Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 677 in total

  1. Sathasivam HP, Casement J, Bates T, Sloan P, Thomson P, Robinson M, et al.
    J Oral Pathol Med, 2021 Jan;50(1):60-67.
    PMID: 32740996 DOI: 10.1111/jop.13090
    BACKGROUND: A large number of oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs) are believed to be preceded by oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD) that have an increased likelihood of malignant transformation compared to clinically normal mucosa. This study was performed to identify differentially expressed genes between OPMDs that underwent malignant transformation (MT) and those that did not, termed "non-transforming" (NT) cases.

    METHODS: Total RNA was extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue biopsies of 20 OPMD cases with known clinical outcomes (10 MT vs. 10 NT). Samples were assessed for quantity, quality and integrity of RNA prior to sequencing. Analysis for differential gene expression between MT and NT was performed using statistical packages in R. Genes were considered to be significantly differentially expressed if the False Discovery Rate corrected P-value was  1.90). Analysis of RNA-Sequencing outputs revealed 41 genes (34 protein-coding; 7 non-coding) that were significantly differentially expressed between MT and NT cases. The log2 fold change for the statistically significant differentially expressed genes ranged from -2.63 to 2.48, with 23 protein-coding genes being downregulated and 11 protein-coding genes being upregulated in MT cases compared to NT cases.

    CONCLUSION: Several candidate genes that may play a role in malignant transformation of OPMD have been identified. Experiments to validate these candidates are underway. It is anticipated that this work will contribute to better understanding of the etiopathogenesis of OPMD and development of novel biomarkers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  2. Obade AY, Pandarathodiyil AK, Oo AL, Warnakulasuriya S, Ramanathan A
    Clin Oral Investig, 2021 Sep;25(9):5411-5419.
    PMID: 33629155 DOI: 10.1007/s00784-021-03849-0
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine the ability of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to differentiate ex vivo epithelial structure of benign disorders, dysplastic, and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) in comparison with the structure of normal marginal mucosa of oral biopsies. As a secondary objective, we examined the inter- and intra-observer variations of OCT measurements of two calibrated assessors.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Oral biopsies (n = 44) were scanned using the swept source OCT (SSOCT) and grouped by pathology diagnosis to benign, dysplasia or carcinoma. Two trained and calibrated assessors scored on the five OCT variables: thickness of keratin layer (KL), epithelial layer (EL), homogeneity of lamina propria (LP), basement membrane integrity (BMI), and the degree of reflection of the epithelial layer (Ep Re). Chi-square tests and Fischer's exact method were used to compare the data.

    RESULTS: The OCT images showed breached BM status in all the OSCC samples (100%). Epithelial reflection was noted to be hyper-reflective in all the OSCC and oral dysplasia samples (100%). An increase in KL in 66.67% of the OSCC and 100% of the oral dysplasia samples was found. EL was increased in all the OSCC samples (100%) and 85.72% of the oral dysplasias. Kappa values showed that there was very good agreement (over 0.7) when scoring individual parameters between the two assessors.

    CONCLUSION: The study showed that the BM status was a key parameter in the detection of SCC and for differentiating SCC from oral dysplasia or benign disorders.

    CLINICAL RELEVANCE: OCT is a non-invasive and non-radioactive adjunct diagnostic tool that can provide immediate results on the structure of oral mucosa. The BM status measured ex vivo was a key parameter in the detection of SCC and for differentiating SCC from oral dysplasia or benign disorders.

    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  3. Raziff HHA, Tan D, Tan SH, Wong YH, Lim KS, Yeong CH, et al.
    Phys Med, 2021 Feb;82:40-45.
    PMID: 33581616 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2021.01.067
    PURPOSE: To investigate the efficacy of a newly-developed laser-heated core biopsy needle in the thermal ablation of biopsy tract to reduce hemorrhage after biopsy using in vivo rabbit's liver model.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five male New Zealand White rabbits weighed between 1.5 and 4.0 kg were anesthetized and their livers were exposed. 18 liver biopsies were performed under control group (without tract ablation, n = 9) and study group (with tract ablation, n = 9) settings. The needle insertion depth (~3 cm) and rate of retraction (~3 mm/s) were fixed in all the experiments. For tract ablation, three different needle temperatures (100, 120 and 150 °C) were compared. The blood loss at each biopsy site was measured by weighing the gauze pads before and after blood absorption. The rabbits were euthanized immediately and the liver specimens were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) for further histopathological examination (HPE).

