mixed. Late presentation was 40%. Access to diagnostic and breast surgery services were timely; the interval from presentation to tissue diagnosis was short (median = 9 days), and all who needed surgery could receive it with only a short wait (median = 11 days). Performance of radiation, chemo and hormonal therapy services showed that about 75 to 80% of patients could access these treatments timely, and those who could not were because they sought alternative treatment or they refused treatment. Access to Trastuzumab was limited to only 19% of eligible patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: These performance results are probably acceptable for a middle income country though far below the 95% or higher adherence rates routinely reported by centres in developed countries. High cost trastuzumab was inaccessible to this population without public funding support.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility/economics*
  5. Sulaiman AI, Abu Bakar SH, Wahab HA
    J Community Health, 2014 Jun;39(3):627-31.
    PMID: 24488646 DOI: 10.1007/s10900-013-9809-3
    The government of Maldives considers that the enjoyment of the highest attainable level of health is a basic right of every citizen. Thus it lays emphasis on the accessibility and affordability of health care services. In order to achieve these objectives, it is very important to expand curative services as well as preventive services in the country. The major hurdles faced by the country are result of the inherent structural problem faced by the county which leads to sever diseconomies of scale in the provision of healthcare services. Community and individual involvement and self-reliance are very important to achieve Health for All by the Year 200 AD. Community participation is one of the domains of community capacity building in a small island country. It is one of the mechanisms to empower people to take part in community development. In this paper, the nature, the dimensions of community participation, and its role and scope in implementation of different components of primary health care have been described. The health services in public and curative care have been briefed. Some of the achievements in health sector have also been briefly presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility/trends*
  6. Loo JM, Tsai JS, Raylu N, Oei TP
    PLoS One, 2014;9(2):e83889.
    PMID: 24523854 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083889
    The majority of prevention and intervention research in problem gambling (PG) has focused on identifying negative risk factors. However, not all at-risk individuals go on to develop anticipated disorders and many thrive in spite of them. In healthcare settings, PG and other disorders are typically conceptualized from the biomedical perspective that frame disorders as something negative residing within the individual and reduction in negativity is seen as success. Indeed, this problem-focused conceptualization may be adequate in many cases as reducing PG behaviour is undoubtedly an important outcome, but the focus on negativity alone is too narrow to capture the complexity of human behaviour. Hence, this study attempts to bridge the gap in literature by providing an evaluation of the predictive ability of the positive dispositions on problem gambling severity, gambling-related cognitions, and gambling urges. The positive psychological dispositions examined were curiosity, gratitude, hope, personal growth initiative, and mindfulness. Participants consisted of 801 Taiwanese Chinese students and community individuals (Mean age = 25.36 years). Higher levels of gratitude and hope have been found to predict lower PG, gambling-related cognitions, or gambling urges. Meanwhile, higher mindfulness predicted lower PG, but only among Chinese males. However, lower personal growth initiative predicted lower PG, gambling-related cognitions, and gambling urges. These analyses have small to medium effect sizes with significant predictions. Findings of this study have essential implications in understanding and treating Chinese problem gamblers. These positive dispositions should be addressed by mental health professionals in preventative and treatment programs among Chinese individuals. Further implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Health Services/organization & administration
  7. Shafie AA, Hassali MA
    Soc Sci Med, 2013 Nov;96:272-6.
    PMID: 23528670 DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.02.045
    Health care in Malaysia is funded primarily through taxation and is no longer sustainable. One funding option is voluntary community-based health insurance (VCHI), which provides insurance coverage for those who are unable to benefit immediately from either a social or private health insurance plan. This study is performed to assess the willingness of Malaysians to participate in a VCHI plan. A cross-sectional study was performed in the state of Penang between August and mid-September 2009 with 472 randomly selected respondents. The respondents were first asked to select their preferred health financing plan from three plans (out-of-pocket payment, compulsory social health insurance and VCHI). The extent of the household's willingness to pay for the described VCHI plan was later assessed using the contingent valuation method in an ex-ante bidding game approach until the maximum amount they would be willing to pay to obtain such a service was agreed upon. Fifty-four per cent of the participants were female, with a mean age of 34 years (SD = 11.9), the majority of whom had a monthly income of Int$1157-2312. The results indicated that more than 63.1% of the respondents were willing to join and contribute an average of Int$114.38 per month per household towards VCHI. This amount was influenced by ethnicity, educational level, household monthly income, the presence of chronic disease and the presence of private insurance coverage (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Community Health Services/economics*
  8. Ooi CP, Loke SC, Zaiton A, Tengku-Aizan H, Zaitun Y
    Med J Malaysia, 2011 Jun;66(2):108-12.
    PMID: 22106688 MyJurnal
    Knowledge of the characteristics of older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is indispensible for improvement of their care. A cross-sectional study in two rural public primary healthcare centres in Malaysia identified 170 actively engaged older patients with T2DM, with suboptimal glycaemic control and frequent hypoglycaemia. The prevalence of multiple co-morbidities, complications of T2DM, high cardiovascular risk, neurological, musculoskeletal and visual deficits suggested high risk of disabilities and dependency but not yet disabled. This short window for interventions presents as an opportunity for development of a more comprehensive approach extending beyond glycaemia control to risk management, preventing functional loss and continuity of social participation.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan, Selangor, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health Services*
  9. Lai P, Chua SS, Chan SP
    Osteoporos Int, 2010 Oct;21(10):1637-56.
    PMID: 20379700 DOI: 10.1007/s00198-010-1199-0
    A systematic review was conducted to evaluate evidence concerning the effect of non-drug interventions by healthcare professionals on community-dwelling postmenopausal osteoporotic women. Evidence available indicates that such interventions are effective in improving the quality of life, medication compliance, and calcium intake, but effect on other outcomes is less conclusive.

    INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review to evaluate evidence concerning the effect of non-drug interventions by healthcare professionals on community-dwelling postmenopausal osteoporotic women.

    METHODS: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in English between year 1990 and 2009 were identified. Types of patient outcome used as assessment included quality of life (QOL), bone mineral density (BMD), medication compliance and persistence, knowledge level, and lifestyle modification.

    RESULTS: Twenty four RCTs met the inclusion criteria. Seven studies assessed interventions by physiotherapists, six by physicians, seven by nurses, three by multi-disciplinary teams and one by dietitians. Variability in the types and intensity of interventions made comparison between each study difficult. Collectively, these studies provided some evidence to show that interventions by healthcare professionals improved the QOL medication compliance and calcium intake of patients but its effects on BMD, medication persistence, knowledge, and other lifestyle modifications were less conclusive.

    CONCLUSIONS: From this review, it was found that some outcome measures of such non-drug interventions still required further studies. Future studies should use validated instruments to assess the outcomes, with focus on common definitions of interventions and outcome measures, more intensive one-to-one interventions, appropriate control groups, adequate randomization procedures, and also provide information on effect size.
    Matched MeSH terms: Community Health Services/methods*
  10. Akter SF, Heller RD, Smith AJ, Milly AF
    J Infect Dev Ctries, 2009 Jul 01;3(6):447-51.
    PMID: 19762958
    BACKGROUND: Antimicrobials are often used inappropriately in paediatric wards of medical college hospitals in Bangladesh. Most of the antimicrobials are prescribed based on clinical grounds-signs and symptoms. This intervention study assessed the effectiveness of a training intervention on antimicrobials prescribing by physicians in paediatric wards of tertiary care level hospitals.

    METHODOLOGY: This study was conducted at medical college hospitals in Bangladesh during the period from 1998 through 2000. The pre-intervention survey of antimicrobial use was conducted during 1998 in five hospitals. The post-intervention survey was conducted after the interactive training during the succeeding year in three of the original five hospitals, of which one was the intervention hospital and two control hospitals. A total of 3,466 admitted paediatric patients' treatment charts (2,171 in the pre-intervention and 1,295 in the post-intervention surveys) were reviewed.

