Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 137 in total

  1. Nimbalkar S, Oh YY, Mok RY, Tioh JY, Yew KJ, Patil PG
    J Prosthet Dent, 2018 Aug;120(2):252-256.
    PMID: 29551374 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2017.10.021
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Buccal corridor space and its variations greatly influence smile attractiveness. Facial types are different for different ethnic populations, and so is smile attractiveness. The subjective perception of smile attractiveness of different populations may vary in regard to different buccal corridor spaces and facial patterns.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine esthetic perceptions of the Malaysian population regarding the width of buccal corridor spaces and their effect on smile esthetics in individuals with short, normal, and long faces.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: The image of a smiling individual with a mesofacial face was modified to create 2 different facial types (brachyfacial and dolicofacial). Each face form was further modified into 5 different buccal corridors (2%, 10%, 15%, 22%, and 28%). The images were submitted to 3 different ethnic groups of evaluators (Chinese, Malay, Indian; 100 each), ranging between 17 and 21 years of age. A visual analog scale (50 mm in length) was used for assessment. The scores given to each image were compared with the Kruskal-Wallis test, and pairwise comparison was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test (α=.05).

    RESULTS: All 3 groups of evaluators could distinguish gradations of dark spaces in the buccal corridor at 2%, 10%, and 28%. Statistically significant differences were observed among 3 groups of evaluators in esthetic perception when pairwise comparisons were performed. A 15% buccal corridor was found to score esthetically equally within 3 face types by all 3 groups of evaluators. The Indian population was more critical in evaluation than the Chinese or Malay populations. In a pairwise comparison, more significant differences were found between long and short faces and the normal face; the normal face was compared with long and short faces separately.

    CONCLUSIONS: The width of the buccal corridor space influences smile attractiveness in different facial types. A medium buccal corridor (15%) is the esthetic characteristic preferred by all groups of evaluators in short, normal, and long face types.

    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics, Dental*
  2. Ashari A, Mohamed AM
    Angle Orthod, 2016 Mar;86(2):337-42.
    PMID: 26017471 DOI: 10.2319/121014-896.1
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of malocclusion on the quality of life.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved 150 subjects attending the Primary Care Unit with no history of orthodontic treatment. The Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) with 10 occlusal characteristics were measured on study models. Oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) was assessed with the Malaysian version of the Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaire (OHIP-14). The Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the relationship between the malocclusion and quality of life.

    RESULTS: Significantly weak correlations (r = .176) were found between the DAI and the OHRQoL. Females and the younger age group (12-19 years) tended to score higher on the OHIP-14 than their counterparts. For males, domain 3 (psychological discomfort; r = .462), domain 4 (physical disability; r = .312), domain 7 (handicap; r = .309), and overall score (r = .289) were weak correlates but significant to the DAI compared with females. The older age group showed a significant weak correlation in domain 3 (psychological discomfort; r = .268) and domain 7 (handicap; r = .238), whereas the younger age group showed no correlation with any domain.

    CONCLUSIONS: The DAI score does not predict the effect of malocclusion on the OHRQoL.

