Displaying publications 961 - 980 of 1383 in total

  1. Duff IF, Mikkelsen WM, Dodge HJ, Himes DS
    Arthritis Rheum., 1968 Apr;11(2):184-90.
    PMID: 5645731 DOI: 10.1002/art.1780110209
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  2. Eng LI, Kamuzora H, Lehmann H
    J Med Genet, 1974 Mar;11(1):25-30.
    PMID: 4837284
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  3. Jasmin Kaur Jagender Singh, Ching Ching Ng, Nor Adinar Baharuddin, Syarida Hasnur Safii, Rathna Devi Vaithilingam
    Introduction:PTGS2 and DEFB1 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) have been validated to be associated with chronic periodontitis (CP) in European, Japanese and Chinese populations. Polymorphisms of these genes play a role in the pathogenesis of CP. Thus far, no study has been done on the Malay ethnic group. Hence, this study assessed the allele and genotype frequencies of PTGS2 and DEFB1 variants in subjects with chronic periodontitis and healthy individuals in Malaysian Malays. Methods: Malay CP subjects and periodontally-healthy controls were obtained from Malaysian Periodontal Database and Biobanking system (MPDBS) for this case-control study. Diagnosis for cas-es was based on case definition by Eke et al (2012). DNA samples were genotyped for 4 candidate SNPs, rs689466, rs5275, rs20417 (PTGS2) and rs1047031 (DEFB1). Genotyping was carried out using Taqman genotyping method. The association between SNPs and study groups were assessed using logistic regression analysis. Results: DNA sam-ples from 140 individuals, 76 CP cases and 64 healthy controls were genotyped. Logistic regression results demon-strated that rs689466 for PTGS2 gene was associated with CP susceptibility in the Malay study group (p=0.03; OR: 1.80; 95% CI=1.05-3.07). The dominant and additive model test showed significant association with rs689466 (C/T) (pdominant-adjusted=0.02; OR: 2.22; 95% CI=1.11-4.43;padditive-adjusted=0.03; OR:1.85; 95% CI=1.07-3.19) after controlling for age and smoking. However, no significant association with CP was observed with other SNPs. Conclusion: The results suggest that rs689466 of PTGS2 gene may contribute to CP susceptibility in Malaysian Malay population in our preliminary study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  4. Lee KW, Ching SM, Devaraj NK, Hoo FK
    Ann Transl Med, 2020 Sep;8(17):1060.
    PMID: 33145279 DOI: 10.21037/atm-20-1579
    Background: Certain candidate genes have been associated with obesity. The goal of this study is to determine the association between thirteen neuroendocrine disorder-related candidate genes and pre-pregnancy obesity among gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) patients using the stratification approach defined the Asian and International criteria-based body mass index (BMI).

    Methods: This was a post-hoc case-control exploratory sub-analysis of a cross-sectional study among GDM women to determine which candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to neuroendocrine disorders may be associated with obesity. Factors were adjusted for socio-demographic characteristics and concurrent medical problems in this particular population. Pre-pregnancy BMI and concurrent medical profiles were obtained from maternal health records. Obesity is defined as BMI of ≥27.5 kg/m2 for Asian criteria-based BMI and >30 kg/m2 for International criteria-based BMI. Thirteen candidate genes were genotyped using Agena® MassARRAY and examined for association with pre-pregnancy obesity using multiple logistic regression analysis. The significant difference threshold was set at P value <0.05.

    Results: Three hundred and twelve GDM women were included in this study; 60.9% and 44.2% of GDM patients were obese using Asian and International criteria-based BMI, respectively. GDM patients with AA or AG genotypes in specific SNP of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (G > A in rs6265) are more likely to be obese (adjusted odd ratio =2.209, 95% CI, 1.305, 3.739, P=0.003) compared to those who carry the GG genotype in the SNP adjusted for parity, underlying with asthma, heart disease, anaemia, education background in the International criteria-based BMI stratification group. On the other hand, there were no associations between other candidate genes (NRG1, FKBP5, RORA, OXTR, PLEKHG1, HTR2C, LHPP, SDK2, TEX51, EPHX2, NPY5R and ANO2) and maternal obesity.

