OBJECTIVE: The objective of this systematic review was to assess the effectiveness of montelukast in treating allergic rhinitis.
METHODS: An electronic literature search was performed using the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, EMBASE, and MEDLINE from 1966 to 21 January 2019. The eligibility criteria were randomized controlled trials comparing montelukast with placebo or other standard treatments. The primary outcomes assessed were daytime nasal symptom score (DNS) and night-time nasal symptom score (NNS). The secondary outcomes assessed were composite nasal symptom score (CSS), daytime eyes symptom score (DES), and rhinoconjunctivitis quality-of-life questionnaires (RQLQ). The meta-analysis was conducted using Review Manager 5.3 software based on the random-effects model.
RESULTS: Fifteen studies of 10387 participants met the inclusion criteria. Montelukast was more effective than placebo in improving DNS (mean difference [MD] - 0.12, 95% confidence interval [CI] - 0.15 to - 0.08; p
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in the sleep clinic. Standard forward-backward method was used for translation. Patients were required to answer a translated version of the questionnaire in Bahasa Malaysia and underwent a PSG study. Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) of five and more was considered diagnostic. SBQ score was divided into two groups, less than 3 and 3 or more to determine its correlation with mild, moderate, or severe OSA. The reliability of the questionnaire was compared against that of the PSG result.
RESULTS: We recruited 134 patients with mean age of 41.22 ± 12.66 years old. 9.7% patients have low risk, 48.5% moderate risk, and 41.8% high risk of OSA by SBQ scoring. 28.4% of patients had mild, 33.6% had moderate, and 38.0% had severe OSA by PSG. The Bahasa Malaysia version had sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive value of 61.42, 71.05, and 84.06 and 41.54% respectively. When the score is higher, the probability increases for patients to have moderate or severe OSA. SBQ score showed moderate value of agreement to AHI.
CONCLUSIONS: The Bahasa Malaysia version of SBQ is a valid tool for the identification of OSA. It is useful to detect patients at risk for further investigation and management.
METHODS: A literature search was performed on PUBMED, SCOPUS AND EMBASE. The following keywords were used: ethmoidal artery; anterior ethmoidal artery; anterior ethmoidal canal; ethmoid sinus; ethmoid roof; skull base. The search was conducted over a period of 6 months between October 2016 and April 2017.
RESULTS: 105 articles were retrieved. 76 articles which were either case reports or unrelated topics were excluded. Out of the 29 full text articles retrieved, 16 articles were selected; 3 were cadaveric dissection, 5 combined cadaveric dissection and computed tomography (CT) and the rest were of CT studies. All studies were of level III evidence and a total of 1985 arteries were studied. Its position at the skull base was influenced by the presence of supraorbital ethmoid cell (SOEC) and length of the lateral lamella of cribriform plate (LLCP). Inter population morphological variations contribute to the anatomical variations.
CONCLUSIONS: The average diameter of AEA was 0.80 mm and the intranasal length was 5.82 mm. 79.2% was found between the second and third lamellae, 12.0% in the third lamella, 6% posterior to third lamella and 1.2% in the second lamella. Extra precaution should be taken in the presence of a well-pneumatized SOEC and a long LLCP as AEA tends to run freely below skull base.
METHODOLOGY: In this open labelled randomized clinical trial, 40 participants aged between 18 and 65 with head and neck cancer who completed chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy in Hospital USM, Kelantan Malaysia or Hospital Taiping were recruited and randomized into two groups: Tualang honey (experimental) group or Vitamin C (control) group. They were prescribed with either daily oral Tualang honey 20mg or vitamin C tablet 100 mg for 8 weeks. Level of fatigue and quality of life were measured using FACIT-Fatigue and FACT H&N questionnaires at baseline, 4 weeks and 8 weeks. The white cell count and C-reactive protein level were also measured at baseline, 4 weeks and 8 weeks.
RESULTS: After four and eight weeks of treatment with Tualang honey or Vitamin C, the fatigue level for experimental group was better than in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (p<0.05). Statistically significant improvements were seen on quality of life (p<0.05) for the experimental group at week 8, however, no significant improvements were seen in white cell count and C-reactive protein level between control and experimental group.