    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics, Dental*
  3. Tin-Oo MM, Saddki N, Hassan N
    BMC Oral Health, 2011;11:6.
    PMID: 21342536 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6831-11-6
    We assessed factors influencing patients' satisfaction with their dental appearance and the treatments they desired to improve dental aesthetics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics, Dental/psychology; Esthetics, Dental/statistics & numerical data*
  4. Kathariya R, Devanoorkar A, Golani R, Shetty N, Vallakatla V, Bhat MY
    J Int Acad Periodontol, 2016 Apr 08;18(2):45-56.
    PMID: 27128157
    Loss of tooth-supporting structures results in tooth mobility. Increased tooth mobility adversely affects function, aesthetics, and the patient's comfort. Splints are used to over-come all these problems. When faced with the dilemma of how to manage periodontally compromised teeth, splinting of mobile teeth to stronger adjacent teeth is a viable option. This prolongs the life expectancy of loose teeth, gives stability for the periodontium to reattach, and improves comfort, function and aesthetics. Although splinting has been used since ancient times, it has been a topic of controversy because of its ill effects on oral health, including poor oral hygiene and adverse effects on supporting teeth. There have been considerable advancements in the materials used for splinting, resulting in fewer ill effects. This article is intended to provide the clinicians with an updated overview of splinting, types and classification of splints, with their indications, contraindications,rationale and effects on oral health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  5. Koh HL, Lim PE, Midun Z
    Environ Monit Assess, 1991 Oct;19(1-3):349-59.
    PMID: 24233952 DOI: 10.1007/BF00401324
    Coastal waters in South Johore, Malaysia are polluted to various degrees. The major pollution sources are domestric wastes from human settlements, agro-based wastes from palm oil mills and rubber processing factories, industrial effluents from industrial estates and discharges from animal farms. These pollution problems have adversely affected resources such as fisheries, recreational potential as well as the general aesthetic quality of the coastal environment particularly the Inner Johore Strait. Hence proper management and control measures are urgently needed to protect and further enhance the water quality to ensure environmentally sustainable development. This study examines various management options to control the pollution in the Inner Johore Strait. The options involve partial opening as well as complete removal of the Causeway to improve the tidal flow for more effective dilution and dispersion of pollutants. Computer simulation models are used to assess the impacts of the proposed options.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  6. Siti Mariam Ab Ghani, Ahmad Syahir Ahmad Zu Saifudin, Muhammad Aliff Ikram Noor Zari, Teh Adilla Mustaza
    Compendium of Oral Science, 2015;2(1):47-51.
    Dental fluorosis incidence had been reported to be affecting children widely, especially in water-fluoridated ar-ea. As these children grow into young adults, perceived aesthetic problems arise mainly due to their concern with generalized mottled and stained teeth appearance. Fixed prosthodontics treatment involving single anterior tooth in patients with generalized fluorosis condition had been found challenging due to aesthetic restorability to blend with fluorosis condition. Clinical considerations: A simplified procedural direct chair-side technique of mimicking fluorosis condition onto anterior all-ceramic crowns are discussed in this paper. The mimicked fluoro-sis is reversible and has the opportunity to be adjusted according to the patient’s fluorosis condition thus hinder-ing the need to redo the crown in the future. Conclusions: The appearance of anterior all-ceramic crowns with direct chair-side staining technique provided blended and harmonized well with the dental fluorosis condition in both patients thus, giving natural looking smile.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  7. Hasmun N, Vettore MV, Lawson JA, Elcock C, Zaitoun H, Rodd HD
    J Dent, 2020 07;98:103372.
    PMID: 32437856 DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103372
    OBJECTIVES: To identify clinical and psychosocial predictors of oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in children with molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) following aesthetic treatment of incisor opacities.

    METHODS: Participants were 7- to 16-year-old children referred to a UK Dental Hospital for management of incisor opacities. Prior to treatment (To), participants completed validated questionnaires to assess OHRQoL and overall health status (C-OHIP-SF19), and self-concept (Harter's Self-Perception Profile for Children [SPPC]). Interventions for MIH included microabrasion, resin infiltration, tooth whitening or composite resin restoration. Children were reviewed after six months (T1) when they re-completed the C-OHIP-SF19 and SPPC questionnaires. The relationships of predictors with improvement of children's OHRQoL (T1-To) and children's overall health status at T1 were assessed using linear and ordinal logistic regression respectively, guided by the Wilson and Cleary's theoretical model.

    RESULTS: Of 103 participants, 86 were reviewed at T1 (83.5 % completion rate). Their mean age was 11-years (range = 7-16) and 60 % were female. Total and domain OHRQoL scores significantly increased (improved OHRQoL) following MIH treatment. There was a significant positive change in SPPC physical appearance subscale score between To and T1. A higher number of anterior teeth requiring aesthetic treatment were associated with poor improvement of socio-emotional wellbeing at T1 (Coef =-0.43). Higher self-concept at To was associated with greater improvement of socio-emotional wellbeing at T1 (ß = 3.44). Greater orthodontic treatment need (i.e. higher IOTN-AC score) at T0 was linked to worse overall oral health at T1 (OR = 0.43).

    CONCLUSIONS: Psychosocial factors and dental clinical characteristics were associated with change in children's OHRQoL following minimal interventions for incisor opacities.

    CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: MIH is a common condition and clinicians should be aware of the negative impacts some children experience, particularly those with multiple anterior opacities, poor tooth alignment and low self-concept. However, simple, minimally invasive treatments can provide good clinical and psychosocial outcomes and should be offered to children reporting negative effects.

    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics, Dental
  8. Mohd Nor H, Harun NA
    Case Rep Dent, 2018;2018:3230983.
    PMID: 30647975 DOI: 10.1155/2018/3230983
    The prevalence of dental erosion among children and adolescents is trending higher in recent decades and is becoming a major concern. Dental erosion can be caused by either extrinsic or intrinsic acids or both. One of the established aetiological factors for dental erosion by intrinsic acid is the gastrooesophageal reflux disease. The degree of dental erosions may be influenced by any medical conditions that cause a reduction in salivary flow such as the salivary gland excision, autoimmune disease, radiation to the head and neck regions, and medications. If left untreated, the dental erosion can cause dentine hypersensitivity, loss of occlusal vertical height, and aesthetic problems. For effective management of dental erosion, the aetiology of each case must be determined, and its detection at an early stage is of prime importance. This case report illustrates the conservative management of dental erosion in two adolescent patients presented with their medical conditions and behaviour issues. The aim of the treatments was to preserve the vitality of the affected teeth. The treatments were successfully completed using a conservative approach, with the patients' medical conditions taken into consideration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  9. Corduff N, Chao YY, Lam SC, Lim J, Lim TS, Lohia K, et al.
    J Clin Aesthet Dermatol, 2020 Apr;13(4):23-34.
    PMID: 33144908
    OBJECTIVE: A group of established aesthetic physicians sought to develop treatment guidelines for assessing Asian face morphologies that reflect accurate and current beauty standards across Asia. DESIGN: Physicians completed surveys, debated, and voted on their clinical strategies and developed an alternative simplified visual tool of assessment (SVAT) that discerns between country variations in genetic and ideal morphotypes. SETTING: Electronic and paper surveys were followed by consensus debates and voting. PARTICIPANTS: Established aesthetic physicians practicing regularly on Asian patients. MEAUSUREMENTS: A clinically applicable SVAT was developed, which considered facial index, mid-face projection, upper and lower face shape, submalar contour, nose length and dorsal height, eye shape and brow shape, proportion of lips-to-lower face and ratio of upper-to-lower lip, and chin shape. RESULTS: For facial shape change, physicians always assessed the horizontal thirds, facial symmetry, and lip-chin complex profile, and also analyzed overall face shapes and Ogee curves. Criteria for creating oval-shaped faces was also defined and included treating indications, such as loss of angularity and bilateral masseter muscle hypertrophy, narrow jawlines, and longer and wider foreheads. Critical differences and similarities in country-specific aesthetic preferences, treatment requests, and considerations or strategies were uncovered, including the inadequacy of assessing overall peripheral facial shapes. CONCLUSION: This consensus establishes the assessment and treatment criteria for achieving ideal shapes for Asian patients. Specific descriptors are affected by variations; therefore, we present the visual criteria for Asian facial morphotypes. We hope that physicians new to treating Asian patients can use this clinical information to improve their practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  10. Langat AS, Wan Sulaiman WA, Mat Johar SFN
    Cureus, 2021 Mar 19;13(3):e13987.
    PMID: 33884238 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.13987
    The heel of the foot is covered by highly specialized thick, glabrous skin containing fibroadipose tissue with numerous fibrous septae traversing the subcutaneous tissue, which acts as a shock-absorbent and prevents shearing of the skin. The loss of heel pad would cause interruption of the propelling function of the foot during walking. Therefore, heel pad reconstruction is an important procedure for wound closure in the acute phase and also functional reconstruction in delayed cases. We report a case of heel pad deformity in a patient who presented to us with left heel pain and inability to fully bear weight, which has caused her walking difficulty, following a road traffic accident. She sustained a degloving injury of the left foot and an open fracture of left calcaneum with ruptured Tendon Achilles in which the wound was initially addressed with failed reverse sural flap and the wound was allowed to heal by secondary intention. Delayed heel reconstruction was carried out with a propeller medial plantar flap and split skin graft. Postoperatively, the patient had improved functional and esthetic outcome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  11. Wan Hassan WN, Makhbul MZM, Yusof ZYM
    J Orofac Orthop, 2021 May 03.
    PMID: 33938957 DOI: 10.1007/s00056-021-00298-y
    PURPOSE: The sociodental model integrates clinical assessment, perceived impacts of malocclusion on quality of life, and behavioural propensity when prioritising orthodontic treatment. This study compares the effect of using different instruments to measure impact-related need on the assessment of orthodontic treatment need based on the sociodental framework.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 206 Malaysian adolescents (age: 11-18 years) were screened in orthodontic clinics to identify those with normative need, oral impacts due to malocclusion, and having high and medium-to-high behavioural propensities. The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need classified normative need. The Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetics (PIDA) questionnaire and the Condition-Specific Child-Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (CS-OIDP) index measured oral impacts. Subjects' behavioural propensities for successful treatment outcome were based on the Basic Periodontal Examination and International Caries Detection and Assessment System. Data were analysed using the McNemar test.