    RESULTS: The average blood loss in the study group was reduced significantly (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy, Needle
  4. Ng, K.L., Sathiyananthan, J.R., Dublin, N., Razack, A.H., Lee, G.
    JUMMEC, 2011;14(1):21-22.
    Prostate cancer is not uncommon amongst the elderly men. Diagnosis is made using histopathology specimens of Transrectal Ultrasound guided biopsy of the prostate gland. However, prostate cancer presenting as a intra-prostatic cysts are rare. We report a case of elderly gentleman who presented with malignant intra-prostatic cysts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  5. Hafiz A., Yusuf, A., Rosmaliza, I., Premchandran, N., Kalavathy, R.
    Malays Orthop J, 2010;4(2):44-47.
    We would like to highlight an unusual clinical presentation of Kimura's disease, a rare, benign, idiopathic condition, usually seen as swelling and lesions of the head and neck region and commonly affecting young men of Asian descent. It is rare for this disorder to present with lesions on other parts of the body, especially the lower limbs. We report a 27-year-old man who presented with a large mass located at the inguinal region and extending down to the upper thigh. Due to the large size of the mass (28 x 18 cm), our provisional diagnosis was a soft tissue sarcoma. Open biopsy showed that the lesion was benign.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  6. Masir N, Cheong SK, Noordin K
    Hematology, 2001;6(3):187-92.
    PMID: 27420125 DOI: 10.1080/10245332.2001.11746571
    A case of signet-ring cell lymphoma diagnosed initially by fine needle aspiration cytology is reported. This rare tumor is a variant of follicular lymphoma, which closely resembles metastatic adenocarcinoma and other tumors which exhibit signet-ring cell appearance. Correct diagnosis can be achieved by careful morphologic analysis together with positive reactivity with lymphoid markers. The cytohistologic, immunohistochemical and electron microscopic features are described, and the differ ential diagnostic considerations are discussed in the report.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy, Fine-Needle
  7. Mooi SS, Ahmad TS
    Malays Orthop J, 2016 Mar;10(1):53-54.
    PMID: 28435548 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1603.010
    A 32 year-old Malay lady presented with a swelling over the dorsal surface of her right thumb for 6 months. The swelling was non-tender, smooth surfaced, mobile and nonfluctuating with no bony involvement. The provisional diagnosis was ganglion cyst. Excisional biopsy did not show features of ganglion cyst as it appeared to be wellencapsulated, multi-lobulated and yellowish in colour. Histopathological examination showed that it was a schwannoma. Schwannomas are relatively rare benign tumours which are frequently misdiagnosed. In this case, it was misdiagnosed both as a ganglion and a lipoma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  8. Gunaseelan P, Jeremy P, Chua CK, Rashdeen F
    Malays Orthop J, 2015 Mar;9(1):28-29.
    PMID: 28435592 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1503.002
    There are few reported cases of flexor tendon sheath ganglion arising from the A2 pulley. We report a case of a flexor tendon sheath ganglion in a 17-year old female who presented with pain, triggering and a swelling at the base of her right ring finger. During the excision biopsy, a ganglion measuring 0.5×0.8×0.4 cm in size was removed from the A2 pulley area.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  9. Nurismah, M.I., Sharifah, N.A., Usama, A.E., Rohaizak, M., Naqiyah, I., Jasmi, A.
    Medicine & Health, 2007;2(1):58-65.
    Thyroid nodules are common but thyroid malignancies are not. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology is a diagnostic tool used to screen patients with thyroid nodules who require surgery. We study the diagnostic accuracy of FNA as the initial diagnostic modality in the clinical assessment of thyroid nodules. Between January 1995 until December 2000, 2131 FNA of thyroid nodules were performed. Four hundred and forty-one (20.7%) of these were unsatisfactory and 1690 (79.3%) cases were satisfactory for cytological evaluation. Histopathological diagnosis were available for 361 cases. Cyto-histopathological correlation was carried out  for these cases. Our results showed a diagnostic accuracy of 96.2% with sensitivity and specificity rates of 87.7% and 98.4% res- pectively. Our positive predictive value is  93.4% and our negative  predictive value is 96.8%.  From this study, we conclude that fine needle aspiration is an important initial screening diagnostic tool for the investigation of thyroid nodules.           
