Displaying publications 681 - 700 of 4697 in total

  1. Arma N, Rosnah I, Noor Hassim I
    Med J Malaysia, 2017 12;72(6):350-355.
    PMID: 29308772 MyJurnal
    BACKGROUND: The General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPPAQ) is a validated and reliable screening tool to measure the level of physical activity in adults. However, it has never been translated and validated in Malaysian population. This study aimed to translate the GPPAQ into Malay language and to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Malay-translated GPPAQ among shipyard workers.

    METHODS: The original English version of GPPAQ was translated forward and backward into Malay version by experts. The final version of the Malay-translated GPPAQ was then tested for validity and reliability. A cross-sectional study design was performed and systematic random sampling was used to select respondents. Construct validity and internal consistency of the Malay-translated version were tested using exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha respectively.

    RESULTS: Sixty-two male shipyard workers participated in this study. The GPPAQ showed good factor loading values for all items (0.608-0.834). The exploratory principal component factor analysis delineates all seven items into two factors with variance of 41.65%. The Cronbach's alpha value was good with 0.81, 0.84 and 0.76 for total scale, factor 1 and factor 2 respectively.

    CONCLUSION: The Malay-translated version of GPPAQ has high psychometric properties. Therefore, it is a valid instrument to assess physical activity among Malaysian working population, particularly in male shipyard workers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  2. Swami V, Barron D, Furnham A
    Body Image, 2018 Mar;24:82-94.
    PMID: 29331662 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2017.12.006
    Five studies were conducted to understand the impact of nature exposure on body image. In three studies using different designs and outcome measures, British university students were exposed to photographs of natural or built environments. Results indicated that exposure to images of natural, but not built, environments resulted in improved state body image. In Study 4, British community participants went on a walk in a natural or built environment, with results indicating that the walk in a natural environment resulted in significantly higher state body appreciation, whereas the walk in a built environment resulted in significantly lower scores. In Study 5, British participants were recruited as they were entering a designed green space on their own volition. Results indicated that spending time in the green space led to improved state body appreciation. These results indicate that exposure to isomorphic or in-situ natural environments has positive effects on state body image.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  3. Lim A, Eng V, Janssen SMJ, Satel J
    Exp Brain Res, 2018 05;236(5):1369-1382.
    PMID: 29520444 DOI: 10.1007/s00221-018-5225-3
    Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to an increase in reaction times to targets that appeared at a previously cued location relative to an uncued location, often investigated using a spatial cueing paradigm. Despite numerous studies that have examined many aspects of IOR, the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying IOR are still in dispute. The objective of the current research is to investigate the plausible mechanisms by manipulating the cue and target types between central and peripheral stimuli in a traditional cue-target paradigm with saccadic responses to targets. In peripheral-cueing conditions, we observed inhibitory cueing effects across all cue-target onset asynchronies (CTOAs) with peripheral targets, but IOR was smaller and arose later with central targets. No inhibition was observed in central-cueing conditions at any CTOAs. Empirical data were simulated using a two-dimensional dynamic neural field model. Our results and simulations support previous work demonstrating that, at short CTOAs, behavioral inhibition is only observed with repeated stimulation-an effect of sensory adaptation. With longer CTOAs, IOR is observed regardless of target type when peripheral cueing is used. Our findings suggest that behaviorally exhibited inhibitory cueing effects can be attributed to multiple mechanisms, including both attenuation of visual stimulation and local inhibition in the superior colliculus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  4. Wan Muda WM, Wong LP, Tay ST
    J Obstet Gynaecol, 2018 Jul;38(5):708-715.
    PMID: 29526143 DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2017.1405923