    RESULTS: The response rate was 99.0%. Estimates of normative need (89.7%) were significantly reduced under the sociodental model by 65.7% (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics, Dental
  12. Abdulkader YC, Kamaruddin AF, Mydin RBSMN
    Saudi Dent J, 2020 Sep;32(6):306-313.
    PMID: 32874071 DOI: 10.1016/j.sdentj.2019.09.010
    Objectives: This study compared the effects of normal salivary pH, and acidic pH found in patients with poor oral hygiene, on the durability of aesthetic archwire coated with epoxy resin and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).

    Methods: The posterior parts of the archwires were sectioned into 20 mm segments (N = 102) and divided among six groups. Four groups were treated with different pH levels and two served as controls. The specimens were immersed in individual test tubes containing 10 ml of artificial saliva adjusted to a pH of 6.75 or 3.5. The tubes were sealed and stored in a 37 °C water bath for 28 days. After 28 days, the specimens were ligated to brackets embedded in an acrylic block and subjected to mechanical stress using an electronic toothbrush for 210 s. The specimens were photographed, and images were measured for coating loss using AutoCAD® software. Surface morphology was observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM).

    Results: Significant coating loss (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  13. Sockalingam SNMP, Zakaria ASI, Khan KAM, Azmi FM, Noor NM
    Case Rep Dent, 2020;2020:6972196.
    PMID: 32695527 DOI: 10.1155/2020/6972196
    The correction of rotated malpositioned tooth/teeth into the dental arch alignment in the mixed-dentition is often a challenging task for paediatric dentists. Failure in addressing this issue can bring about detrimental effect to the developing dentition and increases the probability of a complex orthodontic treatment in later years. Factors such as severity of the malpositioned teeth, patient's treatment compliance, limitation in specific functions of the selected appliance, availability of bone and space may dictate the success of the treatment. The combined use of a simple sectional orthodontic wire appliance and a 2 × 4 orthodontic appliance has been shown to produce a positive effect. The appliances resulted in derotation of the rotated malpositioned teeth and bringing them into arch alignment in two cases. This treatment option had eliminated the detrimental effects to the developing dentition and helped patients to enhance their smile and dental aesthetics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics, Dental
  14. Kamar Affendi NH, Ahmad R, Vahidi F, Hassan MZ, Rahimi SN
    Case Rep Dent, 2020;2020:8883156.
    PMID: 33343944 DOI: 10.1155/2020/8883156
    Introduction: A diode laser is one of the universally compact accepted laser systems used fundamentally for soft tissue applications. Most diode laser devices have a single wavelength of either 810 nm for superior coagulation or 980 nm for tissue ablation. In these case series, the use of dual wavelengths (810 nm and 980 nm) in combination with super pulsing has provided a cleaner cut (no charring) with faster healing that eases the placement of the final restoration in the esthetic zone. Case Description. The present case series describe four cases in the esthetic zone that achieved hemostasis ablation without collateral damage to enhance gingival balance of definitive restoration. The gingivoplasty and gingivectomy modes are used to achieve efficient tissue ablation. Although there is no specific mode indicated in the FDA laser requirement for gingival depigmentation, the procedure could be safely performed with the dual-wavelength diode laser.

