Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 115 in total

  1. Yovich JL, Mariappen U, Hinchliffe PM, Dhaliwal SS, Keane KN
    Reprod Biol, 2020 Sep;20(3):424-432.
    PMID: 32389607 DOI: 10.1016/j.repbio.2020.03.008
    This observational study examines the outcomes of pregnancies arising in women referred for infertility, where those who experienced threatened miscarriage were treated with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) tablets. The 14-year study period covers comprehensive real-time data entries into the validated electronic database including details of the infertility management, pregnancy outcomes and any foetal anomalies among the infants, each being tracked and recorded. Of 4057 clinical pregnancies, 1343 received MPA for threatened miscarriage; 934 (69.6 %) of which continued to livebirths. These were compared with the remaining 2714 clinical pregnancies without threatened miscarriage or MPA and which resulted in 2075 (76.5 %) livebirths. There were 134 developmental abnormalities recorded among the 3009 livebirths of which 78 (2.6 %) were categorised appropriate for the Western Australian Developmental Abnormalities Register; WARDA. These comprised 55 in the MPA group, 36 of which were categorised as serious (being 2.7 % of clinical pregnancies and 3.9 % of births). In the group without MPA, there were 79 abnormalities, of which 42 were categorised as serious (being 1.7 % of clinical pregnancies and 2.2 % of births). Specifically, there were no cases of androgenisation noted among the female infants. The abnormality rates were low overall and well within the annual WARDA ranges. We cautiously suggest that oral MPA can be considered for studies throughout pregnancy including the early first trimester to assess a potential role in reducing miscarriage, as well as advanced pregnancies to evaluate a potential role in reducing stillbirths and preterm delivery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  2. Mohammed F, Tan GC, Hor KN, Arnold M, Wong YP
    Cardiovasc. Pathol., 2020 05 12;49:107226.
    PMID: 32574866 DOI: 10.1016/j.carpath.2020.107226
    Cardiac rhabdomyoma is the most prevalent cardiac tumors in the pediatric population, in close association with tuberous sclerosis complex. It is usually detected antenatally or postnatally by echocardiography. Clinical presentations depend greatly on the size and position of the tumor mass. Interestingly, rhabdomyoma has a propensity to regress spontaneously and is not usually operated upon, unless the patient becomes hemodynamically compromised. Herein, we report an unusual case of surgically treated cardiac rhabdomyoma in a baby boy presented at birth with a progressive enlarging intraventricular mass, complicated with left ventricular outflow tract obstruction 7 weeks later. Histopathological examination of the intracardiac mass revealed sheets of tumor cells with spider-like morphology (known as "spider cells"), confirmed the diagnosis of rhabdomyoma. Close disease monitoring of patient's hemodynamic status in a newly diagnosed cardiac rhabdomyoma is inevitable as the tumor, although rare, may progress.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  3. Chan YK, Loh PS
    Med Hypotheses, 2016 Sep;94:108-11.
    PMID: 27515214 DOI: 10.1016/j.mehy.2016.06.018
    More than 90% of the human species are right handed. Although outwardly our body appears symmetrical, a 50/50% lateralization in handedness never occurs. Neither have we seen more than 50% left handedness in any subset of the human population. By 12-15weeks of intrauterine life, as many as 6 times more fetuses are noted by ultrasound studies to be sucking on their right thumbs. Distinct difference in oxygenation leading to dissimilar energy availability between right and left subclavian arteries in place by week 9 of life may hold the clue to the lateralization of hand function and eventually, the same in the brain. We know there is a higher incidence of left handedness in males, twins, premature babies and those born to mothers who smoke. They may represent a subset with less distinct difference in oxygenation between the 2 subclavian arteries during the fetal stage. This hypothesis if correct not only closes the gap in understanding human handedness and lateralization but also opens a vista for new research to focus on in utero tissue energy availability and its impact on outcome in life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  4. Hong J, Kumar S
