Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 101 in total

  1. Ranneh Y, Abu Bakar MF, Ismail NA, Kormin F, Mohamed M, Md Akim A, et al.
    Saudi J Biol Sci, 2021 Dec;28(12):6711-6720.
    PMID: 34866970 DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2021.07.048
    Aging is a naturally biological process with adverse effects. The continuous accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) trigger cellular and tissue damage by activating several aging enzymes. The antioxidant properties of traditional medicinal plants used by Jakun aborigine's community are a promising approach to alleviate aging process and prevent Alzheimer. The aim of the current investigation was to optimize a novel anti-aging formulation from traditional plants (Cnestis palala stem, Urceola micrantha stem, Marantodes pumilum stem and Microporus xanthopus fruiting bodies) using simplex centroid mixture design (SCMD). After selecting the optimal formulations based on desirability function of antioxidant activity (DPPḢ, ABTS ˙ + and FRAP), they were further examined against the activity of aging-related-enzymes (collagenase, tyrosinase, acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase). The single extracts of C. palala, U. micrantha and the binary mixture of C. palala and U. micrantha were the optimal formulations with high antioxidant activities. Single extract of U. micrantha showed the highest inhibition towards matrix metalloproteinase-1 (49.44 ± 4.11 %), while C. palala water extract showed highest inhibitions towards tyrosinase (14.06 ± 0.31%), acetylcholinesterase (32.92 ± 2.13%) and butyrylcholinesterase (34.89 ± 2.84%) enzymes. The single extracts of C. palala and U. micrantha displayed better activity as compared to the binary mixture formulation. In conclusion, these findings could be a baseline for further exploration of novel anti-aging agents from natural resources.
  2. Abdul Wahid SF, Law ZK, Ismail NA, Azman Ali R, Lai NM
    Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2016 11 08;11:CD011742.
    PMID: 27822919
    BACKGROUND: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which is also known as motor neuron disease (MND) is a fatal disease associated with rapidly progressive disability, for which no definitive treatment as yet exists. Current treatment regimens largely focus on relieving symptoms to improve the quality of life of those affected. Based on data from preclinical studies, cell-based therapy is a promising treatment for ALS/MND.

    OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of cell-based therapy for people with ALS/MND, compared with placebo or no additional treatment.

    SEARCH METHODS: On 21 June 2016, we searched the Cochrane Neuromuscular Specialised Register, CENTRAL, MEDLINE, and Embase. We also searched two clinical trials' registries for ongoing or unpublished studies.

    SELECTION CRITERIA: We planned to include randomised controlled trials (RCTs), quasi-RCTs and cluster RCTs that assigned people with ALS/MND to receive cell-based therapy versus a placebo or no additional treatment. Co-interventions were allowable, provided that they were given to each group equally.

    DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We followed standard Cochrane methodology.

    MAIN RESULTS: No studies were eligible for inclusion in the review. We identified four ongoing trials.

    AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Currently, there is a lack of high-quality evidence to guide practice on the use of cell-based therapy to treat ALS/MND.We need large, prospective RCTs to establish the efficacy of cellular therapy and to determine patient-, disease- and cell treatment-related factors that may influence the outcome of cell-based therapy. The major goals of future research should be to determine the appropriate cell source, phenotype, dose, and route of delivery, as these will be key elements in designing an optimal cell-based therapy programme for people with ALS/MND. Future research should also explore novel treatment strategies, including combinations of cellular therapy and standard or novel neuroprotective agents, to find the best possible approach to prevent or reverse the neurological deficit in ALS/MND, and to prolong survival in this debilitating and fatal condition.