    Conclusions: In summary, BDNF rs6265 is significantly associated with pre-pregnancy obesity among GDM patients. The exact role of BDNF adjusted for diet intake and lifestyle factors merits further investigation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  5. Dong M, Zeng LN, Zhang Q, Yang SY, Chen LY, Sim K, et al.
    J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol, 2019 11;32(6):304-311.
    PMID: 31480982 DOI: 10.1177/0891988719862636
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Antipsychotic polypharmacy (APP) is a controversial topic in the treatment of older adults with schizophrenia. The objective of this study was to examine the use of APP in older adult Asian patients with schizophrenia and its associated demographic and clinical factors.

    METHODS: This study was based on the fourth survey of the consortium known as the Research on Asian Psychotropic Prescription Pattern for Antipsychotics. Fifteen Asian countries/territories participated in this survey, including Bangladesh, Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Basic demographic and clinical characteristics were collected using a standardized data collection form.

    RESULTS: Among the 879 older adults with schizophrenia included in the survey, the rate of APP was 40.5%. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that higher antipsychotic doses (P < .001, odds ratio [OR] = 1.003, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.002-1.003), longer duration of illness (P = .02, OR = 1.845, 95% CI: 1.087-3.132), and the prescription of anticholinergics (P < .001, OR = 1.871, 95% CI: 1.329-2.635), second-generation antipsychotics (P = .001, OR = 2.264, 95% CI: 1.453-3.529), and first-generation antipsychotics (P < .001, OR = 3.344, 95% CI: 2.307-4.847) were significantly associated with APP.

    CONCLUSION: Antipsychotic polypharmacy was common in older adult Asian patients with schizophrenia. Compared to the results of previous surveys, the use of APP showed a declining trend over time. Considering the general poor health status of older patients with schizophrenia and their increased risk of drug-induced adverse events, the use of APP in this population needs careful consideration.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  6. Mu W, Bartlett AW, Bunupuradah T, Chokephaibulkit K, Kumarasamy N, Ly PS, et al.
    J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr, 2019 03 01;80(3):308-315.
    PMID: 30531299 DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001921
    BACKGROUND: Virologic failure is a major threat to maintaining effective combination antiretroviral therapy, especially for children in need of lifelong treatment. With efforts to expand access to HIV viral load testing, our understanding of pediatric virologic failure is evolving.

    SETTING: An Asian cohort in 16 pediatric HIV services across 6 countries.

    METHODS: From 2005 to 2014, patients younger than 20 years who achieved virologic suppression and had subsequent viral load testing were included. Early virologic failure was defined as a HIV RNA ≥1000 copies per milliliter within 12 months of virologic suppression, and late virologic as a HIV RNA ≥1000 copies per milliliter after 12 months following virologic suppression. Characteristics at combination antiretroviral therapy initiation and virologic suppression were described, and a competing risk time-to-event analysis was used to determine cumulative incidence of virologic failure and factors at virologic suppression associated with early and late virologic failure.

    RESULTS: Of 1105 included in the analysis, 182 (17.9%) experienced virologic failure. The median age at virologic suppression was 6.9 years, and the median time to virologic failure was 24.6 months after virologic suppression. The incidence rate for a first virologic failure event was 3.3 per 100 person-years. Factors at virologic suppression associated with late virologic failure included older age, mostly rural clinic setting, tuberculosis, protease inhibitor-based regimens, and early virologic failure. No risk factors were identified for early virologic failure.

