Displaying publications 81 - 90 of 90 in total

  1. Alhasa KM, Mohd Nadzir MS, Olalekan P, Latif MT, Yusup Y, Iqbal Faruque MR, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Dec 11;18(12).
    PMID: 30544953 DOI: 10.3390/s18124380
    Conventional air quality monitoring systems, such as gas analysers, are commonly used in many developed and developing countries to monitor air quality. However, these techniques have high costs associated with both installation and maintenance. One possible solution to complement these techniques is the application of low-cost air quality sensors (LAQSs), which have the potential to give higher spatial and temporal data of gas pollutants with high precision and accuracy. In this paper, we present DiracSense, a custom-made LAQS that monitors the gas pollutants ozone (O₃), nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), and carbon monoxide (CO). The aim of this study is to investigate its performance based on laboratory calibration and field experiments. Several model calibrations were developed to improve the accuracy and performance of the LAQS. Laboratory calibrations were carried out to determine the zero offset and sensitivities of each sensor. The results showed that the sensor performed with a highly linear correlation with the reference instrument with a response-time range from 0.5 to 1.7 min. The performance of several calibration models including a calibrated simple equation and supervised learning algorithms (adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system or ANFIS and the multilayer feed-forward perceptron or MLP) were compared. The field calibration focused on O₃ measurements due to the lack of a reference instrument for CO and NO₂. Combinations of inputs were evaluated during the development of the supervised learning algorithm. The validation results demonstrated that the ANFIS model with four inputs (WE OX, AE OX, T, and NO₂) had the lowest error in terms of statistical performance and the highest correlation coefficients with respect to the reference instrument (0.8 < r < 0.95). These results suggest that the ANFIS model is promising as a calibration tool since it has the capability to improve the accuracy and performance of the low-cost electrochemical sensor.
  2. Latif MT, Abd Hamid HH, Ahamad F, Khan MF, Mohd Nadzir MS, Othman M, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2019 Dec;237:124451.
    PMID: 31394440 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124451
    This study aims to determine the composition of BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene) and assess the risk to health at different sites in Malaysia. Continuous monitoring of BTEX in Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Kuala Terengganu, Kota Kinabalu and Fraser Hill were conducted using Online Gas Chromatograph. For comparison, BTEX at selected hotspot locations were determined by active sampling method using sorbent tubes and Thermal Desorption Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. The hazard quotient (HQ) for non-carcinogenic and the life-time cancer risk (LTCR) of BTEX were calculated using the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) health risk assessment (HRA) methods. The results showed that the highest total BTEX concentrations using continuous monitoring were recorded in the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (49.56 ± 23.71 μg/m3). Toluene was the most dominant among the BTEX compounds. The average concentrations of benzene ranged from 0.69 ± 0.45 μg/m3 to 6.20 ± 3.51 μg/m3. Measurements using active sampling showed that BTEX concentrations dominated at the roadside (193.11 ± 114.57 μg/m3) in comparison to petrol station (73.08 ± 30.41 μg/m3), petrochemical industry (32.10 ± 13.13 μg/m3) and airport (25.30 ± 6.17 μg/m3). Strong correlations among BTEX compounds (p<0.01, r>0.7) at Kuala Lumpur City Centre showed that BTEX compounds originated from similar sources. The values of HQ at all stations were <1 indicating the non-carcinogenic risk are negligible and do not pose threats to human health. The LTCR value based on benzene inhalation (1.59 × 10-5) at Kuala Lumpur City Centre were between 1 × 10-4 and 1 × 10-5, representing a probable carcinogenic risk.
  3. Nor NSM, Yip CW, Ibrahim N, Jaafar MH, Rashid ZZ, Mustafa N, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2021 01 28;11(1):2508.
    PMID: 33510270 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-81935-9
    The rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2 in the COVID-19 pandemic had raised questions on the route of transmission of this disease. Initial understanding was that transmission originated from respiratory droplets from an infected host to a susceptible host. However, indirect contact transmission of viable virus by fomites and through aerosols has also been suggested. Herein, we report the involvement of fine indoor air particulates with a diameter of ≤ 2.5 µm (PM2.5) as the virus's transport agent. PM2.5 was collected over four weeks during 48-h measurement intervals in four separate hospital wards containing different infected clusters in a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Our results indicated the highest SARS-CoV-2 RNA on PM2.5 in the ward with number of occupants. We suggest a link between the virus-laden PM2.5 and the ward's design. Patients' symptoms and numbers influence the number of airborne SARS-CoV-2 RNA with PM2.5 in an enclosed environment.
  4. Khan MF, Maulud KNA, Latif MT, Chung JX, Amil N, Alias A, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2018 Feb 01;613-614:1401-1416.