CONCLUSION: Our research provided support for the use of Tualang honey to improve CRF and QOL in head and neck cancer patients post chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 329 GPs and 548 pharmacists was conducted from May to November 2019. Participants answered a questionnaire focused on their i) current practice in the management of AR, ii) views on patient compliance, iii) understanding and usage of guidelines.
Results: Clinical history was the most preferred method to diagnose AR by 95.4% of GPs and 58.8% of pharmacists. Second-generation antihistamines were the most widely available treatment option in GP clinics and pharmacies (94.8% and 97.2%) and correspondingly the most preferred treatment for both mild (90.3%, 76.8%) to moderatesevere rhinitis (90.3%, 78.6%) by GPs and pharmacists, respectively. Loratadine was ranked as the most preferred 2nd generation antihistamines (GP vs pharmacists: 55.3% vs 58.9%). More than 90% of GPs and pharmacists ranked length and efficacy of treatment as important factors that increase patient compliance. Awareness of the ARIA guidelines was high among GPs (80%) and lower among pharmacists (48.4%). However, only 63.3% of GPs and 48.2% of pharmacists knew how to identify AR patients.
Conclusions: The survey in the 4 ASEAN countries has identified a need to strengthen the awareness and use of ARIA guidelines among the primary care practitioners. Adherence to ARIA guidelines, choosing the appropriate treatment option and prioritizing factors that increases patient compliance may contribute to better management outcomes of AR at the primary care practice.
Method: The study was performed as a cross sectional study conducted at two different centres in Malaysia. Ninety-eight patients who were diagnosed with rhinosinusitis and fulfilled the selection criteria were assessed as for the symptom score and VAS and the measurement of angulation of nasal septum was performed through a coronal view of CT paranasal sinuses in bone window setting at osteomeatal complex level.
Results: The result obtained from one-way ANOVA test revealed a significant association between category of severity of septal angulation and the symptom score of rhinosinusitis (p=0.025). In addition, the result obtained from one-way ANOVA test also revealed a significant association between category of severity of septal angulation and the VAS of rhinosinusitis (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Severity of nasal septum angulation may be significantly associated with severity of rhinosinusitis based on symptom score and VAS. These findings could be used in tailored management of patient with rhinosinusitis especially during functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
METHODS: A prospective randomized comparative trial was conducted among patients with bilateral nasal blockage secondary to inferior turbinates hypertrophy. Patients were randomly assigned to MAT or CAT. An extraturbinal medial flap turbinoplasty was performed for both techniques. Symptom assessment was based on the visual analogue score for nasal obstruction, sneezing, rhinorrhea, headache and hyposmia. Turbinate size, edema and secretions were assessed by nasoendoscopic examination. The assessments were done preoperatively, at 1st postoperative week, 2nd and 3rd postoperative months. Postoperative morbidity like pain, bleeding, crusting and synechiae were documented. The clinical outcomes of both techniques were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA.
RESULTS: A total of 33 participants were recruited, 17 patients randomized for MAT and 16 patients for CAT. Nasal obstruction, discharge, sneezing, headache and hyposmia significantly reduced from 1st week until 3 months for both procedures. Similar significant reductions were seen for turbinate size, edema and secretions. However, there was no significant difference in symptoms and turbinate size reduction were seen between both groups at the first postoperative week, 2nd and 3rd postoperative months. There was significant longer operating time for CAT when compared to MAT (p = 0.001). The postoperative complications of bleeding, crusting and synechiae did not occur in both groups.
CONCLUSION: Both MAT and CAT were equally effective in improving nasal symptoms and achieving turbinate size reduction in patients with inferior turbinate hypertrophy. Both MAT and CAT offer maximal relieve in patients experiencing inferior turbinates hypertrophy by removing the hypertrophied soft tissue together with the turbinate bone without any complications.
Methods: The boot camp was organised as a virtual event. The participants answered the same questionnaire before (pre-assessment) and immediately after (post-assessment) the boot camp session. Statistical analysis was performed on the data paired between the pre- and post- assessments using SPSS v. 25.0 software.
