Displaying publications 801 - 820 of 1549 in total

  1. Yazid AG, Anuar A, Onhmar HT, Ng AM, Ruszymah BH, Amaramalar SN
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Jul;63 Suppl A:113-4.
    PMID: 19025011
    Spinal cord, sciatic nerve, olfactory ensheathing cell and bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells were evaluated as an alternative source for tissue engineering of nerve conduit. All cell sources were cultured in alpha-MEM medium. Olfactory Ensheathing Cell (OEC) showed the best result with higher growth kinetic compared to the others. Spinal cord and sciatic nerve were positive for GFAP, OEC were positive for GFAP, S100b and anti-cytokeratin 18 but negative for anti-Human Fibroblast.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Survival
  2. Ishak MF, Aminuddin BS, Asma A, Lokman BS, Ruszymah BH, Goh BS
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Jul;63 Suppl A:117-8.
    PMID: 19025013
    Chondrocytes were isolated from normal and microtic human auricular cartilage after ear surgery carried out at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre. Chondrocytes were cultured and expanded until passage 4. After reached confluence, cultured chondrocytes at each passage (P1, P2, P3 and P4) were harvested and assigned for growth profile analysis. There was no significant difference in cell viability between both normal and microtic samples (p = 0.84). Both samples showed no significant differences for growth profile parameters in terms of growth rate, population doubling time and total number of cell doubling, except in passage 1, where there is significant difference in cell growth rate (p = 0.004). This preliminary data has indicated that chondrocytes from microtic cartilage has the potential to be used in the reconstruction of human pinna in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Survival
  3. Rashid MR, Aziz AF, Ahmad S, Shah SA, Sagap I
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2009;10(6):1163-6.
    PMID: 20192604
    BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the major malignancies in the world. In Malaysia, CRC is fast becoming the commonest cause of cancer death. Its etiology is complex, involving both environmental and genetic factors. This study looked at the profile and outcome of five-year follow-up of patients with CRC.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective case review study done on CRC patients at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Patientsandapos; socio-demographic characteristics, modalities of treatment, cancer characteristics and outcome at 5-year follow up were extracted from the case records.

    RESULTS: A total of 107 case records of patients were analyzed. Peak age of CRC presentation was 40-69 years (71.1%). Male to female ratio was 1.2:1 with Chinese predominance (52.3%). Anaemia and its related symptoms including per rectal bleeding was the commonest clinical presentation. The median duration of clinical presentation was 13 weeks (IQR 21.8). More than two-thirds presented as non-emergency cases (69.2%). Most patients presented with Dukes C stage (40.2%). The overall 5-year survival rate was 40% with local recurrence rate of 19.6%. Metastasis after curative-intend treatment (surgery with adjuvant therapy) developed in 26% of patients. Lower recurrence (p = 0.016, OR = 0.205) and metastatic disease (p = 0.02, OR = 0.24) found among the Chinese patients. Almost half of the patients defaulted follow up care (43%), most often within the first year of treatment (22.4%) and the Chinese were the least likely to default (p= 0.04, OR = 0.45).