    Information on vaginal-related issues among Malaysian women is very limited. This study aimed to explore factors associated with preventive practices of vaginitis among Malaysian women. A cross-sectional computer-assisted telephone interview survey of a representative sample of multi-racial Malaysian women aged 18-50 years old was conducted from January to April 2014. Women from 1446 households responded to the survey and nearly one-third (32.1%) reported to have experienced vaginitis. In multivariate analyses, respondents in the urban locality were more likely to practice vaginitis prevention (OR = 1.40, 95% CI = 1.06-1.84) compared with those in the rural areas. Respondents who perceived low susceptibility to vaginitis were less likely to practice vaginitis prevention (OR = 0.72, 95% CI = 0.57-0.91) compared with responders who highly perceive susceptibility. Respondents who had no formal education were less likely to practice vaginitis prevention (OR = 0.16, 95% CI = 0.05-0.48) compared with those with tertiary education. This study showed that comprehensive education and health programmes need to focus on women with a low educational level, living in rural areas and women with low perceived susceptibility to vaginitis. Impact statement What is already known on this subject? Little is known about vaginitis issues among women in Malaysia. This study provides information regarding vaginitis among Malaysian women by looking at the factors associated with prevention practices. What do the results of this study add? From our study, factors associated with prevention practices were found to be educational level, locality, and perceived susceptibility of vaginitis. Those who perform fewer vaginitis prevention practices were women with a low educational level and those who live in rural areas. From the Health Belief Model, women with a low perceived susceptibility of vaginitis were less likely to carry out vaginitis prevention practices. What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? The findings may provide additional insights for policy makers and healthcare providers to deliver effective approaches in order to improve prevention practices of vaginitis among women in multi-ethnic communities. This study has identified points of interest which need to be put in attention for women's health section which has been overlooked in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  5. Yunos NE, Sharkawi HM, Hii KC, Hu TH, Mohamad DSA, Rosli N, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2022 Oct 14;12(1):17284.
    PMID: 36241678 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-21439-2
    Plasmodium knowlesi infections in Malaysia are a new threat to public health and to the national efforts on malaria elimination. In the Kapit division of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, two divergent P. knowlesi subpopulations (termed Cluster 1 and Cluster 2) infect humans and are associated with long-tailed macaque and pig-tailed macaque hosts, respectively. It has been suggested that forest-associated activities and environmental modifications trigger the increasing number of knowlesi malaria cases. Since there is a steady increase of P. knowlesi infections over the past decades in Sarawak, particularly in the Kapit division, we aimed to identify hotspots of knowlesi malaria cases and their association with forest activities at a geographical scale using the Geographic Information System (GIS) tool. A total of 1064 P. knowlesi infections from 2014 to 2019 in the Kapit and Song districts of the Kapit division were studied. Overall demographic data showed that males and those aged between 18 and 64 years old were the most frequently infected (64%), and 35% of infections involved farming activities. Thirty-nine percent of Cluster 1 infections were mainly related to farming surrounding residential areas while 40% of Cluster 2 infections were associated with activities in the deep forest. Average Nearest Neighbour (ANN) analysis showed that humans infected with both P. knowlesi subpopulations exhibited a clustering distribution pattern of infection. The Kernel Density Analysis (KDA) indicated that the hotspot of infections surrounding Kapit and Song towns were classified as high-risk areas for zoonotic malaria transmission. This study provides useful information for staff of the Sarawak State Vector-Borne Disease Control Programme in their efforts to control and prevent zoonotic malaria.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  6. Chaw SH, Lo YL, Yeap LL, Haron DEBM, Shariffuddin II
    Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet, 2023 Jan;48(1):11-21.
    PMID: 36207565 DOI: 10.1007/s13318-022-00795-4
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Oxycodone, a semisynthetic thebaine derivative µ-opioid (MOP) receptor agonist, is effective for treating moderate and severe pain in different clinical conditions. The pharmacokinetics of intravenous oxycodone in the obese population has not been studied. This study aims to characterize the pharmacokinetic profile of oxycodone after intravenous administration and to simulate an appropriate dosage for analgesic efficacy in obese patients.