    CONCLUSIONS: Around 1 in 5 experienced virologic failure in our cohort after achieving virologic suppression. Targeted interventions to manage complex treatment scenarios, including adolescents, tuberculosis coinfection, and those with poor virologic control are required.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  7. Deng J, Zhang N, Ahmad F, Draz MU
    PMID: 31208141 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16122130
    :The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of local government competition and environmental regulation intensity on regional innovation performance and its regional heterogeneity. Based on the theoretical mechanism of the aforementioned variables, this study uses the Chinese provincial panel data from 2001 to 2016. We use the super-efficiency data envelopment analysis (SE-DEA) to evaluate regional innovation performance. To systematically examine the impact of local government competition and environmental regulation intensity on regional innovation performance, we build a panel date model using the feasible generalized least squares (FGLS) method. The results indicate that: the regional innovation performance can be significantly improved through technological spillover; local governments compete for foreign direct investment (FDI) to participate in regional innovative production. Moreover, improvements in environmental regulation intensity enhance regional innovation performance through the innovation compensation effect. Our results show that the local governments tend to choose lower environmental regulation intensity to compete for more FDI, which has an inhibitory effect on regional innovation performance. Furthermore, due to regional differences in factor endowments, economic reforms and economic development levels in Chinese provinces, there exists a significant regional consistency in the impact of local government competition and environmental regulation intensity on regional innovation performance. Therefore, institutional arrangements and incentive constraints must be adopted to enhance regional innovation performance as well as to guide and foster the mechanism of green innovation competition among local governments. At the same time, considering the regional heterogeneity of local government competition and environmental regulation intensity affecting regional innovation performance, policy makers should avoid the "one-size-fits-all" strategy of institutional arrangements.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  8. Ramirez SP, McClellan W, Port FK, Hsu SI
    J Am Soc Nephrol, 2002 Jul;13(7):1907-17.
    PMID: 12089388 DOI: 10.1097/01.asn.0000018406.20282.c8
    The factors associated with proteinuria were examined in a large multiracial Asian population participating in a screening program aimed at the early detection of renal disease. Of 213,873 adults who participated, 189,117 with complete data were included. Malay race, increasing age, both extremes of body mass index (BMI), self-reported family history of kidney disease (FKD), and higher systolic and diastolic BP measurements (even at levels classified as being within the normal range) were independently associated with dipstick-positive proteinuria. The odds ratios (OR) for proteinuria increased progressively with age. There was a J-shaped relationship between BMI and proteinuria (OR of 1.3, 1.00, 1.3, 1.6, and 2.5 for BMI of < or =18.00, 23.00 to 24.99, 25.00 to 27.49, 27.50 to 29.99, and > or =30.00 kg/m(2), respectively, compared with BMI of 18.01 to 22.99 kg/m(2)). OR for proteinuria according to systolic and diastolic BP were significantly increased beginning at levels of 110 and 90 mmHg, respectively. In addition, the Malay race was associated with a significantly higher OR for proteinuria, compared with the Chinese race (OR of 1.3). Finally, FKD was significantly associated with proteinuria (OR of 1.7), whereas a family history of diabetes mellitus and a family history of hypertension were not. When family histories were analyzed by clustering, isolated FKD remained a significant determinant of proteinuria and the magnitude of the effect was not significantly different from that observed in the presence of a coexisting family history of diabetes mellitus or hypertension. This is the first study to evaluate factors associated with proteinuria in an Asian population. The epidemiologic study of renal disease in this population suggests that risk factors for renal disease might differ significantly among racial groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  9. Khan K, Khan AH, Sulaiman SA, Soo CT, Akhtar A
    Jpn J Infect Dis, 2016;69(1):56-9.
    PMID: 26073728 DOI: 10.7883/yoken.JJID.2014.246
    In the current study we explored the occurrence of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to antiretroviral therapy among human immune-deficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS patients. We concluded an observational retrospective study in all patients who were diagnosed with HIV infection and were receiving highly active antiviral therapy from Jan. 2007 to Dec. 2012 at Hospital Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Patient socio-demographic details along with clinical features and susceptible ADRs were observed during the study period. Out of 743 patients, 571 (76.9%) were men, and 172 (23.1%) were women. Overall 314 (42.2%) patients experienced ADRs. A total of 425 ADRs were reported, with 311 (73.1%) occurring in men and 114 (26.8%) in women, with a significant statistical relationship (P value (P) = 0.02, OR = 1.21). Overall 239 (56.2%) ADRs were recorded among Chinese, 94 (22.1%) in Malay, and 71 (16.7%) in Indian patients, which had a statistically significant association with ADRs (P = 0.05, OR = 1.50). Out of a total 425 among ADRs, lipodystrophy was recorded in 151 (35.5%) followed by skin rashes in 80 (18.8%), anemia in 74 (17.4%), and peripheral neuropathy in 27 (6.3%) patients. These findings suggest a need of intensive monitoring of ADRs in HIV treatment centres across Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  10. Cooper DJ, Plewes K, Grigg MJ, Patel A, Rajahram GS, William T, et al.
    Kidney Int Rep, 2021 Mar;6(3):645-656.
    PMID: 33732979 DOI: 10.1016/j.ekir.2020.12.020
    Introduction: Classification of acute kidney injury (AKI) requires a premorbid baseline creatinine, often unavailable in studies in acute infection.

