Displaying publications 741 - 760 of 3016 in total

  1. Alhajj MN, Ariffin Z, Celebić A, Alkheraif AA, Amran AG, Ismail IA
    PLoS One, 2020;15(9):e0239232.
    PMID: 32941532 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239232
    BACKGROUND: The perception of dentofacial esthetics differs considerably between patients and dentists. Patient's expectations regarding his/her esthetics are important and should be assessed ahead of any planning of esthetic treatment. The aim of this study was to explore the differences in perception of orofacial appearance by laypersons with different social and demographic status.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 400 subjects. The questionnaire comprised three parts; the first part addressed the demographic variables. The second part queried about dental prosthesis, orthognathic or plastic surgery, and/or ongoing or previous orthodontic treatment. The third part included the Arabic version of the-8-item Orofacial Esthetic Scale (OES-Ar) whose responses were scored in the 5-point Likert scale. These scores were compared by different grouping factors (age, gender, marital status, and education) using non-parametric Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Willis tests with 95% confidence interval (α > 0.05).

    RESULTS: A total of 268 questionnaires were eligible for analysis, representing 67% response rate. The satisfaction with facial profile appearance was the highest (4.0±1.1) followed by facial appearance (3.9±1.1), while the color of teeth was the least satisfying item (3.1±1.3). No significant differences were found between age groups for the mean summary score as well as for each item independently. No significant difference was found between both sexes except for the last item "overall impression". Married subjects rated one item (alignment of teeth) better than their counterparts. Positive perception of orofacial appearance increased significantly with the increase of education level, the perception of the oral health status, and the perception of the general health status.

    CONCLUSION: Good oral health and/or high education level are significant determinants of more positive perception of orofacial esthetic appearance. Patients with these characteristics might be more concerned about their orofacial appearance, and this should be taken into consideration before planning any esthetic restorative dental treatment.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dentofacial Deformities/psychology*
  2. Ragupathi D, Ibrahim N, Tan KA, Andrew BN
    PMID: 33003445 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17197131
    The present cross-sectional study examined the relations of bedtime mobile phone use to cognitive functioning, academic performance, and sleep quality in a sample of undergraduate students. Three hundred eighty-five undergraduate students completed a self-administered questionnaire containing sociodemographic variables, bedtime mobile phone use, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (attention and verbal memory). At bivariate level, increased scores in bedtime mobile phone use were significantly correlated with decreased scores in academic performance and sleep quality. Our multivariate findings show that increased scores in bedtime mobile phone use uniquely predicted decreased scores in academic performance and sleep quality, while controlling for gender, age, and ethnicity. Further untangling the relations of bedtime mobile phone use to academic performance and sleep quality may prove complex. Future studies with longitudinal data are needed to examine the bidirectional effect that bedtime mobile phone use may have on academic performance and sleep quality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*
  3. Han H, Meng B, Chua BL, Ryu HB
    PMID: 32927834 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17186594
    International volunteer tourism is an emerging and sustainable trend of the global tourism industry. In this study, we attempted to provide a clear comprehension of volunteer tourists' mental health increase and pro-social intention formation. A survey method and quantitative approach were used. Our result from the structural analysis showed that hedonic and utilitarian performances, mental health, and volunteer tourism engagement had significant associations and that these relationships contributed to improving pro-social intention. In addition, results from the metric invariance assessment revealed that the volunteer tourism engagement and pro-social intention relation was under the significant influence of problem awareness and ascribed responsibility. Mental health and engagement acted as significant mediators. The comparative importance of volunteer tourism engagement was uncovered. Overall, our results provided a sufficient understanding of volunteer tourists' pro-social decision-making process and behaviors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Volunteers/psychology*
  4. Htay MNN, Marzo RR, AlRifai A, Kamberi F, El-Abasiri RA, Nyamache JM, et al.
    J Glob Health, 2020 Dec;10(2):020381.
    PMID: 33214890 DOI: 10.7189/jogh.10.020381
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/psychology*
  5. Um Min Allah N, Arshad S, Mahmood H, Abbas H
    Asia Pac Psychiatry, 2020 Dec;12(4):e12409.
    PMID: 32767510 DOI: 10.1111/appy.12409
    Matched MeSH terms: Quarantine/psychology
  6. Taib NA
    World J Surg, 2015 Feb;39(2):548-9.
    PMID: 25446473 DOI: 10.1007/s00268-014-2872-9
    Matched MeSH terms: Delayed Diagnosis/psychology*
  7. Nga VT, Dung VNT, Chu DT, Tien NLB, Van Thanh V, Ngoc VTN, et al.
    Diabetes Metab Syndr, 2019 07 08;13(4):2495-2501.
    PMID: 31405667 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsx.2019.07.014
    Childhood obesity prevalence is shooting up at a phenomenal rate worldwide, leading to long-term devastating consequences. A great number of studies have investigated factors contributing to the increase in BMI of children and adolescents. School-based, home-based and clinic-based solutions have been suggested as possible viable strategies, among which school-based interventions is believed to produce a noticeable effect on a massive scale. However, the question of whether school interventions, especially school education exert significant impact on childhood obesity or not, is left with mixing results. This article aims to holistically review the relationship between school education and childhood obesity. Various factors are covered, including health education, nutrition education, school nutrition, physical education, teachers' awareness, teaching practice and school stress, In all, school education is not the answer to childhood obesity but just part of it. More attempts from other stakeholders (parents, community, policy makers, researchers, etc.) should be made in order to solve this complicated puzzle.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pediatric Obesity/psychology*
  8. Mohamed Elias Z, Batumalai UM, Azmi ANH
    Appl Ergon, 2019 Nov;81:102879.
    PMID: 31422241 DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2019.102879
    Increasing popularity of virtual reality (VR) gaming is causing increased concern, as prolonged use induces visual adaptation effects which disturbs normal vision. Effects of VR gaming on accommodation and convergence of young adults by measuring accommodative response and phoria before and after experiencing virtual reality were measured. An increase in accommodative response and a decrease in convergence was observed after immersion in VR games. It was found that visual symptoms were apparent among the subjects post VR exposure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Video Games/psychology*
  9. Tengku Mohd TAM, Yunus RM, Hairi F, Hairi NN, Choo WY
    BMJ Open, 2019 07 17;9(7):e026667.
    PMID: 31320348 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026667
    OBJECTIVES: This review aims to: (1) explore the social support measures in studies examining the association between social support and depression among community-dwelling older adults in Asia and (2) the evidence of association.

