METHODS: This was a cross-sectional prospective study conducted from September 2007 to September 2013. Consecutive patients who were detected to have anti-HCV antibodies in the University of Malaya Medical Centre were included and tested for the presence of HCV RNA using Roche Cobas Amplicor Analyzer and HCV genotype using Roche single Linear Array HCV Genotyping strip.
RESULTS: Five hundred and ninety-six subjects were found to have positive anti-HCV antibodies during this period of time. However, only 396 (66.4%) were HCV RNA positive and included in the final analysis. Our results showed that HCV genotype 3 was the predominant genotype with overall frequency of 61.9% followed by genotypes 1 (35.9%), 2 (1.8%) and 6 (0.5%). There was a slightly higher prevalence of HCV genotype 3 among the Malays when compared to the Chinese (P=0.043). No other statistical significant differences were observed in the distribution of HCV genotypes among the major ethnic groups. There was also no association between the predominant genotypes and basic demographic variables.
CONCLUSIONS: In a multi-ethnic Asian society in Malaysia, genotype 3 is the predominant genotype among all the major ethnic groups with genotype 1 as the second commonest genotype. Both genotypes 2 and 6 are uncommon. Neither genotype 4 nor 5 was detected. There is no identification of HCV genotype according to ethnic origin, age and gender.
METHODS: A sample of 3895 individuals without known diabetes underwent detailed interview and health examination, including anthropometric and biochemical evaluation, between 2004 and 2007. Pearson's correlation, analysis of variance and multiple linear regression analyses were used to examine the influence of ethnicity on HbA(1c) .
RESULTS: As fasting plasma glucose increased, HbA(1c) increased more in Malays and Indians compared with Chinese after adjustment for age, gender, waist circumference, serum cholesterol, serum triglyceride and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (P-interaction < 0.001). This translates to an HbA(1c) difference of 1.1 mmol/mol (0.1%, Indians vs. Chinese), and 0.9 mmol/mol (0.08%, Malays vs. Chinese) at fasting plasma glucose 5.6 mmol/l (the American Diabetes Association criterion for impaired fasting glycaemia); and 2.1 mmol/mol (0.19%, Indians vs. Chinese) and 2.6 mmol/mol (0.24%, Malays vs. Chinese) at fasting plasma glucose 7.0 mmol/l, the diagnostic criterion for diabetes mellitus.
CONCLUSIONS: Using HbA(1c) in place of fasting plasma glucose will reclassify different proportions of the population in different ethnic groups. This may have implications in interpretation of HbA(1c) results across ethnic groups and the use of HbA(1c) for diagnosing diabetes mellitus.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The EGFR intron 1 polymorphism was analysed in three distinct healthy Asian subjects, namely, Chinese (N = 96), Malays (N = 98) and Indians (N = 100). Comparative genomic hybridisation was performed to investigate for changes in DNA copy number in relation to the polymorphic CA dinucleotide repeats in breast tumor tissues (N = 22).
RESULTS: The frequency of short alleles with 14 and 15 CA repeats were most common in the Asian populations and significantly higher than those reported for Caucasians. The frequency of 20 CA repeats was 5%, almost 13-fold lower than previous reports. EGFR amplifications were detected in 23% and 11% of breast tumor tissues harboring short and long CA repeats, respectively.
CONCLUSION: Our results show that the frequency of alleles encoding for short CA dinucleotide repeats is common in Asian populations. EGFR expression and amplification levels were also higher in Asian breast tumor tissues with short CA dinucleotide repeats. These findings suggest that the EGFR intron 1 polymorphism may influence response to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors in breast cancer patients and further studies are warranted.
METHODS: We prospectively identified patients presenting to the public or major private hospitals in Auckland (population = 1.61 million) between April 6, 2015 and April 5, 2016 with a seizure lasting 10 minutes or longer, with retrospective review to confirm completeness of data capture. Information was recorded in the EpiNet database.
RESULTS: A total of 477 episodes of SE occurred in 367 patients. Fifty-one percent of patients were aged <15 years. SE with prominent motor symptoms comprised 81% of episodes (387/477). Eighty-four episodes (18%) were nonconvulsive SE. Four hundred fifty episodes occurred in 345 patients who were resident in Auckland. The age-adjusted incidence of 10-minute SE episodes and patients was 29.25 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 27.34-31.27) and 22.22 (95% CI = 20.57-23.99)/100 000/year, respectively. SE lasted 30 minutes or longer in 250 (56%) episodes; age-adjusted incidence was 15.95 (95% CI = 14.56-17.45) SE episodes/100 000/year and 12.92 (95% CI = 11.67-14.27) patients/100 000/year. Age-adjusted incidence (10-minute SE) was 25.54 (95% CI = 23.06-28.24) patients/100 000/year for males and 19.07 (95% CI = 16.91-21.46) patients/100 000/year for females. The age-adjusted incidence of 10-minute SE was higher in Māori (29.31 [95% CI = 23.52-37.14]/100 000/year) and Pacific Islanders (26.55 [95% CI = 22.05-31.99]/100 000/year) than in patients of European (19.13 [95% CI = 17.09-21.37]/100 000/year) or Asian/other descent (17.76 [95% CI = 14.73-21.38]/100 000/year). Seventeen of 367 patients in the study died within 30 days of the episode of SE; 30-day mortality was 4.6%.