    Methods: We evaluated commonly used surrogate and imputed baseline creatinine values against a "reference" creatinine measured during follow-up in an adult clinical trial cohort. Known AKI incidence (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes [KDIGO] criteria) was compared with AKI incidence classified by (1) back-calculation using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equation with and without a Chinese ethnicity correction coefficient; (2) back-calculation using the Chronic Kidney Disease-Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation; (3) assigning glomerular filtration rate (GFR) from age and sex-standardized reference tables; and (4) lowest measured creatinine during admission. Back-calculated distributions were performed using GFRs of 75 and 100 ml/min.

    Results: All equations using an assumed GFR of 75 ml/min underestimated AKI incidence by more than 50%. Back-calculation with CKD-EPI and GFR of 100 ml/min most accurately predicted AKI but misclassified all AKI stages and had low levels of agreement with true AKI diagnoses. Back-calculation using MDRD and assumed GFR of 100 ml/min, age and sex-reference GFR values adjusted for good health, and lowest creatinine during admission performed similarly, best predicting AKI incidence (area under the receiver operating characteristic curves [AUC ROCs] of 0.85, 0.87, and 0.85, respectively). MDRD back-calculation using a cohort mean GFR showed low total error (22%) and an AUC ROC of 0.85.

    Conclusion: Current methods for estimating baseline creatinine are large sources of potential error in acute infection studies. Preferred alternatives include MDRD equation back-calculation with a population mean GFR, age- and sex-specific GFR values corrected for "good health," or lowest measured creatinine. Studies using surrogate baseline creatinine values should report specific methodology.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  11. Sun Q, Wang K, Yoshimura A, Doi K
    Theor Appl Genet, 2002 Jun;104(8):1335-1345.
    PMID: 12582589
    The genetic differentiation of nuclear, mitochondrial (mt) and chloroplast (cp) genomes was investigated by Southern and PCR analysis using 75 varieties of cultivated rice ( Oryza sativa L.) and 118 strains of common wild rice (CWR, Oryza rufipogon Griff.) from ten countries of Asia. The distinguishing differences between the Indica and Japonica cultivars were detected both in the nuclear genome and the cytoplasmic genome, confirming that the Indica-Japonica differentiation is of major importance for the three different classes of genome in cultivated rice. This differentiation was also detected in common wild rice with some differences among the genome compartments and the various regions. For nuclear DNA variation, both Indica-like and Japonica-like types were observed in the Chinese CWR, with the latter more-frequent than the former. No Japonica-like type was found in South Asia, and only two strains of the Japonica-like type were detected in Southeast Asia, thus the Indica-like type is the major type among South and Southeast Asian CWR. For mtDNA, only a few strains of the Japonica-like type were detected in CWR. For cpDNA, the Japonica type was predominant among the CWR strains from China, Bangladesh and Burma, while the Indica type was predominant among the CWR strains from Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia and Sri Lanka, and both types were found in similar frequencies among the Indian CWR. Altogether, however, the degree of Indica-Japonica differentiation in common wild rice was much-less important than that in cultivated rice. Cluster analyses for nuclear and mitochondrial DNA variation revealed that some CWR strains showed large genetic distances from cultivated rice and formed clusters distinct from cultivated rice. Coincidence in the genetic differentiation between the three different classes of genome was much higher in cultivated rice than in CWR. Among the 75 cultivars, about 3/4 entries were "homoeotype" showing congruent results for nuclear, mt and cpDNA regarding the Indica-Japonica differentiation. In CWR, the proportions of homoeotypes were 5.7%, 15% and 48.8% in China, South Asia and Southeast Asia, respectively. Based on the average genetic distance among all the strains of CWR and cultivated rice for nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, the variability of the nuclear genome was found to be higher than that of the mitochondrial genome. The global pattern based on all genomes shows much-more diversification in CWR than that in cultivated rice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  12. Navin Ravi, Elvira Effie Juis, Michelle Maria Vincent, Rasyidah Shokri, Vinooshana R. Kannan, Izzudin Madin, et al.
    Palmaris longus (PL) tendon is regularly used in reconstructive surgeries as a donor tendon because it is observed as an accessory muscle and has little practical use to the human hands. It is only found in mammals. For example, the orangutan has PL but it is absent variable in the higher class of apes such as gorillas and chimpanzees. The absence of PL in humans appears to be hereditary, but the genetic transmission is unclear. The main objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of PL tendon absence in pre-clinical medical students of UMS and to compare the lack between gender and ethnic groups. By using standard Schaffer’s test, we examined the presence or absence of PL tendon among the first and second-year medical students of UMS. Four additional tests, Thompson’s test, Mishra’s test I, and II, Pushpakumar’s tests were used to determine whether PL present or not. A total of 134 volunteers were examined, and 91.8% were right-handed, and 8.2% were left-handed. The overall absence (bilateral and unilateral) of PL tendon was 23.9%, whereas unilateral absent was 17.9%, and bilateral absent was 6.0%. The high prevalence of absence of PL tendon among females 25.5% compared to males 20.0%. Chinese and Indian have a higher incidence of PL tendon absence followed by Kadazandusun and Malay. In this study, there were different figures for each ethnic group. The prevalence of absence of PL varies depending on the populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  13. Ng, Benjamin Han Sim, Prakash Supahiah, Goh, Siew Yuen
    Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is a neurological condition occurring because of thrombosis involving the cerebral venous sinuses. This case report is an unusual clinical manifestation of cerebral venous thrombosis in a 76-year-old Chinese man who presented with restricted eye movement and double vision. Despite extensive investigation, there was no better explanation for his clinical symptom and sign apart from cerebral venous thrombosis which was confirmed by magnetic resonance venography (MRV) of the brain. Once cerebral venous thrombosis was diagnosed, he was initiated on anticoagulation and discharged with oral warfarin. This case emphasizes the need to consider cerebral venous thrombosis as one of the rare causes of complex ophthalmoplegia especially when typical cardiovascular risk factors are lacking in an individual.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  14. Chieng, Jin Yu, Yasotha Sugumaran, Pan Yan
    Hepatitis B is a well-recognized occupational risk for healthcare workers. This self-administered questionnaire study was designed to assess awareness and knowledge towards hepatitis B virus infection among 140 nurses at Serdang Hospital, Selangor, Malaysia from the period of 1st April to 30th September 2017. The response rate was 97.2% (n = 140/144). A total of 71.4% of participants showed adequate awareness of hepatitis B. Most participants had heard hepatitis B with the predominant sources receiving from friends, media and education. Majority of them did serology blood test of hepatitis B before. A total of 84.3% of participants were aware of vaccine available for hepatitis B, although 78.6% got vaccinated in the past. Antiviral treatment of hepatitis B was not well noticed by most of them. Education qualification determines the awareness of hepatitis B. Regarding the knowledge, 73.6% of participants showed poor knowledge of hepatitis B. Most participants understood that hepatitis B was caused by a virus infection and the organ most affected was the liver. Surprisingly, 77.9% of them failed to recognize that cancer could be caused by hepatitis B. Majority of participants were aware that transmission of hepatitis B could be mediated via sexual intercourse, as well as childbirth. Nevertheless, 14.3% of them believed that hepatitis B was able to spread by cough and sneeze. Older age, Chinese ethnicity, and having high educational qualification were factors leading to adequate knowledge of hepatitis B. Additional attention should be emphasized to strengthen knowledge towards hepatitis B among nurses and perhaps other healthcare workers in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  15. Yeo BH, Tang TK, Wong SF, Tan CP, Wang Y, Cheong LZ, et al.
    Front Pharmacol, 2021;12:631136.
    PMID: 33833681 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2021.631136
    Edible bird's nest (EBN) is recognized as a nourishing food among Chinese people. The efficacy of EBN was stated in the records of traditional Chinese medicine and its activities have been reported in many researches. Malaysia is the second largest exporter of EBNs in the world, after Indonesia. For many years, EBN trade to China was not regulated until August 2011, when a safety alert was triggered for the consumption of EBNs. China banned the import of EBNs from Malaysia and Indonesia due to high level of nitrite. Since then, the Malaysia government has formulated Malaysia Standards for swiftlet farming (MS 2273:2012), edible bird's nest processing plant design and management (MS 2333:2010), and edible bird's nest product quality (MS 2334:2011) to enable the industry to meet the specified standards for the export to China. On the other hand, Indonesia's EBN industry formulated a standard operating procedure (SOP) for exportation to China. Both countries can export EBNs to China by complying with the standards and SOPs. EBN contaminants may include but not limited to nitrite, heavy metals, excessive minerals, fungi, bacteria, and mites. The possible source of contaminants may come from the swiftlet farms and the swiftlets or introduced during processing, storage, and transportation of EBNs, or adulterants. Swiftlet house design and management, and EBN processing affect the bird's nest color. Degradation of its optical quality has an impact on the selling price, and color changes are tied together with nitrite level. In this review, the current and future prospects of EBNs in Malaysia and Indonesia in terms of their quality, and the research on the contaminants and their effects on EBN color changes are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  16. Chua GHI, Phang SCW, Wong YO, Ho LS, Palanisamy UD, Abdul Kadir K
    Nutrients, 2020 Nov 27;12(12).
    PMID: 33261162 DOI: 10.3390/nu12123659
    Malaysian national morbidity surveys on diabetic prevalence have shown ethnical variation among prediabetic and diabetic populations. In our attempt to understand this variation, we studied the α-tocopherol, insulin resistance, β-cell function and receptor of advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) levels, as risk factors of type 2 diabetes, among the different ethnicities. In total, 299 subjects of Malay, Chinese, Indian and aboriginal Orang Asli (OA) heritage were recruited from urban and rural areas of Malaysia by stratified random sampling. Serum α-tocopherol concentrations were measured using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and insulin concentrations were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In subjects with pre-diabetes, OAs had the highest α-tocopherol level, followed by Chinese and Malays (0.8938, 0.8564 and 0.6948 respectively; p < 0.05). In diabetic subjects, Malays had significantly higher RAGE levels compared to Chinese and Indians (5579.31, 3473.40 and 3279.52 pg/mL respectively, p = 0.001). Low α-tocopherol level (OR = 3.021, p < 0.05) and high insulin resistance (OR = 2.423, p < 0.05) were linked strongly to the development of pre-diabetes. Low β-cell function (OR = 5.657, p < 0.001) and high RAGE level (OR = 3.244, p < 0.05) were linked strongly to the development of diabetes from pre-diabetes. These factors might be involved in the development of diabetes, along with genetic and environmental factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  17. Chia ZJ, Lim KS, Lee SR, Lai WW, Chan PQ, Ng SJ, et al.
    Epilepsy Behav, 2021 Apr;117:107798.
    PMID: 33582391 DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.107798
    BACKGROUND: In epilepsy stigma, certain perceptions are culturally dependent and greatly influence a person's attitudes. Hence, we aimed to explore the perceptions associated with attitudes toward epilepsy in various urban subpopulations.