    DESIGN: A systematic review was conducted using electronic databases of CINAHL, PubMed, PsychINFO, Psychology and Behavioural Sciences Collection, SocINDEX and Web of Science for articles published until the 11th of January 2018.

    ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: All observational studies investigating the association between social support and depression among community-dwelling older adults in Asia were included.

    PARTICIPANTS: Older adults aged 60 years and more who are living in the community.

    EXPOSURE MEASURES: Social support.

    OUTCOME MEASURES: Depression.

    RESULTS: We retrieved16 356 records and screened 66 full-text articles. Twenty-four observational studies were included in the review. They consisted of five cohort studies and 19 cross-sectional studies. Social support was found to be measured by multiple components, most commonly through a combination of structural and functional constructs. Perceived social support is more commonly measured compared with received social support. Good overall social support, having a spouse or partner, living with family, having a large social network, having more contact with family and friends, having emotional and instrumental support, good support from family and satisfaction with social support are associated with less depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older adults in Asia.

    CONCLUSIONS: There were 20 different social support measures and we applied a framework to allow for better comparability. Our findings emphasised the association between good social support and decrease depression among older adults. Compared with western populations, family support has a greater influence on depression among community-dwelling older adults in Asia. This indicates that the family institution needs to be incorporated into designed programmes and interventions when addressing depression in the Asian context. TRIAL : registration number : CRD42017074897.

