Methods: This was a post-hoc case-control exploratory sub-analysis of a cross-sectional study among GDM women to determine which candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to neuroendocrine disorders may be associated with obesity. Factors were adjusted for socio-demographic characteristics and concurrent medical problems in this particular population. Pre-pregnancy BMI and concurrent medical profiles were obtained from maternal health records. Obesity is defined as BMI of ≥27.5 kg/m2 for Asian criteria-based BMI and >30 kg/m2 for International criteria-based BMI. Thirteen candidate genes were genotyped using Agena® MassARRAY and examined for association with pre-pregnancy obesity using multiple logistic regression analysis. The significant difference threshold was set at P value <0.05.
Results: Three hundred and twelve GDM women were included in this study; 60.9% and 44.2% of GDM patients were obese using Asian and International criteria-based BMI, respectively. GDM patients with AA or AG genotypes in specific SNP of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (G > A in rs6265) are more likely to be obese (adjusted odd ratio =2.209, 95% CI, 1.305, 3.739, P=0.003) compared to those who carry the GG genotype in the SNP adjusted for parity, underlying with asthma, heart disease, anaemia, education background in the International criteria-based BMI stratification group. On the other hand, there were no associations between other candidate genes (NRG1, FKBP5, RORA, OXTR, PLEKHG1, HTR2C, LHPP, SDK2, TEX51, EPHX2, NPY5R and ANO2) and maternal obesity.
Conclusions: In summary, BDNF rs6265 is significantly associated with pre-pregnancy obesity among GDM patients. The exact role of BDNF adjusted for diet intake and lifestyle factors merits further investigation.
METHODS: This study was based on the fourth survey of the consortium known as the Research on Asian Psychotropic Prescription Pattern for Antipsychotics. Fifteen Asian countries/territories participated in this survey, including Bangladesh, Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Basic demographic and clinical characteristics were collected using a standardized data collection form.
RESULTS: Among the 879 older adults with schizophrenia included in the survey, the rate of APP was 40.5%. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that higher antipsychotic doses (P < .001, odds ratio [OR] = 1.003, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.002-1.003), longer duration of illness (P = .02, OR = 1.845, 95% CI: 1.087-3.132), and the prescription of anticholinergics (P < .001, OR = 1.871, 95% CI: 1.329-2.635), second-generation antipsychotics (P = .001, OR = 2.264, 95% CI: 1.453-3.529), and first-generation antipsychotics (P < .001, OR = 3.344, 95% CI: 2.307-4.847) were significantly associated with APP.
CONCLUSION: Antipsychotic polypharmacy was common in older adult Asian patients with schizophrenia. Compared to the results of previous surveys, the use of APP showed a declining trend over time. Considering the general poor health status of older patients with schizophrenia and their increased risk of drug-induced adverse events, the use of APP in this population needs careful consideration.
SETTING: An Asian cohort in 16 pediatric HIV services across 6 countries.
METHODS: From 2005 to 2014, patients younger than 20 years who achieved virologic suppression and had subsequent viral load testing were included. Early virologic failure was defined as a HIV RNA ≥1000 copies per milliliter within 12 months of virologic suppression, and late virologic as a HIV RNA ≥1000 copies per milliliter after 12 months following virologic suppression. Characteristics at combination antiretroviral therapy initiation and virologic suppression were described, and a competing risk time-to-event analysis was used to determine cumulative incidence of virologic failure and factors at virologic suppression associated with early and late virologic failure.
RESULTS: Of 1105 included in the analysis, 182 (17.9%) experienced virologic failure. The median age at virologic suppression was 6.9 years, and the median time to virologic failure was 24.6 months after virologic suppression. The incidence rate for a first virologic failure event was 3.3 per 100 person-years. Factors at virologic suppression associated with late virologic failure included older age, mostly rural clinic setting, tuberculosis, protease inhibitor-based regimens, and early virologic failure. No risk factors were identified for early virologic failure.
CONCLUSIONS: Around 1 in 5 experienced virologic failure in our cohort after achieving virologic suppression. Targeted interventions to manage complex treatment scenarios, including adolescents, tuberculosis coinfection, and those with poor virologic control are required.
Methods: We evaluated commonly used surrogate and imputed baseline creatinine values against a "reference" creatinine measured during follow-up in an adult clinical trial cohort. Known AKI incidence (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes [KDIGO] criteria) was compared with AKI incidence classified by (1) back-calculation using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equation with and without a Chinese ethnicity correction coefficient; (2) back-calculation using the Chronic Kidney Disease-Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation; (3) assigning glomerular filtration rate (GFR) from age and sex-standardized reference tables; and (4) lowest measured creatinine during admission. Back-calculated distributions were performed using GFRs of 75 and 100 ml/min.
Results: All equations using an assumed GFR of 75 ml/min underestimated AKI incidence by more than 50%. Back-calculation with CKD-EPI and GFR of 100 ml/min most accurately predicted AKI but misclassified all AKI stages and had low levels of agreement with true AKI diagnoses. Back-calculation using MDRD and assumed GFR of 100 ml/min, age and sex-reference GFR values adjusted for good health, and lowest creatinine during admission performed similarly, best predicting AKI incidence (area under the receiver operating characteristic curves [AUC ROCs] of 0.85, 0.87, and 0.85, respectively). MDRD back-calculation using a cohort mean GFR showed low total error (22%) and an AUC ROC of 0.85.
Conclusion: Current methods for estimating baseline creatinine are large sources of potential error in acute infection studies. Preferred alternatives include MDRD equation back-calculation with a population mean GFR, age- and sex-specific GFR values corrected for "good health," or lowest measured creatinine. Studies using surrogate baseline creatinine values should report specific methodology.
METHOD: This is a mixed-method study employing the Public Attitude Toward Epilepsy (PATE) scale as the quantitative measure, followed by a semi-structured interview. The qualitative data were then counted and analyzed concurrently with the quantitative data.
RESULT: A total of 410 respondents (104 people with epilepsy [PWE]; 104 family members [FM]; 100 medical students [MS]; 102 public [Pb]) aged 37 years (IQR 23-55) were recruited. They were mostly female (57.3%), Chinese (52.0%), and highly educated (63.7%). The attitudes toward epilepsy among medical students are the best, followed by the PWE and their family members, and the worst among the public. The qualitative results revealed 4 main themes, which were "general social values", "epilepsy severity and control", "PWE's abilities", and "harms and burdens to the respondents and others". A two-dimensional perception model was constructed based on these themes, which consisted of general-personal and universal-specific dimensions. Generally, the PWE/FM subgroup focused more on PWE's abilities, whereas the MS/Pb subgroup more on general social values, and harms and burden. In the education aspect, most attitudes were related to the epilepsy severity and PWE's abilities, whereas in employment, the main consideration was the PWE's abilities. Burden to life and concern about inheritance were major considerations in the marital relationship. Those with positive attitudes tend to highlight the importance of general social values, while negative attitudes associated more with epilepsy severity. In general domain, general social values were the main considering factor but in personal domain, most participants will consider epilepsy severity and control, harms and burden to themselves.
CONCLUSION: The perceptions underlying attitudes toward epilepsy were complex and varied between subpopulations, attitude levels, domains, and aspects of life. (304 words).