Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 150 in total

  1. Soh, K.G., Ruby, H., Soh, K.L.
    JUMMEC, 2006;9(1):20-22.
    The aim of the study was to compare the body fat percentages between Malaysian national women basketball players and netball players. Both basketball and netball players were elite players who represented Malaysia in the 1997 Southeast Asia Games in Jakarta, Indonesia and the 1998 Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur. The percentage of body fat was determined by means of skinfold measurement at seven different locations. Results of the findings showed that overall, the basketball players had higher percentages of body fat than netball players. The average percentages of body fat of basketball and netball players were 19.68 ± 4.93% and 18.93 ± 4.41%, respectively. Both Malaysian national basketball and netball players' average percentage of body fat were found to be higher than the ideal average percentage of body fat range between 10-16% for female athletes in elite team sports. The players in the defence position in basketball were found to have the highest percentage of body fat (23.00%), followed by centre position players (21.62%) and attack position players (15.10%). These results differed from netball players' in similar playing positions. Among the netball players, the defence position players had the highest percentage of body fat (21.00%), followed by attack position players (18.63%), and centre position players (16.57%).
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  2. Tan M.J., Omar, A.H., Dayang Tiawa Awang Hamid
    Currently, great emphasis is placed on the development and intervention of psychology in sports in order to address the problem of athletes’ failure to achieve peak performance in actual competitions. This problem is primarily due to internal factors, such as anxieties, as well as external factors, such as the high pressure of the competitive environments athletes encounter. In this study, the cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self confidence levels amongst elite and sub-elite Malaysian volleyball players are defined (male sample n = 50; female sample n = 35; age range between 17 to 25 years). These parameters were measured using the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2), in which the questionnaires were completed by all respondents 30 minutes prior to the start of a competition. The findings indicated that there was a significant difference (p < 0.005) in cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence among elite and sub-elite Malaysian (male and female) volleyball athletes. According to the findings, the competitive anxiety levels of the sub-elite athletes were higher than the elite, mainly due to the inability of the sub-elite athletes to control their emotions using psychological skills. In order to minimize this problem, a novel approach that involves using virtual reality to reduce the athletes’ competitive anxiety was proposed. This approach utilizes a 3D immersive environment that was developed based on the challenging real-world situations encountered during a volleyball match. The design and development of this approach is predicted to enhance athletes’ psychological skills, and in turn ensure that they can achieve peak performance under high pressure conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  3. Suraya, A., Emy, S.R., Hamzaini, A.H., Sharifah, M.I.A., Maizatuljamny, M.
    Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome is an important infrequent cause of serious disability among young adults and athletes. We hereby describe a case of popliteal artery syndrome and its clinical implications. Physicians should be aware of the possibility of popliteal artery entrapment in young patients presenting with progressive arterial insufficiency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  4. Ahmad Munir Che Muhamed, Thompson, Martin William
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2012;1(1):11-23.
    The combined metabolic and thermoregulatory demands experienced during exercise in the heat impose an exceptional stress on the circulatory system. To date, much of what is known about circulatory stress during exercise in the heat has focused on primarily dry environment (~ 40% rh)
    with limited studies carried in higher humidity (> 60% rh) conditions. This study was designed to investigate the influence of humid condition on circulatory responses during prolonged intense running exercise among elite runners. On separate days, 11 male elite runners ran for 60 minutes at
    an intensity of 70% max across three different humidity levels of HH (71% rh), NH (43% rh) and LH (26.2% rh) with the ambient temperature set at 300C. Thermal stress was found to increase during exercise in the HH condition as both Tre and Tsk steadily rise across time. Circulatory stress markedly increased during exercise in higher humidity levels. Heart rate was significantly higher in the HH condition with its level increasing to 92% of HRmax. The upwards drift in HR was significantly higher in HH within the last ten minutes of exercise. Contrary, stroke volume recorded a
    steady decline during exercise with a significantly lower SV in the HH as compared with the NH and LH. Results implicate rising humidity level will impose greater circulatory stress during prolonged intense exercise. The consequence from this circulatory stress will result in limited ability for an athlete to sustain his exercise capacity when HR reaches maximal level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  5. Ponnusamy V, Lines RLJ, Zhang CQ, Gucciardi DF
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e4778.
    PMID: 29780672 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4778
    Background: The majority of past work on athletes' use of psychological skills and techniques (PSTs) has adopted a variable-centered approach in which the statistical relations among study variables are averaged across a sample. However, variable-centered-analyses exclude the possibility that PSTs may be used in tandem or combined in different ways across practice and competition settings. With this empirical gap in mind, the purposes of this study were to identify the number and type of profiles of elite athletes' use of PSTs, and examine differences between these clusters in terms of their self-reported mental toughness.