    Clin Sci (Lond), 2023 Apr 26;137(8):579-595.
    PMID: 37075762 DOI: 10.1042/CS20220300
    Fetal growth restriction (FGR) leading to low birth weight (LBW) is a major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Normal placental development involves a series of highly regulated processes involving a multitude of hormones, transcription factors, and cell lineages. Failure to achieve this leads to placental dysfunction and related placental diseases such as pre-clampsia and FGR. Early recognition of at-risk pregnancies is important because careful maternal and fetal surveillance can potentially prevent adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes by judicious pregnancy surveillance and careful timing of birth. Given the association between a variety of circulating maternal biomarkers, adverse pregnancy, and perinatal outcomes, screening tests based on these biomarkers, incorporating maternal characteristics, fetal biophysical or circulatory variables have been developed. However, their clinical utility has yet to be proven. Of the current biomarkers, placental growth factor and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 appear to have the most promise for placental dysfunction and predictive utility for FGR.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  5. Mohamed A, Leeson P, Lewandowski AJ
    J Physiol, 2018 12;596(23):5505-5506.
    PMID: 29660821 DOI: 10.1113/JP276067
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  6. Ismail H, Chang YL, Chang SD, Nusee Z
    Malays J Med Sci, 2012 Jul;19(3):69-73.
    PMID: 23785250 MyJurnal
    A 30-years-old Taiwanese female in her second pregnancy spontaneously conceived a monochorionic twin pregnancy. A routine ultrasound at 27 weeks of gestation revealed a selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR) fetus and an appropriate gestational age (AGA) fetus. The AGA fetus was found to have a fetal intra-abdominal umbilical vein (FIUV) varix. Serial ultrasounds showed no changes in the FIUV varix. 2 weeks later, the pregnancy progressed to twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). Repeated amnioreductions were required at 29 and 30 weeks gestation. The babies were delivered by caesarean section at 31 weeks due to fetal distress in the sIUGR fetus. Both fetuses survived the neonatal period with problems of prematurity. The FIUV varix disappeared a few days after delivery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  7. Moradi F, Aryankhesal A, Heidari M, Soroush A, Sadr SR
    Malays J Med Sci, 2019 Sep;26(5):21-37.
    PMID: 31728116 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2019.26.5.3
    Caesarean section without medical indication imposes many problems to families, personnel and medical equipment causing some side effects to pregnant woman and foetus, compared to natural childbirth. The present study aimed to evaluate the interventions in reducing caesarean section in the world. This study was a systematic review using Embase, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, Magiran and SID databases and grey literature. All studies conducted during 2000-2018 were reviewed and finally the studies with inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected. A total of 19 studies were selected among 5,559 studies. The interventions conducted for reducing caesarean section included training the specialists and women by using Six Sigma method, changing the guidelines, reviewing the definition of natural childbirth various stages, encouraging the natural childbirth and expanding painless childbirth. All interventions were divided into educational strategy and managerial strategy. The interventions can be implemented to change the behaviour of physicians and attitude of pregnant women in order to reduce caesarean section. In this regard, the authorities are recommended to make more efforts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  8. Tafran K, Tumin M, Osman AF
    Iran J Public Health, 2020 Feb;49(2):294-303.
    PMID: 32461937
    Background: The primary indicator of public health, which all nations aim to prolong, is life expectancy at birth. Uncovering its socioeconomic determinants is key to extending life expectancy. This study examined the determinants of life expectancy in Malaysia.

