Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 110 in total

  1. Vankayala B, Anantula K, Saladi H, Gudugunta L, Basavarajaiah JM, Yadav SS
    J Conserv Dent, 2020 08 20;22(6):559-563.
    PMID: 33088065 DOI: 10.4103/JCD.JCD_221_19
    Aim: This study aims to evaluate the amount of apical extrusion of bacteria during root canal instrumentation using K3XF, Protaper Gold, Edge taper platinum, and Hyflex CM Rotary systems.

    Materials and Methods: Sixty freshly extracted maxillary incisors teeth collected in saline. Access cavity prepared and canals were made free of bacterial and pulp. The teeth were mounted on the bacteria collecting apparatus. Root canals were contaminated with the Fusobacterium Nucleatum (ATCC25586) and dried at 37°C for 24 h. In Group 1 (Control group): No instrumentation was done and biomechanical preparation done in all other groups with Group 2: Hand K-files, Group 3: Protaper gold, Group 4: K3XF, Group 5: Edge taper platinum, and Group 6: Hyflex CM rotary file systems. Then, the extrude was collected, and it is incubated in Mueller-Hinton agar for 24 h and the number of colony forming units were counted and statistical comparison was done using Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U test.

    Results: Hand K-files extruded more bacteria when compared to other four rotary systems, K3XF file system extruded least number of bacteria.

    Conclusion: All instrumentation techniques extruded intracanal bacteria apically. However, engine-driven nickel-titanium instruments extruded less bacteria than the manual technique. The K3XF rotary file system comparatively extruded less bacteria than other rotary file systems.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  2. Kewalramani R, Murthy CS, Gupta R
    J Oral Biol Craniofac Res, 2019 08 31;9(4):347-351.
    PMID: 31528537 DOI: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2019.08.001
    Introduction: Elusive second mesiobuccal canal (MB2) in maxillary first molar are often missed during endodontic therapy and are a major cause of treatment failures. Its prevalence is known to vary among different populations and there is limited information on its prevalence in Indian population.

    Aim: This study investigated the prevalence and location of second mesiobuccal (MB2) canal in mesiobuccal root of maxillary first molar using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images in an Indian population.

    Materials and methods: CBCT images of 598 three rooted maxillary first molars were studied. In each CBCT image, the floor of pulp chamber was located and advanced by 2 mm to standardize the observation for MB2 canal. Its location was determined in relation to mesiobuccal (MB1) and palatal (P) canal.

    Statistical analysis: The data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The presence of MB2 canal was correlated with age, gender and tooth position using Chi square test.

    Results: The prevalence of MB2 canal in three rooted maxillary first molar was 61.9%. It was seen that the prevalence of MB2 was highest in 20-40years age group (67.4%) followed by > 40 years (57.5%) and lowest in <20 years (50.6%) and the difference was statistically significant (p = 0.005). It is located mesiopalatally; 2.5 mm ± 0.6 mm palatally and 1.0 ± 0.4mmmesially to the MB1 canal or present directly on the line joining the MB1 and palatal canal.

    Conclusion: There is a high probability of finding MB2 canal in Indian patients. The access cavity must be modified from a triangular shape to rhomboid shape. Troughingmesiopaltally (about 2.5 mm palatally and 1 mm mesially) from MB1 to a depth of about 2 mm from the floor of pulp chamber may be necessary for locating MB2 canal.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  3. Nurul Farahah Bahari, Nur Iffah Izzaty Jamal, John, Jacob
    Ann Dent, 2019;26(1):8-14.
    This cross sectional study investigated the clinical and radiographic status of crowned teeth with and without root canal treatment. The study used secondary data from records of patients who received crown treatment at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya before 2015 and walk-in patients attending the primary care clinic between July - December 2016. The inclusion criterion was crown fitted for more than 12 months. Once identified, the patients were assessed for clinical and radiographic status. Data were entered into and analysed using SPSS Version 20 software. A total of 66 crowns [35 root canal treated (RCT) and 31 non-root canal treated (n-RCT)] were identified. Chi-square test was carried out to determine the health of crowned teeth and for its longevity in the oral cavity. There were 43 crowns (46.5% RCT; 53.5% n-RCT) with plaque accumulation, 15 (66.7% RCT; 33.3% n-RCT) with gingival swelling/recession, 17 (46.5% RCT; 53.5% n-RCT) with widening of the periodontal ligament, 13 (53.8% RCT; 46.2% n-RCT) with bone loss and 5 (60% RCT; 40% n-RCT) crowns with periapical lesion. There was no statistically significant difference except for poorer alveolar bone condition for crowns that have been in the mouth for >10 years. Based on the study, no significant adverse pulpal involvement between crown with RCT and crown without RCT was observed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  4. Gupta R, Kewalramani R
    J Oral Biol Craniofac Res, 2021 03 10;11(2):330-333.
    PMID: 33786296 DOI: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2021.03.001
    Aim: To evaluate the microleakage of newer bioceramic root-end filling materials.