  3. Ismail NA, Rafii MY, Mahmud TM, Hanafi MM, Miah G
    Mol Biol Rep, 2016 Dec;43(12):1347-1358.
    PMID: 27585572
    Ginger is an economically important and valuable plant around the world. Ginger is used as a food, spice, condiment, medicine and ornament. There is available information on biochemical aspects of ginger, but few studies have been reported on its molecular aspects. The main objective of this review is to accumulate the available molecular marker information and its application in diverse ginger studies. This review article was prepared by combing material from published articles and our own research. Molecular markers allow the identification and characterization of plant genotypes through direct access to hereditary material. In crop species, molecular markers are applied in different aspects and are useful in breeding programs. In ginger, molecular markers are commonly used to identify genetic variation and classify the relatedness among varieties, accessions, and species. Consequently, it provides important input in determining resourceful management strategies for ginger improvement programs. Alternatively, a molecular marker could function as a harmonizing tool for documenting species. This review highlights the application of molecular markers (isozyme, RAPD, AFLP, SSR, ISSR and others such as RFLP, SCAR, NBS and SNP) in genetic diversity studies of ginger species. Some insights on the advantages of the markers are discussed. The detection of genetic variation among promising cultivars of ginger has significance for ginger improvement programs. This update of recent literature will help researchers and students select the appropriate molecular markers for ginger-related research.
  4. Muhamad Pauzi KN, Zakaria R, Leong YY, Nik Fuad NF, Nik Ismail NA, Sukor N
    Ann Vasc Surg, 2024 Jan;98:258-267.
    PMID: 37820987 DOI: 10.1016/j.avsg.2023.08.021
    BACKGROUND: Primary hyperaldosteronism has been regarded as the commonest and potentially curable cause of secondary hypertension in up to 80% of cases if this condition is detected early. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy proved to be a promising curable method for primary hyperaldosteronism secondary to aldosterone producing adenoma, while primary hyperaldosteronism secondary to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia requires optimization of medical treatment. Adrenal venous sampling (AVS) has been recommended by the Endocrine Society's guideline in addressing the subtypes of primary hyperaldosteronism. Therefore, determining success rate of AVS in our center is crucial in the management of primary hyperaldosteronism and to prevent redundant procedures. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the success rate of AVS in our center and the associated factors that correlate with the success rate.

    METHODS: A retrospective study in a single center, all adult patients who were diagnosed with primary hyperaldosteronism and underwent AVS in our center between 2014 until 2022 were included. Successful samples defined by a selectivity index of ≥2, that is, the ratio of adrenal vein cortisol level to the peripheral vein cortisol level, were evaluated. The baseline demographic characteristics of each patient, technical parameters of AVS, and anatomical parameters of right adrenal vein from the venographic images were evaluated and analyzed to correlate with the outcome of AVS. A P-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.

    RESULTS: The overall success rate of AVS in our center was 61.3%. The success rate significantly increased to 80.6% in the trained interventional radiologist (IR) group, which represents a single IR who had completed specific training in AVS, compared to non-trained IR group which consisted of a total of 10 IRs without specific AVS training (P = 0.046). The right AVS had lower success rate than the left AVS (64% vs. 94.6%). The type of right adrenal vein pattern showed significant association with the outcome of AVS (P = 0.014). There were 6 types of right adrenal vein patterns observed in our study; Type 1 - gland-like pattern with numerous branches, Type 2 - delta pattern, Type 3 - triangular pattern with central "blush", Type 4 - no discernible pattern and Type 5 - spidery or stellate pattern. The sixth pattern was the hepatic radicles blush with hepatic drainage, for which blood sampling were also collected due to its appearance was frequently indistinguishable from the Type 1 pattern. The results showed Type 2 pattern had the highest incidence (30.5%; 32/105 samples) and Type 5 had the highest success rate (100%; 11/11 samples), while the hepatic radicles blush pattern had the highest incidence in fail samples resulting in the highest failure rate (94.7%; 18/19 samples). The visualization of the inferior emissary vein (IEV) from the venographic images during right AVS had a significant association with the successful AVS (97.5% success rate; 39/40 samples; P = 0.003). Contrariwise, blood sampling withdrawn from the right adrenal vein in the presence of hepatic drainage communication associated with the failure AVS (86.7% failure rate; 26/30 samples; P = 0.001).