    Methods: This observational study employs secondary data from various official sources of 12 states and one federal territory in Malaysia (2002-2014). Panel data of 78 observations (13 cross-sections at six points in time) were used in multivariate, fixed-effect, regressions to estimate the effects of socioeconomic variables on life expectancy at birth for male, female and both-gender.

    Results: Poverty and income significantly determine female, male, and total life expectancies. Unemployment significantly determines female and total life expectancies, but not male. Income inequality and public spending on health (as a percentage of total health spending) do not significantly determine life expectancy. The coefficients of the multivariate regressions suggest that a 1% reduction in poverty, 1% reduction in unemployment, and around USD 23.20 increase in household monthly income prolong total life expectancy at birth by 17.9, 72.0, and 16.3 d, respectively. The magnitudes of the effects of the socioeconomic variables on life expectancy vary somewhat by gender.

    Conclusion: Life expectancy in Malaysia is higher than the world average and higher than that in some developing countries in the region. However, it is far lower than the advanced world. Reducing poverty and unemployment and increasing income are three effective channels to enhance longevity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  9. Matinnia N, Faisal I, Hanafiah Juni M, Herjar AR, Moeini B, Osman ZJ
    Matern Child Health J, 2015 May;19(5):1121-30.
    PMID: 25269852 DOI: 10.1007/s10995-014-1610-0
    Pregnancy- and childbirth-related fears are common psychological concerns and the primary reasons for requesting caesarean section (CS). We aimed to examine the content of maternal fear and the associated demographic factors in a sample of Iranian primigravidae. A randomly selected sample of primigravidae (n = 342) was recruited in four health care centres in Iran. Data were collected using a 30-item questionnaire. Principal components factor analysis was applied to identify the main factors of pregnancy- and childbirth-related fears. All primigravidae reported some degree of fear, 48.2 % presented severe fear, and 62.6 % requested a CS because of childbirth-related fear. Most of the employed primigravidae with higher education level, higher family income, and unplanned pregnancy requested CS. The items constructed to measure maternal fear were subjected to exploratory factor analysis. Six categories were identified, including 'process of labour and childbirth', 'life and well-being of the baby', 'competence and behaviour of maternity ward personnel', 'own capabilities and reactions', 'becoming a parent and family life after delivery' and 'general fear in pregnancy' that cumulatively explained 55.3 % of the variance. The most common factor was 'life and well-being of the baby'. Severe fear was found in 70.6 % of those who chose CS, while 10.9 % of those who chose vaginal delivery reported severe fear. The between-group differences for mean scores and levels of fear were statistically significant. Pregnancy- and childbirth-related fears were frequently experienced by all low-risk primigravidae. Better strategies to address women's psychological needs during pregnancy are necessary.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition/psychology*
  10. Kaur S, Teoh AN, Shukri NHM, Shafie SR, Bustami NA, Takahashi M, et al.
    BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2020 Feb 11;20(1):96.
    PMID: 32046676 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-020-2797-2
    BACKGROUND: Circadian rhythm plays an important role as our internal body's clock that synchronizes behavior and physiology according to the external 24-h light-dark cycle. Past studies have associated disrupted circadian rhythm with higher risk of miscarriages, preterm birth and low birth weights. This paper described the protocol of a prospective cohort study which aims to determine the circadian rhythm in pregnant women, identify its association with maternal factors during pregnancy, gestational weight gain, birth and infant outcomes.

    METHODS: Ten government maternal and child health clinics in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia will be randomly selected. Sample size of 438 first-trimester pregnant women will be followed-up until the birth of their infant. Salivary melatonin and cortisol concentration among subsample will be determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Data on sleep quality, psychological distress and morningness/eveningness chronotype of pregnant women will be collected using validated questionnaires. Pedometer will be used to measure 5-day physical activity data. Total gestational weight gain will be determined at the end of pregnancy. Utilization of 3-day food record is to capture meal timing and nutrient intake. All measurements will be done in 2nd and 3rd trimester. Birth outcomes will be collected through clinic records and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Neonatal questionnaire. Infants will be followed-up at 6 and 12 months old to obtain anthropometric measurements.