    Material and method: Sixty freshly extracted human single-rooted mandibular premolar teeth were selected for the study. Teeth with fractured root, cracks, anddilacerations were rejected. All teeth were cleaned with ultrasonic scalers. Standard access opening was done and root canal treatment was performed with rotary files followed by obturation. After storing in saline for a week apical 3 ​mm of the root was resected at 900 angles to the long axis of the root. Retro cavity preparation was done with ultrasonic tips. The teeth were divided into four groups of 15 specimens each. Group I - Biodentin, GroupII-Bioaggregate, Group III - MTA Plus, and Group IV - MTA. After the restoration of retro cavities of all the teeth as per manufacture instructions, two coats of nail varnish were applied to leave apical 3 ​mm. All teeth were stored in 2% methylene blue for 72 ​h followed by emersion in 65% nitric acid for the next 72 ​h for Dye extraction. The obtained supernatant solution was then centrifuged and optical density or absorbance was measured with a UV spectrophotometer.

    Result: Microleakage was found to be increasing in this order: Biodentin ​ ​0.01).

    Conclusion: All materials exhibit some amount of microleakage. Biodentin shows the least microleakage among all the bioceramic material groups. Hence, Biodentin and bioaggregate are better material of choice for the retrograde filling to prevent microleakage.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  5. Al-Haddad AY, Kacharaju KR, Haw LY, Yee TC, Rajantheran K, Mun CS, et al.
    J Contemp Dent Pract, 2020 Nov 01;21(11):1218-1221.
    PMID: 33850066
    AIM: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the prior application of intracanal medicaments on the bond strength of OrthoMTA (mineral trioxide aggregate) and iRoot SP to the root dentin.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty single-rooted mandibular premolars were standardized and prepared using ProTaper rotary files. The specimens were divided into a control group and two experimental groups receiving Diapex and Odontopaste medicament, either filled with iRoot SP or OrthoMTA, for 1 week. Each root was sectioned transversally, and the push-out bond strength and failure modes were evaluated. The data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney U post hoc test.

    RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the bond strength of iRoot SP and OrthoMTA without medicaments and with the prior placement of Diapex (p value > 0.05). However, iRoot SP showed significantly higher bond strength with the prior placement of Odontopaste (p value < 0.05). Also, there was no association between bond strength of OrthoMTA with or without intracanal medicament (p value > 0.05) and between failure mode and root filling materials (p value > 0.05). The prominent failure mode for all groups was cohesive.

    CONCLUSION: Prior application of Diapex has no effect on the bond strength of iRoot SP and OrthoMTA. However, Odontopaste improved the bond strength of iRoot SP.

    CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Dislodgment resistance of root canal filling from root dentin could be an indicator of the durability and prognosis of endodontic treated teeth.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  6. Mali S, Singla S, Tyagi P, Sharma A, Talreja N, Gautam A
    J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent, 2021 1 7;38(4):374-380.
    PMID: 33402620 DOI: 10.4103/JISPPD.JISPPD_315_20
    Aim and Objectives: The aim and objectives of this study are to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of Myristica fragrans - Nutmeg, Terminalia chebula - Myrobolan, Ocimum sanctum-tulsi, and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) on the removal of the smear layer by the scanning electron microscope (SEM).

    Settings and Design: Endodontic treatment aims at disinfection and then obturation of root canal system in to prevent re-infection. Root canal irrigants play a pivotal role in the disinfection process. One of the important properties of an irrigant is the removal of complete smear layer and debris. Smear layer has the potential to protect bacteria within the dentinal tubules; therefore removal may be prudent. Smear layer removal increases the bond strength of resin sealers which results in better apical seal.

