AIM: The aim of this study was to find out some microscopic features of appendix and evaluate the correlation between the microscopic features of the appendix and the age of the subjects and to determine whether these findings should influence the clinical implications of appendix.
METHODS: In this cross-sectional observational study, thirty adult males' (age from 18 to 67 years) postmortem appendices and adnexa from Bangladeshi victims of road traffic accidents were sectioned at the base, midzone and tip stained with H+E stain and examined under microscope. Measurements were taken at the base, at the midzone and at the tip of the appendix, and the mean of the three measurements was considered as the overall value.
RESULTS: The overall number of mucosal glands in a section ranged from 42.33 to 130.00 and the number of the germinal centres varied between 2.33 and 10.00. The overall luminal diameter ranged between 1764.58 and 3208.33 µm. The overall luminal diameter in more than 52 % of cases was between 2700.00 and 3299.99 µm with a median value of 2750 µm.
CONCLUSION: The overall number of mucosal glands showed a tendency towards a positive correlation with age. The overall luminal diameter and the overall number of germinal centres showed a tendency towards a negative correlation with the age. However, none of the tendencies of correlation reached statistically any significant level.
Materials and Methods: A farmer complained that Cobb 500 chickens, raised in the open house, were having bloody diarrhea, open mouth breathing, non-uniform growth, and ruffled feathers. The mortality was about 100 birds (from about 7000 birds) per day. The sick birds were isolated and subjected to physical examination, postmortem, and histopathological analyses. Gross lesions were observed and recorded. The lung samples have proceeded with histopathological evaluations. The lungs, kidneys, trachea, air sac, and heart samples were collected to isolate bacteria and fungi through a series of conventional cultural methods, followed by molecular confirmation of the IBV.
Results: Postmortem examination revealed air sacculitis, hemorrhagic tracheitis, pulmonary congestion, fibrin deposition in the liver and air sac, hemorrhagic enteritis, and renomegaly. The bacterial culture and biochemical tests revealed E. coli in the lungs, trachea, liver, intestine, and kidney samples. However, no fungus could be isolated from those samples. Histological evaluation of lung samples demonstrated infiltration of inflammatory cells in the pulmonary tissues. Apart from this, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction confirmed the presence of avian coronavirus responsible for infectious bronchitis (IB).
Conclusion: The chickens were diagnosed with IB concurrent with E.coli. The chickens exhibited typical nephropathogenic strain of IBV infection, causing high mortality.
CASE PRESENTATION: A 30-year-old man was retrieved from the jungle with severe weight loss and abdominal symptoms. He succumbed to death despite 22 days of intensive medical treatment. An autopsy revealed a ruptured gangrenous ileal volvulus with peritonitis and subdiaphragmatic abscess. Further laboratory analysis detected systemic Candida tropicalis and intestinal gramnegative bacterial sepsis, systemic Zika virus viremia, leptospirosis complicating rhabdomyolysis and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, Type I Herpes Simplex virus infection of the tongue and upper gastrointestinal tract. The cause of death was the ruptured ileal volvulus, complicated with upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to Herpes simplex virus esophagitis in a malnourished patient with resolving leptospirosis and underlying Zika virus co-infection.
CONCLUSION: Rare clinical scenarios of adult-onset intestinal volvulus with concomitant multiple infections precludes clinical diagnosis and early treatment, leading to devastating consequences of clinical outcome. The positive clinical and postmortem correlation is a good learning lesson in many disciplines of medicine and science.
METHODS: Accident-related autopsy reports were obtained from one of the largest hospital in Kuala Lumpur. These reports belong to nine different accident-related causes of death. Master feature vector was prepared by extracting features from the collected autopsy reports by using unigram with lexical categorization. This master feature vector was used to detect cause of death [according to internal classification of disease version 10 (ICD-10) classification system] through five automated feature selection schemes, proposed expert-driven approach, five subset sizes of features, and five machine learning classifiers. Model performance was evaluated using precisionM, recallM, F-measureM, accuracy, and area under ROC curve. Four baselines were used to compare the results with the proposed system.
RESULTS: Random forest and J48 decision models parameterized using expert-driven feature selection yielded the highest evaluation measure approaching (85% to 90%) for most metrics by using a feature subset size of 30. The proposed system also showed approximately 14% to 16% improvement in the overall accuracy compared with the existing techniques and four baselines.
CONCLUSION: The proposed system is feasible and practical to use for automatic classification of ICD-10-related cause of death from autopsy reports. The proposed system assists pathologists to accurately and rapidly determine underlying cause of death based on autopsy findings. Furthermore, the proposed expert-driven feature selection approach and the findings are generally applicable to other kinds of plaintext clinical reports.
Materials and Methods: Tissue samples were collected from 24 broiler breeder chickens from four commercial broiler breeder farms and six layer chickens from one layer farm. Gross and histopathological examinations and PCR amplification of the gene encoding for avian MD herpesvirus (MDV-1) were conducted.
Results: Gross pathological changes including hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, lymphomatous lesion at the mesentery, oviduct atrophy, and follicular atresia with lymphomatous were observed, whereas diffuse multifocal whitish infiltration of the spleen, neoplastic infiltration in the liver, intrafollicular lymphoid infiltration of the bursa of Fabricius, and lymphomatous tumor at the mesentery were seen on histopathological examinations. Confirmation by PCR showed that a total of 16 (53.33%) samples were positive for avian MDV-1. Although the outbreak involved a much larger number of birds in the respective farms, our investigation was limited based on resource and time frame allocated for the study.
Conclusion: The findings from this study help in emphasizing the potential threats of MDV to the poultry industry globally, in general, and in Malaysia, in particular. As the scope of the current study is limited, future studies focusing on MDV pathogenesis, typing, and causes of vaccine failures are recommended.
METHODOLOGY: A retrospective analysis of a methanol poisoning outbreak in September 2018 was performed, describing patients who presented to a major tertiary referral centre.
RESULT: A total of 31 patients were received over the period of 9 days. Thirty of them were males with a mean age of 32 years old. They were mostly foreigners. From the 31 patients, 19.3% were dead on arrival, 3.2% died in the emergency department and 38.7% survived and discharged. The overall mortality rate was 61.3%. Out of the 12 patients who survived, two patients had toxic optic neuropathy, and one patient had uveitis. The rest of the survivors did not have any long-term complications. Osmolar gap and lactate had strong correlations with patient's mortality. Serum pH, bicarbonate, lactate, potassium, anion gap, osmolar gap and measured serum osmolarity between the alive and dead patients were significant. Post-mortem findings of the brain were unremarkable.
CONCLUSION: The mortality rate was higher, and the morbidity includes permanent visual impairment and severe neurological sequelae. Language barrier, severity of illness, late presentation, unavailability of intravenous ethanol and fomipezole and delayed dialysis may have been the contributing factors. Patient was managed based on clinical presentation. Laboratory parameters showed difference in median between group that survived and succumbed for pH, serum bicarbonate, lactate, potassium and osmolar and anion gap. Management of methanol toxicity outbreak in resource-limited area will benefit from a well-designed guideline that is adaptable to the locality.