    Result: All four patients revealed a good esthetic outcome and reported no pain postoperatively. Healing was uneventful, and definitive restoration was delivered within two to four weeks postoperatively.

    Conclusion: Within the limitation of these case series, the dual-wavelength super pulsed diode laser has the capacity to deliver peak powers resulting in efficient cutting and less tissue charring and also as an alternative tool for removal of gingival pigmentation. Prospective clinical research with larger sample size is needed for conclusive results.

    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  15. Teoh LY, Lai LL, Hanim Aa A, Teh MS, Jamaris S, Yahya A, et al.
    Breast J, 2020 11;26(11):2208-2212.
    PMID: 32996224 DOI: 10.1111/tbj.14060
    Oncoplastic breast surgery (OBS) improves margin clearance and produces good esthetic outcome in breast cancer treatment. This study evaluates the complications and outcome of OBS in a multiracial patient cohort. Data of 421 patients between 2011 and 2018 were analyzed. The majority were Malays (41.8%), followed by Chinese (39.7%) and Indians (16.8%). Low local complications were noted, with no significant differences in disease-free survival (P = .927) and overall survival (P = .719) between low and high OBS levels. Shared decision-making in offering OBS for Asian women has potential to become a practical option in breast cancer treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  16. Redaelli A, Siddiqui Syed S, Liu X, Poliziani M, Erbil H, Prygova I, et al.
    J Cosmet Dermatol, 2020 Nov;19(11):3020-3031.
    PMID: 32153099 DOI: 10.1111/jocd.13349
    BACKGROUND: Data on opinions and experiences of aesthetic medical procedures outside the United States and Western Europe are scarce.

    AIMS: This study aimed to survey users and non-users of aesthetic procedures in countries where this information is less readily available, to understand attitudes and perceptions relating to beauty.

    PATIENTS/METHODS: Two independent internet-based observational surveys were conducted. Survey 1: individuals from Colombia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Russia and Turkey who were 'users' or 'non-users' of aesthetic medical procedures. Survey 2: individuals from Colombia, Russia, Thailand, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates who were 'users' of non-surgical aesthetic treatments.

    RESULTS: Surveys 1 and 2 were completed by 300 and 160 individuals, respectively, most of whom were female (94.0% and 99%). Overall, respondents rated the eyes and smile as the most pleasing male and female facial features. Most participants (mean 82.6%; range 75%-100%) believed maintaining a healthy lifestyle was important for ageing gracefully, and over one-third (36.0%; 28%-47%) believed men age more gracefully than women. The emphasis respondents placed on the importance of physical attributes vs inner feelings, internal beauty and self-confidence varied between countries. Users were often more positive about aesthetic medical procedure outcomes than non-users. Adequate information, good physician communication (including managing treatment expectations), treatment recommendations based on patient need and good aftercare improved treatment satisfaction.

    CONCLUSIONS: The eyes and smile were key features of attractiveness, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle was consistently considered an important factor for ageing gracefully. Ensuring patients are well informed was a major determinant of treatment satisfaction.