    Materials and Methods: Forty extracted single-rooted, primary teeth were allocated randomly into four groups of ten each: Group 1 - NaOCl, Group 2 - Nutmeg, Group 3 - Myrobolan, and Group 4 - Tulsi. Samples were stored in sterile saline (0.9% NaCl) and then decoronated at the level of the cementoenamel junction. Working length was determined followed by appropriate irrigation. The roots were split into two halves with a chisel and were stored in 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution for 24 h. After fixation, the samples were dehydrated in ethanol series (70, 90, and 95 and twice at 100%). Each specimen was mounted on Al stub and sputter coated with a 20 nm layer of gold. Samples were then examined using a SEM quantum 60 at magnification of ×2000.

    Results: Tulsi demonstrated the most statistically significant results followed by myrobolan and nutmeg extract. All herbal extracts were found to be significantly effective than 2.5% NaOCl.

    Conclusion: Tulsi, nutmeg and myrobolan can be effectively used as an irrigant in primary teeth.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  7. Singh S, Srivastava B, Gupta K, Gupta N, Singh R, Singh S
    Int J Clin Pediatr Dent, 2020 8 4;13(2):119-123.
    PMID: 32742086 DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1718
    Aim and objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the antifungal efficacy of MTA Fillapex, Metapex, zinc oxide eugenol cement, Endomethasone, and Endoflas against Candida albicans.

    Materials and methods: Root canal exudates of 30 patients were tested against MTA Fillapex (Angelus), Metapex (BioMed), zinc oxide eugenol (Deepak Enterprise), Endomethasone (Septodont), Endoflas FS (Sanlor Laboratories), MTA (Angelus) (positive control), and glycerine (negative control). Children with failed endodontic cases were included in the study. Tube dilution and agar diffusion methods were used to check the antifungal efficacy of the root canal sealers. In tube dilution method, 24-well culture plates containing freshly mixed material along with Candida albicans were used. Wells containing MTA (Angelus) along with Sabouraud dextrose agar and Candida albicans served as positive control while glycerine along with Sabouraud dextrose agar and Candida albicans served as negative control. All plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. Growth of the fungi was monitored after 24 hours by the presence of the turbidity. The samples were recultured to test the experimental material using agar well diffusion method, and the Petri plates were incubated for 24 hours and 72 hours. Zone of inhibition was measured after respective time period. Paired t test was used for the data analysis.

    Results: It was seen in tube dilution method Endomethasone showed least turbidity while maximum was shown by Metapex; similar results were seen in case of agar well diffusion method in which largest zone of inhibition was shown by Endomethasone while smallest was by Metapex.

    Conclusion: It was concluded that Endomethasone showed maximum efficacy against Candida albicans as compared to Metapex.

    How to cite this article: Singh S, Srivastava B, Gupta K, et al. Comparative Evaluation of Antifungal Efficacy of Five Root Canal Sealers against Clinical Isolates of Candida albicans: A Microbiological Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020;13(2):119-123.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  8. Karobari MI, Khijmatgar S, Noorani TY, Assiry A, Alharbi T
    J Conserv Dent, 2021 02 10;23(5):518-521.
    PMID: 33911363 DOI: 10.4103/JCD.JCD_220_19
    Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the role of clinical audit in improving endodontic treatment outcomes.

    Materials and Methods: An audit at the department of endodontics at dental specialty centre kingdom of Saudi Arabia was carried out. The audit was conducted by developing endodontics treatment and success predictors based on evidence, that can be measured for endodontic care. A total of 12 months' data was examined from the previous dental records. Ten clinical cards were which included root canal treatment were selected. The audit was carried out for a minimum of 50 teeth and a maximum of 200 teeth. The radiographs of record cards were studied and a single dentist completed the audit tool.

    Results: The vitality test was performed in 1.98% cases, intra-canal medicament was used and named in 3.96% cases, 3.96% the teeth were extracted due to endodontic failure. Further, in 6.93% of the cases that were identified had certain spaces but overall root canal filling was evaluated as satisfactory.