    Matched MeSH terms: Depression/psychology*
  10. Teh LCL, Caddell R, Allison EH, Finkbeiner EM, Kittinger JN, Nakamura K, et al.
    PLoS One, 2019;14(1):e0210241.
    PMID: 30682056 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210241
    Sustainability standards for seafood mainly address environmental performance criteria and are less concerned with the welfare of fisheries workers who produce the seafood. Yet human rights violations such as slavery and human trafficking are widespread in fisheries around the world, and underscore the need for certification bodies and other seafood supply chain actors to improve social performance, in addition to addressing environmental challenges. Calls for socially responsible seafood have referenced human rights law and policy frameworks to shape the guiding principles of socially responsible seafood and to provide the legal machinery to implement these aspirations, but practical guidance on how to achieve this is lacking. To provide clarity on this challenge, we reviewed the literature concerning human rights in the seafood supply chain, and prepared an analysis of opportunities and challenges to implement socially responsible seafood through relevant human rights, legal and policy instruments. We observe that human rights laws are generally framed in favour of addressing violations of civil and political rights, but there remains considerable scope for applying economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights in this context. Other challenges include weakly defined ESC rights infringements, a lack of straightforward mechanisms to enforce human rights entitlements, and practical difficulties such as resources to support and secure rights. On the positive side, governments can draw on international instruments to inspire national policies and legislation to eliminate illegalities from the seafood supply chain. However, for socially responsible seafood principles to translate into tangible actions, these objectives must be rooted in clear legal obligations and be supported by sufficient national capacity and political will.
    Matched MeSH terms: Human Trafficking/psychology*
  11. Dogan H, Norman H, Alrobai A, Jiang N, Nordin N, Adnan A
    J Med Internet Res, 2019 10 02;21(10):e14834.
    PMID: 31579018 DOI: 10.2196/14834
    BACKGROUND: Social media addiction disorder has recently become a major concern and has been reported to have negative impacts on postgraduate studies, particularly addiction to Facebook. Although previous studies have investigated the effects of Facebook addiction disorder in learning settings, there still has been a lack of studies investigating the relationship between online intervention features for Facebook addiction focusing on postgraduate studies.

    OBJECTIVE: In an attempt to understand this relationship, this study aimed to carry out an investigation on online intervention features for effective management of Facebook addiction in higher education.

    METHODS: This study was conducted quantitatively using surveys and partial least square-structural equational modeling. The study involved 200 postgraduates in a Facebook support group for postgraduates. The Bergen Facebook Addiction test was used to assess postgraduates' Facebook addiction level, whereas online intervention features were used to assess postgraduates' perceptions of online intervention features for Facebook addiction, which are as follows: (1) self-monitoring features, (2) manual control features, (3) notification features, (4) automatic control features, and (5) reward features.

    RESULTS: The study discovered six Facebook addiction factors (relapse, conflict, salience, tolerance, withdrawal, and mood modification) and five intervention features (notification, auto-control, reward, manual control, and self-monitoring) that could be used in the management of Facebook addiction in postgraduate education. The study also revealed that relapse is the most important factor and mood modification is the least important factor. Furthermore, findings indicated that notification was the most important intervention feature, whereas self-monitoring was the least important feature.

    CONCLUSIONS: The study's findings (addiction factors and intervention features) could assist future developers and educators in the development of online intervention tools for Facebook addiction management in postgraduate education.

    Matched MeSH terms: Behavior, Addictive/psychology*
  12. Mohd Noor N, Che Yusof R, Yacob MA
    PMID: 33498397 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18030861
    In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, healthcare providers are exposed to psychological and mental health implications, including vicarious traumatization, anxiety, and depression. Gradual increases in the number of COVID-19 cases meant they were inadequately protected from contamination due to a shortage of protective equipment, excessive workloads, emotional exhaustion and frustration. These circumstances affect their work performance in delivering health services. This study aims to compare the levels of anxiety in frontline and non-frontline healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study applied a comparative cross-sectional design between May and July 2020 at the Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II. Convenient sampling was applied in the selection of eligible participants. The case report form contained two self-administered questionnaires, namely, The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Medical Outcome Study Social Support Survey. Descriptive analysis, analysis of variance, and analysis of covariance were conducted using SPSS version 26. The number of participants recruited was 306, including 160 healthcare providers in the frontline group and 146 in the non-frontline group. The non-frontline healthcare providers reported a significantly higher anxiety mean score of 1.7 than the frontline providers after adjusting for gender, duration of employment, and social support. It indicates that non-frontline healthcare providers require psychological support similar to that of frontline healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/psychology*
  13. Swami V, Furnham A, Horne G, Stieger S
    Body Image, 2020 Sep;34:155-166.
    PMID: 32593946 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2020.05.004
    Issues of construct commonality and distinguishability in body image research are typically addressed using structural equal models, but such methods can sometimes present problems of interpretation when data patterns are complex. One recent-developed tool that could help in summarising complex data patterns is Item Pool Visualisation (IPV), an illustrative method that locates item pools from within the same dataset and illustrates these in the form of single or nested radar charts. Here, we demonstrate the utility of IPV in visualising data patterns vis-à-vis positive body image. Five-hundred-and-one adults from the United Kingdom completed seven widely-used measures of positive body image and data were subjected IPV. Results demonstrated that, of the included measures, the Body Appreciation Scale-2 provided the closest and most precise measurement of a core positive body image construct. The Functionality Appreciation Scale and the Authentic Pride subscale of the Body and Appearance Self-Conscious Emotions Scale tapped more distal aspects. Our results also highlight possible limitations with the use of several other instruments as measures of positive body image. We discuss implications for research aimed at better understanding the nature of positive body image and interpreting complex data patterns in body image research more generally.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Image/psychology*
  14. Li Y, Roslan SB, Ahmad NAB, Omar ZB, Zhang L
    J Affect Disord, 2019 05 15;251:274-279.
    PMID: 30953892 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2018.12.051
    BACKGROUND: The objective of this randomized controlled experimental study was to determine the intervention effect of group interpersonal psychotherapy (G-IPT) for aggression and social support among Chinese first-grade university students.