    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  17. Ang, Grace, Jacqueline Maryam Kamaluddin, Wizziyiane Ahmad, Uday Kumar Umesan, Siti Waznah Wahab, Naing, Lin
    his study assesses inter-examiner reproducibility in recording various malocclusion parameters and Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) grade during patient examination by utilising the kappa statistic. Five previously calibrated orthodontists clinically examined 233 non-orthodontically treated schoolchildren aged 14-17 years for recording various malocclusion parameters. The examination was repeated twice, thirty days apart and precluded the use of study-models or radiographs. Although good inter-examiner reproducibility was observed in recording incisor class, IOTN dental health grade, type of posterior crossbite, and excellent for parameters with absolute criteria like
    erupted supernumeraries, etc, substantial examiner variation resulted in only fair reproducibility for recording IOTN esthetic category, canine class, overbite category, traumatic overbite and upper centre-line shift of two millimetres or more from the facial midline. Reproducibility for detecting occlusal displacement in the presence of crossbite was poor, and kappa statistic was incalculable for recording openbite and number of upper incisors rotated 30° or more. Kappa was also incalculable for recording IOTN dental health subcategory due to the creation of asymmetric tables caused by rarely chosen subcategory options. Despite prior agreement between previously calibrated examiners on evaluation criteria, detection of certain malocclusion parameters during an epidemiological examination can prove to be challenging. Epidemiological studies that report on prevalence of malocclusion in the population should always report on the kappa reproducibility, especially if the study is carried out by multiple examiners.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  18. Ahmad, R., Ariffin, E.H.Z.M., Vengrasalam, I., Kasim, N.H.A.
    Ann Dent, 2005;12(1):-.
    The main objective of this study was to assess knowledge on tooth bleaching among patients visiting dental health care centres in Klang Valley. A total of 200 patients were conveniently selected and interviewed using structured questionnaires. Among the 200 respondents, 75.5% knew about bleaching. There was no statistically significant difference in knowledge of bleaching in relation to age, gender, ethnic group and income level of the patients interviewed (p>0.05) but the education level had a significant influence (p=0.049). Respondents with tertiary education had better knowledge about tooth bleaching as compared to those respondents without tertiary education. The sources of information about bleaching came from advertisements on electronic media (65.5%), articles in newspapers and magazines (14.7%), dentists (10.9%) and family and friends (8.8%). Out of the 75.5% of respondents who knew about bleaching, 18.2% had tried bleaching their teeth using either over-the-counter products or had undergone professional bleaching treatment. The commonest reasons cited for bleaching treatment were to remove coffee and tea stains (70%) and cigarette stains (16.7%). 73.3% of these patients were satisfied with the results achieved after bleaching. However, the majority of these patients (59.6%) were unsure of the safety of these bleaching products/procedures. In conclusion, 75.5% of patients interviewed in this study knew that bleaching is one of the treatment options available to improve dental aesthetics but only 18.2% have tried bleaching their teeth. Their main source of knowledge about bleaching came from advertisements on electronic media.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics, Dental
  19. Loke, S.T.
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2007;28(1):24-31.
    Introduction: There is generally inconsistent appropriate orthodontic referral among local dentists. Orthodontic indices are not routinely used to assess the need for treatment. The aim of this pilot study is to evaluate the efficacy of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) as an educational tool to improve their ability to assess orthodontic treatment need.

    Methodology: Local dental officers assessed 30 study models on two occasions (before and after IOTN training) and their findings compared with an expert group for agreement in IOTN scores and referral decisions. Training comprised oral/visual presentation, instruction manuals, ‘hands-on’ and self-study. Kappa statistic (?) was used to assess agreement.

    Results: As a group there was no significant improvement in referral decisions after training with only ‘moderate’ agreement (?=0.47), although half of the subjects improved. Agreement was better with aesthetic (?=0.51) than functional (?=0.41) assessment. ‘Sensitivity’ was 82.4% and ‘Specificity’ was 58.2% but both were not statistically significant before and after training.

    Conclusion: The IOTN has potential as an educational tool for improving the diagnostic skills of dental officers. More accurate assessment of the Dental Health Component with the IOTN ruler and familiarity with the Aesthetic Component has to be emphasized in future training.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
  20. Lim, T.W., Goh, A.C., Seow, L.L.
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2007;28(2):122-131.
    The aim of the present study was to assess the current approaches and philosophies pertaining to direct restorations, bleaching and root canal treatment amongst general dental practitioners (GDPs) in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. A questionnaire, together with a stamped addressed envelope and an explanatory letter, was sent to 200 GDPs in the Klang Valley in April-July 2005. The GDPs were selected at random. A total of 153 (76.5%) of the GDPs responded to the survey. 46.4% of the respondents stated that the use of amalgam was decreasing whereas 79.7% stated an increase in the use of composite resins. Clinical indication (85.6%) and patients’ demand for aesthetics (73.9%) appeared to be the main factors influencing the choice of restorative materials. Fractured restorations was the main reason for the replacement of amalgam restorations (77.1%) whilst secondary caries was the main reason for the replacement of composite resin restorations (73.9%). Almost two thirds of the GDPs surveyed provided chair side bleaching while 75.8% of the GDPs would supervise home bleaching. Sodium hypochlorite was the most common endodontic irrigant used amongst the GDPs surveyed and cold lateral compaction was the most commonly used obturation technique.
    Matched MeSH terms: Esthetics
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