    Conclusion: The vitality test, type of intracanal medicament, and assessment of root canal filling were not done, but there was an overall performance of predictors for endodontic treatment.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  9. Chia MSY, Parolia A, Lim BSH, Jayaraman J, Porto ICCM
    Restor Dent Endod, 2020 Aug;45(3):e28.
    PMID: 32839709 DOI: 10.5395/rde.2020.45.e28
    Objectives: To evaluate the outcome of in vitro studies comparing the effectiveness of QMix irrigant in removing the smear layer in the root canal system compared with other irrigants.

    Materials and Methods: The research question was developed by using Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome and Study design framework. Literature search was performed using 3 electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, and EBSCOhost until October 2019. Two reviewers were independently involved in the selection of the articles and data extraction process. Risk of bias of the studies was independently appraised using revised Cochrane Risk of Bias tool (RoB 2.0) based on 5 domains.

    Results: Thirteen studies fulfilled the selection criteria. The overall risk of bias was moderate. QMix was found to have better smear layer removal ability than mixture of tetracycline isonomer, an acid and a detergent (MTAD), sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), and phytic acid. The efficacy was less effective than 7% maleic acid and 10% citric acid. No conclusive results could be drawn between QMix and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid due to conflicting results. QMix was more effective when used for 3 minutes than 1 minute.