    Methods: In this cross-sectional survey study, 285 Malaysian elite athletes (170 males, 115 females) aged 15-44 years (M = 18.89, SD = 4.49) completed measures of various PSTs and mental toughness. Latent profile analysis was employed to determine the type and number of profiles that best represent athletes' reports of their use of PSTs in practice and competition settings, and examine differences between these classes in terms of self-reported mental toughness.

    Results: Our results revealed three profiles (low, moderate, high use) in both practice and competition settings that were distinguished primarily according to quantitative differences in the absolute levels of reported use across most of the PSTs assessed in practice and competition settings, which in turn, were differentially related with mental toughness. Specifically, higher use of PSTs was associated with higher levels of mental toughness.

    Conclusion: This study provides one of the first analyses of the different configurations of athletes' use of PSTs that typify unique subgroups of performers. An important next step is to examine the longitudinal (in) stability of such classes and therefore provide insight into the temporal dynamics of different configurations of athletes' use of PSTs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  6. Prabhu Ragawan, Ruaibah Yazani Tengah
    This study aim to examine the effectiveness of plyometric training on muscle physical changes. 24 long jumpers under 12 year old from Cameron Highland were involved in this study. 12 participants were in the control group and another 12 were assigned into treatment group. The training program was conducted twice a week for six weeks. Girth of thigh and calf muscles measurement were conducted during pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and two-way ANOVA test to determine the mean differences between groups, trial period and interaction of group and trial period. The findings showed that calf and thigh circumference show an improvement for both treatment and control group, in which the treatment group had gained significantly higher achievement. The two-way ANOVA test showed significant differences in enlargement of thigh muscle and calf muscle diameter between groups and trial period. As a conclusion, the plyometric exercises increased circumference of the thigh muscles and calf muscles among long jumpers. The implication of the study is that the proper plyometric training with an appropriate load for primary school athletes need to be implemented to achieve peak performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  7. Willmott AGB, Hayes M, Waldock KAM, Relf RL, Watkins ER, James CA, et al.
    J Sports Sci, 2017 Nov;35(22):2249-2256.
    PMID: 27935427 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2016.1265142
    Multistage, ultra-endurance events in hot, humid conditions necessitate thermal adaptation, often achieved through short term heat acclimation (STHA), to improve performance by reducing thermoregulatory strain and perceptions of heat stress. This study investigated the physiological, perceptual and immunological responses to STHA prior to the Marathon des Sables. Eight athletes (age 42 ± 4 years and body mass 81.9 ± 15.0 kg) completed 4 days of controlled hyperthermia STHA (60 min·day‒1, 45°C and 30% relative humidity). Pre, during and post sessions, physiological and perceptual measures were recorded. Immunological measures were recorded pre-post sessions 1 and 4. STHA improved thermal comfort (P = 0.02), sensation (P = 0.03) and perceived exertion (P = 0.04). A dissociated relationship between perceptual fatigue and Tre was evident after STHA, with reductions in perceived Physical (P = 0.04) and General (P = 0.04) fatigue. Exercising Tre and HR did not change (P > 0.05) however, sweat rate increased 14% (P = 0.02). No changes were found in white blood cell counts or content (P > 0.05). Four days of STHA facilitates effective perceptual adaptations, without compromising immune status prior to an ultra-endurance race in heat stress. A greater physiological strain is required to confer optimal physiological adaptations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  8. Siti Aida Lamat, Tajul Arifin Muhamad, Shahlan Surat, Mohamad Firdaus Ahmad
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(1): 22-34, 2016 - This study aims to
    provide information to the team manager, especially at the university level to understand the
    relationship between coaching style and mental toughness among athletes. The sample had
    been selected from four Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) football team consisting of 88
    players (n = 88: 22 players per team). The study used two instruments that had been modified
    namely "Leadership Scale for Sports Questionnaire" (LSS-40), (Chelladurai & Salleh, 1980)
    and "The Mental Toughness Questionnaire" (MTQ-48), (Clough, Earle & Sewell, 2002).
    Research findings had identified UiTM’s football team scores has a moderately high level of
    mental toughness for each dimension known as challenge, commitments, control assurance
    and confidence. The study also found that the leadership style of training and instruction was
    favored by UiTM’s footballer compared to the autocratic leadership style. Overall, the study
    found a significant relationship between the leadership style with mental toughness especially
    for dimension training and instruction. The findings also showed that there is a moderately
    relationship between leadership style of democratic, social support and positive response to
    the mental toughness dimension of confidence. As for the coaching style of training and
    instruction also has a moderately relationship to the mental toughness dimensions of
    challenge. Results of this study showed that the leadership style affects the level of mental
    toughness UiTM’s football teams. Furthermore, the coaches need to figure out the best
    coaching style in order to improve mental toughness among football team.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  9. Yin, Jerusha Chan Poe, Ashril Yusof, Victor Selvarajah Selvanayagam
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 1-8, 2016 - The objective of this
    study was to determine the number of familiarisation sessions required for isokinetic knee
    extension and flexion in female varsity athletes. Thirty right footed dominance female varsity