    CONCLUSIONS: The overall success rate of both AVS in our center was 61.3%, and the success rate was higher in the trained IR group than the non-trained IR group. The visualization of IEV and the type of right adrenal vein patterns were the key determining factors with significant association to the successful right AVS. Conversely, blood sampling withdrawn from the hepatic radicles and hepatic drainage had significant association with the failure right AVS.

  5. Goh KS, Balasubramaniam J, Sani SF, Alam MW, Ismail NA, Gleason ML, et al.
    Plant Dis, 2022 Mar 06.
    PMID: 35253485 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-10-21-2211-PDN
    Production of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in Malaysia was 150,000 mt in 2020 (Malaysian Department of Agriculture, 2021). In November 2019, nine locally produced watermelon fruit (red flesh, seedless) from five local stores in the states of Kelantan, Terengganu, and Penang exhibited sunken, circular, brown lesions that enlarged to1.5 to 10 cm in diameter with scattered orange masses of conidia. Lesions coalesced to cover approximately 50% of the fruit surface. Lesions were surface sterilized by spraying 70% alcohol onto the fruit followed by drying with sterilized paper towels. A total of 153 tissue segments (1×1 cm) were excised from the rind, immersed in 1% sodium hypochlorite for 3 min, rinsed twice for 1 min in sterilized distilled water, air-dried, transferred to potato dextrose agar (PDA) plates, and incubated at 25±1°C for 7 days. Single-spore transfers produced pure cultures, resulting in 12 isolates. Colonies on PDA were initially white and turned pale gray with age. Conidia were hyaline, one end round and the other narrowly acute, aseptate, smooth-walled, straight, cylindrical to clavate, 10.5-16.5 µm × 3-4.5 μm (n = 30). Observed morphological characters matched published description of Colletotrichum spp. (Damm et al. 2012). Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) genes were amplified using primer sets ITS1/ITS4 and GDF1/GDF2, respectively. All sequences were deposited in GenBank (MW856808 for ITS; MZ219296 for GAPDH). A BLASTn search of both sequences on GenBank showed 99% identity with C. scovillei along with other closely related Colletotrichum species. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS and GAPDH alignments, using maximum likelihood along with reference strains of closely related species from Mycobank, confirmed species identity as C. scovillei. A pathogenicity test was conducted on two healthy watermelon fruit (red flesh, seedless). A 6-mm-diameter mycelial plug of a colony on PDA was positioned on a 0.5-cm-long wound on each fruit; a sterile PDA plug placed on a similar wound on the opposite side served as a control. Fruit were incubated at 25±1°C for 7 days in plastic-wrapped trays above distilled water to maintain high humidity. Small, sunken, circular brown lesions appeared and expanded at inoculation sites within 7 days. Symptoms were identical to those produced by natural infections, and the controls were asymptomatic. Isolates from the lesions at the inoculation sites were confirmed as C. scovillei based on morphological characteristics, fulfilling Koch's postulates. The pathogenicity test was conducted four times with a total of eight fruit. Many species in the C. orbiculare complex cause watermelon anthracnose (Keinath, 2018). To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. scovillei (C. acutatum species complex; Damm et al. 2012) causing anthracnose on watermelon in Malaysia. Anthracnose caused by C. scovillei has been confirmed on other crops such as pepper (Toporek and Keinath, 2021), banana (Zhou et al., 2017), and chili (Oo et al., 2017). This insight will inform efforts to improve management of watermelon anthracnose in Malaysia.
  6. ElSaegh MMM, Ismail NA, Mydin MI, Nardini M, Dunning J
    J Vis Surg, 2017;3:24.
    PMID: 29078587 DOI: 10.21037/jovs.2016.12.05
    Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) surgery has seen an evolution from multiple ports to uniportal and finally subxiphoid uniportal recently. In traditional VATS surgery, the instruments and the thoracoscope enter the thoracic cavity through two to four operating ports on the lateral chest wall, which can cause chronic pain and chest wall numbness. However single-portal VATS surgery could potentially cause similar problems as the port is placed in between the ribs. In March 2015 Liu et al. reported a VATS bilateral pulmonary metastasectomy and right middle lobectomy via a subxiphoid uniportal technique. The advantage of the uniportal subxiphoid approach is the ability to use different size of instruments and freedom of movement as there is no limitation by the ribs. Post-operative pain typically experienced due to bruising of the intercostal nerves is also avoided in this approach. Shanghai Pulmonary hospital has taken VATS surgery to the next level with subxiphoid uniportal VATS (SVATS) lung resection, whereby this method is performed in large volumes of cases. Here we describe our experience of a uniportal subxiphoid VATS right middle lobectomy using the Shanghai technique, the first in the UK. A uniportal sub-xiphoid lobectomy was performed on a 62-year-old lifelong smoker male patient with a histological diagnosis of right middle lobe adenocarcinoma, measuring 1.5 cm and radiological staging of T1aN0M0. We have been performing microlobectomies in our institution (with the utility port placed in the subxiphoid region) which is technically similar to this approach. This is the first subxiphoid uniportal lobectomy performed in the UK. The operation was done successfully and the patient was discharged home 2 days later without any complications.
  7. Ismail NA, Olaide Raji H, Abd Wahab N, Mustafa N, Kamaruddin NA, Abdul Jamil M
    Iran J Med Sci, 2011 Dec;36(4):254-9.
    PMID: 23115409
    BACKGROUND: Ramadan fasting for pregnant women with diabetes remains controversial and underreported. The objective of this study was to determine the glycemic control in pregnant diabetic women on insulin who fasted during Ramadan.
    METHODS: This was a retrospective study carried out over a period of three years including pregnant diabetic women, who were on short-acting, intermediate-acting, or a combination of them, and opted to carry out Ramadan fasting. Glycemic control was assessed before, middle and after Ramadan fasting.
    RESULTS: Thirty seven women opted to fast with 24 (64.9%) of them had type 2 diabetes mellitus and 83.8% of them required combined insulin (short- acting, intermediate-acting) therapy. The age of the participants was 32.13±4.68 years, and the age of their pregnancies was 25.60±7.12 weeks when the study was performed. The median number of days fasted was 25 days, and most of the women were able to fast for more than 15 days. There was no difference between glycemic control of type 2 diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes mellitus women prior to fasting. In the middle of Ramadan, serum fructosamine decreased in both groups. However, only serum HbA1c reduced in gestational diabetes mellitus after Ramadan.
    CONCLUSION: the findings indicate that pregnant diabetic women on insulin were able to fast during Ramadan and that their glycemic control was improved during fasting period. They may also suggest that instead of absolute ban on fasting for pregnant diabetic women more practical approach and close consultation with health care providers might be more helpful.
    KEYWORDS: Fasting; diabetes; gestational diabetes; insulin; pregnancy
  8. Mohamed Ismail NA, Abd Rahman R, Abd Wahab N, Muhammad R, Nor Azmi K
    Malays J Med Sci, 2012 Jan;19(1):65-8.
    PMID: 22977377 MyJurnal
    Pheochromocytoma during pregnancy is potentially disastrous to the mother and fetus. Its ambiguous presentation is often mistaken for pre-eclampsia, although it may imitate other problems during pregnancy. Early diagnosis and timely, appropriate management reduces possible maternal and fetal complications. We identified a case of pheochromocytoma during pregnancy; the condition was initially diagnosed as pre-eclampsia complicated with gestational diabetes. Surgical intervention via left adrenalectomy was successfully performed in the second trimester. After surgery, all of the patient's medical problems nearly subsided and she did not require further treatment. However, her fetus displayed restricted intrauterine growth, and the patient eventually had premature delivery via a caesarean section. A multidisciplinary team to identify and treat pheochromocytoma is mandatory to ensure optimal conditions for tumour removal and to anticipate any possible catastrophic events.