    Conclusions: QMix has better smear layer removal ability compared to MTAD, NaOCl, Tubulicid Plus, and Phytic acid. In order to remove the smear layer more effectively with QMix, it is recommended to use it for a longer duration.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  10. Lin GSS, Ghani NRNA, Noorani TY
    Odontology, 2021 Jul;109(3):672-678.
    PMID: 33458795 DOI: 10.1007/s10266-021-00589-1
    To compare the microhardness and crack formation in root dentine presented with butterfly effect in lower premolars. Sixty mature lower premolars were selected and divided into the control and experimental groups. Teeth in the experimental group were instrumented up to size 30/.04. The roots were cut horizontally into twelve parts of 1-mm-thick cross-section and were numbered accordingly. They were divided into coronal, middle, and apical root sections. Sections were then viewed under a microscope to determine the presence of butterfly effect and subsequently scored. 8 teeth from both control and experimental groups with the highest and lowest score were selected. Crack formation was inspected and classified into four different types of cracks. Microhardness test was performed using a Vickers hardness test. Higher frequency of butterfly effect was found in the apical root section and root dentine with butterfly effect were harder mesiodistally. The middle and apical root sections with butterfly effect were harder than the coronal section. No significant difference of dentine hardness between the control and experimental groups. Cracks only occurred in the experimental group and presented in buccolingual direction with a higher rate of Type 1 and Type 2 cracks. Prevalence of butterfly effect in lower premolars increased from coronal to apical with increased hardness mesiodistally. More buccolingual cracks were found in radicular dentine with butterfly effect and most of them exhibited Type 1 and Type 2 cracks. Roots of lower premolar with butterfly effect may be susceptible to a higher rate of vertical root fracture in buccolingual direction, especially after root canal treatment. Thus, special attention should be given not to overload instruments during root canal preparation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  11. Lim, Siau Peng, Fazal Reza, Zaihan Ariffin
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate hardness (indicator for polymerization) and thickness of two types of resin cement at coronal, middle and apical level of tooth root canal. Ten extracted maxillary incisors were instrumented and post space was prepared for cementation of titanium post. Samples were divided into two groups and each group was cemented either of the two types of resin cements; Panavia F [dual-cured (PF)] and Rely X Luting 2 [self-cured (RL)]. The teeth were longitudinally sectioned; hardness and thickness was measured using Vickers hardness tester and a microscope (Leica DMLM). SEM observations along the cement line at the 3 different root levels were performed. Statistical analysis was performed to test significance of differences in hardness and thickness of the two types of cement (t-test; p= 0.05) and at different levels of the same type (one-way ANOVA followed by multiple comparison; p= 0.05). Significant difference of hardness was found at the apical level between the two groups and between the coronal and apical level of PF (p0.05). Moreover, voids were more obvious within the dual-cured group of cement. Dual-cured resin cement was found to be less polymerized than self-cured type at apical level. Increased thicknesses of resin cements in comparison to post space size were observed in both groups. Use of metallic post with resin cements needs further evaluation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  12. Che Ab Aziz, Z.A., Baharin, S.A., Spratt, D., Gulabivala, K.
    Ann Dent, 2009;16(1):1-8.
    This study aimed to detect the presence of enterococci in the root canals of untreated and treated teeth with periapical disease and to compare this to their presence in the saliva and in the immediate surgical environment during root canal treatment. Using an aseptic technique, 33 samples were obtained from 27 untreated and 6 previously treated teeth associated with apical periodontitis. Reduced Transport Fluid (RTF) was used as transport medium. Saliva samples and areas in the surgical environment were also sampled. These were performed prior to chemo-mechanical debrjdement and obturation for every case. The saliva was diluted to 10- J and was plated on Bile Aesculin Azide (BEA) agar whereas the rest of the samples were plated on Bile Aesculin (BE) agar. These plates were then incubated aerobically at 37°C for 48 hours. All the colony types that blackened the agar were sub-cultured to obtain pure isolates and tested on 6.5% sodium chloride (NaCI). Growth on this medium was Gram stained for further confirmation of cell morphology. Gram positive cocci isolated from previous positive test were identified as enterococci. Enterococci were recovered from untreated cases only; from 2 teeth (in 2 patients) prior to chemo-mechanical debridement, from 3 teeth (in 3 patients) prior to obturation and I from saliva sample. A 'total of 5 samples from 5 different patients were positive for enteroco•cci. Sampling in the immediate surgical environment revealed a low occurence in the range of3.0% (1/33) to 15_2% (5/33). In conclusion, the occurence of enterococci in patients and the immediate surgical environment was low number.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  13. Abdullah, M., Che Ab Aziz, Z.A., Roslan Saub, Murat, N., Sulaiman, E., Hashim, N., et al.
    Ann Dent, 2009;16(1):9-14.
    The objectives of this study were to assess the practice of molar root canal treatment (RCT) among general dental practitioners (GDPs), confidence level of GDPs in performing molar RCT and to identify factors that influence their confidence in managing molar RCI. One hundred questionnaires were distributed to GDPs in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. Fifty questionnaires were delivered by mail and the remaining fifty were hand-delivered. All data was coded and verified. Fiftysix OOPs rcsponded to the questionnaires. Only fortyfive questionnaires were accepted (n=45) as eleven OOPs had never performed molar RCI. Most of the OOPs followed the standard quality guidelines while performing molar RCT except for vitality testing (36.4%) and rubber dam usage (27.3%). In this study, 100% of the GDPs were confident in making diagnosis of perinidicular diseases and 95.4% were confident in performing molar RCT from history taking until obturation. Patients' tolerance and availability of instruments and materials (97.7%) were two factors that most influence the GDPs' confidence level. The. least influcncing factor was undergraduate training (78.1 %). Attending seminars and lectures on endodontic, large number of molar teeth treated for ReT, patLents' affordability to pay for RCT and postgraduate training also influencc GDPs' confidence to a certain degree. From this study, it can be concluded that majority of OOPs complied standard quality guidelines except for vitality testing and rubber dam usage. Most of them were confident in performing molar RCT and were greatly influenced by the availability or"instruments and materials in their clinic and patients' tolerance in receiving molar RCI.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  14. Che Ab Aziz, Z.A., Abdullah, M., Vello, C.D.S., Thangavelu, K.
    Ann Dent, 2006;13(1):12-17.
    Background: Majority of root canal treatment in Malaysia was provided by general dental practitioner. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and practice (canal’s preparation, use of materials) by them. Methods: A questionnaire was structured and distributed to 120 registered general dental practitioners in selected areas in Perak, Johor and Klang Valley regarding the provision of root canal therapy in their practices. The questionnaires were hand delivered and collected after 1 to 2 weeks. Results: Reply rate was 95% (n=114). The result demonstrated that 62% respondents indicated that they performed the root canal therapy (RCT) themselves. Out of these only 26% included molars in the treatment. Three quarters of them (77%) used step-back technique and 54% used stainless steel instruments to prepare the canals. The majority of the respondents (69%) used calcium hydroxide as intracanal medicaments. Only 30% used rubber dam for isolation whereas the rest used cotton rolls. The numbers of routine radiographs taken were two for anterior teeth and three for molar. Half of the respondents indicated that they usually completed the RCT for the anterior tooth within two visits whereas three visits were needed for the molar tooth. The results were analyzed descriptively. Conclusions: This study indicates that most of the general dental practitioners’ do not comply with quality standards guidelines such as use of rubber dam as isolation. Cotton roll was the most popular isolation method. In spite of this, most of the respondents tend to update their knowledge and practices with current techniques and materials.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  15. Lim, T.W., Goh, A.C., Seow, L.L.
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2007;28(2):122-131.
    The aim of the present study was to assess the current approaches and philosophies pertaining to direct restorations, bleaching and root canal treatment amongst general dental practitioners (GDPs) in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. A questionnaire, together with a stamped addressed envelope and an explanatory letter, was sent to 200 GDPs in the Klang Valley in April-July 2005. The GDPs were selected at random. A total of 153 (76.5%) of the GDPs responded to the survey. 46.4% of the respondents stated that the use of amalgam was decreasing whereas 79.7% stated an increase in the use of composite resins. Clinical indication (85.6%) and patients’ demand for aesthetics (73.9%) appeared to be the main factors influencing the choice of restorative materials. Fractured restorations was the main reason for the replacement of amalgam restorations (77.1%) whilst secondary caries was the main reason for the replacement of composite resin restorations (73.9%). Almost two thirds of the GDPs surveyed provided chair side bleaching while 75.8% of the GDPs would supervise home bleaching. Sodium hypochlorite was the most common endodontic irrigant used amongst the GDPs surveyed and cold lateral compaction was the most commonly used obturation technique.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  16. Deng PU, Halim MS, Masudi SM, Al-Shehadat S, Ahmad B
    Eur J Dent, 2018 8 28;12(3):410-416.
    PMID: 30147408 DOI: 10.4103/ejd.ejd_82_18
    Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the variations in the number of root and canal in the mandibular first permanent molars (MFPMs) teeth in East Coast Malaysian population using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).