    DISCUSSION: There is a growing recognition of the role of maternal circadian rhythm, which entrains fetal circadian rhythms that may subsequently have long-term health consequences. The present study will identify the effect of circadian rhythm on pregnancy outcomes and infant growth in the first year of life.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition/physiology*
  11. Jeevaratnam K, Nadarajah VD, Judson JP, Nalliah S, Abdullah MF
    PMID: 20920154 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2393-10-58
    Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy contributes to about 12% of maternal deaths in Malaysia and similarly worldwide. Early detection and adequate management are preventable strategies. Biochemical markers of abnormal angiogenesis would be more specific in early detection than routine blood pressure and proteinuria measurements. The aim of this study was to estimate maternal plasma PlGF and sFlt-1 levels in pregnant women with gestational hypertension at three intervals of pregnancy and correlate these biomarker levels with placental morphometry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition/blood
  12. SEA-ORCHID Study Group, Laopaiboon M, Lumbiganon P, McDonald SJ, Henderson-Smart DJ, Green S, et al.
    PLoS One, 2008 Jul 09;3(7):e2646.
    PMID: 18612381 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0002646
    BACKGROUND: The burden of mortality and morbidity related to pregnancy and childbirth remains concentrated in developing countries. SEA-ORCHID (South East Asia Optimising Reproductive and Child Health In Developing countries) is evaluating whether a multifaceted intervention to strengthen capacity for research synthesis, evidence-based care and knowledge implementation improves adoption of best clinical practice recommendations leading to better health for mothers and babies. In this study we assessed current practices in perinatal health care in four South East Asian countries and determined whether they were aligned with best practice recommendations.

    METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We completed an audit of 9550 medical records of women and their 9665 infants at nine hospitals; two in each of Indonesia, Malaysia and The Philippines, and three in Thailand between January-December 2005. We compared actual clinical practices with best practice recommendations selected from the Cochrane Library and the World Health Organization Reproductive Health Library. Evidence-based components of the active management of the third stage of labour and appropriately treating eclampsia with magnesium sulphate were universally practiced in all hospitals. Appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis for caesarean section, a beneficial form of care, was practiced in less than 5% of cases in most hospitals. Use of the unnecessary practices of enema in labour ranged from 1% to 61% and rates of episiotomy for vaginal birth ranged from 31% to 95%. Other appropriate practices were commonly performed to varying degrees between countries and also between hospitals within the same country.

    CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Whilst some perinatal health care practices audited were consistent with best available evidence, several were not. We conclude that recording of clinical practices should be an essential step to improve quality of care. Based on these findings, the SEA-ORCHID project team has been developing and implementing interventions aimed at increasing compliance with evidence-based clinical practice recommendations to improve perinatal practice in South East Asia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  13. Akseer N, Lawn JE, Keenan W, Konstantopoulos A, Cooper P, Ismail Z, et al.
    Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2015 Oct;131 Suppl 1:S43-8.
    PMID: 26433505 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2015.03.017
    The end of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) era was marked in 2015, and while maternal and child mortality have been halved, MGD 4 and MDG 5 are off-track at the global level. Reductions in neonatal death rates (age <1 month) lag behind those for post-neonates (age 1-59 months), and stillbirth rates (omitted from the MDGs) have been virtually unchanged. Hence, almost half of under-five deaths are newborns, yet about 80% of these are preventable using cost-effective interventions. The Every Newborn Action Plan has been endorsed by the World Health Assembly and ratified by many stakeholders and donors to reduce neonatal deaths and stillbirths to 10 per 1000 births by 2035. The plan provides an evidence-based framework for scaling up of essential interventions across the continuum of care with the potential to prevent the deaths of approximately three million newborns, mothers, and stillbirths every year. Two million stillbirths and newborns could be saved by care at birth and care of small and sick newborns, giving a triple return on investment at this key time. Commitment, investment, and intentional leadership from global and national stakeholders, including all healthcare professionals, can make these ambitious goals attainable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  14. Bhanegaonkar AJ, Horodniceanu EG, Abdul Latiff AH, Woodhull S, Khoo PC, Detzel P, et al.
    Asia Pac Allergy, 2015 Apr;5(2):84-97.
    PMID: 25938073 DOI: 10.5415/apallergy.2015.5.2.84
    BACKGROUND: Breastfeeding is best for infants and the World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for at least the first 6 months of life. For those who are unable to be breastfed, previous studies demonstrate that feeding high-risk infants with hydrolyzed formulas instead of cow's milk formula (CMF) may decrease the risk of atopic dermatitis (AD).