  9. Ismail NA, Shameli K, Mohamad Sukri SNA, Hara H, Teow SY, Moeini H
    Front Mol Biosci, 2022;9:995853.
    PMID: 36250022 DOI: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.995853
    The combination of graphene-based materials and inorganic nanoparticles for the enhancement of the nanomaterial properties is extensively explored nowadays. In the present work, we used a sonochemical method to synthesize a copper/reduced graphene oxide (Cu/RGO) nanocomposite using Australian honey and vitamin C as capping and reducing agents, respectively. The honey-mediated copper/reduced graphene oxide (H/Cu/RGO) nanocomposite was then characterized through UV-visible, XRD, HRTEM, and FTIR analysis. The copper nanoparticles (Cu-NPs) in the nanocomposite formed uniform spherical shapes with a size of 2.20 ± 0.70 nm, which attached to the reduced graphene oxide (RGO) layers. The nanocomposite could suppress bacterial growth in both types of bacteria strains. However, in this study, the nanocomposite exhibited good bactericidal activity toward the Gram-positive bacteria than the Gram-negative bacteria. It also showed a cytotoxic effect on the cancer colorectal cell line HCT11, even in low concentrations. These results suggested that the H/Cu/RGO nanocomposite can be a suitable component for biomedical applications.
  10. Abdul Wahid SF, Ismail NA, Mohd-Idris MR, Jamaluddin FW, Tumian N, Sze-Wei EY, et al.
    Stem Cells Dev, 2014 Nov 1;23(21):2535-52.
    PMID: 25072307 DOI: 10.1089/scd.2014.0123
    Currently, the indications to perform reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (RIC-HCT) are based on data derived mainly from large registry and single-centre retrospective studies. Thus, at the present time, there is limited direct evidence supporting the current practice in selecting patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) for RIC versus myeloablative conditioning (MAC) transplants. To determine the relationship between dose intensity of conditioning regimen and survival outcomes after allografting in AML/ALL patients, we performed a meta-analysis of 23 clinical trials reported between 1990 and 2013 involving 15,258 adult patients that compare survival outcomes after RIC-HCT versus MAC-HCT. RIC-HCT resulted in comparable <2-year and 2-6 year overall survival (OS) rates post-transplantation even though the RIC-HCT recipients were older and had more active disease than MAC-HCT recipients. The 2-6 year progression-free survival (PFS), nonrelapse mortality, acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) and chronic GvHD rates were reduced after RIC-HCT, but relapse rate was increased. Similar outcomes were observed regardless of disease type and status at transplantation. Odds ratio for all outcomes remained comparable with or without performing separate analyses for the year of HCT and for retrospective versus prospective studies. Among RIC-HCT recipients, survival rates were superior if patients were in CR at transplantation. Significant inter-study heterogeneity for aGvHD data and publication bias for PFS data were observed. This meta-analysis showed no OS benefit of MAC-HCT over RIC-HCT across the entire cohort of patients suggesting that RIC-HCT could be an effective therapeutic option for AML/ALL patients who are ineligible for MAC-HCT and CR status is preferred before RIC-HCT.
  11. Lim PS, Ng BK, Ali A, Shafiee MN, Kampan NC, Mohamed Ismail NA, et al.
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:860107.
    PMID: 24587759 DOI: 10.1155/2014/860107
    To determine the maternal and fetal outcomes of successful external cephalic version (ECV) as well as factors predicting vaginal birth.
  12. Ng BK, Lim PS, Shafiee MN, Ghani NA, Ismail NA, Omar MH, et al.
    Biomed Res Int, 2013;2013:587438.
    PMID: 24073412 DOI: 10.1155/2013/587438