Results: The boot camp survey results showed that second-generation oral antihistamines and allergen avoidance are the most preferred options for AR treatment in pharmacy practice, irrespective of the disease severity. In both pre- and post-assessments, efficacy was ranked as the most important factor considered for choosing an antihistamine and which affects patient adherence. With the boot camp initiative, there was a statistically significant increase in awareness about the patient profiling tool (from 31.6% to 88.2%) and ARIA guidelines (from 40.4% to 91.2%) among the pharmacists (p<0.05). The proportion of pharmacists who were able to identify, classify and refer AR patients was significantly increased in post-assessment (p<0.05). Post the boot camp, among the proportion of pharmacists (91.2%) who were already aware of ARIA, a high percentage of them further agreed that ARIA guidelines were useful in identifying and treating patients with AR, as well as classifying AR, respectively (97.6%, 95.2%, and 93.5%).
Conclusions: Based on improvements in knowledge and understanding of disease management post assessment, the Allergic Rhinitis Boot Camp initiative is effective and relevant to pharmacy practice. Outreach programs like this reiterate the emphasis on patient compliance and importance of utilizing ARIA guidelines in pharmacy practice that facilitates better management of AR in primary care.
STUDY DESIGN: This was a cross-sectional comparative study in a Malaysian tertiary obstetric hospital involving 200 non-smoking pregnant women at term, of whom 100 were secondhand smokers and 100 were non-secondhand smokers. Those with multiple pregnancies, with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30kg/m2or who delivered by Caesarean section were excluded. The participants' basic demographic details, delivery details, neonatal outcome and placental weight were recorded. Umbilical cord blood samples were obtained, and cord blood cotinine levels were measured with a Cotinine ELISA kit. The primary outcomes were baby's birth weight, length, and head circumference, Apgar score at 5min and placental weight. The secondary outcome was difference in cord blood cotinine levels between the two groups and the correlation of these differences with the neonatal outcome.
RESULTS: The secondhand smoker group had significantly lower baby weight (2.94±0.31kg vs 3.05±0.40kg), head circumference (30.87±2.35cm vs 37.13±2.36cm), length (46.58±1.95cm vs 51.53±2.05cm) and placental weight (520±73.5g vs 596±61.3g) and significantly higher cord blood cotinine levels (16.35±12.84ng/mL vs 0.56±0.22ng/mL). Cord blood cotinine levels had significant negative correlations with placental weight (r=-0.461), baby's weight (r=-0.297), baby's head circumference (r=-0.501) and baby's length (r=-0.374).
CONCLUSION: Secondhand smoke increases the incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes (newborns'anthropometric measurements and placental weight) and causes higher cord blood cotinine levels.
Methods: A literature search was performed on electronic databases, namely PUBMED. The following keywords were used either individually or in combination: orbital floor; maxillary sinus roof; endoscopic skull base surgery; endoscopic sinus surgery. Studies that used orbital floor as a landmark for endoscopic endonasal surgery were included in the analysis. In addition, relevant articles were identified from the references of articles that had been retrieved. The search was conducted over a period of 6 months between 1st June 2017 and 16th December 2017.
Results: One thousand seven hundred forty-three articles were retrieved from the electronic databases. Only 5 articles that met the review criteria were selected. Five studies of the orbital floor (or the maxillary sinus roof) were reviewed, one was a cadaveric study while another 4 were computed tomographic study of the paranasal sinuses. All studies were of level III evidence and consists of a total number of 948 nostrils. All studies showed the orbital floor was below the anterior skull base irrespective of the populations. The orbital floor serves as a guide for safe entry into posterior ethmoids and sphenoid sinus.
Conclusions: The orbital floor is a reliable and useful surgical landmark in endoscopic endonasal surgery. In revision cases or advanced disease, the normal landmarks can be distorted or absent and the orbital floor serves as a reference point for surgeons to avoid any unintentional injury to the skull base, the internal carotid artery and other critical structures.