SIGNIFICANCE: In this population-based study, incidence and mortality of SE in Auckland lie in the lower range when compared to North America and Europe. For pragmatic reasons, we only included convulsive SE if episodes lasted 10 minutes or longer, although the 2015 ILAE SE classification was otherwise practical and easy to use.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Singapore Cardiovascular Cohort Study is a longitudinal follow-up study on a general population cohort of 5920 persons drawn from 3 previous cross-sectional surveys. Morbidity and mortality from IHD and stroke were ascertained by record linkage using a unique identification number with the death registry, Singapore Myocardial Infarct Registry and in-patient discharge databases.
RESULTS: There were 193 first IHD events and 97 first strokes during 52,806 person-years of observation. The overall incidence of IHD was 3.8/1000 person-years and that of stroke was 1.8/1000 person-years. In both males and females, Indians had the highest IHD incidence, followed by Malays and then Chinese. For males after adjusting for age, Indians were 2.78 times (95% CI 1.86, 4.17; P < 0.0001) and 2.28 times (95% CI 1.34, 3.88; P = 0.002) more likely to get IHD than Chinese and Malays respectively. For females after adjusting for age, Indians were 1.97 times (95% CI 1.07, 3.63; P = 0.03) and 1.37 times (95% CI 0.67, 2.80; P = 0.39) more likely to get IHD than Chinese and Malays respectively. For stroke, male Chinese and Indians had higher incidence than Malays (though not statistically significant). However, in females, Malays had the highest incidence of stroke, being 2.57 times (95% CI 1.31, 5.05; P = 0.008) more likely to get stroke than Chinese after adjustment for age.
CONCLUSIONS: This prospective study of both mortality and morbidity has confirmed the higher risk of IHD in Indians. It has also found that Malay females have a higher incidence of stroke, which deserves further study because of its potential public health importance.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data for the current study came from the Well-being of the Singapore Elderly (WiSE) study; a single phase, cross-sectional survey conducted among Singapore residents aged 60 years and above. A total of 2565 respondents completed the survey; depression was assessed using the Automated Geriatric Examination for Computer Assisted Taxonomy (AGECAT) while a diagnosis of DM was considered if respondents stated that a doctor had diagnosed them with DM.
RESULTS: DM was reported by 25.5% of the population. The prevalence of depression was significantly higher in those diagnosed with DM than those without DM (6% vs 3%). After adjusting for sociodemographic correlates, smoking and other chronic conditions, DM remained significantly associated with depression and subsyndromal depression. However, after including measures of functioning and cognitive impairment as covariates, DM was not significantly related to depression and subsyndromal depression. Those with comorbid DM and depression were more likely to be of Indian and Malay ethnicity, aged 75 to 84 years (versus 60 to 74 years) and widowed.
CONCLUSION: Given the significant association of certain sociodemographic groups with comorbid depression among those with DM, targeted interventions for prevention and early diagnosis in these groups should be considered.
METHOD: 783 Australian and 928 Malaysian parents provided ratings for an ADHD rating scale. Invariance was tested across these groups (Comparison 1), and North European Australian (n = 623) and Malay Malaysian (n = 571, Comparison 2) groups.
RESULTS: Results indicate support for form and item factor loading invariance; more than half the total number of symptoms showed item intercept invariance, and 14 symptoms showed invariance for error variances. There was invariance for both the factor variances and the covariance, and the latent mean scores for hyperactivity/impulsivity. For inattention latent scores, the Malaysian (Comparison 1) and Malay Malaysian (Comparison 2) groups had higher scores.
CONCLUSION: These results indicate fairly good support for invariance for parent ratings of the ADHD symptoms across the groups compared.
METHODS: The discovery stage of our genome-wide association studies included 4505 cases and 21 968 controls of European, South-Asian, and African ancestry, drawn from 6 studies. In Stage 2, we selected the lead genetic variants at loci with association P<5×10(-6) and performed in silico association analyses in an independent sample of ≤1003 cases and 7745 controls.
RESULTS: One stroke susceptibility locus at 10q25 reached genome-wide significance in the combined analysis of all samples from the discovery and follow-up stages (rs11196288; odds ratio =1.41; P=9.5×10(-9)). The associated locus is in an intergenic region between TCF7L2 and HABP2. In a further analysis in an independent sample, we found that 2 single nucleotide polymorphisms in high linkage disequilibrium with rs11196288 were significantly associated with total plasma factor VII-activating protease levels, a product of HABP2.
CONCLUSIONS: HABP2, which encodes an extracellular serine protease involved in coagulation, fibrinolysis, and inflammatory pathways, may be a genetic susceptibility locus for early-onset stroke.