    METHODS: Through stratified random sampling, 1469 students, aged 18-19 years, were enrolled. Participants whose score achieved the aggressive evaluation standard were selected and then 60 participants were randomly divided into 2 groups: G-IPT and control. The participants in the G-IPT group received 16 sessions of treatment, whereas the participants in the control group did not receive any intervention. All participants completed the assessment three times: before, after, and tracking.

    RESULTS: The results showed that the total score and the scores of all subscales of aggression dropped significantly (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Aggression/psychology*
  15. Sabo A, Kueh YC, Kuan G
    PLoS One, 2019;14(5):e0215698.
    PMID: 31050664 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215698
    BACKGROUND: The present study was aimed at validating the Malay-language version of the Self-Efficacy for Exercise Scale (SEE-M) using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).

    METHODS: Data were collected from undergraduate students at all campuses of the Universiti Sains Malaysia. A total of 1,605 students completed the SEE-M (female: 71.5%, male: 28.5%), with the mean age of 20.3 years (SD = 1.5). Perceived self-efficacy was assessed with the 18-item SEE-M. Standard forward-backward translation was performed to translate the English version of the Efficacy for Exercise Scale (SEE) into the Malay version (SEE-M).

    RESULTS: The 2 initial measurement models tested (1-factor and 3-factor models) did not result in a good fit to the data. Subsequent investigation of the CFA results recommended some modifications, including adding correlations between the item residuals within the same latent variable. These modifications resulted in good fit indices for the 1-factor model (RMSEA = .059, CFI = .939, TLI = .922, SRMR = .049) and the 3-factor model (RMSEA = .066, CFI = .924, TLI = .903, SRMR = .051). The final measurement models comprised all 18 SEE-M items, which had significant factor loadings of more than .40. The test-retest results indicated that the SEE-M was stable, with an intra-class correlation of .99. The composite reliability was .886 for the 1-factor model and .670-.854 for the 3-factor model.

    CONCLUSIONS: The translated version of the SEE-M was valid and reliable for assessing the level of self-efficacy for exercise among university students in Malaysia.

    PERSPECTIVE: This study examining the psychometric properties of the SEE scale based on CFA was the first to assess 2 proposed models (1-factor and 3-factor models) simultaneously and to translate the original, English-language SEE into Malay.