    CONCLUSION: Socio-demographic profile of CRC patients in UKMMC is comparable to Asia pacific region. Apparent delay in seeking treatment gives rise to poor overall survival and local recurrence rates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  4. How SH, Ng KH, Jamalludin AR, Shah A, Rathor Y
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Dec;60(5):606-13.
    PMID: 16515112
    We conducted a retrospective review of 135 patients with melioidosis in Pahang from January 2000 to June 2003. Patients were mostly male (78.5%) and Malay (83%) with a median age of 51 years. Seventy four percent of patients were diabetic. Common presentations were pneumonia (40.7%), septicaemic without obvious source of infection (19.3%) and multiple organ involvement (15.6%). Only 32.7% were given appropriate antibiotics empirically. The overall mortality was 54% with most deaths (65%) occurring within 48 hours of admission. Patients with pneumonia, multiple organ involvement and septicaemic of unknown source had higher mortality as compared to patients with subcutaneous, musculoskeletal or single internal organ involvement without pneumonia (p < 0.001). The relapse rate was 19.2%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  5. Norleza AN, Gendeh BS
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60(3):281-5.
    PMID: 16379180 MyJurnal
    We studied nine cases of SNUCs presented to the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Hospital University Kebangsaan Malaysia from 1999 to 2003. There were 8 males and 1 female with ages ranging from 24 to 78 years (mean 46.5y). The racial distribution consisted of 5 Chinese (55.5%), 3 Malays (33.3%) and 1 Indian (11.1%). Three patients were Kadish B (33.3%) and six were Kadish C (66.6%) by classification. In our series 2 years survival was 26.3% and median survival time was 14.2 months.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  6. Mujar M, Dahlui M, Yip CH, Taib NA
    Prev Med, 2013 Mar;56(3-4):222-4.
    PMID: 23234860 DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.12.001
    OBJECTIVE: Treatment delays in breast cancer are generally thought to affect prognosis but the impact on survival remains unclear. Indicators for breast cancer care include time to primary treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether time to primary treatment (TPT) in breast cancer impacts survival.
    METHOD: A total of 648 breast cancer patients treated in the University Malaya Medical Center (UMMC), Malaysia between 2004 and 2005 were included in the study. TPT was calculated from the date of pathological diagnosis to the date of primary treatment. Mortality data was obtained from the National Registry of Births and Deaths. Last date of follow-up was November 2010.
    RESULTS: Median TPT was 18 days. Majority 508 (69.1%) of the patients received treatment within 30 days after diagnosis. The majority was surgically treated. Ethnicity (p=0.002) and stage at presentation (p=0.007) were significantly associated with delayed TPT. Malay ethnicity had delayed TPT compared to the Chinese; Hazard Ratio (HR) 1.9 (Confidence Interval (CI) 1.237, 2.987). Delayed TPT did not affect overall survival on univariate and multivariate analyses.
    CONCLUSION: Time to primary treatment after a diagnosis of breast cancer had no impact on overall survival. Further studies on care before diagnosis are important in drawing up meaningful quality indicators.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  7. Khoo JJ, Pee S, Thevarajah B, Yap YC, Chin CK
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2005 Jan-Feb;41(1-2):31-5.
    PMID: 15670221 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.2005.00532.x
    OBJECTIVES: To determine the pattern of renal histology, clinical outcome of children with lupus nephritis and to identify any associated risk factors predicting renal failure in these children.
    METHODS: Retrospectively, 27 children under 16 years of age with lupus nephritis who had renal biopsies done at Sultanah Aminah Hospital Johor, Malaysia from 1994 to 2002 were studied. The renal histology was graded according to WHO classification system (1982). The medical records, laboratory data and the clinical outcome of the patients were studied.