    METHOD: This is a mixed-method study employing the Public Attitude Toward Epilepsy (PATE) scale as the quantitative measure, followed by a semi-structured interview. The qualitative data were then counted and analyzed concurrently with the quantitative data.

    RESULT: A total of 410 respondents (104 people with epilepsy [PWE]; 104 family members [FM]; 100 medical students [MS]; 102 public [Pb]) aged 37 years (IQR 23-55) were recruited. They were mostly female (57.3%), Chinese (52.0%), and highly educated (63.7%). The attitudes toward epilepsy among medical students are the best, followed by the PWE and their family members, and the worst among the public. The qualitative results revealed 4 main themes, which were "general social values", "epilepsy severity and control", "PWE's abilities", and "harms and burdens to the respondents and others". A two-dimensional perception model was constructed based on these themes, which consisted of general-personal and universal-specific dimensions. Generally, the PWE/FM subgroup focused more on PWE's abilities, whereas the MS/Pb subgroup more on general social values, and harms and burden. In the education aspect, most attitudes were related to the epilepsy severity and PWE's abilities, whereas in employment, the main consideration was the PWE's abilities. Burden to life and concern about inheritance were major considerations in the marital relationship. Those with positive attitudes tend to highlight the importance of general social values, while negative attitudes associated more with epilepsy severity. In general domain, general social values were the main considering factor but in personal domain, most participants will consider epilepsy severity and control, harms and burden to themselves.

    CONCLUSION: The perceptions underlying attitudes toward epilepsy were complex and varied between subpopulations, attitude levels, domains, and aspects of life. (304 words).