    Objective. To determine the diagnostic accuracy of placental alpha microglobulin-1 assay and standard diagnostic methods for detecting rupture of membrane. Study Design. Prospective diagnostic study, between June 2011 to November 2011 at a tertiary centre. Initial evaluation included both the standard diagnostic methods for rupture of membranes and placental alpha microglobulin-1 immunoassay. The actual rupture of membranes was diagnosed on review of the medical records after delivery (absence of membrane or a positive pad chart). Main Outcome Measures. Placental alpha microglobulin-1 immunoassay and standard diagnostic methods for diagnosis of rupture of membrane. Results. A total of 211 patients were recruited. At initial presentation, 187 patients (88.6%) had ruptured membranes, while 24 patients (11.4%) had intact membranes. Placental alpha microglobulin-1 immunoassay confirmed rupture of membranes at initial presentation with a sensitivity of 95.7% (179 of 187), specificity of 100% (24 of 24), positive predictive value of 100% (179 of 179), and negative predictive value of 75.0% (24 of 32). By comparison, the conventional standard diagnostic methods had a sensitivity of 78.1% (146 of 187), specificity of 100% (24 of 24), positive predictive value of 100% (146 of 146), and negative predictive value of 36.9% (24 of 65) in diagnosing rupture of membrane. Conclusion. Placental alpha-microglobulin-1 immunoassay is a rapid and accurate method for confirming the diagnosis of rupture of membrane. It was superior to conventional standard diagnostic methods (pooling, nitrazine, and ferning), the nitrazine test alone or fern test alone.
  13. Zabidi Z, Wan Zainulddin WN, Mamat SS, Shamsahal Din S, Kamisan FH, Yahya F, et al.
    Med Princ Pract, 2012;21(5):501-3.
    PMID: 22517296 DOI: 10.1159/000337406
    To determine the potential antiulcer activity of methanol extract of Melastoma malabathricum leaves (MEMM) using various established rat models.
  14. Masir N, Ghoddoosi M, Mansor S, Abdul-Rahman F, Florence CS, Mohamed-Ismail NA, et al.
    Histopathology, 2012 Apr;60(5):804-15.
    PMID: 22320393 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2011.04127.x
    To investigate RCL2 as a fixative for tissue fixation in routine histopathological examination and to assess tissue suitability for ancillary investigations.
  15. Ismail NA, Aris NM, Mahdy ZA, Ahmad S, Naim NM, Siraj HH, et al.
    PMID: 21542419 DOI: 10.14712/18059694.2016.12
    This prospective observational study was done to analyse the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) among primigravidae and its outcome. All healthy primigravidae with singleton pregnancies were offered universal glucose tolerance testing between 16 and 28 weeks gestation. GDM and non GDM groups were managed according to hospital protocol. The antenatal features and pregnancy outcomes were analysed. Out of 616 primigravidae, 113 (18.34%) were GDM with slightly older (27.9 +/- 4.2 versus 26.32 +/- 3.3, p < 0.001) age. The mean fasting and two hours postprandial blood glucose in both groups were 4.99 +/- 1.08 mmol/l, 8.86 +/- 1.41 mmol/l(GDM) and 4.36 +/- 0.43 mmol/l, 5.71 +/- 1.11 mmol/l (Non GDM), respectively. Maternal family history of diabetes mellitus, weight exceeding 80 Kg, polyhydramnios (2.65% versus 0.2%, p = 0.028) and neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia (9.73% versus 2.98%, p = 0.01) occurred significantly more frequent in the GDM group compared to normal. There was no significant difference in other pregnancy outcomes and complications between the two groups. In conclusion GDM in primigravidae was detected at a relatively young age with more frequent maternal family history of DM, weight exceeding 80 Kg, polyhydromnions and neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia. The degree of disease was mild and treatment led to no significant complication.
  16. Kalok A, Loh SYE, Chew KT, Abdul Aziz NH, Shah SA, Ahmad S, et al.
    Vaccine, 2020 02 24;38(9):2183-2189.
    PMID: 32001070 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.01.043
    BACKGROUND: Vaccine hesitancy is a complex behaviour which involves various degrees of indecision about specific vaccines or vaccination uptake. Access to antenatal care had been associated with positive vaccine behavior.