    RESULTS: There were 24 cases of WHO Class IV, two cases of WHO Class II and a case of WHO Class V. Twenty children were in the good renal outcome group while six children progressed into the poor renal outcome group and required renal replacement. One child was lost to follow-up. All six children in the poor renal outcome group had WHO Class IV histology. The 5-year patient and renal survival rates were 84% and 75%, respectively. Age, sex, activity and chronicity indices in the renal histology, anaemia, elevated serum creatinine, depressed levels of C3 and C4, heavy proteinuria or presence of urinary active sediments were not associated with progression to renal failure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Presently, children with lupus nephritis appeared to have better patient and renal survival rates. Assessment of renal histology in these children was important for diagnosis, treatment and probably prognosis. In this study, there was a 25% incidence of loss of renal function over 5 years in children with WHO Class IV renal histology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  8. Cheah IG, Soosai AP, Wong SL, Lim TO, Cost-Effectiveness NICU Study Group
    J Perinatol, 2005 Jan;25(1):47-53.
    PMID: 15372062
    To perform a cost-effective analysis on the care of infants between 1000 and 1500 g birthweight (the study group), where outcomes are measured as survival to 1 year of age.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  9. Goh KSK, Ong TA, Peh SC, Yuen HL, Naicker M
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 Oct;59(4):515-21.
    PMID: 15779585
    Loss of P53 function is regarded as one of the critical steps in colorectal carcinogenesis. This study determines the P53 expression pattern of colorectal carcinoma in a cohort of 116 local patients. There was no significant relationship between overexpression of P53 with tumour stage (p=-0.209, chi square test) and grade (p=0.877, chi square test). Survival analysis using Kaplan-Meier procedure did not show significant relationship between P53 positivity with overall recurrence-free and survival outcome (p=0.3322 and 0.921 respectively; log rank test). Long-term follow-up may give a better evaluation on the prognostic value of P53 overexpression in colorectal carcinoma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Disease-Free Survival
  10. Zilfalil BA, Zabidi-Hussin AMH, Watihayati MS, Rozainah MY, Naing L, Sutomo R, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 Oct;59(4):512-4.
    PMID: 15779584 MyJurnal
    In Malaysia, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is diagnosed based on clinical observation with or without muscle biopsy. Molecular analyses of the SMA-related genes have not been available so far. In this preliminary study, we searched for homozygous deletion of Survival Motor Neuron (SMN1) and Neuronal Apoptosis Inhibitory Protein (NAIP) genes in Malay patients with SMA and found homozygous deletion of SMN1 exon 7 and 8 in all the patients while homozygous deletion of NAIP exon 5 was detected in only our type 1 patients but not in the type 3 patient. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first SMA cases diagnosed at the molecular level in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival of Motor Neuron 1 Protein
  11. Rai NP, Divakar DD, Al Kheraif AA, Ramakrishnaiah R, Mustafa SM, Durgesh BH, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2015;16(16):6919-22.
    PMID: 26514468
    BACKGROUND: The treatment selection for the oral squamous cell carcinoma remains controversial. Radiation therapy or surgical excision of the lesion can be applied as the sole treatment or it can be used in combination with other treatment modalities. Radiotherapy is considered to be the safest of all the treatment modalities and can be used in several situations for oral and oropharyngeal cancers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival outcome differences in patients treated with radical and palliative radiotherapy as the primary treatment modality.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included a total of 47 patients with oral cancer reporting to our hospital between years 2009 to 2010. The age group for the selected patients was more than 65 years, treated with radical and palliative radiotherapy with no prior surgical interventions. Patients were evaluated till Dec 2013 for overall survival time.

