Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 3016 in total

  1. Noman AHM, Griffiths MD, Pervin S, Ismail MN
    J Psychiatr Res, 2021 02;134:111-112.
    PMID: 33383493 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2020.12.057
    Matched MeSH terms: Quarantine/psychology*; Social Isolation/psychology*; Domestic Violence/psychology*
  2. Lardier DT, Reid RJ, Garcia-Reid P
    J Community Psychol, 2018 11;46(8):996-1009.
    PMID: 30311968 DOI: 10.1002/jcop.22087
    Empowerment is a higher order multilevel framework that is used to understand and evaluate individuals, groups, organizations, and communities as they engage in the practice and execution of the participatory process. The intrapersonal component of psychological empowerment has been examined through sociopolitical control and occupies two dimensions: leadership competence and policy control. Though the Sociopolitical Control Scale for Youth (SPCS-Y) has been examined using a 17-item scale, Christens, Krauss, and Zeldin (2016) recently assessed the factorial validity of an abbreviated SPCS-Y among a sample of Malaysian adolescents. Yet, there is a need to further examine this abbreviated SPCS-Y among a sample of U.S adolescents. This study tested the factor structure of the abbreviated SPCS-Y among a sample of urban youth of color (N = 383). Using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) we examined the relationship leadership competence and policy control had with conceptually related variables. Analyses supported the bidimensional factor structure and the factorial validity of the abbreviated SPCS-Y. MANOVA results also indicate that participants with both higher leadership competence and policy control also had higher composite scores among conceptually related variables.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent Behavior/psychology*; Power (Psychology)*
  3. Masud H, Ahmad MS, Cho KW, Fakhr Z
    Community Ment Health J, 2019 08;55(6):1015-1030.
    PMID: 31102163 DOI: 10.1007/s10597-019-00400-0
    There is ample research on aggression amongst children and adolescents that highlights several antecedents of aggression. While researchers have remarked on the relationship between parenting styles and aggression in children, there are few studies that integrate and systemize the available studies on parenting styles and aggression. The present review is an attempt to fill this gap. For this review, relevant studies were first searched, then coded and classified. As a result of thorough review, 34 relevant studies were identified. The review shows that parenting styles have a direct impact on aggression in children. Authoritative parenting styles play a positive role in psychological behavior in children while authoritarian and permissive parenting styles result in aggressive and negative behaviors in children. The current study also suggests that there is room to conduct studies on this topic in developing countries. Future research should be undertaken in developing and under-developed countries and should focus on mixed modes of research and examine the direct influence of parenting styles on aggressive behavior in children in different cultural contexts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent Behavior/psychology*; Aggression/psychology*; Parenting/psychology*
  4. Shoesmith WD, Borhanuddin AFBA, Yong Pau Lin P, Abdullah AF, Nordin N, Giridharan B, et al.
    Int J Soc Psychiatry, 2018 02;64(1):49-55.
    PMID: 29103338 DOI: 10.1177/0020764017739643
    BACKGROUND: A better understanding is needed about how people make decisions about help seeking.

    MATERIALS: Focus group and individual interviews with patients, carers, healthcare staff, religious authorities, traditional healers and community members.

    DISCUSSION: Four stages of help seeking were identified: (1) noticing symptoms and initial labelling, (2) collective decision-making, (3) spiritual diagnoses and treatment and (4) psychiatric diagnosis and treatment.