    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the economic impact of feeding high-risk, not exclusively breastfed, urban Malaysian infants with partiallyhydrolyzed whey-based formula (PHF-W) instead of CMF for the first 17 weeks of life as an AD risk reduction strategy.

    METHODS: A cohort Markov model simulated the AD incidence and burden from birth to age 6 years in the target population fed with PHF-W vs. CMF. The model integrated published clinical and epidemiologic data, local cost data, and expert opinion. Modeled outcomes included AD-risk reduction, time spent post AD diagnosis, days without AD flare, quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), and costs (direct and indirect). Outcomes were discounted at 3% per year. Costs are expressed in Malaysian Ringgit (MYR; MYR 1,000 = United States dollar [US $]316.50).

    RESULTS: Feeding a high-risk infant PHF-W vs. CMF resulted in a 14% point reduction in AD risk (95% confidence interval [CI], 3%-23%), a 0.69-year (95% CI, 0.25-1.10) reduction in time spent post-AD diagnosis, additional 38 (95% CI, 2-94) days without AD flare, and an undiscounted gain of 0.041 (95% CI, 0.007-0.103) QALYs. The discounted AD-related 6-year cost estimates when feeding a high-risk infant with PHF-W were MYR 1,758 (US $556) (95% CI, MYR 917-3,033) and with CMF MYR 2,871 (US $909) (95% CI, MYR 1,697-4,278), resulting in a per-child net saving of MYR 1,113 (US $352) (95% CI, MYR 317-1,884) favoring PHF-W.

    CONCLUSION: Using PHF-W instead of CMF in this population is expected to result in AD-related costs savings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  15. Saw SN, Biswas A, Mattar CNZ, Lee HK, Yap CH
    Prenat Diagn, 2021 Mar;41(4):505-516.
    PMID: 33462877 DOI: 10.1002/pd.5903
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the performance of the machine learning (ML) model in predicting small-for-gestational-age (SGA) at birth, using second-trimester data.

    METHODS: Retrospective data of 347 patients, consisting of maternal demographics and ultrasound parameters collected between the 20th and 25th gestational weeks, were studied. ML models were applied to different combinations of the parameters to predict SGA and severe SGA at birth (defined as 10th and third centile birth weight).

    RESULTS: Using second-trimester measurements, ML models achieved an accuracy of 70% and 73% in predicting SGA and severe SGA whereas clinical guidelines had accuracies of 64% and 48%. Uterine PI (Ut PI) was found to be an important predictor, corroborating with existing literature, but surprisingly, so was nuchal fold thickness (NF). Logistic regression showed that Ut PI and NF were significant predictors and statistical comparisons showed that these parameters were significantly different in disease. Further, including NF was found to improve ML model performance, and vice versa.

    CONCLUSION: ML could potentially improve the prediction of SGA at birth from second-trimester measurements, and demonstrated reduced NF to be an important predictor. Early prediction of SGA allows closer clinical monitoring, which provides an opportunity to discover any underlying diseases associated with SGA.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  16. Johar N, Mohamad N, Saddki N, Tengku Ismail TA, Sulaiman Z
    Korean J Fam Med, 2021 Mar;42(2):140-149.
    PMID: 32423181 DOI: 10.4082/kjfm.19.0178
    BACKGROUND: Cesarean delivery is linked with lower rates of early breastfeeding initiation. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and associated factors of early initiation of breastfeeding among women admitted for elective cesarean delivery in Kelantan, Malaysia.

    METHODS: A total of 171 women admitted for elective cesarean delivery at two tertiary hospitals in Kelantan, Malaysia, participated in this study. On day two after cesarean delivery, face-to-face interviews were conducted with the mothers to get information on feeding practice. Descriptive statistics, including simple and multiple logistic regressions, were used for data analysis.

