A rare case of double Philadelphia chromosome-positive B Acute lymphoblastic Leukaemia (B-ALL) is reported here. A 60-year-old lady presented with one month history of fever, submandibular lymphadenopathy, loss of appetite and weight loss. Physical examination revealed multiple palpable cervical lymph nodes. Blood film showed leucocytosis with 72% blasts. Bone marrow assessment confirmed a diagnosis of B-ALL with presence of double Philadelphia (Ph) chromosomes. As she was very ill, she was initially treated with an attenuated regimen of induction chemotherapy consisting of rituximab, cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisolone (R-CVP) along with intrathecal chemotherapy comprising methotrexate, cytarabine and hydrocortisone. Bone marrow examination post-induction chemotherapy showed >5% blasts. She was subsequently re-induced with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisolone (R-CHOP) along with intrathecal chemotherapy, following which she went into complete remission. Consolidation chemotherapy consisting of methotrexate, methylprednisolone, cytarabine, intrathecal chemotherapy and imatinib was subsequently administered followed by maintenance chemotherapy consisting of vincristine, prednisolone and imatinib (IDEAMOP). She developed spontaneous bruises and relapsed four months into her maintenance chemotherapy with 90% blasts in the bone marrow which was treated with fludarabine, cytarabine and granulocyte colony stimulating factor (FLAG). Unfortunately she developed neutropenic sepsis which was complicated by invasive lung aspergillosis. Bone marrow examination post-FLAG showed 80% blasts. Despite aggressive antifungal therapy, her lung infection worsened and she finally succumbed to her illness 13 months after the initial diagnosis. We highlight a rare case of elderly B-ALL with double Ph chromosomes which carries a poor prognosis despite aggressive treatment for the disease and its complications.
Ruptured dissecting aortic aneurysm more commonly occur in men in the 40 to 70 age group, and most commonly is associated with atherosclerosis. Uncommon causes are previous heart surgery, connective tissue disorders and aortitis. Despite its rarity, Clostridium spp aortitis progresses very rapidly with a mortality rate of approximately 79% in adults, typically occurring within 48 hours of infection. We present a case of sudden death due to clostridial aortitis causing ruptured aortic dissection in an apparently healthy adult female, 7 weeks post-spontaneous vaginal delivery. This case highlights the pathology of aortic dissection and cystic media necrosis as presentations of clostridium spp infection in young female adult.
We report the case of a 30-year-old woman who was referred to us for evaluation of a 2-week history of fever, headache, vomiting, bilateral ptosis, and blurred vision. Imaging obtained by the referring institution had identified a sphenoid sinus mass and diffuse meningeal infiltration, which was thought to represent an infective process. We subsequently identified the mass as a metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The patient was placed under palliative care, and she died 1 month later. Metastases to the sphenoid sinus from any primary source are very rare, and they are generally not considered in the radiologic differential diagnosis. HCC is known to metastasize to the lung, lymph nodes, and musculoskeletal system; again, reported cases of metastasis to the sphenoid sinus are rare. Indeed, our review of the English-language literature found only 6 previously reported cases of sinonasal metastasis of a primary HCC. A diagnosis of a sinonasal metastasis is more difficult in a patient who has no previous diagnosis of a primary malignancy. In presenting this case, our aim is to remind readers of this possibility.
Carcinosarcoma is a highly aggressive and infiltrative tumor. A finding of this tumor in a paranasal sinus is exceedingly rare. We describe the case of a 61-year-old man who presented with a mass on the left side of his face. The mass was excised via a total maxillectomy with a modified radical neck dissection. Histologic analysis identified a mixture of carcinomatous and sarcomatous components. Within 1 month of surgery, the patient developed a sternal metastasis, and he died within a short period of time. The aggressive nature of this tumor and its metastases demand early diagnosis and prompt treatment.
As many as 31% of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma present with intracranial extension. Despite this high percentage, extension to the cerebellopontine angle is rare. The mechanism of tumor spread to the cerebellopontine angle is not completely understood. The most likely mechanism is direct extension to the skull base with involvement of the petrous apex and further extension posteriorly via the medial tentorial edge. We report the case of a 46-year-old woman with nasopharyngeal carcinoma who had been treated initially with chemoradiation and subsequently with stereotactic radiosurgery for residual tumor. One year later, she presented with an intracranial recurrence of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the cerebellopontine angle; the recurrence mimicked a benign tumor on magnetic resonance imaging. The tumor was ultimately diagnosed as an undifferentiated carcinoma of nasopharyngeal origin. She was treated with palliative chemotherapy.
Bone cement implantation syndrome (BCIS) is characterized by hypoxia, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, increased pulmonary vascular resistance and cardiac arrest. It is a known cause of morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing cemented orthopaedic surgeries. The rarity of the condition as well as absence of a proper definition has contributed to under-reporting of cases. We report a 59-year-old woman who sustained fracture of the neck of her left femur and underwent an elective hybrid total hip replacement surgery. She collapsed during surgery and was revived only to succumb to death twelve hours later. Post mortem findings showed multiorgan disseminated microembolization of bone marrow and amorphous cement material.