    Materials and Methods: CBCT images which show MFPMs recorded in HUSM Dental Clinic between January 2015 and June 2016 was obtained and analyzed for their number of roots and canals. A total of 208 CBCT images of MFPMs were collected; 118 patients had unilateral molars and 90 patients had bilateral molars. The following observations were made: (1) root number; (2) number of canals per root; and (3) comparisons of number of roots and canals according to gender, ethnicity, and position.

    Results: The majority of cases of bilateral MFPM had the same number of roots (95.6%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 89.01%, 98.78%) on both the right and left side and only 4 cases (4.4%, 95% CI: 1.22%, 10.99%) had 3 roots on the right and 2 roots on the left sides. The majority of cases had the same number of canals on both sides (66.7%, 95% CI: 55.95, 76.26%) and 33.3% (95% CI: 23.74%, 44.05%) with unequal number of canals. The occurrence of the number of canals was not independent of the sides of the arch (P < 0.001) and there was statistically significantly greater proportion of cases who had greater number of canals on the right side than the left (P = 0.03). The prevalence of right single-rooted MFPM was very small at 0.3% (n = 1) in a Malay male (95% CI: 0.00, 1.83) and the most prevalent was two roots first molar (88.4%). The number of roots was not associated with sex or ethnic group (P > 0.05). The MFPM with a single root was found to have only one mesial canal. For two rooted MFPM, the most prevalent occurrence was two canals at the mesial and one canal at the distal roots (59%); followed by single canals in each mesial and distal (21%) and double canals per root (18%). Three roots MFPM have either single or double canals in the mesial root and double canals in the distal root.

    Conclusions: The majority of population in the East Coast region of Malaysia has two roots and three root canals in their MFPMs. There was no difference in the number of roots between gender and ethnic and canals between ethnic.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  17. Rus Dina Rus Din, Shahrul Hisham Zainal Ariffin, Sahidan Senafi, Rohaya Megat Abdul Wahab, Intan Zarina Zainol Abidin
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1523-1535.
    Ancient remains are considered very valuable artefacts, as they allow for the study of ancient cultures, phylogeny, evolution and the reconstruction of demographic history. To obtain all the information contained within remains, the investigation of such samples requires the expertise and various techniques from multiple fields of study. The present review focuses on the molecular biology and radiographic approaches used to identify ancient samples. Studies of ancient remains face various limitations; for example, the quality and quantity of the ancient samples can affect the difficulty of the investigations. Due to these limitations, new sophisticated techniques are being introduced to replace the earlier conventional techniques. A search was conducted using PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct and Science Finder to provide a new and timely review on the molecular mitochondrial DNA and radiographic analysis for human archaeology identification. The present review has determined that molecular biological approaches are very accurate and useful for the use in the ancestral determination of incomplete specimens, whereas observations of the dental pulp chamber are suitable for age at death estimations in both adults and children. However, these techniques are expensive and require expert personnel. Therefore, conventional approaches remain the favourite methods of most institutions, especially in Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  18. Chum JD, Lim DJZ, Sheriff SO, Pulikkotil SJ, Suresh A, Davamani F
    Restor Dent Endod, 2019 Feb;44(1):e8.
    PMID: 30834230 DOI: 10.5395/rde.2019.44.e8
    Objectives: Irrigants are imperative in endodontic therapy for the elimination of pathogens from the infected root canal. The present study compared the antimicrobial efficacy of octenidine dihydrochloride (OCT) with chlorhexidine (CHX) and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) against Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis) for root canal disinfection.