    RESULTS: The most commonly used antimicrobials were ampicillin, gentamicin, amoxicillin, cloxacillin and ceftriaxone. Appropriate antimicrobial therapy for the most common infectious diseases, pneumonia and diarrhoea, increased by 16.4% and 56.8% respectively in the intervention hospital compared with the two control hospitals and these improvements were significant (p = < 0.001 and p = 0.002, for pneumonia and diarrhoea respectively).

    CONCLUSIONS: An interactive, focussed educational intervention, targeted at physicians, appears to have been effective in improving appropriate antimicrobial prescribing for the most common paediatric infectious diseases in a medical college hospital in Bangladesh.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Research*
  11. Han GS, Davies C
    Ethn Health, 2006 Nov;11(4):409-30.
    PMID: 17060035 DOI: 10.1080/13557850600824054
    This paper investigates the use and provision of biomedicine among Korean-Australian men on the basis of interview data from all of the eight Korean-speaking doctors practising in the Korean community in Sydney in 1995. From the viewpoint of these general practitioners, an analysis is made of the processes Korean men go through in adjusting to a new country, being involved in constant hard manual work and long working hours, and explores how they make use of all available resources to stay healthy. The Korean men have fully utilized the 'freely' available medical services under government-subsidized Medicare, bearing in mind that health is a capacity to work under the current environment, although illegal migrants restrained themselves from using it until they obtained legal status. Korean-speaking medical practitioners have been able to provide their fellow Koreans with 'culturally appropriate' health care, with the key factor being the absence of a language barrier. The level of patient satisfaction is high, possibly due to the excellent understanding the doctors have of the social aspects of illnesses, although the doctors do not go beyond curative medicine in their practice. However, the increasing number of Korean-speaking doctors in the small Korean community means that there is competition for patients. Consequently, the medical care is highly entrepreneurial. Referral by Korean doctors to practitioners of Korean herbal medicine is also a notable feature of the health care sector of the Korean community, especially as this offers Korean patients 'satisfactory' health relief for problems that are not easily relieved by doctors in the biomedical system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Community Health Services/utilization*
  12. Mazlan M, Schottenfeld RS, Chawarski MC
    Drug Alcohol Rev, 2006 Sep;25(5):473-8.
    PMID: 16939945
    Until recently, Malaysia has lagged behind in the treatment of drug addiction and related disorders, despite experiencing severe drug problems. By the end of 2004, 234,000 heroin users or heroin-dependent individuals had been registered in the official government registry, but other estimates exceed 500,000 for heroin abusers in the country. Amphetamine-type stimulant abuse is also increasing and of considerable public and government concern. Among the population of drug users, HIV and other infectious diseases rates are very high. In the Western Pacific regions, Malaysia has the second highest HIV prevalence (after Vietnam) among adult populations (0.62%) and the highest proportion of HIV cases resulting from injection drug use (76.3%). Drug use and related disorders exert a heavy burden on the country's health care and legal systems. Historically, drug abusers were rehabilitated involuntarily in correctional, rather than health-care, facilities. This primarily criminal treatment approach had limited effectiveness which led to widespread public dissatisfaction and the recent introduction of medical treatments for addiction. Naltrexone was introduced in 1999; buprenorphine was introduced in 2001 and methadone in 2003. Agonist maintenance programmes were embraced rapidly by the medical community in Malaysia. Currently, over 30,000 opiate-dependent patients are treated with agonist maintenance treatments by more than 500 medical practitioners in Malaysia. Despite these recent advances, treatments for amphetamine-type stimulant abuse or dependence are underdeveloped, and diversion of agonist medications is an emerging concern.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Health Services/organization & administration*
  13. Ariff KM, Khoo SB
    Aust J Rural Health, 2006 Feb;14(1):2-8.
    PMID: 16426425 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1584.2006.00747.x
    Background: Understanding the sociocultural dimension of a patient’s health beliefs is critical to a successful clinical encounter. Malaysia with its multi-ethnic population of Malay, Chinese and Indian still uses many forms of traditional health care in spite of a remarkably modern rural health service.
    Objective: The objective of this paper is discuss traditional health care in the context of some of the cultural aspects of health beliefs, perceptions and practices in the different ethnic groups of the author’s rural family practices. This helps to promote communication and cooperation between doctors and patients, improves clinical diagnosis and Management, avoids cultural blind spots and unnecessary medical testing and leads to better adherence to treatment by patients.