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy, Fine-Needle
  10. Fadilah, S.A.W., Shanty, V., Goh, AS
    Medicine & Health, 2007;2(1):99-102.
    Kimura’s disease (KD) is a rare, benign chronic inflammatory disease of unknown aetiology, typically presents in the Orientals as subcutaneous masses in the head and neck region that could be easily misdiagnosed as a malignant tumour, leading to unnecessary radical surgery or intensive cytotoxic therapy. It has been mainly reported in the Chinese and Japanese literature. It is difficult to diagnose before tissue biopsy and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has limited value. Hence, unless the pathologists are aware of this entity, it might be mistaken as a malignant lesion. We encountered a case of KD in a Malay patient presenting as a parotid mass that was initially diagnosed as Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL). This disorder should be suspected in young male Asian patients presenting with a painless unilateral mass in the head and neck region with associated hypereosinophilia. 
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy, Fine-Needle
  11. Mohana, R., Faisham, W.I., Zulmi, W., Nawfar, A.S., Effat, O., alzihan M.S.
    Malays Orthop J, 2007;1(2):7-10.
    Biopsy is a crucial step in the management of musculoskeletal sarcoma. The surgical approach to the biopsy site is important, as the tract must be removed en bloc with the tumour during limb sparing surgery so as to reduce the risk of local recurrence. The biopsy tracts of 26 osteosarcoma patients were evaluated histologically for tumour infiltration. Horizontal sections of 1 mm thickness with 2 cm radius from were evaluated from each excised biopsy tract. Five out of 26 cases (19.2%) showed positive tumour infiltration. One case (3.85%) had tumour infiltration in the pseudocapsule, two cases (7.69%) had tumour infiltration into the muscle and two other cases (7.69%) had tumour infiltration into the subcutaneous tissue. None had skin infiltration. We conclude that resection of the entire biopsy tract is indeed mandatory for surgical treatment of osteosarcoma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  12. Kahairi, A., Ahmad, R.L., Wan Islah, L., Norra, H.
    Ameloblastoma is a slow growing benign tumour of the jaw and patients usually present late after the tumour achieved considerable size to cause facial disfigurement. Diagnosis mainly from tissue biopsy and characteristic findings on plain X-rays does assist in differentiating between types of ameloblastoma. The challenges in the management of this tumour are to provide complete excision as recurrence may occur in incomplete removal and also to reconstruct the bony defect in order to give reasonable cosmetic and functional outcome to the patient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  13. Ng, T.H., How, S.H., Kuan, Y.C., Salmah, B.
    JUMMEC, 2012;15(1):1-4.
    Metastases to the breast from non-mammary malignant neoplasm are relatively rare. We report a case of metastatic disease to the breast from a primary lung adenocarcinoma in a young 22-year-old lady. Computed tomography of the thorax confirmed right upper lobe mass with multiple lung nodules and a breast lump. The diagnosis of breast metastasis was confirmed by fine needle aspiration cytology of the breast lump with histopathological findings and immunohistochemical features consistent with lung adenocarcinoma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy, Fine-Needle
  14. Kamaluddin NA, Samsudin AHZ, Wan Hitam WH, Ibrahim M
    Cureus, 2019 Sep 27;11(9):e5782.
    PMID: 31723541 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.5782
    Despite being among the common primary intracranial tumors, intraosseous craniofacial meningioma is the least common subtype of meningioma accounting for only 1-2% of intracranial meningiomas. Interestingly, it can display clinical and radiologic features that can be confused for fibrous dysplasia. Scan imaging and biopsy are crucial for the diagnosis as well as for further proper treatment. We report a case of unilateral eye proptosis and optic neuropathy which was initially thought for fibrous dysplasia. Later the histopathology revealed meningioma grade 1. As the clinical presentations are almost undifferentiated, diagnosis and further prompt treatment are challenging.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  15. Prasad U, Pua KC
    JUMMEC, 1999;4:39-42.