    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of vaccine hesitancy towards childhood immunisation amongst urban pregnant mothers and the associated socio-demographic factors.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 1081 women who received antenatal care at a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur. Vaccine hesitancy was assessed using the Parent Attitudes about Childhood Vaccines (PACV) Survey in both English and validated Malay versions. The sociodemographic data of the mothers and their partners, source of vaccine information and reasons for hesitancy were analysed.

    RESULTS: Eighty-six (8.0%) pregnant mothers were vaccine hesitant. Ethnicity, religion, number of children, educational level and employment status were significantly associated with vaccine hesitancy. Multivariable analysis showed that a low level of education was the most significant risk factor (p 

  17. Mohd Yatim AA, Ismail NA, Hamid MRY, Mohd Adnan MA, Phoon BL, Johan MR, et al.
    J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 2020 02 01;20(2):741-751.
    PMID: 31383069 DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2020.16946
    The vanadium (V) and nitrogen (N) dopants on TiO₂ demonstrated superior photocatalytic performance for the degradation of methylene blue (MB) dye under visible light. The vanadium, V, N-co-doped TiO₂ was synthesized by a modified sol-gel method. It revealed that V and N codoping had a significant effect on the band gap (Eg) of TiO₂, where the pristine TiO₂ possessed a wide band gap (3.18 eV) compared to V-doped TiO₂ (2.89 eV) and N-doped TiO₂ (2.87 eV) while the V, N-co-doped TiO₂ depicted the narrowest band gap (2.65 eV). The greatly increased specific surface area for the V, N-co-doped TiO₂ (103.87 m²/g) as compared to P25 TiO₂ (51.68 m²/g) also contributed to the major improvement in the MB dye degradation efficiency (0.055 min-1). The V, N-co-doped TiO₂ exhibit rapid photocatalytic activity for the degradation of MB with almost 99% of degradation in 120 minutes.
  18. Wan Jamaludin WF, Mohamad Yusoff F, Ismail NA, Mohd Idris MR, Palaniappan S, Ng CKK, et al.
    Malays J Pathol, 2018 Apr;40(1):61-67.
    PMID: 29704386 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: Immunosuppressive state due to haematological malignancies and chemotherapy may cause disruption to wound healing despite optimum conventional treatment and standard wound dressing. Non-healing wounds are predisposed to infection whereas chemotherapy dose reductions or interruptions are associated with poor survival.

    BACKGROUND: Mononuclear cells contain progenitor cells including haematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells, endothelial progenitor cells and fibroblasts which facilitate wound healing through cytokines, growth factor secretions, cell-cell interactions and provision of extracellular matrix scaffolding. Clinical applications of autologous mononuclear cells therapy in wound healing in non-malignant patients with critical limb ischaemia have been reported with remarkable outcome.

    METHODS: We report three patients with haematological malignancies undergoing chemotherapy, who received autologous mononuclear cells implantation to treat non-healing wound after optimum conventional wound care. The sources of mononuclear cells (MNC) were from bone marrow (BM), peripheral blood (PB) and mobilised PB cells (mPB-MNC) using granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). The cells were directly implanted into wound and below epidermis. Wound sizes and adverse effects from implantation were assessed at regular intervals.

    RESULTS: All patients achieved wound healing within three months following autologous mononuclear cells implantation. No implantation adverse effects were observed.

    CONCLUSIONS: Autologous mononuclear cells therapy is a feasible alternative to conventional wound care to promote complete healing in non-healing wounds compounded by morbid factors such as haematological malignancies, chemotherapy, diabetes mellitus (DM), infections and prolonged immobility.