    RESULTS: Twenty nine patients were treated with radical radiotherapy as main stay of treatment, out of which 21 died during the follow up time with median survival of 352 ± 281.7 days with 8 patients alive. All the 16 patients were dead who received palliative radiotherapy with a median survival time of 112 ± 144.0 days.

    CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective study showed improved overall survival time, loco regional control rates and reduced morbidity in patients treated with radical radiotherapy when compared to patients treated with palliative radiotherapy.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  12. Lo TS, Jaili S, Tan YL, Wu PY
    Int Urogynecol J, 2016 Nov;27(11):1653-1659.
    PMID: 27085545
    INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that transobturator tape (TOT) is safe and efficacious for the treatment of urodynamic stress incontinence in the long term.

    METHODS: We conducted a prospective study of patients with confirmed urodynamic stress incontinence (USI) who underwent a Monarc(TM) TOT procedure in a tertiary center between February 2006 and March 2009 without other concurrent surgical procedures. Urodynamics were conducted at 1 and 3 years postoperatively. Subjective evaluation included Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ-7), Urinary Distress Inventory Questionnaire (UDI-6), and Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire (PISQ-12). Objective cure was defined as no urinary leakage demonstrable on provocative filling cystometry and/ or 1-h pad test of <2 g. Subjective cure was based on a negative response to question 3 in UDI-6. Paired-samples t test, chi-square, and Fisher exact tests were applied; p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Disease-Free Survival
  13. Abu N, Yeap SK, Pauzi AZ, Akhtar MN, Zamberi NR, Ismail J, et al.
    Front Pharmacol, 2016;7:89.
    PMID: 27065873 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2016.00089
    The Fritillaria imperialis is an ornamental flower that can be found in various parts of the world including Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Himalayas. The use of this plant as traditional remedy is widely known. This study aims to unveil the anti-cancer potentials of Isopimara-7,15-Dien-19-Oic Acid, extracted from the bulbs of F. imperialis in cervical cancer cell line, HeLa cells. Flow cytometry analysis of cell death, gene expression analysis via cDNA microarray and protein array were performed. Based on the results, Isopimara-7,15-Dien-19-Oic acid simultaneously induced cell death and promoted cell survival. The execution of apoptosis was apparent based on the flow cytometry results and regulation of both pro and anti-apoptotic genes. Additionally, the regulation of anti-oxidant genes were up-regulated especially thioredoxin, glutathione and superoxide dismutase- related genes. Moreover, the treatment also induced the activation of pro-survival heat shock proteins. Collectively, Isopimara-7,15-Dien-19-Oic Acid managed to induce cellular stress in HeLa cells and activate several anti- and pro survival pathways.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Survival
  14. Ng SY, Pua KC, Zahirrudin Z
    Med J Malaysia, 2015 Dec;70(6):367-8.
    PMID: 26988214 MyJurnal
    Temporal bone squamous cell carcinoma (TBSCC) is rare and poses difficulties in diagnosing, staging and management. We describe a case series with six patients who were diagnosed TBSCC, from January 2009 to June 2014, with median age of 62 years old. All patients presented with blood-stain discharge and external auditory canal mass, showing that these findings should highly alert the diagnosis of TBSCC. Three patients staged T3 and another three with T4 disease. High-resolution CT (HRCT) temporal findings were noted to be different from intraoperative findings and therefore we conclude that MRI should be done to look for middle ear involvement or other soft tissue invasion for more accurate staging. Lateral temporal bone resection (LTBR) and parotidectomy was done for four patients with or without neck dissection. Patients with positive margin, perineural invasion or parotid and glenoid involvement carry poorer prognosis and postoperative radiotherapy may improve the survival rate. One patient had successful tumor resection via piecemeal removal approach in contrast with the recommended en bloc resection shows that with negative margin achieved, piecemeal removal approach can be a good option for patients with T2-3 disease. In general, T4 tumor has dismal outcome regardless of surgery or radiotherapy given.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  15. Ngadiman NH, Mohd Yusof N, Idris A, Kurniawan D
    Proc Inst Mech Eng H, 2016 Aug;230(8):739-49.
    PMID: 27194535 DOI: 10.1177/0954411916649632
    Electrospinning is a simple and efficient process in producing nanofibers. To fabricate nanofibers made of a blend of two constituent materials, co-axial electrospinning method is an option. In this method, the constituent materials contained in separate barrels are simultaneously injected using two syringe nozzles arranged co-axially and the materials mix during the spraying process forming core and shell of the nanofibers. In this study, co-axial electrospinning method is used to fabricate nanofibers made of polyvinyl alcohol and maghemite (γ-Fe2O3). The concentration of polyvinyl alcohol and amount of maghemite nanoparticle loading were varied, at 5 and 10 w/v% and at 1-10 v/v%, respectively. The mechanical properties (strength and Young's modulus), porosity, and biocompatibility properties (contact angle and cell viability) of the electrospun mats were evaluated, with the same mats fabricated by regular single-nozzle electrospinning method as the control. The co-axial electrospinning method is able to fabricate the expected polyvinyl alcohol/maghemite nanofiber mats. It was noticed that the polyvinyl alcohol/maghemite electrospun mats have lower mechanical properties (i.e. strength and stiffness) and porosity, more hydrophilicity (i.e. lower contact angle), and similar cell viability compared to the mats fabricated by single-nozzle electrospinning method.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Survival
  16. Musa M, Mohd Ali K, Kannan TP, Azlina A, Omar NS, Chatterji A, et al.
    Cell J, 2015;17(2):253-63.
    PMID: 26199904
    OBJECTIVE: Perivitelline fluid (PVF) of the horseshoe crab embryo has been reported to possess an important role during embryogenesis by promoting cell proliferation. This study aims to evaluate the effect of PVF on the proliferation, chromosome aberration (CA) and mutagenicity of the dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs).

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is an in vitro experimental study. PVF samples were collected from horseshoe crabs from beaches in Malaysia and the crude extract was prepared. DPSCs were treated with different concentrations of PVF crude extract in an 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay (cytotoxicity test). We choose two inhibitory concentrations (IC50 and IC25) and two PVF concentrations which produced more cell viability compared to a negative control (100%) for further tests. Quantitative analysis of the proliferation activity of PVF was studied using the AlamarBlue®assay for 10 days. Population doubling times (PDTs) of the treatment groups were calculated from this assay. Genotoxicity was evaluated based on the CA and Ames tests. Statistical analysis was carried out using independent t test to calculate significant differences in the PDT and mitotic indices in the CA test between the treatment and negative control groups. Significant differences in the data were P<0.05.

    RESULTS: A total of four PVF concentrations retrieved from the MTT assay were 26.887 mg/ml (IC50), 14.093 mg/ml (IC25), 0.278 mg/ml (102% cell viability) and 0.019 mg/ml (102.5% cell viability). According to the AlamarBlue®assay, these PVF groups produced comparable proliferation activities compared to the negative (untreated) control. PDTs between PVF groups and the negative control were insignificantly different (P>0.05). No significant aberrations in chromosomes were observed in the PVF groups and the Ames test on the PVF showed the absence of significant positive results.