    PMID: 29898507 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.025
    Air pollution can be detected through rainwater composition. In this study, long-term measurements (2000-2014) of wet deposition were made to evaluate the physicochemical interaction and the potential sources of pollution due to changes of land use. The rainwater samples were obtained from an urban site in Kuala Lumpur and a highland-rural site in the middle of Peninsular Malaysia. The compositions of rainwater were obtained from the Malaysian Meteorological Department. The results showed that the urban site experienced more acidity in rainwater (avg=277mm, range of 13.8 to 841mm; pH=4.37) than the rural background site (avg=245mm, range of 2.90 to 598mm; pH=4.97) due to higher anthropogenic input of acid precursors. The enrichment factor (EF) analysis showed that at both sites, SO42-, Ca2+ and K+ were less sensitive to seawater but were greatly influenced by soil dust. NH4+ and Ca2+ can neutralise a larger fraction of the available acid ions in the rainwater at the urban and rural background sites. However, acidifying potential was dominant at urban site compared to rural site. Source-receptor relationship via positive matrix factorisation (PMF 5.0) revealed four similar major sources at both sites with a large variation of the contribution proportions. For urban, the major sources influence on the rainwater chemistry were in the order of secondary nitrates and sulfates>ammonium-rich/agricultural farming>soil components>marine sea salt and biomass burning, while at the background site the order was secondary nitrates and sulfates>marine sea salt and biomass burning=soil components>ammonia-rich/agricultural farming. The long-term trend showed that anthropogenic activities and land use changes have greatly altered the rainwater compositions in the urban environment while the seasonality strongly affected the contribution of sources in the background environment.
  5. Khan MF, Hamid AH, Bari MA, Tajudin ABA, Latif MT, Nadzir MSM, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2019 Feb 10;650(Pt 1):1195-1206.
    PMID: 30308807 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.072
    Equatorial warming conditions in urban areas can influence the particle number concentrations (PNCs), but studies assessing such factors are limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of size-resolved PNCs, their potential deposition rate in the human respiratory system, and probable local and transboundary inputs of PNCs in Kuala Lumpur. Particle size distributions of a 0.34 to 9.02 μm optical-equivalent size range were monitored at a frequency of 60 s between December 2016 and January 2017 using an optical-based compact scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). Diurnal and correlation analysis showed that traffic emissions and meteorological confounding factors were potential driving factors for changes in the PNCs (Dp ≤1 μm) at the modeling site. Trajectory modeling showed that a PNC <100/cm3 was influenced mainly by Indo-China region air masses. On the other hand, a PNC >100/cm3 was influenced by air masses originating from the Indian Ocean and Indochina regions. Receptor models extracted five potential sources of PNCs: industrial emissions, transportation, aged traffic emissions, miscellaneous sources, and a source of secondary origin coupled with meteorological factors. A respiratory deposition model for male and female receptors predicted that the deposition flux of PM1 (particle mass ≤1 μm) into the alveolar (AL) region was higher (0.30 and 0.25 μg/h, respectively) than the upper airway (UA) (0.29 and 0.24 μg/h, respectively) and tracheobronchial (TB) regions (0.02 μg/h for each). However, the PM2.5 deposition flux was higher in the UA (2.02 and 1.68 μg/h, respectively) than in the TB (0.18 and 0.15 μg/h, respectively) and the AL regions (1.09 and 0.91 μg/h, respectively); a similar pattern was also observed for PM10.
  6. Khan MF, Hamid AH, Rahim HA, Maulud KNA, Latif MT, Nadzir MSM, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Aug 15;730:139091.
    PMID: 32413602 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139091
    The Southeast Asian (SEA) region is no stranger to forest fires - the region has been suffering from severe air pollution (known locally as 'haze') as a result of these fires, for decades. The fires in SEA region are caused by a combination of natural (the El Niño weather pattern) and manmade (slash-and-burn and land clearing for plantations) factors. These fires cause the emissions of toxic aerosols and pollutants that can affect millions of people in the region. Thus, this study aims to identify the impact of the SEA haze on the Southern region of the Malaysian Peninsula and Borneo region of East Malaysia using the entire air quality observation data at surface level in 2015. Overall, the concentration of PM10 was about two-fold higher during the haze period compared to non-haze period. The concentrations of CO, flux of CO and flux of BC were aligned with PM10 during the entire observation period. The wind field and cluster of trajectory indicated that the Southern Malaysian Peninsula and Borneo were influenced mainly from the wildfires and the combustion of peat soil in the Indonesian Borneo. This study finds that wildfires from Borneo impacted the Southern Malaysian Borneo more seriously than that from Sumatra region.