    Discussion: Includes traditional practices of ‘hot and cold’, notions of Yin-Yang and Ayurveda, cultural healing, alternative medicine, cultural perception of body structures and cultural practices in the context of women’s health. Modern and traditional medical systems are potentially complementary rather than antagonistic. Ethnic and cultural considerations can be integrated further into the modern health delivery system to improve care and health outcomes.
    KEY WORDS: alternative medicine, child health, cultural healing, traditional medicine, women’s health
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health Services*
  14. Mohd Sidik S, Azhar MZ, Mohd Yunus A, Azlan Hamzah SA
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60 Suppl D:54-7.
    PMID: 16315625
    The Community Follow-up Project (CFUP) is a project where medical students choose a hospital in-ward patient during their clinical ward-based attachments and follow-up this patient's progress after discharge from the hospital. The students do a series of home visits and also accompany their patients for some of their follow-ups at the hospital, government clinics, general practitioners' clinics and even to the palliative care or social welfare centres. The students assess the physical, psychological and social impact of the illness on the patient, family and community. By following their patients from the time their patients were in the hospital and back to their homes and community, the students are able to understand in depth the problems faced by patients, the importance of communication skills in educating patients on their illness and the importance of good communication between primary, secondary and tertiary care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Community Health Services*
  15. Zainudin BM, Lai CK, Soriano JB, Jia-Horng W, De Guia TS, Asthma Insights and Reality in Asia-Pacific (AIRIAP) Steering Committee
    Respirology, 2005 Nov;10(5):579-86.
    PMID: 16268910 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1843.2005.00753.x
    OBJECTIVE: The Asthma Insights and Reality in Asia-Pacific (AIRIAP) survey collected detailed information on asthma severity and management in the urban centres of eight areas of the Asia-Pacific region. This study compared asthma morbidity and management practices in these areas.
    METHODOLOGY: Following recruitment, face-to-face interviews were completed with 2323 adults with diagnosed asthma, who had current symptoms or were using asthma medication. Comparisons between areas were made for asthma severity, asthma burden and management practices.
    RESULTS Asthma severity varied significantly between areas (P < 0.01), with Vietnam and mainland China reporting the most cases with severe, persistent symptoms. Severity of asthma was significantly associated with advancing age and a lower level of education in a multivariate analysis (P < 0.001). The total use of acute healthcare for asthma was significantly associated with increased asthma severity. Work absence due to asthma was highest in the Philippines (46.6%) and lowest in South Korea (7.5%). The use of inhaled corticosteroids was associated with age in a non-linear manner. There was significant variation among countries in usage of inhaled corticosteroids, from 1.3% in South Korea to 29.0% in Taiwan (P < 0.00001). A peak flow meter was owned by a total of 7.7% of respondents, and overall, 17.9% of adults had a written action plan for asthma management.
    CONCLUSIONS: Within the Asia-Pacific region, asthma in adults differs significantly in disease severity, management and treatment according to area of residence. International recommendations on the management of asthma are generally not being followed.
    Study site: urban areas in several countries in Asia-Pacific region (via random street interception, random door-to-door recruitment, or telephone recruitment)
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services/utilization
  16. Saokaew S, Sugimoto T, Kamae I, Pratoomsoot C, Chaiyakunapruk N
    PLoS One, 2015;10(11):e0141993.
    PMID: 26560127 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141993
    Health technology assessment (HTA) has been continuously used for value-based healthcare decisions over the last decade. Healthcare databases represent an important source of information for HTA, which has seen a surge in use in Western countries. Although HTA agencies have been established in Asia-Pacific region, application and understanding of healthcare databases for HTA is rather limited. Thus, we reviewed existing databases to assess their potential for HTA in Thailand where HTA has been used officially and Japan where HTA is going to be officially introduced.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Research/methods*
  17. Tey NP, Siraj SB, Kamaruzzaman SB, Chin AV, Tan MP, Sinnappan GS, et al.
    Gerontologist, 2016 08;56(4):603-9.
    PMID: 26553738 DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnv153