    100 consecutivnee wly diagnosed patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) since January 1994 were the subjects for studying various factors related to the delay in the confirmation of the diagnosis. 79 of them were ttlales and the peak age of incidence was the 5th decade. 92% of them were Chinese, 7% Malay and 1% Indian. 76% were agriculture worker or labourers with 66% having either no formal education (16%) or only primary level education (50%). For 50% of patients neck swelling was the first symptom, 26% had nasal symptoms, 12% ear symptoms and 11% hads symptoms due to intracranial extension of tumour. As many as 80% were at UICC Stage IV at the time of diagnosis. While the median delay, on the part of patients, in consulting a doctor was 2.5 days, the median delay on the part of the doctors to confirm the diagnosis of NPC was as long as 127 days, which was particularly worse when the patients presented with ear symptoms (266 days) followed by those with neck swelling (94 days). For those patients who were required to undergo more than one nasopharyngoscopy and biopsy the median doctor's delay was 144 days. Since 82% of patients had consulted general practitioners who remained the first-line health-service provider, it is suggested that their level of awareness with regards to NPC be significantly raised so that the delay on their part be greatly minimized. KEYWORDS: Nasopharyngeal carciuotna, delay in diagnosis, patient's delay, doctor's delay.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  16. Huei LT, Yee EYW
    J Cutan Med Surg, 2020 05 22;25(3):329.
    PMID: 32442016 DOI: 10.1177/1203475420928927
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  17. Nurul Yaqeen Esa, Mohammad Hanafiah, Marymol Koshy, Hilmi Abdullah, Ahmad Izuanuddin Ismail, Mohamed Fauzi Abdul Rani
    Tuberculous prostatitis is an uncommon form of tuberculosis infection. It is commonly seen in immunocompromised patients and in those of middle or advanced age. The diagnosis is often not straight forward due to the nature of its presentation. We report a case of tuberculous prostatitis in a young, healthy and immunocompetent patient, who initially presented with respiratory features, followed by episodes of seizures and testicular swelling. He was finally diagnosed with tuberculous prostatitis after prostatic biopsy. This case illustrates that in a high TB prevalence environment, when symptoms warrant, there should be a high clinical suspicion coupled with a thorough approach in order to arrive at a correct diagnosis of TB prostatitis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  18. Halim AS, Ramasenderan N
    Asian J Surg, 2023 Jan;46(1):47-51.
    PMID: 35545474 DOI: 10.1016/j.asjsur.2022.04.079
    Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) is a common type of skin malignancy that affects people who have been exposed to sunlight for a long time. It has been associated to a high mutational load, making treatment problematic, especially for individuals with high-risk CSCC characteristics. Patients with high-risk CSCC are difficult to define since definitions are still imprecise. Firstly, we review the evidence to see how relevant locoregional involvement is in terms of patient survival and recurrence risk. Second, we go through the difficulties and obstacles that come with sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) and their importance in the management of locally progressed CSCC. Methods and findings from a variety of lymph node investigations are described. There is yet no empirical evidence for the involvement of SLNB in CSCC. Finally, we discussed the most recent developments in the treatment of CSCC. The mainstays of treatment are surgery and radiation. To slow the disease progression, cancer medicines have switched to disrupting particular signaling pathways. Advanced nations have more easily accessible drugs like Cetuximab (epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor) and Cemiplimab (anti-programme receptor-1 antibodies), which are utilized in advanced CSCC. The response rate varies based on the patient, although there is still a lack of proof. This article discusses the misconception that CSCC is a tumor with a favorable prognosis, as well as the difficulties in treating high-risk CSCC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
  19. Lau BL, Idris Z, Abdullah JM, Bujang MA, Wong ASH
    Br J Neurosurg, 2023 Dec;37(6):1572-1579.
    PMID: 33191803 DOI: 10.1080/02688697.2020.1837728
    BACKGROUND: A new stereotactic frame was created in 2015, based on a linear algorithm. It is called Albert Wong (AW) frame. A simple AW stereo-calculator was also designed based on Excel® (Microscoft Corporation, Redmond, WA) programme for the frame.