  19. Hasain Z, Mokhtar NM, Kamaruddin NA, Mohamed Ismail NA, Razalli NH, Gnanou JV, et al.
    PMID: 32500037 DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.00188
    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as impaired glucose tolerance recognized during pregnancy. GDM is associated with metabolic disorder phenotypes, such as obesity, low-grade inflammation, and insulin resistance. Following delivery, nearly half of the women with a history of GDM have persistent postpartum glucose intolerance and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), as much as 7-fold. The alarming upward trend may worsen the socioeconomic burden worldwide. Accumulating evidence strongly associates gut microbiota dysbiosis in women with GDM, similar to the T2DM profile. Several metagenomics studies have shown gut microbiota, such as Ruminococcaceae, Parabacteroides distasonis, and Prevotella, were enriched in women with GDM. These microbiota populations are associated with metabolic pathways for carbohydrate metabolism and insulin signaling, suggesting a potential "gut microbiota signature" in women with GDM. Furthermore, elevated expression of serum zonulin, a marker of gut epithelial permeability, during early pregnancy in women with GDM indicates a possible link between gut microbiota and GDM. Nevertheless, few studies have revealed discrepant results, and the interplay between gut microbiota dysbiosis and host metabolism in women with GDM is yet to be elucidated. Lifestyle modification and pharmacological treatment with metformin showed evidence of modulation of gut microbiota and proved to be beneficial to maintain glucose homeostasis in T2DM. Nonetheless, post-GDM women have poor compliance toward lifestyle modification after delivery, and metformin treatment remains controversial as a T2DM preventive strategy. We hypothesized modulation of the composition of gut microbiota with probiotics supplementation may reverse postpartum glucose intolerance in post-GDM women. In this review, we addressed gut microbiota dysbiosis and the possible mechanistic links between the host and gut microbiota in women with GDM. Furthermore, this review highlights the potential therapeutic use of probiotics in post-GDM women as a T2DM preventive strategy.
  20. Kalok A, Zabil SA, Jamil MA, Lim PS, Shafiee MN, Kampan N, et al.
    J Obstet Gynaecol, 2018 Apr;38(3):339-343.
    PMID: 29017359 DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2017.1355896
    This was a prospective observational study to determine the predictive factors for a successful vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) and to develop a relevant antenatal scoring system. Patients with one previous caesarean section were included in this study. All data including maternal demographics, obstetric history, pregnancy progress and outcomes were collected and analysed. A total of 142 out of the 186 women (76.3%) had successful VBAC. History of previous vaginal delivery and non-recurrent indications for previous caesarean section were the significant predictive factors for a successful VBAC. Five variables for our scoring tool were selected. By using a proposed mean score of 4 out of 7, the scoring system had a sensitivity of 81.0%, specificity of 52.3% and a positive predictive value of 84.6%. VBAC antenatal scoring system was potentially a useful predictive tool in antenatal counselling. Impact statement What is already known on this subject: Planned vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) is an important strategy to limit the overall caesarean section rate, which is related to maternal morbidities. However, trial of vaginal delivery does involve potential complications including scar dehiscence, postpartum haemorrhage and emergency hysterectomy. What the results of this study add: Clinical predictors of a successful VBAC include non-recurrent indications for the previous caesarean section, previous vaginal delivery, spontaneous onset of labour and birthweight less than 4kg. There were multiple screening tools developed to predict the likelihood of successful VBAC. These scoring systems involved various variables such as age, ethnicity, Bishop's score and previous caesarean indication. We had prospectively developed an antenatal scoring system based on five variables. Our result showed that patient with a score of four and above will have around 85% chance of successful VBAC. What the implications are of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research: We have also found that, estimated foetal weight based on ultrasound scan is a potential predictor for successful VBAC. This simple scoring method will be useful in-patient counselling regarding mode of delivery after one previous caesarean section. A multicentre study involving large cohort of patients is ideal to validate our scoring system.
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