    Multiethnic Malaysia provides a unique case study of divergence in population aging of different sociocultural subgroups within a country. Malaysia represents 3 major ethnicities in Asia-the Malay, Chinese, and Indian. The 3 ethnic groups are at different stages of population aging, as they have undergone demographic transition at different pace amidst rapid social and economic changes. Between 1991 and 2010, the Malaysian population aged 60 and over has more than doubled from about 1 million to 2.2 million, and this is projected to rise to about 7 million or 17.6% of the projected population of 40 million by 2040. In 2010, the aging index ranged from 22.8% among the Bumiputera (Malays and other indigenous groups), to 31.4% among the Indians and 55.0% among the Chinese. Population aging provides great challenges for Malaysia's social and economic development. The increasing prevalence of noncommunicable diseases in older adults, coupled with the erosion of the traditional family support system has increased demands on health care services with an overwhelming need for multidisciplinary and specialized geriatric care. Following the adoption of the National Policy for the Elderly in 1995, issues of population aging have gained increasing attention, especially among researchers. There is an urgent need to increase public awareness, develop infrastructure, as well as support action oriented research that will directly translate to comprehensive and cohesive social strategies, policies, and legislation to protect not just the current older Malaysians but the future of all Malaysians.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services for the Aged*
  18. Jacob SA, Chin JR, Ying Qi T, Palanisamy UD
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2016 03 04;12(4):664-5.
    PMID: 27012972 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2016.02.009
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Needs and Demand*
  19. Aborigo RA, Allotey P, Reidpath DD
    Soc Sci Med, 2015 May;133:59-66.
    PMID: 25841096 DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.03.046
    Traditional medical systems in low income countries remain the first line service of choice, particularly for rural communities. Although the role of traditional birth attendants (TBAs) is recognised in many primary health care systems in low income countries, other types of traditional practitioners have had less traction. We explored the role played by traditional healers in northern Ghana in managing pregnancy-related complications and examined their relevance to current initiatives to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. A grounded theory qualitative approach was employed. Twenty focus group discussions were conducted with TBAs and 19 in-depth interviews with traditional healers with expertise in managing obstetric complications. Traditional healers are extensively consulted to manage obstetric complications within their communities. Their clientele includes families who for either reasons of access or traditional beliefs, will not use modern health care providers, or those who shop across multiple health systems. The traditional practitioners claim expertise in a range of complications that are related to witchcraft and other culturally defined syndromes; conditions for which modern health care providers are believed to lack expertise. Most healers expressed a willingness to work with the formal health services because they had unique knowledge, skills and the trust of the community. However this would require a stronger acknowledgement and integration within safe motherhood programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Health Services/manpower*
  20. Saub R, Evans RW
    Aust Dent J, 2001 Sep;46(3):198-202.
    PMID: 11695159
    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine the oral health status and treatment needs of elderly hostel residents in Melbourne.

    METHOD: One hundred and seventy-five subjects aged 65+ were selected from 20 hostels within a 10 km radius of Melbourne's central business district.

    RESULTS: Subjects were clinically examined and interviewed using a standard questionnaire. In the course of the clinical examination, coronal caries, root caries, periodontal disease, denture status and related treatment needs were assessed. The mean age of the subjects was 83.7, the majority of whom were female (80 per cent). About 35 per cent of the sample were dentate. The mean number of teeth present among dentate persons was 13.8, the mean coronal caries experience was 24.9 DMFT and mean root caries was 2.3 R-DF. Of the dentate subjects, 46 per cent required at least one restoration for coronal caries and 30 per cent required at least one restoration for root caries. Most dentate subjects had calculus and none had deep pockets, therefore, indications for periodontal treatment did not include complex care. More than 50 per cent of lower full dentures were retained unsatisfactorily and about half of the total number of subjects required prosthetic treatment.

    CONCLUSIONS: Although there was a high number of treatment needs, most requirements involved simple technologies that could be delivered by auxiliaries.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Needs and Demand/statistics & numerical data*
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