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to test the accuracy of the AW frame by a direct head to head comparison with CRW® frame (Integra Life Sciences, Plainsboro, NJ) on a phantom.

    METHODS: This is a prospective pilot cross-sectional phantom study with a total of 42 (21 for AW and 21 for CRW®) laboratory testings performed in 2017 at our institute to compare the accuracies of both frames in a consecutive manner. A phantom (BL phantom) was newly created, where targets can be placed at different heights and positions on a platform attached under the frame for accuracy testing comparing between the AW and CRW® frames.

    RESULTS: A comparable accuracy testing results were observed between the AW and CRW® frames of 0.64 mm versus 1.07 mm respectively. Approval from the local ethics committee for a clinical trial was obtained. We report on three case illustrations who had the AW frame-based biopsies with definitive diagnoses and without any post-biopsy related complication.

    CONCLUSION: AW frame successfully demonstrated a good accuracy of 0.64 mm in phantom testing using the BL phantom by a linear algorithmic calculation. The clinical trial with three patients demonstrated definitive diagnoses and safety with its use.

    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
  20. Sanyal AJ, Foucquier J, Younossi ZM, Harrison SA, Newsome PN, Chan WK, et al.
    J Hepatol, 2023 Feb;78(2):247-259.
    PMID: 36375686 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2022.10.034
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Currently available non-invasive tests, including fibrosis-4 index (FIB-4) and liver stiffness measurement (LSM by VCTE), are highly effective at excluding advanced fibrosis (AF) (F ≥3) or cirrhosis in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), but only have moderate ability to rule-in these conditions. Our objective was to develop and validate two new scores (Agile 4 and Agile 3+) to identify cirrhosis or AF, respectively, with optimized positive predictive value and fewer indeterminate results, in individuals with NAFLD attending liver clinics.

    METHODS: This international study included seven adult cohorts with suspected NAFLD who underwent liver biopsy, LSM and blood sampling during routine clinical practice or screening for trials. The population was randomly divided into a training set and an internal validation set, on which the best-fitting logistic regression model was built, and performance and goodness of fit were assessed, respectively. Furthermore, both scores were externally validated on two large cohorts. Cut-offs for high sensitivity and specificity were derived in the training set to rule-out and rule-in cirrhosis or AF and then tested in the validation set and compared to FIB-4 and LSM.

    RESULTS: Each score combined LSM, AST/ALT ratio, platelets, sex and diabetes status, as well as age for Agile 3+. Calibration plots for Agile 4 and Agile 3+ indicated satisfactory to excellent goodness of fit. Agile 4 and Agile 3+ outperformed FIB-4 and LSM in terms of AUROC, percentage of patients with indeterminate results and positive predictive value to rule-in cirrhosis or AF.

    CONCLUSIONS: The two novel non-invasive scores improve identification of cirrhosis or AF among individuals with NAFLD attending liver clinics and reduce the need for liver biopsy in this population.

    IMPACT AND IMPLICATIONS: Non-invasive tests currently used to identify patients with advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis, such as fibrosis-4 index and liver stiffness measurement by vibration-controlled transient elastography, have high negative predictive values but high false positive rates, while results are indeterminate for a large number of cases. This study provides scores that will help the clinician diagnose advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis. These new easy-to-implement scores will help liver specialists to better identify (1) patients who need more intensive follow-up, (2) patients who should be referred for inclusion in therapeutic trials, and (3) which patients should be treated with pharmacological agents when effective therapies are approved.

    Matched MeSH terms: Biopsy
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