    RESULTS: Seventy-three percent of mothers initiated breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth. Approximately 15.8% and 10.5% of mothers initiated breastfeeding within 24 hours and ≥24 hours, respectively. Skin-to-skin contact between mothers and their infants occurred in 77.8% of cases after cesarean delivery. Breastfeeding initiation was significantly associated with skin-to-skin contact (odds ratio [OR], 14.42; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.58-58.06), mothers who exclusively breastfed during hospitalization (OR, 36.37; 95% CI, 5.60-236.24), and infants who were not sleepy during attempts at breastfeeding (OR, 5.17; 95% CI, 1.32-20.21).

    CONCLUSION: Based on our results, it is possible to increase the proportion of mothers initiating breastfeeding within 1 hour among women who undergo elective cesarean delivery. Therefore, it is important that health practitioners educate women beginning in the antenatal period who plan to undergo cesarean delivery by emphasizing the importance of early initiation of breastfeeding.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  17. Chieng, Jin Yu, Yasotha Sugumaran, Pan Yan
    Hepatitis B is a well-recognized occupational risk for healthcare workers. This self-administered questionnaire study was designed to assess awareness and knowledge towards hepatitis B virus infection among 140 nurses at Serdang Hospital, Selangor, Malaysia from the period of 1st April to 30th September 2017. The response rate was 97.2% (n = 140/144). A total of 71.4% of participants showed adequate awareness of hepatitis B. Most participants had heard hepatitis B with the predominant sources receiving from friends, media and education. Majority of them did serology blood test of hepatitis B before. A total of 84.3% of participants were aware of vaccine available for hepatitis B, although 78.6% got vaccinated in the past. Antiviral treatment of hepatitis B was not well noticed by most of them. Education qualification determines the awareness of hepatitis B. Regarding the knowledge, 73.6% of participants showed poor knowledge of hepatitis B. Most participants understood that hepatitis B was caused by a virus infection and the organ most affected was the liver. Surprisingly, 77.9% of them failed to recognize that cancer could be caused by hepatitis B. Majority of participants were aware that transmission of hepatitis B could be mediated via sexual intercourse, as well as childbirth. Nevertheless, 14.3% of them believed that hepatitis B was able to spread by cough and sneeze. Older age, Chinese ethnicity, and having high educational qualification were factors leading to adequate knowledge of hepatitis B. Additional attention should be emphasized to strengthen knowledge towards hepatitis B among nurses and perhaps other healthcare workers in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  18. Fadzilah Mohamad, Ping Yein Lee, , Maliza Mawardi
    Introduction: The World Health Organization recommends evaluation of maternal satisfaction to improve quality of health care during childbirth. Dissatisfaction may lead to undesired outcomes such as unassisted homebirth and delay in seeking treatment. Determining the maternal satisfaction level and its associated factors may help to improve health care services and prevent negative implications to both mothers and infants. This study aimed to determine the maternal satisfaction towards intrapartum care of designated healthcare facilities and its associated factors among postnatal women. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of postnatal women attended Klinik Kesihatan Salak from December 2017 to February 2018. Systematic random sampling with the ratio of 1:3 was applied to the eligible respondents. A self-administered questionnaire that include respondent’s socio-demographic characteristics and a validated 14-items Maternal Satisfaction with Hospital-based Intrapartum Care Scale was used. Data was analyzed using SPSS 23. Results: 274 respondents were recruited in this study. Overall, only 21.2% of respondents were sat- isfied with the intrapartum care given. The level of satisfaction was highest in interpersonal care domain (36.1%), followed by physical birth environment (34.3%) and the least satisfied was information and decision making domain (27.7%). Binary logistic regression showed that maternal satisfaction was significantly associated with place of birth (AOR (95% CI): 0.046 (0.183, 0.984)) and labour complications (AOR (95% CI): 3.387 (1.345, 8.528)). Conclusion: The overall maternal satisfaction towards intrapartum care was low and the information and decision-making do- main appeared to be the least satisfied. Maternal satisfaction was associated with place of birth and labour compli- cations. Therefore, health care providers should emphasize and improve the quality of services especially for this domain and to consider factor that contribute to dissatisfaction towards the intrapartum care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  19. Manurung S, Setyowati S
    Malays Fam Physician, 2021 Mar 25;16(1):64-74.
    PMID: 33948144 DOI: 10.51866/oa1037
    Background: Postpartum blues in Indonesia has a high prevalence at 37% to 67%. Postpartum blues syndrome has been described as varying changes in the affective domain, such as feelings, behavior, or thoughts, that can be influenced by the roles and tasks of women, along with their social, cultural, and economic support. Instruments that measure maternal blues through bonding attachment behavior have never before been developed in Indonesia.