    METHODS: We recruited 33 (age range from 21 to 72 years) adult patients with a body mass index of 30 kg/m2 and above, who were scheduled for non-cardiac surgeries. Intravenous oxycodone was administered after induction of general anesthesia and blood samples were collected up to 24 h after oxycodone administration. Plasma concentrations of oxycodone were assayed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and 253 concentration-time points were used for pharmacokinetic analysis using nonlinear mixed-effects modeling.

    RESULTS: Intravenous oxycodone pharmacokinetics were well described by a two-compartment open model. The estimated total clearance and central volume of distribution of oxycodone are 28.5 l/h per 70 kg and 56.4 l per 70 kg, respectively. Total body weight was identified as a significant covariate of the clearance and central volume of distribution. Dosing simulations based on the final model demonstrate that a starting dose of 0.10 mg/kg of intravenous oxycodone is adequate to achieve a target plasma concentration and repeated doses of 0.02 mg/kg may be administered at 1.5-h intervals to maintain a plasma concentration within an effective analgesic range.

    CONCLUSIONS: A population pharmacokinetic model using total body weight as a covariate supports the administration of 0.10 mg/kg of intravenous oxycodone as a starting dose and repeated doses of 0.02 mg/kg at 1.5-h intervals to maintain targeted plasma concentrations for analgesia in the obese adult population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  7. Khoo SP, Muhammad Ridzuan Tan NA, Rajasuriar R, Nasir NH, Gravitt P, Ng CW, et al.
    PLoS One, 2022;17(12):e0278477.
    PMID: 36538522 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278477
    To increase the coverage of HPV vaccination, Malaysia implemented a national school-based vaccination program for all 13-year-old girls in 2010. Two years later, a clinic-based catch-up program was started for 16 to 21-year-old girls. We assessed the prevalence of a range of HPV genotypes, among a sample of urban women within the age groups of 18-24 and 35-45 years in 2019-2020, a decade into the national vaccination program. The HPV prevalence was then compared to that reported in an unvaccinated population in 2013-2015. We sampled a total of 1134 participants, comprising of 277 women aged 18-24 years and 857 women aged 35-45 years, from several urban clinics in the state of Selangor. Participants provided a self-acquired vaginal sample for HPV genotyping. Comprehensive sociodemographic and vaccination history were collected. The HPV vaccination coverage among women in the younger age group increased from 9.3% in 2013-2015 to 75.5% in 2019-2020. The prevalence of vaccine-targeted HPV16/18 decreased 91% (CI: 14.5%-99.0%) among the younger women, from 4.0% in 2013-2015 to 0.4% in 2019-2020. There was also an 87% (CI: 27.5%-97.5%) reduction in HPV6/11/16/18. There was no difference in the prevalence of non-vaccine targeted HPV genotypes among younger women. The HPV prevalence among older women, for both vaccine targeted and non-vaccine targeted genotypes in 2019-2020, did not differ from 2013-2015. The observed decline in prevalence of vaccine-targeted HPV genotype among younger women a decade after the national HPV vaccination program is an early indication of its effectiveness in reducing the burden of cervical cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  8. Firus Khan AY, Ramli AS, Abdul Razak S, Mohd Kasim NA, Chua YA, Ul-Saufie AZ, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Sep 19;19(18).
    PMID: 36142062 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191811789
    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been a burden to many developing countries for decades, including Malaysia. Although various steps have been taken to prevent and manage CVD, it remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. The rising prevalence of CVD risk factors such as hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, diabetes, overweight and obesity is the main driving force behind the CVD epidemic. Therefore, a nationwide health study coined as the Malaysian Health and Wellbeing Assessment (MyHEBAT) was designed. It aimed to investigate the prevalence of CVD and the associated risk factors in the community across Malaysia. The MyHEBAT study recruited participants (18-75 years old) through community health screening programmes from 11 states in Malaysia. The MyHEBAT study was further divided into two sub-studies, namely, the Cardiovascular Risk Epidemiological Study (MyHEBAT-CRES) and the MyHEBAT Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Study (MyHEBAT-FH). These studies assessed the prevalence of CVD risk factors and the prevalence of FH in the community, respectively. The data garnered from the MyHEBAT study will provide information for healthcare providers to devise better prevention and clinical practice guidelines for managing CVD in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  9. Hooi SL, Dwiyanto J, Rasiti H, Toh KY, Wong RKM, Lee JWJ
    Curr Med Res Opin, 2022 Nov;38(11):1977-1982.
    PMID: 36164761 DOI: 10.1080/03007995.2022.2129232
    BACKGROUND: Recent studies demonstrate the association of the gut microbiome in regulating interactions between the central nervous system and intestinal function. Individuals with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have been shown to have unique gut microbial signature, with depletion of beneficial commensal microbes. Fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) restores the imbalanced gut microbiome and may replete missing microbes to increase production of hormones and neurotransmitters regulating human behavior and cognition.