    athletes (n=30; age: 21.73 ±0.22 years, body mass index (BMI): 22.58 ±0.52 kg/m2), with no
    history of knee injuries were recruited. The design started with either with the dominant or
    non-dominant limb, followed by the opposite limb. Four sets of isokinetic maximal voluntary
    contraction at 60 o/s were performed for each limb. The results showed that for knee
    extension regardless of which limb starts first is 2 sessions, however for knee flexion, 3
    sessions is required for dominant limb while 2 for non-dominant. In addition, the presence of
    cross-education effect is observed for knee flexion from non-dominant to dominant limb,
    where the number of session was reduced from three to two. In conclusion, we propose that
    two sessions of familiarisation are required for female varsity athletes and should begin with the non-dominant limb followed by dominant limb.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  10. Ahmad Fazlan Ghazalli, Mahamad Yusof Abdul Rani, Lee, Jeffrey Low Fook
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 53-60, 2016 – Many previous studies
    focus on attention has consistently demonstrated that an external focus (movement effect)
    enhances motor performance and learning relative to an internal focus (body movements).
    However, the effectiveness of the external focus direction and internal focus on the press
    behind neck lift not yet again compared among the weightlifter. Therefore, the aim of this
    study was to identify the three conditions (external focus, internal focus and control) that
    brings the best performance in the press behind neck. Besides that, a total of 30 athletes
    Selangor weightlifters performed the pre-test before they are divided into treatment groups
    (external focus and internal focus) and a control group. There are changes in the score in
    force between the test scores (pre, post and retention test) and the group will be analyzed
    using Two Way ANOVA Repeated Measure. The results showed that, there are the main
    effect of testing, F(2, 54) = 1671.065 p = 0.001 means there is a significant difference
    between pre-test and post-test . There is a main effect for group, F (2, 27) = 16,646, p =
    0.001. Meanwhile, there was a significant interaction between the test group f (4. 54) =
    378,732 p = 0.001. There are no significant differences between the three groups during the
    pre-test. However, in the post-test found an external focus groups (M = 51.5 kg, SP = 7.4)
    and an internal focus group (M = 49.5kg, SP = 6.6) is better and has significant differences to
    the control group (M = 30.5kg, SP= 6.9). Besides that, the external focus group retention test
    (M= 59.5 kg, SP=6.0) is better and has a significant difference compared with internal focus
    (M= 43.2kg, SP = 5.9) and the control group (M= 30.1, SP = 6.3). Therefore, the overall
    direction of a focus of external forces show better performance compared to focus on internal
    and groups are not given any specific instructions for long term programme.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  11. Ali Md Nadzalan, Muhammad Hannan Sazali, Mohamad Shahrul Azzfar
    As a way to enhance performance in sports, apart from in-field or in court training, athletes are recommended to adopt resistance training into their training routine. As an exercise that needs the performer to split their legs, lunge is suggested to be included as an exercise in a training session. Various researches had been conducted on lunge and several findings showed different methods or protocols of lunge affect the kinematics, kinetics muscle activation and fascicle behaviour response during the exercise. Although not much study conducted on the chronic adaptations, the existing studies suggested that performers should well plan the training protocols as this will cause different training adaptations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  12. Nurul Athirah Mohd Azhari, Norazmir Md Nor, Haidzir Manaf
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(2):145-150.
    Disability sport is becoming more popular worldwide as shown by increased participation from athletes. The increase participation exerted pressure on the athletes to achieve better sports performance. One of the factors in enhancing sports performances is nutrition. A proper diet is needed for athletes, as it is an essential component in optimizing physical development and sports performance. Identifying the nutritional knowledge and supplement habits among disabled athletes will help maximize the benefits of nutrition. Despite the importance of nutrition, there is no validated questionnaire for identifying nutritional knowledge and supplement habits among disabled athletes in Malaysia. Thus, this study aims to develop and validate a questionnaire on nutritional knowledge and supplement habits among Malaysian disabled athletes and to examine the reliability of the questionnaire. This paper intends to discuss the validation of the developed questionnaire specifically on expert validation. The target population of this study is Malaysian disabled athletes. Firstly, the questionnaire is developed and adapted from previous literature on both nutritional knowledge and supplement habits for disabled athletes. Then, the developed questionnaire undergoes translation process before proceeding with validation and reliability process. Expert validation requires a panel of experts in sports nutrition, nutrition and dietitian fields. The questionnaire will be analyzed in terms of content validity ratio (CVR). The expected result of this study is a questionnaire validated by an expert panel on nutritional knowledge and supplement habits among Malaysian disabled athletes. In future research, the reliability of the questionnaire will be tested on 23 Malaysian disabled athletes, and their nutritional status will be identified. Hence, this study will help to promote the growth of disability sports in Malaysia and enhance the sports performance of disabled athletes in Malaysia through nutrition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  13. Mail, M.S.Z., Mohd Azhar, N., Affandi, N.F., Shaharudin, S., Agrawal, S., Chee, L.M.
    JUMMEC, 2019;22(2):43-48.
    Background: Those with increased dynamic knee valgus are vulnerable to increased risk of non-contact knee
    injuries. However, studies on the top down kinetic chain of lower limb mechanics during dynamic motions
    such as single leg squat (SLS) among trained males were scarce.

    Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the relationship between isokinetic hip and knee strength
    and frontal plane projection angle (FPPA) of the knee joint during SLS.

    Methods: Thirty-two male junior athletes (twelve cyclists, ten runners and ten squash players) were screened
    for excessive dynamic knee valgus (DKV) prior to participation. Only those within the normal value of DKV were
    included. Their hip and knee isokinetic strength in sagittal plane were evaluated at 60º/s of angular velocity
    for both legs using dynamometer. Two dimensional knee FPPA was evaluated during SLS at 60º of knee flexion.
    Pearson correlation was evaluated between knee FPPA during SLS and isokinetic leg strength.

    Results: Correlations between knee FPPA and hip and knee isokinetic strength were not statistically significant
    except between knee flexion peak torque/body weight (r = -0.35, p = 0.05) and hamstring to quadriceps ratio
    (r = -0.39, p = 0.03) of non-dominant leg.

    Conclusions: Isokinetic hip and knee strength and knee FPPA during SLS was correlated only for non-dominant
    leg during SLS among male junior athletes. DKV during SLS may be reduced through strengthening the muscles
    around hip and knee joints.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  14. Muhammad Harith, R., Mohamad Shariff, A.H.
    JUMMEC, 2019;22(2):13-23.
    Background: Despite regularly participating in international and national level multisport events, there is still
    limited data on the pattern of injuries and illnesses and factors associated with injuries and illnesses in Malaysia.
    Such information is crucial to instil preventive measures because sustaining injuries during competition could
    hamper the athlete’s performance.