    Matched MeSH terms: Exercise/psychology*
  16. Faudzi FNM, Armitage CJ, Bryant C, Brown LJE
    Res Aging, 2019 07;41(6):549-574.
    PMID: 30700233 DOI: 10.1177/0164027518825117
    The aim of this study was to describe and systematically evaluate the psychometric properties of attitudes to aging measures that have been validated in adults younger than 60 years. Studies were assessed for methodological quality using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments. Best evidence synthesis was performed to summarize the levels of evidence. Systematic searching yielded 21 articles, relating to 10 different measures. Some instruments were validated only in middle-aged and older people, while others were validated in a wider age range. Measures differed in whether their items related to participants' own experiences of aging, their anticipated future aging, and/or aging in general. None of the measures had had all of its psychometric properties assessed. The Expectations Regarding Ageing-12 and the Anxiety About Ageing Scale received positive ratings for the greatest number of psychometric properties, but capture different constructs, and may be differentially suited to different age groups of younger adults.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aging/psychology*
  17. Olesen AP, Amin L, Mahadi Z, Ibrahim M
    Account Res, 2019 04;26(3):157-175.
    PMID: 30982340 DOI: 10.1080/08989621.2019.1607312
    The purpose of this study is to highlight the experiences of individuals who participate in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training program held at various universities in Malaysia. In response to a mailing request sent to 40 individuals who had undertaken a RCR training program, 15 participants agreed to be interviewed. The results of the study showed that the three main reasons for participating in the training were as follows: anticipation for knowledge gained; personal experience with research misconduct; and establishing a new network of researchers. In terms of the positive effects gained from undertaking the training, the participants highlighted an increased awareness of the issues and problems related to research misconduct; the need to promote integrity in research conduct; a change in the way they conduct their research; and a change in the way they confront and address misconduct. The findings of this study should be valuable for policy makers and those involved in the management of research programs and ethics, as it demonstrated the importance of RCR training in equipping researchers with the necessary knowledge to conduct research responsibly, and to avoid research misconduct.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research Personnel/psychology*
  18. Flaherty GT, Smith M
    Wilderness Environ Med, 2019 06;30(2):218-220.
    PMID: 31005609 DOI: 10.1016/j.wem.2019.02.001
    Matched MeSH terms: Travel/psychology
  19. Nachiappan M, Bikramjit P, Aung WT, Htoo HKS, Sudipta P
    Med J Malaysia, 2020 05;75(3):209-215.
    PMID: 32467534
    INTRODUCTION: Simulation of the clinical setting incorporates an educational approach connecting a learner to a particular environment of learning. Undergraduate students in the health sector experience anxiety during simulation that influences their performance which ultimately affects their learning outcome. This study attempts to correlate the impact of stressors on learning outcome of high-fidelity patient simulation (HFPS) in undergraduate medical education.

    OBJECTIVE: This research is to analyze the impact of stressors and its relevance on the learning outcome of HFPS as a teaching-learning tool for the management of emergency surgical conditions including trauma.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study is a Quasi-experimental time series design. A total number of 347 final-year undergraduate (MBBS) students of Melaka-Manipal Medical College, Malaysia. They were grouped and assessed individually by pre-test and post-tests on their knowledge, performance and associated stressor scores. The one-way repeated measure of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the statistically significant differences in total score at pre-test simulation and post-test-simulation sessions. Friedman test was used for assessment of individual components of stressors. Pre-test and post-tests scores were compared to note progress in confidence and stress reduction. P value <0.001 was considered statistically significant.

    RESULTS: ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc analysis showed a statistically significant (p <0.001) difference in stressor score over time. The drop-in stress was significant initially but flattened out later.

    CONCLUSION: Stress significantly decreased as the students were exposed to more sessions of HFPS which ultimately translated into better learning outcome.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  20. Swami V, Todd J, Stieger S, Furnham A, Horne G, Tylka TL
    Body Image, 2021 Mar;36:238-253.
    PMID: 33387962 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2020.11.007
    The Body Acceptance by Others Scale (BAOS) measures the degree to which individuals perceive body acceptance by others, but its factor structure is questionable. Here, we developed a revision of the BAOS (i.e., the BAOS-2) by designing novel items reflective of generalised perceptions of body acceptance by others. In three studies, we examined the psychometrics of the 13-item BAOS-2. Study 1, with United Kingdom adults (N = 601), led to the extraction of a unidimensional model of BAOS-2 scores and provided evidence of 4-week test-retest reliability. Study 2, with United Kingdom adults (N = 423), indicated that the unidimensional model of BAOS-2 scores had adequate fit and that scores were invariant across gender. Study 2 also provided evidence of convergent, construct, criterion, discriminant, and incremental validity. Study 3 cross-validated the fit of the unidimensional model in adults from the United State (N = 503) and provided evidence of invariance across gender and national group. Internal consistency coefficients of BAOS-2 scores were adequate across all three studies. There were no significant gender differences in BAOS-2 scores and a significant national difference had a negligible effect size. Thus, the BAOS-2 is a psychometrically-sound measure that can be utilised in future research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Image/psychology*
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