RESULTS: A total of 1599 Anopheles specimens were collected in the village, of which about 90% were An. balabacensis. Anopheles balabacensis was present throughout the year and was the dominant Anopheles species in all habitat types. The shrub bushes habitat had the highest Anopheles species diversity while forest edge had the greatest number of Anopheles individuals caught. GLMM analysis indicated that An. balabacensis abundance was not affected by the type of habitats, and it was more active during the early and late night compared to predawn and dawn. PCR assay showed that 1.61% of the tested An. balabacensis were positive for malaria parasites, most of which were caught in oil palm estates and infected with one to two Plasmodium species.
CONCLUSIONS: The identification of infected vectors in a range of habitats, including agricultural and farming areas, illustrates the potential for humans to be exposed to P. knowlesi outside forested areas. This finding contributes to a growing body of evidence implicating environmental changes due to deforestation, expansion of agricultural and farming areas, and development of human settlements near to forest fringes in the emergence of P. knowlesi in Sabah.
METHODS: A total of 65 faecal samples screened for helminth parasites via sodium nitrate floatation and faecal sedimentation techniques.
RESULTS: A total of 14 helminth parasite species comprising of eight genera of nematodes, two species of cestodes and two trematodes were identified. Eggs of Trichuris trichiura were the most frequently encountered in proboscis monkeys.
CONCLUSION: This is the first survey on the fauna of helminth parasites of proboscis monkeys living in mangrove forests, and therefore, it implies the important baseline information that increases our current knowledge for future research regarding parasite-host ecology in primates.