Prototheca wickerhamii isolated from blood of 61-year-old kidney transplant patient was described. Although it is classified as an alga (genus Chlorella), the disease, protothecosis, is included under mycoses because of its clinical pathological presentations. Colony characteristics of P. wickerhamii are indistinguishable from other yeast-like organisms like Cryptococcus and Candida. Fortunately, commercial identification system for yeast can be used to identify this organism to the species level. Electron microscopy demonstrated "morula" or daisy-like appearance of its endosporulating sporangia. The organism was sensitive to amphotericin B by E test method. Even though human protothecosis is uncommon, it cannot be ignored because it is emerging as an opportunistic infection in immunosuppressed individuals. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of disseminated algaemia due to P. wickerhamii in Malaysia.
We describe a patient with multiple myeloma, who initially responded to chemotherapy and went into remission. She presented 10 months later with a right breast lump which was confirmed by core biopsy to be a plasmacytoma. Further treatment with radiotherapy, thalidomide and later second line chemotherapy appeared unsuccessful and she showed rapid disease progression with rising paraproteins and new extramedullary plasmacytoma lesions in the forehead, supraclavicular region, nasopharynx, liver, spleen, pancreas and paraaortic lymph nodes.
A 15 year-old adolescent was referred with 2 month history of worsening of breathlessness and haemoptysis. He also reported constitutional symptoms of fever, poor appetite and weight loss. The chest roentgenogram showed a massive right pleural effusion with apparent cardiomegaly. The cardiac silhouette over the right heart border was obliterated and the mediastinum was widened. Computed tomogram of the thorax showed a bulky heterogeneous mass in the right lung with extension to the heart. Subsequent CT guided lung biopsy revealed Primitive Neuroectodermal tumour (PNET). Here, we illustrate the clinical course of an aggressive pulmonary PNET with lethal cardiac metastasis.
Transient abnormal myelopoeisis (TAM) is a haematological phenomenon commonly seen in newborns with Down syndrome. Although the majority show spontaneous resolution, this condition should not be dismissed too readily as there have been associated fatalities. Furthermore, even for those who do show spontaneous resolution, a significant percentage will develop acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia within the next few years of life. We report a series of four patients with TAM who presented with hepatosplenomegaly and leucocytosis detected on preliminary investigations.
We report a case of an adult who presented with progressive swelling in the right eye with suggestive of intracranial lesion on imaging. Histopathological revealed a lacrimal gland malignant mixed tumour.
We report a case of a child with severe congenital neutropenia (Kostmann's syndrome) who was treated with daily prophylactic subcutaneous granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) from the age of eight to sixteen years before being discontinued for poor haematological and clinical response. She did not have a HLA-matched sibling to enable bone marrow transplantation. She subsequently developed acute megakaryoblastic leukemia at the age of 17 years and succumbed during induction chemotherapy. The role of G-CSF in the pathogenesis of her malignant transformation to AML is complicated as this disorder has a propensity for myelodysplasia or AML as part of its natural history.
A 31 years old Chinese male with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) presented with concurrent mycobacterial infection and a synchronous non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the nose. The diagnoses were made over a period of two months. Treatment for the mycobacterial infection was administered but he succumbed to the disease shortly after the diagnosis of NHL was established. This was an unusual case where two pathologies occurred in the same site in a patient with AIDS.
Factor VII deficiency is a rare congenital blood disorder. Its clinical features are rather variable and ranges from epistaxis to massive intracranial haemorrhage. Treatment involves replacement therapy, which constitutes use of fresh frozen plasma, prothrombin complex concentrates or recombinant activated factor VII. Although it is a rare entity, one still needs to consider it as a probable diagnosis in a newborn with coagulopathy. We report here a case of Factor VII deficiency in a newborn who presented with subdural haemorrhage at day 4 of life.
BACKGROUND: Squamous papillary craniopharyngioma is a distinct entity, and its cytologic features may be misleading. Because of the rarity of this tumor, this case is being reported with a note on the cytologic features.
CASE: A 56-year-old Malay man who had 1-month history of generalized lethargy was admitted for altered sensorium. On examination, he was found to have neck stiffness, bilateral papilledema and generalized atrophy of muscles, with reduced power in all limbs. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed a solid mass in the third ventricle causing obstructive hydrocephalus. Intraoperative cytology of the mass diagnosed intraventricular meningioma. However, the final histopathologic examination revealed squamous papillary craniopharyngioma.
CONCLUSION: Craniopharyngioma, squamous papillary type, is a rare entity and usually occurs in adults as an intraventricular solid tumor. Awareness of this entity will aid in arriving at the correct cytologic diagnosis.