    RESEARCH DESIGN & METHODS: Here, we present an interesting case of a 22-year-old woman treated with FMT primarily to treat recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection, which coincidentally alleviated her ADHD symptoms. We also present the pre- and post-FMT gut microbiota profiles conducted using shotgun metagenomic sequencing on the patient's fecal samples to thereby highlight potential microbial-associated mechanisms associated with the relief of ADHD symptoms.

    RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS: Our case report provides preliminary evidence regarding the use of FMT in a patient with C. difficile and ADHD. We speculate that gut microbiome modulation, in particular the gain or loss of specific microbial species and pathways involving the metabolism of SCFAs, tryptophan and GABA, may merit further exploration as a potential therapeutic strategy for ADHD.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  10. Yong HY, Mohd Shariff Z, Mohd Yusof BN, Rejali Z, Tee YYS, Bindels J, et al.
    Br J Nutr, 2022 Dec 14;128(11):2097-2104.
    PMID: 35139935 DOI: 10.1017/S000711452100502X
    This study aimed to determine the association between hemoglobin (Hb) concentration and Hb change, during early to mid-pregnancy with the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). This was a clinic-based retrospective cohort study of 1951 healthy pregnant women (18-45 years old) with a singleton gestation attending antenatal care at government health clinics. Hb concentration at first prenatal visit and each trimester was extracted from the antenatal cards. Hb changes from first prenatal visit to first and second trimester as well as from second to third trimester were calculated. Multivariate logistic regression was used with adjustment for covariates. Women with GDM had significantly higher Hb concentrations (Hb 1) at first prenatal visit (< 12 weeks) compared with non-GDM women (11·91 g/dl v.11·74 g/dl). Hb 1 and Hb changes (Hb change 2) from first prenatal visit to the second trimester (23-27th weeks) were significantly associated with GDM risk, with an adjusted OR of 1·14 (95 % CI 1·01, 1·29) and 1·25 (95 % CI 1·05, 1·49), respectively. The significant associations between Hb 1 and Hb change 2 with the risk of GDM were found among non-Malays, overweight/obese and women aged 35 years and above. Women with higher Hb concentrations in early pregnancy were at higher risk of GDM, and such association was significant among women aged 35 years and above, non-Malays and overweight/obese. This raises a potential concern for elevated Fe status in early pregnancy as a risk factor of GDM among Fe-replete women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  11. AlTamimi JZ, Alshwaiyat NM, Alkhalidy H, AlFaris NA, AlKehayez NM, Alsemari MA, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Nov 13;19(22).
    PMID: 36429650 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192214933
    Fast food is commonly consumed by young adults. Eating fast food is connected with the risk of obesity and other related diseases. The present study examines the prevalence of fast food intake in a diverse sample of young men. This cross-sectional study included 3600 young men (20-35 years) who resided in Riyadh, KSA. The frequency of fast food intake was assessed using a valid and reliable questionnaire. Weekly and daily intake of fast food were the two outcome variables adopted to assess the intake frequency. Weight and height were measured. Fast food was eaten by 88.8% and 50.1% of participants weekly and daily, respectively. Fast food intake was predicted by the nationality of participants. The highest prevalence of weekly fast food intake (99.7%) was observed among Saudi, Egyptian, and Indian participants, while the lowest rate was observed among Sudanese participants (48.6%). The highest and lowest rates of daily intake were seen among Filipino (83.4%) and Bangladeshi (6.3%) participants. Obesity was another predictor of fast food intake. Obese participants had a significantly higher odds ratio of weekly (OR = 2.89, p = 0.006) and daily (OR = 1.39, p = 0.021) fast food intake than non-overweight/non-obese participants. In conclusion, fast food is frequently consumed by young men in KSA. Our findings link the likelihood of fast food intake to sociodemographic determinants and obesity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  12. Khoo YY, Farid NDN, Choo WY, Omar A
    J Hum Hypertens, 2022 Jan;36(1):106-116.
    PMID: 33536547 DOI: 10.1038/s41371-020-00478-0
    The continuous presence of elevated blood pressure (BP) when young is a strong predictor of future cardiovascular risk. This study aimed to elucidate the prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of young-onset hypertension (YOH) in Malaysia during the period 2006-2015. Data on respondents aged 18-39 diagnosed with YOH according to the 7th Joint National Committee Report (USA) were extracted from three National Health and Morbidity Surveys (2006, 2011, and 2015). The prevalence of YOH remained stable: 17.7%, 95% CI [17.0, 18.3] in 2006, 17.0%, 95% CI [16.0, 17.9] in 2011 and 18.4%, 95% CI [17.4, 19.4] in 2015. Awareness, treatment and control rates were suboptimal; 15% were aware of their diagnosis, of which less than 50% were on treatment and less than 40% who were on treatment had their BP controlled. Trend analysis revealed a significant increase in YOH prevalence among urban dwellers; those with no formal and tertiary education and middle-income earners. YOH awareness and treatment rates were lower among respondents <30 years; however, when treated, this group achieved overall better control rates. Females had higher awareness and treatment rates, but lower control. Treatment rates remained stable for all ethnicities with the exception of Chinese, which decreased. This study narrows the knowledge gap on YOH epidemiology in Malaysia by providing crucial information on the pervasiveness of hypertension among young adults. Results can be used to develop non-communicable disease policies and health promotion strategies specially targeted at young adults who are in the prime of life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  13. Krishnasamy S, Lomer MCE, Marciani L, Hoad CL, Pritchard SE, Paul J, et al.
    J Nutr, 2020 Nov 19;150(11):2890-2899.
    PMID: 32805050 DOI: 10.1093/jn/nxaa191
    BACKGROUND: Whole apples produce greater satiety than processed apples, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.

    OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to assess the intragastric processing of apple preparations and the associated small and large bowel contents using MRI.

    METHODS: An open label, 3-way crossover, randomized, controlled trial. Eighteen healthy adults (mean ± SD age, 25 ± 4 y; BMI, 22.7 ± 3.5 kg/m2) underwent serial MRI scans on 3 occasions separated by 7 d, after consumption of isocaloric (178 kcal) portions of either whole apples, apple puree, or apple juice. Gastric emptying, small bowel water content (SBWC; primary endpoint), were measured at baseline and at 45 min intervals (0-270 min) postmeal ingestion. Fullness and satiety were also assessed at each time point. Treatment effects between groups were analyzed using ANOVA.

    RESULTS: Gastric emptying half-time (GE t50) was greater (P < 0.0001) after participants consumed whole apple (mean ± SEM), 65 (3.3) min compared with when they consumed apple puree (41 [2.8] min) or apple juice (38 [2.9] min), times that did not differ. Postprandial area under the curve (AUC) (135-270 min) SBWC was also greater for whole apples than puree (P = 0.025) and juice (P = 0.0004) but juice and puree did not differ. AUC for fullness and satiety (0-270 min) postingestion was also greater (P = 0.002 and 0.004, respectively) for whole apple compared with juice but juice and puree did not differ.