    Objective: This study aimed to develop a maternal blues scale through bonding attachments to predict postpartum blues.

    Method: The research design consisted of three stages: 1) phenomenology design and focus group discussion; 2) development and construction of the maternal blues scale, and 3) a cross-sectional study to measure validation of the scales. Respondents were postpartum mothers in the first week after birth. The sample comprised 501 participants. Sampling was done by consecutive sampling at the Public Health Center (PUSKESMAS) in the South Jakarta area. Data analysis used exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), correlation, and a diagnostic testing .

    Results: Item analysis produced 32 items consisting of 24 items regarding the mother's role and duties as internal factors and eight factors involving social, cultural, and economic support as external factors. Both factors were valid and reliable in predicting postpartum blues with indicators (t loading factors ≥ 1.96, standardized loading factor (SLF) ≥.50, internal factors: construct reliability (CR) ≥ .70 and extraction variants (VE) ≥ .50 and external factors: CR ≥ .74 to .83 VE ≥ .50 to .63). The relationship with Kennerley's maternity blues as a gold standard was significant. Internal factors had a score of 53, with a sensitivity of 60.2%. The external factors score was 19, with a sensitivity of 77.3%.

    Conclusion: The new scale for postpartum blues prediction developed displayed internal consistency and validity of each indicator (internal and external factors) that was good (CR ≥ .70; VE ≥ .50). This scale provides a feasible tool to predict postpartum blues.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
  20. Siti Munirah Abdul Basir, Radiah Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Ibrahim, Muhammad Muzaffar Ali Khan Khattak, Muhammad Nor Omar, Nor Azwani Mohd Shukri
    The World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) strongly advocate exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months after birth as the optimal way of feeding infants. Nutritional inadequacy during breastfeeding period may lead to breastfeeding problems such as inadequate milk production which is a common reason to early breastfeeding termination.
    Galactagogue is one of the solutions seek by breastfeeding mothers to overcome this problem. Within the topic of prophetic medicine, scholars discussed the foods consumed by Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and their health benefits. Among the plants mentioned in Islamic literature are F.carica (figs), O.europea (olive), P.granatum (pomegranate) and N.sativa (habbatussauda). Studies on prophetic foods consumption among lactating mothers is limited in the literature. Thus, the aims of this study to explore on prophetic food consumption, among Malay mothers during
    exclusive breastfeeding period. Ten subjects are interviewed by in-depth semistructured interview guide. Inclusion criteria include Malay mothers aged 18 to 40 years, deliver full term babies and were exclusively breastfeeding. Audio-recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim in Malay and translated into English. Translated transcripts were then analysed thematically with the help of NVivo software. Thematic analysis revealed three themes that represents participants’ knowledge, attitude and practice on prophetic foods consumption. The themes were 1) prophetic diet is related to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)’s practice on foods and eating manners, 2) perceived benefits and effectiveness of prophetic foods consumption, and 3) Practice of prophetic foods consumption during exclusive breastfeeding period. This study provides an insight to the understanding and
    perception on prophetic foods consumption during exclusive breastfeeding period among breastfeeding mothers. It is acknowledged that prophetic foods, particularly dates may have lactogenic function. Further studies should be carried out to investigate the relationship between prophetic foods consumption and lactogenic activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parturition
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