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  18. Tan, Kenny, Luen, Leong Wei, Ong, Yi Ping, Khai, H’ng Kee, Tan, Li May, Siti Nur Fatihah Abd Rahman, et al.
    Phenytoin follows Michaelis-Menten, a non-linear pharmacokinetics that occurs when drug molecules saturates the enzymes ability to metabolise the drug. When this occurs, steady state phenytoin serum concentration increases in a disproportionate manner after a dosage increase. General population data are usually used for the phenytoin dose calculation. However, many studies show that population pharmacokinetic parameters of phenytoin have high variations. Thus, use of specific local pharmacokinetic parameters for each population group in estimating individualised phenytoin dose can reduce phenytoin toxicity cases. This prospective, observational study was conducted to estimate a local Vmax and Km of phenytoin for adult epileptic patients in neurological ward and clinic at Hospital Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. All therapeutic drug monitoring of oral capsule phenytoin were studied in a three-month data collection period. Out of the 17 subjects in our study, there are 13 male subjects (76.47%) and 4 female subjects (23.53%). A total 11 Malay subjects (64.71%), 4 Chinese subjects (23.53%) and 2 Indian subjects (11.76%) were included. Median Vmax and Km were found to be 8.25 mg/kg/day and 3.80 mg/l. Male subjects have a higher Vmax (8.30 mg/kg/day) but a lower Km (3.3 mg/l). Chinese population has the highest Vmax (8.80 mg/kg/day). For Km, Indian population is the highest, with a value of 5.5 mg/l. From our study, gender does not correlate with Vmax and Km of phenytoin (p-value > 0.05). Ethnicity was also found to have no association with Vmax and Km (p-value > 0.05). Local Vmax (8.25 mg/kg/day) is higher and Km (3.8 mg/l) is lower when compared with standard Vmax (7 mg/kg/day) and Km (4 mg/l) obtained from Caucasian population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  19. Wong LP, Lee HY, Khor CS, Abdul-Jamil J, Alias H, Abu-Amin N, et al.
    PMID: 33879981 DOI: 10.1007/s12288-021-01428-7
    Throughout the world, there has been growing concern over the risk of hepatitis E virus (HEV) transmission via blood transfusion. The present study screened blood donor samples for anti-HEV immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG). The prevalence of HEV infection was assessed on a total of 1,003 archived serum samples obtained from the National Blood Centre, Malaysia. The samples were collected from healthy blood donor from Klang Valley between 2017 and 2018. All samples were tested for IgM and IgG antibodies to HEV using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). HEV-specific IgG antibodies were detected in 31/1003 (3.1%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.1%-4.4%) and IgM in 9/1003 (0.9%; 95% CI 0.4%-1.7%) samples. In bivariate analysis, there was no significant difference in the prevalence of anti-HEV IgG with respect to gender and district of origin. Although not statistically significant, males had higher odds of having anti-HEV IgG than females (odds ratio [OR] = 2.86; 95% CI 0.95-8.64). All anti-HEV IgG positive individuals were people of Chinese descent. Anti-HEV IgG increased significantly with age, from 0.6% (95% CI 0.1%-2.6%) of 18-30-year-old donors to 7.4% (95% CI 2.7%-17.0%) of donors older than 50 years and was highest among non-professional workers (5.3%; 95% CI 2.5%-10.5%). Increasing age and a non-professional occupation remained significant predictors for anti-HEV IgG in the multivariable analysis. Screening of blood donations for HEV in Malaysia is important to safeguard the health of transfusion recipients. The higher rates of HEV infection in blood from older donors and donors who are non-professional workers may provide insights into targeted groups for blood screening.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  20. Madhusudhan Krishnamoorthy, Zaleha Kamaludin, Hasnan Jaafar, Norhafiza Mat Lazim
    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a commonly encountered malignancy in endemic regions of the world namely South
    East Asia, China and Hong Kong. In Malaysia, the ethnic Chinese population is particularly at risk due to genetic
    susceptibilities and environmental exposure to carcinogenic agents. We herein report a case of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in a middle-aged man of Malay ethnicity who presented with nasal blockage and neck nodes. The biopsy of
    the nasopharyngeal mass came back as papillary variant of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The commonly reported histopathological types are the keratinizing and non-keratinizing types, and rarely the basaloid type. In this case report,
    we aim to highlight one of the rare variants of the non-keratinizing nasopharyngeal carcinoma. When diagnosing the
    non-keratinizing type, appreciation of the different morphological variants is crucial not only to help aid in procuring
    an acurrate histopathologic diagnosis, but also to help in subsequent treatment plan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
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