    CONCLUSIONS: Gastric emptying is slower after whole apple consumption causing a greater sensation of fullness and satiety than puree or juice in healthy adults. Whole apples increased small bowel and colonic contents during the later phase of the study which may be relevant for subsequent food consumption.This study was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT03714464.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  14. Yong SS, Robinson S, Kwan Z, Khoo EM, Han WH, Tan LL, et al.
    Psychol Health Med, 2023 Feb;28(2):324-335.
    PMID: 35057684 DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2022.2029914
    Patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) have an increased risk of psychological distress. This cross-sectional study aimed to determine factors associated with psychological burden, quality of life (QoL) and patient satisfaction among adults living with CSU. Participants completed the self-administered Urticaria Activity Score-7 (UAS-7), Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS 21), Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), and Short Assessment Patient Satisfaction (SAPS) questionnaires. Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine the independent predictors of depression, anxiety, stress, QoL and patient satisfaction. From a total of 115 subjects with a median age of 42.6 years, range (19-89 years). 60.9% subjects reported moderate-to-severe CSU, 26.1% reported symptoms of depression, 54.8% had anxiety, 40.0% had stress, and 36.5% reported severely impaired QoL. The median UAS-7 score was 20 (IQR 11-27) while the median score of DLQI was 8 (IQR 4-13). The median score of SAPS was 20 (IQR 17-21). Low-income and severe disease were the significant predictors for depression while severe disease was predictive of impaired QoL and depression. Subjects who were diagnosed at older ages and those who required medical leave due to flares of CSU were less likely to be satisfied with their care. (192 words).
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  15. Tham LK, Osman NA, Lim KS, Pingguan-Murphy B, Abas WA, Zain NM
    Med Eng Phys, 2011 May;33(4):407-10.
    PMID: 21146440 DOI: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2010.11.002
    The investigation of patellar tendon reflex involves development of a reflex hammer holder, kinematic data collection and analysis of patellar reflex responses using motion analysis techniques. The main aim of this research is to explore alternative means of assessing reflexes as a part of routine clinical diagnosis. The motion analysis system was applied to provide quantitative data which is a more objective measure of the patellar tendon reflex. Kinematic data was collected from 28 males and 22 females whilst subjected to a knee jerk test. Further analysis of kinematic data was performed to predict relationships which might affect the patellar tendon reflex. All subjects were seated on a high stool with their legs hanging freely within the capture volume of the motion analysis system. Knee jerk tests were applied to all subjects, on both sides of the leg, by eliciting hypo, hyper, and normal reflexes. An additional reinforcement technique called the Jendrassik manoeuvre was also performed under the same conditions to elicit a normal patellar tendon reflex. The comparison of reflex response between genders showed that female subjects generally had a greater response compared to males. However, the difference in reflex response between the left leg and the right leg was not significant. Tapping strength to elicit a hyper-reflex produced greater knee-jerk compared to the normal clinical tapping strength. All results were in agreement with clinical findings and results found by some early researchers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  16. Gouwanda D, Gopalai AA
    Med Eng Phys, 2015 Feb;37(2):219-25.
    PMID: 25619613 DOI: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2014.12.004
    Gait events detection allows clinicians and biomechanics researchers to determine timing of gait events, to estimate duration of stance phase and swing phase and to segment gait data. It also aids biomedical engineers to improve the design of orthoses and FES (functional electrical stimulation) systems. In recent years, researchers have resorted to using gyroscopes to determine heel-strike (HS) and toe-off (TO) events in gait cycles. However, these methods are subjected to significant delays when implemented in real-time gait monitoring devices, orthoses, and FES systems. Therefore, the work presented in this paper proposes a method that addresses these delays, to ensure real-time gait event detection. The proposed algorithm combines the use of heuristics and zero-crossing method to identify HS and TO. Experiments involving: (1) normal walking; (2) walking with knee brace; and (3) walking with ankle brace for overground walking and treadmill walking were designed to verify and validate the identified HS and TO. The performance of the proposed method was compared against the established gait detection algorithms. It was observed that the proposed method produced detection rate that was comparable to earlier reported methods and recorded reduced time delays, at an average of 100 ms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  17. Muhammad R, Ismail WNDRAW, Firdus S, Abdul Hamid SB, Mohd Asmawi UM, Md Nor N
    Nutrients, 2023 Feb 08;15(4).
    PMID: 36839227 DOI: 10.3390/nu15040869
    Despite the significance of dietary knowledge interventions, there is a lack of established studies on intuitive eating behaviour among young Malay adults in Malaysia. This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the intuitive eating score, identify the intuitive eating factors, and determine the association of intuitive eating with weight-control behaviours and binge eating. A total of 367 respondents completed self-administered questionnaires on sociodemographic characteristics, namely the Intuitive Eating Scale (IES-2) and The Diabetes Eating Problems Survey (DEPS). The findings reported IES-2 mean scores of 3.52 ± 0.32 and 3.47 ± 0.35 for both men and women. No difference in total IES-2 scores was found between genders for Unconditional Permission to Eat (UPE) and Reliance on Hunger and Satiety Cue (RHSC) subscales (p > 0.05). However, among all four subscales of IES-2, there was a gender difference in the mean EPR and B-FCC subscale scores (p < 0.05). A statistically significant difference was found in intuitive eating, which refers to a belief in one's body's ability to tell one how much to eat, in women across living areas (p < 0.05). The result shows that there is a relationship between weight-control behaviour and binge eating and dieting, with the coefficient of the relationship (R2) of 0.34. As a result, intuitive eating throughout young adulthood is likely to be related to a decreased prevalence of obesity, dieting, poor weight-management behaviours, and binge eating.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  18. Yong HH, Fong GT, Driezen P, Borland R, Quah AC, Sirirassamee B, et al.
    Nicotine Tob Res, 2013 Aug;15(8):1339-47.
    PMID: 23291637 DOI: 10.1093/ntr/nts241
    In this study, we aimed to examine, in Thailand, the impact on smokers' reported awareness of and their cognitive and behavioral reactions following the change from text-only to pictorial warnings printed on cigarette packs. We also sought to explore differences by type of cigarette smoked (roll-your-own [RYO] vs. factory-made [FM] cigarettes).
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  19. Sayed SZ, Abdul Wahat NH, Raymond AA, Hussein N, Omar M
    J Int Adv Otol, 2023 Jan;19(1):33-40.
    PMID: 36718034 DOI: 10.5152/iao.2023.21387
    BACKGROUND: This study investigates the test-retest reliability, aging effects, and differences in horizontal semicircular canals gain values between the head impulse paradigm and suppression head impulse paradigm.