    CONCLUSION: PVF from horseshoe crabs produced insignificant proliferative activity on treated DPSCs. The PVF was non-genotoxic based on the CA and Ames tests.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Survival
  17. Paparazzo F, Tellier A, Stephan W, Hutter S
    PLoS One, 2015;10(7):e0132129.
    PMID: 26154519 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132129
    The ability to cope with infection by a parasite is one of the major challenges for any host species and is a major driver of evolution. Parasite pressure differs between habitats. It is thought to be higher in tropical regions compared to temporal ones. We infected Drosophila melanogaster from two tropical (Malaysia and Zimbabwe) and two temperate populations (the Netherlands and North Carolina) with the generalist entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana to examine if adaptation to local parasite pressures led to differences in resistance. Contrary to previous findings we observed increased survival in temperate populations. This, however, is not due to increased resistance to infection per se, but rather the consequence of a higher general vigor of the temperate populations. We also assessed transcriptional response to infection within these flies eight and 24 hours after infection. Only few genes were induced at the earlier time point, most of which are involved in detoxification. In contrast, we identified more than 4,000 genes that changed their expression state after 24 hours. This response was generally conserved over all populations with only few genes being uniquely regulated in the temperate populations. We furthermore found that the American population was transcriptionally highly diverged from all other populations concerning basal levels of gene expression. This was particularly true for stress and immune response genes, which might be the genetic basis for their elevated vigor.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  18. Aich K, Goswami S, Das S, Mukhopadhyay CD, Quah CK, Fun HK
    Inorg Chem, 2015 Aug 3;54(15):7309-15.
    PMID: 26192906 DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b00784
    On the basis of the Förster resonance energy transfer mechanism between rhodamine and quinoline-benzothiazole conjugated dyad, a new colorimetric as well as fluorescence ratiometric probe was synthesized for the selective detection of Cd(2+). The complex formation of the probe with Cd(2+) was confirmed through Cd(2+)-bound single-crystal structure. Capability of the probe as imaging agent to detect the cellular uptake of Cd(2+) was demonstrated here using living RAW cells.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Survival
  19. Yong KW, Wan Safwani WK, Xu F, Wan Abas WA, Choi JR, Pingguan-Murphy B
    Biopreserv Biobank, 2015 Aug;13(4):231-9.
    PMID: 26280501 DOI: 10.1089/bio.2014.0104
    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) hold many advantages over embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and other somatic cells in clinical applications. MSCs are multipotent cells with strong immunosuppressive properties. They can be harvested from various locations in the human body (e.g., bone marrow and adipose tissues). Cryopreservation represents an efficient method for the preservation and pooling of MSCs, to obtain the cell counts required for clinical applications, such as cell-based therapies and regenerative medicine. Upon cryopreservation, it is important to preserve MSCs functional properties including immunomodulatory properties and multilineage differentiation ability. Further, a biosafety evaluation of cryopreserved MSCs is essential prior to their clinical applications. However, the existing cryopreservation methods for MSCs are associated with notable limitations, leading to a need for new or improved methods to be established for a more efficient application of cryopreserved MSCs in stem cell-based therapies. We review the important parameters for cryopreservation of MSCs and the existing cryopreservation methods for MSCs. Further, we also discuss the challenges to be addressed in order to preserve MSCs effectively for clinical applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Survival
  20. Faisham WI, Mat Saad AZ, Alsaigh LN, Nor Azman MZ, Kamarul Imran M, Biswal BM, et al.
    Asia Pac J Clin Oncol, 2017 Apr;13(2):e104-e110.
    PMID: 25870979 DOI: 10.1111/ajco.12346
    AIM: Osteosarcoma is a highly malignant primary bone tumor. The study aim to evaluate the prognostic factors influencing the survival rate in our center.

    METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of all patients treated between January 2005 and December 2010.

    RESULTS: We included 163 patients with an age range of 6-59 years (median = 19). The median follow-up was 47 months (range 36-84). The overall survival in patients who completed chemotherapy and surgery (n = 117) was 72% at 2 years and 44% at 5 years. Histologically, 99 (85%) had osteoblastic, 6 (5%) had chondroblastic and 3 (2.5%) had telangiectatic osteosarcoma. Limb salvage surgery was performed in 80 (49%) and 41 (25%) underwent amputation. However, 46 patients (28%) underwent no surgical intervention and incomplete chemotherapy. In total, 38/79 patients had a good chemotherapy response. There was a significantly better survival rate for limb salvage versus amputation. Independent prognostic factors for survival are compliance to treatment and presence of lung metastasis.

    CONCLUSION: The overall survival of osteosarcoma patients was influenced by the presence of pulmonary metastases and compliance to treatment. Histological subtype, different chemotherapy regimens and histological necrosis after chemotherapy did not significantly influence survival. The patients who did not complete treatment had significantly poorer survival.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
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