    CONCLUSION: Spiritual diagnoses have the advantage of being less stigmatising, giving meaning to symptoms, and were seen to offer hope of cure rather than just symptom control. Patients and carers need help to integrate different explanatory models into a meaningful whole.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/psychology*; Patient Acceptance of Health Care/psychology*; Caregivers/psychology*
  5. Abdollahi A, Hosseinian S, Asmundson GJG
    J Gen Psychol, 2018 01 18;145(1):93-105.
    PMID: 29345535 DOI: 10.1080/00221309.2017.1421137
    To better understand depression among adolescent university students, this study was designed to examine coping style as a potential mediator between perfectionism and depression. Participants comprised 510 undergraduate students from Malaysia. Structural Equation Modelling demonstrated that personal standards perfectionism and task-focused coping style were negatively associated with depression, while emotion-focused coping style, avoidant coping style, and evaluative concerns perfectionism were positively associated with depression. Multiple mediator modelling provided evidence that coping styles partially mediated the relationship between perfectionism and depression. These findings advance current knowledge by suggesting how perfectionism may contribute to depression and may inform the development of more effective prevention and intervention programs for depression.
    Matched MeSH terms: Depression/psychology*; Stress, Psychological/psychology; Students/psychology*
  6. Kelly HK, Geller S, Swami V, Shenkman G, Levy S, Ridge D
    PLoS One, 2023;18(2):e0282330.
    PMID: 36827339 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0282330
    Perinatal distress affects approximately 10% of fathers, but little is known about how gay fathers experience the challenges surrounding childbirth and early parenting of a child. This study explored gay fathers' experiences of having a baby via transnational surrogacy, raising that baby as a gay parent, and the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with 15 Israeli men to understand their experiences of surrogacy and early parenthood, focusing on the impact on their mental health and the relational factors involved. Secondary narrative analysis revealed that fathers constructed surrogacy as a perilous quest that required strong intentionality to undertake. The first year of parenthood was conceptualised alternately as a joyful experience and/or one that challenged fathers' identities and mental health. A relational framework was applied to better conceptualise the fathers' narratives, revealing that actual connections-and the potentials for links-considerably shaped experiences of surrogacy, perinatal distress and recovery. Implications for research and policy are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fathers/psychology; Surrogate Mothers/psychology; Parenting/psychology
  7. Abd Hadi NH, Midin M, Tong SF, Chan LF, Mohd Salleh Sahimi H, Ahmad Badayai AR, et al.
    Front Public Health, 2023;11:992863.
    PMID: 37033063 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.992863
    INTRODUCTION: Global implementation of social and emotional learning (SEL) has been suggested to incorporate a systematic cultural adaptation process which relies on ground-up empirical data of a target cultural group in tailoring a culturally sensitive SEL intervention. Preliminary formative studies among local parents and educators were done to explore the conceptualization of social and emotional competencies (SECs) in various cultural settings, such as the continent of Africa and among the indigenous and refugee groups. Unfortunately, little scholarship has been devoted to studying the SEL adaptation process in Southeast Asian regions. This formative study aimed to explore Malaysian parents' and teachers' cultural conceptualization of adolescent SECs.

    METHODS: This qualitative study interviewed 12 Malaysian parents and 10 Malaysian teachers comprising of Malay (82%), Chinese (9%) and Indian (9%) races in an online focus group discussion. Sampling is purposive to parents of adolescents and teachers at secondary school only. Data were analyzed thematically to determine the culturally sensitive SEL constructs for Malaysian adolescents.

    RESULTS: All themes and sub-themes of SEC regarded as crucial for Malaysian adolescents are aligned with CASEL's five domains of competencies. Our findings extended the conceptualization of subskills under CASEL's relationship skills and responsible decision-making domains, which reflect Asian cultural values. The main themes of social competency: (a) preserving interpersonal relationships, (b) utilizing intrapersonal skills, and (c) communicating effectively, are shared with the established CASEL constructs. However, the underlying subthemes denote the unique cultural manifestation of social competency in Malaysia. Two of the emotional competency themes represent the established CASEL constructs: (a) practicing self-regulation, (b) demonstrating help-seeking behavior, and the other two themes signify Asian values: (c) upholding altruism, and (d) maintaining cultural display rules.

    DISCUSSIONS: This formative study revealed the habitual use of experiential and expressive suppressions as adaptive emotion regulation strategies in Malaysian collectivist culture and offered a potential alternative emotion regulation pathway suitable for Malaysian adolescents. It also informed the feasibility of implementing SEL modules developed based on the CASEL framework in Malaysia and suggested two key lessons to enhance the cultural sensitivity of SEL in Malaysia: effective, respectful communication and expressive writing.

    Matched MeSH terms: Psychology, Adolescent*; Parents/psychology
  8. Rajasegaran S, Nooraziz AN, Abdullah A, Sanmugam A, Singaravel S, Gan CS, et al.
    J Pediatr Surg, 2024 Apr;59(4):577-582.
    PMID: 38160184 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2023.12.007
    BACKGROUND: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) survivors often experience long-term CDH-associated morbidities, including musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal and respiratory issues. This study evaluates parent-reported health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and family impact of the disease.