    METHODS: Sixty healthy adult subjects aged 22-76-year-old (mean ± standard deviation=47.27 ± 18.29) participated in the head impulse paradigm and suppression head impulse paradigm using the video head impulse test. The Head impulse paradigm was used to assess all 6 semicircular canals, while suppression head impulse paradigm measured only the horizontal canals. Twenty subjects aged 22-40-year-old (25.25 ± 4.9) underwent a second session for the test-retest reliability.

    RESULTS: There were good test-retest reliability for both measures (right horizontal head impulse paradigm, intraclass correlation coefficient=0.80; left horizontal head impulse paradigm, intraclass correlation coefficient=0.77; right anterior head impulse paradigm, intraclass correlation coefficient=0.86; left anterior head impulse paradigm, intraclass correlation coefficient=0.78; right posterior head impulse paradigm, intraclass correlation coefficient=0.78; left posterior head impulse paradigm, intraclass correlation coefficient=0.75; right horizontal suppression head impulse paradigm, intraclass correlation coefficient=0.76; left horizontal suppression head impulse paradigm, intraclass correlation coefficient=0.79). The test-retest reliability for suppression head impulse paradigmanti-compensatory saccade latency and amplitude were moderate (right latency, intraclass correlation coefficient=0.61; left latency, intraclass correlation coefficient=0.69; right amplitude, intraclass correlation coefficient=0.69; left amplitude, intraclass correlation coefficient=0.58). There were no significant effects of age on head impulse paradigm and suppression head impulse paradigm vestibulo-ocular reflex gain values and suppression head impulse paradigmsaccade latency. However, the saccade amplitude became smaller with increasing age, P < .001. The horizontal suppression head impulse paradigm vestibuloocular reflex gain values were significantly lower than the head impulse paradigm for both sides (right, P = .004; left, P = .004).