    Materials and Methods: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was obtained using serial dilution method. The agar diffusion method was then used to determine the zones of inhibition for each irrigant. Lastly, forty 6-mm dentin blocks were prepared from human mandibular premolars and inoculated with S. epidermidis. Samples were randomly divided into 4 groups of 10 blocks and irrigated for 3 minutes with saline (control), 2% CHX, 3% NaOCl, or 0.1% OCT. Dentin samples were then collected immediately for microbial analysis, including an analysis of colony-forming units (CFUs).

    Results: The MICs of each tested irrigant were 0.05% for CHX, 0.25% for NaOCl, and 0.0125% for OCT. All tested irrigants showed concentration-dependent increase in zones of inhibition, and 3% NaOCl showed the largest zone of inhibition amongst all tested irrigants (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences among the CFU measurements of 2% CHX, 3% NaOCl, and 0.1% OCT showing complete elimination of S. epidermidis in all samples.

    Conclusions: This study showed that OCT was comparable to or even more effective than CHX and NaOCl, demonstrating antimicrobial activity at low concentrations against S. epidermidis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  19. Ong TK
    Eur Endod J, 2019;4(3):145-149.
    PMID: 32161902 DOI: 10.14744/eej.2019.03016
    A 27-year-old male patient complained of dental pain on previously root-treated tooth #17. Intentional replantation (IR) was performed. However, the symptoms returned at 10 months of follow-up, and a sinus tract was detected on the buccal gingiva of tooth #17. The patient refused extraction of the tooth and tooth was scheduled for non-surgical retreatment. Root canal retreatment was initiated with the removal of the previous root filling material while leaving the retrograde filling in situ. After 1 month of intracanal medication, the tooth became asymptomatic with complete healing of the sinus tract and the root canal filling was completed. Clinical and radiographic examination at 1 year follow-up revealed endodontic success with complete resolution of periapical radiolucency. This case report shows that non-surgical retreatment could be a viable alternative for failed IR.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
  20. Ballester B, Giraud T, Ahmed HMA, Nabhan MS, Bukiet F, Guivarc'h M
    Clin Oral Investig, 2021 Nov;25(11):6027-6044.
    PMID: 34623506 DOI: 10.1007/s00784-021-04080-7
    OBJECTIVES: To assess related studies and discuss the clinical implications of endodontic access cavity (AC) designs.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic review of studies comparing the fracture resistance and/or endodontic outcomes between different AC designs was conducted in two electronic search databases (PubMed and Web of Science) following the PRISMA guidelines. Study selection, data extraction, and quality assessment were performed. Meta-analyses were undertaken for fracture resistance and root canal detection, with the level of significance set at 0.05 (P = 0.05).

    RESULTS: A total of 33 articles were included in this systematic review. The global evaluation of the risk of bias in the included studies was assessed as moderate, and the level of evidence was rated as low. Four types of AC designs were categorized: traditional (TradAC), conservative (ConsAC), ultraconservative (UltraAC), and truss (TrussAC). Their impact on fracture resistance, cleaning/disinfection, procedural errors, root canal detection, treatment time, apical debris extrusion, and root canal filling was discussed. Meta-analysis showed that compared to TradAC, (i) there is a significant higher fracture resistance of teeth with ConsAC, TrussAC, or ConsAC/TrussAC when all marginal ridges are preserved (P  0.05), and (iii) there is a significantly higher risk of undetected canals with ConsAC if not assisted by dental operating microscope and ultrasonic troughing (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity
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