    METHODS: Electronic medical records (EMR) were reviewed and phone surveys performed with parents of CDH survivors who underwent repair at our institution from 2010 to 2019. They completed the following Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ (PedsQL™) questionnaires: Generic Core Scales 4.0 (parent-proxy report) and Family Impact (FI) Module 2.0. Age-matched and gender-matched healthy controls from an existing database were used for comparison. Subgroup analysis of CDH patients alone was also performed. Appropriate statistical analysis was used with p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Parents/psychology; Quality of Life/psychology; Survivors/psychology
  9. Ibrahim N, Amit N, Suen MW
    PLoS One, 2014;9(10):e110670.
    PMID: 25340331 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110670
    BACKGROUND: There has been a drastic increase in the rate of suicides over the past 45 years in Malaysia. The statistics show that adolescents aged between 16 and 19 years old are at high risk of committing suicide. This could be attributed to issues relating to the developmental stage of adolescents. During this stage, adolescents face challenges and are exposed to various stressful experiences and risk factors relating to suicide.

    METHOD: The present study examined psychological factors (i.e., depression, anxiety and stress) as predictors for suicidal ideation among adolescents. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 190 students (103 males and 87 females), aged 15 to 19 years old from two different schools in Kuala Lumpur. The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21-item version (DASS-21) was used to measure depression, anxiety and stress among the students, and the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSS) to measure suicidal ideation. The data were analysed using Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis.

    RESULTS: The results show that 11.10%, 10.00%, and 9.50% of the students reported that they were experiencing severe depression, anxiety and stress, respectively. There were significant correlations between depression, anxiety, and stress with suicidal ideation. However, only depression was identified as a predictor for suicidal ideation.

    CONCLUSION: Hence, this study extends the role of depression in predicting suicidal ideation among adolescents in the Malaysian context. The findings imply that teenagers should be assisted in strengthening their positive coping strategies in managing distress to reduce depression and suicidal ideation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety/psychology; Depression/psychology; Stress, Psychological/psychology*
  10. Islam A, Mahbuba P, Ahmed T, Haque S
    PLoS One, 2023;18(3):e0283422.
    PMID: 36952537 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0283422
    BACKGROUND: People worldwide have experienced various mental health issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study investigates the modifiable and nonmodifiable predictors of anxiety, depression, and stress among Bangladeshi participants after one year of the pandemic.

    METHOD: A large group of adult participants (N = 1897), recruited from eight administrative divisions in Bangladesh, completed an online survey in May and June 2021 when the Movement Control Order was in place. We used the Beck Anxiety Inventory, Patient Health Questionnaire-9, and Perceived Stress Scale-4 to assess the participants' anxiety, depression, and stress. We also gave the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale and Life-Orientation Test-Revised to assess mindfulness and optimism.

    RESULTS: The results revealed that the prevalence rates for anxiety and depression were 62.5% and 45.3%, respectively. Multivariate analyses showed that several nonmodifiable factors, such as those who were students, unmarried and females, and those living in the Northern region (Rajshahi and Mymensingh division) and dwelling in the rural areas, suffered from worse mental health (accounted for 5%-23% of the variances in the mental health outcome scores). Modifiable factors accounted for an additional 10%-25% of the variances in the same outcome variables. Adults with higher mindfulness and optimism, living in the country's Southern region (Chattogram division) and those who took both vaccine doses and had no history of mental illness reported better mental health.

    CONCLUSION: Anxiety, depression, and stress remained high in Bangladeshi adults after one year of the pandemic. The community-based interventions should aim to increase the mindfulness and optimism levels among the sufferers. More accelerated vaccination programs across the country could protect people from suffering from overall mental distress.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety/psychology; Depression/psychology; Stress, Psychological/psychology
  11. Geller S, Levy S, Baruch T, Rinot Y, Swami V
    Midwifery, 2024 Apr;131:103937.
    PMID: 38306735 DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2024.103937
    PROBLEM: Research suggests that breastfeeding self-efficacy (i.e., a mother's perceived ability and confidence to breastfeed her new-born) is associated with body image experiences and wider psychosocial factors. However, much of this work is focused on negative body image and has relied on samples from predominantly Westernised, industrialised nations.