    Methods: This cross-sectional study investigated the incidence, patterns and risk factors of injuries and illnesses
    among athletes throughout SUKIPT 2018, from the 2nd to the 10th of February 2018. All injuries and illnesses
    treated by tournament medical personnel were reported using a standardised online injury reporting form.
    This form was adapted from the injury surveillance form used by the International Olympic Committee.

    Results: A total of 6071 athletes from 80 contingents took part in SUKIPT 2018. During the nine days of
    competition 323 injuries and 48 illnesses were reported, resulting in an incidence of 5.3 injuries and 0.8 illness
    per 100 athletes. Approximately 6% of the athletes sustained at least one injury or illness.

    Conclusion: In summary, the incidence of injuries and illnesses among athletes during SUKIPT was 5.3 and
    0.8 per 100 athletes, respectively. Muscle strain/rupture/tear was the most common pattern of injury while
    collision with another athlete was the most frequent mechanism of injury. Meanwhile, the respiratory system
    was the most commonly affected by illness and infection was the most prevalent cause of illness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  15. Parnabas VA, Mahamood Y
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2009;olume 23:69-78.
    The purpose of this study is to identify negative coping strategies among athletes of various levels of performance (national, state, district, university and school), ethnicity (Malay, Chinese, Indian and others) and gender. Participants in this study were 908 Malaysian athletes, of which 502 were males and 406 were females. They were selected by stratified random sampling and had completed the Negative Coping Strategies questionnaire. The results show that male, district-level athletes who were of Indian ethnicity were the highest users of negative coping strategies. The results also showed that negative coping strategies enhanced performance. Contrary to previous research, the uses of negative coping strategies in this study were found to enhance performance in sport. Implications of these findings are also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  16. Ahmad-Shushami AH, Abdul-Karim S
    Malays Orthop J, 2020 Mar;14(1):28-33.
    PMID: 32296479 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.2003.005
    Introduction: Football and futsal were the main sports in the Malaysian Games. However, they were associated with a risk of injury. The purpose of the study was to analyse the incidence, circumstances, and characteristics of football and futsal injuries during the Malaysian Games of 2018.

    Materials and method: During the tournament, 14 teams participated in men's football, 12 teams in men's futsal and 11 teams in women's futsal. The biannual event involved athletes aged under 21 years. A medical report form used by FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre (F-Marc), was provided to the physiotherapists and team doctors of all the teams to report all injuries after each match.

    Results: The response rate was 84.62% in football and 59.76% in futsal. A total of 48 injuries were reported from 26 football matches, equivalent to 64.64 injuries per 1000 match hours (95%CI 46.35 to 82.93). In futsal, a total of 48 injuries from 41 matches were reported, equivalent to 292.42 injuries per 1000 match hours (95% CI 209.7 to 375.14). The rate of injury in women futsal players was higher compared to men: 358.21 versus 247.04 injuries per 1000 match hours (p=0.224). Futsal recorded higher injuries per 1000 match hours than football (p<0.001).