    CONCLUSION: There was good test-retest reliability for both measures, and the gain values stabilized with age. However, suppression head impulse paradigm anti-compensatory saccade latency and amplitude had lower test-retest reliability than the gain. The suppression head impulse paradigm vestibulo-ocular reflex gain was lower than the head impulse paradigm and its anti-compensatory saccade amplitude reduced with increasing age.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  20. Breast Cancer Association Consortium, Mavaddat N, Dorling L, Carvalho S, Allen J, González-Neira A, et al.
    JAMA Oncol, 2022 Mar 01;8(3):e216744.
    PMID: 35084436 DOI: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2021.6744
    IMPORTANCE: Rare germline genetic variants in several genes are associated with increased breast cancer (BC) risk, but their precise contributions to different disease subtypes are unclear. This information is relevant to guidelines for gene panel testing and risk prediction.

    OBJECTIVE: To characterize tumors associated with BC susceptibility genes in large-scale population- or hospital-based studies.

    DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: The multicenter, international case-control analysis of the BRIDGES study included 42 680 patients and 46 387 control participants, comprising women aged 18 to 79 years who were sampled independently of family history from 38 studies. Studies were conducted between 1991 and 2016. Sequencing and analysis took place between 2016 and 2021.

    EXPOSURES: Protein-truncating variants and likely pathogenic missense variants in ATM, BARD1, BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, PALB2, RAD51C, RAD51D, and TP53.

    MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: The intrinsic-like BC subtypes as defined by estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and ERBB2 (formerly known as HER2) status, and tumor grade; morphology; size; stage; lymph node involvement; subtype-specific odds ratios (ORs) for carrying protein-truncating variants and pathogenic missense variants in the 9 BC susceptibility genes.

    RESULTS: The mean (SD) ages at interview (control participants) and diagnosis (cases) were 55.1 (11.9) and 55.8 (10.6) years, respectively; all participants were of European or East Asian ethnicity. There was substantial heterogeneity in the distribution of intrinsic subtypes by gene. RAD51C, RAD51D, and BARD1 variants were associated mainly with triple-negative disease (OR, 6.19 [95% CI, 3.17-12.12]; OR, 6.19 [95% CI, 2.99-12.79]; and OR, 10.05 [95% CI, 5.27-19.19], respectively). CHEK2 variants were associated with all subtypes (with ORs ranging from 2.21-3.17) except for triple-negative disease. For ATM variants, the association was strongest for the hormone receptor (HR)+ERBB2- high-grade subtype (OR, 4.99; 95% CI, 3.68-6.76). BRCA1 was associated with increased risk of all subtypes, but the ORs varied widely, being highest for triple-negative disease (OR, 55.32; 95% CI, 40.51-75.55). BRCA2 and PALB2 variants were also associated with triple-negative disease. TP53 variants were most strongly associated with HR+ERBB2+ and HR-ERBB2+ subtypes. Tumors occurring in pathogenic variant carriers were of higher grade. For most genes and subtypes, a decline in ORs was observed with increasing age. Together, the 9 genes were associated with 27.3% of all triple-negative tumors in women 40 years or younger.

    CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: The results of this case-control study suggest that variants in the 9 BC risk genes differ substantially in their associated pathology but are generally associated with triple-negative and/or high-grade disease. Knowing the age and tumor subtype distributions associated with individual BC genes can potentially aid guidelines for gene panel testing, risk prediction, and variant classification and guide targeted screening strategies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
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