    BACKGROUND: To extend knowledge, we sought to examine the extent to which indices of positive body image (body appreciation), negative body image (body dissatisfaction, breast size dissatisfaction), and psychosocial factors (body acceptance by others, postpartum partner support) are associated with breastfeeding self-efficacy in sample of mothers from Israel.

    HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesised that body appreciation, body dissatisfaction, breast size dissatisfaction, body acceptance by others, and postpartum partner support would each be significantly associated with breastfeeding self-efficacy in Israeli mothers.

    METHOD: A total of 352 mothers from Israel, with an infant aged six months or younger, were asked to complete an online survey that measured the aforementioned constructs.

    FINDINGS: Correlational and linear model analyses indicated that only body appreciation was significantly associated with breastfeeding self-efficacy. Body acceptance by others was significantly associated with breastfeeding self-efficacy in correlational but not regression analyses. These effects were consistent across primiparous and multiparous mothers.

    DISCUSSION: In Israeli mothers, at least, a limited set of body image and body image-related indices appear to be associated with breastfeeding self-efficacy.

    CONCLUSION: Overall, these findings suggest that positive body image may be associated with breastfeeding self-efficacy in women from Israel, though more research is needed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding/psychology; Mothers/psychology; Postpartum Period/psychology
  12. Ladwig KH, Johar H, Miller I, Atasoy S, Goette A
    Sci Rep, 2023 Mar 31;13(1):5284.
    PMID: 37002346 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-32412-y
    The Covid-19 pandemic during its early phases posed significant psychological threats particularly for medical frontline personal. It is unclear whether the medical workforce with the passage of time has adapted to these threats or have generalized to wider medical settings. An online survey was conducted reaching 1476 physicians in Germany with valid data from 1327 participants. Depression and anxiety were screened with the PHQ-2 and the GAD-2. Among a subtotal of 1139 (86.6%) physicians reporting personal treatment experiences with Covid-19 patients, 553 (84.8%) worked in a private practice (PP) and 586 (88.3%) in a hospital (HP). Covid-19 provoked profound conflicts between professional and ethical values: more physicians in PPs than HPs reported external constraints on their medical care being in conflict with the code of medical ethics (39.1 vs. 34.4%, p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety/psychology; Depression/psychology; Health Personnel/psychology
  13. Adanan NIH, Adnan WAHWM, Khosla P, Karupaiah T, Daud ZAM
    BMC Nephrol, 2021 02 02;22(1):48.
    PMID: 33530941 DOI: 10.1186/s12882-021-02255-8
    BACKGROUND: The festival of Ramadan is a month of spiritual reflection for Muslims worldwide. During Ramadan, Muslims are required to refrain from eating and drinking during daylight hours. Although exempted from fasting, many patients undergoing maintenance haemodialysis (HD) opt to participate in this religious practice. Many studies have explored the effects of Ramadan on health outcomes, however, the exploration from patients' own point of view pertaining to this religious practice is lacking. Thus, we aimed to explore the experiences and perceptions of Muslim HD patients observing Ramadan fasting from three HD centres in Klang Valley, Malaysia.

    METHOD: An exploratory phenomenology qualitative study was conducted whereby subjects were purposively selected based on previous experience in observing Ramadan fasting. Face-to-face in-depth interviews were conducted, and study data were analyzed thematically and iteratively coded using a constant comparison method.

    RESULTS: Four major themes emerged from the data, namely: (i) "fasting experiences", (ii) "perceived side effects of fasting", (iii) "health-seeking behavior" and, (iv) "education and awareness needs". Patients expressed the significance of Ramadan fasting as well as the perceived impact of fasting on their health. Additionally, there is lack of health-seeking behaviour observed among patients thus, raising needs for awareness and education related to Ramadan fasting.

    CONCLUSIONS: Findings of this study shed light on patients' experiences and perceptions regarding Ramadan fasting which warrants the needs for an effective communication between patients and health care practitioners through a structured-Ramadan specific education program.

    Matched MeSH terms: Fasting/psychology*; Renal Dialysis/psychology*; Islam/psychology*
  14. Hasan S, Chew KS, Balang RV, Wong SSL
    BMC Womens Health, 2023 Nov 13;23(1):596.
    PMID: 37953265 DOI: 10.1186/s12905-023-02734-0
    BACKGROUND: As breast cancer incidence rises among younger women, there is a knowledge gap regarding the emotional, physical, and social effects of mastectomy, specifically in a crisis-affected country such as Syria. This study aimed to explore these effects on young women with breast cancer in Syria, taking into consideration the cultural significance of a woman's breast as part of her feminine identity.