  7. Li Q, Zhang K, Li R, Yang L, Yi Y, Liu Z, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2023 May 10;872:162071.
    PMID: 36775179 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162071
    Biomass burning (BB) has significant impacts on air quality and climate change, especially during harvest seasons. In previous studies, levoglucosan was frequently used for the calculation of BB contribution to PM2.5, however, the degradation of levoglucosan (Lev) could lead to large uncertainties. To quantify the influence of the degradation of Lev on the contribution of BB to PM2.5, PM2.5-bound biomass burning-derived markers were measured in Changzhou from November 2020 to March 2021 using the thermal desorption aerosol gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TAG-GC/MS) system. Temporal variations of three anhydro-sugar BB tracers (e.g., levoglucosan, mannosan (Man), and galactosan (Gal)) were obtained. During the sampling period, the degradation level of air mass (x) was 0.13, indicating that ~87 % of levoglucosan had degraded before sampling in Changzhou. Without considering the degradation of levoglucosan in the atmosphere, the contribution of BB to OC were 7.8 %, 10.2 %, and 9.3 % in the clean period, BB period, and whole period, respectively, which were 2.4-2.6 times lower than those (20.8 %-25.9 %) considered levoglucosan degradation. This illustrated that the relative contribution of BB to OC could be underestimated (~14.9 %) without considering degradation of levoglucosan. Compared to the traditional method (i.e., only using K+ as BB tracer), organic tracers (Lev, Man, Gal) were put into the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model in this study. With the addition of BB organic tracers and replaced K+ with K+BB (the water-soluble potassium produced by biomass burning), the overall contribution of BB to PM2.5 was enhanced by 3.2 % after accounting for levoglucosan degradation based on the PMF analysis. This study provides useful information to better understand the effect of biomass burning on the air quality in the Yangtze River Delta region.
  8. Lung SC, Thi Hien T, Cambaliza MOL, Hlaing OMT, Oanh NTK, Latif MT, et al.
    PMID: 35162543 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19031522
    The low-cost and easy-to-use nature of rapidly developed PM2.5 sensors provide an opportunity to bring breakthroughs in PM2.5 research to resource-limited countries in Southeast Asia (SEA). This review provides an evaluation of the currently available literature and identifies research priorities in applying low-cost sensors (LCS) in PM2.5 environmental and health research in SEA. The research priority is an outcome of a series of participatory workshops under the umbrella of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project-Monsoon Asia and Oceania Networking Group (IGAC-MANGO). A literature review and research prioritization are conducted with a transdisciplinary perspective of providing useful scientific evidence in assisting authorities in formulating targeted strategies to reduce severe PM2.5 pollution and health risks in this region. The PM2.5 research gaps that could be filled by LCS application are identified in five categories: source evaluation, especially for the distinctive sources in the SEA countries; hot spot investigation; peak exposure assessment; exposure-health evaluation on acute health impacts; and short-term standards. The affordability of LCS, methodology transferability, international collaboration, and stakeholder engagement are keys to success in such transdisciplinary PM2.5 research. Unique contributions to the international science community and challenges with LCS application in PM2.5 research in SEA are also discussed.
  9. Nadzir MSM, Ashfold MJ, Khan MF, Robinson AD, Bolas C, Latif MT, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2018 Jan;25(3):2194-2210.
    PMID: 29116536 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-0521-1
    The Antarctic continent is known to be an unpopulated region due to its extreme weather and climate conditions. However, the air quality over this continent can be affected by long-lived anthropogenic pollutants from the mainland. The Argentinian region of Ushuaia is often the main source area of accumulated hazardous gases over the Antarctic Peninsula. The main objective of this study is to report the first in situ observations yet known of surface ozone (O3) over Ushuaia, the Drake Passage, and Coastal Antarctic Peninsula (CAP) on board the RV Australis during the Malaysian Antarctic Scientific Expedition Cruise 2016 (MASEC'16). Hourly O3 data was measured continuously for 23 days using an EcoTech O3 analyzer. To understand more about the distribution of surface O3 over the Antarctic, we present the spatial and temporal of surface O3 of long-term data (2009-2015) obtained online from the World Meteorology Organization of World Data Centre for greenhouse gases (WMO WDCGG). Furthermore, surface O3 satellite data from the free online NOAA-Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) database and online data assimilation from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)-Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC) were used. The data from both online products are compared to document the data sets and to give an indication of its quality towards in situ data. Finally, we used past carbon monoxide (CO) data as a proxy of surface O3 formation over Ushuaia and the Antarctic region. Our key findings were that the surface O3 mixing ratio during MASEC'16 increased from a minimum of 5 ppb to ~ 10-13 ppb approaching the Drake Passage and the Coastal Antarctic Peninsula (CAP) region. The anthropogenic and biogenic O3 precursors from Ushuaia and the marine region influenced the mixing ratio of surface O3 over the Drake Passage and CAP region. The past data from WDCGG showed that the annual O3 cycle has a maximum during the winter of 30 to 35 ppb between June and August and a minimum during the summer (January to February) of 10 to 20 ppb. The surface O3 mixing ratio during the summer was controlled by photochemical processes in the presence of sunlight, leading to the depletion process. During the winter, the photochemical production of surface O3 was more dominant. The NOAA-AIRS and ECMWF-MACC analysis agreed well with the MASEC'16 data but twice were higher during the expedition period. Finally, the CO past data showed the surface O3 mixing ratio was influenced by the CO mixing ratio over both the Ushuaia and Antarctic regions. Peak surface O3 and CO hourly mixing ratios reached up to ~ 38 ppb (O3) and ~ 500 ppb (CO) over Ushuaia. High CO over Ushuaia led to the depletion process of surface O3 over the region. Monthly CO mixing ratio over Antarctic (South Pole) were low, leading to the production of surface O3 over the Antarctic region.
  10. Sumaila UR, Skerritt DJ, Schuhbauer A, Villasante S, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Sinan H, et al.
    Science, 2021 10 29;374(6567):544.
    PMID: 34709891 DOI: 10.1126/science.abm1680
    [Figure: see text].
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