    Conclusion: The rate of severe injury in futsal and football recorded in the study as compared to previous studies gave rise to serious concerns. Hence, there was an urgent need to pay more attention to injury prevention strategies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  17. Mohamad Shariff A Hamid, Arshad Puji, Zakiy Jamalullail, Zaidi Salleh, Kamarul Hashimy Hussein
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1531-1536.
    Although more Malaysians are taking part in International Multisport Games, these athletes well-being at such events have not been fully explored. The purpose of this study was to examine the pattern of injury and illness among Malaysian athletes during the XVII Asian Games 2014. Clinical and socio-demographic information of athletes diagnosed with injury or illness during the centralised training camp and at the Games were recorded in a standardised report form. Throughout the study period, 83 injuries and 64 illnesses were recorded from 276 athletes. Muscle strains and tears were the most common injury followed by ligamentous injury and soft tissues contusion. The number of injuries was highest among badminton players followed by hockey and rugby. Significantly higher incidence of injuries was observed among men than women hockey players. Athletes in individual events had higher proportion of more severe injury than those in team events. Respiratory tract infection was the most frequent illness diagnosed among athletes. Most injuries and illnesses diagnosed among athletes were minor and did not result in time away from participation. The incidence of injuries and illnesses among Malaysian athletes at the XVII Asian Games were comparable with those reported by previous authors. Injury and illness rate were influenced by gender and sports. Fortunately, majority of injuries and illnesses were minor and did not prevent athletes from participation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  18. Jamaludin NI, Sahabuddin FNA, Raja Ahmad Najib RKM, Shamshul Bahari MLH, Shaharudin S
    PMID: 32575511 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17124418
    The study investigated the influence of ankle strength and its range of motion (ROM) on knee kinematics during drop landing. Fifteen male and fifteen female university athletes with a normal range of dynamic knee valgus (DKV) (knee frontal plane projection angle: men = 3° to 8°, females = 7° to 13°) were recruited. They performed drop landing at height 30 cm and 45 cm with three-dimensional motion capture and analysis. Knee angles were compared at specific landing phases. Isokinetic ankle strength was tested at 60°/s angular velocity while the weight-bearing lunge test was conducted to evaluate ankle ROM. For males, strength for both plantarflexors and dorsiflexors were associated with knee kinematics at both heights (30 cm: r = -0.50, p = 0.03; 45 cm: r = -0.45, p = 0.05) during maximum vertical ground reaction force (MVGRF) phase. For females, ankle invertor strength and knee kinematics were associated at both 30cm (r = 0.53; p = 0.02,) and 45 cm landing heights (r = 0.49, p = 0.03), while plantarflexor strength and knee kinematics showed a significant association during initial contact (r = 0.70, p < 0.01) and MVGRF (r = 0.55, p = 0.02) phases at height 30 cm only. Male and female athletes with normal range of DKV showed a significant relationship between ankle strength and knee kinematics at specific landing phases. These relationships varied with increased landing height.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  19. Ahmad Fazlan Ghazalli, Mahamad Yusof Abdul Rani, Nelfianty Mohd
    The purpose of this study examines the effect of Selangor weightlifters concerns over the performance of the National Weightlifting Championship in Johor Bahru 2015. The sample is Selangor weightlifting athletes aged 13 to 15 years who participated in the national weightlifting championship in Johor Bahru. Data were collected through questionnaires Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2) to measure the level of anxiety (cognitive, somatic, self-confidence). The mean value analysis, the percentage used to determine the level of concern for athletes. Correlation tests were used to examine the association between the phases of concern with the performance of athletes during the competition. The results showed the level of anxiety (cognitive, somatic and self-confidence) athletes a day before the tournament is at a moderate level. Other while, cognitive anxiety level significantly correlated with performance or achievement during the tournament. Therefore, the coaches and athletes must continue to concentrate on the concerns of cognitive intentions to achieve excellent performance in a weightlifting tournament in the future. Researchers suggest the management should seek the help of a sports psychologist to provide psychological training for athletes particularly to address the concerns of cognitive as well as physical exercise by periods of sustained exercise.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
  20. Deng N, Soh KG, Zaremohzzabieh Z, Abdullah B, Salleh KM, Huang D
    PMID: 36612806 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20010482
    Objective: We aimed to meta-analyze the effects of combined upper and lower limb plyometric training (ULLPT) on physical fitness attributes in athletes. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted in Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, PubMed, and SCOPUS, for up to 13 August 2022. Controlled studies with baseline and follow-up measures were included if they examined the effects of ULLPT on at least one measure of physical fitness indices in athletes. A random effects meta-analysis was performed using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software. Results: Fifteen moderate-to-high-quality studies with 523 participants aged 12−22.4 years were included in the analyses. Small to large (ES = 0.42−1.66; p = 0.004 to <0.001) effects were noted for upper and lower body muscle power, linear sprint speed, upper and lower body muscle strength, agility, and flexibility, while no significant effects on static and dynamic balance were noted (ES = 0.44−0.10; all p > 0.05). Athletes’ sex, age, and training program variables had no modulator role on the effects of ULLPT in available data sets. Conclusions: ULLPT induces distinct neuro-muscular adaptations in the upper and lower body musculature and is an efficient method for enhancing athletes’ physical fitness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Athletes
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