    METHODS: A qualitative design, using semi-structured in-depth interviews with 10 young women with breast cancer who underwent mastectomy, was conducted between June to December 2022.

    RESULTS: Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data, and five main themes were identified: (1) psychological and emotional well-being (altered self-esteem and femininity, impact on sexual life and relationships, psychological distress associated with mastectomy, mirror trauma and the need for psychological care); (2) body image and breast reconstruction (the dilemma over reconstruction decision, body image and clothing and lack of access to prosthetic information/services); (3) social and interpersonal factors (lack of marriage choices and society's view and stigma); (4) coping mechanisms with mastectomy effects (family support; faith in god almighty; comparing their situation to others and use of prosthetics) and (5) physical health and functioning (physical effects on mobility and function).

    CONCLUSION: Mastectomy has significant physical, emotional, and social consequences on young women with breast cancer, particularly in crisis-affected Syria where access to breast reconstruction is limited. It is crucial for healthcare professionals to understand these impacts, to raise awareness, encourage early detection, and promote less aggressive treatments to improve women's quality of life.

    Matched MeSH terms: Body Image/psychology; Mastectomy/psychology; Quality of Life/psychology
  15. Rasiah S, Jaafar S, Yusof S, Ponnudurai G, Chung KPY, Amirthalingam SD
    BMJ Open, 2020 Jan 23;10(1):e028061.
    PMID: 31980505 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028061
    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this scoping review is to systematically search the literature to identify the nature and or level of trust between the patient, the users of health services (eg, clients seeking health promotion and preventive healthcare services) and the individual healthcare providers (doctors, nurses and physiotherapists/ occupational therapists), across public and private healthcare sectors, at all levels of care from primary through secondary to tertiary care. It also aims to identify the factors that influence trust between patients, users of health services (clients) and providers of healthcare at all levels of care from primary care to tertiary care, and across all health sectors (public and private). The study will also identify the tools used to measure trust in the healthcare provider.

    METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The scoping review will be conducted based on the methodology developed by Arksey and O'Malley's scoping review methodology, and Levac et al 's methodological enhancement. An experienced information specialist (HM) searched the following databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. The search terms were both keywords in the title and/or abstract and subject headings (eg, MeSH, EMTREE) as appropriate. Search results were downloaded, imported and stored into a 'Refworks' folder specifically created for reference management. The preliminary search was conducted between 7 December 2017 and 14 December 2017. Quantitative methods using content analysis will be used to categorise study findings on factors associated with trust between patients, clients and healthcare providers. The collection of studies will be also examined for heterogeneity. Qualitative analysis on peer reviewed articles of qualitative interviews and focus group discussion will be conducted; it allows clear identification of themes arising from the data, facilitating prioritisation, higher order abstraction and theory development. A consultation exercise with stakeholders may be incorporated as a knowledge translation component of the scoping study methodology.

    ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval will be obtained for the research project from the Institutional Review Board. The International Medical University will use the findings of this scoping review research to improve the understanding of trust in healthcare, in its endeavour to improve health services delivery in its healthcare clinics and hospitals, and in its teaching and learning curriculum. The findings will also help faculty make evidence based decisions to focus resources and research as well as help to advance the science in this area. Dissemination of the results of the scoping review will be made through peer-reviewed publications, research reports and presentations at conferences and seminars.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/psychology*; Patients/psychology*; Trust/psychology*
  16. Sujak SL, Abdul-Kadir R, Omar R
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2005;17(1):15-8.
    PMID: 16044826
    The objective of this study was to assess the perceptions of Malaysian HIV-positive subjects towards the attitude of dental personnel in providing oral care to them. The study design was cross-sectional with the sampling frame comprising of 27 Government Drug Rehabilitation Centres throughout Malaysia. A convenience sample was then taken from 20 centres with the highest enrolment of HIV-positive subjects. A self-administered questionnaire was used to elicit information on the perception of HIV-positive subjects towards the attitude of dental personnel in providing oral care to the patient with HIV-positive. The study sample consisted of 509 HIV-positive individuals with a mean age of 31.3+/-12.9 years old. Of these, only 15.1% attended a dental clinic after confirmation of HIV-positive status. The study demonstrated that 67.5% of the HIV-positive subjects disclosed their status voluntarily to the dentists and majority of the dentists (76.9%) did not show any negative reaction on knowing their HIV positive status. There was also no difference in the attitude of auxiliary staff toward the above disclosure. In conclusion, the study showed that oral health care personnel are more receptive to the HIV-positive subjects receiving dental care and treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Staff/psychology*; Dentists/psychology*; HIV Seropositivity/psychology*
  17. Komariah M, Maulana S, Amirah S, Platini H, Rahayuwati L, Yusuf A, et al.
    JMIR Cancer, 2025 Jan 16;11:e54154.
    PMID: 39864092 DOI: 10.2196/54154
    BACKGROUND: Many cancer survivors experience a wide range of symptoms closely linked to psychological problems, highlighting the need for psychological treatment, one of the most popular being mindfulness. The use of the internet has greatly increased in the last decade, and has encouraged the use of remote-based interventions to help people living with cancer access treatment remotely via devices.

    OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of this study was to explore the efficacy of internet-based mindfulness interventions on the physical symptoms of people living with cancer, where physical symptoms are defined as distressing somatic experiences (eg fatigue, insomnia, and pain) regardless of the underlying cause. The secondary aim was to investigate interventions for the quality of life (QoL).

    METHODS: This study followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Relevant articles were systematically searched using electronic databases, namely Scopus, Medline through PubMed, Cumulated Index in Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) through EBSCOhost, and Cochrane Central Database. Randomized controlled and pilot trials involving adults and/or older adults with cancer and using remote-based mindfulness interventions compared to usual care were included. The quality of the trials included in this study was assessed using the revised Cochrane risk of bias, version 2.0. This study estimated the standardized mean difference (SMD) and mean difference (MD) with 95% CI. The I2 test was used to identify potential causes of heterogeneity. Publication bias was assessed using contour-enhanced funnel plots and the Egger linear regression test to reveal a small study effect.

    RESULTS: The initial search yielded 1985 records, of which 13 studies were ultimately included. After treatment, remote-based mindfulness significantly reduced fatigue (SMD -0.94; 95% CI: -1.56 to -0.33; P=.002), sleep disturbance (SMD -0.36; 95% CI: -0.60 to -0.12; P=.004), and improved physical function (SMD .25; 95% CI: 0.09 to 0.41; P=.002) compared to that observed before treatment. However, compared with usual care, remote-based mindfulness showed a statistically significant reduction only in sleep disturbance (SMD: -0.37; 95% CI: -0.58 to -0.16; P=.0006) after treatment. Moreover, remote-based mindfulness was not statistically significant in reducing pain both within and between groups.

    CONCLUSIONS: Remote-based mindfulness shows promise in reducing sleep disturbances; however, its impact on fatigue, pain, and physical function may be limited.

    Matched MeSH terms: Fatigue/psychology; Neoplasms/psychology; Quality of Life/psychology
  18. Nurasikin MS, Khatijah LA, Aini A, Ramli M, Aida SA, Zainal NZ, et al.
    Int J Soc Psychiatry, 2013 Jun;59(4):332-8.
    PMID: 22408116 DOI: 10.1177/0020764012437127
    Patients having psychiatric diagnoses often experience high level of distress. Religiousness is often used by them as part of their coping mechanism and problem-solving strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety Disorders/psychology; Mental Disorders/psychology*; Depressive Disorder/psychology; Islam/psychology; Religion and Psychology*; Stress, Psychological/psychology*
  19. Aini IF, Zamrin DM, Joanna OS, Hairulfaizi H, Ramzisham AR
    Clin Ter, 2010;161(5):459-60.
    PMID: 20949244
    The incidence of primary hyperhidrosis ranges between 2-5%. This condition is more common than previously thought of and has been linked to a familial predisposition. It is socially disabling to the affected individuals. In the current era of minimally invasive surgery, the video assisted thoracoscopic sympathectomy has become the definitive treatment with minimal complications. We report on a case of two siblings with primary hyperhidrosis that was treated successfully at our institution with the aim to share our experience and attract awareness among medical practitioners of the availability of a cure for this condition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hyperhidrosis/psychology
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